Tori Web Sites
Many Tori web sites are listed below in alphabetical order. This list is still growing and you are always welcome to suggest new entries.

#tori Web Page (IRCNet) Tori has an IRC channel on IRCNet called #tori and this is a web site put together by that IRC channel.

#tori Web Page (Undernet) Tori has an IRC channel on Undernet called #Tori and this is a web site tells you more about this very friendly channel on the net.

#toriamos Web Page (Undernet) Tori has another IRC channel on Undernet called #toriamos and this nice web site tells you more about the channel.

0.0 Venus This site has news, some Tori RealAudio clips, wallpapers, a bio, a quiz, a discography, lyrics, and more. This page also has some cool stuff you can download and print out like Calendars, bookmarks and CD & cassette labels.

6.58 Raven completely redid her Tori webpage. She took down the "Who is Tori" "Why I like Tori" etc. and made it her page in a sense. The new site is an area with Tori-inspired stuff. She has poetry, stories, music, art, thoughts, dreams, etc. up on the page. Raven really wanted a way to not only get people to read and see her creative stuff and how tori has been her spark (for creativity) but to get feedback as well. The site has a feedback page where you can leave feedback on just about anything on the page, from Raven's poetry to errors on the page. This is also the home for the 6.58 Blanket Friends Webring, a webring Tori fans who have poetry, stories, artwork, music, or something creative by their own hand/mind on their page.

Absolute Amos This page contains a lyrics and discography page, and a VERY complete list of Tori sites including a list of now defunct sites listed in the "Tori Grave." This site has a bio, photos, lyrics, and a discography.

Absorbtion Lines You can download live mp3s, look at pics, and read info on unreleased songs of Tori. A discography and lyrics section are going up soon as well.

Adventures in Radio This is an internet radio station broadcasting in streaming MP3, which offers a crazy and eclectic mix of tunes, including a lot of Tori content!

AllExperts Web Site Steve Gordon represents an organization called He says that they have a new and unique Tori Amos resource that lets people send detailed e-mailed Tori questions to experts and get answers for free. Go there and check it out.

All The White Horses A very touching Tori Amos dedication page. Includes a wonderful page dedicated to Tori Amos quotes, some Tori stories, lots of articles, photos, links and Tori inspired poetry.

All These Years A Tori Amos Site for the Healing & Recovery of Rape & Abuse Survivors as well as Toriphiles Worldwide. Speaking out about the issue of Rape & Abuse is a difficult decision. Here at 'All These Years' we help to heal through information and resources to help guide in your journey to speaking out. At 'All These Years' we provide you with Chat Rooms, 'Way Beyond The Pale' Forum, 'Feel The Word' Newsletter which you can become a member of to help us write articles and become a very benifitial person to our staff, Survivor Stories, Tori Stories, Inspiration, RAINN Information and Fundraisers on how you can become involved yourself as a Survivor, Important Toriphile & Survivor Links, Statistics in all catagories, All 50 States hotlines, Awards, Sites of the Month, Books, Suggestions, and that is only the start here at 'All These Years'. Founded in November of 2001 'All These Years' has grown to be a very successful Toriphile / Survivor site ranging in the top Survivor Web Sites on the Web today even winning the Biggest RAINN Dedication Award on the Tori Amos Website Community Showdown! Survivors Interact and Heal with one another on one common find Hope in the healing process through support and guidence. Please visit 'All These Years' today!!! Founder - Haullie / Site Assistant - Brian.

ALL THINGS TORI This page includes quotes from Tori about Faeries, links, news and photos. You can find some hilarious misheard Tori lyrcis at this site.

An Angel Came This Tori site includes news, a bio, lyrics, photos, a discography and videography, a page on remixes and quotes, and much more.

Ashre - A Tori Amos Page Here you will find lyrics, an art gallery, some poetry, a chat room, MIDI files, a biography, a list of favorite quotes, and a short story inspired by "Winter" called "Snow Can Wait".

Atlantic Record's Official Tori Amos Site The official web site for Tori from Atlantic Records was a good place to get the latest news from Atlantic on Tori, and it had extensive photos from Tori's 1998 sneak preview Plugged tour. However, that site appears to have been dismantled as of Spring 2001, and now when you go to, you get the Tori section of the Alantic Records web site, which is not the same thing. All the original content of appears to be gone for now.

audiTORIum A page dedicated to exposing other Tori sites. It includes sounds, sites, trading, fan interaction. Formerly known as The Dew Drop Inn. Please, come by and drop a line!

Aural Fixation This page is an account of the St. Louis, MO Tori concert that the webmistress saw on August 26, 1998. Very nice.

Bachlorette This site features an image gallery, lyrics, links, a biography, Tori inspired poetry, a Love Connection section for finding a Tori soulmate and a survey.

Back On The Streets Great web site that contains an impressive sound clips page, a reviews section, a hilarious section on Tori parodies, MIDI files, a Tori quiz, and Tori Amos piano chords.

Because of the RAINN/Elasia's Gifts Here you can find adorable clay faeries, bath products and lip gloss for sale. A portion of the proceeds are donated to RAINN. I STRONGLY endorse this web site!

Bee Guitars - The First Web Site Devoted To Steve Caton The first web site dedicated to Steve Caton is now online. It is maintained by Dink, Erin O'Neill, and Steve himself! As most of you know Steve is Tori's longtime friend and guitarist, who has played on Tori's albums and on her last two tours. The site is just getting started, but you can find exclusive news and photos there. (Wait until you see Steve's high school photos!)

Behind My Eyes This web site has original Tori electronic cards, as well as a ton of photos, including Tori artwork by Koubilai (you can find it on page 2 of the photos), real audio files, accounts of the Plugged 98 Tour, and more.

Beulah Land At this web site you can find the Web Master's Tori story, photos, MP3s, links, a Tori site of the week, a game called the scrambler, and more.

The Biggest Thickest Ever Sky This site deals primarily with the symbolism behind Tori's lyrics. They have over 300 pages of information and tidbits. The information is actually linked directly from the lyrics. Check out this great song interpretation site!

Binge: Steve Caton's Band Steve Caton, who has been playing guitar with Tori ever since the Y Kant Tori Read days, has his own band called Binge. The Dent has a special Binge page with information about the band and links to other resources on this really cool and unique band.

Biography Of Tori Amos At the web site, I (Mikewhy) wrote a brief biography of Tori's life back in 1997. Tori is just one of many artists on this online database. The bio does not cover Tori's latest albums and her birthdate is wrong. (I was brain dead when I wrote it.) It should be August 22!

Black Holes & Butterflies This site is a personal web gallery which includes some outstanding Tori-related art.

Blood Roses - A Tori Amos Community This web site has MP3s, news, and touring info.

Bootleg Discography Get informed about all the Tori boots that are circulating out there. However, the Dent does not support people making a profit from Tori's music without her permission.

Bosendorfer Tribute This is a Tori web site in French. Among other things. it is the original site for all the unique Tori artwork by Koubilai.

