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Tori's Music or Name
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Sightings reported from November 17, 1996 through February 24, 1997 ![]() Tori On A Quilting Show!(Feb 24) - Billy Felz tells us: "So, I am flipping through the channels, and I get stalled on this PBS TV show/infomercial called "Sew Many Quilts" These two middle aged women are hosting the show, and they are talking about this photo transferring process that can really add some "spice" to your quilts. One of the women goes on to say that her daughter likes to use this technique to make nifty tshirts. She uses pictures of her favorite "Rock-n-Roll" stars out of books, and makes a tshirt like this. She held up a tshirt with a picture of Tori and some of her lyrics on it! I guess her daughter has good rock-n-roll star taste." ![]() Tori In "The Rolling Stone Book of Respect: Wisdom of Women in Rock and Roll"(Feb 24) - Geoffrey A. Ehrlich tells us: "In a book called "The Rolling Stone Book of Respect: Wisdom of Women in Rock and Roll," many female artists gave their views on certain topics dealing with respect. Tori was quoted as saying: "I think our generation loves our pain, if you dare to take it away from us, we're going to kill you. We like our pain. And we're packaging it, and we're selling it." ![]() Tori Listed In Entertainment Weekly Magazine(Feb 24) - Bryan E. Sampieri tells us: "To add to your list, there is list of all the Grammy nominees in the new issue of Entertainment magazine, which Tori is a part of. It's a double issue with Harrison Ford on the cover. I can't remember the date. The list is in the middle of the mag as part of a Chevy ad, I guess they are sponsors for the Grammy's this year." ![]() Tori In The Video Store(Feb 24) - Chad emailed me: "I recently got a job at a video store. We get to pick the music videos that are played in the store, SO, being the loyal Toriphile that I am, I brought in my copy of the Little Earthquakes video, as well as a tape I put togehter myself of Tori's "Unplugged" performance and the RAINN benifit show. It's so very comforting to hear Tori's voice and music, and see 16 screens of her while I work. Most people have been receptive to it, stopping and turning their heads to look, if only for a moment. I've only had one negative comment so far... It's great to be able to enjoy Tori while I work!" ![]() Out Magazine Talks About Remixes(Feb 24) - Geoffrey A. Ehrlich tells us: "I was reading the most recent installment of OUT magazine and there was a half page devoted to remixes that went to the top and that had originals by famous ppl. Tori's feature was about, but of course, "Professional Widow." Other artists featured were Garbage and Metallica." The Tori section said: ![]() Tori - Related Radio Programme On BBC Radio 4(Updated Feb 24) - Craig Astley & Karen Hagglund sent me this information on this radio programme in the U.K. I was unable to place it on my Upcoming TV/Radio Appearances page in time however (sorry!): "On Friday 7th February) there was a Tori -related radio programme on. On BBC Radio 4 (U.K.) they have a 'short story' read daily at 4.45pm. (15 mins) Today's is an original (as opposed to older more established ones) entitled "Voting Tori" (pun on Tori/Conservative government) The description in the TV listings mag 'Radio Times' says " Glenn has been dumped by his girlfriend and takes refuge in his Tori Amos CD's whilst plotting his revenge." Alamo had this to say about this radio show: "That "Voting Tori" play on BBC Radio was a bit boring if you didn't get to hear it. They played a clip of leather at the start and Winter at the end. It was some guy moaning about his ex and saying things like "So I went once again to the Tori Amos CD" as if she's some kind of medicine." ![]() Tori's "Friend" Matthew Perry(Feb 18) - Kim H. tells us: "I'll just quote from the last paragraph of an interview with Matthew Perry (one of the "Friends"), which is in the March 1997 InStyle magazine... "Though he dated Julia Roberts after she guest-starred on *Friends* last year, there has been no romance in his life lately. Perhaps that's why he enjoys solo drives along Mulholland Drive, blasting Tori Amos, Indigo Girls and other mood music. 'If you are a woman and in any kind of emotional duress and you sing a song about it, I will buy your album,' he says." ![]() Comedic Tori Mention(Feb 16) - Jamie Bretveld tells us: " I thought that you might like to hear of a comedic Tori mention that I just heard on TV. It was on an American version of "Who's Line Is It Anyway" called "Kwiz Witz" (which is on after Saturday Night Live). One team, called Ready to Rumble, did a skit on popular TV shows combined with music stars. Some examples given were "The Neil Young and the Restless", "The Scarecrow and BB King", "Mad About U2", and.... "Tori Amos and Andy"." ![]() Reduced Shakespeare Company & Tori(Feb 13) - Mike Harris shares this with us: "The Reduced Shakespeare Company is a comedy troupe which fits an enormous amount of material into a two-hour show. [For