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Tori's Music or Name
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Sightings reported from July 10, 1997 through August 30, 1997 ![]() An Article On BT In The Washington Post(August 30) - Mikewhy reports: There is an article on BT called "Organically Electronic, Dude" in the August 29th Washington Post. They mention Tori in the article. It says, "He collaborated with fellow Marylander Tori Amos on 'Talula,' a cut on the 'Twister' soundtrack ('She's a total sister now')." The article goes on to talk about BT's next CD. You can read this article online ![]() Tori In collection of nine short stories by Francesca Lia Block(August 28) - LeeSah reports: In 'Girl Goddess #9', a collection of nine short stories by Francesca Lia Block, Miss Amos is mentioned as being a favorite musician of one of the characters. There is also a dedication in the beginning of the book to a 'Tori and Jenna' for a story called 'The Canyon', this may or may not be for our Tori, but I thought it was suspicious. Block, as you may recall interviewed Tori in Spin magazine last year in the article 'Tori Amos: The Volcano Lover'. ![]() Tori Mentioned In Billboard Article About DJ/producer Armand Van Helden(August 28) - Mikewhy reports: In the Billboard Online Daily Music Update for August 25, 1997, there is a small mention and photo of Tori in an article talking about Armand Van Helden and the release of his debut CD. The article only mentions Tori when it says that Armand hopes to "repeat the success of his notorious retooling of Tori Amos' "Professional Widow"' ![]() Tori and The Broadway Musical Rent(August 27) - Gina Goon reports: I recently bought the book "Rent" which details the making of the Broadway musical with the same name, and one of the original cast members mentions Tori. The writer states that since the popularity of the musical, many celebrities have come to visit with the cast backstage. Gilles Chiasson, an ensemble member said: "I was thrilled when Tori Amos came, because I think she's a goddess. I went over to her, and she just opened her arms and held me." ![]() More Tori/Sylvia Plath Connections (August 27) - Earlier in August In a very bitter poem to her dead father called "Daddy," Plath writes: "If I've killed one man, I've killed two- Of course the first line is straight out of "Butterfly" where Tori says, "Daddy dear, If I can kill one man, why not two?" The lines about vampires sound a lot like Tori describing her seven year relationship with Eric Rosse. Only SHE was sucking HIS blood, as she says in her interviews. Pretty interesting, eh? ![]() More Tori-Related Stuff On The Guiding Light(August 27) - Beth Coulter reports: Today 8/25, CBS daytime once again promoted RAINN after "Guiding Light". Earlier on Friday July 18th, Tori made her CBS soap debut on "Guiding Light" during a crucial scene (aren't they all?) Tori was clearly heard in the background in a diner. It was hard to distingish the song because of the dialouge and the fact it was only heard for 20-30 seconds, but was DEFINATELY Tori! ![]() More On The Tori Song Quote In "Only Forward"(August 25) - Red Fish originally reported a few weeks ago: There is a quote from "Silent All these years" on page 1 of a (great!) Science Fiction book called "Only Forward" by Michael Marshall Smith, that was published in britain in 1994. It begins with "But what if I'm a mermaid..." and ends in "Here, Silent all these years." I love both the song and the book, but I haven't really found a connection between them. Now, Red emails me back with more details: I mailed Michael Marshall Smith, author of "Only Forward",
about the Tori quote in his book. He seems like a very nice man, too. This
is a part of the reply I got from him:
"As to the Tori quote, I put it at the beginning of ONLY FORWARD for two
reasons. The first was just that I discovered LITTLE EARTHQUAKES just as
I started the book, and played it over and over and over again during the
writing. As much as anything, it was to remind me of what I'd been
listening to during that time, because I think some of the atmosphere of
her songs on that album seeped into the book. I specifically used the
SILENT ALL THESE YEARS quote to make the point that Stark had hidden his
real voice, and true history, from himself and to others for a long time,
because it was too painful to contemplate.
"The story on the quote is that, having included it at the beginning of
the book, I only discovered *after* publication that clearing rights was
the author's - not the publisher's responsibility. I realised this when
Neil Gaiman - who's a close friend of Tori's - asked me how I'd got
permission. 'Er,' I said. 'I didn't...' He cleared it with Tori, but the
quote was pulled from most subsequent printings of the book - so the
books with the quote in are actually a varient.
"My relationship/fan status with Tori is that LITTLE EARTHQUAKES is
possibly my favourite album off all time; I liked the second one a lot;
and the third one didn't really work for me in the same way. EARTHQUAKES
was the only album I've ever bought solely on reading lyrics quoted in a
review." The guy who sent me this info has a web page called the Red Fish Page, which I found to be really creative and fun! Check it out. ![]() Tori In The Cartoon Fair Game(August 25) - Dave Woodson reports: Tori was the subject of a cartoon in the Starlight section of the
Arizona Daily Star on Friday [August 22]. The cartoon called FAIR GAME and is by Stephanie Piro. It's syndicated by Chronicle features, so there will be other papers that have it. The cartoon shows a number of girls walking out a door holding sheet music. The door has a sign on it that says Two Spinsters Piano School.