BREAK THE SILENCE: A Rape and Abuse Help Page This site is an excellent resource for anyone seeking help with rape or abuse related problems.

Butterflies In Nets
This site which debuted in 2005 includes sections dealing with News, Music, Pictures, Links and more.
This site, which has a lovely design, includes incredible photos, sounds, Tori stories, lyrics, a page with Tori influences, and a page with causes like RAINN. The site also lists books that Tori has read, suggested for others to read, has referenced in any of her songs, or has been given. Highly recommended!

By The Woods Toriphile Amanda is working hard on this site and would like people to share their sTories and concert reviews, and a bunch of other stuff with her.

Camp Ham The web site includes Tori-related writing and humor. Worth checking out!

A Case Of Tori Nifty little web site that contains a term paper that the webmaster wrote on Tori, some Meet and Greet photos, cool animated gifs, and some Tori stories.

Chasing Tornados This site has some cool sound clips, a complete look at the photos and text that was in the 1996 Dew Drop Inn tour booklet, lyrics, yet another discography, and a few concert reviews.

The Choirgirl Hotel This site is filled with many interesting "rooms," including the Fan Favorites Room where you can vote for your favorite Tori track.

The Choirgirl Hotel: Here is a very nice Tori site in Italian!

Clouds Descending - A Tribute To Tori Amos At this site you will find a selection of articles, a gallery, news, mp3s/sounds, music sheets and a nice section on Neil Gaiman. A VERY nice site with an outstanding design! This site is an amazing resource for mp3 sound files of rare and live Tori songs. It also contains a videography. It is a very well done site.

Collecting Tori You can find a list of online stores that sell Tori stuff on this web page as well as other useful information on collecting Tori rarities. The site also has a comprehensive on-line discography with photos.

Cooling Jupiter
This site has an interesting format and is a tribute to Tori Amos. Several people have added Tori quizes to the web site Click this link and then look for the quiz search box on the right toward the bottom of the page. Do a seach on "Tori Amos" and test your Tori knowledge!

Counting My Feathers Here you will find a poll, a meet and greet story, a concert review, a web board, and more.

Dancing With Danger: Your guide to Cyberspace's best Tori Amos sites This site claims to be your guide to cyberspace's best Tori Amos links. It lists a bunch of Tori sites with ratings, and the graphics are very well done!

Dankitti's Tori Cards Site Send online Tori web cards to your friends and family!

This French Tori Amos web site includes news, a discography, lyrics (with "lyrics that time forgot" included), tour dates and articles. The Madonna and Tori Amos Connection
This web site is for both Tori and Madonna.

Dead Petals - A Tori Amos Page This web site contains an art gallery, a links page, and personal thoughts on Tori and her music.

Decipher This extremely useful site is an index to Tori Amos' songs' translations done by fans all around the world. You can find Tori articles in French, German, Dutch, Spanish and more are coming.

A Dent In Tori's Ass
This site is a spoof of the Dent and despite a hideous name is quite funny at times, although it may offend some folks and I do not agree with some of the site's comments. The person who created the site is a dedicated Toriphile and the site is meant to be taken lightly.

The Dent's Illegal Tori Chat Room Actually there is nothing illegal about it, and it is not directly part of the Dent, but Toriphile JP has created a place for Tori people to chat that he calls The Dent's Illegal Tori Chat Room. It is a java chat application so your browser will have to support that. JP welcomes all people from the Dent to go there and chat.

Devoted Satellites - a sister sites project This site, which is an offshoot of the Clouds Descending site, has been created to help other Tori web sites or small pages to get more traffic. It will also help the fans to find more interesting sites, that most of the time, aren't listed on big search engines. So participate if you can!

A Dirty Mouth With Feet Tons of Tori quotes. Never can read too many of those!

The Doughnut Shop Site has a nice collection of photos including some concert/meet and greet shots I never saw before. There is also a small but interesting selection of wav sound clips.

DQPC.Net: The Madonna and Tori Amos Connextion This site features both Tori and Madonna.

The Dragon's Den: A Place To Chat Toriphile Kim Walser aka DragonKissses has created a chat room for Toriphiles called The Dragon's Den. It is an alternative to the chat room which has had problems in the past (though it seems to be operational at this moment.) You can reach the Dragon's Den through DragonKissses Web Site or directly from here .

Driving on the Vine This site contains the web mistress' creative efforts, including some beautiful graphics and poetry. A great deal of it is Tori inspired.

Drops Of Ivory This site has an impressive collection of Tori's lyrics, a bio, some song interpretations, a list of covers Tori has done, and some interesting personal reflections on Tori.

Ears With Feet, The Official Tori Amos FanListings A fanlisting is a site that lists all the fans in the world, so that they can be found in one place. Toriphile Natty got the idea to start a fanlisting site for Tori Amos, and so she created this site. It is a fun and unique idea. Find out how you can join, even if you do not have a web site of your own. Alli has created this web site and wants more people to contribute to it. She has a page dedicated to keeping track of the top 10 Tori songs, a place to submit poetry and stories, and more. Please check out the site and help out!

Ears With Feet Homepage At this web site uou can find all kinds of tour information about Tori.

An Ear With A Foot Here you will find Tori lyrics, images, a biography, articles, and other stuff.

ElecTORIca This interesting web site takes on the electronic side of Tori (sampling, remixes and such). There's even a track there the webmaster made sampling some Tori's songs.

elevard's website This site features the "Tori flips the bird" section!

Ember Box Sabrina Taylor is a fashion designer who makes outfits/clothes that look like the ones Tori wears in various videos or performances. You can order such outfits at the Ember Box web site. She also will be offering her completely original Tori inspired line of corsets and women's wear.

Escaping Hades: a rape and sexual abuse survivor's site A really wonderful web site for sexual abuse and rape survivors which includes stories, resources, safety tips, poetry, stats, quotes, articles, and much more. starSite dedicated to Tori has a starSite dedicated to Tori Amos. Check it out! It has a bio, quotes, fun facts, a list of awards she has won, some photos, and more.

Even The Wind Calls Your Name: Music Therapy For Sexual Assault Survivors Maintained by Toriphile Marian, she says "this site was inspired by the strength and healing so many of us have recieved from the gift of Tori Amos' music. My hope when creating this site was to establish a site where survivors of any kind of sexual assault could go to learn about music therapy, and how it can help them during the healing process. You do not have to be a Tori Amos fan to find some solace or hope here. Everyone is welcome..." Resources found on this site include a lyric analysis and discussion forum, stories from survivors who have found solace in music, music therapy information and a page about self-abuse. Please check it out this valuable resource.

Everybody Else's Girl This Tori page includes a Question of the Month, links, a few photos, and the webmaster's sTori.

EVERYTHING'S FINE: Brad's Unedited Journal Brad has several really interesting Tori sections accessible from his journal page. You can find his Tori meeting experience (with photos), a list of Tori remixes and videos to download, and a page with his favorite Tori photos.

Exit 75 This nice looking Tori site includes downloads, icons, pictures, wallpapers, quizes and more.