instance, "The Complete History of America (Abridged)" or "The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged)".] They were hilarious -- I haven't laughed so hard in my life. Well, their show was "The Bible: The Complete Word of God (Abridged)," and keeping in that theme, they had Tori's "God" as pre-show music. Rather cool, huh? I highly recommend it to anyone who can catch them -- they're hilarious." ![]() Another All My Children Appearance(Feb 11) - From Kristin M Evans: "Someone at All My Children must be a HUGE fan, because I read about 3 entries for that soap... but not the one I heard-- it was awhile ago, but the teenagers of Pine Valley were in a little restaurant (the one with red checkered table cloths for those who watch), and Caught a Lite Sneeze was on... very VERY soft in the background, but it was there!" ![]() Tori Record Store Display(Feb 9) - From Mikewhy (Me) I was looking in Disc Jockey Records in Louisville KY and I was surprised to see a very nice promotional display for Tori. It had several RAINN concert posters advertising the RAINN special on Lifetime, and all her albums and current CD-5's displayed together. I saw quite a few people looking at it! ![]() Video Game Character Inspired By Tori(Feb 9) - The Game Maniac Mansion, created by Lucasarts, has a fiery red headed pianist character that was inspired by Tori! A writer of the game said on CNN that the inspiration for the character came after he bought the album Y Kant Tori Read. The "fiery red-headed character" in 'Maniac Mansion' can be seen at: http://members.aol.com/stu1012/mm-razor.gif (Thank you Mike Harris for the link.) ![]() The Bloodhound Gang Mentions Tori On MTV Loveline(Feb 9) - Danica Knox & Chrissy Olsen sent me this info: "The other night, I had Loveline on and the guests were a group called The Bloodhound Gang. They sat on the couch where all the other guests sit and one of them said, "I wonder who has sat here." Then, the same guy got up and was sort of scratching and smelling the couch, like a dog, and said, "I wonder if I can smell Tori Amos." ![]() Tori Mentioned In Mixmag Magazine(Feb 9) - Veronica Machak sent me this info: "I was in the local bookstore, and i happened to see the january/february '97 mixmag magazine with armand van helden (who remixed Professional Widow) on the cover. the article was
brief and i did not buy it, but it did mention tori. the interviewer was
going on about the general fantastic-ness of the PW remix, and a.vh. was
eating it up. oh well. I still don't think the song is fairly represented
if it all is reduced to ... ![]() Tori Inspires Singer Haze(Feb 9) - Rhythm Bay sent me this info: "I'm friends with a band whose lead singer, Haze, is hugely influenced by Tori Amos. Unfortunately Haze does not play piano (but no one can play like Tori anyway)but there are some subtle similarities. If you want, you can request a free sample tape from Haze at her website (for the last year, she has been giving out tapes to all who request!). I am curious if the Tori ring people would like Haze. Haze actualy met Tori, but I am still waiting to hear the details on that. Anyway, check it out if you want. Keep up the good work. (Haze Website ----> http://www.hooked.net/users/rhythumb/haze.html)" ![]() Tori Featured on Dutch Female Singer/Songwriter Release(Feb 9) - Dennis Snelders reports: "As I walked into my record shop the other day i saw a CD called "Vier fantasische stemmen" which means "Four fantastic voices". It has 4 tracks of various female singer/songwriters and Tori's song "Crucify" (album version) is featured as the second track. On the front, there's a tiny little pic of tori's face and the cover of LE. I don't remember the other artists' names, but Alanis Morisette was one of them." ![]() Top Models Prefer Tori(Feb 9) - Kim H. tells us: "i also recall that that there was some show on top models backstage at the paris collections (earlier this year, heck it may have been longer) and i believe it was shalom, who when asked what was in the discman she was holding, smiled and opened it up and there was the cd under the pink! she said, "we're all tori amos fans here." ![]() 'Extra' Tori(Feb 9) - Rebecca tells us: " I was watching that magazine show, "Extra", and they played a snippet of "Upside Down" during one of their stories. (Tori was not featured, unfortunately) Anyways, it was the beginning part of the song, with the piano, just before she starts to sing. It was played during a story on Bill Cosby's wife, and how she's tired of all the tabloids poking into her life (I don't blame her)" ![]() Tori Mentioned By KSCA Los Angeles In Their Final Days(Feb 3) - Kim H. tells us: "KSCA FM 101.9 is going off the air in a couple of days, and so every song they play eats up precious air time on each DJ's last show. So i was very glad just now to hear them honor tori with some air time. They played "God" and then the DJ said that tori is very special to the station and that tori has been there a couple of times in the studio (she is on one of 101.9's studio compilation cds too i think) and that tori also