Billboard gives Strange Little Girls sales figure
The Ask Billboard column at mentioned Tori on February 27, 2002. The column reveals that Tori's Strange Little Girls album has sold 343,000 copies in the U.S. so far, according to SoundScan.
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 |
Saturday, January 12, 2002 |
Details about Tori's conversation with rock critic Ann Powers in New York!
Thursday, January 3, 2002 |
A clarification on my comments about the "Strange Little Girl" single
I have noticed that a few people are confused about my reports about the "Strange Little Girl" single. Click here to read a clarification of my reports about this single.
Sunday, December 30, 2001 |
Looks like the Strange Little Girl single will NOT be officially released in the U.K. or the U.S, meaning that Strange Little Girls will not have any singles at all!
This is hardly a surprise, but no longer has the Strange Little Girl single listed on their web site. Earlier, they said it would come out in the U.K. on December 31. They have also sent emails to all the people who ordered it saying that the single has been cancelled. We earlier gave up on any hope for a release of this single in the U.S. This will be the first Tori album ever that did not include an officially released single. I am guessing that Tori leaving Atlantic could be the main reason. If this changes, I will let you know.

No vinyl version of the Strange Little Girls album
Earlier in the year there were plans to release a vinyl version of the Strange Little Girls album. However, sources now tell me that there are no plans to release a vinyl version of the album in the U.S. or Europe.
Tuesday, November 20, 2001 |
Tori interview at Vox Online
I think this is an insightful and "must read" interview. They will also be posting some new concert photos of Tori soon!
Thursday, November 15, 2001 |
Articles added to The Dent's Article Archive

OtherTori Interview Videos Online
I have reported over the last few weeks on several places online where you can watch streaming video of Tori talking about Strange Little Girls or performing. Just to be complete, here is a summary of those links below, along with a new one from the VH1 web site in the U.K. Tori talks about several things, including the Internet and what she personally uses it for! (Thanks Stephen.) newsletter #12 makes "The making of Strange Little Girls" video available
Issue #12 of the newsletter included links to an almost 4 minute long streaming video that showed the making of Strange Little Girls. There is an interview with Tori about the album, and a lot of footage of Tori being photographed as the different characters. You can find screen shots from this video at in the Big Picture section. I also have a page about this video on the Dent. Here are the links to the streaming video:
Real 56K
Real 100K
Win Media 56K
Win Media 100K

Wednesday, November 7, 2001 |
Tori artwork used on cover of the Fall 2001 CDNOW catalog booklet; I have a scan!
Archetypes and Wine: Tori Amos Roundtable Interview
On September 10, 2001 in New York City, Atlantic Records sponsored a round-table discussion with Tori and 11 journalists that was designed to introduce Stange Little Girls. One of the journalists was Zaedryn Meade, who has placed a transcript of the entire discussion on A little of this has been seen in other articles already (like one at, but this is the entire interview uncut. I strongly urge you to read this interview. Her answers are fascinating...
Tuesday, November 6, 2001 |
Read a new Tori article from Slamm, San Diego's music magazine
It appears in the Oct 31-Nov 13, 2001 issue of Slamm, as well as online. Thanks to Angela Carroll, Justin Morrison and phillip(slagpit) for telling me about it.
Good article from the November 2, 2001 Denver Post
Tori talks about September 11 and guns among other things.

New article from the November 2, 2001 Dallas Morning News
Great Video Interview and amusing game at
Check out the interview section for 5 video clips of a really good interview with Tori. (Love the part about censorship!) Also play the Strange Little Match game while you are there!

Fascinating article in the November 2001 issue of the UK magazine "Woman's Journal" where Tori talks about Cornwall!

Read an article from the October 7, 2001 edition of Newsday, a New York area newspaper
Tori makes comments about the September 11 attack among other things. Read the article here.
I have also added to the Article Archive a concert review from Newsday and an album review as well.

Read a review of both Strange Little Girls and Songs Of A Goddess at Philadelphia's

The latest on how "Strange Little Girls" is doing on various music charts worldwide
Read this great new interview from Request Magazine!
Thanks to Erin Stynchula, Bland and Steve The Sweet Fat Man for letting me know. You can read the interview online or in the November/December 2001 issue of Request Magazine.
"Strange Little Girls" falls to #27 on The Billboard 200

WB Online will have a Tori Amos Listening Party on October 17!
Details are sketchy, but on October 17, 2001, there will be a Tori Amos Listening Party on WB Online, where you will "see her live in concert". That is the evening Tori performs in Grand Rapids, MI. I wonder if that concert will be broadcast live or if this will be a smaller performance that she does earlier in the day. We shall see! Right now you can listen to the SLG tracks on the page for the Listening Party.