Faeries of Song This Tori dedication page is an an art gallery consisting of colour Tori-toons and Tori faeries.

Faerie Tales from the Glitter Girl This site has news, a discography, a multimedia section with images and MP3s, and links.

The Faery Goddess A very pretty Tori site containing a section on dreams, quotes, news, and more.

The Faeries' Revenge This site used to have the title The Tori Valve. It contains a lyric archive.

Fairy Tales Super advanced layout (that may overwhelm older browsers.) Great source for lyrics, articles, photos, and MIDI files. The list of older articles and the selection of photos are outstanding. There is a nice Tori FAQ here as well. A FANTASTIC resource. If you are a Windows user you can also download a Win 9x/NT help file called ToriHelp that contains the complete Tori Discography and lyrics archive.

This beautiful web site includes photos, a web ring, a summary of Tori's views on many topics, song and video interpretations, visual interpretation of some Tori songs, and links.
This web site in Portuguese is from Brazilian Toriphile Eddie.

Figure It Out... A truly fascinating site that consists of puzzles relating to all things Tori. It is one of the most unique Tori sites around!

The Force Of Tori Amos This large web site has videos, sound clips, photos, some lyrics, a few articles, and other stuff to keep you occupied. The site has video clips in quicktime (MOV) and AVI formats.

Fragmented Demons This beautiful and unique site has artwork representing many of Tori's songs, from Little Earthquakes through the song Carnival in 2000. A fascinating stop on the web. The site says, "This page is dedicated to the girls of Tori Amos. Each one of them has a certain point of pain. This page brings that pain out through visuals. Art and pain are relative; everyone feels them through experience." 

Freezing That Frame: Your Tori Stories
Toriphile Maria Aguirre has begun a new web site called Freezing That Frame: Your Tori Stories. It is a place where you can read a collection of stories from people about meeting Tori. The site is always taking submissions for stories, with or without pictures, (but they will not accept pictures without an accompanying story).
A Frog Named Jethro
This web site has an amazing amount of cool content, such as Quicktime/RealVideo clips, exclusive photos, pictures from various videos and TV appearances, wav sound files of rare concert performances, interviews, Tori quotes that you can read AND hear, and more.

Frog On My Toe This web site provides links, art, and more.

FromTheRaysinGyrlHotel Charming Tori site with nice layout and various tidbits of information, including news, a gallery, lyrics, and Wallpaper.

Goddess Of The Piano This page includes lyrics, pics, midis, song interpretations, Tori stories, and more.

The Great Below This page has some cool video clips from some of Tori's UK TV appearances, such as her 1999 appearance on Jools Holland (Concertina & Suede), 2 interviews, peforming Spark on Top of the Pops, and the Big Picture promo.

Greetings From The Girlzone Here you can find some rare sound clips and a healthy dose of photos and lyrics.

Hanging With The Raisin Girl This cool place has news, interviews, articles, album reviews, info on rarities, contests, and many other goodies. You can also send wonderful online Tori cards as well!

Hang Ten, Honey: Dor's Page of Plugged '98 Nostalgia This is a unique and well designed site
documenting Dor's many experiences
on Tori's Plugged '98 concert
tour. The site includes a travel
journal, many one-of-a-kind photos,
lists of the best and worst tour
moments, and more!

heart in my hands This page takes an intimate look at the heart and hands of Tori Amos through lyrics, pictures, and quotes. This is an incredibly designed page that is not only pleasant to look at, but has unique, useful and inspiring content as well. It is one of my favorite destinations on the web. This is THE place online for MP3 sound clips (in the wonderful Diagnosed Sounds section). The site's owner, Audrey, has also created a wonderful section of her site called The Mystique. This section is made up of an Astrological Compatability analysis between your sign and Tori's, an Elemental Affinity disection of all of Tori's albums, a Song Numerology, and a set of custom made Tori Tarot cards that are really cool! You can also find a good biography of Tori and information about the pianos Tori plays. There is a huge selection of images and some artwork to enjoy, a complete lyric archive, an excellent discography, a Neil Gaiman section, links, and concert experiences. This place is so invaluable I made it my first Dent Super Site! Read my full review of this web site.

Here, In My Head This page contains a wonderful collection of Tori Amos quotes and photos. A really great place to visit!

Homemade Tori Backgrounds A selection of interesting backgrounds that you might want to use for your computer and/or web page.

The Ice Cream Assassin This web page includes WinAMP skins, Tori news, photos, and links.

Icicle: A Tribute To The Goddess This is a new site that currently offers a banner swap page, a nice voting booth, and a chat room. This site will have other features later, like song interpretations and links. Go here to find hundreds of free Tori Amos icons.

I Hate Elevator Music This web site offers home-made Tori Amos Remixes and Winamp skins!

I Know You've Seen Fire This Tori site includes photos, poetry, Tori quotes, and more.

Illegal Faerie This Tori web site includes lyrics, photos, a Bio, MIDIs, WinAmp skins, CD reviews, articles, and a section on Faerie Poetry and Stories.

{{ I Love Tori }} This web site says it has no lyrics, no interviews, no news, no chat rooms, no movie files, no pictures, no links, no Mp3s, just love! You CAN download a PC screen saver.'s Tori Page This is a subsection of the unique site, You can find a biography, some album reviews, several interesting MP3 downloads, and the part of the site I like, a page devoted just to Tori telling people to "Eat my pussy," complete with sound clips!

IMAGEgalaxy There is a section of this site that includes some incredible Tori Amos artwork. Check it out!

In A Sea Of Poppies This useful web site is a HUGE discography with a list of songs you can click on to find out what releases that song appeared on. You will find this site most useful!

I Sang Holy Holy...A Tori Inspired Site for Rape Survivors This very useful and wonderful site is for rape survivors. I highly recommend this site. You will find facts on sexual violence, and read about some of the myths surrounding it. You can find survivor stories and poems, what to do if someone you love is raped, a page on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, important info on the drug Rohypnol and rape, book suggestions, quotes, links, how to connect with other survivors, and online resources. This is truly a special place on the web.

A Journey Into the Subconscious: A Tori Amos Gallery Here is a site where you can view Tori-Inspired artwork. New submissions are always welcome.

The Jude Room A Toriphile's web site with a section on Tori.

A Kick A Trick and A Message Web Ring Here is another Tori web ring from the folks at!

Kiss The Violets This Tori page, which has been revised, includes a gallery, a collection of wallpapers, some web awards, a fun section that looks at Tori's passion for food, a booklist recommended by Tori fans, a section on the choirgirl map, rare lyrics, a page for RAINN, and much more. A really nicely designed page with some unique content!

Kittens In Cement This is the Tori Amos page that brings us the Y Kant Tori Read FAQ, listed elsewhere in this list. You also get to read about the webmasters love of Tori, see the Tori Shrine he has erected in his room, and see some cool graphics. This web site contains a Tori Amos section that features a biography, articles, many album reviews from readers, sound clips, basic album and single information, and a chance to rate Tori as an artist.

