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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Where you can surf for the latest Tori news on the Internet!
Posted Thu, May 11, 2006 - 9:30pm ET | Opinion
The Dent is now retired for good (see below), but there are still great sources online to find the latest Tori news!
- Undented.com: The unofficial Tori web site Undented.com launched on May 10, 2006, and The Dent recommends you check it out! It continues in the tradition of The Dent, giving you reliable news from a team of reporters. (I am one of the editors on this site and will occasionally add news items myself as time allows.) I know the people running the site and have a lot of respect for them.
- EverythingTori.com and Toriamos.com: The best official sites for Tori news are Everythingtori.com and Toriamos.com. I have been told by reliable sources that you should definitely check everythingtori.com first for updates, and THEN toriamos.com. EverythingTori will most likely be updated a little more often and will sometimes contains news items not found toriamos.com.
- There are other excellent sites out there, too many for me to list here. These sites include yessaid.com (Toriphoria), hereinmyhead.com, and more. I also strongly recommend the ToriNews mailing list as well. There are ton of forums and message boards as well. Some are listed on my Toriphiles page.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Thank you all for the best 10 years of my life!
Posted Fri, May 05, 2006 - 11:54pm ET | Toriphiles
It is so hard to believe, but the end of The Dent is here. I was hoping to have something really profound to say, but I think my earlier retirement announcement expressed most of my feelings quite well. While I know that I am making the right decision, I will really miss sharing the latest Tori news with all of you. It has been truly the best 10 years of my life. The Dent informed the Toriphile community from March 25, 1996 until May 5, 2006. In that time I have met so many wonderful people and shared my love of Tori's music with so many. The love of her music continues and will continue to grow, even without this web site. I plan to be at as many future concerts as I can, and I will still be active in the online community as time and energy permits (including my co-editor role on undented.com.) I will truly miss all of your emails to me with the latest Tori news, or simply to share an interesting Tori story. Some of you really shared some special Tori moments, and those will remain with me as I begin a new chapter in my life. Thank you all for the support you have given The Dent. I never thought back in March 1996 that my little web site would grow into something so big. My little dent in the Tori Net Universe became something much more, and I have all of you to thank for it. While I know in my heart that it is "time to wave goodbye now", that does not make this any less sad or easier for me. I will miss you all so much.
And finally, thank you Tori. Your music has touched all of us, and has not only challenged us to think, but has led us to find each other through our common love of your music. We have formed some incredible bonds as we shared what you have given us, and that will continue after The Dent as well. I look forward to seeing and hearing what you will share with us in the future. Thank you for the inspiration that has made running The Dent a true joy for over 10 years. The Dent may now be in my past, but my appreciation of your music will continue for as long as the muse inspires you to write. (Toriamos.com has posted a kind farewell to The Dent, and I thank them for that honor.)
Thanks and hugs to all of you.
Undented.com will launch on Wednesday, May 10, 2006!
Posted Fri, May 05, 2006 - 11:32pm ET | Toriphiles
The new Tori Amos news site that I mentioned a few weeks ago, undented.com, will launch on Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 00:01 (12:01am) GMT. As I described earlier, undented.com will be maintained in the same spirit of The Dent, which is to inform fans in a trustworthy, reliable and respectable manor. The site will be maintained by a team of managing editors, and one of them will be me! (While my time will be limited, I am hoping to contribute to the new site whenever I can.) I hope you will bookmark this new site and check it once it is launched! If you have a news item for the new site, please send it to Undented. I have a lot of respect for the fans involved with this new site, and I am excited about it debut! Once Undented.com debuts, I will be placing a banner on The Dent and more links to make it clear that while The Dent is in archive mode, there will be another source to go to for news! Also, do not forget to go to Tori's official site at Toriamos.com as well for Tori information!
