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The "5 1/2 Weeks" Tour (All 1999 Tori Dates) Updated May 8, 2001 |
Tori has no plans to tour in 2000! 1999 "5 1/2 Weeks" & Tori-Only Tour Schedule - Dates, Cities & Venues Concert Set Lists & Reviews ![]() This photo is from Chris Jeans and shows Tori performing on September 4, 1999 in Columbus, OH. Click the photo or here to see several more amazing photos from Chris! |
![]() Alanis Morissette Talks About Tori In Video InterviewI found at the SonicNet web site a section with various video interviews by different artists. One series of videos features clips with Alanis Morrissette, and in one she talks about why she chose Tori for the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour. The interview was done backstage during Woodstock 99. I thought her comments were really nice and thoughtful, so if you have a chance, check out what she says. If for some reason you can not watch the video, I added her comments to the bottom of my Tori/Alanis page that documents comments they have made about one another. ![]() Other Web Sites About The 1999 ToursUpdated June 11, 2000 Several web sites have gone up with stuff on Tori's 1999 tours: ![]() Tori & Alanis: Comments They Have Made About Each OtherUpdated February 3, 2000 I created a special Tori & Alanis Page where you will find many of the key comments Tori has said about Alanis in past interviews, and quotes from Alanis about Tori. This should help eliminate some of the misconceptions I have read in various mailing lists and forums. It has been updated to include many comments Tori made about Alanis and the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour after it was over. ![]() Opening Act For Tori's Solo DatesUpdated November 10, 1999 The opening act for Tori's 8 solo dates was Jude. (Except in Boise, ID where the opening act was a local band whose name I never discovered.) You can find out more about Jude at his official site and at the Maverick Web Site. ![]() The Artists Who Opened For The 5 1/2 Week TourThe opening act for the first 5 shows of the tour was Greta Gaines, a very talented and remarkable singer from Nashville. I was really impressed by her and you can find out more about Greta at Here is a list of the opening acts for the 5 1/2 Weeks tour and the dates they opened: Greta Gaines:
8/18 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Chlorophyll:
8/25 Baltimore, MD Ray Lane:
9/1 New York, NY Lotusland:
9/10 Pittsburgh, PA Sci-Fi Lullaby:
9/19 Concorde, CA You find out more about these acts on the Web Site. ![]() Venus Envy/Toribiting NecklaceAdded September 7, 1999 During almost every Tori tour, a necklace is sold that quickly becomes a collector's item. On the 5 1/2 Weeks tour, they sold Venus Envy/Torbiting necklaces. For those of you who want to know what they look like, I have close-up scans sent to me by Raswirl615. See One Side Of The 99 Tour Necklace. See The Other Side Of The 99 Tour Necklace. ![]() Tour Book & Merchandise For The Tour!Updated August 31, 1999 Starting in Tampa, FL, they started selling a new tour book for Tori. You can see a small scan of it above. It says To Venus And Back 1999 on it, although that is not the official name of the tour. The tour book was $15 and very nice. Alanis had her own tour book for sale, which was $10. You can see scans from the Tori tour book at the Here. In My Head web site. For those of you wondering about what other kinds of merchandise was available on the tour, check out the Merchandise Section of the To Jupiter And Back web site. You can purchase a lot of the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour merchandise at Tori Amos Direct!![]() Rolling Stone Tidbit About Tori & AlanisAdded October 14, 1999 A photo of Tori and Alanis Morissette together appeared in the Random Notes section of Rolling Stone magazine in the October 14, 1999 issue. They also include interesting comments frome each singer about the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour. ![]() Toronto Star Article On The TourAdded September 7, 1999 Kevin Butler tells me about an interesting article that appeared in the Toronto Star on September 6, 1999. Read it in my Article Archives. ![]() Boston Globe Article On TouringAdded August 28, 1999 The August 27, 1999 edition of the Boston Globe contained a really good article/interview with Tori. Thanks to Marla (Antigone) and Kris for telling me. The article focused on touring and the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour, and Tori said some really interesting things. This is a must read article! Check it out in my Articles Archive. ![]() VH1 At The Opening Concert In Ft. LauderdaleUpdated August 27, 1999 Tori Amos and Alanis Morissette were featured on VH1 Women First on Friday, August 20, 1999. VH1 was at the opening concert of the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour in Ft. Lauderdale on September 18. I actually saw the host of the show talking to various fans outside and inside the venue that evening. I have some reports about VH1 Women First in my TV/Radio Archives. ![]() Tori Talked About Tour During Yahoo ChatAdded July 16, 1999 Tori talked a little about this tour on her Yahoo chat that was held July 14, 1999. Read a transcript of the chat. ![]() Why Was The Orlando Date Changed To Tampa, FL?As many of you know, the initial schedules for the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour had it's second date listed for Orlando, FL. That date was later changed to Tampa, FL. Kristin I. tells me that there was an article in the July 1, 1999 edition of the Orlando Sentinel, in the Living