Learn To Take This web site has an archive of over 3,000 Tori photos, as well as buttons, photos for your desktop, animations, art, and a section on banners. The person who runs the site is willing to make a custom web banner for you!.

Le Musée des Tori-Arts This site was created to allow artists to show their work of Tori online!

Lilystcyr's Page of Whatever This page includes A Touch Of Tori Amos, which has a really nice concert photo.

Lisa's Tori Web Page Lisa's page has lots of great Tori photos from various meet & greets and also her music collection that she is willing to trade. I met her at a Tori concert in 1999 and she is da bomb!

Liste de Diffusion This is a web site for a French mailing list about Tori Amos and Kate Bush.

Little Amsterdam A fantastic DUTCH Tori Amos page, which contains a streaming Real Audio archive, original Tori Desktop Themes, and lots of information for European Ears With Feet.

Little Arsonist This site has a Tori gallery, a CD discography, editorials, wav sound files and more.

Little Blue World fanzine Little Blue World is a full-size, professionally printed quarterly fanzine dedicated to Tori and Toriphiles. They have already produced several issues and they are well done and well worth the subscription price. Check out their web site for full details! While there, make sure you check out the Collectibles section of their web site, which is a valuable resource if you are a Tori collector!

The Little Blue World Of Tori Amos This site offers a good selection of lyrics.

Little Earthquakes This web page is the creator's graphic art interpretations of Tori's first album. You will find a gallery, lyrics, games, and lots of other goodies. Worth checking out!

Little Earthquakes From Pele This web page has a really extensive selection of lyrics, photos, MIDI files, and even a chat section for java capable browsers.

A Little Mental Yoga This site offers something really cool. They have a way for you to place a little code on your own webpage that will place a new Tori quote on your site each time you reload!

The Little Raisongal This worthwhile site has terrific photos (including some fantastic photos from the 1999 5 1/2 Weeks Tour!), Tori stories, song interpretations, and more. I strongly recommend you visit!

The Little Raisongal This worthwhile site has terrific photos (including some fantastic photos from the 1999 5 1/2 Weeks Tour!), Tori stories, song interpretations, and more. I strongly recommend you visit!

Little Sister: You'll Forgive Me One Day This Tori site has some beautiful banners, Tori links, nice artwork, and more.

A Little Tori Castle Here you will find news, a discography, lyrics, Tori quotes, and more.

Loren Haynes Photography Loren Haynes took the photos on the "to venus and back" album and also produced the "Bliss" video. You can see his work, including an extensive and beautiful Tori photo section, at this official Loren Haynes web site.

Lost In A Place Called America...
Be sure to check out the web site called "Lost In A Place Called America". This amazing site takes a look at "Scarlet's Walk and Its Analysis of America's Treatment of Native Americans and other Repressed Minorities". This was something that Matt Natale did for a Introduction To American Studies class. In addition to what Matt writes, you will find lyrics for all songs and even the audio from Scarlet Stories. Extremely well done! Charles Masson alerted me to, a web site dedicated to Mary Magdalene. It includes a Tori section which includes many of the quotes Tori has made about the Magdalene. Quite interesting!

MandaTori Amos

Margaritas With The Goddess
A charming site that is unique in that it has material in Spanish as well as English! Laura created the site and she lives in South America. She came all the way to the States to see Tori during the Plugged '98 tour. She is a remarkable fan and this is her page.

Martian Engineering Studios This is the official web site for Martian Engineering studios, the place where Tori recorded "from the choirgirl hotel" and "to venus and back" and likely many more albums in the future. This well designed site contains photos, tour information, and should soon have more.

the midnight garden This site includes news, sound clips, links, a place to share your thoughts on various topics, and the webmaster's Tori collection.'s Page on Tori Amos This site includes many items about Tori, including some great video clips from 1996 of Tori performing Horses, Dougnut Song, and Putting The Damage On from MTV 120 Minutes.

murkcat This site is very unique and very beautiful. It basically contains images and remastered photographs, and it links each Tori song to a single picture to "capture the entire breadth and length of a song." Must be seen to be appreciated!

My Best Impression Of My Best Tori Amos This Tori web site includes pictures, art, a discography, banners, a Fun Page, awards, links, and more.

My Little Tori Page This web page is an excellent resource. It includes the mailing list form, which lists over twenty mailing lists with information about each one. This awesome form allows you to just pick the mailing list you want, pick "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" and enter your email address, and press submit. The site also has pictures, a discography, transcripts, and a trading page.

My Siren I like the design of this web site. This site has quotes, lyrics, Tori designs, some fun and original sections called the Tori School of Style and Tori School of Dance, along with a Tori crossword puzzle and jigsaw puzzle.

Natasha's Website Touching personal site that includes Tori content.

Not Enough Sky: a TAIR (Tori Amos Image Repository) This site has a ton of screen captures/stills from Tori's videos and TV appearances. There are also some photos and scans from various covers and magazines. Very nice.

Nothing But Meat This is a bilingual web site about Tori. It is in French and English. It contains among other things lyrics by album and has a very unique design.

Obsessed Much - Tori Amos If you click here you will find games, lyrics, pictures, a discography and other goodies.

Ode to the Beauty Queen Tori Ring Toriphile Carrie-Ellen has created a Tori Ring called Ode To The Beauty Queen.

The Official North Texas ToriFest Page This page was put up to inform other Ears With Feet about the ToriFests in the Dallas, Texas area. These ToriFests are run by Raven, Erik, and Lanna. The Fest page has "a bulletin board, info on the next fest, what is a fest, where are the fests, what we do, pics and sound clips from the past fests, info on all the people who've come to the fests, info about our special games we made for the torifests (Trivial Tori and Toriopoly), info on the binder we made and game to tori during the Austin show (in plugged '98) for her birthday, etc."

The Other Side Of The Galaxy: A Tori Amos Gallery Brian Michael Weidemann has created a beautiful web site where you can view his "Tori-devoted/inspired artwork, poetry, and other impulses of creativity." I found his site to be quite wonderful!

Over The Bridge This web site was created by Toriphile Laura, who says the following about this site, "It's a page for rape and abuse victims....including physical, emotional, sexual.... all the dirt. I want to help victims or survivors find a place to go.... and I'm offering my page as just that. The pain it takes and the strength..(which is often hard to find) is hard....and I want people to have a place to vent their feelings....whether it being a poem, a story, what has happened to them, name it ... I'll put it on my page. I just want to help.... I know what it's like to feel these emotions...I have been through it myself... and if I would've had a place to go... I would be way ahead of myself..... I want everyone to find themselves.... and the person who was lost...."

paintings in the graveyard This is a poetic website inspired by Tori Amos with original poetry written by
the creator of the site. The site shows the influence that Tori had had on the webmaster's life.

Paper Tigers - A Tori Amos Site This web site features news, Albums, Lyrics and Links.

Patrick's Tori Site This cool web site includes a yearly Tori Amos Christmas Calendar, sound clips and sheet music. It is a very well done page!

