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There are several mailing lists pertaining to Tori Amos. Below you will find all the details on how to subscribe to them and how to post to them as well! If any of this information changes or you have problems, let me know.

Really Deep Thoughts Right Now Mailing List
The Really Deep Thoughts Right Now mailing list, run by Toriphile Violet, began its life on May 6,1992, making it the first and oldest Tori mailing list on the Internet. This list began before the era of the World Wide Web, and continues to be a thriving and interesting place for Toriphiles to share with each other. The list is sent out in digest form almost every day. It is a place where Tori's fans can talk about almost anything. (The list was originally called Really Deep Thoughts, but changed its name to Really Deep Thoughts Right Now in 1997.) I strongly recommend you give this list a try!
To Subscribe:
Send an email to rdtrn-request@torithoughts.org , with "Subscribe Thoughts" in the body of the message.
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to rdtrn@torithoughts.org
To Unsubscribe:
To unsubscribe, send an email to rdtrn-request@torithoughts.org , with "Unsubscribe Thoughts" in the body of the message.
For Questions Or Problems:
Send an email to The List Owner Violet: admin@torithoughts.org .
RDTRN Web Site:
Really Deep Thoughts Archives:
The Official RDT Archives is the place where you can find every single post to the RDTRN mailing list from May 6, 1992 until the present day. The posts are not only organized by date, but also by thread and author. (A search engine is planned for the future.) This is an amazing resource, where you can actually find things like reviews from all of Tori's tours, including the early tours in 1992 and 1994, as well as many others thoughts and stories from Toriphiles spanning nearly a decade. |
ToriNews Mailing List
This is a list strictly for news about Tori Amos. This is NOT the place for discussion or commentary. You should use RDT Right Now or Precious-Things for that! The rules say the purpose of ToriNews is "to disseminate information about Tori Amos...concerts, live appearances, TV/radio gigs, press/articles/etc. Or if you're trying to find someone with tickets to a particular show, or someone who taped something, or have Tori-related rarities to sell or trade, use it for that as well." If you want to be able to post from more than one address, you will need to subscribe from each of those addresses. Please contact John Stewart at stewartj@seanet.com if you have difficulties with the list.
This list is or will soon be moderated in order to insure that all the posts are relevant!
To Subscribe:
Send an email to torinews-request@smoe.org with subscribe in the body of the message. Majordomo will send you a confirmation request, please respond to it promptly, and then you're in!
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to torinews@smoe.org
To Unsubscribe:
Send an email to torinews-request@smoe.org with unsubscribe in the body of the message. Majordomo should send you a confirmation request, please respond promptly, and then you're gone.
ToriTour Mailing List
This list is maintained by Violet and contains tour/ticket info, often branching out to include special last minute reminders of TV, Radio, and Internet appearances. There are seperate lists for U.S. & Canada, Europe & U.K., and Other, which includes Australia, Asia, and Central & South America. This list is a VITAL way to keep up with Tori's tours. (I, Mikewhy, also help provide information to the list.) Here is how you subscribe, unsubscribe, and post to each one:
Please follow the directions below EXACTLY when subscribing.
To Subscribe:
For ToriTour U.S. & Canada, the sub address will be ustour-request@torithoughts.org
For ToriTour Euro & U.K., the sub address will be eurotour-request@torithoughts.org
For ToriTour Other, the sub address will be othertour-request@torithoughts.org

For each list, enter the word "subscribe" in both the subject and the body.
To report tour news and info for all regions, write to <report@torithoughts.org>. Information sent to this address goes to all ToriTour moderators, including Mikewhy.
To ask questions about a tour, write to <tourquestions@torithoughts.org> and we will try our best to answer them.
To Unsubscribe:
For ToriTour U.S. & Canada, the unsub address will be ustour-request@torithoughts.org
For ToriTour Euro & U.K., the unsub address will be eurotour-request@torithoughts.org
For ToriTour Other, the unsub address will be othertour-request@torithoughts.org

For each list, enter the word "unsubscribe" in both the subject and the body.

