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Tori's Music or Name
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Sightings reported from November 5, 1997 through December 31, 1997 ![]() Professional Widow Parties...(December 31, 1997) - Ears With Feet Adia reports: On the Seattle station King 5 (NBC) they covered a Cougar party (some sports team, but I'm not sure what sport) and the party goers were dancing to Tori's Professional Widow (remix-single version). ![]() Tori Mentioned In Crime Writers' Fiction Series At The Sydney Morning Herald(December 30) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: The Sydney Morning Herald is publishing an 11-part crime writers' fiction series called Ghoulish business by Peter Doyle. Tori's name is used in the story! Here is the part of this fictional story that mentions her, in reference to a character called Lucas Kane: [Famous Australian actor Lucas Kane] did a series of
progressively weirder genre films, most of which went straight to video. He disappeared for a couple of years, then turned up again in Australia. He hosted a quiz show and later had a short-lived run in a soap. Then he'd tried to remake himself as a pop singer,
releasing an album of duets with famous singers. The record won some critical acclaim but was judged too offbeat by mainstream fans.
The paper stand at Taylor Square had new banners up: "FILM STAR SHOT DEAD." Katie turned on the radio. Kane came on singing Earth Angel in duet with Tori Amos. ![]() Tori Dissed By Comic On MTV Live(December 30) - Ears With Feet Andy Miladin and Nick Raafe report: Last night around 9:30 I flipped on the TV show "MTV Live." The host Carson Daley was talking to the guest Kathy Griffin (comedian/"Suddenly Susan" co-star) about her picks for best video of the year. Then they took calls from the audience members and one person requested a Third Eye Blind video. Kathy Griffin then went off and made a list of the musicians who shouldn't be allowed to talk, they should only be allowed to sing. In addition to the singer from Third Eye Blind, her list included Fiona Apple, Gwen Stefani and yes... TORI. ![]() Simon Lebon (lead singer of Duran Duran) Has Daughter Named Talula(December 30) - Ears With Feet Danica reports: I was watching the Rosie show, and this really has nothing to do with Tori directly, just a tad indirectly. Anyhow her music guest was Duran Duran, and Simon Lebon (lead singer) told her his youngest girl child's name is talula. isn't that cute? :) ![]() Glimpse Of Tori On Prime Time Live(December 25) - Ears With Feet PrtyGdYr94 and Matt Siegel report: Tonite, 12/24/97 on Primetime Live, they did an article on the author of the book, Making Faces (Kevyn Aucoin). They showed the page of the book with all the poloroids of all the stars that he has done make up on and there was Tori! It Rocked! Click to read more about the book "Making Faces" and Tori's part in it. ![]() Tori Heard On German TV crime series "Tatort"(Updated Dec 25) - Ears With Feet Wolfgang Neubauer reports: Anyway, yesterday evening I watched a german TV crime series called "Tatort" and I was really startled when I suddenly heard parts of Professional Widow and In the springtime of his voodoo. The two songs were used as background music in a scene of about 2 minutes length with a young couple making love. (Had nothing to do with the plot, and the story wasn't too good, too, so they had to fill in this scene to compete 90 minutes, I think :-) But you see, even german film directors do know how intense and intimate Tori's music is. Ears With Feet Eric Thelen also reports on this:
The television movie was part of a series of criminal stories which is very popular in Germany (probably around 10 million viewers). The songs were used to characterize the moods and behaviours of three young people who committed crimes just to become popular and also to earn money by selling video films that they made during the crimes. This characterization was done in a video clip fashion and the songs could be heard very clearly in the foreground. The 'Boys For Pele' versions were used for all songs. ![]() Tori Amos and Trent Reznor Featured In A Drawing In Circus Magazine(Updated Dec 23) - Ears With Feet Marc Alain reports: On page 27 of the Jan. 30, 1998 edition of Circus Magazine (With Trent Reznor featured on the cover) is the "expression of the month" featuring a caption above the drawing reading: Trent Reznor and Tori Amos The black and white drawing features a portrait of both Trent Reznor and Tori Amos, both of them having wings, yet Tori's look more like a butterfly's and Trent's look like a vulture. Toriphile Danica kindly sent me a scan of the drawing that appears in Circus of Tori &Trent. Click here to see it! ![]() Tori Spotted In Q Magazine's "Best Videos of the last three months."