Perfectly Still This web site is set to launch during Fall 2001 and looks like it will be really nice.

Perfectly Windy Sky This is a really well designed site that includes a biogaphy, picture gallery, Tori stories, Sounds, Lyrics, and links. High recommended!'s Tori page This page has great photos of Tori!

Pianos For Pyros This web site explores Tori's fondness for fire. It includes a gallery and has a collection of quotes from Tori about fire!

Pieces Of Tori This is a forum for Tori fans to gather and share their appreciate for her!

Pink Earthquakes Here you can find photos, sounds, videos, a few lyrics, and the ability to chat using a java capable browser.

The Prettiest Red Ribbons The unique thing about this site is the creative use of Tori lyrics throughout and a section that has a list of food references in Tori's songs!

Princess Of Pain This site brings you a TON of Tori photos and screen captures! The site calls itself the "virtual library of Tori Amos photos." Find video captures, images from books and magazines, and more.

Professional Widow This cool site features bootlegs, photos, full length videos, song interpretations from
Tori, a banner exchange, links, and awards.

The Progressive Tori Amos Page In 1996, sisters Molly and Alie had a wonderful site called the Progressive Tori Amos page, featuring a really moving account of their meeting with Tori in September 1996. This meeting included a sound clip, where Tori gave an emotional message to the people on the web and first coined the term Ears With Feet for her fans. That page is gone, but the sisters asked me to mirror part of their web page to keep it alive, and I have done so. You can still hear that sound clip too!

Purplesque This well designed site has photos, games, icons, wallpaper, and WinAMP skins. The site has stuff for your to do and not just stuff for you to read. Very nice!

Radio Sonicnet FEMME FATALES Station Radio Sonicnet has a radio station they call FEMME FATALES, which they say includes music from "Three decades of divas who make a difference." Tori is one of the artists played on the radio station. I am not sure of the wisdom of combining Tori and Ani Difranco with Celine Dion and Whitney Houston, but you may still want to check this out!

R.A.I.N.N. The official web site for the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network that Tori founded in 1994.

RAINN Showers This is the web site for a RAINN fundraiser that sells pins, stickers, key chains, window clings, and t-shirts.

The Raisin Girl This site includes a whole page with exclusive photo's from shows in England as well as a page dedicated to 'Tori Stories'. A number of these stories relate to the Plugged 98 tour. You can also find lyrics, a quote of the week, and other images in the photo archive.

Rare Tori Amos Lyrics I bet you can't guess what this web site has!

Raspberry Hotel This web site is mainly for Tori visuals, such as in graphics, special effects, Tori artwork, and so on.

The Raspberry Spark Excellent Tori site. Here you can find news, rumors, lyrics, song interpretations, pictures, a discography, quotes and articles, insights, stories, poems, and reviews. One great section of the site includes a page that is organizing an effort to find out where all the live songs from "to venus and back" were recorded.

The Redhead Dancing Girl Here you will find discography, lyrics, and photos.

Really Deep Thoughts Fanzine This is the official Tori Amos fanzine. The web site is beautiful and there are sections devoted to news, sightings, and their fanzine. However, they have not been very active so far in 1997. They have a letter saying that they are going to concentrate on getting the fanzine running again. I hope so, because it was alway a high-quality publication.

Restless Moon Greetings
This is an e-card site with custom artwork by the incredibly talented Pauline Stuckey. It includes some fun Tori-related cards!

R.M.T-A's Official Internet Home Page
This is the official web site for the Usenet newsgroup (rmt-a).

Running Through The Underworld This very nice site includes a section on Tori experiences, Tori's music (with information on b-sides, improvs, interpretations and Tori quites), and images (including a Tori gallery, wallpapers and Winamp skins).

The Samurai Book This page has song lyrics and stories associated with each song.

secretime This site states, "people who aren't too crazy about the choirgirl and venus era can enjoy themselves here, very much. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy these two albums, but some people don't and long for the girl and her piano again."

She'd Really Rather Be Water Instead This site hopes to be unique by putting up personal reactions to Tori's songs and allowing other Toriphiles to do the same.

She's Gone Andromeda...a Tori Amos Odyssey This highly recommended Tori Amos site includes an awesome song database with entensive details and quotes about every Tori song. It also has sections labeled goodies, interactive, writings, trading and more!

She Will Supply...the formative years This is a Tori download site, and includes Winamp skins, MIDIs, photos, and Mp3s.

Shiri & Issac Cd's And Videos Cover Scans This page features scanned photos of bootleg covers. The purpose of this page is to help other people trade for Tori Amos CDs and Videos.

Shock Me Sane - Tori Amos This page contains news, lyrics, a sound & video section, an image gallery, a streaming RealAudio archive. and other goodies.

Silent All These Years: This wonderful web site features photos, a section devoted to the newsgroup (rmt-a), a section called tori cliques, Tori art, a biography, and more.

Simply Tori I really enjoy reading the material on this site. The webmaster has his own Tori story, a what-if page which is really thoughtful, and sections on Tori's Dew Drop Inn, Plugged, and 5 1/2 Weeks/To Dallas And Back tours with interesting commentary on the webmaster's concert experiences. Check it out.

Singapore Ears With Feet This is a web page where you can join a mailing list for Tori fans who live in Singapore. There is an interesting web site called which among many things includes some Tori content, including a web page dedicated to Tori in the ProNews section. The Tori page has some interesting and exclusive stuff worth checking out! The site is a free resource site for developing recording artists, singers and singer/songwriters. It includes articles, calendars, voice lessons & training products, legal advice...what's up in the news... and other items of interest to such developing artists. The site has been put together by Marta Woodhull, and old friend of Tori's, and the girlfriend/mate of John Phil Shenale, Tori's String arranger. Click here for more information about this web site.

smashing in a cold room The web site says, "In a nutshell, smashing in a cold room is a site for the senses. For the visual folk, try "tomfoolery," my ever-growing art section; for the sonically stimulated, try the mp3s, or "evolution," which tracks the live development of some Tori songs over the years. For the intellectual, I've got "girls," which is an essay I wrote about girl-on-girl cruelty, and Tori's take on it through a triad on Under the Pink. If you're on your way out, try the featured site or "sightseeing," which will take you on your way via links, webrings, and my other endeavors (and you can see my pretty banners while you're there as well). The rest is all pretty self-explanatory"

SOAR (Speaking Out About Rape Many of you may remember Kellie Greene, who was one of the Toriphiles featured on
20/20 story ABC originally aired on February 15, 1999. Kellie is the Founder/Director of SOAR (Speaking Out About Rape). SOAR is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating society about the "truth" of rape, ensuring victim's rights are protected, making certain the medical and judicial systems are victim friendly, and helping survivors find their voices to unlock the silence. They have a new web site at that you should check out. The new site includes a chat room and a discussion forum. It is a wonderful resource.

Sometimes You're Nothing But Meat This web site contains the web mistress' Tori story and collection, a photo archive, a section on Tori's marriage, links, information about the #toRi IRC channel of EFNet, a Tori timeline. a song finder, and poetry.

