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Tori's Music or Name
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Sightings reported from September 3, 1997 through October 31, 1997 ![]() "Blue Skies" Used For Radio Station Promo(October 31) - Ears With Feet Vic Pizzo reports: There is a radio station promo going on in New York, called the "Mo' money No problem" call in and win! On WHTZ Z100 @ 100.3FM. During the announcement the backround music used is Blue Skies by BT featuring Tori Amos. ![]() Blue Skies heard during VH1 Fashion Awards 97(October 29) - Ears With Feet Ben Casper reports: So, since I am a big fashion freak (observing that is), I was watching the VH1 Fashion Awards 97...and well, right as they started showing the nominees for Female Model of the Year Award..they played *Blue Skies* - BT featuring Tori Amos... ![]() Cornflake Girl heard during Finnish TV show Called "Naurun Paikka"(October 26) - Finnish Ears With Feet Katja Laitinen reports: Here in Finland there's this really popular tv-show called "Naurun Paikka" (It means 1) a place where you get a really good laugh 2) a situation when something is very funny and makes you laugh. They show American and Finnish home-videos about situations where someting goes wrong. You know, weddings, children, pets, sports... Once (a few months ago actually) they played Cornflake Girl as backround music. It was nice! ![]() Tori's Band Pet Nominated For A Billboard Video Music Award(October 23) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: I noticed on the Atlantic web site ![]() Tori's Music Heard During A VH-1 Special On Grease(October 23) - Ears With Feet Patrick reports: Well, I am currently browsing your page while watching this grease special on VH-1 (which, I am required to, because, Olivia Newton-John is one of my faves also) and they are talking about previous stars on the Broadway versions, have a clip of Debbie Gibson, and play Caught A Lite Sneeze, the intro, no big deal really, not really worth mentioning, but I found it amusing, ya know :) ![]() Tori Mentioned In Space Ghost Comic Book(October 22) - Ears With Feet James In New York reports: Tori is mentioned in a Space Ghost comic book- She was meant to be his special guest on his talk show- but as the schtick runs- the guest never shows - so he gets upset about her not showing and we get reports from the backstage crew stating that it was a mix-up confusing Tori Spelling and John Amos. Ha Ha. Kinda funny though. ![]() Tori Cover Suggested By "Dramatics" Magazine(October 22) - Ears With Feet Ventrue reports: In the latest issue of "dramatics" magazine [which is sent, free, to all International Thespian members], a really beautiful one-act is included which suggests using tori's version of "famous blue raincoat"......but, besides that, the play istelf is just...so completely touching... ![]() Professional Widow Heard During David Duchovny MTV Special(October 17) - Ears With Feet Billy, Kerry and David report: I just finished watching an MTV special on David Duchovny and during part of the interview they played the intro to the Professional Widow remix in the background. ![]() Loreena McKennitt & Tori Share Engineers...(October 17) - Ears With Feet J'ason reported to the Really Deep Thoughts (Right Now) mailing list: Loreena McKennitt has a brand new album out called "The Book of Secrets." It is beyond amazing... any of you who have not heard Loreena need to go out right now and buy her album "The Mask and Mirror" and this new one. The Tori content is coming. As I was reading the liner notes of Loreena's new album, I noticed, O! Kevin Killen was one of the engineers. Killen also worked on Tori's "Under the Pink." It was Mastered by Bob Ludwig at Gateway Mastering Studios, Inc. Ludwig also Mastered Tori's "Boys for Pele" and "Under the Pink." So I thought that was neato and stuff :) ![]() Tori Spotted In Laura Love Review In Entertainment Weekly(October 17) - Ears With Feet Shade P V reports: Entertainment Weekly, October 17, 1997 Laura Love "Come As You Are" (Mercury) TORI AMOS' haunting cover of Nirvana's "smells like teen spirit" made Kurt Cobain's repertoire safe for female singer-songwriters; Love single-handedly reverse that trend, dismembering "come" with quivering oversinging, a tenuous relationship to pitch and keeping time, and a shaky gimmick (she's accompanied only by herself on bass! Wow!). That a shred of the song's power remains is testament to Cobain's artistry, not Love's ham-fisted interpretation. D -matt diehl Also, on pg. 67 there is another advertisement for Kevyn Aucoin's "Making Faces ![]() Tori Mentioned On E! News