(Updated Dec 23) - Ears With Feet Ally reports: ![]() Flipping through the pages of the latest Q magazine (UK - January 1998) I noticed in the section called "Films" that they noted Tori: recommended: The Best Videos of the last three months: Tori Amos: Live From New York (Warner Vision), An affecting and emotional benefit concert for the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network. It included a small picture of her (the size of a thumbnail) wearing a white teeshirt with a blue beaded necklace and her red hair severly moussed up. Many thanks to Danica for sending me the small photo you see above from Q. ![]() Tori mentioned in Phildalphia Daily News article on holiday albums.(December 21) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: I found an article online "Child," Jane Siberry (Sheeba) -- Think contemporary art/folk-pop performance, maybe "Mountain Stage" meets"Prairie Home Companion" at the Bottom Line, as Canadian chanteuse Jane Siberry and friends host this live concert recording stretching over two discs. Most songs are whispy, eccentric Siberry originals, the kind Tori Amos wishes she could write. I agree that Jane is talented but PLEASE! ![]() Tori Mentioned In Snippet About Erykah Badu In Jan 98 Spin(December 21) - Ears With Feet christ reports: A review on the January 1998 issue of Spin Magazine talks about top 20 singles of the year, and it includes: Top Twenty Singles ![]() The Wendy and Bill show on Q101 in Chicago(December 21) - Ears With Feet CrnflkeGrl reports: This morning, Tori was briefly metioned on the Wendy and Bill show on Q101 in Chicago. They were having people call in and name celebrities whose names had names of cookes in them. Somebody called and said Tori Famous Amos. :) ![]() Professional Widow played during House of Style(December 21) - Ears With Feet christ reports: in a segment on the mtv show, house of style, this girl was getting a make- over and they were playing snippets of songs, and one of them was part of a professional widow remix. ![]() MTV show 12 Angry Viewers(December 15) - Ears With Feet Jacqui reports: on the U.S. mtv show 12 angry viewers (Friday, December 12, 1997), one of the "jurors" on the show was talking about what two artists she would like to see team up together, and she mentioned she would like to see fiona and tori working together to put fiona's jazzy sound with tori's more classical sound. they showed a clip of both of them. although it was not a big thing, i still found it an interesting comparison! ![]() Michelle Kwan Skates To "Winter"(December 15) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports (with thanks to Ally, Nancee, and christ): On Friday night, December 12, and again on Saturday afternoon, December 13, the USA network in the U.S. showed an ice skating program called Skating Romance III. One of the performances was from Michelle Kwan, who skated a beautiful routine to the Tori's "Winter". ![]() Tori Used In A Presentation About Phonatory And Nonphonatory Motor Control(December 15) - Ears With Feet Kristin M Evans reports: I'm writing to tell you about that presentation I was going to include Tori in. The actual presentation didn't have to do with Tori explicitly--I reviewed a research article concerning singers and nonsingers and who could match pitch faster (any guesses?)... but the article also contained information on nonphonatory motor control...and the singers were no better than the nonsingers for that... so it seems that singers have a superior auditory-motor mechanism, but not visuomotor. In any case: here's the citation: Murry T, Caligiuri MP. Phonatory and nonphonatory motor control in singers. Journal of Voice 1989;3:257-263. To illustrate phonatory motor control, I showed a 15 second clip of the June 6, 1996 Chicago show. During CALS, I let them listen to "the fire is hot and my cells can't feed...", where she alternates pitches back and forth about 6 times. Then, just for fun, I showed the Peoria show from late July of that summer...Precious Things... the growl... then I had to fast forward (it killed me to do it, but we only had 8 minutes, and I already had 2 wrapped up in audio-visual...)