The Spark You can find some excellent video files at this site, including the Glory Of The 80s and 1000 Oceans video in high resolution. You can also find MP3 files, links, pictures, screen savers, and much more!

Spark In The Dark This Tori site includes a discography of Tori's albums, singles, and songs (along with lyrics), as well as photos, and links. It sports a clean and useful design, and is a nice resource.

Sparkless This site has a survivor section, cliques, awards, an inspiration section, a web ring and a page about Neil Gaiman.

SpringPage This Tori web site is in French and includes news, a section on Tori and Neil Gaiman, and much more.

Squeeze! A Tori Amos website This site used to be called Mcauseway's Tori page and it features a very impressive design. You can find sheetmusic, Tori photos, RealAudio and Mp3 sound clips, lyrics, video clips, and links. Very nicely done!

The Stain @ This web site, which happens to sponsor one of the Tori Rings, has a wonderful discography, a gallery, some intertesting articles and Tori-related writings, lyrics, some song parodies, fan club information, links to some great RAINN fundraisers, a message board for interpretations, games, a goodies sections with backgrounds, screensavers and Windows themes, an encyclopedia explaining some terms used in Tori's music and a place to send online Tori greeting cards! There are thoughts from other Toriphiles about Tori's music in the excellent EWF:Thoughts section. There is also a list of places where you can buy Tori merchandise online. This is a site worth your time and repeat visits!

Starfucker Reviews This web site rates Tori Amos web sites.

Still Orbiting This nicely designed web site includes a biography, images, Tori dreams, Tori Amos computer art, some nice Tori wallpapers to download, links, and more.

Strange Little Tori

Strange Little Girls This site is maintained by Brad Walsh and contains a lot of information about Tori's 2001 album. This site is a media search engine and music guide on the Internet, and you can use their site to locate various sound/audio and video clips for different musical artists. Here is a direct link to Tori on their search engine. You can see both online audio and video clips, or just choose to see a list of videos. Check it out.

Stringbean Love This web site is the home of the Chunky Flowage mailing list. It also contains photos of Tori over the years, games, video stills, various interesting tidbits, fan artwork, a journal, poetry, and more.

Stuff Is The Issue From The U.K., this site is pleasant to look at and contains a good assortment of news, articles, photos, and Tori fiction. This site calls itself a webzine dedicated to the enigma of Tori Amos.

SuperNova Juice This site includes the creator's Tori story, Tori art, poetry, and more.

Sweetest Cherry in An Apple Pie This Tori web page has news, links, lyrics, pictures, and a tour page. Very nice!

The Sweetest Cherry in An Applepie This Tori web page is in French and is really well done. Not to be confused with the English site listed above. You can read news, concert info, album details, a biography, photos, and articles, all in French!

Tales Of Tori Amos This web page which debuted in 2004 includes news, music, video, chat and links.

TARP: Tori Amos Russian Pages I discovered this interesting page that I want to bring to your attention. It is called TARP: Tori Amos Russian Pages and it was created by a Russion Toriphile named Olga. It is good to see Toriphiles in Russia and I found the page to be really interesting. The site is in Russian and English and features a Real Audio Archive.

Tea With The Waitress Besides a very nice design, this web site features a wav file of the week, a salute to RAINN, Tori images, a Tori Amos timeline, sound clips, and a variety of links.

That Darn Tori Amos A web site created by a friend of Tori's named Rantz.

That Star Can Twinkle Find photos of Tori, animated gifs, tour dates, and links. This was the first site to win site of the week on ""

Then Thought That I Could Decipher Your Message This web site is an index to Tori's songs' translations availables on-line. A valuable resource.

These Precious Things This site gives you sheet music, a RAINN section, a gallery, games, a more. A really nicely designed addition to the web! It also features the Passion Vine Garden, a collection of the newer Tori Amos web sites that are just starting out. If you have a newer Tori site and want more exposure, check out The Passion Vine Garden at this web site.

Through The Portal Site stands out due to its clean design and HUGE archive of Tori Amos MIDI files. There is also a nice discography, photos, and some interviews and FAQs.

Through the Solar Field This site contains lyrics, a discography, personal concert reviews, trading page, the web creator's Tori story, a RAINN section, and more. Nicely done!

TITALiSQ: The Interactive Tori Amos Lyrics Solving Quest This page is dedicated to discovering the meaning behind Tori's metaphorical lyrics. You can share your ideas with the world, read other theories, and react to them.

To Jupiter And Back This site is easy to navigate and includes sections for a biography, games, merchandise, pictures, tour info, discography, news, audio, and lyrics.

The Top 20 Tori Sites This is a program started by the Tori web site The Choirgirl Hotel. If you have a Tori web site, you can submit your Tori web page to the "Top 20 Tori Sites" Program and perhaps increase traffic to your web site.

TorE-bay: your place for Tori Amos Here you will find an online auction site for Tori Amos items such as CDs, clothes, videos, and so on. They also feature classified ads.

Tori @ UDEL Formerly Daniel Leo Lau's Dedication To Tori, this page features may quicktime video clips for your downloading pleasure. The official web site for Tori from Atlantic Records was a good place to get the latest news from Atlantic on Tori, and it had extensive photos from Tori's 1998 sneak preview Plugged tour. However, that site appears to have been dismantled as of Spring 2001, and now when you go to, you get the Tori section of the Alantic Records web site, which is not the same thing. All the original content of appears to be gone for now. Chat Room You can now access this chat room though

Tori à gogo This site is in both English and French and includes Mp3 sound files, desktop Tori photos, links, and more.

Tori a la Card A Tori Amos e-card site. Send your friends a Tori card today. They have cards for many different occasions! - Tori's OFFICIAL web site This is Tori's OFFICIAL web site run by ArtistDirect with the cooperation of Tori. The current version of the site make used a Flash animation introduction that you can not bypass. If you would like to see the non-flash, regular HTML version of the new, try using this link!

Tori Amos Direct Check out Tori's official merchandise site for some great Tori items you can buy. You can find music, videos, concert t-shirts, books, tour necklaces, songbooks/folios, stickers and keychains. By purchasing items from Tori Amos Direct, you will also help support the Dent financially. Thanks!

Tori Amos Discography: The Most Comprehensive Tori Amos Discography On The Web

The Tori Amos FAQ Many people have asked me if Tori has an up-to-date FAQ on the net. Many of the ones you do find are rather outdated. While this one is not totally up-to-date, it is better than anything else out there at the moment. The folks at the Usenet newsgroup updated an older version of the FAQ and placed it on their web site. You can find the answers to some basic and frequently asked Tori questions here.

Tori Amos For Dummies The purpose of this site is to serve as a reference for Toriphiles/EWF, specifically those "new" to Tori's music. Since it can get a bit confusing, they are here to help. Email them with any questions you would like to see on the site and they will answer them as soon as possible.

The Tori Amos Gallery Features some great photos of Tori, video captures, and some "weird" Tori photos that are quite funny!