Section, entitled, "Musical mystery tour: Where have all the big-name concerts gone?" This article included a photo of Tori and mentioned the Tori/Alanis tour. The photo caption read, "'Raspberry Swirling' past Orlando. Tori Amos heads to Fort Lauderdale and Tampa." Check my Article Archives for more details on this article. ![]() Tori Had Her Awesome Band Again On This Tour!Tori once again had her incredible band with her on all the 1999 shows. As you know from the Plugged '98 Tour, Tori's guitar player is Steve Caton, drummer is Matt Chamberlain, and Bass player is Jon Evans. You can find out more about these musicians on my Musicians Page. Check out my Binge page to check out Steve Caton's latest project. ![]() Alanis Morissette Web SitesBelow you will find some of the better Alanis Morissette web sites: munity - Online Forums ![]() Article About Music, Napster and MP3s At SalonThe fact that the 5 1/2 Weeks tour was promoted by caused quite a stir in the music press. There continues to be a lot of controversy over the MP3 format and in particular a product called Napster that allows huge numbers of people to trade MP3 sound files over the net. (One Macintosh version of Napster is called Macster.) I just read a really interesting article about this controversy at the Salon web site that I would like to call your attention to. The article does not mention Tori, but I think it is interesting because obviously the future of the music business will certainly affect Tori and all artists. I think the author makes some valid points in this article. ![]() Salon Article On AlanisAdded May 17, 1999 There is an article on Alanis Morissette at the Salon Web Site. It is called "You Are Courageous" by Heather Havrilesky and it examines why there is so much negativity towards Alanis and why some people are embarrassed to say they like her. I found it very enlightening and true. The only thing about the article that I found untrue was its brief mention of Tori. The article says Tori "unearths child molestation," though for the life of me I can't figure out which Tori song does that! ![]() Billboard Poll Shows Fans Appreciate PromotionAdded May 8, 1999 Billboard Magazine had a poll at their web site asking readers what they thought about the fact that the Alanis and Tori tour was being promoted by the controversial web site The exact question was, "Despite music industry objections to MP3 technology, Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos have decided to tour with support from the website. What's your opinion of this move?" On May 6, 1999 Billboard added a news story about the results, saying that fans applaud Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos' decision to accept tour support from, despite the music industry's opposition to the MP3 technology. "52.3% of the 1,906 respondents felt the move was a bold step, one that added to the musicians' credibility. A quarter -- 23.5% -- claimed it was a good marketing concept that will help sell tickets, while 19.7% dismissed the move as a mere publicity stunt. Only 4.5% of those polled said that it was irresponsible for two successful acts to challenge industry policy." ![]() Tour Received A Lot Of Attention Because Of SponsorshipNews about the Tori and Alanis tour was everywhere. In some ways it made more waves than the announcement of the 1999 Lilith Tour lineup. The main reason for all the attention was the sponsorship of the tour by Anything related to MP3 is controversial in the music business right now. Just the fact that promoted such a major tour threatens to give online distribution of music in general, and MP3's in particular, a boost of legitimacy. Even one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, "Svenska Dagbladet", covered the news, concentrating on the sponsorship. (Thank you Christina Stalby.) Some stories treated the tour and MP3 thing as a major shift in the music business while others took a more critical view. ![]() MP3 Related NewsUpdated June 23, 1999 The issue of MP3s on the internet is spotlighted by this tour due to the fact that the is promoting the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour. Below you can find links to several articles concerning this music format: ![]() Early Reports On The 5 1/2 Weeks Tour From Various Web SitesUpdated May 5, 1999 Yahoo! News article - You can also read the article at E! Online. The Official Alanis Morissette Web Site Sonicnet Music News Of The World ![]() Tori's New 1999 Live/Studio AlbumThis tour helped to promote Tori's 2-CD live/studio album called "to venus and back", which was released in the U.S. on September 21, 1999. Check out the Venus Pages for the latest details. ![]() The Plugged '98 Tour & 1996 Dew Drop Inn TourThe Dent fully documented Tori's two previous concert tours, the Plugged '98 tour and the 1996 Dew Drop Inn tour. I have set lists and reviews from nearly every show, some photos, special reports, newspaper reviews, and more on those pages. |
