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Tori performed in Montreal, Quebec on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at the Molson Centre (Bell Centre). The show began at 7:30PM and Howie Day was the opening act.
Set List
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Cornflake Girl
Sweet Sangria
Band leaves
Doughnout Song
Band returns
Putting The Damage On
Amber Waves
Precious Things
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze
1st Encore
In The Springtime Of His Voodoo Tear In Your Hand
2nd Encore
Taxi Ride
Hey Jupiter (Dakota Version)
For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum. Please post your own review if you were there! The latest reviews are at the bottom of the page.
From Élodie Jolette:
Tori did a little improv to start her solo part, talking about how her Roadside Café sign remembers her of where she comes from, where she started her career, and she also said "je t'aime" and "allo" in french, in this impro. She didn't talk a lot...
Élodie initially told me Tori did Here. In My Head and I had that on the Dent for a few minutes. However, Tori actually did Tear In Your Hand instead. I am sorry if this caused any confusion!
From Jason Schlemer:
Here is tonight's set list for Montreal. I drove 10 hours from Maryland for tonight's show. It was a very good show. The second half was very high energy. Tori really flung her hair and the rest of her body around for the last half. The sound was excellent. Every note was pristine, and polished.
Here we go:
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Cornflake Girl
Sweet Sangria
Begin Roadside Cafe:
Je t'aime improv (2 minutes or so)
Mother (the best I have ever heard it - very epic and emotional and final sounding - totally flawless
The Doughnut Song (with usual improv verse in the middle)
Putting the Damage On
End Roadside Cafe:
Amber Waves
Precious Things (tonight's only debut - very much like Plugged 98' version but actually it was more explosive and powerful without the guitar)
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze
Encore 1:
In the Springtime of His Voodoo
Tear In Your Hand
Encore 2:
Taxi Ride
Hey Jupiter (Dakota Version)
Tori did not really speak at all tonight with the exception of quickly introducing the band after Pancake. In the beginning of Pancake the wurlitzer's sound did not work at all until mid first verse. Tori was playing it the whole time and singing but the sound did not cut in until the middle of the first verse. Everything was very subdued and paced well. Show was a little on the short side. I'm sorry I do not have the exact times but will roughly estimate 8:45p.m to 10:50p.m. The only other discrepancy is that I am not sure of the exact order regarding Amber Waves and Juarez. It may be reversed, but I am not totally sure. Only complaint of tonight is that she did not speak at all except what I mentioned earlier.
From Joffrey:
I was with two close friends of mine tonite for Tori's performance at centre Bell, montreal.
My biggest concern before the show was the sound, but already with Howie days's songs we could tell there was no problem there. By the way, quickly, this guy's voice is really good and is act, captivating. Arrive early! It is something to hear and it prepares you really well for Tori's amazing set...
set list ( order might be wrong...sorry! )
1. wampum prayer ( live or not!?...who cares! the rest of the show was REALLY live! and emotional. )
2. A sorta fairytale
3. Cornflake girl
4. Horses
5. Sugar
6. wednesday
7. improv. with words 'Je t'aime' ( i love you, in french! )
8. crucify
9. Virginia
band leaves
10. Mother
11. cooling
12. doughnut song
band returns
13. putting the damage on
14. pancake
15. juarez
16. precious things
17. sweet sangria
18. amber waves
19. I can't see new york
20. spring haze
1st encore
21. in the springtime of his voodoo
22. tear in your hand.
2nd encore
23. Taxi ride
24. Hey jupiter
I'm quite positive that these were all the songs performed tonite. I'm sure that their was no songs from 'Choirgirl Hotel' performed and non from 'Strange little girls' either, and no other cover. PURE Tori songs, amazing voice from beginning to end.
Her voice sounded really amazing in 'Spring haze', mostly the way she made her voice kind of rough at the end of the song. I didn't love this song so much before the show, but now, let's say I probably will listen to it right away!!!
The band sounded really good, and the energy of Tori seemed to come alive at 'horses' ( really nice live!!! ), and continued on 'till most of her performance.
The most intense part of the show for me were the 3 songs alone at her piano, + when the band came back and joined her for 'Putting the damage on'. My friend was crying during that part! And I was close to tears too, really intense.
I was really happy to hear 'Precious things' too ( similar to the amazing version on 'venus live' ), and 'I can't see new york'.
Most of the songs sounded better live than on the albums, which is always nice. Except maybe 'A sorta Fairytale'...for some reason, it didn't seem to lift up as much, maybe because it was the first song?
Anyway, we were all really impressed with Tori's performance and voice tonite!!! Big fans and less big fans too, so she was really really good!
And she looked really good too, dressed in a flowy dress with gold patterns. ( a kind of gypsy-glamour look )
She reminded me a bit of Cate blanchet for some reason...?
Beautiful Tori!
A must see!!!
From shiri (the girl from Israel ):
just wanted to add that last night in Montreal, i realized that Tori changed a little bit the lyrics in both Doughnut Song when she said "Too many sons" instead of "two sons too many" and in Cooling she said "YOUR pineapple tree" and not "that pineapple tree".
From Caroline (Amarillys):
I just got back home. Today was PERFECT in every possible way
I got to the m&g around 12:15 and was very surprised to see only 5 other people there. I had a great time. There were only, around 25-30 people at the m&g. Everybody was well-behaved. No pushing or anything. And I got to be in the front row! I couldn't believe it. My hands were shaking when she came out. That woman is so beautiful and nice. She signed my UTP CD (it's my first Tori CD so it has a special meaning to me). I thanked her for her music. We took a pic. And I said to her "I think Carbon wants to come out" and she said "Yeah, I think so too, but I still need a few hours with her". So I knew she wouldn't play it tonight, but I have a feeling we'll get to hear it soon.
