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Lottapianos Tour: The set list and comments for Tori's September 4th concert in West Palm Beach, FL
Updated Fri, Sep 05, 2003 - 3:53am ET |
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You can now see the set list and reviews for the West Palm Beach, FL concert, which is the final show of the Lottapianos summer tour. The set list for the last show included Sugar, Take To The Sky (with the Muhammad My Friend bridge), Cooling (solo), Tombigbee (twice!), Virginia, Professional Widow, and Hey Jupiter (the Dakota version). If you were at this show I would love to see your review on the Dent. I am on the road seeing Tori now, so please post your reviews in the Concert Reviews Forum if you can. You can still email me with reviews as well, but it may take me a little longer to post them. More DetailsTori performed in West Palm Beach, FL on Thursday, September 4, 2003 at the Sound Advice Theatre. Tori's special guest was Ben Folds and the show started at 7:00PM. Set ListThe following set list comes from Mikewhy, who phoned in from the show to Cynthia who kindly posted it on the Dent. Wampum Prayer a sorta fairytale Sugar Crucify Cornflake Girl Bells For Her Concertina Take To The Sky/Muhammad My Friend Wednesday Band Leaves Leather Cloud on my Tongue Cooling Band returns Your Cloud Tombigbee Virginia Father Lucifer Professional Widow I Can't See New York Precious Things 1st Encore Sweet Sangria Past the Mission 2nd Encore Tombigbee (again) Amber Waves Hey Jupiter (Dakota Version) ReviewsThe latest reviews are at the bottom of this page, and I am adding reviews all the time. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also go to the Concert Reviews Forum and post about your experiences as well, or read additional reviews. From Mikewhy: A few notes from the phone: - The show was definitely taped -- there was a huge overhanging boom going everywhere and filming from many different angles. - Because of this, it is likely that Tori redid Tombigbee because she wasn't happy with the first version. - Before she introduced the band, Tori was very emotional; she mouthed "I love you guys", touched her heart, and was visibly in tears. Mikewhy's review It was a nice show tonight. There were no surprises or rare songs, but it is nicer than I expected since it was being taped. There were at least 5 cameras catching the action. Two were on stage on the far right and left, one was mounted on a tripod in the back of the amphitheare, one was on a large boom that hung over the first rows of the audience and that glided back and forth during the show catching the action from several angles, and one was held by a cameraman who sometimes came out and followed Tori around, or who aimed the camera at the band members or the audience. I am sure there were times when the equipment blocked people's way, but they seemed to make it as unobtrusive as possible. The Muhammad My Friend bridge of Take To The Sky was longer and more intense than the night before. She added a lot of lyrics, so it seemed more like Muhammed My Friend followed by a really cool improv. It was a definite highlight of the show, along with the best version of Professional Widow I have ever witnessed live! Tori was really emotional about this being her last real show. She broke into tears before introducing the band, mouthing at one point, "I love you guys". There were several times when a lady came out and touched up Tori's makeup. And of course, Tori did Tombigbee at the start of the second encore, even though she had already played it earlier in the show. She must have felt she messed up the first time, although I certainly did not notice it. Tori was supposed to do Caught A Lite Sneeze instead, but decided to redo Tombigbee instead. That was the only time Tori varied from her written set list. I will have more to say about this show later. It was rather emotional afterwards saying goodbye to all the cool people I met on tour this time. I hope you all make it home safely. I also want to thank everyone who came up to me and told me how much you like The Dent. That meant a lot and was really appreciated. I will miss these concerts terribly. I hope Tori is not gone too long, but at the same time she deserves a nice break. Thanks for the wonderful shows Tori. From Glenn Mueller: There is no way I could ever write an objective review of a Tori Amos concert. Each concert I see her perform becomes my favorite concert. I will say that tonight's performance will make one outstanding DVD. Though I have seen Tori perform six times, I finally got a good view of her tonight.Oh, andI finally got to shake her father's hand. Her parents were in the audience, and they seemed quite receptive to all the fans that were coming up and talking to them. Unfortunately, the concert wasn't sold out, but there was a pretty good crowd on hand. Tori was very fortunate that it didn't rain. Though the Sound Advice Amphitheater is covered, it is still an open venue on the fairgrounds. There were thunderstorms in the afternoon, but not during the evening of the show. Before she introduced the members of her band, Tori told the audience that she had been touring for nearly a year. She said, "We decided to end the tour here, because I love it here." Needless to say, that statement received a large round of applause from the audience. If she was tired from being on the road for so long, it certainly