Tori's 1999 Tour Is Over.The 5 1/2 Weeks Tour with Tori and Alanis Morissette is over. It seemed like a really short 5 1/2 weeks, and I must say that I will miss Alanis quite a bit. In my opinion, she is an honest and potent singer, and I enjoyed seeing her during this tour. I wish her all the best in the future and plan to see her in concert again at the soonest opportunity. Tori also completed various solo dates (with and without her band) in the United States late in 1999, and a fall 1999 promotional tour in Europe (including a major concert in London.) Tori has no plans to tour in 2000. ![]() Vox Online includes a review of the Tori and Alanis concert in Irvine/Los AngelesAdded September 22, 2000 Vox Online has a nice review of both the Tori and Alanis performances during their September 25, 1999 concert in Irvine/Los Angeles CA. It includes many nice photos of Tori and Alanis from that performance. Thanks to Brandon for telling me. ![]() Alanis Morissette To Sell Stock For $1 millionAdded May 18, 2000 The 1999 5 1/2 weeks tour with Tori and Alanis Morissette was sponsored by Here is a news story that was reported by Reuters on May 15, 2000. Looks like the legal troubles has been having has made the stock less attractive to Alanis, and perhaps she wants to sell while she can still make a profit on it! Pop singer Alanis Morissette plans to sell about $1 million worth of the stock of online music company Inc. , according to a filing she made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Canadian-born rocker, whose hit singles include "Ironic" and "You Learn," is looking to unload 100,000 common shares of They are part of 329,328 shares she acquired in April 1999, her SEC filing earlier this month showed.
An MP3 spokeswoman said the San Diego-based company has a consulting arrangement with Morissette's Atlas/Third Rail Management Inc., an artist management group.
As part of the deal, MP3 sponsored a summer 1999 tour by Morissette and fellow singer Tori Amos. It also granted Atlas/Third Rail the right to buy 658,653 shares of MP3 for 33 cents a share. ![]() Judge Finds Against Mp3.Com In Copyright Infringement CaseAdded April 29, 2000 The Tori and Alanis Morissette 5 1/2 Weeks tour in 1999 was promoted by On Friday, April 28, 2000, a U.S. District Judge found liable for infringing record company copyrights. The Recording Industry Association of America took the company to court over's Instant Listening Service and Beam-it program. To implement this program, created a database of 45,000 CDs which they purchased and uploaded online. Users who sign up for the service can stream music from that database to any device that can access the Internet. The RIAA says that this is illegal and copyright infringement. claimed it was legal because a user cannot access music from's database until they load a physical CD that contains the album into their computer. The judge has sided with the RIAA, and damages in the case could run up to 800 Million dollars or even billions. This is very bad news for While they plan to appeal, the company could also could face future lawsuits from 20,000 independent labels and publishing groups. The legal costs alone could wipe out, not to mention the monetary damages. Unless they are able to win on appeal, it looks like might not be promoting any more tours. Read more about this news item at the Wired Web Site. ![]() See 17 Concert Photos From Tori's Cleveland ConcertAdded February 29, 2000 Lily Matini has sent me 17 color photos that she took during Tori's concert in Cleveland/Cuyahoga Falls, OH on September 8, 1999 during the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour. You can see all 17 photos on a special Cleveland Concert Photo Page. ![]() Tori Photos Available At concertphotographs.comAdded February 29, 2000 ![]() Lily Matini discovered that you could buy some excellent Tori photos at They sent Lily a very nice sample photo that I include above. Click on it to see it larger and check out the site. ![]() Tori Is NOT Touring Europe In Spring 2000...Updated January 8, 2000 I always hate to break bad news to you, but I have heard directly from Tori's management, and she has NO plans to tour Europe this Spring. I earlier mentioned that some web sites in Austria and Italy are claiming that she will be performing in Vienna and Milan in late March 2000. These web sites are NOT correct. I know many Europeans were hoping for a tour this Spring and there were hints that it would happen. But Tori has no plans to perform anywhere this Spring. It did look promising there for a while. During Tori's promo tour of Europe last fall, there were a few minor indications that a tour of some sort in Europe was possible in the Spring of 2000. Tori hinted that such a tour was possible during a Music365 chat on October 28, 1999. This was also mentioned during an appearance Tori did on the French TV show "Nulle Part Ailleurs" on November 9, 1999. (The host of the show mentioned that a tour around March 2000 was planned for Europe and Tori did not really deny it.) Currently (early January 2000), If you go to the web site, you can see them casually mention that Tori will be doing a concert in Vienna, Austria on March 25, 2000 at Libro Music Hall. Also, if you go to the Rock Online Italia web site (which is in Italian) and do a search on Tori Amos, you will find a listing for a concert in Milan, Italy on March 26, 2000 at a place called Alcatraz. However, these web sites are wrong... ![]() Tori At The 10th Annual KROQ Almost Acoustic ChristmasUpdated December 12, 1999 On Saturday, December 11, 1999 in Anaheim, CA, Tori and several other artists including Fiona Apple and Beck played the 10th Annual KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas show at the Pond. This is a yearly event from radio station KROQ in Los Angeles, and proceeds benefited local children's charities. (You might keep checking the KROQ web site to see if they add any material from the show!) Tori played solo at the piano for about 26 minutes. For details and reviews, check out my 10th Annual KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas Page. The set list is below:Smells Like Teen Spirit ![]() The KBCO Benefit Concert In Denver, CO On December 9Updated December 10, 1999 Tori and Bruce Cockburn performed a