More articles and album reviews added to the Dent

Tori talks about Strange Little Girls in this interview posted at Sonicnet,, and
"Strange Little Girls" debuts at #4 on Billboard's album chart "The Billboard 200"
Tori had sales of approximately 110,727 units in the U.S. during the first week. Tori also debuted in Canada at #8.

More articles and album reviews added to the Dent
In some cases I only describe the article, in others you can read the full text.

More articles and album reviews added to the Dent
In some cases I only describe the article, in others you can read the full text.
- Belgian/Dutch Magazine Humo - Sept 18, 2001
- Musikexpress/Sounds Magazine (Germany) - October 2001
- Baltimore Sun - Sept 19, 2001
- The Cavalier Daily - Sept 21, 2001
- D:Republic of Women Magazine (Italy) - September 2001
- Houston Chronicle - Sept 23, 2001
- Herald Sun (Australia) - Sept 20, 2001
- Heat Magazine (U.K.) - Sept 22-28, 2001
- London Evening Standard - Sept ?, 2001
- Boston Phoenix - Sept 20-27, 2001
- Billboard Magazine - Sept ?, 2001
- - Sept 18, 2001
- Allure Magazine
- - album review
- Aloha Magazine - Dutch article
- Atlanta Journal Constitution - album review
- Plattentests Online (Germany) - in English now!
- Project X web site - album review

Article and photos of Tori from the September 22, 2001 UK "Times" Magazine
I have scans of the very nice photos!
Article and photos of Tori from the September 22, 2001 UK "Times" Magazine
I have scans of the very nice photos!

Press reviews of Tori's new album "Strange Little Girls"
Many magazines, newspapers, and web sites are reviewing Tori's new album. Here is a list of press reviews I just added to the Dent:

SLG On The Charts
Strange Little Girls debuted at #16 in the U.K. and will be the top debut album in the U.S., cracking the top 10 in Billboard's next Album Chart. Click for more details about this and how the album and singles are doing elsewhere as well.

Details on Tori's interview and exclusive radio performance for Ground Zero on KCRW
Tori interview and photos in the Sept 17-29, 2001 issue of the U.K. magazine "Big Issue"

Interesting review from the Las Vegas CityLife newspaper

Photos and transcript from a Tori interview broadcast recently on MTV Europe News
Press reviews of Tori's new album "Strange Little Girls"
Many magazines, newspapers, and web sites are reviewing Tori's new album. Here is a list of press reviews I just added to the Dent:

Read a transcript of Tori's excellent interview from the Amy Lamé radio show on BBC London Live on September 14, 2001 has been redesigned for the new album!

Review of Strange Little Girls from the Toronto Sun posted at the Jam! Music web site at
You can also read this review at
"Strange Little Girls" is released today in the U.K. and Australia, and on September 18 in North America!
In the U.S., several stores will make the new album available at Midnight. Call your local store to see if they will be. Enjoy the new album!
Take a detailed look at the CD Booklet for the Strange Little Girls album!
The album was released in many European countries on September 14, so I am getting a lot of information about it!

Read about the various covers for the Strange Little Girls album, as well as the back of the album and the disc
Many countries outside the U.S. get the "I Don't Like Mondays" character as a cover instead of the"Time" character.

ArtistDirect is giving away an autographed poster, a lithograph, and Tori' entire back catalog!
While there you can also download the song "Strange Little Girl" and watch the video.
Tori article from NEXT Magazine

Read the Tori article from the September 2001 issue of the Polish magazine 'Tylko Rock'
This appears to be the same interview as the one recently aired on Polish Radio 3. There is also a review of the album and a nice mention of The Dent!

New Tori article in the September 5, 2001 edition of the U.K. Daily Telegraph
I mention this again because you can now see the photo that was printed with the article.

Tori article in the September 2001 issue of IQstyle magazine in Germany

Small article in the Sept. 10, 2001 New York magazine

Review of "Strange Little Girls" In the October 2001 Q Magazine
Tori article, SLG review and photos from the September 8 issue of Dutch magazine OOR
The article reveals that Strange Little Girls will be released in The Netherlands on September 14, 2001.
Read a good review of Tori's album at
Rolling Stone gives "Strange Little Girls" 3.5 stars

Hear sound clips of all the songs from "Strange Little Girls" at
You can also find a listing for this album at along with a short review.

