Latest News Items About Scarlet's Walk
Update: More up to date news about Scarlet's Walk and Tori's music in general can be found here.
Latest on Tori's performance on the U.S. music charts!
Tori's album Scarlet's Walk falls from #78 to #90 on the Billboard 200 Album Chart for February 1, 2003. As for the single a sorta fairytale, it continues to gain airplay! Here are the single's current positions on various radio charts. (Many thanks to Robert and Scott Brewster.):
Billboard Adult Top 40 - up to #13 (Feb 1, 2003)
Radio & Records Hot AC - up to #15 (Jan 24, 2003)
Radio & Records Triple A - stays at #2 (Jan 24, 2003)
Thursday, January 16, 2003
An article posted to on January 14, 2003 states that Scarlet's Walk has sold 370,000 copies in the U.S. according to SoundScan
I earlier reported that the album was Gold (which designates sales of 500,000), which was not exactly correct according to the figures stated in this article. However, if you look at Scarlet's Walk on the Billboard 200 Album Chart, you will see that it has a little symbol saying it had reached Gold status. That designation in Billboard must reflect the number of albums shipped rather than the number of albums sold. But it is still a good thing and shows that a true Gold certification by the RIAA can not be too far away! In comparison, we know that Strange Little Girls had sold 343,000 copies in the U.S. as of late February 2002.
Saturday, January 11, 2003
Tori's video for a sorta fairytale rises to #13 on the VH1 Top 20 Countdown!
So the video debuted on the Top 20 Countdown on VH1 in the U.S. at #19, rose to #16 and is #13 this weekend!. Thanks to Marco Nieves and TaliesinsMuse for telling me about this. At the time of this update, the VH1 web site for the Countdown still had her listed at #16, but fans who watched the show this weekend say she definitely rose to #13! (They will likely update the web site to reflect this soon.)
Latest on Tori's performance in the music charts!
Tori's album Scarlet's Walk falls to #92 in its 10th week on the Billboard 200. This is her first album since Boys For Pele to still be in the top 100 after 10 weeks! The single a sorta fairytale is STILL gaining airplay at various radio station, even as they prepare to release Taxi Ride as a radio single. Here are the singles latest positions on various radio charts (Many thanks to Robert and Marco for their invaluable help):
Billboard Adult Top 40 - #16
Radio & Records Hot AC - #16
Radio & Records Triple A - #2

Where are the rest of the b-sides?
As most of you know, you can find the b-side "TomBigBee" at the web site Scarlet's Web. What I am wondering is where are the other b-sides? If you take a close look at what is printed on one of the concert t-shirts they have on sale during the current On Scarlet's Walk tour, you will find a list of new songs with three more b-sides listed. They are:
Indian Summer
These b-sides still have not been posted at Scarlet's Web or on a single release. I sincerely hope we get to hear them soon!
Wednesday, January 8, 2003
Lost In A Place Called America...
Be sure to check out the web site called "Lost In A Place Called America". This amazing site takes a look at "Scarlet's Walk and Its Analysis of America's Treatment of Native Americans and other Repressed Minorities". This was something that Matt Natale did for a Introduction To American Studies class. I am very slowly writing a review of Scarlet's Walk, and this web site has been invaluable in helping me examine this album. In addition to what Matt writes, you will find lyrics for all songs and even the audio from Scarlet Stories. Extremely well done!

I Can't See New York was heard today on ABC TV in the U.S. during the Soap "One Live To Live"
Thanks to the many Toriphiles who took the time to email me about this!
See scans of the Taxi Ride promo CD single!
This appeared on eBay recently. (Thanks to Darrin!) The single only includes Taxi Ride and nothing else. The disc says it is a radio edit at 3:56 in length. Since the album version is 4:00 long, I have to wonder if it is that much different. There is no sign this will be commercial single in the U.S., just a radio single like a sorta fairytale was. I am still not sure if anything will be released overseas commercially for a second single.
Saturday, January 4 , 2003
The latest on how Tori is doing on the radio/single and album charts in the U.S.; Moving up VH1's Top 20 Countdown
I have several interesting developments to report on how Tori is doing on the charts:
- Tori's album Scarlet's Walk has risen on the Billboard 200 Album Chart from #102 to #91 for the week of January 11, 2003. I think this is the first time that a Tori album has risen on the album chart this late after release. It could be caused by all the Christmas albums falling from the chart, but it is still really good news! (Thanks Marco Nieves, Robert and Alissa Tag.)
- a sorta fairytale fell on Billboards Adult Top 40 Chart from #13 to #16 for January 11, 2003.
- a sorta fairytale remains at #1 on the January 3, 2003 Radio & Records Triple A chart!
- a sorta fairytale falls to #18 on the January 3, 2003 Radio & Records Hot AC chart.
- On the VH1 Top 20 Countdown, the video of a sorta fairytale rose from #19 to #16! (Thanks Robert, Timothee and Colleen.)

