Tori Through Uruguayan's Eyes
Added June 17, 1999
Toriphile Laura lives in Uruguay, South America. After a lot of planning and hard work she made it to the United States during the Plugged '98 tour and saw a bunch of Tori concerts. She has placed details about her many concerts and experiences on her web page, Margaritas With The Goddess and her stuff is fascinating to read. It is really interesting to see the concerts through the eyes of someone who lives in South America. I haved talked to Laura on the phone and she is a wonderful person! She saved up 2/3 of her salary for 9 months in order to make the trip. You can find her story in the sTORIes section of her site. Her story has three sections and you can access them directly at these URLs:
Laura's Story - Part 1
Laura's Story - Part 2
Laura's Story - Part 3
Dor's Page of Plugged '98 Nostalgia
Added April 29, 1999
Toriphile Dor has created a web page called Hang Ten, Honey: Dor's Page of Plugged '98 Nostalgia . This is a unique and well designed site documenting Dor's many experiences on Tori's Plugged '98 concert tour. The site includes a travel journal, many one-of-a-kind photos, lists of the best and worst tour moments, and more! Dor takes some of the best photos I have ever seen, and the site brought back a lot of memories for me. Be sure to check out this vital resource!
Lighting Dimensions Magazine
Added January 18, 1999
The January 1999 issue of Lighting Dimensions magazine contains a great article that explores the lighting design and techniques used for the Plugged '98 concert tour. It includes some great photos and some very interesting, although technical, info. It also tells us why the bubbles which were part of the show early in the tour were removed. The article is called "Plugging In: On Her Latest Tour, Tori Amos Brings Along A Rock Band - And A More Amplififed Look." Read the article in my Articles Archive.

You know you have been following Tori too long when...
Updated February 18, 1999
EWF Phyllis Spiece posted to a mailing list a series of statements that finish the sentence, "You know you have been following Tori too long when..." Many people who followed Tori on tour will relate to these! You can read them here. Please feel free to add to this list if you have anything to add :)

Tori In Pollstar's Top 50 Grossing Tours Of 1998
Added January 8, 1999
Tori was at #35 in Pollstar's Top 50 Grossing Tours Of 1998 . According to their stats, the tour grossed $9.7 million. Average tickets sold per show was 3845, which clearly shows that while Tori did play some large arenas, she did plenty of smaller places as well. The average gross per show was $109,212. Tori did pretty well when you consider that the average price for her concert tickets was a relatively low $28.40. The list said she did 100 shows, and that is correct for North America if you don't count the 4 Canadian shows, so the totals must only reflect U.S. results. The number one grossing act was Elton John.

Tori's Opening Acts For The Plugged '98 Tour

David Poe
Singer/songwriter David Poe landed the opening slot for the 12 city, North American sneak preview club tour from April 18 to May 6, 1998. Poe's self-titled major label debut -- produced by T-Bone Burnett -- was released in September 1997 on the 550 Music label. Check out David Poe's web site for more information on him.

The Devlins
The Irish rock/pop group The Devlins was Tori's opening act during all of the European and much of the North American leg of her Plugged '98 tour. In North America, the Devlins were the opening act from July 15 in Milwaukee, WI through October 7 in Memphis, TN. You can read about their fun final show in Memphis, TN. Check the Devlins web page for more information about the group. You can also read a bit about the Devlins in a review of the May 22nd Glasgow concert. Also, the page I have for Tori's Wolverhampton show on May 25th also contains the Devlins' set list for that evening.
An Open Letter From The Devlins - Shauna Gold, who manages The Devlins, sent me an open letter from them to all the Toriphiles who came to see them play. You can read the letter here.

The Unbelievable Truth & Ron Sexsmith
Ron Sexsmith was the opening act at the October 9 Little Rock, AR and October 10 New Orleans, LA concerts. Ron has been the opening act at concerts by Elvis Costello, The Chieftains, Sarah McLachlan, The Cardigans, and Radiohead. From October 13 onward the opening act was The Unbelievable Truth. To find out more this British Trio, go to http://the-raft.com/untruth/
Tour Diary - On their web site, the Unbelievable Truth have a Tour diary where they post comments about opening for Tori on the tour. They include some interesting comments on how the stage was set up at each venue and comments on "obsessed" Tori fans. Most interesting...
Rocktropolis Allstar daily music news reported on Tori's pairing with The Unbelievable Truth on October 7, 1998. They say that The Unbelievable Truth, "lead by Andy Yorke, brother of Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke, are touring in support of their forthcoming album Almost Here (out Oct. 20 on Virgin Records)."