sold-out benefit concert for radio station KBCO in Denver/Englewood, CO on Thursday, December 9, 1999 at The Gothic Theatre. Tori performed solo at the piano. The set was really poignant because she performed a cover of "River" by Joni Mitchell. This is a cover I don't recall her doing before. (You can read lyrics to the song and see the albums it had appeared on here.) She also played "Here. In My Head" and "Flying Dutchman" (2 songs my friend Stacey who passed away a year ago loved...) During the show someone told Tori that Meatloaf said something bad about her. Tori's reply was something like, "All I will say about Meatloaf, is that I like mine well cooked." Read reviews of the concert on my Denver KBCO Benefit Page. Here was the incredible set list (Thanks to Meredith Moseley for being the first to tell me): Take to the Sky Encore: ![]() Tori Played The HFS-Mas Holiday Nutcracker On December 6Updated December 7, 1999 On Monday night, December 6, 1999, Tori was one of the acts who played at The HFS-Mas Holiday Nutcracker at the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C. This event was made available over the net via RealVideo that evening from the WHFS web site, but I and many others missed it because there was little advanced warning of it and no mention of it earlier in the day on that same site. Read reviews of the show on my HFS-Mas Holiday Nutcracker Reviews Page. Here is the set list: Take To The Sky Encore: Richard Handal reports that the 11:00 PM news on WRC TV Channel 4 in Washington D.C. should include an interview with Tori done by Arch Campbell. This may repeated again tomorrow, December 7, during the block of local news broadcast from 4:00PM til 7:00PM. ![]() Tori AIDS Benefit In Boston! Tori Sings & Answers Questions During Performance Broadcast Over The NetUpdated December 3, 1999 Starting at roughly 6:17PM ET on Friday, December 3, 1999, Tori did a live performance and Q & A session to benefit the Massachusetts chapter of the AIDS Action Committee for the FNX Radio Network in Boston, MA. The performance took place at The Modern, located at 36 Lansdowne Street in Boston. Tickets to this event were not sold to the public. They were given away on the radio and the FNX Radio Network auctioned off the remaining tickets on World AIDS day, which was December 1, 1999. (Some of the tickets for that auction went for THOUSANDS of dollars!) The FNX Radio network aired this live on their stations in Boston (101.7 FM), the Back Bay (101.3 FM), Portland to Portsmouth (92.1) and Manchester/ Metrowest (92.1 FM). I listened to the performance live over the net and really enjoyed it. Tori performed 6 songs and answered a few questions between each song. She said some really interesting funny things. For more details about the performance, go to my Boston AIDS Benefit page. Here are the songs she performed: Purple People Zach Brooks reports that there will be a re-broadcast of this show on Sunday night, December 5 at 11:00PM EST on the FNX Radio Network. George Joy tells me that the December 3, 1999 edition of the Boston Herald included the following blurb about this show:
![]() Tori Performed During The "Jingle Bell Jam" In Wallingford, CT on Dec 2Updated December 3, 1999 Tori was one of the artists who performed at the "Jingle Bell Jam" in Wallingford, CT on Thursday, December 2, 1999. Radio station WMRQ 104.1 in Hartford, Connecticut gave away tickets to the event, which was held at the Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford. Other acts on the bill included Vertical Horizon and Marcy Playground. Tori performed solo without her band. You can read reviews on my Wallingford, CT Reviews Page. Here is the set list for what sounded like an incredible show: Smells Like Teen Spirit Encore 1: ![]() Tori Performed During The WBRU Downcity Siege in Providence, RI on November 30Updated December 1, 1999 Tori was part of the WBRU Downcity Siege in Providence, RI on Tuesday, November 30, 1999. Tori played solo at the piano at Veteran's Memorial Auditorium. Other artists playing the Siege included Guster and Vertical Horizon. Net proceeds benefited the RI SPCA. The performance lasted a little over and hour and was very relaxed and enjoyable. You can read reviews on my Providence, RI Reviews Page. Here is the set list: Take To The Sky Encore 1: Encore 2: ![]() Tori's Performance At The Virgin Megastore In Orange, CA. To Kick Off Sale Of '99 Star Lounge CD!Updated November 29, 1999 Toriphile Henry was the first to tell me this great news! Tori is one of the artists on the Star Lounge 1999 CD, produced by radio station KYSR - Star 98.7 in Los Angeles. The CD, which was only released locally in the L.A. area, contains a live "Star Lounge Performance" of Silent All These Years. To kick of off the sale of this CD, Tori appeared at the Virgin Megastore Orange, located at 20 City Boulevard West at the Block in Orange, CA at Noon on Sunday, November 28, 1999. Tori played solo at the piano and the highlight was when she made up a song on the spot around the name "Noel" (If anyone has additional details of what that song was like, please email me.) You can read reviews of the show on my Virgin Megastore Reviews Page. The photo you see to the right (click to see larger) was taken at the performance and is posted with the permission of Erin Dolll, who took the picture! You can see many more photos from the event and read Erin's review of the show at her web site. The set list is below: Take To The Sky Heather G. called Virgin before the performance and was told the following about it. It is now over, but I kept this information for informational purposes.