Daily(October 17) - Ears With Feet Giovanni Mantilla reports: Tori was mentioned last week on E! Entertainment TV, on "E! News Daily", by Rod Dovlin, the guy from Access magazine, who introduces the new music releases of the week. He was commenting on the debut CD of a new artist named Lily Haydn, he said that record industry and critics were describing her as a "Tori Amos with a violin" or as an "Alanis Morissette with writing skills". He also said that her music style was violin-based, with a funky bass and a "good ol' rock & roll" sound. Her CD is simply titled "Lily". ![]() Author Wants Tori To Compose Music For Computer Games(October 17) - Ears With Feet Mark Greco reports: There is an article at the CNET web site called Someone Make These Games ![]() Boston Globe article erroneously says Tori was part of Lilith Fair(October 13) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: An article appeared in the Boston Globe on October 11 about the Lilith Fair. It was a great article, but it erroneously stated that Tori was part of the Lilith Fair! It said: The surprise of the summer concert season was the Lilith Fair tour. The festival of all-female headliners was run by singer Sarah McLachlan and drew more than 700,000 people in 35 tour stops. While some festivals struggled, the Lilith Fair chalked up a spate of sold-out shows, including Great Woods in Mansfield.... ''I made a lot of great friends and I can't wait to do it again next summer,'' says McLachlan, whose Lilith compatriots included the Indigo Girls, Tracy Chapman, Jewel, Paula Cole, Emmylou Harris, Tori Amos, and a rotating cast of other women who made this an extraordinary, empowering event. You can read the article online ![]() Tori heard during commercial for NYPD Blue(October 11) - Ears With Feet Helena reports: Last night i was watching the telly and suddenly there's this commercial for next week's NYPD Blue episode and in the background is Tori's "aaaaaaahhhhh" from precious things - i think it was taken from the rabbit in the moon mix because of the extension and distortion, not directly from the original song. ![]() Making Music Your Business: A Guide for Young Musicians(October 10) - Ears With Feet Dyynnomite reports: I just did an America Online news search under "tori amos" and i found something interesting. I read an article about Megadeath's bassist, David Ellefson. It says he wrote a book called "Making Music Your Business: A Guide for Young Musicians" and that "Ellefson spoke to everyone from Tori Amos to Will Lee of the David Letterman band to Mustaine. " I have no idea whether the book is out yet or whether Tori's input is included, but I thought this might be something you'd like to check out. :) ![]() Speculations: Readings in Culture, Identity and Values(October 10) - Ears With Feet SillyPink reports: My best friend, Natasha stumbled upon two Tori analysis prompt in her English course at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). The book is called Speculations: Readings in Culture, Identity and Values (second edition) Editors: Charles I. Schuster and William V. Van Pelt. The content of the two essays are based on "Crucify" and "Me and a Gun". It's pretty cool. ![]() Janet Jackson Lyrically Like Tori?(October 8) - Ears With Feet Nick Rafeal reports: Last night I was with some friends and we were driving around and on the radio they had this guy on who must be a music reviewer. He gave short reviews for 3 new albums and one of them was a new album by Janet Jackson ("Velvet Rope"). Anyway, I was shocked to hear Tori's name in his review... He said something like "Musically, this album has a lot in common with sexy records by Madonna, but lyrically it shares an intimacy with the music of Tori Amos and even Joni Mitchell." He also said something about it being a very introspective album or something. About that Janet Jackson thing. A friend of mine bought the album by her, and of course I had to listen because she was compared with Tori. It doesn't really remind me much of Tori's lyrics, but a little bit of Tori's personal beliefs and state of mind. There are a few songs on Janet's album (like "You," "Special," and "Velvet Rope") that deal with us learning to love ourselves and not trying to hide who we really are. I guess that is a message that Tori often tries to get across, but musically they definitely are not much alike. ![]() USA Today Article Briefly Mentions Tori(October 8) - Ears With Feet Doug Smeath reports: "I was reading my hotmail account, and they now do this little news section that I guess links to USA Today articles...I followed the link to "Musicline" and then read this