Other Plugged '98 Web Sites
Updated November 28, 2000
Other Toriphiles created web sites detailing their experiences during the Plugged '98 tour. I want link to as many of these as I can. If you have Plugged '98 tour experiences or photos on your site that are not already on the Dent, email me and I will mention your site below:
Check out some meet & greet photos from Hueyrocks.com
Check out some meet and greet photos from New Orleans in 1998 from Toriphile Maggie
Aural Fixation is an account of the St. Louis, MO Tori concert that the webmistress saw on August 26, 1998. Very nice.
tourdiary.de - a Tori Amos Journey - This site is in both English and German and descirbes the webmaster's experiences seeing Tori in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.
Hang Ten, Honey: Dor's Page of Plugged '98 Nostalgia - This is a unique and well designed site documenting Dor's many experiences on Tori's Plugged '98 concert tour. The site includes a travel journal, many one-of-a-kind photos, lists of the best and worst tour moments, and more! Dor takes some of the best photos I have ever seen, and the site brought back a lot of memories for me.
On All The World Tours: My Tori Experiences - This site documents many experiences during the Plugged '98 tour, including a fascinating page about the song Beulah Land and how Tori revealed the actual lyrics for the song during a meet & greet!
Little Amsterdam's Plugged '98 Section - Little Amsterdam is an excellent Tori web site in The Netherlands and this section of the site contains a review of of the Den Haag show and lots of streaming real audio files of Tori playing the Pinkpop Festival and the Werchter Festival in Belgium.
Welcome To The Shire - This site has photos of Tori performing in Baltimore both during the show and backstage.
Amanda's Tori Amos Experience - This site has photos from the Birmingham show on August 14, 1998.
The Raisin Girl - includes a whole page with exclusive photo's from shows in England as well as a page dedicated to 'Tori Stories'. A number of these stories relate to the Plugged 98 tour.
Maybe I'm The Afterglow - includes various stories, reviews, and pix from the tour.
When Doug Met Tori - this is Doug Smeath's account of meeting Tori during the Plugged '98 tour.
JiLL's Plugged '98 Pics - featuring photos JiLL took at meet & greets in Houston & Dallas.
Erin Dolll's Road Journal - Erin Dolll (who I had the pleasure of getting to know a little bit during the last 5 shows of the tour) has created a wonderful page detailing her travels in the midwest from November 26 to December 6, 1998, including the final 5 shows .
Note From Tori For RDT Fanzine - Before the final show of the tour, Tori wrote a special note for the RDT Fanzine that you can read on their site.
The Little Raisongal - includes some great tour photos
The Irving Plaza web site has some nice photos of Tori in New York on April 23, 1998.
Andrew Smith took some photos at the April 20th Atlanta show and has posted them to his web page .
If you go to the "25 bucks and a cracker" web site , you will find several concert and meet & greet photos from Tori's April 23, 1998 club show in New York City at the Irving Plaza.
You can see 1998 photos of Eddie Pombo meeting Tori in Dallas and Memphis at Eddie's homepage .
If you go to the Joey's TORI AMOS page , you will find a meet & greet photo from Tori's April 22, 1998 club show in Washington D.C. at the 9:30 Club.
If you go to the Zeiram's Tori Page , you will find both meet & greet and concert photos from Tori's May 5, 1998 club show in San Francisco, CA at the Fillmore.
On June 25, 1998, Tori performed during Day 1 at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. You can find a photo of Tori at this festival at the ROCK-PHOTO web site . (Click this link to get the photo directly.)
You can find photos of Tori's performance at the Torhout/Werchter Festival on the Belgacom On Line with Rock web site . (The site is in dutch. They also have this same page in French.) These photos were likely taken on July 5th at Werchter, which was the final show of the European Plugged '98 tour.
Daniel Bergquist took some pictures during the Quart Festival in Kristiansand, Norway on July 1, 1998 and put them on his homepage .
Lisa From Norway took photos during the Quart Festival in Kristiansand, Norway on July 1, 1998 and uploaded them to her Tori Page .
You can see meet and greet photos from Liverpool, UK on May 20, 1998 and Manchester, UK on May 21, 1998 on Angela Lathem's Home Page .

How Toriphiles Kept Up With Plugged '98 Tour Info
In addition to checking the Dent and the various links from this page, there were other ways people kept up with the Plugged '98 tour. Some of these sources are still valuable even with the tour over...
2 Important Mailing Lists.
ToriTour mailing list - this list was maintained by Violet and contained tour/ticket info, often branching out to include special last minute reminders of TV, radio, and Internet appearances.
ToriNews mailing list - a mailing list for Tori news ONLY. Many posts involved tour/ticket info.

Other Web Sites
Really Deep Thoughts Fanzine web site
Atlantic Record's On Tour Database
Tori's Official Web Site (www.tori.com)
Ticketmaster's Web Site
Ticketmaster Canada

Tori Did Not Tour Again In Australia
Tori did not make it to Australia during the Dew Drop Inn tour in 1996, and many Australian Toriphiles were hoping to see her down under on this tour. Tori stated that she would haved liked to tour Australia this time, but it sadly did not happen during the Plugged '98 tour either.