... I fast forwarded to the end of the song, when she stays in falsetto for about a minute and a half. So the interesting part: David Kuehn, PhD, is my professor... he discovered a muscle in the uvula (that thing that hangs down in the back of your throat), and is very matter-of-fact during classes... I thought it was funny that I was going to take these clips in, because I didn't know how he'd react. During the songs, I looked over and him, and he was very straight-faced... so then I felt like he wanted me to just turn the thing off and start with the "real" presentation, so I started feeling uncomfortable about it... But at the end of class, he came up to me and said, "That was really a fascinating demonstration you showed today. She has quite an ability to manipulate her laryngeal mechanism." I couldn't have said it better myself. :) ![]() Tori and the Restaurant "Redheads"(December 11) - Ears With Feet Melissa Pierorazio reports: I just wanted to let you know that I visited a restaurant a few blocks away from where i live in Yonkers, NY. It use to be called "Red Robins" and now they changed the name to "Red Heads". I wasn't sure what the name implied until i went there.... Well, low and behold i walk in and see pictures and pictures on the walls of red-headed women...From celebrities to reg. everyday people - they have pictures, magazine covers, and mannequins throughout the whole place... And - wow was i surprised to see a total of like 4 pictures of Tori (more than any other female shown).,...Just as you walk in there was one big one -- close-up picture of tori (i think taken from a spin mag.)...Then by the bathroom they had the Cornflake girl picture (that is sort of faded-pastel colors with tori and the broken glass)....then straight ahead on a column for everyone to see who walks in, they have the big poster/picture of Tori playing at the piano (wearing jeans and a brown tank-top)...and then they have the professional widow picture (taken from the single cd cover) above the area where they cook....Cool place... I wonder if there are a chain of these restaurants around?!.... ![]() Who Uses Macs? Tori Does!(December 11) - Ears With Feet Libby Lok Chung Kim reports: There is a web site called Macintosh OS.com with a section called The Cult that includes a page called "Who Uses Macs?" ![]() Article On BT in the Orange County Register(December 9) - Ears With Feet Kerry reports: Tori is mentioned in today's (Friday, December 5, 1997) edition of the Orange County Register, one of our local newspapers here in Southern CA. The article is about BT (Brian Transeau). Tori is mentioned twice: ......He collaborated with singer-songwriter Tori Amos - someone not generally associated with dance music - on the dance-rock track "Blue Skies." Then, a little further down in the article: ......He hooked up with Amos through mutual friends. "It was frightening. We share a long, long list of similar life experiences," he said. "We're both from the same place (Maryland). We had an instantaneous connection. And she's just a cool person to work with musically." ![]() L.A. Times Article On Ratings Mentions Tori(December 9) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: An article in the December 7, 1997 edition of the L.A. Times called Pop Eye: Business Reaction discussed the issue of ratings for concerts. Here is the section of the article that mentions Tori: "Not all in the concert business are as opposed to ratings or advisories as Murphy is, but few believe that such measures are either necessary or, more important, feasible. The biggest question concerns how standards would be set.
"Are the Rolling Stones rated R because they have an inflatable balloon shaped like a woman who's naked?" wonders Gary Bongiovanni, editor in chief of the concert trade publication Pollstar.
"Is Tori Amos R-rated because she has a song about rape? And people who go see Marilyn Manson know what it's all about. The parents of the kids may not know, but if they want to look into it a little, they can find out easily." ![]() Brief Tori Clip Seen On Launch CD-ROM #16(December 9) - Ears With Feet Dolll reports: In the new issue of Launch (#16 with Matchbox 20 on the cover) the little intro thing when you first open it..the first thing that plays is tori (from when she was on it before..) singing..a random part of Marianne..just for a second. Thats all :) ![]() Letter To Yahoo Magazine Mentions Tori(December 7) - Ears With Feet Rebecca Shoshana Kaplan reports on a letter she sent to Yahoo Magazine that was recently published: "It was wonderful to see Tori Amos spotlighted in your October 1997 issue [see page 76], but it wasn't exactly, what shall I say? Accurate. Admittedly, a musician having a devout following on the information superhighway is certainly going to help him or her, but that's not why Tori kept her following. She kept it because she is an amazingly talented woman, and she is as devout a fan of her fans as they are of her." ![]() Tori Mentioned In Reviews At Gallery Of Sound(December 7) - Ears With Feet Giovanni Mantilla reports: I just found Tori being mentioned in 2 CD reviews from a site called Gallery Of Sound Click away and read, this is a review for the album "Sisters Of Avalon" Another one is the review for "Thanks For The Ether" ![]() Tori Wanting To Write Music For James Bond?