There will be a lot of news to report on too! Tori should have a new album out in 2007, as well as a new concert tour. I am sure there will be other surprises from her as well in the near future, since Tori Amos is so prolific. I look forward to what the future brings!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The Dent's last day will be this Friday, May 5, 2006
Posted Wed, May 03, 2006 - 8:50pm ET | Opinion
As announced at the end of March, the final day the Dent will be updated will be late Friday night, May 5, 2006, which is only in 2 days from the time of this update. This comes after 10 years of service to the Toriphile community. In case you miss it, here is the link to my announcement about The Dent's retirement. I thank you again for all your emails of support and kind words. I have had more email than I can keep up with the last few weeks, so if I have not answered your email please understand that I am understandably behind on trying to answer them all! I will have a little more to say on Friday...
Reminder: A trade paperback version of "Tori Amos: Piece by Piece" is still available
Posted Wed, May 03, 2006 - 8:44pm ET | Merchandise
Reminder: A trade paperback version of the book Tori Amos: Piece by Piece came out on January 10, 2006 from Broadway Books (ISBN: 0-7679-1677-8)! You can see the cover to the book to the right. It is nearly the same as the hardcover edition released earlier, except it says "The New York Times Bestseller" on top of the cover and contains a booklist review excerpt at the bottom. You can see a listing for this book at randomhouse.com. You can order the trade paperback online now at Amazon.com. [Click for details...]
Planet Tori Australia will offer a special Tori Amos podcast on May 5, 2006!
Posted Wed, May 03, 2006 - 8:42pm ET | TVRadio
I have been informed by Terry and Jacqueline of Planet Tori Australia that they will upload a special Tori Amos podcast on Friday, May 5, 2006 with a show dedicated to The Dent! My thanks to Planet Tori for this honor.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
More details about "Pretty Good Years : A Biography of Tori Amos" coming out on June 15, 2006
Posted Wed, Apr 26, 2006 - 10:38pm ET | Merchandise
I first reported on this last November and now I have another update. There is a listing at amazon.com for a new paperback book called Pretty Good Years : A Biography of Tori Amos . It is a 312 page paperback (ISBN: 1423400224) with Jay S. Jacobs and Tori Amos listed as authors and Hal Leonard listed as the publisher. The book has a release date of June 15, 2006 and you pre-order it now for $12.97. At this time we have no idea of the quality of this bio. We will have to wait and see on that. There is a photo of the book cover at that same Amazon listing that you can see to the right. (Thanks Victoria / Choirgirlcrashing and Jenn)
Jenn also informs me you can also find a listing for this book at halleonard.com.
More details about the Neil Gaiman tribute album "Where's Neil When You Need Him?"
Posted Wed, Apr 26, 2006 - 10:23pm ET | Music
I reported last month a news story from Billboard.com which stated that an "album inspired by the work of prolific author Neil Gaiman will be released this summer by Philadelphia-based independent label Dancing Ferret Discs. The project, tentatively titled 'Where's Neil When You Need Him?,' is expected to arrive July 18, 2006." Artists who are fans of Neil's work were asked to compose material based on their favorite Gaiman character or story. Tori's contribution to the album is the song Sister Named Desire, which has been remastered for this project. In additional news about this project, Neil Gaiman has posted in his online journal a photo of Dave McKean's cover art for the album, which you can see to the right. You can see it larger if you follow the link to Neil's journal.
Also, the album is now featured on the Dancing Ferret Discs website along with the complete track listing to the album. dancing-ferret.com also claims that they will be shipping pre-orders for the album on July 5, 2006, which is 2 weeks before the official July 18, 2006 release date. Thanks to Woj and Nadyne for this information. [Click for details...]