article about "boy bands" at http://www.usatoday.com/life/music/lmds041.htm (It bugs me sort of because it's another Tori-is-for-teenage-girls-only implication, but it's still Tori.)" The article is from 09/30/97 and has the title, "Guy groups pop up to woo preteen girls." The article talks about the fact that boy bands are making a comeback. The part that mentions Tori says: "Looks only go so far," Kaplow says. "Girls like music that speaks to them on an emotional level. Their interest isn't limited to boy groups. They like Jewel, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple and the Wallflowers, pop music that resonates emotion." ![]() Article About Musician Magazine's "Best Unsigned Band" Winners(October 7) - Ears With Feet Beth Hasbrouck reports: I was looking at the Gazette, the Colorado Springs paper, and I happened to notice an article about a man from Monument, which is my home town. The article is about a man named Tom Taylor who was one of Musician Magazine's 12 "Best Unsigned Band" winners. Joe Satriani, one of the judges, gave him straight tens. Here is the part that interested me: "Taylor's tape was plucked from a crop of 3000 by Musician's celebrity judge panel, which included Satriani, Bob Mould, Tori Amos, Vince Gill, and others." Here is a reaction from Taylor about Tori: "When you have someone like Tori, all they do is start with a chord progression and put a melody to that, and I've been hearing it for 40 years now." I'm not sure if that's a compliment, but it was still interesting to see Tori's name in the article! ![]() Tori Mentioned In A Letter In USA Weekend(October 7) - Ears With Feet Jamie Beckman reports: I was paging through the Oct. 3-5 issue of the USA Weekend when I came across an interesting letter to the editor concerning a recent article on the music group Hanson from Russ Marshalek, Marietta, Ga. Read on: "Why does the media latch on to such pointless, talentless muscians as Hanson, while ignoring those artists trying to make a difference? Where was your coverage of Tori Amos' charity, RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)? MMMBop can go only so far. I'm just waiting until the Hansons are mentioned along with Milli Vanilli, New Kids on the Block, and M.C. Hammer." ![]() Tori Seen In Australian Commercial For New CD(October 6) - Ears With Feet Daniel reports: I just thought I'd tell you I saw Tori on TV last night. It was on an ad for the Triple J Hottest 100 CD, and Professional Widow (ASTFM) is on it (Track 16, CD2). On the CD are 37 of the hottest 100 tracks in Australia in the past year. On the add, they played some of Professional Widow and showed some of the UK Cornflake Girl Video Clip (the end part of the girls fighting). This is the latest CD, but in 1994, Cornflake Girl made it on to the Hottest 100 then, and it was also on 100% Hits Volume 11. Its great to see Tori making the Hottest 100 when she gets no airplay in Australia! ![]() Movieline Magazine Mentions Tori(October 6) - Ears With Feet Kim H. reports: An article in MOVIELINE mentions Tori... unfortunately, not exactly in a favorable tone. It's an article saying how good the soundtrack to Wim Wenders' new movie "The End of Violence" is. It unfavorably compares soundtracks with Tori on them by saying: "Every time a movie comes along aimed at folks too young to be pandered to with Smokey Robinson on the soundtrack, the call goes out: get me somebody who's been featured in SPIN and has an outtake they can spare. Out trot the usual suspects: here a Tori, there a Tricky, everywhere a Billy Corgan..." This is on pg. 40 of the October 1997 MOVIELINE, with Ashley Judd on the cover. ![]() A Review Of Sarah McLachlan's "Surfacing"(October 6) - Ears With Feet Giovanni Mantilla reports: I found this review to Sarah McLachlan's "Surfacing" that mention and describes Tori in a very accurate way (i guess), go read it at the online Salon Magazine ![]() Tori Heard During a Review of "Grease" on VH-1(October 6) - Ears With Feet Beth Coulter reports: PT was heard in the background during (of all things!) a review of "Grease" on VH1 at 6:30 est Friday [October 3, 1997]. It was pretty cool during this boring talk by Robin Dorian to hear Tori come over with "OhhOhhOhh" and the piano intro of Precious Things. Bah Humbug on VH1 anyway---Tori is good enough for the background, but rarely to the fore :(. ![]() Tori's Name Used In A Saturday Night Live Skit(Updated October 2) - Ears With Feet Terri Sulton, Zippy995, and Liza were the first of many Toriphiles to report on Tori's name being mentioned in a Saturday Night Live skit. Some Toriphiles did not find the reference very