Saturday, December 28, 2002
a sorta fairytale reaches #1 on the Triple A radio chart according to Mediabase!
Many thanks to Robert for being the first to tell me this good news! This comes from Mediabase, which is the source for the regular Radio & Records charts. (R&R is not publishing this week because of the holidays.) It is for the week of December 27, 2002. Click here to see Tori at #1!
Here is a summary of how a sorta fairytale is doing on all the current radio charts according to Mediabase and Billboard:
Mediabase Triple A: #1
Mediabase Hot AC: #16
Billboard Adult Top 40: #13
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Scarlet's Walk approaching Gold status! a sorta fairytale continues to do well on Adult/Triple A radio
Robert tells me that in the December 21, 2002 issue of Billboard Magazine, the album Scarlet's Walk, which dropped from #100 to #101 on the Billboard 200 album chart, was given a black filled-in circle, which indicates a Gold album (500,000 units SHIPPED). A true Gold certification (500,000 units SOLD) can not be too far off!
In other news, a sorta fairytale continues to do well on Adult and Triple A radio charts. Click to see its various chart positions. Here is a summary:
R&R Triple A: #3
R&R Hot AC: #17
Billboard Adult Top 40: #14
More Chart news about Scarlet's Walk and the a sorta fairytale single
Check out the latest from the U.S. charts. a sorta fairytale is still rising on the Billboard Adult Top 40, R&R Hot AC, and R&R Triple A charts, and the album Scarlet's Walk is falling, but more slowly than usual!
Saturday, November 23, 2002
Scarlet's Web continues to be updated
Scarlet's Web, the section of that you can only access using the Scarlet's Walk CD as a key, continues to be updated on a regular schedule during Tori's tour. They are adding tour journals and photos to the tour map part of Scarlet's Web. Keep checking back for more content as the tour progesses. The update is being done by a woman named Ali. While at, check out some of the latest contests they link to, such as one from, who is giving away a signed Scarlet's Walk CD and a Sony CD Walkman/Compact Disc MP3 Player. There is another one from, who is offering autographed goodies direct from the On Scarlet's Walk Tour.
Friday, November 22, 2002
Read a review of Scarlet's Walk at The War Against Silence (TWAS) web site
Once again Glenn McDonald has posted a long and thoughtful Tori review. Glenn's reviews are an extension of his life, and he covers a lot of ground. His prose is always fascinating to read, and I recommend you check out his site if you are not already aware of it.

Added 6 more charms from Scarlet's Walk Limited Edition

Added a few more Toriphiles reviews of Scarlet's Walk to The Dent

Still more chart news for a sorta fairytale and Scarlet's Walk
a sorta fairytale has cracked the top 10 on the Radio & Records Triple AAA chart in the U.S.! Her album, Scarlet's Walk, falls to #50 in its third week on The Billboard 200 in the U.S., which is actually pretty good.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Read an update on how well Scarlet's Walk and a sorta fairytale are doing on charts around the world
a sorta fairytale is doing extremely well on Adult and Triple A radio in the U.S.!

Read the latest batch of Scarlet's Walk reviews from Toriphiles
Tuesday, November 5, 2002
Added 7 more charms from Scarlet's Walk Limited Edition

Read the latest batch of Scarlet's Walk reviews from Toriphiles

More Chart news for Scarlet's Walk and a sorta fairytale
The album Scarlet's Walk debuted at #20 in Australia and #26 in the U.K. Click for details on this, and some other chart listings from around the world.

Check out the Scarlet's Walk Medicine Cards
These were created by Toriphile Kathy. The web site is based on the Native American Medicine Wheel and has two decks; the Animals and the Wise Ones. Each card's meaning is explained. There are instructions on how to use the cards too. "It wasn't so much my intention to make Tori look all perty, rather to incorporate the "sense" of the music with the Medicine Wheel tradition." Check it out, because it is very creative and interesting!
Added 7 more charms from Scarlet's Walk Limited Edition

Read the latest batch of Scarlet's Walk reviews from Toriphiles
Saturday, November 2, 2002
Slightly updated some of my Scarlet's Walk related pages
- Updated the Scarlet Stories page with some reports of people finding an Australian version of Scarlet's Walk which includes 2 discs -- the album and the Scarlet's Stories bonus commentary CD. I already reported on HMV in Canada making such a 2-CD set available. Was this done in Australia by HMV as well? Can other Australian Toriphiles comment on this?
- Taxi Ride should be the next single from the album! Most copies of the new album state that the album contains a sorta fairytale, Taxi Ride, and Crazy. Therefore those are the 3 likely singles from the album. (I personally feel that strange would be an excellent single as well!)
- Added more troubleshooting advice about Scarlet's Web on the Album Details/Scarlet's Web Page.
- Added details to my Album Details Page about a special French limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk containing a booklet of the lyrics translated into French. Some stores in France have been getting this limited edition mixed up with the one containing the DVD, which to my knowledge does not contain a version with the French lyrics booklet.
- Added details about musician Robbie McIntosh, who plays on Scarlet's Walk, on the Album Details Page. He has had quite a distinguished career!
- Slightly modified my a sorta fairytale page with a new place to order the 7-inch a sorta fairytale single in the U.S. and details about how some of the 2-track asf European singles that were not officially released are leaking out to places like Ebay.

Latest Chart news for the a sorta fairytale single
Part of a new page I created to track all the chart news for the new album and its singles! The singles continues to do well on Billboard Adult Top 40 and Radio & Records Hot AC and Triple A charts.
Plus I got this interesting tidbit about Epic's promotion of Tori from DrivAnothrNailIn:
Next, many sources have informed me that this is the week when the REAL HEAVY promotion for SW will begin. They are going for more adds and increased plays at Hot AC and will begin sending the single to AC and CHR/Pop outlets. Print ads will be distributed in greater volume, etc. For example, for this week, FM 101.1 the River here in St. Louis is increasing ASF's rotation from 23 plays last week up to 47 this week; almost EVERY time they play it, they do a spiel about the album. THAT'S promotion, Epic.

Added the Scarlet's Walk "bio" back on the Dent
Lots of good details about the album that might enrich your enjoyment of the new album. This was supposedly a press release in the U.K. as well.
Added more Scarlet's Walk album reviews from Toriphiles

Added 16 more charms from Scarlet's Walk Limited Edition
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Read the first batch of Scarlet's Walk album reviews from Toriphiles
Please feel free to email me your review as well. I am looking for somewhat lengthy reviews, at least a few paragraphs in length. I may not be able to place everything I receive on the Dent, but I will try to get a good sample of what I receive up.

Hint for those trying to find the b-side "TomBigBee" on Scarlet's Web
Check out Mississippi!