Friday, April 21, 2006
Tori contributes to new Led Zeppelin Documentary on BBC Radio 2
Posted Fri, Apr 21, 2006 - 12:02am ET | TVRadio
UPDATED: As I reported earlier, Tori took part in a new Led Zeppelin documentary called Dazed and Confused - The Led Zeppelin Story which will be broadcast on BBC Radio 2 on Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 21:00 (9:00PM) in the U.K. You can find a listing for this program at www.radiotimes.com. The show will be presented by Jonnie Walker but Tori will be narrating parts of the documentary. Tori recorded her part of the documentary from the studio in Cornwall. The description of the program says, "An exploration of the power and legacy of Led Zeppelin, which dominated the 1970s, and what was behind their artistic and commercial success. Plus how the genius of Plant, Page, Jones and Bonham continues to inspire new generations of artists. Including contributions from Franz Ferdinand, Ash and Tori Amos and from such industry figures as Alan McGee and Rick Rubin." Thanks to Melissae for her help with all this information!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
RAINN News: Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and the upcoming National Sexual Assault Online Hotline
Posted Wed, Apr 12, 2006 - 8:01pm ET | RAINN
April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. There are still many events taking place in April because of this, and you can see a list of such events at rainn.org.
Also, RAINN will be launching the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline in the 3rd Quarter of 2006. This new web-based hotline will provide live, anonymous, secure crisis support to victims of sexual assault and their families and friends. Click here to find out more about it at RAINN.org.
The Tori Amos fanzine Little Blue World will be shipping their Spring issue in May 2006
Posted Wed, Apr 12, 2006 - 8:00pm ET | Merchandise
The Tori Amos fanzine little-blue-world.org will be shipping their Spring issue in May 2006. Here's some of what's included:
- A Ginger Feast: Our review of the DVD video collection, Fade to Red. Also, two video director spotlights. What have they done, and what are they doing now?
- Touring Tori's Wardrobe: the conclusion to our two-part series on Tori's fashions.
- The Evolution of the Harpsichord: part 2 of our indepth look at the old-fashioned instrument Tori brought into her repertoire with BFP.
- Tapping Into It All: LBW's exclusive interview with singer Charlotte Martin.
- Reviews: Our reviewers cover the FtCH songbook and Beth Orton's album Comfort of Strangers.
- The Summer of Original Sinsuality, Part 2. The conclusion of a fan's story of how she found Tori, halfway around the world.
- PLUS regular features like News & Expert.
For more information about the issue and how to subscribe, visit little-blue-world.org.
A review of FADE TO RED from chokingonpopcorn.com
Posted Wed, Apr 12, 2006 - 7:45pm ET | Articles
Arjan Welles informed me about a review of FADE TO RED that was posted to chokingonpopcorn.com on March 27, 2006. The video collection received 4 out of 5 stars! [Click for details...]
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Vote for Kellie G. in the 2006 Diet Rite Zero Boundaries Woman Promotion
Posted Sat, Apr 08, 2006 - 9:25am ET | RAINN
Kellie Greene founded SOAR (Speaking Out About Rape), a nonprofit agency which provides education and prevention programs that empower survivors of sexual violence, and raises awareness to enhance the public's understanding of rape and its impact on victims. Kellie is one of 7 finalist in the 2006 Diet Rite Zero Boundaries Woman Promotion. She was nominated by Kelley Bevis (formerly of RAINN) and in my mind is very deserving of this honor. The winner of this promotion will be decided by votes, and voting is open from April 3, 2006 until May 1, 2006. If you can, please go to www.dietrite.com and follow the links to The Zero Boundaries Promotion. There is a limit of one vote per household per day. Feel free to vote each day if you like, but do not vote more than once, because others will be disqualified. Thank you!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Everything at The Tori Store is on sale for April 2006!
Posted Fri, Mar 31, 2006 - 9:52pm ET | Merchandise
The Tori Store, the official place online to purchase Tori Amos merchandise, is ready to do some Spring cleaning, and therefore everything in stock at The Tori Store is on sale! The sale prices will be in effect for the month of April 2006, so check them out!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Interview with Tori posted to Rollingstone.com
Posted Thu, Mar 30, 2006 - 6:37pm ET | Articles
A new interview with Tori was posted to Rollingstone.com on March 30, 2006. It is a very good interview where Tori talks a little about the new album she is writing for right now, among other things. A good read! [Click for details...]