funny. Incest is not funny to me either. Liza says: Tori was mentioned on Saturday Night Live weekend update (on September 27) with norm mccdonald. Ana Geystayer was playing cinder calhoun, who i guess was an act at one of Lilith Fair shows. norm asked her how she got her start in comedy/songwriting or whatever...she was saying how she met tracy chapman at some benefit and they became friends....then how she met tori at a "rage against incest" (i personally didn't like that joke) benefit and that she was very weird but so fun to talk to blah blah....something along the line of that. then she went on to sing some song about vegetarianism.... Toriphile dyynno adds: I thought I should add that the lady who talked about her was a fictional character, not a guest on the show...she was supposed to be the stereotypical feminist/vegetarian and I guess she was referring to RAINN when she talked about the "rage against incest" show....she said she met Fiona Apple backstage at the show, so obviously she was just making stuff up....and, personally, i thought the song she sang at the end was hillarious...but my mind was kinda altered, so maybe it wasn't ![]() Columbia House Record Club Spotlights Boys For Pele(October 2) - Ears With Feet Doug Smeath reports: Columbia House always mentions Tori since they sell five of her CDs, but in this latest mailing, they put *Boys for Pele* in their new "The Hot Spot" insert. They listed her under "Try It, You'll Like It!" Here is what they wrote: "Tori's earned her reputation through a combination of jaunty melodies, introspective lyrics, and a supple voice. But the complex 'Boys for Pele' is a quantum leap, delving into some of the more profound aspects of life and spirituality. Her ability to veer from the straight pop of 'Caught A Lite Sneeze' to the dark familial explorations of 'Professional Widow,' made this challenging, fascinating album one of last year's most talked-about releases." Then, right next door, they list Kate Bush's *The Whole Story*, saying, "Kate displayed the originality and daring that would pave the way for female artists like Sinead O'Connor, Tori Amos, and PJ Harvey." ![]() More Tori References In The Boston Globe(October 2) - Ears With Feet Dave reports: There was a smaller mention of her in this Sunday's (September 28, 1997) Boston Globe. There was an article about a local expo selling rock memorabilia. Here's the excerpt that mentions Tori... "But in today's rock industry where the Stone Temple Pilots are as well known to younger audiences as the Rolling Stones are to an older generation, the memorabilia business isn't just for the older crowd. Samantha Carson, 15, of Malden was rummaging through a crate of black-and-white photographs, looking for anything from either Sheryl Crow or Tori Amos. Next to her, her father, Andrew , was admiring an album from Queen. "I guess that '70' stuff is OK, but for me, rock 'n' roll is more about who I listen to today," said Carson. "It would be weird if we liked the same stuff." I (Mikewhy) found another Boston Globe reference online. In the September 30th issue, in the Living Arts section, there was an article called Aligning The Planet Ear to the ground Anne Woolf apparently has her late husband Bob's penchant for musical acts as well as athletes (the superagent who represented Larry Bird and Bobby Orr also repped New Kids on the Block and Boys 2 Men). When Woolf was in New York last week, she heard Eden White perform and invited her to sing at the Bob Woolf Sports Festival last Saturday at the Sheraton Boston. It was a homecoming of sorts for White, a Cape Cod native and Tufts grad. Apparently Billboard magazine thinks a lot of White, too. It recently called her ''a laid-back cross between Sheryl Crow and Tori Amos.'' ![]() Tori Dance Remix Heard In Mexico(October 1) - Ears With Feet ~Jason reports: I recently went to Tijuana, Mexico, to go dancing and drinking, the age limit there is 18 so a lot of young people go there, but anyways, me and my friends were at this one club called Club FX and all the mixes that were playing sort of meld into each other and i heard a mix of the Eurythmics Sweet Dreams, but then all the sudden i hear "honey bring it close to my lips" and it was Armands Star Trunk Funking Whatever Mix of Professional Widow! And when i told my friend that she said that they play that song pretty regularly down there at the clubs! ![]() A Little Tori Inspired Imagery At BT's Web Site(September 29) - Ears With Feet Eric Wilcox made me aware of: Artist BT (Brian Transeau) has a new album coming out, and the first single is called Flaming June. BT has a new web site ![]() Review