(December 3) - Ears With Feet Gwen reports: Two days ago I was watching something on NBC about the 'music of James Bond'. They were talking about british band Pulp, who was asked to do a James Bond title song, and then was dumped for Sheryl Crow's version. As I was watching it, they said 'Everyone, from Tori Amos to...(didn't hear that).. has been wanting to write music for James Bond.' (Or at least something like that) I always thought Tori Liked James Bond ('the man with the golden gun thinks he knows so much' in 'Cornflake Girl' and something about Moneypenney in 'Mr. Zebra') ![]() Tori On Reruns Of Beavis and Butthead(December 3) - Ears With Feet Ben-David Fenwick, Johnnie Jr., and Kelly Stitzel report:
![]() Accapella Group At Boston University Records Little Earthquakes(December 3) - Ears With Feet Lisa Street reports: I was in the student union today and heard this strange but familiar tune, it was little earthquakes, but where was it coming from? it seems a local accapella group at school recorded a cd of cover songs and one of them was a version of little earthquakes. it was very haunting, but i couldn't afford to buy it and had to get to class, so if you know anyone around Boston University, they may want to try to find it. ![]() Tori heard during Tara Lipinski interview(November 30) - Ears With Feet Cheryl Pike reports: I was watching the Skate International Champions Series on Fox, and during the interview with Tara Lipinski they played the intro to Pretty Good Year. They even looped it, so it played continuously five or six times. Also, an interesting sidenote: after that, she skated her program to music from the cartoon Anastasia. :) ![]() Tori Mentioned In Dec 6th Billboard Article About Modern Adult Radio(November 29) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: In the December 6, 1997 issue of Billboard Magazine, there is an article called "PDs Pick Who Would Score On Today"s Modern AC" The article talks about the success of modern adult contemporary radio and the surprise acceptance of singer/songwriters at top 40. They mention that artists like Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, and Jewel are having success on the radio now. The article goes on to ask several radio program directors how many other triple-A or modern rock mainstays of the late "80s/early "90s would be having multi-format hits if modern AC had been available to help spread them? Tori is mentioned several times as one of those artists. Here are some quotes: "We canvassed triple-A PDs, who embraced McLachlan from the beginning and were first on the Apple and Jewel bandwagons, about the artists they wish could have another at-bat in this friendlier world of 1997. Names that came up nearly across the board were Kate Bush, Jonatha Brooke, and even Tori Amos, all of whom remain active artists."
"[KTCZ Minneapolis PD Lauren] MacLeash sees the likes of Amos, Chris Isaak, Michelle Shocked, and Bruce Cockburn as "artists who had a time when they really hit it, but then they wandered off into some conceptual direction" and since have not courted radio with "friendly" music."
"Andrea Karr had programmed SWE Cable Radio for years and is now doing promotion with Wind-Up. She picks up the Amos thread, saying, "The song that specifically comes to mind is "Cornflake Girl." If that was a brand-new single, that would happen. I can"t imagine that Fiona Apple didn't hear or wasn't influenced by Tori Amos." ![]() Tori's name pops up in a New York Times article on Stevie Nicks(November 29) - Ears With Feet Kim reported to the Precious Things mailing list: Recently, there was an article on Stevie Nicks in the New York Times called "Stevie Nicks: Going Her Own Way, But Slowly This Time". Tori is briefly mention by the writer in the following quote: "But Ms. Nicks is encountering more than just renewed favor. Nearly a quarter-century since she joined Fleetwood Mac and 20 years since its
seminal collection of songs, "Rumours," became one of the highest-selling albums of all time, Ms. Nicks is finding a new level of recognition as one of the more influential women in modern rock.
Isaac Mizrahi and Anna Sui, the fashion designers, recognized her witchy wardrobes of black gossamer and velvet, gargantuan boots and glittering beads as inspirations behind collections they put together over the last year. Her name also pops up regularly in reviews of some younger artists like Tori Amos and Jewel, who share either her penchant for opaque lyrics or idiosyncratic vocal shadings.