The Tori Amos Guitar Archive Here you can find all the Tori Amos guitar/piano TAB/chords available anywhere on the internet.

The Tori Amos Homepage This web site is severely out of date, and many of the links are no longer working. Why do I include it here? Because it is one of the oldest (Maybe THE oldest) Tori sites, and was the first one I ever saw when I first surfed the web on December 27, 1994! It has a design that screams 1994, but was the initial inspiration that led to the creation of the Dent a year and a half later. The simple name reflects the fact that back in 1994, there were not that many sites about Tori (Or anything else for that matter...)

Tori Amos Internet Resources - Reviewed A Tori Amos Site Evaluative Guide that is very out of date, but still interesting to look at.

Tori Amos - London Girl Wanted This site is really innovative and cool! It uses advanced features such as javascript to create a really interesting and dynamic web site.

Tori Amos Lyric Database (TALD) The Tori Amos Lyric Database (TALD) is a collection of all the lyrics to any song Tori Amos has sung. This includes covers, B-Sides, and album songs. Along with these lyrics, the site also includes quotes from Tori about each song. A very valuable resource!
This innovative web site helps organize gatherings or meetups of Toriphiles around the world. It is a cool concept and I urge you to check the site out and participate.

The Tori Amos Mothership
This is a Tori section at Ink Blot Magazine's web site and it contains various Tori items like articles, links, a bio, discography, and other goodies.

Tori Amos - Musical Miracle This beautifully designed web site contains hundreds of mp3 sound files and midis, as well as a nice photo archive, discography, a biography, links, news page, webcam and Wallpapers. Read my full review of this web site.

WWW.TORIAMOS.NL (was This site features Tori video clips in the RealPlayer and Windows Media Player format. There are some rare and interesting video clips here from Europe! I highly recommend you check our what this site has to offer!

Tori Amos On Your Plate A site with a fun theme and lots of solid information and photos. It includes great pics from the January 1997 RAINN benefit concert, some other meet and greet sessions from that time period, and a fun journey through Tori's shoe closet!

Tori Amos Online This is Tori's only site (that we know of) based in New Zealand! It includes a discography, biography, video clips, news, lyrics, a photo gallery, interpretations, charts, links, midi files, a chat room, and more! This web site concentrates on Tori's "plugged" era, which includes "from the choirgirl hotel" and "to venus and back". You will find here a list of "plugged" only collectibles, as well as information about Tori's 1998 Plugged tour, choirgirl press info, Tori quotes, and more. You can also access the site with the URL

The Tori Amos Remix Project This web site features custom remixes of Tori songs.

Tori Amos: Ripples In A Pond Here you can find several things. There is a section called Pieces of Tori that has poems and stories of healing that are very powerful. You can also find a discography, a gallery, some MIDIs, and much more.

Tori Amos' Secret Garden Dawid Mikos has created this site about Tori that is in Polish! A nice addition to the Tori net universe.

Tori Amos Set List Summary Sped Erstad created this incredible and well-formatted page that offers the most detailed stats on the songs played during the 1998 Plugged '98 tour and the 1999 5 1/2 Weeks tour. You can sort the lists in various orders, see the songs alphabetically, see what dates Tori played each songs, get detailed percentages, the whole deal. Extremely impressive and recommended. (However, I have been unable to access the 1998 stats lately...)

Tori Amos: Still Going Down...Honestly This is a really good interview done with Tori in 1998 for the Illinois Entertainer

Tori Amos Videography at

Tori Box - The Tori Amos Discography Site

Tori Day Web Site This page has lots of multimedia goodies to offer you. You can find streaming video, sounds, photos, news, information on the latest campaign to get Tori played on various TV music channels, and lyrics.

Tori Dust This site has a beautiful layout, along with a short biography, information on all of Tori's albums with sound clips of some of the best lines, lyrics, a few articles, photos, and links. One of the articles is from the 30th Aniiversary Women In Rock issue of Rolling Stone from late 1997. It also features a nice Tori Amos screen saver for Windows 95!

The Tori Exchange The ToriExchange is very much like the LinkExchange, except the banners will all link to Tori sites. For those of you not familiar with the LinkExchange, it takes banners from different web sites and rotates them. When you click on the banner, it takes you to the site. The purpose of the ToriExchange is to advertise your site and bring traffic to pages that are not well known. Check it out and if you have a web site consider participating!

The ToriFest, Gathering, & Birthday Bash Registry
Find out what Toriphile gatherings or Torifests are happening all over the world and read about previous gatherings. Do you want to host or plan a Toriphile gathering in your own area of the world but you have no idea how to start? Then check out the wonderful FAQ that is at the ToriFest & Gathering Registry that will help you run/host such an event.
Tori Fans On Board
This is a Brazilian Tori web site in Portuguese. It is very nicely designed and seems well updated. It is a true labor of love.

The ToriFile A collection of a few of the best Tori Amos WAVS. MIDIs, Pictures, and so on. Features a really cool Tori sound greeting on the entry page, and even a Tori Desktop Theme for you Windows 95 impaired folks!

The Tori Hotel Here you will discover song files, a gallery, some great downloads, and more. This site is also the force behind the Tori Amos Advent Calendar! The Dent would like to recommend that you check out a new web site called At ToriLand you can submit links, news stories, downloads and more. It is set up like in that the community is responsible for posting items that others may be interested in. Check it out!

Torimaniacs This site is a great place to read song interpretations and see some creatively altered Tori pictures.

toriMODE's ~Vineyard~ This site calls itself an escape for Ears With Feet. It includes various information, news, and more on Tori and a link to some wonderful poetry!

Tori Oaks The young creator of this site shares a huge amount of his writing about Tori and her music with us. He also posts thoughts about Tori from others as well.

Tori Online Research Institute (T.O.R.I.) This site, which appears to be gone, was an excellent source of information on Tori. It had listings of many of her songs (with many sound clips), information on some collectible items, a nice selection of older articles and interviews, and some Tori Amos FAQs, and a Discography. I hope the site returns one day...

Toriphoria This site is sub-titled The Word Of Tori Amos, and features a ton of Tori quotes about each of her songs and albums. It also lists books that Tori has mentioned. An excellent resource on the web! Read my full review of this web site. Many more features have been added to the site since my review, including the wonderful Tori Amos Timeline!

A Tori Place This Tori site is a resource for the newly converted Toriphile. You can find pages dedicated to Tori art, merchandise, Audio, Video, links, and Mp3s.

The (Original) Tori Ring Linking The Best Tori Web Sites Together. This was the first Tori Ring to show up on the web. There are now of course many others as well.

Tori's Beauty... and a gun This web site has unique and valuable multimedia content. You can find live and rare Mp3 sound files, Tori covers and exclusive remixes to download, as well as some video clips and photos. This is a great resource on the web and a definite favorite. It is a multimedia leader in the Tori online universe! Read my full review of this web site.

The Tori Side of the Web Welcome to nierika's ToriLink Emporium, a huge collection of Tori Amos web links.