For Canadian Artist Chantal Kreviazuk Mentions Tori(September 29) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: In The Boston Phoenix Newspaper for the week of September 25 - October 2, 1997, there is a less than flattering review ![]() Tori Mentioned In The Dance Section Of Rolling Stone(September 29) - Ears With Feet Eddie Pombo reports: While browsing thru the new rolling stone (oct. 16 1997) i saw tori's name mentioned. on page 30 in the "dance" section, the very last paragraph is talking about armand van helden & read's as follows: "Armand Van Helden's "phunk Phenomena" turned the dance-music world on it's ear, & his now clasic innuendo-heavy remix of TORI AMOS' "Proffesional Widow" defined the miz master's wreck-shit mentality." then it goes on to talk about him having a new cd coming out... ![]() Tori in the Book "Making Faces" By Kevyn Aucoin(September 29) - Ears With Feet Joe 'Felix' Bopp reports: There's a new book called _Making_Faces_ by makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin, & in it he discusses the look of various & sundry people, how they achieve their look, etc. Well, Our Tori is one of the people he features! On page 6, there's a small photo of Tori, but pages 106-7 are devoted to Tori & the title of the section is "The Innocent". Here's part of what Kevyn as to say,"Tori Amos's timeless, modern-day 'Botticelli-esque' beauty" (which is neat, because I've always thought of her as a Boticelli-type.) Also,"...looks as though she has just stepped out of a beautiful oil painting." Read a little more about this and see a photo of Tori from the book. ![]() Upcoming Animated Anastasia Movie Has Web Site(September 26) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: I found a web site for the movie ![]() Etienne's Grave Found...(September 26) - Ears With Feet Danica reports: I was in New Orleans recently and we were walking in the St Louis Cemetary (#1) and we came across a grave...it says Etienne, or course the first thing i think of is Tori......here is the pic ![]() Ani Difranco mentions Tori on Modern Rock Live(Updated September 26) - Ears With Feet Suki reports: Just wan't to tell you that Tori was mentioned on Modern Rock Live Sunday the 21st [of September 1997]. Ani Difranco was the guest and a caller asked her if she ever thought of working with any of the other female artists today....particularly Tori. She said that she didn't know Tori personally but is pretty open with working with other artists. Something was also mentioned about faeries.... Toriphile Chris was the caller who talked to Ani and he reports: It turns out that I spoke with Ani on Modern Rock Live and asked her the question regarding working with Tori. She said that she had never considered working with Tori, but she should call her up and say "Hey Tori...Its Ani." She also jokingly mentioned (after the radio announcer said that Tori was into dwarfs and faeries and stuff) that faeries were factoring big on her new album. Ani said that she feels each girl who is out there doing "her own thing" is a big inspiration. That each performer draws a little bit from each other. She said that she has never been friends with anyone who has become famous that has been an influence to her...only Suzanne Vega. ![]() Taiwan artist Valen Hsu covers China and Winter(September 25) - While surfing the web today I found an interesting new page on Greg Burrell's wonderful web site, The Tori Online Research Institute (T.O.R.I.) He has a page on an artist in Taiwan named Valen Hsu, who has recorded songs that have the same melody as Winter and China. You can find out more about this artist and listen to sound clips of the covers by going to my Asian Covers Page. ![]() Tori An Answer To A Contest In The Boston Globe(September 22) - Ears With Feet Dave reports: In Friday the 19th's Boston Globe Music section they had a small box talking about their websites music section. They have a weekly contest called "Stump That Surfer". The clue printed in the paper was "This week figure out this snippet by a redheaded female artist who took her first name form a small, crooked, and rare tree from Southern California." If you go to the actual site the clue is slightly different: "This week's hint: This talented redhead took her name from a small, crooked and rare tree which grows in Southern California. " They have a small .wav file of "God" and a way to submit your answers online. Toriphile Marlantigone was one of the first people to correctly answer this question, and as a result her named appeared in the September 26th edition of the newspaper. ![]() Review Of Performer Veda Hille Compares