didn't show in her performance tonight. Her energy is incredible -- I wish I could bottle it somehow. What else can I say? To borrow a line from the movie Dead Poets Society, "Spirits soared, women swooned and gods were created." But, that's really what I believe happens every time Tori performs. Ok, it is way past my bedtime. I get up at 6 a.m. for work these days. Let me take this opportunity to thank you, Mike, for all your hard work. Your site is an invaluable resource for Tori fans everywhere. And, thank you, Tori, for setting my soul on fire... again! From Natasha: Just gothome from the 4 1/2 drive from the venue in W.Palm Beach. In my opinion, Tori was definitely more "on" tonight than in Orlando last night. She really knows how to work every angle to her advantage for the camera.She thanked the crowd for being part of the "little production". I noted 4 cameras, including the one on the giant dolly that swung around and covered her face (if you were seated in the center) at a most poignant time- like when she flipped the finger to "girls that eat pizza and never gain weight" during Father Lucifer. She did a beautiful improv about what she'll do when she's done touring. It joked about how she's not very good at doing laundry and that she'd be taking Tash to ballet lessons. She did Tombigbee twice. The second time was during the second encorewhen Caught a Lite Sneeze was on the setlist to be performed. Her make-up artist came out before Roadside Cafe started and then Tori said "fuck it" about something. Maybe her hair being fixed? Later in the show, I think the make-up artist came out again, or maybe it was a roadie to fix something at her piano. She also did an improv about how she wanted to end up in FL at the end of the tour. (unless that was part of the above improv-I'm too tired to think) Before the show, I think it was Duncan, her chef, that came out and rubbed little dabs of a potion onto various areas around the Rhodes and Wurly and then put a coffee mug down beside them. Several times during the show, you could see her putting her finger on little areas on her piano and then dabbing whatever was on it on her lips and into her mouth (not her lipgloss, which she also put on). Ben Folds: I thought he was very vibrant. Twice during his set there were problems with the sound equipment. He said "what the fuck?!" before saying he hoped he hadn't damaged Tori's sound equipment. Then, when she started burning incense backstage and it drifted out to the front of the stage, he said "what is that smell?" Before someone in the crowd shouted out "incense!" Matt and John came out and played two songs with him and the trio rocked out. At the end, he said Tori was "the shit" and that he enjoyed being on tour with her. And that she was even cooler than we thought. I want to thank Mike W, 'cause I only went to two shows on this last leg, but reading the reviews on The Dent, made me feel like I was at all of them. From Dan Irizarry: Oh man, oh man oh man!!! What a delight to have attended this show. This is the seventh time I've seen her since the Plugged 98 tour. This one of the highlights of all the shows I've attended. Although there weren't any rare ones, I heard a few songs that are firsts for me. I FINALLY got to hear Father Lucifer. I'd been DYING to hear that one. I'd never heard Bells for Her, Professional Widow, TomBigBee, or Amber Waves. On to the songs... All the songs that are generally "hard", i.e. Sugar, Precious Things, were played HARDER THAN EVER! I have about 10 boots of recent concerts, some with Professional Widow, and it normally starts out with Matt Drum Machine then he starts. Atthis show, he just started beating that drum like it was a life or death struggle. It was totally wild. Her voice was crisp and clear throughout the whole show. I did notice that the second version of TomBigBee was a little harder and her voice wasn't as muffled as during the first time. I was able to understand the words better the second time around. All in all, it was a flawless show. You could tell she was really sad that it was the end of the tour. She mouthed "I love you all" with tears in her eyes. After WP and ASF, she immediately belted into Sugar. Again, Matt went crazy on the drums tonight. An interesting note: During ASF, I don't know if anyone else was noticing, but as Jon was playing the bass, he had a peddle effect where the bass sounded like an organ. He did this during the first portion of the song, then changed it back to regular bass. I think that organ sound along with Matty's conga drums gave the song a unique flavor I hadn't noticed the other two times I heard the song live. I digress. I noticed that the Crucify intro was longer than usual, too. The end was great. The connection between Tori, Jon, and Matty is incredible. They all feed off each other's vibe to makethe songs come alive. I was so happy to hear Take to the Sky. It's been a staple of this tour and gets better each time I hear it. She really grooved tonight to the rhythms of the songs. The Muhammed my Friend bridge was really intense and long. During the Roadside Cafe, she played nothing out of the ordinary, but they were all flawless and beautiful. She sang a long improv right before leather about a song that wanted to come out for a few shows but didn't until today, then she went right into leather. Cloud on my tongue is always such a beautiful song, and she really went to the high octaves