Tori Site Love WebRing

ToriStream - Tori Amos Internet Radio Theresa has told me about her Tori project, which is called TORISTREAM. It is a Tori Amos internet radio station. They are looking for input about the radio station. Check it out at the ToriStream web site.

Tori Television This site is brought to you by A Frog Named Jethro and includes Tori video clips!

ToriThoughts.Org This beautifully designed web site is the home of the Tori Amos mailing lists "Really Deep Thoughts Right Now" and "ToriTour." Many nifty new sections and projects are on the way (Mondegreens! Mondegreens!) -- fun things for Toriphiles everywhere -- so keep an eye out!

Tori Top 40 List You can vote for your favorite Tori web site here. If you have a Tori web site, please enter it here and possibly increase traffic to your site!

Tori!TORI!TORI! This web site deals with Tori mp3s, streaming audio, video and other links to other media sites. The site says it is designed to be your easiest way to find Tori MP3 and other media. Give it a try!

The Tori Traders Index You will find information about Tori traders all over the US & the world, their names, email addresses, location, a link to their trading list, whether they are capable of making CD-Rs, whether they are willing to do 2:1s or B&Ps for newbies, and other artists they collect.

To Venus and Back with Talula This unique web site includes drawings and digital Tori art, a calendar art page, wallpapers and other worthwhile sections. The person who maintains this site obviously puts a lot of work into it and it is very much worth your time.


Under The Pink This web site is dedicated solely to the artwork of Tori Amos fans. Check it out and contribute some artwork if you can!

Under The Pink Cathedral This excellent site has an image gallery, a special collection of Midis sequenced to sound like cathedral chimes, Tori inspired poetry, Tori sheet music, an Ellen Amos memorial, and sound clips.

Under The Pink Tour Set Lists This will one day hopefully be part of my site, since the creator has given me permission to use them. Until then, go here if you want to see what Tori played during this 1994 tour.

Underwatercity This Tori web site is in Italian and says its main purpose is to support Tori in Italy.

.upside down. This well-done web page contains a collection of Tori images, experiences, and more. I really enjoyed this page and highly suggest you visit!

Upside Down Here you will locate RAINN info, a gallery, links, lyrics, and more.

Vanilla: A Tori Amos Web Page This web site features Plugged '98 Tour Stats, a well done discography, a review of ALL of Tori's videos, and detailed information about Tori's first album, Y Kant Tori Read, and the bootleg versions of it. He also teaches us how to make Ratatouille Strychinine!

A Velvet Hologram This site has some unique features, such as translations of some Tori songs into French, a guide to Tori sound clips on the net, a list of covers Tori has performed, and never-before-published sheet music.

the velvets: a tori amos fansite

VH1.Com Tori Amos Fan Club has launched their Fan Clubs Section, an expansive new section of their web site that connects music fans to the artists and music they love. They have a Tori Amos fan club that you may want to check out. It includes sound clips, a photo gallery, exclusive video clips, a discography, a news section, a biography, a list of Tori's influences, and more. You can register at the fan club and join in their message boards, sell or buy Tori stuff in their auctions, be alerted to new offers and news items, and perhaps be offered advance concert ticket sales when Tori tours again. (I am not 100% sure you will get advance ticket sales, but it appears possible from what they say.)

Violence In Mind Tori Amos site with realaudio, pictures, links and an Ears With Feet Gallery to show off the creative side of Toriphiles.

Violent & Delicious A collection of Tori WAV sound clips (including some of Tori making mistakes), links, and a groovy logo! I will forgive the webmaster for the "Mac-Impaired" comment. :)

Wall Of Sound section on Tori Amos Go here for news, reviews, biography, discography and more.

The Way To Myra At this Tori site you can some interesting content, like a page where you can leave your comments about all of Tori's albums, a Tori FAQ complete with a large list of Tori quotes, a feature site section, a special clique of Toriphiles you can join, special web rings and awards, links, and a section called a little mental yoga that gives you a little code that you can place on your own webpage that will place a new Tori quote on your site each time you reload! This site also has a section called starfucker reviews that reviews Tori Amos web sites.

WebActive's RAINN Page WebActive created this web page for the first RAINN day held on May 16, 1997. The page includes RAINN info, and sound clips of Tori doing a public service announcement for RAINN.

Welcome To Barbados: A Tori Amos Inspired Site For Rape And Sexual Abuse Survivors "Barbados is a safe place for people to share their stories, find comfort and advice, and interact with other survivors. I just want as many people as possible to reach this site and realize that they are not alone...there are others who have been through it, and though at times things look so bleak, there are people like them who have survived. Tori has been such an amazing tool in my recovery, and I hear that sentiment echoed in many of the emails I get."

The We Love Joel Fan Club Tori's primary bodyguard for the last three tours has been Joel. He has served and protected Tori for over 4 years. In Akron, OH on November 28, 1998 during the Plugged '98 Tour, Toriphiles Marian and Phyllis started the "We Love Joel Fan Club."

What Language?... No, Dutch The web site documents Tori Amos in the Dutch Press. This well structured and extremely useful site has all the articles in Dutch, and some of the article are or will be translated to English. A very welcome addition to the Tori net universe!

When Pianos Try To Be Guitars - Tori Amos Chords This is a Tori Amos Chords web site.

Where Did The Venus Live Tracks Come From? This site is a sub-section of the Raspberry Spark web site. It is part of an effort to determine where all the live songs from "to venus and back" (live. still orbiting) were recorded.

Where The Orchids Grow This web site includes images, creative thoughts, awards, and a cool page with details about the plants/flowers that Tori has mentioned in her songs,

White Horses: A Tribute To Tori Amos This site has a profile of Tori, song interpretations, details on some Tori dreams, a section called Tori Dialectized, sections on faeries and Anastasia, a gallery, web poll and a section on Tori look alikes and other famous red heads. A fun and unique site!

Who Was That Lucky Pig? This site concentrates on explaining the very fictional and delusional adventures of the pig in the Boys for Pele booklet. Here you can find weirdness such as, an interactive "click-on-the-pig" game, Tori look-a-likes, an interviews section, lyrics and interpretations, and more macabre strangeness is to be found.

World Wide Web Segue Service This page offers alternative song sequences for various albums, including Tori's, which are very interesting.

Xeroxed Innards This very useful site contains a gallery containing Screen Captures and Video stills, and rare Tori scans.

Y Kant Tori Read FAQ Everything you could ever want to know about that 1988 album that was released prior to Little Earthquakes.

Yahoo's Tori Listings An excellent list of the many Tori resources on the web.

Yes Anastasia This delightful page has, in addition to some charming animated Gifs, photos of Tori, wav and midi sound files, some quotes, and a page of facts about Tori.

Your Cocaine: An Extensive Tori Amos Discography This is a very well done, extensive and complete Tori Discography. Most items have released dates and cover pictures.

Zeigen's Tori Amos Confessions This page was officially declared obsessive by Billboard Magazine. It contains personal stories about Tori, including some concert reviews from the Under The Pink tour.