The Plugged '98 Tour Book / Concert Program
How U.K. Fans Can Order It!
Updated June 6
Starting with the May 30th Nottingham, U.K. show, fans could buy a concert program at the concerts. Lianne Macdonald reports on her web page, Collecting Tori, that the tour program was delayed to so that it could include photos from the first few shows of the current UK tour. Lianne says "the programme feautures an introduction from Tori and a piece from Neil Gaiman's "Stardust". There are lots of exclusive photographs in it, including pictures from rehearsals, the recording studio and Tori getting ready for her wedding." You can see scans of some of the photos on the Collecting Tori web site .
Toriphiles Jason Terry and Stuart Ellershaw sent me the following information on how U.K. fans can purchase this program through the mail if they were unable to buy it at their shows:
All you have to do is send a cheque for 7 pounds (The programme costs 6
pounds, and p&p is 1 pound) to the following address, made payable to
Bravado International Group Ltd, along with a covering letter containing
your name, address and phone number.
Bravado International Group Ltd - Big Tours
12 Deer Park Road
SW19 3SB
(or SW19 3FB. I have received both numbers and I am not sure which is correct...)
Tel: 0181 540 8211

The Raspberry Swirl Girl Necklace
Many people have been asking about the Raspberry Swirl Girl necklace, which was on sale during the recent North Amercian club tour (and likely will continue to be sold during the main tour.) You can see 2 excellent photos of this item below that were scanned for me by Kim H.

Tori's Rising Popularity & The Issue Of Arena Concerts
Added May 12
If you subscribed to any of the Tori mailing lists you may have noticed some discussion of the fact that Tori played some really large arenas during her Plugged '98 tour in North America. Some fans were disturbed by this, while others saw it as a natural progression. It generated lots of interesting discussion and viewpoints. I created a special section in my Thoughts Section that gathered some thoughts on this subject from myself and others in the Toriphile Community.

Webcast & Album Network Radio Special From The Chicago Club Show
Updated May 4
Tori's club show on Thursday, April 30, 1998 in Chicago, IL was webcast live over the net via JAMtv's Virual Venue , and was also aired as part of an Album Network syndicated radio special in the U.S. I did not take part in the webcast since I was at the show in person, but I received some reports from others. In addition to airing the first 5 songs of the concert, they also aired a Tori interview from backstage and played cuts from Tori's new album, "from the choirgirl hotel." Read more about the radio special and webcast, including a fairly complete transcript of the interview, on my Chicago Webcast Page.

Tori Was Not Part Of The Lilith Fair
Despite all the rumors and the fact that the people who organized Lilith Fair wanted Tori, she was not part of that tour in 1998. If you check the Official Lilith Fair web site , there is no mention of Tori being part of Lilith. In an online chat with Tori that took place at Yahoo on April 13, 1998, Tori herself said that she would not be part of the Lilith Tour because of her own tour.

Tori's Band Included Guitarist Steve Caton, Drummer Matt Chamberlain & Bass Player Jon Evans
This is the first tour where Tori had the backing of a full band. Her friend & guitarist Steve Caton, who toured with Tori during the 1996 Dew Drop Inn tour, was on the road with her once again. Matt Chamberlain, the drummer for Critters Buggin and ex-drummer for Pearl Jam, who recorded on Tori's new album, was the drummer for the tour. The bass player on this tour was Jon Evans.
Find out more about the musicians that toured with Tori, including info on some of their own projects and albums you can enjoy.

The New Album: "From The Choirgirl Hotel"
Tori's 1998 tour supported her new studio album, which was released in the U.S. and the U.K. on May 4/5, 1998. You can read all the latest news about this new album on my Choirgirl Pages.

The 1996 Dew Drop Inn Tour
The Dent fully documented Tori's previous concert tour, the 1996 Dew Drop Inn tour. I have set lists and reviews from nearly every show, some photos, special reports, newspaper reviews, and more on my Dew Drop Inn Tour Page. It should help satisfy your appetite while we wait for more news about the 1998 tour.

Tori At The Cafe In San Francisco
Here is something important I forgot to mention after Tori's San Francisco club show on May 5, 1998. After the show, Tori made an appearance at a gay bar in San Francisco called The Cafe. They were having a Tori album release party at the time. I have a report on this from Mark Folkman and a photo of Tori at the club that was sent to me by a Toriphile named I Heart 59.
See the photo and read The Cafe report.