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Thank you all for your support!
Posted Tue, Mar 28, 2006 - 5:54pm ET | Opinion
Since announcing the retirement of The Dent, I have received hundreds of emails. They have all been so supportive and understanding, and I thank you all for the kind words. I hope to reply to as many of them as I can, but just in case I can not, I wanted to thank you all here for helping me through what is a hard decision for me. Reading about how people have depended on the site for so many years, and how it has made a difference in their lives has really been affirming and wonderful. I am humbled and amazed at what you have written, and I will always remember it. Thank you!
The Dent will continue updating until May 5, 2006, so please keep coming back until then!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
After 10 years of serving the Toriphile community, The Dent announces it's retirement
Posted Sat, Mar 25, 2006 - 12:00am ET | Opinion
It is with great sadness that I make the following announcement. After 10 years of proudly serving the Tori community, The Dent will be retired on May 5, 2006. After that date, The Dent will no longer be updated, but will remain indefinitely on the same server at thedent.com for archival and research purposes. This announcement will explain some of my reasons for closing The Dent and will also give more details about the closure. While the end of The Dent will be a sad event for many of you, I do want to mention at the end of this announcement the fact that some trusted friends of mine are beginning a brand new Tori news and information site that will keep fans updated on the latest Tori news. While I will not be in charge of that new web site, I will be endorsing it and suggesting that Dent readers check it out. But first of all, I want to explain the closing of The Dent. Click the details link for more about this...
[Click for details...]
Friday, March 24, 2006
Please help with Operation Freefall: The Two-Mile-High Stand Against Sexual Assault
Posted Fri, Mar 24, 2006 - 9:47pm ET | RAINN
On April 29, 2006, thousands of people will take a two-mile high stand against sexual assault. At dozens of sky dive facilities ("drop zones") across the country, they'll take to the sky and jump. It's all part of Operation Freefall, the boldest, highest-altitude and most daring event organized to put an end to sexual assault. The money raised by this event will benefit the organizations Speaking Out About Rape (SOAR) and the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). Some people taking part in this event need your help raising pledge money. Here is a message from Kellie Greene of SOAR:
There are a number of survivors who are experiencing difficulty in raising pledges. I've created an on-line fundraising page at firstgiving.com/jump2006 to help raise pledges for these survivors to ensure they will be able to Take The Two-Mile-High Stand Against Sexual Assault on April 29, 2006. I'm hoping the readers of The Dent will support these courageous survivors take a flying leap by making a tax deductible donation at firstgiving.com/jump2006. Each person who makes a donation on this page can be assured the donation will be used specifically to enable a sexual assault survivor to participate in Operation Freefall. And as a special thank you from SOAR, they will receive an official Operation Freefall bumper sticker for showing their support of sexual assault survivors.
Review of FADE TO RED From Subculture Magazine
Posted Fri, Mar 24, 2006 - 5:48am ET | Articles
A review of Fade To Red appeared at subculturemagazine.com on March 5, 2006. [Click for details...]
The Metro newspaper in London gives FADE TO RED 4 out of 5 stars!
Posted Fri, Mar 24, 2006 - 5:43am ET | Articles
Paul Rackstraw informs me that The Metro newspaper in London, U.K. gives the Fade To Red video collection 4 out of 5 stars in their March 24, 2006 edition. [Click for details...]
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tori included on a Neil Gaiman Tribute Album!
Posted Wed, Mar 22, 2006 - 5:11pm ET | Articles
Thanks to Shellie, Tim and Jen for this information. According to a news story posted to Billboard.com on March 22, 2006, an "album inspired by the work of prolific author Neil Gaiman will be released this summer by Philadelphia-based independent label Dancing Ferret Discs. The project, tentatively titled 'Where's Neil When You Need Him?,' is expected to arrive July 18, 2006." Artists who are fans of Neil's work were asked to compose material based on their favorite Gaiman character or story. Tori's contribution to the album is the song Sister Named Desire, which they say has been remastered for this project! "Among the 17 expected contributors are goth/metal band Tapping The Vein, medieval rockers Schandmaul, electronic act ThouShaltNot, the Cruxshadows and trip-hip group Lunascape." The Billboard article also says that Neil himself is writing the liner notes for the CD, "while collaborator Dave McKean is creating its artwork."