![]() Tori Amos Direct , Tori's Official Online Store , Nows Offers Concert Merchandise From The 5 1/2 Weeks Tour, Including The Venus Envy/Torbiting Necklaces!Added November 17, 1999 ARTISTdirect runs Tori's official store, located at They are supporters of the Dent and you can help support the Dent by purchasing merchandise from them. They offer music, apparel, accessories, books, and more. They just added to their web site 4 concert t-shirts from the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour, as well as the Venus Envy keychain and the VERY POPULAR Venus Envy/Torbiting necklaces. (I know a lot of people who want these necklaces, and you can buy them from Tori Amos Direct for $7.99, which is much better than the prices I have seen on eBay lately!) So if you did not get a chance to pick up these items at the concert, or if you did not get to see any of the 1999 concerts, this is your chance to get some of the merchandise! Check them out. ![]() Tori's Promotional Tour Of EuropeUpdated November 17, 1999 Marla Antigone and Rebecca Robertson tell me that Tori's appearance on the Spanish Radio show "los conciertos de Radio 3" for November 17, 1999 has been cancelled according to their web site. The web site actually says that Tori has "suspended her European tour." While I am not sure of that, I think all the dates on the European Promo Tour schedule from November 17 on are cancelled. If anyone has further information about that, please let me know. Tori plans to visit Europe on a promotional tour from October 25, 1999 through Late November 1999. posted her European Promo tour schedule in the Touring section. This is NOT a concert tour, but dates she will be in each city for various promotional appearances, like for radio and TV. A few days after posted this information, they removed it, which indicates that the schedule may not be totally accurate. In fact, many of the dates at the end of the schedule in Late November or Early December have been either rescheduled or cancelled due to the fact that Tori is returning to the States at that time to do a few Christmas radio festivals. See the schedule on a special 1999 European Promotional Page. ![]() Concert Forum Reviews Have Been Transferred To The DentUpdated November 11, 1999 Many of the 1999 concert reviews that were posted to my Concert Reviews Forum have been transferred to the tour section of Dent on special pages for each concert. You can find links to set lists and reviews for each show of the 5 1/2 Weeks tour and Tori's solo concerts on my 1999 Tour Schedule Page. I must sincerely thanks Laurie Daniels for her assistance in this. Without her help I would never have been able to get this done anytime soon. Thank you for your hard work! The concert reviews forum remains open, but if you want to post a new review for any show, I ask that you email it to me now so I can include it on the Dent. The forum was an invaluable tool for helping me get concert details on the site as soon as possible, but I think people will agree that it is nice to have the reviews placed on the Dent itself and edited as to remove postings that were not reviews. Tori Performed A Mini-Concert In The Netherlands For Contest Winners! Dutch radio show 'Isabelle' Will Broadcast It November 15Updated November 7, 1999 Tori performed a mini-concert (15 to 30 minutes) at Wisseloord Studios in Hilversum, Netherlands on Friday, November 5, 1999 for 50-100 contest winners. Read all about the show on the Netherlands Mini-Concert Page. The Dutch radio show 'Isabelle' (on 3FM) gave away tickets and will broadcast this performance on Monday, November 15, 1999. (The show airs each day of the week at 20:00 - 22:00 CET.) ![]() Tori Performed One Concert Solo In The U.K. At The Royal Festival Hall In LondonUpdated November 7, 1999 Tori performed her only major 1999 concert in Europe on Friday, October 29, 1999 in London, England at the Royal Festival Hall. The show was historic because Tori did the entire performance solo without a band, and she had not done that since 1994. The Royal Festival Hall was a small venue and tickets were sold out for the show. Read all about the show on my London Show Page. Tori opened the show with Me and a Gun and performed Juarez and Professional Widow Solo! There were other surprises like Not The Red Baron, the return of the Beauty Queen/Horses coupling, Playboy Mommy and Purple People. Here is THE EXACT SET LIST. Me And A Gun (sung standing at microphone in a spotlight at one side of stage) Suede (w/ Synth and Pre-recorded Drums) Silent All These Years Despite a news item at the BBC Online web site, Tori's solo concert in London on Friday, October 29 was NOT webcast. We had hoped it would be, but it did not happen. Bummer... ![]() The Taping Of Hard Rock LiveAdded October 16, 1999 On Friday, October 15, Tori taped an episode of VH1 Hard Rock Live in New York City