KROQ's Breakfast With Tori
Updated June 11
On Thursday morning, May 7th at 8:00 a.m. Pacific, Tori performed live from the parking lot of the Palace Theater in Los Angeles, CA as part of a KROQ LA "Breakfast with Tori" special broadcast. During the hour-long show, Tori talked with KROQ DJ's Kevin and Bean, as well as taking questions from the audience. She also performed 5 songs live:
Black Dove (January)
The Waitress
She's Your Cocaine
Cornflake Girl
I have a report from the scene and a few screen shots from the webcast and photos taken by fans who were there. See them in my TV/Radio section.
Photographer Loren Haynes
Photographer Loren Haynes shot the photos for Tori's "To Venus and Back" album. He also shot and directed the video for "Bliss," as well as produced it. He has his own web site which includes some beautiful photos taken during the Plugged '98 Tour. Go to my Loren Haynes Page for more info.

Tori Will Release Live Album In 1999
Updated May 12, 1999
We know that Tori plans to release a double live and studio album sometime around September 1999. One disc will contain material recorded during the Plugged '98 tour and other disc will contain all new material! (Plans for a b-side disc were changed.) You can read the latest about this project on the Venus Pages.

The Plugged '98 Tour Is Over
Updated December 18, 1998
I have added my review of the final show in East Lansing, MI on December 3, as well as several others. I encourage all who were there to send me reviews so I can get as many viewpoints as possible on this show. I personally feel it was a glorious night that was mainly a celebration for Tori and the band.
I have also added more information to my reviews for the last 5 shows of the tour, as well as other reviews from other Toriphiles. The final 5 shows were really special, and I am so glad I was able to experience them. Akron was a powerful show, while Columbus was incredibly emotional and my second favorite of the tour. Indy was marvelously eclectic, and Grand Rapids and East Lansing highlighted the band and celebrated their triumph in a fun, upbeat manner. 5 shows, and 5 completely different experiences. When I combine that with all the time I spend with other Ears With Feet I can truly say it was a magical and unforgettable week!
The photo you see here shows Tori and the band hugging on stage at the State College, PA on November 21. I think it says alot about this tour and what it was about. It was taken by Becky Wall. You can see other great photos that she took, including a larger version of this one, at her wonderful Tori site called The Little Raisongal .

Plugged '98 Setlist Summaries & Stats
Updated December 18
You can find a complete tally of all the 1998 songs Tori performed, the number of times she performed them, and the dates played at the incredible Tori Setlist Summary Web Site . Sped Erstad did a great job with this page, and it is very flexible and informative. There may be some minor errors on the page, but it is still close. If you count all the festival appearances in Europe, the KROQ Breakfast With Tori on May 7, and the Sessions At West 54th taping (which several people tell me was really like a concert!), Tori performed 137 shows on this tour. During that time she did a total of 89 different songs, not counting many of the brief improvs that popped up. (During the 1996 Dew Drop Inn Tour she did 103 songs during 187 shows.) Tori concentrated on her own material this time, only performing 13 covers, most of which were performed 3 times or less. The only exceptions were Landslide at 14, and Famous Blue Raincoat at 7. (Tori did 34 covers during the DDI tour.) The most frequently played b-side was Sugar at 37. For comparison purposes, you can still access stats for the Dew Drop Inn tour on my site. You will notice that the harpsichord songs Blood Roses and Lovesong did not make an appearance on this tour. Also, while Tori sang Me and a Gun at every show during the DDI tour except one, she only sang it 7 times on this tour.

Plugged '98 Tour's 10 Most Played Songs
- The Waitress - played 136 times
- Precious Things - 133
- Raspberry Swirl - 121
- iieee - 117
- Spark - 95
- Cruel - 95
- Cornflake Girl - 92
- She's Your Cocaine - 70
- Black-Dove (January) - 67
- Horses - 64
Songs Tori Played Only Once...
- Agent Orange
- Amazing Grace
- American Pie
- Beauty Queen
- Beulah Land
- Cool On Your Island
- Etienne
- Ode To The Banana King
- She's Leaving Home
- Somewhere Over The Rainbow
- Surry With The Fringe On Top
- Sweet Dreams
- Thoughts
- When Sunny Gets Blue
Some Songs Tori Did Not Play...
Tori DID play these songs in some form during the DDI tour except for the choirgirl b-sides...
- Blood Roses
- In The Springtime Of His Voodoo
- The Wrong Band
- Way Down
- Professional Widow (well, she did small part of the remix during 2 '98 shows)
- Daisy Dead Petals
- Humpty Dumpty
- Samurai
- I'm On Fire (cover - though it was on a written set list)
- This Old Man (cover)
- Lovesong (cover)
- Losing my Religion (cover)
- Purple Rain (cover)
- many other covers like Daniel, Killing Me Softly, etc
- recent choirgirl b-sides Bachlorette. Do It Again, and Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
MetroJoe also dedicated a section of his web site, Vanilla: A Tori Amos Web Page , to Plugged '98 tour stats.