Her To Tori(September 22) - Ears With Feet Mikewhy reports: There is a concert review ![]() VH-1 Show About Celebrity Stalkers Shows A Tori Video Clip(September 22) - Ears With Feet Christian Hurley reports: I am now watching a television show on VH1 called "Nowhere to hide: Behind the music" that has just showed Tori Amos. It is a show about stalkers and they were discussing how generaly female artists are in more danger due to the fact that people identify with them then they showed several female artists and they showed about 1 second of the very end of the Silent All These Years video. [NOTE FROM MIKEWHY: I don't think the show was saying that Tori was currently being stalked, thank goodness.] ![]() A Chilean Band named "La Rue Morgue" dedicates song to Tori(September 19) - Ears With Feet Giovanni Mantilla reports: I just wanted to email you telling you that there is a Chilean band (from Chile, South America) named "La Rue Morgue" that has a song dedicated to 2 women, and one of the happens to be our lovely red-head!! The song is called "Blues A Dos Mujeres" (Blues to Two Women). The song actually does mention Tori. Unfortunately, i don't have their album (which has the same name of the band), and have been unable to find info on the band over the internet, so that's all i can tell you for the moment. The band is a piano-based blues-jazz band. And i don't know who the other woman to whom the song is dedicated is. I have heard the song, and i think it's pretty good, i like it. ![]() Tori Ranks #7 On The People-Lycos Web Watch(September 16) - Ears With Feet Nick Rafeal reports: Just wanted to let you know that I saw Tori's name mentioned in the (September 22, 1997) issue of "People" magazine . Tori is mentioned in a small section (called the People-Lycos Web Watch on page 47) about online users and which female musicians' names get the most hits. Tori was # 7 in the Top 10. Madonna was #1, Mariah Carey #2, and Jewel #3. Fiona Apple appeared at #8. ![]() The Band Thanks To Gravity Covers Crucify.(September 16) - Ears With Feet Chris Barnes reports: I think that now is the perfect opportunity to let you know of a fantastic band that has covered TORI. They are called THANKS TO GRAVITY and they are from Portsmouth, NH which is where I am from. They just signed to CAPITOL RECORDS and are coming out with their debut album so we here are quite excited for them because of the tremendous hard work they have put into their previous four albums and their live shows. During one show at the PORSTMOUTH MUSIC HALL Thanks to Gravity's lead singer broke into a beautiful version of CRUCIFY complete with a violin solo (he is an incredible violin solo) After the show I was talking to Andy Happel who said that he was a big fan of Tori's and that he had written to Atlantic and they sent him some press releases on her. ![]() MTV News Shows Quick Flash Of Tori...(September 16) - Ears With Feet Autumn reports: MTV News has a new format and they flash some very quick pictures of people they talk about and one of them is Tori (I'm sure, I paid very close attention). ![]() Professional Widow Covered(September 14) - Ears With Feet Matt Presidente reports: My dad is a pilot, and he was in Beijing this weekend, and he brought back some interesting CD's. One was the Spice Girls GIRL POWER ALBUM which contains professional widow (ASTFM) as track two. the other was a 2CD set of a bunch of really cool hit songs like PROFESSIONAL WIDOW (Funkin Mix), WANNABE (spice girls), BORN SLIPPY (underworld) and a bunch of others! I thought "How cool..." Until I put it in. I then realized it was this dumb group called the HIT SQUAD or something that COVERED ALL THESE SONGS!!! They are really really really close to the originals except the voices have been re recorded by this new group! THEY ARE SOOOOO BAD!!! You should hear professional widow! It is AWFULL!! she sings the ARMANDS mix and keeps saying It's Gotta be big in the most awfull way... It's so bad... the woman who sings it is SOOOO SOOOO SOOOO terrible... ![]() The Flash Girls' CD "Maurice And I"(September 8) - Ears With Feet Eva reports: i recently bought a copy of the flash girls' cd entitled "maurice and i." the flash girls were a gothic folk duo featuring emma bull on vocals and acoustic guitar and the fabulous lorraine on vocals and fiddle. in the liner notes is the following: reading list (emma): _last call_, tim powers; _strong poison_, dorothy sayers; _pamela and the blue mare_, alice p. o'connell. listening list (lorraine): liz phair, "supernova;" everything by nick lowe; tori amos, _b sides_. the cd also has contributions by several artists and writers that