at Sony Studios. Tori performed 11 songs, ending with an emotional Cooling solo at the piano. It is not certain at this time when this show will air, but the Hard Rock Live people said early next year. I have reports on the taping from several Toriphiles who were there. Read about what happened on my Hard Rock Live Page. ![]() Comments On Tori's 1999 Solo Shows; No After Show Meet & GreetsAdded September 30, 1999 On Wednesday, September 29, Tori began her 8-date solo tour in Dallas, TX. She played for almost 2 hours and did 19 songs, including 5 solo at the piano. I was informed by a reliable source that like the 5 1/2 Weeks shows with Alanis, Tori will not be doing any after-show meet & greets during the solo tour. Pre- soundcheck meet & greets will continue as before. ![]() Memorabilia Auction For CharityAdded September 28, 1999 As a final event of the 5 1/2 Weeks tour, the web site had a Memorabilia Auction for charity. Proceeds from the sale of Tori's goodies went to RAINN. They also auctioned Alanis stuff, and those proceeds went to other charities that Alanis chose. ![]() Tori & Alanis Co-Headlined This Tour, But Tori Always Went First. LA Times Article Reveals WhyAdded September 27, 1999 Tori and Alanis officially "co-headlined" this tour. That means they both had full sets and their own crew. Neither one was considered an opening act. However, Alanis did close the show every night, which meant Tori always went first. It turns out that Alanis offered to switch the order that they went on stage each night, but Tori declined. An article in the Los Angeles Times on September 23, 1999 reveals why:
![]() 5 1/2 Weeks (And To Dallas And Back) Setlist Summary PageUpdated September 24, 1999 Toriphile Sped Erstad created a set list summary page for the 5 1/2 Weeks tour, as well as the solo dates Tori will be doing after the tour with Alanis. This page allows you to keep track of each song Tori performed on the tour and how often. You can find the site at: ![]() Chat With Tori & AlanisAdded September 21, 1999 On Monday night, September 20, 1999 at 9:30PM ET, there was a half hour chat with Tori and Alanis at Nothing surprising happened, but it was a pleasant way to spend a half hour. I have summarized the chat and I also have a complete transcript kindly sent to me by Ian Mullins and Jeffrey Tait. Read a complete transcript of the chat and a summary. ![]() Tori Ticket Fundraiser At Yahoo! For RAINN During Tori's 8 Solo ConcertsAdded September 19, 1999 Tori Amos and Yahoo! Charity Auctions teamed up to raise money for RAINN. Tori donated two pair of tickets for each of her shows on the solo leg of her concert tour. Each winning bidder won one pair of premium tickets from Tori's personal "holds" and a special, private meeting backstage with Tori. ![]() And Tour Related EventsUpdated September 27, 1999 I was somewhat disappointed with the job the official web site did during the Tori/Alanis tour. They added new photos very infrequently and did not document the tour as thoroughly as I hoped. But they did post a few interesting photos. Various chats and webcast were held during the tour that worked out well, and you can read about those elsewhere on this page. There were plans for a webcast of the Minneapolis, MN concert on September 16, but that was cancelled. ![]() Tori & Alanis Tour Commercial For Best BuyUpdated August 16, 1999 Best Buy did a commercial for the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour which contained both Tori and Alanis talking to one another. Shortly after MTV aired the Bliss video during 120 Minutes on August 15, 1999, they also showed the Tori & Alanis tour commercial. I have several photos from the commercial and a complete transcript of what Tori and Alanis say. (Thanks to Kris Kelly for the transcript!) The Variety section of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune newspaper on Friday, July 23, 1999 said, "Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos were in the Twin Cities Wednesday to shoot a commercial for their joint tour, which is cosponsored by Eden Prairie-based Best Buy." Alanis later mentioned doing this in an interview that appeared on the Late Show With David Letterman web site, in the "Live With Letterman" section: Q: You're going on tour with Tori Amos. Looking forward to that? Have the two of you met before? Alanis: I finally got to know Tori yesterday. We spent the whole day together filming a commercial for Best Buy. It's not like any commercial you're used to seeing. We had a great time. We just sat there and interviewed each other. I asked her questions about God and capital punishment and whether it was skirts or slacks for the next millennium. I think it's skirts. We've come full circle. This commercial was also seen on ESPN and VH1. Toriphile Alex saw it and reported:
![]() Print Ads For The TourUpdated August 31, 1999