North American Tour; My Experiences & Other Highlights
Updated December 18
During this tour I was able to see 20 shows, bringing the total number of shows I have seen in my lifetime to 35. (I saw 10 during the DDI tour.) I have seen Tori at least once during each of her 4 world tours, and this one was definitely one of the most exciting. Below you can see which shows I attended in 1998, ranked (roughly) in the order that I enjoyed them and with links to my reviews of the shows, along with those of others Toriphiles. The Knoxville show was my favorite and the first Nashville show my least favorite. To keep that in perpective, I still think that Nashville show was excellent, I just liked the others more for various reasons!
- Knoxville, TN - Aug 15 - Civic Auditorium
- Columbus, OH - Nov 29 -Palace
- Indianapolis, IN - Nov 30 - Murat
- Memphis, TN - Oct 7 - Orpheum Theatre
- Birmingham, AL - Aug 14 - BJCC Concert Hall
- West Lafayette, IN - Oct 31 - Elliot Hall Of Music
- Detroit, MI - July 23 - Palace
- Louisville, KY - Oct 28 - Louisville Gardens
- Nashville, TN - Oct 21 - Vanderbilt Memorial Gym
- East Lansing, MI - Dec 3 - Breslin Events Center
- Chicago, IL - July 19 - Rosemont Horizon
- Cleveland, OH - July 22 - CSU Convocation Ctr.
- Dayton, OH - Oct 27 - Hara Arena
- Grand Rapids, MI - Dec 2 - Van Andel Arena
- Cincinnati, OH - July 21 - Crown
- Evanston, IL - Oct 29 - Welsh Ryan Arena
- Chicago, IL - April 30 - Park West
- Atlanta, GA - Aug 17 - Chastain Park Amph.
- Akron, OH - Nov 28 - Rodes Arena
- Nashville, TN - Aug 25 - Grand Ole Opry
The Halloween Show
Tori gave a really exciting and fun concert in West Lafayette, IN on October 31, 1998 (Halloween) at the Elliot Hall Of Music at Purdue University. Read the set list and latest reviews. I am so grateful to have been at this show, because it featured the debut of Beulah Land and Ode To The Banana King! Tori and the band even dressed up for Halloween and the show also featured a really intriguing improv that Tori sung as she introduced the band. The photo to the right is from the Halloween concert and shows Tori performing in her mask. Click on the photo to see it larger. Thanks to J'ason for sending it to me.

My Second Nashville Show
As many of you know, my beloved friend Stacey Russell passed away in October 1998. She was a dear friend who shared many Tori shows with me. When I saw my second Nashville, TN show on October 21, 1998, I did not realize that she was going to die that day. (I still hoped that she would make it in the hospital...) I met Tori at the pre-show meet & greet because I wanted to tell her about Stacey, Tori and her bodyguard Joel were very understanding that day, and Tori even played Stacey's favorite song during the show. You can read more about this in my Nashville review for October 21.

Memphis: The Devlin's Last Show
I have returned from my fun and exciting trip to Memphis, TN on October 7 to see my 10th Tori show this year at the Orpheum Theatre! It was a beautiful and powerful show; One of my favorites for the year. It also turned out to be The Devlins last show of the tour, and that resulted in some unique and humorous events during their opening set. Read the set list and reviews for Memphis, including my review..

Mikewhy's Favorite Tour Experiences In The South
I saw Tori in concert in Nashville, TN on August 25th. When Tori saw me at the meet & greet she told me she heard my site was down! Read all about that, and the great show (Tori performed Sweet Dreams!) on the Nashville Reviews Page.
I saw my best Tori show ever in Knoxville, TN on August 15th. You can read my review on the Knoxville Reviews Page. I wish I had the words to express just how great this show was. If anyone was there please send me a review so I can get as many Knoxville reviews as possible.
Birmingham, AL on August 14th was incredible! Tori played "Purple People" for the first time! You can see the set list now on the Birmingham page. Also, I had the incredible honor of meeting Tori backstage after the show. While respect for her privacy prevents me from saying exactly what happened, I can say that Tori is every bit as wonderful and gracious as she seems.

Plugged '98 Concert Photos From NY; Tori Forced To Use A Yamaha
Erin O'Neill has kindly sent me several wonderful photos from the Plugged '98 tour. All the onstage photos are from the Binghamton, NY concert on November 10, 1998 except for the one you see to the right, which shows Tori performing Precious Things in Ithaca, NY on November 8, 1998. The interesting thing about this photo is the fact that Tori's Bosey was sick and she had to use a rented Yamaha. You can see where she or her crew taped South Park dolls to the piano to hide the offensive logo! ;) Go to my Ears With Feet Photo Album to see all the great photos from Erin, including this one much larger.

