From Theo van Dijk
November 17, 1999 - The Hilversum show was so great, although obviously a bit short. When Tori's car arrived at the studio I was one of the lucky people who were outside,so Tori immediately started signing stuff and...RECOGNIZED ME from the London show one week earlier. I was so surprised. she still knew who I was. I gave her the book I promised her at the Lndon show and she said "Oh thank you so much"
Then the show itself, I was at the second row, and it was such a small studio that practically meant sitting almost ON the Bosendorfer (we did all get the change to pose for a photo with the piano before the show, it's a great pic!!!). Tori sang Purple People, Concertina,Take To The Sky, Lust Cooling and 1000 Oceans. She talked a lot in between songs and she also smiled a lot.
After the show she ran of stage and I screamed "Tori I love You" after which she waved at me!!!
We had to wait for a while in the hall of the building, and after that Tori came, no barricades no security, nothing, she just stood there in the middle of us and started posing and signing and talking very l0ng. She told me she had looked through the book and my letter in her dressing room and she loved it and later on her assistent came to me to tell me that Tori kept calling the book fabulous in her dressing room. I was soooooo happy.
She kept talking for a very long time and was then led back into the car, we all just walked along with her and she didn't mind that at all it seemed. She was so friendly that day, the concert was short, but the meet and greet was the best I have ever experienced.

From Geert-Jan van den Hoek
November 7, 1999 - The concert was unique! The setlist:
Purple people
Take to the Sky
1000 oceans
It was like a private concert! Only around 50 people (not even all chairs were occupied!).
After the beautiful PURPLE PEOPLE, she asked: 'are you all skipping school? Oh well, I am skipping school my whle life.' CONCERTINA was breathtaking. As introduction to TAKE TO THE SKY, she told that this number was ment for LE, but the record company had rejected it ' I still think that's funny'. Take to the sky started beautiful with clapping on the Boesendorfer. BTW almost all numbers started with new lines. I think it was LUST when she had to look during her first notes on the set list to see what number she was supposed to play :)
In introduction to Cooling, she told about this song being the cornerstone of BfP and that this album had probably changed her life the most. One one of the beautiful things about the concert was the audience. We all got so quiet... Nobody cheered or clapped 'till the LAST sound of the piano had faded away... After cooling everybody was too impressed to clap. Tori decided to keep the tension and started 1000 Oceans.. sigh.... We were so impressed... And after this last song she seemed to realize this: ste stood up with her hands before her mouth, like 'have I done this? Made you all quiet?!!' And then she took her hands to her heart... Of course at this moment we already were cheering and applauding lively!
After the show she took time for everybody!