did a 'tea' with 15 or so listeners once. anyone know what that was? anyway the DJ concluded that both tori and her manager arthur spivak were great and that she the DJ would really miss them both. i thought that was quite a nice little tribute for the DJ to end her last show with! :-)" ![]() Professional Widow Music Used in Lisa Stansfield Dance Song(Feb 3) - Jon in the U.K. was the first to alert me to this news: The music to the Armand Van Helden Remix of Professional Widow is used as the music to a new version of the song People Hold On, originally recorded a few years ago by Coldcut featuring Lisa Stansfield, and now listed under Lisa Stansfield and the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. No Tori vocals are heard in the song however. This song made it very high in the U.K. single charts in January 1997. The music in the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels remix is identical to the music in the Professional Widow remix. The original remixer Armand Van Helden says he does not care about that, because he was paid a flat fee for the remix. I don't think Atlantic Records plans to take legal action about this act of blatant copying! ![]() Tori In Escape From LA(Feb 3) - Peter Naughton tells us: " I was just writing to let you know of another interesting Tori spotting. I was watching the John Carpenter film ESCAPE: FROM LA and in the background of the club scene of the movie They played as few verses from "Professional Widow". I thought, that was rather interesting. " ![]() Tori In A Giant Supermarket(Feb 3) - Chad reports: "My friend Sharon said that when she was in a "Giant" supermarket last Friday, she heard "Caught A Lite Sneeze" on the store radio system!! What's more suprising is that the Giant is a local chain. Strange." ![]() Tori On All My Children(Jan 30) - Lucy M Carey posted the following to the Torinews mailing list : " I don't know if any of you watch All My Children, the soap opera, but in the background of one of the scenes today, they played Cornflake Girl! It actually kind of fit with the scene too, because a girl who used to be homeless and was just adopted was talking to a rich snooty girl, and was telling her about her life and how she isn't like the people the rich girl knew. Well, it kind of went with the scene! Her music is sure getting around." ![]() Tori In Spin's Point Blank Letters page(Jan 30) - Meredith Burke informs us that: "In SPIN magazine from Feb. 1997 on the Point Blank Letters page, Amy Boytz from Seattle wrote into SPIN commenting on their Gwen Stefani/No Doubt article 'I agree with Jonathan Bernstein that No Doubt's "Tragic Kingdom" doesn't fit in with the likes of "Exile in Guyville" and "Little Earthquakes"; Liz Phair and Tori Amos have substance and strength in their music, while all Gwen Stefani does is further the female stereotype that these women strove so long to break.'" ![]() Tori Mentioned In The Book 'Piano Lessons'(Jan 26) - ELF109@aol.com reports: "Tori is mentioned in this book called "Piano Lessons", by Noah Adams. She's only breifly talked about (pgs 58-61, I think) . Anyways., I didn't know if you knew about this or not, but I just found out. I think you can find the book in the Music section of a bookstore, or maybe non-fiction." ![]() Tori In A Bagel Shop(Jan 26) - Shawn reports: "I was in a bagel shop near here called Grains and Grinds and was surprised to hear rare Tori! TAKE TO THE SKY!! I asked the employee, and she said whatever cds they brought in were what was played over the P.A. Well, it wasn't a muzak breakthrough or anything, but at least I made a new Tori friend." ![]() Tori Is A Question On A Game Show(Jan 26) - Marla & Sue Kelly report: "Here's a strange place for Tori's name to appear. While I was waiting for the RAINN concert, I caught the (really horrible) game show Debt on Lifetime. One of the questions was "I'm the pop "Cornflake Girl" who shares a last name with a "famous" cookie maker." Or something like that. And the answer: "You are Tori Amos."" ![]() Tori In Philosophy Class(Jan 17) - Lyvia Vwj reports: "my sister took this philosophy course last semester and the topic was on GOD. Well, to her amazement, the professor played Tori's song "GOD" and said, "here's her view of God!" Boy, that made her day:)" ![]() Tori On MTV, At a Goth Club, and In The Mall(Jan 17) - Jeffrey Satriano reports: "well, first of all, i once heard god played on the real world london series on mtv. second, a friend of mine informs me that while she was at the goth club helter skelter in los angeles earlier this year, they played caught a lite sneeze. finally, while shopping in the westminster mall in westminster, co, i happened to hear a familiar remix and looked to my right. in the store across the hall, journeys (or some such thing), they were playing the professional widow video (the one with all the clips from her other videos). i just wandered over and stood in the entrance of the store staring at the tv screen. when it was over, the sales guy gave me a funny look and i walked out." ![]() Wrong Tori On Gary ShandlingIan