And a new generation of rock musicians, from Courtney Love to Billy Corgan, the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins, are doing cover versions of Ms. Nicks' songs and publicly acknowledging a debt to her. ![]() Tori Interviewed About Thanksgiving On MTV(November 28) - Ears With Feet Justin Cooke, Suki, and Manda Peters report: There was a Thanksgiving special on MTV (called "Beavis and Butthead Do Thanksgiving") where Kurt Louder was talking to Bevis and Butthead. They also interviewed a bunch of different artists about eating turkey on Thanksgiving. Tori was one of them! They were playing God in the background. Anyway it was on about 11:48 Eastern time on Thanksgiving Day. Manda Peters sent me Tori's exact quote: "You know what happens when you eat too much and you don't food combine and yanno... you're probably gonna make a little noise and it's not great and um... it takes me days and days to get over it and I think it's yanno... it's just not something I'm into." ![]() Tori's Mom Heard On Promo Spot For Radio Station WHFS 99.1 In D.C.(November 23) - Ears With Feet Nithya Rajendran reports: Tori's mom can be heard on the radio. She did a promo for the local alt-rock station, WHFS 99.1 in Washington D.C. "I think they made a mistake by playing it because the occassion for which it is meant is several months away ( or past). I thought it was pretty cute. She sounded very enthusiastic from start to finish, you could hear her smiling over the airwaves. This was the promo I heard right before they played Cornflake Girl": "Hi, this is Mary Ellen Amos, Tori Amos' mom. Happy Mother's Day from 99.1 HFS. Be a good kid, call your mother." ![]() Sylvia Plath Influences In Butterfly(November 23) - Ears With Feet Monika reports: I was looking through the interesting places Tori's been seen or heard, and found the section titled Tori/Sylvia Plath connections. I am an avid fan of both Tori and Sylvia and was interested to see many of the connections I had noticed. There is one that I failed to see, and I hope that maybe you can incorporate it into your "Connections" Section. The connection is between Tori's 'Butterfly' and Plath's 'Lesbos'. Here goes (I'm only going to quote the parts that are similar, not the whole pieces). 'Lesbos' by Sylvia Plath: 'Butterfly' by Tori Amos: you can't stain their pretty shoes and pom poms and cherry blondes and their kittens still wrapped in cement ![]() Tori on a Finnish program called Jyrki(November 23) - Ears With Feet Kaj-Michael Lang reports: A finnish music program, Jyrki showed a Tori interview 18.11. It was a old one from MuchMusic. (Well, it was new for me, I don't get even MTV here where I live...). ![]() All My Children Plays "Past The Mission"(November 21) - Ears With Feet Jennifer Whittle reports: During my lunch hour yesterday I was flipping the channels on the TV and stumbled upon a scene on All My Children where Past the Mission was playing in the backgound. I don't watch the show, but the scene was in a restaurant and there were several characters in conversation..the song played for almost its full duration. ![]() Elle Article On Rock Violinists Lili Haydn and Imani Coppola(November 21) - Ears With Feet Kelly Stitzel reports: Well, I was just thumbing through the December issue of Elle Magazine and I came across Tori's name. In a small piece they wrote about rock violinists Lili Haydn and Imani Coppola, the following was said: "The violin appears to be the most anti-rock of instruments, but not in the hands of Lili Haydn and Imani Coppola. Along with punky prodigy Vanessa-Mae's China Girl(Angel), The debuts from these to songwriters do for violin what Tori Amos did for piano--they make it cool." The article goes on to talk about each artist's album and what's so great about them. What I found interesting is that Imani Coppola, singer of the way-cool song "Legend of a Cowgirl" is only 19! I like her even more now (especially since she's my age and I used to play violin myself). ![]() Professional Widow Used In Skatboarding Program(November 21) - Ears With Feet Katie reports: I recently went on a trip to Europe, and while I was in Belgium I had MTV Europe on in the background while I was doing my homework and I all of a sudden heard one of the Professional Widow remixes!! It was just background music to some show about skateboarding and bikes, and it had the "it's gotta be big" part playing over and over. ![]() 'Song For Eric' Played During Hamlet!(November 16) - Ears With Feet Josh reports: today at school I was told by a few people,who all
know I love Tori,that during a field trip to the Tennessee Performing Arts