in that song with her voice. Same as cooling. When the band returned, a beautiful rendition of Your Cloud followed. She played a nice intro to it, then repeated the first verse twice. It was long and delicate and extremely moving. After a few tranquil songs, out comes the beast: TomBigBee. It's one of her harder songs and she ripped through that one. After having heard it twice that night, I thought the first time she played it her voice was a little muffled. It had been clear so far through all the songs. After Virginia, I heard the familiar intro to Father Lucifer and I went crazy!! I love that song, and to finally have heard it live was a treat. When she sang about Girls that never gain weight, she flipped the bird right to the camera that was no more than two feet in front of her. I can't wait to see THAT on the DVD when it comes out. I was hoping to hear Professional Widow that night, and then right after Father Lucifer, it came!! The drums started loud and hard and stayed that way throughout. It was so intense and awesome last night. Then came I can't See New York. I don't see why so many people don't like that song! I think it's a very beautiful song. It's very dynamic; it gets soft then loud and changes throughout. I don't mind hearing it at each show. Precious Things followed. Again it was loud, hard and intense and awe inspiring. The first encore that followed was Sweet Sangria and Past the Mission. I could have done without Sweet Sangria. I've heard that one at each show I've seen. I would have wanted to hear Don't Make Me Come to Vegas instead. Past the Mission was great though. When she came out the second time, I thought it was odd to hear the intro to TomBigBee again, but I realized that since it was being taped,she probably wasn't happy with the first time she played it. I hadn't heard Amber Waves before, and I really enjoyed it. When she started playing it, 6 amber colored spot lights were pointing at her. I thought it was nice effect. Hey Jupiter ended the night. I thought it was an excellent concert. As a side note,IFINALLY got to see Ben Folds!! I've been a fan of his since I was in9th grade. He was excellent tonight. I don't know if he did this before, but in this show he played a few songs with Matty and Jon. Matty came out in a big afro-wig. The three of them playing together was great. I'm happy I went to the show tonight, I can't wait until this DVD comes out. I can't believe I can't see for at least 2 more years, if not more. At least I'll have the greatest Hits CD to keep me company. Well, I guess I've written way too much. From Repotsearch: Just thought I'd point a couple things out that were missed. During the last songs of Ben's set, Jon and Matt came out and accompanied Ben on bass and on a small drum set that was set-up facing Ben's piano. Matt looked hilarious with his Ronald McDonald red wig! I'll post a pic soon! Ben thanked them and said he missed playing with a band. They were awesome together! I was kinda hoping Tori would come out and do something special with him! After Ben's set, during intermission, to the right of the stage, you could clearly see a small child being carried by a lady in a long-sleeved black-and-white stripe shirt. I'm assuming this was probably Tash, didn't see anyone really noticing that. I wanted to thank everyone that has been involved in this amazing journey and although I was not physically present in as many shows as many of you have, I did have the opportunity to attend these last 2 shows and one other during the 3rd leg of SW tour. I've met some really awesome people and just in case you guys read this, this is my shout-out: the wonderful Megan, Heather, Jess, Robert, Meredith, and Jim. I also want to thank Mike and Amanda. I had the pleasure of sitting next to them in Orlando! Mike, what would we do without your amazing contribution to the Tori Community? And of course, Tori for being the road-warrior that she is and bestowing upon us her magic for all these years. It'll be a while before we all get to throw our things in our cars and spend countless hours on the road, changing flat-tires, and eating at Chik-Fil-A (we'll miss u too Ben)! Till' next time! Tori arrived at the Sound Advice Amphitheater at exactly 3:40pm, shortly thereafter she did her sound check. Here's the list of songs Tori sound-checked for the West Palm Beach show: ASF Cornflake Girl (2x) Sweet Sangria (2x) PTDO Honey (2x) Pretty Good Year Northern Lad (2x) Mary (2x) Upside Down Cooling From Kristy: Ok now on to West Palm Beach. All I can say is WOW! You all are in for such a treat when you get to see that show on dvd! It was absolutely incredible as well! Tori was really fantastic tonight as well and really had tons of energy! She really looked like she was genuinely having a good time! She smiled so much during the show and made cute little gestures throughout the songs! SHe also moved around on the piano quite a bit and danced a lot! This was the best concert experience of my life because I was lucky enough to have won the front row RAINN tickets that were auctioned off on Ebay! I was literally like 5 feet away from her at the most! I have never been so mesmerized by someones presence im my entire life! Tori is like a magnet, she has this stage presence and charisma that is just INCREDIBLE! Now I know this is kinda dumb to say as well and a lot of people tend to say this but Tori really was staring at me the entire night! The