Click this logo to go to the Tori News Page updates their Welcome To Sunny Florida listings to include cover art

Updated Fri, Apr 30, 2004 - 9:13pm ET

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I reported earlier that has two listings for Tori's upcoming DVD/CD Welcome To Sunny Florida. They have just added the cover art to those listings, and it is the same cover I reported on earlier. I also reported that the new release would be available in DVD packaging (amaray box) or CD packaging (jewel case). The artwork photos on the listings now make it apparent which listing is for which packaging.

Click here to see the listing for Welcome To Sunny Florida in DVD packaging (amaray box)

Click here to see the listing for Welcome To Sunny Florida in CD packaging (jewel box)

You can now pre-order either version from I have added this to my Welcome To Sunny Florida Page. (Thanks to Jim for the news!) With the posting of this cover art, this should put to rest the questions I have been getting about the Welcome To Sunny Florida cover art posted to in France. I am almost certain that is NOT the correct cover art!

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Posted by: Mikewhy

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