Stacy Lukasavitz Dedicated To Documenting Tour
The State News , a newspaper at Michigan State University, reported on November 30, 1998 about student Stacy Lukasavitz and her plans to write a book documenting her experiences on the Plugged '98 Tour. Read this in my Articles Archive.

Tori Autographed Bench For Literacy Coalition
The State News , a newspaper at Michigan State University, reported on December 3, 1998 that Tori autographed a Steinway piano bench that was auctioned off in Lansing/East Lansing that morning for The Capital Area Literacy Coalition. A local radio station was at the auction and giving away tickets and backstage passed for the final show of the Plugged '98 Tour later that day. Read the article in my Article Archives. There was also a mention of this in the Lansing State Journal on December 2, 1998. (Thanks Cheryl LaFountain.)

Michael Heiker's American Tour Experiences
German Toriphile Michael Heiker made it to the states toward the end of the Plugged '98 tour and described his touring experiences in a post to the Tori News mailing list. You can read his experiences here as well.

The American Experience...Through The Eyes Of A German Toriphile
Eric (with a 'c') Thelen posted to various mailing lists a great review of his experience seeing Tori in the United States, including Springfield, MA. Eric lives in Germany and came over to the U.S. with several other Europeans to see some concerts. Eric described his American experiences and how the tour in the U.S. differed from the European tours. "Merman" in Springfield was actually played for Eric and the other dedicated European Ears With Feet!

European Tour
Updated July 18
Tori completed 31 concerts during the European leg of her Plugged '98 tour, including her final appearances at several large music festivals. You can access set lists and reviews for all these shows on my Tour Dates page.

For a real treat go to Toriphile Uli's web page and listen to the many RealAudio sound clips from Tori's June 15, 1998 concert in Vienna, Austria, including Raspberry Swirl, which sounds really fun live!

Tori Completes The European Leg Of The Plugged '98 Tour In Belgium
Tori ended her European Tour by playing the Torhout & Werchter Festival in Belgium on July 4th & 5th. I have reports and set lists for both the July 4 Torhout performance and the July 5 Werchter performance. Tori performed 9 songs both nights. In Torhout, Tori played Crucify, She's Your Cocaine and Space Dog, while in Werchter her set included Little Amsterdam, God, and Spark. Also in Werchter Tori extended Raspberry Swirl to included a short part from the Armand Van Helden remix of Professional Widow. As usual for festivals, Tori stuck to the upbeat songs, and her performance was received very well by the crowd.
Future Clarifications For The Roskilde & Glastonbury Festivals
I just added a few more reviews and an accurate set list to the reviews page for the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. It turns out that Tori did not start her set with Black-Dove (or even play it.) She started her performance with Precious Things. As for the Glastonbury Ferstival, I now have an accurate set list for performance.
I also have photos from Glastonbury from the ABC Independence Day concert that was aired in the U.S. on July 4, 1998.