Exit 75 Mailing List
Exit 75 is a tour list for Tori Amos fans. It is the companion list of the three regional ToriTour lists. On Exit 75, you can talk with other Toriphiles about every aspect of Tori's tours. You can ask each other questions, share ticket horror stories, post reviews, arrange to meet up with folks before shows, find people to travel with from city to city, ask for help finding hotels in cities where you're heading, find people to stay with, whatever, etc, etc. Basically anything and everything chatty about the tour that is outside the realm of ToriTour.
The only restriction is that Exit 75 is an on-topic list. Please keep the discusson to topics having to do with the tour and your involvement in it.
Special Note: This list does not replace the ToriTour mailing list detailed above. We still need you to send in news and information to ToriTour so that we can continue to keep track of everything and get reliable (well, as reliable as humanly possible)
reports to everyone.
To Subscribe:
Send a message to exit75-request@torithoughts.org and put "subscribe" in both the message and body.
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to exit75@torithoughts.org .
To Unsubscribe:
Send a message to exit75-request@torithoughts.org and put "unsubscribe" in both the message and body.
Exit 75 Web Page:
Find out more about the mailing list at the Exit 75 Web Page. You can find the mailing list archives at:

Ripple Back To Me: A Tori Inspired Mailing List For Survivors
I received a message from Shannon and Heidi, who maintain the excellent Welcome To Barbados web site. They have started a new mailing list/support group for fellow EWF who are survivors of sexual assault and abuse. It is called Ripple Back To Me. It is geared towards the recovery of survivors who have found inspiration to heal through the music of Tori. This list is associated with the website "Welcome to Barbados" and was formed in order to supply Ears With Feet who are survivors with a source on the internet where they can discuss the delicate issues surrounding healing from sexual assault and abuse. For more information on the structure and guidelines of this list please visit Welcome to Barbados and go to the Ripple Back To Me page.
Tori Tori Tori Mailing List
The purpose of Tori, Tori, Tori! ("T3" for short) is to foster deep discussion of composer/performer Tori Amos, with an emphasis on her lyrics and music. There are no rules other than that the discussion must be thoughtful--you will find no concert bookings, no trades, and no simple meet-and-greet anecdotes plaguing your inbox on this list. :) No; you will only experience in-depth conversation on Ms. Amos.
To Subscribe:
Send a blank message to toritoritori-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to toritoritori@yahoogroups.com
To Unsubscribe:
Send a blank message to toritoritori-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
Tori, Tori, Tori! Archive
Oztori Mailing List
Daniel Gee informs me that there is a mailing list called Oztori for Ears With Feet in Australia and New Zealand. Here is the official description, "Ok. So how many Australian Tori Amos fans are there out there who wouldn't have a clue where to find Tori Amos products, other people who like Tori to talk to or find fellow Australians to trade with. Well this is the list for you. It aims to allow Australian (or even New Zealand) Toriphiles to contact each other, organise meets, trades, concert outings or even just for chats. Sign up for updates on Australian Tori releases, concert dates, meet dates or propose your own meet dates or initiate bootleg trades (profit free of course). For more information, email me [Dan] on the address linked through the homepage."
To Subscribe:
Send an email to majordomo@smoe.org with the content : subscribe oztori
for digest version mail majordomo@smoe.org with: subscribe oztori-digest
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to oztori@smoe.org .
To Unsubscribe:
Simply follow the instructions for subscribing and replace the subscribe with unsubscribe.
oztori Web Page/Archives:
Find out more about the mailing list at the official OzTori web site and you can find the archives for the list here.