"Strange Little Girl" video played on MuchMoreMusic in Canada and MuchMusicUSA
Find out how you can help make sure they keep playing it! newsletter #5 included the latest ticket sale dates and a link to a Real Audio file of "New Age"
Click here to listen to "New Age".
Check out this U.K. promotional site for Strange Little Girls!
A company in the U.K. called Outside Line is doing a promotion for "Strange Little Girls". If you go to the site, you will see a small window pop up. Right now you can choose the Rattlesnakes character and see huge color photos of that character, along with sound clips! This minisite plans to reveal a new track and character from the new album each day between now and the day the album is released. Thanks to Louise Balmforth and Audrey for letting us know!

The Tori section of the Atlantic web site includes some odd "promo" tour dates for Toronto, Canada
Check out the Tori section of the Atlantic web site. Click on tour dates and you will see the following:
Sep 8, 2001 - Toronto ON - Canada Promo
Sep 20, 2001 - Toronto ON - Canada Promo
Sep 22, 2001 - Toronto ON - Canada Promo
(Thanks Evan Careclakis.) At this time I have no idea what these dates mean. Perhaps they are just dates that Tori will be doing tv or press promotional events in Toronto? Can anyone shed any light on these dates?
Interview in the September 2, 2001 edition of the Scottish newspaper the Sunday Herald

Strange Little Grrls night at Club UK in Melbourne, Australia on Thursday September 13th
Slightly different photo of Tori as her Strange Little Girl character
Andrew *DISEASE* and Noah Ribaric pointed out to me this photo of Tori that has appeared at the Ticketmaster web site. This is a slightly different pose!

The "Strange Little Girls" album will be released in Australia on September 17
Thanks to the many Aussie Toriphiles who informed me about this.

The Dent's Strange Little Girl Video Page
Find out the various ways you can watch this online in streaming video, see more screen shots, and read more about the video in general.
"The Tori Amos Art and Song Exhibit" at the Now Lounge in Toronto, Canada
Read half of the article and see some of the photos from the October 2001 issue of Alternative Press magazine!
This article includes photos of all the characters from the Strange Little Girls album, and includes some really interesting comments on the album in general and on each character.

More on the Strange Little Girls download cards you can get from participating retailers when you pre-order the album

Issue #4 of the newsletter sent out
It includes links to audio clips of Enjoy The Silence, and links to streaming video of Strange Little Girl.

Interview with Tori in the September 2001 German magazine kulturSPIEGEL (supplement for DER SPIEGEL)
The interview is available online in German at If you go to the Dent's Article Archive, you can read the English translation of the interview, where Tori talks extensively about her new album.

Sept/Oct 2001 issue of Dutch Magazine Samsonic includes 7 page story on Tori with photos. Read the article translated into English!
More thoughtful commentary from Tori surrounding the release of Strange Little Girls.

Tori's August 2001 interview for Polish Radio 3
In the interview Tori talks about Strange Little Girls and even sings one of Natashya's lullabyes!
Tori is the cover story for the September 2001 issue of ICE Magazine
See the cover, and read details and quotes from the article.
Independent Retailers will give customers who pre-order SLG a card with a code that gives online access to exclusive video footage and an audio preview of the album
The Dent has a sneak peak!

See various Promotional items for "Strange Little Girls"
The '97 Bonnie & Clyde character in the October 2001 Spin Magazine
Thanks to Shana (ladydelirium) for sending me the scans! You can see Tori's '97 Bonnie & Clyde character to the left. To see the other photos, go to my Article Archives. You can see even larger versions of the photos at!
The character for "Strange Little Girl" has been changed!
Actually, it is the text on her shirt. It originally said "Adam kiss my Eve" and now says "Satin Worship". Obviously there must have been some copyright issues that caused them to change what was written on Tori's shirt! You can see the photo at the web site. If any of you have promo CDs with the old text on her shirt, keep it because it could become a collector's item! (Thanks J'ason.)
Tori's "I Don't Like Mondays" character
Klaus Braun sent me this photo that he found on a press-only web site for EastWest Germany. I have added it to the characters section of this page as well.