tickets I had weren't centered in the front row. Instead they were off to the right side a bit, and since Tori's piano is centered in the middle when she plays she looks ahead of her to the right side. I swear to you that she looked at me the entire time of the concert and smiled at me the entire time! It was so cute because she would look over at me and I either had a huge grin on my face or I was mouthing the words to her songs. She would see me and instantly start to smile. Every single time she did that she got a huge grin on her face. I think that she was actually getting a kick out of seeing me smile because I was getting a kick out of seeing her play! It was so AMAZING! It felt like she was singing to me all night long! As for the concert, it was just fantastic! I enjoyed all the songs, and yes even Leather for some of you people who freak out when she plays it. Tori was extremely emotional tonight as was expected because this was her last show till 2005. Early on in the concert she did and improv about how she was going to miss everyone and how next week her life will be so different because she will be carpooling Tash around and taking her to ballet and school. Then she started naming specific people she would miss on the tour which was really funny and cute. At the end she said that she would miss us the most and that got her crying! There were so many awwws throughout the audience and everyone really felt for her! It was so cute! Then I got a bit emotional because I was so close that I could see her getting visibly upset. Then she tried to introduce Jon and Matt and she could barely talk because she was still crying a bit. Her eyes got really big and her chin quivered a bit and she tried to bite her lip to hold back the tears! It was really sweet! The show was absolutely incredible! The highlight for me was Professional Widow! I have never seen this one live and it was just INSANE! Tori was really into is and singing her heart out! You know at the end when she says "give me peace, love and a hard cock"? Well she was really getting into this last line and kept repeating "give me peace, give me peace, give me love" and then she belts out "and a hard coooocccckkkk!" It was so intense that her face physically changed! I mean her eyes got really big, and I have never seen anyone open their mouth that wide before. Her face actually changed in appearance because she was so into it! And they had like a reverb effect on her voice, so the word cock just echoed once she finished the song! It was AMAZING and the audience went CRAZY! I also really loved the slow version of Crucify and how she repeats "never going back again, no way" at the end of it! I am looking forward to that being on her greatest hits album too! Oh and the Take to the Sky/Muhammed MY Friend fits so well together. It sounds like they were made to go together. That got the audience really going! I really liked it! And of course Sugar got everyone going! That song is always so powerful, as was Precious Things! They were both really on! She also did Father Lucifer with the middle finger during the line "girls that eat pizza and never gain weight." That was great because the camera was right there in her face taping it. Oh and Your Cloud was just so beautiful! I about melted in my seat when she played it. There was a constant breeze going through the amphiteater when she played and the fog they had going made it even more special. Tori just looked so gorgeous! I also forgot to mention that when she was trying to tell us about how much she likes Florida this guy behind me screams out a song request for Butterfly. Tori stopped for a second and says "Fuck that, I'm telling a story." It was so great everyone just screamed and laughed. And she did Tombigbee twice. I think it was because during that song the camera that was mounted on the crane was pulled in and it took them awhile to change the film in it, therfore they didn't have a master shot with the crane of that song. Without the master shot you can't edit closeups into it, so I think that is why she did Tombigbee again at the end of the show because she certainly never messed up or anything the first time! I think alot of people including myself expected a third encore, but we didn't get one unfortuantely. I figured Tori probably wasn't coming back for a third one because everyone had rushed the stage after Precious Things so I was even more close to her, and once she left the stage after the second encore she was really crying hard. She had her hands up at her face wiping away all the tears that were starting to stream down her face. So I figured that it was really over. It was such a sweet but yet sad moment at the same time. Wow, I could just go on and on about how awesome the show was and how amazing and brilliant Tori is, but you just have to see the dvd! Seriously, it is going to be incredible! I had such a great night and I was so happy that I got to spend the last night on the tour with Tori! She was in a playful mood all night except she was very emotional as well all night! It was just a great mix of feelings! I can't wait to see the dvd again so I can relive the concert! It's going to be great to actaully have a concert that I went to on dvd! I had such a marvelous time and I have no idea how I am going to handle not having Tori around again until 2005! She is just so BRILLIANT! |
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