Szymczak reports: "Last night I was watching the Gary Shandling show on HBO for some odd reason and they were talking about Tori Spelling who was going to be on the show and they had a list of what she has done sort of a Bio on her, and they discovered that they had Tori Amos' bio instead and Jeneane Garafolo said,"This is Tori Amos' bio not Tori Spelling's. Tori Amos is a singer not an actress!" ![]() Friends Don't Let Friends Be TorilessKathryn reports: "I was reading the new Feb. Seventeen and there was an artical about the winners of a contest that the magazine had. It was a best friend contest. The winners (Eryn and Alisha) were talking about things that they like to do or have done together. They said things they liked to do are,"sing at the top of our lungs and go to concerts (like Phish and Tori Amos, to of their faves)." ![]() Jawbox Covers 'Cornflake Girl'Shawn Neitzel & Casey Wetter report: "Just thought you might like to know that the band Jawbox does a cover of Cornflake Girl on their new album. It is a bonus track, so it's not listed, but it's there." ![]() Tori Helps Students Manage Their EmailC Jason Gumm reported to the Torinews mailing list: "I am a huge Tori fan and put her name to use as the title of a web program I wrote and is in use by the University I work for. TORI - Total On-Line Resource Interface. It is a interface to allow students to manage their e-mail accounts. Originally I used a lot of TORI images to build the interface, but slacked off since I thought it would not go over well with my boss. But the name stuck and it is great to hear people run around the office saying her name." ![]() Tori Heard In Taco Bell!Callie Stuhler reports: "My husband & I ate lunch at a Taco Bell on New Year's day. Usually Taco Bell music background music is really pop-ey, but they were playing the Brian Transeau/Tori Amos 'Blue Sky'! It was cool for me, because I can't find that cd anywhere. What a pleasant way to eat nachos bell grande. . . " ![]() Tori Music Heard On MTV DocumentaryKim H. reports: "MTV aired a documentary recently and played an instrumental part of a Tori song during a segment in which a guy was talking about the ramifications (emotionally, for him) of having been DUI and killing someone. I can't remember which song now (wouldn't ya just know!). Maybe someone else can?" ![]() Tori Music Heard On The Party Of Five TV SeriesJulia was the first of several people to inform me of this: "Last night I was watching Party of Five. One of the scenes was when Bailey and Sarah were at a disco place. Well you could hear the music playing in the background, and it was Tori's 'Blue Skies'! I haven't heard the song before and at first I didn't know who it was. Oh by the way, Bailey asked Sarah if she liked the song and she answered "It's okay". " The song Blue Skies appears on the Party Of Five Soundtrack CD that is available now, at least in North America. ![]() Tori at the SupermarketJason Best tells us: "I work in a small hometown hick IGA supermarket. We usually get the same old country muzak pumped through the store, and today they actually played Caught a Light Sneeze! It truly amazed me, and the remaing 6 hours didn't seem so bad...:)" ![]() MTV Choose Or LoseDaniel Bishop tells us: "I just saw an MTV Choose of Lose Update on the Republican convention and in the background they played a small clip form one of the Professional Widow remixes." ![]() Tori In MTV's 12 Days Of Christmas CommercialOne of MTV's Happy Holidays Commercials in December 1996 had Tori singing (I think) "8 ladies dancing" or something like that. ![]() Tori found in the local Comics ShopRobbie Heacock tells us: "For anyone who reads comic books, in Death:The Time of Your Life issue 2 on page 18, there's a poster for Under the Pink with a sorta undetiled drawing of the UtP cover. Tori also wrote the introduction to the Death: The High Cost Of Living trade paperback." ![]() Singing Christmas Song On All My ChildrenElizabeth posted this to the rec.music.tori-amos newsgroup: "Just seemed that I should post this since I was on the internet while watching All My Children. For people who do watch this soap, Gloria and Tad were at the Insomniac Cafe and in the background, Tori Amos was singing Little Drummer Boy! This was on just the day after I gave my friend this bootleg with all these Tori B-sides and misc. stuff including Little Drummer Boy. :)" ![]() More Tori On MTV (but not her videos!)LMadri4111 emailed the following to me: "I was just watching on of those MTV Road Rules marathon thingys and they were playing "Cornflake Girl" in the background. This is from the first season. And MTV always seems to play "Caught A Lite Sneeze" an awful lot for background music for various things. Too bad they can't play the actual video." ![]() Tori in the Joyce Maynard novel "Where Love Goes"Susannah posted the following to the rec.music.tori-amos newsgroup in early December 1996: "I just finished a book called "Where Love Goes" by Joyce Maynard, she mentions Tori a few times in it. First when the main character's teenage daughter is parking