2 new SLG character photos found at a press web site for EastWest Germany!
Klaus Braun sent me two photos that he found on a press-only web site for EastWest Germany that I have not seen before. One shows Tori's New Age character in a different pose than the one shown in Time Magazine. The other shows Tori as her Enjoy The Silence character. I have added these photos to the characters section of this page as well. newsletter #3 sent out August 20, 2001

Artist Emm Gryner and her own cover album "Girl Versions"
For a limited time, Tori fans can request a free album sampler of Emm's music!
New radio 3-track promo CD for "Strange Little Girls"

Interesting Tori/SLG section at
Thanks acrobatta.
Latest quotes from Neil Gaiman about "Strange Little Girls"
His latest comments are on the final version of the album, and how it changes with "Happiness Is A Warm Gun" on it. He also posted recently about the issue of leaking material on the Net out of context and before it is ready.
Scans of promotional items for "Strange Little Girls"; 2 posters and a post card with the album covers's newsletter #2 sent out August 7, 2001
Listen to "Heart Of Gold" at's newsletter #1 sent out July 30, 2001

Elle Magazine reveals more SLG characters including a photo for the "Real Men" character
The first Atlantic 3-track promo CD for Strange Little Girls
Color versions of the Sunday Telegraph photos
Someone with the name Little Bird has sent me color versions of the 3 Sunday Telegraph photos, which you can see below.
Color versions of the Sunday Telegraph photos. Click to see larger.

Listen to "Strange Little Girl" at the Atlantic web site

News item about Strange Little Girls added to Atlantic web site revamped; Video shot for "Strange Little Girl"; Album will have multiple covers
You can see a flashy new splash screen at, and updated info in the News section that says Tori will release "Strange Little Girls" with multiple cover artwork in the US! They say that Tori just completed two days of press in Italy and that she recently shot the video for the first single, "Strange Little Girl", in London with producer David Slade.
Guitarist Adrian Belew mentions working with Tori in a Cincinnati Enquirer article and talks about "Happiness Is A Warm Gun"

Radio station WBER 90.5 in Rochester, NY one of the first radio stations to play tracks from SLG
WBER broadcasts over the internet and you can access the streaming audio at the WBER web site.

The Dent's '97 Bonnie & Clyde Page
"Strange Little Girls" getting quite a bit of press coverage
Here are some web sites reporting on Strange Little Girls:
Jam! Showbiz
Inland Empire Online
Philadelphia Daily News (Thanks Mike Gray.)
WorldPop Web Site - This one would be fine except they seem to mix her up with Fiona Apple at one point...
USA Today - This one links to the Dent!
LiveDaily - interesting how they wrote this one... (Thanks Evan Bernier.) - this one gets the award for being most sarcastic rewrite of a press release (Thanks Jerid.) - includes extra quotes that Tori gave to Launch in a past interview (Thanks Alisha Parker, Elisabeth Lobingier and Jennifer) - includes the quote, "Tori Amos' forthcoming album, Strange Little Girls might be more aptly titled, 'Strange Little Boys.'"
CDNow: Allstar News - general info about Tori's new album
CDNow: Allstar News - This is another one from CDNOW where they talk about Tori's "new look", not realizing that the photo they are talking about features Tori dressing up as a character for the CD! (Thanks Raven Oak.)
MTV Online (Thanks Joseph.)
Sonicnet (Thanks Joseph.) The Wire (Thanks Pandora.)
BBC News
Lyrics to the original versions of the songs as well as sound clips and links to web sites for the original artists
For those of you who want to read the original lyrics of these songs, hear them, and find out about the artists Tori is covering, you have a couple places to visit.
- jupiters_angel has a really nice Tori web site that contains all the lyrics to the originals, along with links to the web sites of the original artists and links to sound clips so you can actually here parts of the original songs.
- J'ason from Toriphoria has placed these lyrics on his essential web site. reacts to Tori covering Slayer
Color Photos from the "Strange Little Girls" CD Booklet
Someone named Skye (Thank you so much!) sent me photos from the SLG CD booklet that are in color. These photos were in the Australian Sunday Telegraph in black and white.

The July 8, 2001 edition of the Sunday Telegraph in Australia published 3 "characters" from Tori's new CD
Story behind The Boomtown Rats song "I Don't Like Mondays"
Atlantic Press Release about Strange Little Girls

Time Magazine revealed Tori's "New Age" character
Some comments from me (Mikewhy) about Strange Little Girls
The L.A. Times was the first to reveal the details of Tori's new album!
The Sunday, July 1, 2001 edition of the Los Angeles Times was the first official publication to tell us details about "Strange Little Girls".