Center (TPAC) in Nashville, to see Hamlet ![]() Australian Broadcasting Commission Documentary(November 16) - Ears With Feet Heidi reports: I was watching Part Two of an Australian Broadcasting Commission documentary on uni students, called 'Uni', (funnily enough!), and during a scene of student political candidates rallying for votes, one of the teams played 'Cornflake Girl'... call me Tori deprived at the moment, but I noticed it! hehe! ![]() "Smart Chicks We Love" In Twist Magazine(November 16) - Ears With Feet Kathryn A Masci reports: In a new teenage magazine called "Twist" on page 51 there is a column which says "Smart Chicks We Love" here's the list: Lisa Simpson there are pictures of Queen Latifah, Chelsea Clinton, Claudia, and Janeane Garofalo but not of Tori:( ![]() Fiona Apple Review In Boston Globe(November 16) - Ears With Feet Kathryn A Masci reports: Last Saturday (Nov. 8) Fiona Apple played at the Orpheum Theatre here in Boston. I went to the sold-out show and it was great! There was a
review of the show in the Boston Globe " On the last tune, her falsetto curls reminded of TORI AMOS, but Apple wasn't as calculating or dramatic in technique. She mainly sounded true to herself, even in mellowed adaptations of Jimmy Cliff's Limbo," Bill Withers's "Use Me" and Jimi Hendrix's "Angel." Awkwardness aside, this angel will fly"" (the last tune was "Never is a Promise") ![]() Some Tori References In Seventeen Magazine(November 16) - Ears With Feet Kathryn A Masci reports: Seventeen magazine puts out a "School Zone Special" every fall. It talks about school things, such as rules, studying, etc. Then they go to different schools and take pictures of kids at school. They interview some of them. They asked a bunch of students at Omaha Central High School in NE about music. Here's what one girl said: "When it comes to music, there's music you listen to in the car, like sublime; there's music you listen to at parties, like the Beastie Boys and 311; and there's music you listen to religiously, like TORI AMOS and Ani DiFranco."-----Christa In the September 1997 issue of Seventeen there is a page long article on Fiona Apple. The article is nice there is a one page photo and a smaller photo on the other page. When i read in the Rolling Stone interview about Tori listening to Fiona i thought back to this: "Though she's been playing piano since age eight, Fiona says she "doesn't know anything about music," including her contemporaries Alanis Morissette and TORI AMOS. She doesn't own one of their CDs. While appreciating their intelligence, Fiona regards comparisons to these artists with a critical eye. Of Alanis she says: "We are both white, we are both girls, we are both angry , we both part our hair down the middle. It stops there." ![]() JABBERROCK: A Rock n Roll Quotation Book & A MENSA Quiz Book(November 16) - Ears With Feet Devan Jones reports: I have to tell you about yet another book. It is called JABBERROCK. it is a rock n roll quotation book. nothing but quotations from rocks finest. yes tori is quoted on at least five accounts in different sections of the book. which are labeled like WOMEN IN ROCK and so forth. the book costs about $13.00 and has some other really groovy artists as well (p.j harvey, bjork,courtney love etc.) also not only was tori the subject of a jeopardy answer but (and i don't have exact details on the book) tori was the subject on a question in a MENSA QUIZ book. you know the kind they sell to see if your smart enough to join MENSA. The question was "who was the artist who released BOYS FOR PELE" it was in the music section of the book.interesting huh? ![]() Tori mentioned in the LiveOnline Web Site(November 16) - Ears With Feet Giovanni Mantilla reports: I found the following Tori mention in the LiveOnline site
(http://www.liveonline.net "LiveOnline, Interactive Co. Set For Expansion LiveOnline, the silicon alley interactive company has opened an LA office in a joint venture with K2, while also expanding their space on lower fifth. This hot young company began as a web site developer and business solutions provider to anticipate and address emerging interactive needs of a variety of clients. ...snip... Clients: Artists:
David Bowie ![]() Tori An Answer On Jeopardy(November 11) - Ears With Feet Lisa Street, Bryan E. Sampieri, ItNeverWaz, Maribeth Macaisa, Shanna Johnting, Kellie R. Allen, and Kelly Stitzel reported this to me. Below you will find Lisa's email: I was just taking a study break and watching the Jeopardy Teen Tournament when a couple of wonderful things happened. First, they're broadcasting from Constitution Hall in D.C. this week which happens to be where I saw my first two shows of the Dew Drop Inn tour. Then, in the first round, under the category 'Celeb Stuff', in the $500 section, the answer was something like "her first album was in 1988 with a band called Y Kant Tori Read" the contestant Kathy, who's from Maryland, answered correctly (who was Tori Amos). Dyynno adds: Just wanted to add an interesting fact about the tori question on jeopardy...the high school girl who got the $500 for answering correctly was from Gaithersburg, Maryland!! I think that's really close to where Tori grew up...she must be one of us :) ![]() Article In New York Times About Boomer's Babies and Pop Culture(November 11) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: On November 9, 1997 and article appeared in the New York Times (at least online) called "Boomers' Babies Take Over Pop Culture, Remote in Hand and Hearts Athrob" This article claims that "A long-anticipated younger generation has taken control of the stick shift of pop culture. Before you can say "MMMbop," they have shifted toward a blend of the 1950s and the millennium, with bright pop songs, interchangeable teen-age heartthrob stars and mindless yet ironic movies like "Starship Troopers," about giant bugs, and movies like "Scream," about slashers in the closet." The article goes on to talk about music and "the current wholesome, upbeat pop culture." The article talks about a 15 year old named Vanessa Silverton Peel. who watches "'Sabrina, the Teen-Age Witch' on television and listens to Tori Amos, Jewel and Fiona Apple." I personally think the New York Times is showing how clueless they really are mentioning Tori in the same breath as "wholesome, upbeat pop culture." Does anyone who works for these papers actually listen to her music? ![]() Tori In New Book From Rolling Stone Called "Trouble Girls"(November 9) - Ears With Feet Nicole Russell and Devan Jones report: I was at the bookstore this past week and happened across a seemingly new book put out by Rolling Stone about women in Rock & Roll... from the 50s-60's through present day. PJ Harvey is on the cover. [It is called "Trouble Girls."] Tori is in the glossary and has a few page #'s by her name... I didn't see a photo of her included, but they had some background info and such on the one page i did check. Also there is an essay about PJ Harvey and another about Liz Phair... so though the Tori concent seems unfortunatly small.... there are some interesting things in it, it was about $25. And i saw it at Barnes&Noble and SuperCrown in the Chicagoland area. ![]() Tori Mentioned In A Preview Of A Fiona Apple Concert(November 9) - Ears With Feet Charlie Poole reports: Fiona Apple will be appearing at the Indiana University auditorium on November 19th. There is a monthly independent magazine called The Ryder which has a four paragraph "tease" about the concert. Here is part of the second: Apple and her band are a less than innovative hybrid of earlier sounds: the angsty feedback of PJ Harvey, the clever and appealing soul grooves of Luscious Jackson, the melancholic balladry of Tori Amos, and most notably, if not so evidently, the jazzy and bluesy swing of Nina Simone. Melancholic balladry. Hmmm. ![]() Tori Mentioned In A Review Of Sarah McLachlan's Concert(November 9) - Ears With Feet Charlie Poole reports: The student newspaper at Indiana University, the ids or Indiana Daily Student (also referred to as the Indiana Daily Stupid) mentions Tori in a review of Sarah McLachlan's concert at the Murat in Indianapolis. The review, by Jonathan Cohen, is in this Friday's edition (7 Nov) and titled, "McLachlan gives near-perfect show." The pertinent quote is: McLachlan's devoted fan base displayed the utmost courtesy for their heroine, keeping dead silent during the songs and never ruining a quiet passage with merciless screaming (try and attend a Tori Amos concert without this happening repeatedly). I doubt that Sarah's fans are any more "devoted" than Tori's. Perhaps they are just more reserved. ;-) ![]() Tori Heard During Spanish Game Show Called "Sabado Gigante"(November 9) - Ears With Feet Phoebus Apollo reports: i live in LA and every saturday a spanish show called "Sabado Gigante" (Giant Saturday) comes out. Yesterday (Nov. 8,1997) I was watching that game show (I was bored) was I surprised when a group of girls came out ready for ballet and I HEARD THE BEGINNING OF "PRECIOUS THINGS" !!!! They danced to the song it was amazing the best thing is that they won! They cut the song to about a minute but you could hear Tori