There are two severely dressed old ladies outside the door, and the caption says "We must remember to write to Ms. Tori Amos to thank her for the renewed interest in piano lessons among so many nice young girls..." The cartoonist's e-mail address is Piro@Worldpath.net ![]() Lili Haydn Compared To Tori(August 25) - GreenGrl reports: I was reading through this newspaper called the New Times Los Angeles, August 21-27, 1997 and I came across this article:
Fiddle Dee Don't . . .26-year old violinist . . .fashioning her orchestrated pop. . .The
result is this self-produced, self-titled, self-serious debut on
Atlantic Records, which apparently needed another Tori Amos to fill the
roster while the orginal goes off to finish record number four. Of
course, Haydn's a violinist, while Amos is a pianist, but the
similarities hold and then some: They both possess voices pretty enough
to breathe life into a dream and light enough to lift a cloud, and the
only thing more palpable than their ambition is their pretension. ![]() Tori Video In Macy's(August 25) - MetroJoe reports: As I was waiting for my sister to finish trying on her pants, I was watching the TV screens in Macy's (they play videos). After she was finished, we went to look for shoes for her and then my sister, said "Oh look, Joe." I turned around and "The Big Picture" was being played! I sang along in the store (I got some strange looks). The after it was done, the screen froze and the words THEN and NOW popped up and they played "Professional Widow"! While very cool, if someone who didn't know Tori saw PW, they would think Tori was a dance diva. ![]() Tori and Windsurfing...(August 25) - Lisa Golmen from Norway reports: Ok, here in Norway, there`s this ridiculous little program called "Extreme", which is every now and then aired between usual listed shows. It`s all shots of "extreme" sports, be it surfing, snowboarding, hanggliding, etc, etc. It`s accompanied by an instrumental soundtrack, snippets taken from known (or not so known) pop or rock-songs. Now during a scene with some guy windsurfing, they played the intro to "Precious things" over and over again, like a loop. What`s Tori`s views on windsurfing, I wonder... ;) ![]() Billy Joel Likes Tori Amos(August 25) - Mikewhy reports: On August 24, 1997, the Boston Globe printed an article on Billy Joel in the Living/Arts section called Billy Joel sells 'used cars,' with a twist . At one point, The article says: As for today's pop world, Joel feels detached from it (he does like Tori Amos and Pearl Jam, though), and he is cynical about what kind of acts are getting signed by most record companies. ''Record companies generally sign people who can't sing and can't write. You and I know if they tracked down Adolf Hitler in Argentina, they'd be waving checks at the guy: `We want you on our label!' But if there's a new Mozart, people would say, `Well, just leave your tape on the desk.''' ![]() Neil Gaiman Related News...(August 25) - I have placed all the sitings and Tori news that relate to Neil Gaiman on a separate page. There you can read about the Death: The High Cost Of Living movie, the Neverwhere book tour, and anything else that pops up involving Tori and Neil. ![]() Tori Mentioned In Photo Essay Of 1997 Lollapalooza Festival(August 22) - Mikewhy reports: Found a mention about Tori on the Metroactive web site ![]() "Silent All These Years" Played On All My Children(August 21) - Sana, MetroJoe82, Jason, and Kerry report: In a scene from the ABC soap, "All My Children," two characters are talking in Hollidays and SATY is playing in the background. When one of the characters remembers a painful childhood memory, SATY gets real loud and becomes part of that scene. When she snaps out of it, SATY concludes as background music. Very nicely done. ![]() Brief Glimpse Of Tori On VH-1(August 21) - Jennifer Gerbi reports: At 2.15 central today (August 20), on VH-1, they had some 80's where are they now special, and they mentioned the guitar player of mr. mr, steve ferrel (spelling?) played with some people including Tori amos, and showed a snippet of the CALS video. ![]() Y Kant Tori Read Band Members Play On Power Rangers Soundtrack!(August 21) - derf reports: I was listening to my sister's power rangers soundtrack. (the movie) and the theme song was played by Kim Bullard on keyboard (part of y kant tori read) and that Guns 'n Roses guy (Matt Sorum) on drums (also from y kant tori read I believe). Strange, isn't it. ![]() Tori Mentioned In Book Called "Love in Vein"(August 16) - Mireya Shaw reports: I thought I would tell you about a brief mention in a book called "Love in Vein", which is a collection of erotic vampire stories edited by horror writer Poppy Z. Brite. The story that mentions Tori is "Geraldine", and in it, the main character, a young bisexual woman, is a Tori fan. Tori is mantioned as one of the girl's 'passions', and she is also wearing a Tori t-shirt when her vampire girlfriend comes over for dinner. Just thought it was interesting, but the book may not be for those with weak stomachs. Fairly gory and sexually explicit. ![]() Tori Mentioned In Tulsa World Weekend, Entertainment Guide(August 16) - Pam reports: here's a small bit on the red-hair dancing girl. i didn't appreciate the "... these poor suckers..." line, but i guess it's all about how you read/view something. "liner" by thomas conner from A Rocker By Any Other Name: It takes more than just talent and moxie to be in show biz. When some musicians try to make their name, they really make up a name. We're not all born with monikers that would captivate the crowds from marquees, so many people alter their original names, or at least tweak them a bit. Here's a bit of a quiz; see if you can match the stage names with the names THESE POOR SUCKERS were born with. (A list from " Bob Dylan to Spiral Stairs(pavement)" was listed.) the highlights: h. TORI AMOS ---myra ellen amos!!!! ![]() Tori Mentioned In Article In The New York Times About Dorm Mates(August 11) - Mikewhy reports: I was looking through the New York Times web site and I found an article from August 10, 1997 that talks about room mates in dorms and the horror of having to live with someone who listens to music you hate! The article mentions Tori in one sentence. To read any articles on this site, you will need to register. (It is free!) You can try clicking here to go straight to the article, or go to the main New York Times web page, register, and then do a search on Tori Amos and look for an article named Rap or Rock? For Dorm Mates That Is No Easy Negotiation! ![]() Tori's Music Used During U.S. TV Show EXTRA(August 11) - Dor reports: I'm watching Extra on cbs and it's like... twenty to midnight.. and they have some story about the red cross helping survivors of some plane crash and Blood ROSES ls playing in the background!!!!isn't that odd???? heh. i was very surprised. i'm totally tripped out!! they're playing snippets from Mohammed My Friend too!!!! silliness! yay :) ![]() Tori Spotted In Baltimore....Sort of!(August 9) - Joe 'Felix' Bopp reports: I spotted Tori! In Baltimore! Well, sort of. There's this diner in Baltimore that has a mural on the wall of famous people from Maryland. It shows all of these people at the diner. Well, guess who's the Waitress? Naturally... [Note From Mikewhy: Where Is This Diner?] Click Here To See This Diner Mural! ![]() Tori Spotted At MacWorld Expo, Well Not Really....(August 9) - David Louie reports: I was at Macworld Expo here in Boston a couple of days ago. The Power Computing booth was having this game show style contest. There was a big crowd, loud blaring music and a giant video screen. They'd pick people from the audience and have them try to answer trivia questions. Anyway on one round they picked this woman from way back in the audience. As she ran up to the stage the announcer says "Ladies and gentleman, it's Tori Amos!". Of course it wasn't really her and only resembled her in the fact that she had red hair. She missed the trivia question.... ![]() More On New Artist Margot O'Breslin (Compared To Tori)(August 8) - I, Mikewhy, was perusing the net and I found several articles online in the Scene Magazine, Northeast Ohio's entertainment weekly. The first appears in the July 31, 1997 issue in the Regional Beat Section. The article is about a new 18-year old singer/songwriter named Margot O'Breslin. The article says that many people compare her to Tori, even when it comes to appearance! The article is called Songs In The Key Of Life: Margot O'Breslin Draws On Experiences For Debut. Morgot just completed her debut album called THAT'S THE WAY IT IS TODAY. The parts that mention Tori are: "I'd made totally feeble attempts at playing guitar over the past couple of years," she relates, "but I really didn't know that piano playing would get me into it until I heard Tori Amos. I thought, 'You know, what if I could do the same kind of thing?' And it's just kind of evolved from there." Amos' style and passion left a strong impression on O'Breslin, who shares a similarly confessional songwriting approach, not to mention more than just a passing resemblance, with the singer. But O'Breslin's isn't merely a case of hero worship, though she could certainly have done a lot worse as heroes go. ....She doesn't mind that a lot of people's first reaction is to make "the Tori connection." "It's kind of scary," she says. "but it's like a blessing and a curse, all at once. One of these days, I'd like to meet Tori, just to have a conversation and see if we're really at all similar. But as far as that goes, I always have to explain that I was doing this before I heard Tori, but ..." To be honest, the last time this reviewer can remember a performer receiving that level of reverence was
when another piano girl made her Cleveland debut at this very same venue. That woman was Tori Amos, and
that's not bad company to be in.