tori fans might be familiar with, including neil gaiman, jane yolen, alan moore, and michael zulli. as far as i know, you can only get "maurice and i" mail order these days. info at this web site. i don't know whether their previous cd, "the return of pansy smith & violet jones," is still available. ![]() "Not The Red Baron" Heard During Story On Princess Diana(September 8) - Ears With Feet Nick Rafeal reports: My parents were watching TV last night and I was in the other room on the computer. All of the sudden I could hear the opening bars of "Not The Red Baron" coming from the television. I raced out to the other room, because my first thoughts were "oh my god! there's a new video!" Turns out, it was a little retrospective kind of thingy about [the late] Princess Diana on "Inside Edition" or something. They were showing photos and film footage of Diana and her children and "Not The Red Baron" was the music that was playing. They didn't play any of Tori's singing parts but I did hear the Dutch Pilots at one point very faintly. Kind of nice... ![]() Tori Sample Used In Dance Song By Salt Tank(September 8) - Originally reported by Mark H. Weidman and Ruth Eichmiller with new information now from Tony and Jan Hoffmann: Ruth says, "I read on your bitchin site that someone heard Salt Tank's Eugina (pacific diva) on the Platinum on Black vol. III CD. Well, just to let you know the infamous line "Do you know Carolina with the biscuits soft and sweet..." can be heard on all four versions of the song and is in fact the only lyric. The Eugina CD single has the following tracks: pacific edit, sargasso sea, charged up, and pacific diva. Toriphile Tony adds that the song Eugina (Sargasso Sea) can also be heard on an album called "United State of Ambience II" on Moonshine Records. He says, "Please tell everyone to check out this album. I have this to say about Ambient music: If there is any genre of music which facilitates mental evolution, this is it." He also is certain that the sampled vocals ARE Tori's and not someone else. Jan Hoffmann tells me that Eugina is also featured on the "Salt Tank 7" album. ![]() Figure Skater Michelle Kwan(September 3) - This was first reported on back in November 1996. Toriphiles Joe, Nate, and LeeSah now tell me: "Last night (September 1, 1997), ESPN aired the '1997 World Championships: Exhibition Sports' for figure skating. Michelle Kwan performed her routine to 'Winter', by our beloved Miss Amos. The commentator mentioned that with this routine she skated with a serenity and inner-peace that she had been lacking for quite awhile." ![]() "Precious Things" Sampled On Dance Track Called "Out Of Body Experience"(September 3) - An anonymous Toriphile reports on a dance track that samples Precious Things. (I originally reported on this a few months ago, but Michael adds more detail and some sound clips!) Probably one of the most famous electronica artists is Rabbit In The Moon. Everybody's heard some of his stuff, because he is very original and very talented. His remixes are seldom, but there are a few (Sarah McLachlan's "Fear" being one). Well, maybe you knew this and maybe you didn't. Rabbit In The Moon heavily sampled "Precious Things" for one of his songs called "Out Of Body Experience". And I mean heavily. It holds true to the song more than most remixes bearing the name of the original song do. It includes lots of samples of the piano and some of the lyrics (most prominent being the "*crack* Ay-haieeeeee..." The piano is both slowed down and sped up. It's very effective. This track I found on "Northern Exposure", a trance CD only available in the UK. [Note From Mikewhy: It is available in the U.S. on a compilation album called Urbal Beats. See below.] This CD is a continuous mix of the BEST trance out there, done by Sasha and John Digweed. "Out Of Body Experience" is track five on the first CD. The first three minutes are mixed with track four, God Within's "Raincry" (remember, it's a continous mix.) It is EXCELLENT. Toriphile Geoffrey A. Ehrlich adds: There is a techno group that is known for their wonderful remixes of delerium, sarah maclachlan, and bt's blue skies. they are rabbit in the moon. they have released their own single entitled "O.B.E." the song is very mellow but abt 2 minutes into the song, you can hear the beginning of precious things sampled. it is amazing to hear it. it is available on a cd called "URBAL BEATS" which you can get at any large record store [In The U.S.] ![]() |
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Please give me feedback, comments, or suggestions about The Dent. Email me (Mikewhy) at mikewhy@iglou.com |