somewhere with her boyfriend, she puts a Tori tape in the deck and her boyfriend calls it her "sensitive female music." Then it refers to a Tori poster in the daughter's bedroom, then the daughter is in line waiting to buy a home pregnancy test and thinks "This costs $9.95...enough for the new Tori Amos tape"(wonder which one...:))and finally after the boyfriend has been in a car accident and can no longer perform his wild skateboard tricks he tells her "Next thing you know I'll be knitting and listening to Tori Amos!" Kinda weird, huh? It seemed to mention her quite a bit." ![]() Tori on HBO's Letting GoTerri says: "I was watching HBO the other day and they have these documentary programs, many of which are very good. I was watching one called "Letting Go" and it was about dealing with death of family members. Winter was played on a partial segment about a young boy who had a fatal brain disease; the song was used in very good taste and highly appropriate. The program was moving and it depressed me." ![]() Tori Amos and Smart SexEmily emailed this to me: "I just heard Tori on an MTV show again. They played the intrumental bridge and intro to "Cornflake Girl" on a show called Smart Sex, which was about STD's and how people deal with them. They played it when a guy was finding out the results of an HIV test and the results were negative. They ended it right after he told his girlfriend. It was on Sunday ( December 1, 1996) at 1:00." ![]() Tori Synchronicity In A CybercafeKim emailed me the following: "Well while I was reading the latest reviews on the Dent, guess what I heard? The beginning unmistakable strains of a Tori song! It's near closing time at Buzz Coffee in West Hollywood (or, WeHo) and so I told the clerk (about the synchronicity) "like wow I was just reading a Tori Amos website and that song started playing" and I discovered another Tori fan, very well-versed in all things Tori! We talked Tori for a while...sympathetically. He has a friend who met her in her early career (lucky duck). We agreed she's ahead of her time." ![]() Spin Magazine Interviewer Dedicates Short Story To A "Tori"Kristine Feleo emailed me: "do you recall when tori was on the cover of spin (for bfp, not utp). anyway, the woman who wrote the article/did the interview is francesca lia block. she also writes fab books for teens, namely the weetzie bat series. i went to see her read from her book and sign at border's last monday. a short story from her new book is dedicated to "tori". i asked if it was for our tori, but she said not specifically, but it could relate." ![]() Tori In JCPennys Department StoreDerf emailed me the following: "You know how department stores have those little tv things that play music videos? Well, I was in JC Penney's at the Mall of St. Matthews (no I do not shop there on a regular basis!) and to my TOTAL astonishment I saw that they were playing the TALULA video, blowtorch, plastic box, mad scientist and all." ![]() Tori On the OlympicsDerf also reminded me of this, which I had on this web site before: Tori on the Olympics? Well, her music was played! Around 11:30PM on the night of July 25th, they showed some kind of documentary on the life of an Ukranian woman competing in the gymnastics competition. You could here the song Precious Things in the background. It was the instrumental part at the beginning before she starts to sing. This obviously gave the young woman good luck, because she won the all-around competition! ![]() Tori Played On MTV ProgramsEmily emailed me the following: "There are some really wierd places I've heard Caught a Lite Sneeze. Once on Road Rules, Cast 2, on MTV they played it when Devon was streuggling with racsim at a civil war re-enactment. They also play it of "The Real World" a lot." ![]() Tori Song Played During International Figure Skating Championships on ABC - Sunday, November 17, 1996Infinity emailed me the following: "i was just watching the International Figure Skating Championships on ABC. World Champion Michelle Kwan performed to my favorite Tori song, "Winter." It was a very moving interpretation-- i had goosebumps! Michelle looked great in her all-white outfit, too." ![]() Tori Song Played On 'One Life to Live'Kristin E. Holland posted the following info to the rec.music.tori-amos newsgroup about Caught A Lite Sneeze playing in the background of the TV soap One Life To Live: "Anybody watch 'One Life to Live' on ABC? Did anybody catch the bit where Andie and Dylan are chatting in Roadie's bar, when Andie's ex-boyfriend walks in the door, and in the background you here a familiar phrase and there's 'Caught a Lite Sneeze' on ABC daytime? Their timing was quite nice, too: in the awkward moment before Andie goes to walk out past the ex-guy, the music comes up just a hair louder, not enough to be a glaringly obvious dramatic device, but enough for you to catch Tori singing "Didn't know our love was so small...." ![]() |
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Please give me feedback, comments, or suggestions about The Dent. Email me (Mikewhy) at mikewhy@iglou.com |