Since we already have our foot in that door, let's get this out of the way. Like it or not, O'Breslin is
going to draw comparisons with Amos. The 18-year-old pianist is petite, with a curly cascade of red hair. She
plays much of her set solo. She plays with passion, dramatics and theatrics. Her songs are frequently
confessional and her lyrics are written with a very female slant. There's no denying that there were times,
moments and flashes during her 12-song set that her delivery was eerily similar to that of Amos. Piano
phrasings and vocal dispatch on certain items were very comparable.
Truthfully, she owes as much to others as she does to Amos. There was an echo of Mike Oldfield
spookiness in the intro "Sister Song." There were hints and rumors that pointed to entities as gritty as
Aerosmith and as jazzy as Vonda Shepard that popped here and there. ![]() Launch Interview With Ben Folds Five Mentions Tori(August 7) - Marlantigone reports: In the new issue of Launch is an interview with (heart heart) Ben Folds Five. Darren Jesse is listing performers who use the piano, and along with Joni Mitchell and Ricki Lee Jones he mentions Tori :) Also, there's a nice interview with Sarah McLachlan, plus a live acoustic version of Building a Mystery that's quite lovely - too bad they "bleep" her...blah... ![]() Tori and Sylvia Plath(August 6) - Meredith Burke reports: While reading Plath's poetry (ARIEL is the name of the book), I came across interesting cross references to Tori's lyrics. I know Tori enjoy's Plath's work so I believe these associations to be worth taking a look at. I can't type out the whole poems, but I suggest a further reading to get the whole jist! it's really cool! THE APPLICANT: -this resembles "Horses". CUT: -reminds me of "Little Amsterdam", and the line "girl, you've got to know these days which side you're on" ELM: How you lie and cry after it. listen: these are its hooves: it has gone off, like a horse" GETTING THERE: "it is Russia I have to get across, it is some war or other"
LADY LAZARUS: basically, all i'm saying is to read sylvia plath! it's worth it! ![]() Tori's Name Pops Up On AOL Chats(August 6) - Kate reports: These next few are from online chats that America Online hosts sometimes, usually with celebraties. I just did a search in the archives for "Tori Amos" and came up with some transcripts: This first one is with a girl named Laurie Plaksin, and I have never heard of her before. Supposedly there is (or was, this interview was from April of '96) a show that was broadcast only online, it wasn't a network show, it was called "The Spot". And anyways, this is what she had to say about Tori... Question: "Who is your favorite music group?"
Answer: "I really love Tori Amos -- her music is probably some of the most
passionate and real I've ever heard. I also like PJ Harvey, Morphine, Porno
For Pyros, Jane's Addiction. I could go on, but I won't." This is an online chat with Sarah McLachlan. June 25, 1997 Q: "Was there anyone that you tried to get for Lilith Fair who said no?"
A: "A few people -- mostly because they were either in the studio or they
were tired from too much touring. Tori Amos, Bjork, Garbage, the list goes
on, but we did get about 90% of all the gals we invited." This is with the Crash Test Dummies. October 31, 1996 Q: "Of all the performers and/or groups that are out today, who would you
most like to do a tour with?"
A: "I'd like to tour with Peter Gabriel, or maybe Tori Amos. Sting, XTC, and
even KISS." One last one, from Tatyana Ali (she played Ashley on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air). July 17, 1996 Q: "Do you like any rappers or singers you know like Immature or Jodeci?"