drama-free-tori Tori Mailing List
Carrie has created a new mailing list called drama-free-tori. The description for this list states, "DRAMA-FREE mailing list for the purposes of sharing Tori Amos files, personal stories, and setting up trades... Your basic all purpose mailing list.нн
Rules are simple - Attach a file whenever you can. However, if you
don't,... you won't be bludgeoned beings this is a DRAMA-FREE list :) 2.
Cursing is wonderful and WILL be accepted here.... NO TOSing members. 3. Be
considerate to all members. If you want to start a fight go to some other
mailing list. It was deemed that we shall be a peaceful community of EWF.
So it was written so shall it be done."
To Subscribe:
Simply send an empty message to Drama-FREE-Tori-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or use the subscription info available through the web at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Drama-FREE-Tori.
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to Drama-FREE-Tori@yahoogroups.com . You can also post on the web at the EastCoastTori web page.
To Unsubscribe:
Send a message to Drama-FREE-Tori-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com . You can also unsubscribe at the EastCoastTori web page.
EastCoastTori Web Page/Archives: Find out more about the mailing list, read messages posted to the list, and so on at the Drama-Free-Tori Web Page.
EastCoast Tori Mailing List
Carrie E. Batcheller has created a new mailing list called EastCoast Tori. This is a list for East Coast/New England Tori Amos fans. I am a dedicated fan, but have only one friend in the area who appreciates Tori's music, so I would like to network with other fans. I have been collecting and going to Tori shows since 1991. This list could be used to trade music or meet and greet photos, discuss Tori's music, the sky is the limit. We could even meet up and go to Tori's shows (Aug.31st, 1999 is right around the corner!!!). Basically this is just a list where fans can network and have fun.
To Subscribe:
Simply send an empty message to EastCoastTori-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or use the subscription info available through the web at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EastCoastTori.
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to EastCoastTori@yahoogroups.com . You can also post on the web at the EastCoastTori web page.
To Unsubscribe:
Send a message to EastCoastTori-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com . You can also unsubscribe at the EastCoastTori web page.
EastCoastTori Web Page/Archives: Find out more about the mailing list, read messages posted to the list, and so on at the EastCoastTori Web Page.
Feel The Word Mailing List
The 'Feel The Word' Newsletter Mailing List, run by Haullie & Brian of 'All These Years', a Tori Amos Site for the Healing & Recovery of Rape & Abuse Survivors, was started on August 15th 2001 for the Tori On-line community as well as Survivors in the 'All These Years' community. This mailing list / Newsletter provides Toriphile announcements such as web site news and concert updates, Hometown news or articles, Poetry from Survivors and Tori Ears With Feet, Resources, 'All These Years' web site news, Date Discussion Chat Times as well as so much more. Even Toriphiles and Survivors get the chance to submit their news to the Newsletter in order to get in contact and let the comminuty spread the word of what is going on. Together through this Newsletter / Mailing List we can help to educate others, learn from others and help to show that we as Survivors are never alone. We have the opportunity to show everyone just how much Tori Amos has touched our lives through her wonderful and most powerful music.
To Subscribe:
Please Fill out the form below with your E-Mail address. No confirmation is required and you may unsubscribe at any time. Or simply E-Mail 'All These Years' if you prefer at AllTheseYears@msn.com with a note at the subject line saying "Subscribe to Feel The Word", and we will be happy to add you to the list. But we do suggest you fill out the form as it is difficult to manually add names due to the spamming issue on the net which some mailing list servers are cautious about.
To Post To the Mailing List:
To submit your news to the Newsletter please read our submission info here.
To Unsubscribe:
To Unsubscribe please go to this address:
'All These Years' Website:
The web site for this mailing list. This is a Tori Amos Site for the Healing & Recovery of Rape & Abuse Survivors.
ToriCommunity Mailing List
This list is created for people who have been helped, awed or inspired by this amazing persons,Tori Amos,. work or self. Those who feel an energy from and for her and are willing to share it. To have a community-like relationship with those others of the list. We will state how she helped us, how she inspired us. Or we can send emails where there is a clear line of energy being sent for all who are on this list. A very community type feel of giving and getting. This list is for people who are having problems to write in. This list is for people who just need people to talk to. This list is for extending one's self and one's view of the world. It is a give and take list. ANd everyone will work together to get maximum reciprocation of the positivty you give. We also have a quote day! Please enjoy this list and take advantage of it!
To Subscribe:
Simply send an empty message to ToriCommunity-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or use the subscription info available through the web at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ToriCommunity.
To Post To the Mailing List:
Please email your posts to ToriCommunity@yahoogroups.com . You can also post on the web at the ToriCommunity web page.
To Unsubscribe:
Send a message to ToriCommunity-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com . You can also unsubscribe at the ToriCommunity web page.
ToriCommunity Web Page/Archives: Find out more about the mailing list, read messages posted to the list, and so on at the ToriCommunity Web Page.
Precious Things and Precious Illusions
- French mailing list for Tori Amos and Alanis Morissette
This is a French mailing list for both Tori Amos and Alanis Morissette. Once subscribed, you receive news on Thursdays and Sundays about the two singers. You can also write articles that could be published during the week. You can find out all the details at the Precious things and precious illusions web site.