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Tori's Strange Little Girls album was reviewed in the September 11, 2001 issue of the Italian magazine D:Republic of Women Magazine. Thanks to Heles for telling me. She translated the review from Italian into English.

Tori Amos, singer &songwriter of cherokee descent, is at her sixth album.
Strange little girls, out in stores on September 18th, is her least
"politically-correct", most complex and dangerous album. Still, she hasn't
written a single song: the 12 tracks of the album are the product of other
musicans' work, all males. From J. Jackson to Eminem, from Lou Reed to the
Beatles, from the Boomtown Rats to Tom Waits, she wanted to show how men look
at women and to themsleves. The album is a little essay of feminine
psychology, a study on identity, a view on the relationship between opposite
genders. These women are very real : they do suffer, love, steal, and die.
"They're the people you're closest to, and I did hide none of their
sentiments". Tori has also musically turned the songs upside down, adding
noises, wailing, distortion, as to show that their very existence is written
on a body, a woman's body. Tori Amos will be touring in the USA, starting
September 28th.