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Tori's Strange Little Girls album was positively reviewed in the September 15, 2001 issue of The Times magazine in the U.K.. Thanks to Lucy for telling me.

Strange Little Girls
(East West)
AMOS'S SIXTH solo release is a covers album. But the songwriter, whose
lyrics are among the most analysed in the business, is not simply going to
knock out a bunch of favourites. These 12 songs, all written by men, are
explorations of maleness sung from a woman's perspective. Or, "women", since
Amos adopts different characters for each. Some have been unrecognisably de-
and re-constructed - Neil Young's sappy Heart of Gold turns heavy metal
while Slayer's Raining Blood becomes BartŪk. And it works, with a mix of
fierceness and fragility. Sylvie Simmons
(rating: xxxx)