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The Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York debuted an exhibit called Rock Style that ran from December 9, 1999 until March 19, 2000. The exhibition spotlighted classic rock-'n'-roll performers and their pervasive influence on fashion. There were some Tori items at this exhibit from the 1996 Dew Drop Inn Tour. They were a purple jump suit and some zebra shoes. There were also video monitors around the exhibit that showed many of the artists who donated their clothing and it included a few brief clips of Tori in the montage. You could also find many other items, like a few of Jimi Hendrix' jackets and hats, Elvis' polyester jumpsuits with the huge rhinestone belt, Mick Jagger's stagewear, KISS' costumes from 1976, the outfits the Beatles wore on the Sgt. Pepper's album cover, and Bjork's homogenic kimono. Thanks to Joe and Megan M. for the details.
Richard Handal discovered that a later exhibition called "Rock Style Music+Fashion+Attitude" that took place at the Barbican Centre in London, U.K. from October 5, 2000 until January 14, 2001 was essentially the same exhibit as this one, although there was some difference in the items displayed.