There were several print ads for this tour. The print ads for the Tori-only dates in Texas all called that part of the tour "To Dallas And Back." You can an ad to the right for the Houston show that was sent to me by Maureen. Best Buy has also put out some print ads for the Tori/Alanis 5 1/2 Weeks tour. Click here to see one of the ads sent to me by dink. The Improper Bostonian also had a nice ad/photo for the tour in late August 1999. Click here to see the ad sent to me by Maribeth Macaisa. ![]() "Live And Unrehearsed" - Tori's Video Cybercast On August 16Updated August 17, 1999 Mikewhy here reporting live from Nashville, TN, my first stop on the way to Ft. Lauderdale to see the first show of the tour! I am at my friend Danica's house, and earlier in the evening we watched the video webcast "Live And Unrehearsed." I must say I was really pleased with it! It lasted for about an hour and fifteen minutes. Tori answered a bunch of questions, and seemed to be in a good mood. She also sang 7 songs live. Thanks to Danica, I have a few screen shots from the webcast, and you can see them here. You can also read comments on the event! ![]() "Twice As Nice" - Tori & Alanis Chat On August 17Updated August 27, 1999 On Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 8:00PM ET, SonicNet and in association with Maverick Records and Atlantic Records presented "Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos: Twice As Nice". This was a chat and video cybercast with Tori and Alanis on the eve of their 5 1/2 Weeks Tour together. I was on the road and unable to take part in the Tori & Alanis chat and video cybercast. However, I have some reports on the chat and a full transcript that you can read here. ![]() There Will Be Tori-Only Dates After The Tour With Alanis!Updated August 15, 1999 Tori-only dates have been added to the tour. (These are dates with Tori and her band without Alanis.) There are 8 Tori-only shows scheduled. You can see them listed below. Several people have reported on radio & print ads for the tour in Dallas, TX, Austin, TX and Portland, OR that call the tour "To Dallas And Back." That appeared to be the official name for Tori's solo tour! ![]() The Online Charity AuctionAdded August 7, 1999 did a charity online auction for concert tickets during the Tori/Alanis 5 1/2 Weeks tour. ![]() Alanis Tour Truck Stolen During Her Earlier 1999 European TourUpdated August 9, 1999 This seems almost unbelievable, but there was a notice in June 1999 on the Official Alanis Morissette site about a truck with Alanis' tour equipment that was stolen in Europe. The notice said, "PLEASE HELP: Stolen between 5:00 and 6:00 PM yesterday: 44 foot semi-trailer truck, black with the yellow letters 'TRANS-AM TRUCKING' License plate M980 DRT, last seen 30 kilometers north of Milan, Italy. The truck contains all of the 'Junkie Tour' equipment. If you have any information or have seen this truck, please contact local authorities or 3rd Rail in Los Angeles at 310-724-7332. Alanis will be forced to cancel her show in Slovenia if the truck is not recovered." A few days later the official web site simply said, "many thanks to everyone... the truck has been found!" No additional details were revealed. Despite finding the truck, Allstar Daily Music News reported that Alanis concerts scheduled for Slovenia and Prague, Czech Republic were indeed cancelled. All I can say is I am glad this did not happen during the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour! Alanis herself talked about this incident in an interview that appeared on the Late Show With David Letterman web site, in the "Live With Letterman" section: It's funny, when we were in Europe, I did this interview with a German reporter and he said, "How can you consider yourself to be a spiritual person when you have all of these material possessions?" I told him that you could be both and that I'm not attached to my things. A few days later, our truck was stolen with everything, all of our gear and our wardrobe and all my personal things, like journals, that I take with me on the road. I realized that I am kind of attached to my things. The truck was missing for about a week and then someone called the trucking company asking for a ransom. Fortunately, they found the truck with everything intact. I discovered I'm a little more attached to my things than I thought. ![]() Rolling Stone Provided Tour DetailsUpdated June 23, 1999 There was a short article about Tori's tour with Alanis in the July 8-22, 1999 issue of Rolling Stone Magazine (Issue 816/817 with Nicole Kidman on the cover.) Thanks to Gabriel Laverdiere for telling me about this. Tori talked about how she would handle the food and drinks during the tour, and that each of them would play a 75 minute set. The article also said, "Each show will be broadcasted live on the tour's Web site, with attendees able to write on-the-spot