A: "I listen to all different types of music. I have the Fugees and Tori Amos
right next to each other in my car." ![]() Tori In The Mensa Quiz Book(August 6) - Kate reports: I'm sorry that this is not exact, I cannot quote the book, but there was this Mensa Quiz Book that had a section on music (they had everything from the BeeGees to U2 to Annie Lennox to... TORI) and one of the questions was something like, "What female singer released the album Boys For Pele in 1996?" and I was so shocked!! And then of course in the back of the book they had the answer. ![]() Tori Mentioned In A Genius Lessons Column In Spin Last Year(August 5) - Kate reports: In the October 1996 issue of Spin with Rage Against The Machine on the cover, there is (as there is every month) a little thing on the last page called Genius Lessons by Sean Landers. I have found these to be pretty funny in the past, so I started reading all of them in my past issues, and to my suprise found a little thing on Tori. It relates to that iffy picture of Tori with no panties... Genius Lessons by Sean Landers #5 "French Burp" The part that mentions Tori says: "...The fact is that you don't buy this magazine for what I write, you probably don't even read what I write, you just see Genious Lessons, wonder why somebody wrote over a perfectly good drawing, realize you're through with the magazine for the month and depending on how dweeby you are either wrap it in archival plastic and file it away, put it in your recycle pile that no home on earth was designed for or just throw it away. Either way you're not reading my column are you dirt bag, no you want to find out what Trent Reznor's like at home or if that picture of Tory [note from Kate *this is how it is spelled in the magazine*] Amos without underwear, on her piano bench is in this issue (check out Celebrity Sleuth) or what those "Red Hot Chili Peppers" are gonna do next, those crazy guys. Yeah well I think you suck too! .... Whoa, things got a little out of hand there, so hey, how's it going out there rock fans? See any art shows these days? I didn't think so because art sucks doesn't it, nobody gives a damn about art..." ![]() Tori Heard During The World Track And Field Championships(August 5) - Hannah Knudsen and BJ report: I was watching the World Championships for Track and Field on Sunday on NBC. They did a short segment about Marion Jones, who runs the 100 meter dash, before her race began. The background music was "Caught A Light Sneeze," although they just used the instrumental part in the opening of it. (By the way, Marion won, and now she's considered "the fastest woman in the world".) ![]() Singer Lauren Christy Mentions Tori On E!(August 5) - Lindsay reports: I was watching E! News Daily on the E! Channel [U.S. Cable TV channel] and they were doing a segment on an artist named Lauren Christy who has a new album which I think is called Read and a single of the same name. They showed an interview with her saying that even though it is good that women are finding their place in the music world people tend to compare them to each other and that to compare her to someone like Tori Amos is not very postive thing to do because she is not Tori and she isn't trying to be Tori or anyone else. ![]() Tori's Birthday Listed In Entertainment Weekly's 1997 Calendar(August 5) - Mike Harris reports: Last December, I bought a "Entertainment Weekly 1997 Calendar" which lists interesting or significant events that happen on each day of the year -- for instance, it let me know that on August 1, MTV premiered back in 1981. Well, they put Tori's birthday on there (the 22nd of August). The copy's a little bland, just "Tori Amos born Myra Ellen Amos in 1963" ![]() Making Love To Tori's Music...In Cosmo(August 5) - Rebecca Kaplan reports: In the August 1997 issue of Cosmo, in the article "Young, Rich & Reckless" (about young stars and their "reckless lifestyles"), Tori is mentioned. She's mentioned in the Tatum O'Neal section, talking about her affair with some construction worker, who said of their sexual relationship, "We always made love with the music on, that's her thing--TORI AMOS or PJ Harvey." ![]() A Weather Forcast Features Blue Skies ;)(August 5) - Kathryn reports: I was flipping through the TV the other day and stopped to watch the weather forcast on the New England Cable news station. At the end of the hour as the credits were scrolling they were showing scenes from New England. They showed lakes and boats. In the background they played Blue Skies. This was repeated at the end of almost every hour. ![]() More Interesting Sitings In Relation To The Lilith Fair(August 5) - Kathryn reports: This week on the Week In Rock [MTV] two girls from the Lilith Fair were brought to a Warped Tour show and two guys from a Warped Tour were brough to a Lilith Fair show. At the begining on the screne was written the girls names, age, and 3 of there favorite artists. The names of the artist were TORI AMOS, Tray Chapman and the Indigo Girls. ![]() In the Boston Globe a few days before the Lilith Fair was here (July 20 i think) there was an article called "The Voices of Lilith Fair". One section was talking about the marks that women (such as:Janis Joplin and Joan Baez, Chrissie Hynde and Exene Cervenka) were making in music years ago. "The comparatively vast and eclectic group of women artists who currently dominate pop music owe more of a stylistic debt to Joni Mitchell than to Bikini Kill. When Kathleen Hanna scraws "slut" across her stomach and howls about abusive fathers and avenging whores, she whisks to a dramatically new level the concept od the confessional and, a woman's unflichgly honest commentary. With the industry watching and the media reporting, Hanna staked a claim that allows mainstream artists like TORI AMOS and Fiona Apple to write lilting poems dealing with their own rapes, which a major label will produce and a mass audience will appreciate." COMMENT FROM MIKEWHY: Tori a mainstream artist? Lilting Poems? PLEASE! ![]() Tori Mentioned During School Debating Contest(August 5) - Daniel Gee reports: When watching a school debating contest [in Australia], St Patricks College vs. Santa Sabina, senior level, the second speaker for St. Pats talked about Tori, Me And A Gun and Little Earthquakes as part of his argument, and Santa Sabina couldn't refute it! But apparently the adjudicator grilled him afterwards for talking about rape! Hope these can help - Debate date was the 1st August. ![]() What do Prodigy and Tori Amos have in common?(August 5) - Matt Presidente reports on something he read at SonicNet's website: What do Prodigy and Tori Amos have in common? It ain't no joke, and if you guessed remixer C J BOLLAND, you're absolutely right. Having worked behind the scenes and under pseudonyms for years, he's stepping into the spotlight with his new album "The Analogue Theatre." ![]() Tori's Baby, The Bosendorfer, Gets Some Attention...(August 5) - Carol reports: In the book The Witching Hour by Anne Rice. it mentions tori's baby the Bosendorfer. Here is the exact quote: "Viola would walk Deirdre round and round the double parlor past the harp and the bosendorfer grand layered with dust." (July 26) - Beth Hasbrouck reports: I was just wondering if you have seen "Shine." I saw it last night and found it to be a beautiful movie, but one of the things that interested me the most was the gorgeous Bosendorfer that kept showing up in the movie. :) ![]() Tori in Pulse!