Check out the Dent's Charm page where I am gathering scans and info about all the charms included in the Limited Edition of Scarlet's Walk
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
The Canadian version of Scarlets Walk as sold at HMV has the Scarlet Stories disc as well as the album packaged together as a double CD. Turns out their web site was correct when they said they has an "exclusive." Click for details.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Scarlet's Web has begun and is nice, for the few who can access it... Shockingly, it turns out that the proprietary ConnecteD technology they are using to give people access to Scarlet's Web does not support the most recent Windows or Mac Operating Systems! (Windows XP and Mac OS X). The Scarlet's Web FAQ says, "Currently, the ConnecteD site will only work with Windows 95, Windows 98 and Mac operating systems 8.6 to 9.2. ConnecteD does not currently support any other operating system, versions of Windows or Mac OS X." So many people are sadly locked out of Scarlet's Web tonight. If anyone figures out a way for people with those Operating Systems to get in, please email me. I am fortunate in that I can still boot into Mac OS 9 and access the site. (If you are a Mac user that is what you need to do.) Scarlet's Web is really nice if you can get there. At the moment there is one new song called "TomBigBee" that can be downloaded. I am still shocked they allowed such limited technology to be used!

Cool article about the woman who designed all the charms for the limited edition available in the Green Bay Press-Gazette
The woman's name is Debbie Ellison and you can also check out her regular web site here. Thank you Janet for telling me about this.

Scarlet's Walk is released today, October 29th, in North America!
There were many stores that opened at Midnight to sell the album. I myself attended one in Louisville, KY. I now have both the regular version of the album as well as the limited edition (I got the Seal charm!), and due to a very kind person I also have a copy of the bonus disc Scarlet Stories. I am just getting started listening to the album and enjoying the contents of the limited edition. I am actually quite taken with the different components of the limited edition, more than I thought I would be. And the concept and ideas behind Scarlet's Walk are very complex and intricate. This is definitely Tori's most creative and challenging work since Boys For Pele. I will have more to say about all this after I have time to absorb it all. What I can say is that I am glad I waited until today to listen to the album. (I did hear the 6-song sampler but that is it.) It made album release day very exciting!

I am looking for your reviews of Scarlet's Walk
I would like to post on the Dent a good number of Toriphile reviews of the new album. I am looking for somewhat lengthy reviews, at least a few paragraphs in length. I may not be able to place everything I receive on the Dent, but I will try to get a good sample of what I receive up. I am interested in how you feel about the new album this soon after it is released. Please email me at with your reviews. I will start placing selected ones on the Dent Wednesday or sooner.

Scarlet's Web begins today, Tuesday October 29th, at 3:00PM ET
You will use your Scarlet's Walk disc from the regular or limited edition as a key to access additional photos, b-sides, lyrics, a track-by-track commentary from Tori, behind-the-scenes video, mini movies, stories, contests to win front-row concert tickets, souvenirs, and exclusive live tracks from Tori's tour once it begins.

The Musicians on Scarlet's Walk
I have added to my page of details about Scarlet's Walk a list of the musicians credited on the album. Two of the musicians that I was told would be on the album, Justin Meldal-Johnsen and Jah Wobble were not. This could be because my information was wrong, or more than likely they recorded with Tori but their contribution or song was not included on the finished album. Click to see what musicians are on this album.

Epic does plan to release a DVD single of Scarlet's Walk
This comes from a reliable source. Details are not known, but this DVD will be different from the DVD that comes with the limited edition of Scarlet's Walk and will feature the actual Scarlet's Walk video. (Tori's head on a leg.)
Hear 9 tracks from Scarlet's Walk at, read their new interview with Tori and enter their contest has a lot of new Tori content today! You can hear 9 songs from Scarlet's Walk, read a new interview they posted with Tori and enter a contest to win the shoes featured in Tori's latest video "A Sorta Fairytale" as well as an autographed copy of Scarlet's Walk.

More details and scans of the Scarlet's Walk album
Read the credits and thanks from the Scarlet's Walk liner notes and see scans of the album and album booklet! Scarlet's Walk is released in the U.K., Europe, and Australia today, as well as in France. I earlier said it would be out in France on October 25, but that did not happen. This is Tori's first album for Epic, and I am sure this is a big week for her and for her fans!

Good place for U.K. Toriphiles to order the U.S. version of Scarlet's Walk Limited Edition
Since it was revealed that the U.K. version of the limited edition of Scarlet's Walk is missing several items, many U.K. fans now desire to purchase the limited edition from elsewhere in order to get things the charm, stickers, and extra polaroids. Richard tells me that one excellent sources online for U.K. fans to purchase it is They have got the US version with all the extras for £13.99 (no delivery charge for UK). However, please note that this is the true US version with a Region 1 DVD (not region 2 which is being released in the UK), and many people in the U.K. with region 2 decoders may NOT be able to play the DVD.

Updated my Scarlet's Walk Limited Edition Page
I added some scans from a few more charms, and fine-tuned some of the details...

There are many Midnight sales being held tonight in North America for those who want to purchase Scarlet's Walk ASAP!
I can not possibly list them all on the Dent, but do call your favorite record stores and ask if they will be open at Midnight to sell the new album.
Scarlet Stories Bonus CD - Also, don't forget about the "Get Tori as a Gift -- Get a Gift From Tori" promotion where you will get a copy of Scarlet Stories if you buy two copies of the new album. Click here to find out which retailers are taking part in that promotion.
Details and scans of the limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk
It is a rather fascinating package. If you don't mind spoiling the surprise of seeing it all for yourself when you purchase this package, then click to find out all the details of the limited edition, see many scans, find out about some of the charms included, and find out why the U.K. version of the limited edition is less than the rest of the world.
Read a transcript of Tori's MSN chat tonight!
Tori seemed to talk about more complex topics than she has in chats during years past! She only talked for 40 minutes, but it was interesting. (By the way, I was there as MikewhyDent67 on my girlfriend's PC. I noticed that there were other Mikewhy's signed on, and they were NOT me!)