reviews at computers set up at the venue." Finally, the article also said: Amos is currently mixing her new, as-yet-untitled album, which will be accompanied by an extra disc of live material from her 1998 US tour. But don't expect to hear a ton of new material. "I'm not going to bore anybody," she says. "The record won't be out until the tour is over, but I always put new stuff in, and the set changes every night. The light guy rolls his eyes at me, but at least he can't do as much crack." You can read the full article in my Articles Archive. ![]() The Online Pre-Sale: A Report And CommentaryAdded May 22, 1999 As expected, ticket for 23 of the 28 dates for the 5 1/2 Weeks Tour went onsale over the Internet only starting on Friday morning, May 21, 1999. Things got off to a rocky start when the site failed to lauched at 10:00AM ET as expected. It did finally appear around 11:45AM ET and at that point people were able to buy tickets, but it was not an easy or quick process! I have a detailed report about the online pre-sale, including some thoughts about it from a few Toriphiles and details about some cities which were unique cases. ![]() May 1999 KROQ Phone Interview With ToriUpdated May 20, 1999 On Thursday morning, May 13, 1999, Tori did a 10 minute phone interview with radio station KROQ in Los Angeles, CA with DJs Kevin & Bean. Tori talked about Alanis, the tour, and the mp3 format among other things. During the phone interview Tori said Alanis was the one who approached her about touring together. She also said they had no plans to join each other on stage. Go to my TV/Radio Archives for a complete transcript of this interview. ![]() Press Release Announces Will Launch Friday, May 21.Added May 15, 1999 The Official Alanis Morissette web site added a press release announcing a new Tori and Alanis site called You can read the press release in my Article Archives. ![]() Maverick Recording Co. Press Release On Online PromotionAdded May 12, 1999 You can read a Maverick Recording Co. press release about the online promotion they are doing in conjunction with the Alanis/Tori summer tour sponsored by and Best Buy. It only casually mentions Tori but is still interesting to read. This was posted on the Alanis section of the Maverick web site in late April or early May 1999. It is interesting to see the spin Maverick puts on this since as a record company it is likely they have little love for! ![]() More Details About The Tori/Alanis Tour, Web Site, And Deal With MP3.comAdded April 28, 1999 Several online articles revealed more details about the "5 1/2 Weeks Tour" and the alliance Tori and Alanis Morissette have with, as well as the new joint web site for the tour. held a press conference on Tuesday, April 27, and that is where some of this information came from. Here are summaries of the articles with links to the full text. Many thanks to Richard Handal and Ann Ribe. AllStar Daily News (April 27, 1999)
Sonicnet Music News Of The World (April 27, 1999)
Associated Press Article (April 27, 1999)
![]() Ticketmaster's Live Daily Announces The Tour Dates; Updates Their InformationUpdated May 17, 1999 There is a second article about the Tori/Alanis tour at the Ticketmaster Live Daily web site. It does not reveal anything that I have not already reported on, but is worth reading and it does properly update the 5 1/2 Weeks tour schedule. Ticketmaster's Online publication Live Daily was the first to announce the dates for the Tori/Alanis tour. They posted an article based on a late April 1999 press release from Morissette's publicist. "Bringing two visions together to make one show can be tricky, so obviously, it takes a lot of mutual respect and a load of gear. With that in mind, Alanis and I are bringing two trucks just for ourselves: one filled with wine, the other filled with lip gloss." - Statement from Tori about the tour. "I look forward to playing with a woman whom I will be touched by nightly on a musical, intellectual, spiritual and emotional level." - Statement from Alanis about the tour ![]() The Official Tour Press Release From Alanis Morissette's PublicistAdded April 25, 1999 Richard Tafoya, the editor of, sent me the full press release from Alanis Morissette's publicist that was used as the basis for the article about the Tori/Alanis tour. (That was the first article about the tour to go public!) ![]() Rolling Stone Reports On The Tour & Live AlbumUpdated April 22, 1999 The May 13,1999 issue of Rolling Stone magazine (Issue #812 with Kurt Cobain on the cover) contains a small article about Tori on page 27. You can read it in my Article Archives. The article talked about Tori's Live/Studio album due later in 1999 and was the first official source to mention the tour with Alanis. |
Please give me feedback, comments, or suggestions about A Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe. Email me (Mikewhy) at