Photos From The Plugged '98 Tour
 Mike Gray meeting Tori in Wolverhampton, U.K. during the meet & greet on May 25, 1998.
As Tori performed on her North American sneak preview '98 club tour, Tori's official web site at www.tori.com uploaded several photos of each concert on the web site.
Various Toriphiles have also been sending me some photos or links to photos:
Photos from Tori's performance at the Midtfyns Festival in Denmark on July 3, 1998.
Photo from Anthony Hamm from a meet & greet in San Diego, CA on Sept 26, 1998.
Photos from Shawn Delahanty from meet & greets in Chicago, IL and Cleveland, OH in July 1998.
Photos from Nicole Richardson and Chris Jeans from the meet & greet in Little Rock, AR on October 9, 1998.
Photos from Stacy Delmonte from meet & greets in Pittsburgh PA, Phoenix AZ, San Diego CA, Santa Barbara CA, and Oakland, CA.
Photos from Sanders from a meet & greet in Nashville, TN on October 21, 1998.
Photos from Sanders from a meet & greet in Louisville, KY on October 28, 1998. They include photos of Tori with Joel while the meet & greet crowd was singing "Happy Birthday" to Joel.
Photo from Lisa Ridlon from a meet & greet in Sacramento, CA on Sept 16, 1998.
Photo from Heather & David from Binghamton, NY on Nov 10, 1998.
Photo from Erin Jones from a meet & greet at one of the Atlanta, GA shows in August 1998.
Photos from David Wells from a meet & greet in Dayton, OH on October 27, 1998.
Photos from David Wells from a meet & greet in Louisville, KY on October 28, 1998.
Photos from Derek Botelho from a meet & greet in Oakland, CA on Sept 15, 1998.
Photos from Julia K. from a meet & greet in Mount Pleasant, MI on Nov 1, 1998.
Photo from Susan Bell from a meet & greet in Eau Claire, WI on Nov 3, 1998.
Photos from Sara Adamson from meet & greets in Anaheim, CA and San Diego, CA.
Photo from Lucy from a meet & greet in Frankfurt, Germany on June 23, 1998.
Toriphile Jenny sent me photos from the meet & greet and concert in Sunrise, FL on Aug 21, 1998.
Toriphile Jenny sent me photos from the meet & greet in Sunrise, FL on Aug 22, 1998. This was on Tori's birthday!
Photos from Danica Knox from a meet & greet in Nashville, TN on October 21, 1998.
Photos from Danica Knox from meet & greets in Dayton OH, Louisville KY, and West Lafayette IN.
I added a few photos of myself (Mikewhy) with Tori in Birmingham, AL on August 14, 1998.
Photos from Sara C. from a meet & greet in Wallingford, CT on August 4, 1998.
Photos from Sara McCullar from a meet & greet in Memphis, TN on October 7, 1998.
Many of you have likely read my review of my wonderful experience in Memphis, TN on October 7, 1998. Both the meet & greet and concert were incredible. Thanks to some friends, I now have some photos from that day as well. Toriphiles Nic and Chris from Memphis sent me both meet & greet photos (which are in the EWF Photo Album), as well as beautiful live concert shots of Tori. EWF Danica Knox (from Nashville) also took photos at the meet & greet, and you can see those in the EWF Photo Album. These photos remind me very vividly of my Memphis experience.
Andre Somma sent me several photos of Tori from the meet & greet in Sunrise, FL on August 22, 1998. This was her birthday show. He also included 2 photos of Tori and the band on stage.
Sue Kelly (SUe*ZQ) sent me a wonderful photo of Tori from the meet & greet in Albany, NY on August 5, 1998.
Michelle sent me photos of Tori from the meet & greet in Atlanta, GA on August 17, 1998.
Photo from Salt Lake City. UT from Doug Smeath.
Photos from the San Jose, CA meet & greet from Steve, the Sweet Fat Man.
Photos from the St. Louis, MO meet & greet from JB Bridge.
Photos from the Cincinnati OH, Cleveland OH, and Detroit MI meet & greets from Francesine Hiltz.
Photos from the Birmingham, AL meet & greet from Danica Knox.
Photos from the Milwaukee WI, Ames IA, Chicago IL, Cincinnati OH, Cleveland OH and Detroit MI meet & greets from Daisy Little.
Danica Knox, who went with me on my recent trip to see 4 Tori concerts, took photos at meet & greets in Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit.
Julia K. took wonderful photos at the meet & greet in Toronto on July 25, 1998, including an interesting photo of Steve Caton & Matt Chamberlain.
Kelly Stitzel took photos at the meet & greet in Cincinnati, OH on July 21, 1998.
Patrick Spaulding took photos at the meet & greet in Chicago, IL on July 19, 1998.
Emily Taylor sent me a photo of her and Tori at the meet & greet in Minneapolis, MN on July 17, 1998.
Monica sent me a photo of her and Tori from the meet & greet in Detroit, MI on July 23, 1998.
Emma Taylor sent me some marvelous photos from various cities in the U.K. during the Plugged '98 Tour, the 1996 Dew Drop Inn tour, and even a few from the 1994 Under The Pink tour! She included not only photos of her and Tori, but photos with all the band members as well.
Andy Tebbut also sent me great photos from various cities in the U.K. during the Plugged '98 Tour and the 1996 Dew Drop Inn tour.
Carole Biggs (Chantel) sent me a nice photo of her and Tori taken during the Plugged '98 tour.
Dor sent me a huge number of photos from the meet and greets in Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Ames, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Detroit, as well as a few photos from KROQ's Breakfast With Tori concert last spring.
I also have photos from the Glastonbury Festival from the ABC Independence Day concert that was aired in the U.S. on July 4, 1998.
I have added several Plugged '98 Meet & Greet pictures to my Ears With Feet photo album. To find each of the photos below, go to the page and click on the name of the Toriphile:
- Eric (with a 'c') Thelen sent me several wonderful black & white photos from meet & greets that took place during June 1998 in Frankfurt, Munich, and Bonn Germany, as well as Vienna, Austria and London, England.
- Uli (aka Wilma) sent me some meet & greet photos from Vienna, Austria on June 15, 1998. She also sent me a photo of Tori performing in Vienna. You can see that one on my Vienna Reviews Page.
- Matt Rees sent me his photo with Tori from the meet & greet in London, U.K. on June 2, 1998.
- Toriphile Alex sent me a photo from the Meet & Greet in San Francisco on May 5, 1998.
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have photos Michael Heiker sent me from the June 8, 1998 meet & greet in Berlin, Germany and the June 11, 1998 meet & greet in Hamburg, Germany.
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have photos Danica Knox sent me from the June 2, 1998 meet & greet in London, U.K. Danica has several more photos from the June 2, 1998 meet & greet in London, U.K. on her excellent web page, Tori Amos: A Realm Of Mp3's
, which in addition to some incredible mp3 sound clips also contains a HUGE collection of Tori photos! In addition to the meet & greet photos for London , you can also find photos from the Plugged '98 Tourbook in the Pictures section.
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have photos Debbie Pappyn sent me from the May 24, 1998 meet & greet in Newcastle, U.K..
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have photos Jose sent me from the April 28, 1998 meet & greet in Toronto, Canada.
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have photos Mike Gray sent me from the May 25, 1998 meet & greet in Wolverhampton, U.K..
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have photos Lisa Street sent me from the April 25, 1998 meet & greet in Boston, MA.
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have added some photos from Leonard that he took at the meet and greet in Detroit on April 29, 1996.
- On my Ears With Feet Photo Album, I have added some photos from Julia K. that she took at the meet and greet in Toronto on April 28, 1998.
- I also have 4 more names to my Ears With Feet Photo Album. They all feature meet and greet photos from the just completed club tour. You can see 3 photos from Philadelphia on April 26th from Wayne Cabradilla, 4 photos from Los Angeles on May 6th from Lorraine Lieu, 2 photos from Washington D.C. on April 22nd from Phyllis, 1 photo from New York City on April 23rd from Johanna, and 1 more from New York from Toriphile Sarah. Just look for there names on the left side of the EWF Photo Album.
Erin Dolll created a collage of several live concert shots of Tori from the Sneak Preview Plugged '98 Tour and combined it with a photo of Tori singing Horses from the current tour with the disco ball lighting effect. The result is quite striking. Click here to see it!
Richard Handal sent me interesting photos of the venues Tori played during the May 1998 U.K. shows in Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Wolverhampton, and Plymouth.
You can see many photos from Tori's 'Breakfast With KROQ' appearance on May 7, 1998 in Los Angeles, CA, including some sent to me by Matt H., Erin Dolll and Sandra Smeby.
Check out some photos of Tori performing at the Pinkpop Festival in The Netherlands on June 1, 1998. They were taken froma webcast of the event.
After the San Francisco club show on May 5, 1998, Tori made an appearance at a gay bar in San Francisco called The Cafe. They were having a Tori album release party at the time. I have a photo of Tori at the club that was sent to me by a Toriphile named I Heart 59.
See some photos on stage from the April 25, 1998 Boston show at the Avalon.
I have some photos of Tori from from outside the Irving Plaza in New York on April 23, 1998. You can see them here.
Jennifer (Icycle) saw Tori in Atlanta, GA on April 20, 1998 and sent me great photos from both the meet and greet before the show, and from the stage during the show. You can find the meet & greet photos here, and the concert photos are here. The photo you see above is from Icycle.