(August 1) - Nithya Rajendran reports: Just wanted to let you about a small Tori blurb in Tower Records' magazine PULSE!. There is an article about the record industry in the issue and on page 34 Atlantic's( Tori's label) VP Ron Shapiro talks about the sharp turn Atlantic took in how and who they would sign: "One of the significant changes we wanted to make was to go after things that hit us in our hearts even if it wasn't exactly what was happening at radio at the time. Even if the gatekeepers -program directors at radio and editors at magazines and buyers at retail- didn't see an immediate hit or payoff with that act." says Shapiro. "That model had been set with Tori Amos at the beginning of the decade. Without ever having a true enormous radio hit, Tori [went] on to have three platinum records and a very lucrative touring career." ![]() Another Sarah McLachlan Tori Mention In The Baltimore Sun(August 1) - Karen H. Hagglund reports: From the article entitled "McLachlan enjoying success of Lilith Fair" by J. D. Considine, Baltimore Sun: "When I first put out 'Fumbling Toward Ecstasy' three years ago, there was this total competition between me and Tori Amos. It had nothing to do with us--it was was totally to do with the radio stations and record companies pitting us against each other. Because there was this thing at radio stations, where they would say, 'Well, we added Tori this week, so we can't add you.'" ![]() Tori Covered By Stabbing Westward(August 1) - Rebecca reports: Last summer in Kansas City at Rockfest (May 25 1996) the band Stabbing Westward did a cover of Me And A Gun. I found it rather offensive as all throughout the show the lead singer was commenting on what nice tits some girls in the audience had. I really don't think this guy has any clue about rape, but it was a different take on the song. ![]() Tori Name Pops Up In Swedish Book(July 30) - Christina reports: There is a book in Sweden called "Stjarnor utan svindel", wich means something like "Stars without dizziness", and I bought it last week. It is about a rich married woman, and how she falls in love with a lesbian left wing feminist. Anyway, I was reading the book when I suddenly saw this on page 275: "The sun was about to set in the horizon, its rays spread like a fan over the green blue winter sky. From my car stereo Tori Amos sang about winter, with a melancholy lament, which seemed to pierce right through me to my very bones..." The book has similar little things about both Kate Bush and Melissa Etheridge, and I thought it was so fun to find Tori's name in the book! She's everywhere! :) ![]() Tori At Bertucci's(July 30) - Robbie Heacock reports: as you know Tori is from this area (Maryland) and I live in Columbia. Well, it seems that Tori and her parents have a tradition to visit a local restaurant every year. That restaurant is Bertucci's (it's this phabulous brick oven pizzaria). Well, a friend of mine is a waitress there, and one night at work, who should she wait on, but Tori and her parents!!!!!!!!! This was probably late May, early June. But she said that Tori (and Mom and Pop Amos) were great, and she even got Tori's autograph for a friend!!!!!! ![]() RAINN Promo After Soap Opera(July 30) - Jason reports: my mom told me that after the soap opera As The World Turns on Friday's episode i think [July 25, 1997], they ran a promo for RAINN and the number to call for the nearest rape/crisis center in the area. I think one of the storylines dealt with someones rape and her denial of it...its good to see tv not only showing such issues but trying to help those out there with the same situations. ![]() Tori Mention On KISS 108 FM(July 30) - Nick Rafeal reports: This morning I was listening to KISS 108 FM on the radio and they were playing a lot of songs by the artists from the Lilith Fair. They played Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, Paula Cole, Sheryl Crow and a couple others. Mostly it was just the Lilith girls but they did play "Silent All These Years" by Tori and they said she was invited but she decided not to go on the tour. The guy said something like "this next song gets a lot of requests even though it's an oldie. It's by Tori Amos, and did you guys know that she's laying down a new album right now?" ![]() More Tori on RSVP On MuchMusic(July 30) - Julia K. reports: The reason I'm writing is to tell you about a program here in Canada. On MuchMusic there is a show called RSVP. It allows viewers to send in their requests via mail, fax, phone or e-mail for music videos that they want played. I've been sending in my requests for quite a while now for various Tori videos. In the last month they have played my request for Cornflake Girl (3 times), Pretty Good Year, Past the Mission and God. They have also played other people's requests for Talula, Caught a Lite Sneeze and Hey Jupiter. I think us Toriphiles are finally getting through to them! To bad they can't play those videos without our requests though... ![]() SonicNet Chat With Sarah, Juliana Hatfield, and Paula Cole's Bassist At Sonicnet(July 25) - Nick Schall reports: You missed a GREAT chat with Sarah McLachlan. [This was part of a live cybercast of the Lilith Fair on July 24, 1997 at the SonicNet Supercasts web site.] Actually, it started off with Paula Cole's bassist. I asked him how Paula felt being compared to Tori and he said "It's really great because Tori is such a great songwriter and is in a great class, and it's great to be compared to her". So, I was like Cool. Then came in Sarah and like everyone was asking questions, and I got to ask her two that she answered. My name was Twinkle in case anyone wanted to know. Anyway, I asked her if she was going to do the Fair again next year and if Tori was going to be on it and she said "Yes, I'm going to do Fair again next year, and I'm going to ask Tori if she will do it" then I asked her how much money she had raised for RAINN so far, and she said that she wasn't sure but that overall they are going to give out over $600,000 to charities, so that was pretty cool. I got to talk to Sarah McLachlan, it was pretty exciting. Then, came in Juliana Hatfield. I don't know any of her music really, but anyway, I asked her what she thought about Tori and she said "She's a weirdo, but I totally respect her" Then, I asked her what she thought of Sarah and she said There's one song by her that makes me Cry. She said the lines that she remembered to it was I will remember you, will you remember me. I'm really not sure what song that is because I haven't heard all of Sarah yet, but I'm sure I'll find it. So, that's just a little report on the chat. Steve kindly adds, "the song is called "I Will Remember You" and it is featured on "The Brother's McMullen" Soundtrack as well as Sarah's "Rarities & B-Sides" Album." ![]() Tori Heard In Background On NBC Dateline(July 25) - Blue Girl (Becky) reports: I was watching Dateline on NBC sometime this week, and they were reporting on the serial killer, Andrew Cunanan. they showed some footage of a miami dance club, and i could hear strains of the professional widow mix. ![]() Tori Spotted In England As She Recorded For Great Expectations(July 22) - Baxter Jeffs reports: On a tv teletexxt debate over here in the UK, people were asked for their sitings of celebs. Turns out that Tori was on of the people sited, I guess while over here recording for "Great Expectations". She has been staying in a little cottage in the country in Cornwall - very beautiful old world area - full of fairies.... ![]() Dar Williams Briefly Chats About Tori On AOL(July 22) - Toney LaPointe reports: Just thought I'd tell you about a little Tori mention I came across today when I was reading an online interview with Dar Williams. Towards the end of the interview, Dar is asked what she thinks of Tori Amos and she responds: "I THINK SHE IS A SISTER (TORI AMOS) SHE HAS DONE A LOT WITH HER POWER TO HELP OTHER WOMEN AND I THINK SHE TAKES A LOT OF RISKS IN HER MUSIC" The Dar Williams page mentioned above is called Darweb and is at http://www.panix.com/~tneff/dar The AOL chat transcript of Dar's online chat from July 17, 1997 with this quote is available there. ![]() Tori Mentioned In Space Ghost Comic(July 21) - Jason reports: this is one of the more interesting mentions of Tori i have seen....