[Click for details...]
Sunday, March 19, 2006
FADE TO RED debuts at #5 on the U.K. Music DVD chart!
Posted Sun, Mar 19, 2006 - 7:54pm ET | Music
Marti informs me that the Fade To Red video collection has debuted at #5 on the U.K. Music DVD chart for March 19, 2006!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Hear Tori's March 14, 2006 interview on BBC 6music in the U.K.
Posted Sat, Mar 18, 2006 - 8:50am ET | TVRadio
As reported earlier, Tori was interviewed on Tom Robinson's Evening Sequence at 7:00PM on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 on BBC 6music in the U.K. 6music is the BBC's digital-only radio station available on DAB digital radio, digital television and online. You can hear this interview on the SonicShapes Radio page at the Toriphoria web site.
The Tori Amos fanzine Little Blue World shipped its Winter issue in February 2006
Posted Sat, Mar 18, 2006 - 8:45am ET | Merchandise
The Tori Amos fanzine little-blue-world.org shipped its Winter issue in February 2006. Here's some of what's included:
- In the Loop with Matt Chamberlain, talking to Tori's long-time drummer and reviewing his eponymous new album.
- Happy Birthday for Pele! In this special section honoring Boys for Pele's 10th anniversary, we take a look at differing and changing reactions towards the seminal album, with pro-and-con opinion pieces and now-and-then reviews.
- Two new series examining Tori's evolving fashion and the harpsichord, that tricky instrument Tori first adopted in BFP.
- Oh Baby...The Talent You Could Discover! What you need to know about CD Baby, an innovative and artist-friendly online indie music store.
- Reviews: Our reviewers take a look at the BFP songbook and at Kate Bush's long-awaited album Aerial.
- The Summer of Original Sinsuality, Part 1. The beginning of a fan's story of how she found Tori, halfway around the world from home.
- PLUS, regular features like News and Expert and a scrumptious new recipe.
For more information about the issue and how to subscribe, visit little-blue-world.org.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
RAINN Needs Volunteers for Fun myspace.com Project
Posted Tue, Mar 14, 2006 - 5:33pm ET | RAINN
Alyssa Oliveri, public relations manager for RAINN, is looking for motivated Tori fans to help launch RAINN's updated myspace page. This is her message below:
Are you a friend of Tori? Are you a friend of RAINN? Are you into myspace.com? Then we could use your help! Volunteers will be asked to log on periodically and search for potential "friends" for our page. Our goal is to build our friends list into the thousands. The more people we can reach with RAINN's messages, the better. If interested, please email Alyssa at alyssao@rainn.org this week with "myspace Volunteer" in the subject line. We will contact you with more details. Thank you!
More details about HMV's exclusive version of Fade To Red
Posted Tue, Mar 14, 2006 - 5:28pm ET | Music
Updated: There is indeed a special version of the Fade To Red DVD from U.K. vendor HMV whch includes an exclusive post-card set featuring images of Tori and one postcard designed by Tori herself. This has been spotted in various HMV stores in the U.K. However, this exclusive version of the DVD has been deleted from the HMW web site. I have been told by many sources that this because they printed a rather small number of these exclsuive editions, and so they decided to not offer it online, but only in the stores. So I would imagine they will sell out quickly! Thanks to Paul and Michael for their help with this. You can see a small scan of the postcards to the right. Thanks to Michael for the scan!