And I want to say a special THANK YOU to the nice girls who brought us hot chocolate while we were waiting in the cold. It was so nice of you!!!
Ok, the show now. I really enjoyed Howie Day's performance. I thought he was cute.
I was in the 7th row, pretty much in the center. The view was fabulous. Here's some sort of song by song review:
wampum prayer: I love that song. I can't tell if it's a recording.
a sorta fairytale: That song probably was my least favourite tonight. I don't know why, I usually love it.
pancake: I adore that song, so it simply rocked!
Tori said: "Hi everyone. We haven't been here in a long time. It's heaven to be back" Or something like that.
cornflake girl: It was good, and definitely a crowd-pleaser.
horses: This is one of my favourite Tori songs. Beautiful.
sugar: That song is amazing live. It was even better than the Venus version. It's such a powerful song.
sweet sangria: I don't have much to say about it. It was great. She seemed to have fun while singing it.
crucify : It was great, I love the new version though I didn't recognize it right away...
wednesday: Such a fun song! People said that the band really seems to enjoy playing that song and I agree. Some guy who was probably in the 5th or 6th row did some sort of weird movement everytime Tori sang "the eagle has to land".
improv: That was so cute! The improv started with "Je t'aime" then she went on and sang about her Roadside Cafe sign and the she sang something like "Me and you... you followed me around the world" while pointing at her piano.
mother: This is my friend's favourite song so she was very happy to hear it. It was beautiful and very emotional.
doughnut hole: Now it was my turn to go crazy. That song is tied with Here in my Head as my all-time favourite Tori song. It was also very very emotional.
cooling: One of my top 10, if not top 5, Tori song. So it made me very happy! Beautiful.
putting the damage on: Another favourite of mine that was beautifully played
amber waves: Not my favourite, but it was fun. You could see that Jon really liked to play this one, he was smiling a lot, esp. during the chorus.
juarez: BEAUTIFUL! I can't even describe how much this song is amazing live.
virginia: My favourite Scarlet song. Hearing her play it made that show even more special.
precious things: Even though that song was overplayed during the Plugged tour, it's still one of my favourites. It has a very special meaning to me.
I can't see new york: Beautiful.
spring haze: My favourite Venus song. But I gotta admit I prefer it solo.
springtime/voodoo: Not one of my favourite songs, but it rocks live!
tear in your hand: Another one with a special meaning for me. Very emotional. Esp. the "Maybe it's time to wave goodbye" part.
taxi ride: That song has grown on me so much! I liked it even more live.
hey jupiter: I knew that was the last one so I was kind of sad by then. My perfect day was over.
From Franck:
First of all, Tori sang Sugar, then Horses.
I loved the show
. I had one wish: Mother and In The Springtime Of His Voodoo and I got both.
The only thing that bothered me, was the fact that she sang SO many songs of Scarlets Walk and NONE of
From the Choirgirl Hotel, but since I saw 4 shows of that tour, I guess Ill live
That was my 8th Concert of Tori and its in my top 3. The best was in Poughkeepsie, when she started to sing
Space Dog I when ballistic!!! I also have to say that my tickets were awesome: 5th row, and when Tori was playing
the piano, it was as if she was looking directly in our eyes!!!!
From Jason Schlemer:
I know for certain that Horses came after Sugar because I remember sitting in my chair thinking Pancake, Cornflake Girl, Sugar - they are all related to breakfast. This was the thread that helped me remember it accurately. It seems that most people are using the set list that says Horses was before Sugar but that is incorrect. You put sugar on cornflakes, not horses!!! Hope this helps you out in some way!
From Meaghan Scanlon:
Hi! I'm positive about this setlist as my friend Helen was writing each song down as Tori played it. I hope you haven't had too many emails on this subject already. :)
Wampum Prayer
A Sorta Fairytale
Cornflake Girl
Sweet Sangria
--band leaves--
Je t'aime/Little sign improv thingie about how she hadn't been to Montreal in ages (too true)
Doughnut Song
--band comes back--
Putting the Damage On
Amber Waves
Precious Things
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze
first encore:
In the Springtime of His Voodoo
Tear in Your Hand
2nd encore:
Taxi Ride
Hey Jupiter
Since I'm writing you anyway, I have to tell you that Mother was absolutely amazing that night (it made me cry ... last time I saw Tori, in Toronto on the Strange Little Tour, I thought Mother was so brilliant that it completely overshadowed every other song she played, so either that's one of the best live songs EVER or it's just me) and Cooling also sounded gorgeous -- something about the way she sang it. Her voice was very clear and perfectly suited to the song's mood. She seemed to have a bit of fun with Spring Haze, stretching out some words and adding little pauses here and there. During Tear in Your Hand when she sang "it's time to wave goodbye" she started waving goodbye. *sigh* It was a sad moment for everyone. :) She seemed generally in a very good mood, much better than last time she played the Molson Centre, when she was sick and I think even had to cut the performance short. All in all, it was a fantastic show; lots of fun for everyone in the crowd and apparently for Tori, too. Hearing In the Springtime of His Voodoo, which is most certainly my favourite song, made my night even better.
From La Presse
From the Montreal Gazette