DC Comics has acquired some of the rights to Cartoon Network characters,
Space Ghost being one of them, and in the newest issue (#2) of "Cartoon
Networks Presents", it features a Space Ghost story, the first panel on the
page is Space Ghost behind his table saying "---so then the fat lady says
'wrecked em? it almost killed em!' ha ha ha ha! i love that story. my next
guest is a girl, and a singer! a friendly welcome to Tori Amos!" ![]() Tori Spotted At Chile's Restaurant In Knoxville, TN(July 21) - John Norville reports: Good story here. While a friend of mine was eating at a Chile's
restaurant in Knoxville, TN, at night right after Tori's performance
there [April 23, 1996], someone ordered some cake for a nice red-headed woman who was
eating in the restaurant. She smiled and gladly accepted the cake, then
crossed the room to the guy who had ordered it for her, talked with him,
thanked him, and signed his poster. BOY, I wish I were that guy or even
my friend! ![]() M2 Cable Music Channel In The U.S. Plays Tori...(July 21) - Rebecca Kaplan reports: i just turned on m2 to see a video of "smells like teen spirit" by tori, from the LE era. i've also seen the "pro widow" and "cfg" videos on there, but i was surprised to see "spirit." Toriphile Steve tells us more about what this Smells Like Teen Spirit Video might be, "If it is the one I own, it is just a live performance recorded at approximately the same time (or possibly an outtake from the same performances) as the live performances on the LE video. I own a bootleg called the Tori Amos video collection which features just the "regular" videos...no live stuff, from LE, UTP + "CALS", but in the middle of the LE videos, there's this live performance of "Spirit" which bares a striking resemblance to the live stuff from LE." Ears With Feet Encinias says that they also have played the God video as well! ![]() Tori In 'Chasing Amy'(July 21) - Kim Rygiel originally reported this to me, and Patrick Boothe now provides more details: In the movie, Chasing Amy, when Characters Alyssa and Holden are in the music store that they live above, in the background is a TOP 20 list, and once you get to #10 or #11, what do we find it is but Tori's Boys For Pele. Bjork fans also notice the Debut cd and Hyper-Ballad import displayed on the wall. ![]() Tori Mentioned In A Personal Meeting With Sarah McLachlan(July 20) - Toriphile Karen Hagglund reports to Sarah's usenet newsgroup: I just got back a few hours ago from Sarah's performance and signing at a Detroit area Borders Books & Music. There were about 1,000 people there! It was quite a crowd, but the event was well organized by Borders. Sarah performed 4 songs: Building a Mystery, The Path of Thorns (Terms), Ice Cream, Hold On. She was very friendly and happy to sign autographs afterwards. I don't know if she got to the end of the line or not, which would have taken her over 3 hours! She was very patient and greeted each person with a big smile. I was very impressed! I commended her on the Lilith Fair tour, and said that the only thing I wished for would be Tori Amos on the bill! She replied "You and I both!" ![]() Next Peter Gabriel Album Might Have Tori Song On It(July 20) - I, Mikewhy, found the following while cruising the net: In the July 1997 Issue of Dig Magazine, there is an article about Peter Gabriel, and what he is up to these days. At one point the articles says: "Gabriel is currently in the midst of writing and recording the follow-up to his last album, "US". Tracks which may appear and have already been heard or released in some form are "Signal To Noise" (performed at the VH-1 concert in Los Angeles) and "Children" (written for Greenpeace), the instrumental "Seven Zero" (on Real World Notes last CD Extra), "While The Earth Sleeps" (from the film "Strange Days" and written with Deep Forest), "Love Town" (on Real World Notes first CD Extra ) and "Partyman" (from the film "Virtuosity" and co-written by Tori Amos and George Acogny). No release date has been set." ![]() Tori's Name In A Sarah Article In July 97 Issue Of Pulse(July 20) - Toriphile Melissa reports: In the new issue of Tower Records free mag. -"Pulse" July 97 (Sarah McLachlan is on the cover) -- Tori's name is mentioned in the article.... "In the same way Tori Amos touches rage, Sarah McLachlan touches sadness. But it's a human touch, and she makes it sound so glorious, not for the sake of martyrdom, but in search for some absolute truth." - So, after reading this line a few times - I wasn't sure what the writer was actually trying to say about Tori (- Tori's touch isn't human?) ![]() Sammy Hagar Mentioned Tori...(July 20) - I, Mikewhy, found the following while cruising the net: In the July 17,1997 Issue of Cleveland Scene Magazine, there is an interview with Sammy Hagar, former member of Van Halen. At one point he talks about the Twister soundtrack and why he did not want Van Halen (he was in the group at that time) to be on the soundtrack. He says, "Do you realize who else was on that soundtrack [Twister]? I did not want to tell our fans that, to get the new Van Halen song, you're going to have to buy this other stuff. It was one of the worst soundtracks I'd ever seen. I told the manager, "Listen, you asshole, you need to go get Aerosmith, AC/DC, get Rush, get some rock and roll bands. Force Warner Bros. to go get these bands. Look, k.d. lang is a better singer than I'll ever be, and Tori Amos is as good an artist as I will ever be ." Read the entire article here. ![]() Talula on Broadway?