North American "Sneak Preview" Club Tour Ends In Los Angeles
Updated May 7
Tori has now completed her Sneak Preview Plugged '98 Tour. You can find reviews and set lists for all shows on my Reviews and Set Lists Page. I have reviews from various Toriphiles and some reviews from local newspapers as well. Please feel free to contribute more reviews at any time!
Robyn Wandzell has added info and photos on her web page about her experience buying tickets for the San Francisco club show at the Fillmore.
I (Mikewhy) returned from my trip to Chicago to see Tori in concert at the Park West. I was deeply moved by the show, and you can now read my review and several others from that April 30, 1998 concert on my Chicago Reviews page. We were the first audience to hear "Cornflake Girl" this year. Tori was jamming hard and the show was incredibly powerful. Tori also got the entire audience to sing about masturbation and had to dodge a barrage of lip gloss during this memorable show. You can see photos from the Chicago meet and greet on Amber's All The White Horses web site . Amber also presented Tori with a card signed by a bunch of us on the net and which included a large donation to RAINN, a gesture that not only touched Tori, but hopefully shed some positive light on her net following, which sometimes gets negative press. You can read more about the card and see it at the All The White Horses web site .
The North American club tour ran from Saturday, April 18th until Wednesday, May 6th. Tori's official site at www.tori.com followed Tori on the club tour and has reports with photos, sound clips and video clips.
Tickets for all of the cities sold out quickly. To read some ticket buying experiences, including my own, go here. The experience of waiting for tickets was for some people inspiring and for some heartbreaking. The site of so many people waiting in line for Tori really contrasted with my first Tori concert in 1992, when few people know who she was. You can find on the Dent a few photos of the ticket buying line at the Greek in Los Angeles on April 4, 1998. You can also see photos of Toriphiles standing in line in Philadelphia at the Electric Factory Concerts Newspage . The club tour is over now, but I don't think we will ever forget it!