Correction about the limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk
In my earlier update, I stated that Scarlet Stories is a shorter, edited version of the commentary that comes on the DVD packaged with Limited Edition version of Scarlet's Walk. This is NOT correct. The limited edition DVD contains longer commentaries from Tori on Scarlet's Walk and Gold Dust, but that is it. So if you a completist collector, you will need to get Scarlet Stories.

Don't forget about the 24-hour listening party at!
Things are really kicking into high gear as we approach the release date of Tori's new album, Scarlet's Walk! The 24-hour listening party begins today, Friday, October 25th, at 1PM (ET) / 10AM (PT) and lasts for 24-hours. During that time you will be able to listen to sound clips from all the songs. Tori Amos herself will take part in an MSN Online chat at 7PM (ET) / 4PM (PT) where fans around the globe can talk with Tori directly, preview the songs exclusively in QuickTime & purchase the album. Check out this Virtual In Store Page for full details.
As mentioned before, Mac users can not take part in MSN chats unless they use software like Virtual PC. However, Tori has heard the pleas of Mac users, and in the latest email newsletter, they say:
Tori has heard you, and will be doing another chat that will definitely be MAC accessible. We apologize this is not the case this time, and hope you'll join a PC-using friend for this chat.

New article posted at covers Scarlet's Web, the limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk, and the chat and 24-hour listening party
It includes some interesting Tori quotes as well.
More details on "Scarlet's Stories - Commentary from Tori Amos" and the "Get Tori as a Gift -- Get a Gift From Tori" promotion
You can access a list of independent retail stores participating in the "Get Tori as a Gift -- Get a Gift From Tori" Scarlet's Stories promotion by surfing to (Independent Retail Directory). Ignore the Store Locator and instead go this special page they added about the Tori promotion. There you can search by U.S. state for the store closest to you that is taking part in the promotion. Will there be other stores not listed here taking part? I really do not know... (Thanks Carolyn, Alisha Parker and Dennis.)
By the way, I have heard that Scarlet Stories is a shorter, edited version of the commentary that comes on the DVD packaged with Limited Edition version of Scarlet's Walk.

The a sorta fairytale Maxi-single was released in Canada on October 22
If you still need details or scans of this single, please go to the Dent's a sorta fairytale page.

a sorta fairytale will be premiering tonight in Australia on the Music Video TV program called RAGE
Thanks to Matt P. for this news item. It should be shown sometime before 1:00AM.

Scarlet's Walk will be released today, October 25, in some countries
So far I have heard France, Finland and Italy. Also, don't be surprised to find it in a few stores elsewhere before the official release date. Some stores jump the gun and sell it early. CDNOW just emailed me and said my copy of the Limited Edition version shipped today!
Thursday, October 24, 2002
More details about Scarlet's web from
The official Tori site tells us:
Scarlet's Walk is your key to "Scarlets Web," an entire online bonus world right here only accessible when the disc is in your CD-ROM drive. ConnecteD technology recognizes the CD and will then let you unlock this exclusive content. Once inside "Scarlet's Web," you'll find three maps to navigate through a vast, bonus world of photos, songs not found on Scarlet's Walk, lyrics, a track-by-track commentary from Tori, behind-the-scenes video, mini movies, stories, contests to win front-row concert tickets, and souvenirs to collect along the way. A special highlight of "Scarlets Web" will be exclusive live tracks recorded along Toris On Scarlets Walk tour that embarks on November 7. These live songs from the road will be premiered exclusively for fans in "Scarlets Web."

Scarlet's Walk will come out in Australia on Monday, October 28
I earlier reported that it would be released on Friday, October 25. That turns out to be the release date listed at some Australian online vendor sites, but the real release date for most people in Australia will be the same as it is for Europe and the U.K., on Monday, October 28, 2002. Thanks to the many Australian Toriphiles who told me about this.

Check out scans of some of the interesting promotional items Epic has produced for Scarlet's Walk
Many thanks to Jeff for these scans.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Read an interesting review of Scarlet's Walk from Relevant Magazine
This is a progressive christian magazine that really seems to enjoy the album. Thanks to Jessica Felder for referring me to this.

Review of Scarlet's Walk from The Times in the U.K.

Read a review of Scarlet's Walk at
Thanks Sandi.

Billboard Magazine reviews the single a sorta fairytale

Short review of Scarlet's Walk from the November 2002 issue of Glamour Magazine
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
"Scarlet Stories" - A bonus CD featuring track by track commentary from Tori about Scarlet's Walk
I now have scans and some descriptive comments about this bonus CD, which some vendors are going to give away along with the album. Click to find out more about it.

New Tori article from New York Daily News Lots of interesting quotes here, including how Tori felt when songs from the Scarlet's Walk sampler started leaking on the Net.

Win a Chance to Meet Tori Amos! Sony Music is announcing a special contest for college students.
Celebrate Tori Amos on your college campus and win cool prizes. Click for more details!

a sorta fairytale debuts at #41 on the UK Singles chart
Not a stellar debut, but the promotion in the U.K. does not seem as heavy as in North America...

Read October 19, 2002 Billboard article on Tori
This is the slightly longer version of the article that posted when they recently made Tori their Artist of The Day.
Saturday, October 19, 2002
Latest details on the limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk
Even is promoting this item now. They state that it is packed with goodies like an exclusive DVD, map, polaroids, stickers and a charm. It should be available all over the world on the same day as the regular album. Read more details about this exciting limited version here.

Download your own Tori Amos posters
These come from!