very well, I had no idea what the audience thought of her music... Needless to say I was excited for the last two hours of the show... An Anonymous source adds: But Sabado Gigante is a three-hour live program every Saturday (Sabado) night on the U.S. Hispanic channel, Univision. It's hosted by a wonderful broadacaster named Don Francisco, and is a variety show overall, but they have different things going on during the course of the show. They have comedy sketches, music acts, Don Francisco goes into the audience with a microphone, there are interviews done in a talk show format, there are different game show segments, and one thing they do every week is a Gong Show-like talent competition. Don Francisco stands around the contestants looking quizzical, while a large man in a hooded, black satin executioner's robe lingers nearby with a trumpet, which he uses to blow them off the stage if they really suck. I'm just glad the Precious Things dancers didn't get blown off by the executioner. :-) ![]() Tori Heard During One Act Play Called "Aria De Capo"(November 9) - Ears With Feet Carol reports: I just got back from an amazing one act play called "Aria De Capo",that one of the high schools here put on (Cibola in Yuma,Az), One of the characters, Perriot, clown tells his girlfriend about how he could become an artist and the stage is lit with different shapes and colors,then he says "If I could become a pianist"and they played the beginning of "Icicle" by Tori. Needless to say I was so exicited. ![]() Tori Lyric Used In The Book "WHEN A MAN LOVES A WALNUT" By Gavin Edwards(November 5) - Ears With Feet Cristina reports: I was at work on my break looking at a book by Gavin Edwards called _When A Man Loves A Walnut_. He's written several books on lyrics to songs that people have misunderstood in the past--this one is his latest. Anyway, in the middle of the book guess who i found?? It said: "Looking for a sailor in these dirty streams, looking for a satyr beneath these dirty sheep." Then tori's name and is listed along with the correct lyrics to "Crucify." Under this is a picture of a person looking under a herd of sheep for a satyr. Pretty cute, huh? No wonder some people don't understand tori's songs. Look at what they think she's saying!!! ![]() "Muhammad My Friend" Heard During Interview With Jenny Jones On Extra(November 5) - Ears With Feet Andrew Smith, Ben-David Fenwick,Alan Mayfield, and Cheryl Pike report: I just heard the first few bars of "Muhammad My Friend" being played during an interview with Jenny Jones on the tabloid news TV programme Extra in the U.S. The interview was mostly about Jenny Jones personal struggle with her parents' affairs (during which Muhammad was played) and also about Jenny's failed breast implants and how she has spoken out against women using them. ![]() Tori and Steve Scheluchin(November 5) - Ears With Feet Chris Willenbrock reports: I was recently looking through the CD insert for the album Point of This
by a little-known heavy metal band called Insult II Injury. Each member has their own Thank You list, and one of the guitarists, Steve
Scheluchin, lists Tori Amos on his Thank you list. I can't imagine what
the Tori/Steve connection would be, so if you know anything let me know
and I would be forever grateful. (Email Chris at mcfuzz@geocities.com ![]() Tori Played On Channel One(November 5) - Ears With Feet MetroJoe82 reports: Many high schools across America show Channel One (channelone.com) every morning as a sort of "teen news," and today in homeroom as the opening credits rolled, I heard the Out Of Body Experience, or Precious Things remixed! I got all excited and started dancing to it in my chair, which eventually lead to perhaps the dirtiest looks from strangers, since I saw "The Big Picture" and "Professional Widow" videos in Macy's..... FYI, Channel One has also been known for playing "Blue Skies" in the past. ![]() UK Band Mansun Likes Tori(November 5) - Ears With Feet Cheryl Pike reports: In my Columbia House insert, they had a mini interview with the UK band Mansun. One of the Q and A segments was: Q: Do you still keep a diary? A: Yeah. Little black books just full of words, and I just create songs out of them. This is a really weird reference point to make but I like Tori Amos' first two albums...I like the lyrics and the music. I thought they were bizarre and probably hard to sing them in a studio full of engineers. (then he goes on about how he doesn't know much about American music but likes Faith No More and Soundgarden blah, blah, blah...) ![]() |
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