Upcoming International release dates for FADE TO RED
Posted Tue, Mar 14, 2006 - 5:20pm ET | Music
The video collection Fade To Red has already been released in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and France. There are still some countries where it will be released later. According to the dates still up at Toriamos.com, these are the remaining known international release dates:
Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) - March 17, 2006
Australia - March 18, 2006
Germany - March 24, 2006
There is some conflict with the Australian date however. I have a report from Sargon Darmo who works for Warner Music Australia, and he says that the release date in Australia is actually March 25, 2006.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Tori on BBC 6music in the U.K. on March 14, 2006
Posted Mon, Mar 13, 2006 - 5:11pm ET | TVRadio
Thanks to Woj for this information. According to Tom Robinson's home page, Tori Amos will be a guest on Tom Robinson's Evening Sequence on Tuesday, March 14, 2006. The programs is broadcast at 7:00pm (U.K. time) on BBC 6music. 6music is the BBC's digital-only radio station available on DAB digital radio, digital television and online. Listening options are detailed at www.bbc.co.uk.
A review of FADE TO RED from beingtheremag.com
Posted Mon, Mar 13, 2006 - 5:04pm ET | Articles
The March/April 2006 issue of the online magazine Being There includes a review of Fade To Red. It received 4.5 stars. Thanks to Lisa Hood-Anklewicz for telling me about this. [Click for details...]
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tori Amos Fade to Red DVD Contest at BellaOnline
Posted Wed, Mar 08, 2006 - 7:21pm ET | Music
To celebrate the recent release of The Video Collection: Fade To Red DVD, Tori Amos and Rhino Entertainment is giving you a chance to win a copy. To enter, send an email with your name, address and email to intheknow2005@aol.com or post a message on the Entertainment Blog. A winner will be chosen on April 1, 2006.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Tori Amos announces digital version of her Fade To Red video collection!
Posted Tue, Mar 07, 2006 - 5:34pm ET | Music
Rhino Entertainment announced today (March 7, 2006) that Tori's Fade To Red video collection is now available online at the iTunes Music Store. If you purchase it on iTunes, you will get bonus 90-Minute Audio Commentary. Here is what the Rhino Press release says, "Now, for the very first time, Tori's complete collection of 21 videos will be released digitally March 7 through the iTunes Music Store for a suggested retail list price of $24.99. Those buying the full 21-track collection will additionally receive a special 90-minute audio commentary, recorded by Tori herself, about each video. This release marks the first time Tori Amos has made her full collection of videos, complete with bonus features in a packaged bundle, available through the iTunes Music Store." If you have iTunes installed on your computer, click here to go directly to the Fade To Red page at the iTunes Music Store. Thanks to Bryan for making me aware of this. Several people who have purchases the iTunes version of Fade To Red tell me that the "bonus audio commentary" is really the same as the commentary on the DVD itself, except that it is combined into one large audio file.
Click here to read the full Rhino press release from marketwire.com.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
A review of 'Fade To Red' from outinsanantonio.com
Posted Sat, Mar 04, 2006 - 11:08am ET | Articles
Read a review of the Fade To Red video collection/DVD from outinsanantonio.com. Thanks to roel for telling The Dent about this. [Click for details...]
gogirlsmusic.com is giving away copies of the "Fade to Red" video collection
Posted Sat, Mar 04, 2006 - 11:03am ET | Music
Tarin (aka dancegirl) informs me that gogirlsmusic.com is giving away copies of the "Fade to Red" video collection this month. Go to gogirlsmusic.com for details.
Fade To Red will be available on iTunes on March 7, 2006.
Posted Sat, Mar 04, 2006 - 4:01am ET | Music
EverythingTori.com has announced that Fade To Red will be available on iTunes on March 7, 2006.
International release dates for the Fade To Red video collection
Posted Sat, Mar 04, 2006 - 3:08am ET | Music
Toriamos.com has updated their news section with some international release dates for the Fade To Red video collection. They give these release dates:
U.K. - March 13, 2006
Australia - March 18, 2006
Germany - March 24, 2006
The U.K. release date is confirmed by Amazon.co.uk. Other sources tell me that the release date in France will be March 13, 2005, the same as the U.K.