Enter the Scarlet's Walk contest at the Women Who Rock web site!
The wonderful Magazine Women Who Rock is giving away a Sony CD Walkman, an autographed copy of Tori's new CD, and an autographed photo! Go to their web site to enter the contest.
And just in case you have not seen Women Who Rock's Fall 2002 issue, Tori graces the cover and there is a great interview inside. Click to read part of the interview and see the cover!
Lyrics to all the songs on Scarlet's Walk have been posted to the Toriphoria web site! and have a new article about Record labels sending review CDs to people in glued walkmans
This article (which is the same at both sites) mention Tori and feature a nice photo of her! Go to or to read the article. What they fail to mention is that the entire idea originated from Tori's tech guys and not the Record labels. We found that out from a German interview that I placed in part on the Dent weeks ago. Thanks Jason Edds, Toriphiles Julie and Elyssa, Stephanie Bean, David Michael Conner, Amanda, and Sean Robinson.

Taxi Ride is the song featured this week at the listening party
Thursday, October 17, 2002
a sorta fairytale debuts on the U.S. Charts!
DrivAnothrNailIn tells me that Tori's single a sorta fairytale has debuted on several U.S. charts. She entered the Billboard Adult Top 40 chart at #37 for the week of October 19, 2002. You can also watch how the song does on the Radio and Records Hot AC Chart. It debuted at #35 for the week ending October 11 and moved up to #32 for the week ending October 18, 2002.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Details about Tori's a sorta fairytale video; Don't forget to vote for Tori's video on MTV's Viewer's Pick web page!
You can watch a video clip of Tori's video at or While at, please vote for Tori's video on their Viewer's Pick page. (Thanks Clint Everett, Jason and George / Liquid Datura.)
You can also help Tori's video appear on VH1's Top 20 Countdown by going to this section of and emailing the network AND most importantly by posting for Tori's video on the message board for the show.
Tori also has a page on, which includes a contest you can enter, and a link where you can listen to a sorta fairytale. They do not have a video link. (Thanks Holly.)
The video has been shown many times on VH1 in the U.S., and MuchMusic USA is playing it as well. MTV2 will debut the video on Thursday, October 17 every hour on the hour. If you would like to see video screenshots of the video, or download it to your computer, go to You can also find the video at

Positive review of Scarlet's Walk in the November 2002 issue of Request Magazine
Click to read it. Oddly enough they also have more on their web site, and there the reviewer does not seem so glowing in her accessment of the album. Click for details.
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
 Read the Blender magazine article called "33 Things You Should Know About Tori Amos" that appears in the November 2002 issue! I also have scans of the photos. It is interesting reading! I have also added a review of Scarlet's Walk from the same issue. The reviewer gave the album 5 stars out of 5! This issue is due to hit newstands around October 22.
Tori is artist of the day and posts part of an article on Scarlet's Walk
The full article was printed in the October 19, 2002 issue of Billboard Magazine.
Make a sorta fairytale the Viewer's Pick Video at starting Monday, October 14! says that starting Monday, October 14, 2002, you will be able to vote for the new "a sorta fairytale" video at on their Viewer's Pick Video page. So keep an eye on that web page and when you see Tori's video, vote for it!
This is also the day that a sorta fairytale is supposed to debut on VH1 in the U.S. So look for it! (I don't know when!)
See a short clip of the amazing a sorta fairytale video!
This was just released by You can a stream of the clip from one of these links:
Windows Media Player 56K
Windows Media Player 100K
Windows Media Player 300K
Quicktime Streaming
You can also see some stills from this video at and Enjoy!
You can now hear small sound clips of ALL the songs from Scarlet's Walk at the Sony UK web site!
You will need the Windows Media Player to listen. Thanks to 'celerity' for the info.
Transcript of Tori's October 9th interview on the Tom Robinson show on BBC 6 radio in the U.K.
A very amazing interview and one of my favorites so far this year! Lots of talk about the new album.
The video for a sorta fairytale will be debuting soon on VH1 and MTV2!
I earlier reported that MTV2 in the U.S. would debut the a sorta fairytale video on Thursday, October 17. This has been confirmed by a news item just added to I have also heard that MTV2 will play the video every hour on the hour that day. also revealed that VH1 in the U.S. would debut the video on Monday, October 14. I have no idea what time... The video was directed by Sanji and features Adrien Brody.
A review of the entire Scarlet's Walk album from Martin
Parts of this review will appear in the November 2002 issue of German magazine IQstyle.
Wednesday, October 9, 2002
Rolling Stone reviews Scarlet's Walk; Gives it 3 stars out of 5
Thanks to Alisha Parker. Q Magazine also recently gave Scarlet's Walk a rating of 3 out of 5. (I will add that one to the Dent soon...)
Everything we currently know about the limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk
We have various descriptions of the contents of this limited edition, and the bonus DVD that will be packaged with the album. It looks like it will be released not only in North America, but also the U.K. Europe, and Australia.
Everything we currently know about the a sorta fairytale single
The single will be released on October 14, 2002 in the U.K. and Europe. In the U.K. at least, there will only be a Maxi-single. Plans to release the commercial single in Australia have been cancelled, but we are now seeing evidence that the single could be released commercially in Canada On October 22, 2002!
Scarlet's Walk looks like it will be released on Friday, October 25 in France
For instance you can see that October 25 release date at in France. The release date in the U.K. and many other places in Europe remains October 28 and the North American release date is still October 29, 2002.
MTV2 in the U.S. will premiere the a sorta fairytale video on Thursday, October 17!
This comes from someone at Epic Records. What is really cool is that supposedly, the video will play every hour on the hour! We will have more details as they become available.
Sound clips from the A Sorta Fairytale maxi-single available at the UK Sony web site
You can now hear portions of the 101 mix of A Sorta Fairytale and Operation Peter Pan at the Sony UK web site. These 30 second clips are from the A Sorta Fairytale maxi-single available October 14 in the UK. (Thanks to woj)
Track listing for the DVD portion of the limited edition of Scarlet's Walk is available at the Australian web site at
Most likely this will also be the DVD track listing for the limited edition of Scarlet's Walk in the US and Europe as well (Thanks to woj and Mike Gray)
1. Gold Dust (Video Version)
2. A Sorta Fairytale (Video Version)
3. Polaroids
4. Taxi Ride (Audio Bed)
5. Play All
6. Chapters
7. Audio Options
8. Tori Audio Commentary (On)
9. Tori Audio Commentary (Off)
Read a new online interview with Tori at
Details and a photo of the limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk available at the Canadian web site!
They provide the cover to the limited edition, which is somewhat different from the normal cover (leaves around the photo of Tori!) and they tell us the following about the contents of the limited edition:
This special edition of 'Scarlet's Walk' comes in extensive limited edition packaging, including a keepsake box, map, charm and bonus dvd (details TBA).
You can also order this limited edition version of Scarlet's Walk at and in the U.S. If you order from Amazon or CDNOW using any of the links of the Dent, you will help support!
Thursday, October 3, 2002
Tori will be playing an accoustic set in Studio 1 of radio station NDR in Hamburg, Germany on October 9, 2002
Tori is including Germany on her current European promotional tour for Scarlet's Walk. She will be in Hamburg Germany on Wednesday, October 9, 2002 to play a small accoustic set in Studio 1 of radio station NDR around 8:00PM. Thanks to len aka redketchup and Upside Down Girl for the news. I am not sure when this might be broadcast on radio station NDR. If anyone has additional details, please email me!