(July 20) - Toriphile Nick Rafeal reports: I was at work today and all they have to read in the break room is tabloids. I was reading this little snippet that Kathleen Turner (who's been in movies like "Romancing The Stone" and "War of The Roses") is in Europe acting onstage in the play called "Tallulah!" It's based on the life of an actress who's name is Tallulah. (sorry, I forget her last name). Beth adds: The last name is Bankhead, a famous silent movie actress. Appropriate for Tori sightings? Silent? ![]() Tori Song Heard In Background On Extra(July 20) - Toriphile Ian reported: "I was justing watching the Extra star gossip show, and they were talking about an alleged battle between Princess Di, and Fergie, and in the background the whole time, they had the intro to Muhammad My Friend playing!" ![]() Tori: A Succulent Wild Woman(July 17) - Toriphile Beth Winegarner reports to the RDT mailing list: I've been meaning to mention this for a few days now, but I recently read one of the newest books by SARK! called "Succulent Wild Woman." Some of you might not know who she is -- she writes these wonderful inspirational books and posters like her "How to be an Artist" poster which encourages you to "Invite someone dangerous to tea" and "build a fort with blankets." You know, fun, happy, sweet stuff. Anyway, in her latest book she talks about body image, safety issues, and how to encourage one's self-expression, especially as a woman (although I think many men would get a lot out of this as well). The Tori-related part here (yes, there is one) is that she credits RAINN (and gives the phone number) as a valuable resource in terms of women's safety issues. And in another segment where she's naming off some of her friends, she says "Tori." No last name of course, so it could be ANY Tori, but does anyone here know if Tori and SARK! are friends? That would make so much sense. ![]() Tori Part Of "A Girl's Guide to Taking Over the World"(July 17) - Toriphile Marlantigone reports to the RDT mailing list: Hey guys - I have some exciting news! A piece I wrote in my zine (Rats Live On No Evil Star) was published in the book "A Girl's Guide to Taking Over the World" by Tristan Taormino and Karen Green... And its my "I met Tori Amos" piece! They also printed Tori's autograph (on the page with the article) and later in the book, the cover from issue 6 of Rats. Pretty cool. Unfortunately, I have essentially no bio, and Rats is listed in the resource section but has no description of what its all about... Tori is also mentioned in the intro, where it notes that she is OFTEN mentioned in zines and is a very important figure to girls... ![]() Tori mentioned on Showtime(July 17) - Toriphile Nick Rafeal reports: I was watching "Showtime" last night and in between movies, they played this little behind-the-scenes kind of thing for an upcoming series called "The Hunger," I think, which is gonna be on "Showtime" soon. It was only 3-4 minutes long, but they did mention Tori. They were talking about Jake Scott, this guy who's going to be directing one of the series' episodes, and they said he's been a music-video director and that he's worked with such artists as.... TORI AMOS. They mentioned a couple of other artists also whose names I didn't recognize. I think he's the guy that directed "Past The Mission." ![]() Tori Name Seen In Lilith Fair Article in 'Time'(July 15) - Toriphile Rebecca reports: Tori is mentioned in an article in "Time" about Lilith Fair....This is a lot like the tidbit in the Newsweek article.... basically, Sarah McLachlan was saying her album, Posesssion came out at the same time as UtP, and none of the radio stations would play her stuff because Tori was already on their playlist as the singer-songwriter.....Anyways, the issue of time has Jewel on the cover, and there's a big article onLilith Fair in there... 'But not too long ago, McLachlan couldn't buy airplay. "When my album Fumbling Towards Ecstasy came out [in 1994], a lot of radio stations said they couldn't play me because they already had another singer-songwriter on their playlist," McLachlan says. "In this case it was Tori Amos. That was very marginalizing because our music is completely different. They were saying, 'Go away--we've added our token female this week."' ![]() July 1997 Issue Of 'Teen' Magazine(July 15) - Toriphile Kathryn A Masci reports: In the July 1997 issue of 'Teen the is a section that talks about new CDs. One writes: "PIANO PRINCESS CHANTAL KREVIAZUK If you like Alanis, TORI, and Fiona, you'll dig Chantal Kreviazuk's record debut record Under These Rocks and Stones (Columbia). Not that Chantal is a soundalike: Her soaring voice and piano are unique. Plus, she addresses relationship issues in a way you'll understand at first listen. She's direct-no out-there symbolism or musical weirdness. Play her when you're pensive but positive." I have the CD and think it is good!: -) Also in the same magazine there is an article about date rape. R.A.I.N.N. is mentioned, they wrote Hotline where Network should be. At the end of the article they give phone numbers to call if you have been raped: "Rape victims need to share their feelings. If you don't feel comfortable talking to someone you know, seek counseling at your local rape crisis center. (They are generally listed in the yellow pages of you phone book.) Or call the RAPE ABUSE and INCEST NATIONAL HOTLINE at 1-800-656-HOPE for counseling and referrals to a rape crisis center nearest you." ![]() Tori Briefly Mentioned In July 1997 Request Magazine(July 15) - Toriphile Nick Rafeal reports: In the new issue of Request Magazine (July 1997), Sarah McLachlan is on the cover and there is a story about her that mentions Tori's name. On page 28, it says, "This familiar earthiness is a large part of McLachlan's artistic persona as well, which perhaps helps to explain why many casual celebrity-watchers who have absorbed names like Courtney and TORI by osmosis would respond to the mention of Sarah with a blank stare." ![]() Even More On The Dew Drop Inn(July 15) - Many reports on places called and references to the Dew Drop Inn: Marcus tells us that the paperback version of Stephen King's Rose Madder mentions the "Dew Drop Inn" on page 390. Neshah sent me a Tori interview from Singapore where Tori reveals where she got the idea for the Dew Drop Inn: I: Why name your tour "Dew Drop Inn"? Isn't it a line from one of your songs? Tori: It's originally a name for some very old jazz clubs. Do you know the show "The Waltons"? I: Yes. It's that old TV series from the 70s. Tori: Jason would go and play in the Dew Drop Inn. Kathryn A Masci adds: My younger brother has books called "I Spy" the pages are large photo collage made up of small toys. You are given a list of objects you must find in the pictures. One of things was the Dew Drop Inn! in the picture it is a small building made out of a block with a popsicle stick over the doorway that says Dew Drop Inn. Ruth adds: "I saw all of the refences to the Dew Drop Inn on your site so I thought I would add yet another. The Dew Drop Inn can also be found throughout Alice Walker's first novel- The Third Life of Grange Copeland." Daniela reports: "In Maya Angelou's autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, she mentions a "Do Drop Inn" in her hometown of Stamps, Arkansas. In Gather Together In My Name, she referrs to it again, but it is spelled "Dew Drop Inn." " Nick Schall reports: "Well, I have been thinking a lot about this lately and there are two mentions in literature about a Dew Drop Inn I believe. The first one I know for sure is found in the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and I believe there is a second reference in Romeo and Juliet. I was watching the movie about three weeks ago with some friends who had never seen it before, and I thought they said something about Dew Drop Inn but I need to check that out to tell you for sure." Joseph Whitcher informs me that there is a Dew Drop Inn in Galway, Ireland. Uli adds: "I know for shure about another DEW DROP INN Pub in Ireland apart from the one in Galway (been there took a picture). It's up north in the county of Sligo. I can't tell you exactly where it is, because we only passed by (with car). But I remember it for shure, lovely scenery up there." Meredith Burke reports: "My mom heard on the radio an ad for a certain Dew Drop Inn around Philly. We, of course, HAD to call info and find out the whereabouts of this uncanny circumstance. Low and behold, we soon found out that there are 2 (yes! 2 Dew Drop Inns in Philly). One is at 2848 Snyder Ave, and the other is located at 1017 w. Cumberland. I'm gonna call these places up to see if they have any clue that they have embarked upon a HUGE TORI CONNECTION!!!" NOTE FROM MIKEWHY: I know there is another Dew Drop Inn in Covington Kentucky, near Cincinnati Ohio! Kim H. adds that according to a documentary she saw on TV, Little Richard got his start at a place called the Dew Drop Inn! Jake states that there is a Dew Drop Inn in New York City. ![]() Tori Briefly Mentioned In August 97 Spin(July 12) - Toriphile Nick Rafeal reports: Just wanted to let you know about a really minor mention of Tori in the new issue of SPIN magazine (August 1997 with Ani DiFranco on the cover). It's in an article about VH1 (The Grown-Ups' Channel, page 80), where they talk about Paula Cole. It's on the top of page 83 and it's a comparison between Paula and Tori made by a couple of VH1 company presidents, I think. The entire paragraph says: "Oddly, both Isaaks and Sykes in conversation staked their claim to VH1's artistic progressiveness around Paula Cole's vaguely artsy, vaguely ironic "Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?" Isaaks calls Cole "kind of an edgy performance-rock artist" who subsumes TORI AMOS and Lou Reed, while Sykes sees the song as the epitome of adult art." ![]() Another Amos to Apple Comparison(July 12) - Toriphile Pam V reports: In the July 6th issue of the Tulsa World newspaper in the Sunday Comics section, there is a small piece on Fiona Apple titled "An Apple a Day: Fiona shares her hard times in soulful songs" by Brooks Whitney, chicago tribune. It mainly talks about her quick road to stardom, hard times, and songwriting. And there's a nice picture of a soulful-looking Fiona squatting on the floor.(If anybody's interested in fiona or wants to see the whole article, let me know.) Anyway, I got all excited when I read this and thought i'll share it, too, bcuz it mentions the unique Tori Amos: "...Her bluesy debut album, 'Tidal', is full of soulful tunes, and her confessional style and sound have been compared to TORI AMOS!!!!!!! and alanis morrisette..." ![]() "Son Of A Preacher Man" Used in Dr. Pepper Commercial(July 12) - Toriphile Pam V reports: there's been a commercial for DR. PEPPER that i haven't seen for awhile until tonight. the commercial shows what looks like a Black family gathering or reunion where they're all happy and having fun. it's a feel good commercial and a characteristic of most Dr.Pepper commercials, i believe. (Remember all those "you're a part of me, dr.pepper" coms.!!!! ahhhh...) the point is: the song "son of a preacher man" is used!!! I have never heard of this song until the Tori Amos' DDI concerts last year. And each time i hear that song or see that commercial, I always see this tiny, beautiful red-haired woman emerging from the darkness, and dancing her dance towards the Bosendorf piano!!! "You're a part of me(us), Tori Amos!" ![]() "God" One Of The Top 105 songs of All Time(July 12) - Toriphile Rebecca reports: Live 105 (KITS San Francisco) had a countdown over 4th of July weekend.... (The Top 105 songs of All Time)... "God" came in at #77 .. a little low, but at least she made it....... BTW, KITS is the station that Alex Benett is on, and Tori has been on his show a couple of times, as mentioned on "The Dent" ![]() Tori Mentioned On MTV News Story About Remixes(July 11) - Toriphile Robbie Heacock reports: "HI!!!!! I thought I should tell you that Tori was on MTV 2 days ago [July 8, 1997]!!! They were doing one of those MTV news special reports that they do at the end of every hour and this one was on alternative artists being club mixed... I wasn't paying attention since I was on the phone, but I looked up at the tv, and who's face did I see??? none other than the Goddess herself!!! I'm guessing they mentioned her hit mix last year- "Professional Widow"? However the focus of the report was Paula Cole (who's "Where have all the Cowboys Gone" remixes are tooooooo phat!!!) and No Doubt, who were very upset over their mixes... does anybody know what exactly was said about Tori??" ![]() Sarah Mentions Tori On the Kevin & Bean Radio Show(July 10) - Toriphile Kristine reports: "Sarah Maclahlan was on the kroq kevin and bean show today, talking about the lilith fair [KROQ is a radio station in Los Angeles and Kevin & Bean are the morning DJs]. she said that there was definitely some competition last year when both she and tori released new records. she thinks it sad but true that in the music industry, often there will be room for only one or two female musicians, as if we limit ourselves this way! she also may have referred to tori indirectly when she said that about 90% of the women she wanted to play the fair are doing so, and one reason that the others couldn't was because they had just finished long tours themselves. " ![]() Tori Popular At An Australian Bar in Copenhagen, Denmark(July 10) - Toriphile Jake reports: "I was recently at the Australian Bar in Copnehagen, Denmark where they have only about 15 cd's in the juke box. Two of the were UtP and BfP. Of course magically when i entered the bar they began playing Professional Widow. " ![]() |
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Please give me feedback, comments, or suggestions about The Dent. Email me (Mikewhy) at mikewhy@iglou.com |