Wednesday, October 2, 2002
 Tori is in Europe promoting Scarlet's Walk
We are getting reports of various radio station appearances and mini-concerts that Tori is doing for promotion this week and well into the month in Europe. I need the help of all European Toriphiles out here to make sure I can cover this as completely as possible. If you have detailed info about Tori making some kind of appearance in your city or performing or being interviewed on the radio in any way, please email the Dent with details. Thank you!

Tori will be performing live for Italian radio RADIOUNO
Tori will perform some of her new songs live in Italy for RADIOUNO sometime on October 16, 2002. RADIOUNO will broadcast this show at 9:00PM on October 17, 2002. Thanks to Silvia (aka China). I am not aware of further details. You can see an Italian web page about it here.

Details about Tori's small showcase performance in Vienna for Radio station FM4
Tori performed 6 songs from Scarlet's Walk!

See scans of the a sorta fairytale single, the disc and the back of the single
Amazon Germany already revealed the cover to the single. An anonymous source has sent the Dent scans of the back of this single and the disc itself!

Small Tori interview and positive review of Scarlet's Walk in The November 2002 AP (Alternative Press) Magazine
I don't have the article yet, but the review reportedly gave the new album an 8 of of 10 rating! If anyone has this review, please email me.

Read part of the article from the October 2002 issue of Ice Magazine online at the Ice web site!
Thanks to Mike Traynor for telling me about this. I have more details about the article in my Article Archives.
Monday, September 30, 2002
 Interesting Tori article in the November 2002 issue of Spin Magazine, which also includes a positive review of Scarlet's Walk!
In the article, Tori reveals 9 records or books that have inspired her. (They also include a very nice full page photo of Tori that you see to the right.) The review of Scarlet's Walk is quite positive and received a 9. Click to read the article and see the photo larger.
Saturday, September 28, 2002
There will be a vinyl version of the Scarlet's Walk album
Mike Gray confirms that the album will be released in vinyl form in the U.K. I think it will also be released that way in the U.S., but I have no confirmation of that yet.

Epic Records letting people hear a sorta fairytale at their web site and register to win a free copy of Scarlet's Walk
Thanks Gilma.
Friday, September 27, 2002
| is previewing a different track from Scarlet's Walk on each Thursday leading up to the release of the album. You can now hear Amber Waves!
Thursday, September 26, 2002
Read part of the Tori article from the Fall 2002 issue of Women Who Rock magazine
Tori is featured in this issue, and is on the cover. (The Dent debuted the cover weeks ago!) This is a really wonderful interview! The issue is available now on newsstands (It came out earlier than the October 8th date I reported earlier.) The Dent strongly encourages you to support this excellent publication by purchasing this issue. They have done a wonderful job giving Tori the feature spot in this issue, and we should thank them by supporting and buying the magazine.
Also, if you check out the Women Who Rock web site, you will see that they have added some Tori content. They are also having a contest where the Grand Prize winner will receive a Sony Walkman, an autographed copy of Scarlet's Walk, and an autographed photo. 10 runners-up will receive a copy of the album and a Women Who Rock T-shirt.
Very negative article in the September 24 New York Press
Monday, September 23, 2002
Substantial article about Scarlet's Walk at
The article/interview features many quotes from Tori and a really nice photo. The same article is also at Thanks to the many people who emailed me about this one.
Saturday, September 21, 2002
Exciting pieces of news from an interview with a German publication
A trusted source was able to obtain some fascinating news tidbits from a recent interview Tori did with a German publication. Click for more details, but here is a summary of what was discovered:
- Tori's tech guys came up with the idea of creating the glued shut walkmans to prevent the new album from leaking on the Net earlier. It was not Sony's idea (which several recent articles seem to suggest), but Tori's really. She realizes that copy-protection on CDs is ludicrous and developed this as a better way to protect the material from premature release.
- Tori reiterated that she does not want the songs from Scarlet's Walk released too early on the net.
- Tori verifies that she will tour again in the States starting in January 2003 and then begin her European tour around March 2003. There are plans to do "something" in Australia at some point in 2003, but no details were given. (Not sure if that means a tour or just a promotional visit of some kind!)
- Tori verified that there will be a "Greatest Hits" album released later. She seemed to hint that it would be at least possible for remixes of some sort to appear on that album, but was not clear on that.

Lots of information about Scarlet's Walk included in the October 2002 issue of ICE Magazine
Thursday, September 19, 2002
| article about Tori's tour and Scarlet's Walk
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
A Tori "Biography" at the Sony Music UK web site gives many wonderful details about Scarlet's Walk
This should look familiar to most Dent readers. ;) Thanks to Ami for emailing me about this.

September 16, 2002 article in the New York Times covers Epic's efforts to prevent prerelease music from being traded online
Friday, September 13, 2002
Beautiful new photos of Tori on two different Polish web sites!
These are quite breathtaking! I have no idea where some of these photos come from or how these webmasters got them, but you WILL want to see them. They are obviously from the Scarlet's Walk era. Here are the links where you can see the pictures:

Thursday, September 12, 2002
| posts the cover to Scarlet's Walk!

 October 2002 issue of Alternative Press Magazine includes info about Scarlet's Walk and a photo of Tori
Friday, September 6, 2002
Tori photo and small snippet in the October 2002 issue of Blender Magazine
Wednesday, September 4, 2002
A VERY interesting read about the significance of Wampum prayers
As you know, one of the songs on Scarlet's Walk is wampum prayer. I received from Owen Myers a fascinating passage about wampum prayers from a book published in 1974 entitled American Indian Prose and Poetry - We Wait In The Darkness. Read this if you have the chance!
Tuesday, September 3, 2002
Tori recently filmed some of her a sorta fairytale video in Los Angeles with actor Adrien Brody
I have no further details, but this was an interesting piece of info sent to me by Dor that I wanted to share with you! and giving you a chance to win a Sony Walkman CD player, an autographed photo of Tori and a copy of Scarlet's Walk
Monday, September 2, 2002
Tori part of the Fall Music Guide in the September 19, 2002 Issue of Rolling Stone Magazine

Tori content in the September 17, 2002 issue of The Advocate magazine and are giving you a chance to win a copy of Scarlet's Walk and an autographed photo of Tori

The Scarlet's Walk "bio" has been removed at the request of Tori's management
I apologize for the inconvenience.

 Sony has registered www.
If you do a "whois" at Networksolutions you will see that Sony has registered At the moment this URL is not pointing to anything. I wonder if they will use this URL for Scarlet's Web? Special thanks to A. Welles for this vital info!
Thursday, August 29, 2002
| reveals track listing for Scarlet's Walk!
The album will have 18 tracks. Thanks to Penny King, Alisha Parker, and Bruce Gillespie for being the first to email me about it.
1. Amber Waves
2. a sorta fairytale
3. Wednesday
4. strange
5. Carbon
6. Crazy
7. wampum prayer
8. don't make me come to Vegas
9. Sweet Sangria
10. your cloud
11. pancake
12. I can't see New York
13. mrs. jesus
14. Taxi Ride
15. another girl's paradise
16. Scarlet's Walk
17. Virginia
18. gold dust
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Small tidbit about Scarlet's Walk
- When talking about the concept of the new album, Tori mentions that Scarlet travels, at least in part, which a porn star friend named Amber Waves. Besides being a track on the new album, Amber Waves was the name Julianne Moore's character in Boogie Nights, a film about the porn industry. (Thanks to the dozens of Toriphiles who brought that to my attention!)

See scans of the a sorta fairytale single being sent to various radio stations in the U.S.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
 Beautiful new promotional photos of Tori from Epic Records!
These 5 photos have been sent to various magazines, and one can even be seen in one of the photos that radio station Alice 97.3 posted to their web site. You can see one small one to the right, which is also my new feature photo. Click to see all 5 promo photos much larger!

Tori featured on VH1 news clip
VH1 in the U.S. has featured several times a newsflash that talks about Scarlet's Walk and includes a video clip of Tori. You can see a photo from it to the right. Click here to see that photo larger and another one, and read what Tori said. Thanks to David Salazar for the photos!

Complete details and photos from Tori's appearance this afternoon on radio station Alice 97.3 in the San Francisco Bay area

Read a transcript of Tori's interview on radio station Star 98.7 in Los Angeles on Monday, August 19, 2002
Details and a full transcript of Tori's Interview on the Kevin and Bean show on KROQ Radio in Los Angeles, CA on August 19, 2002
Saturday, August 17, 2002
Dent Exclusive: Tori comments on songs from Scarlet's Walk being released to the public too early and on her participation in online message boards

More details about Tori's appearance on MTV News on MTV2
Read a description of what Tori said. If anyone managed to tape this and can provide the Dent with screenshots, I would be eternally greatful!

 a sorta fairytale premieres all weekend on AOL Music First Listen
Read the press release about Tori's song a sorta fairytale premiering on AOL Music First Listen. You will need the Real Player to listen to the song which is streaming until Sunday. Go to AOL key word First Listen or access it on the web at They are showing a very nice new photo of Tori that you can see posted to the right!
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
You can now join the Tori Amos Online Street Team, at
Interesting tidbits from people who have heard and seen the Scarlet's Walk Selections 6-song Promo Sampler
I have gotten several emails from fans who have heard the songs on the 6-song promo sampler named Scarlet's Walk (Selections) that has started to appear at various publications and perhaps radio stations. You can read more on my page about the promo sampler that details what we know about it. There are a few interesting observations that I wanted to highlight below:
- The song taxi ride appears to be the song Just Another Dead Fag that Tori first mentioned in the Summer 1999 issue of a gay & lesbian publication called "Stero Type". While this is not 100% confirmed, those words are prevalent in the song taxi ride. Perhaps she changed the title?
- It is interesting to note the differences between the radio edit of A Sorta Fairytale and the album version, which is on the sampler. (See the lyrics here.) The radio edit, in addition to being shorter by leaving out a entire verse (one that many think is the most interesting and controversial of the entire song!), has also been edited in other unexpected ways that make it more than just the full version with a verse missing. The radio edit fades at the end while the album version does not. Also, parts of the song have been rearranged and placed in different places in order to give the radio edit an entirely different feel...
- The cover of the promo sampler CD is very interesting. As first reported by, the cover features a map of the Eastern U.S. that shows early Native American areas painted on a woman's back. The woman appears to be Tori, but that is not certain. Scott Feldman found a map online at the web site for the University Of Texas Library that appears to be identical. Will this be part of the full album's artwork?
Radio stations KROQ and Star 98.7 in Los Angeles, CA debuted A Sorta Fairytale on Wednesday!
KROQ played it twice, once around 11:00AM PT and the second time around 6:00PM PT. (I only know of one time that Star 98.7 played it.) These stations played the Radio Edit of A Sorta Fairytale. They likely played the song sooner than they were supposed to, so I would not expect to hear it too many more times in the near future. This is the first time that a radio station anywhere has played anything from Scarlet's Walk!
Read the Official Press Release about Scarlet's Walk from Epic Records
It appears the album release date has been delayed until October 29, 2002, according to the official Epic Press Release about Scarlet's Walk. (Which is also the first major press release to announce Tori's signing with Epic Records.) The first single, A Sorta Fairytale, will now be serviced for radio in mid-September. A story based on this press release has also been posted to
More comments from Neil Gaiman about Scarlet's Walk
Neil Gaiman, in a posting to his online journal, confirms the song title Gold Dust and also mentions when the songs on Scarlet's Walk were written. Tori mentioned during her Ann Powers interview last January that she had been working on her new material for years. However, the news articles we have seen so far on Scarlet's Walk state that the material was all written post-September 11. The truth is actually in the middle. Neil says a few of the songs go back a ways, while most of the songs were written post-September 11.
 5 more song titles from a CD Sampler for Scarlet's Walk
A trusted source saw a track listing for an upcoming 6-song promotional sampler for Scarlet's Walk and reports on what the 6 tracks were:
Scarlet's Walk (Selections)
1. Amber Waves
2. a sorta fairytale
3. pancake
4. Crazy
5. taxi ride
6. gold dust

Read the official lyrics for A Sorta Fairytale, the first single from Tori's upcoming new album, Scarlet's Walk.
 Some interesting thoughts about Scarlet's Walk
Richard Handal posted some fascinating thoughts about Tori's upcoming album that I have asked for permission to post here. I think it will give you some valuable background information on some of the themes that are part of Scarlet's Walk. is updated again, this time with a cool description of Scarlet's Walk from author Neil Gaiman!
Check out his description of the album at It will really get you excited about this new album! I won't quote it all here, but the description ends with "Not to mention a girl called Scarlet who may be the land and may be a person and may be a trail of blood."
CDNow AllStar Daily News announces more information about Tori's new album
David Torn plays on Tori's new album!
Violet was the first to tell me that David Torn would be part of Tori's new album. Additional proof was provided by Woj, who was browsing a fan site for musician/composer David Torn called Solid States and found several news items that state that David has played on at least some of the sessions for Tori's new album for Epic Records. The web site says little more than David Torn recorded with Tori and enjoyed all the people he worked with. But it tells us the name of another musician on the new album. We can add David to the list, which includes Matt Chamberlain on drums, Jon Evans and Justin Meldal-Johnsen on bass, and Robbie McIntosh on Guitar. We are not sure at this time what David played on the new album. While he is a guitarist, he also is talented with other instruments, live looping and programming. We also know that Tori added strings to the new album, and that makes it possible that she once again worked with John Philip Shenale, who has helped her with strings on previous albums. But that is unconfirmed at this time.
Here are some links on Solid States where David's recording with Tori is discussed:
Link #1 (April 18, 2002)
Link #2 (May 18, 2002)
Link #3 (June 26, 2002)

Photographer Kurt Markus
The Polish Sony web site had posted that photography for Tori's new album was done by photographer Kurt Markus. That news item is no longer there, but just in case that was true I wanted to investigate some of Kurt's work. Look at the box below on the left side of this page to find out more about him.
Older News Items about "Scarlet's Walk"
- June 25, 2002: The Sony Music Poland web site claims the new Tori album is called "Scarlet's Walk" There is a news item at the Polish web site for Sony Music that gives the title of Tori's new album (Scarlet's Walk) and also claims the first single (at least in Poland!) will be a song called "A Sorta Fairytale".
- June 5, 2002: Author Neil Gaiman has been privileged to hear some or all of Tori's new album and posted a few comments about it in his journal at in late May 2002. He does not really reveal anything about the album, but his comments are fun anyway. He does reveal however that the song "Snow Cherries From France" is not on the new album and has not been recorded yet.
- April 26, 2002: Tori recorded a special message to her fans that placed as streaming audio on their web site on April 26, 2002:
"Hi, everybody... this is Tori. I hope everybody is doing well. I miss you guys. Um, I'm out in the sticks, but I like the sticks. The moon's gonna be full tonight, and um, Dunc's cooking in the kitchen. I think he's got some kind of, um, delicious spicy thing happening, which is always good for the voice. I've been able to play with Matty and Jon the Bassman for a while and it's been, um, well it's been heaven for me anyway. Because to play with rhythm men like that it's just, um, reminds me of why I love music so much. Uh, let's see what else is going on... Tash can say, um, 'supercalafragilisticexpialadocious'. And she can say, um, 'no'... a lot, which is kind of worrying. And she also knows how to say 'daredevil' because, um, she's scaring her Mommy... everyday. She almost jumped out of a window the other, the other day. And, um, you know, if anybody has any ideas about that instead of barring the bathroom up so she looks like, and so it feels like she's in a prison, well, um, send 'em on and, and let me know what I should do. Okay you guys... take care of yourselves. I really miss you. Okay. Bye."
- Tori's official web site at was redesigned on March 8, 2002 with an interim design. One of the new items was a sound clip from Tori telling people that some nerd types who we all love are helping her with her web site and hopefully it will be operational in a few months. Then she told us that she was off to make the new record!
- Tori strongly hinted to some people at the Ann Powers event on January 12, 2002 that a new album was likely from her sometime around September 2002...