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Various Tori sightings: From Traci Lords' autobiography to Lisa Marie Presley's ultimate compilation CD!
Updated Sat, Jul 26, 2003 - 9:50am ET |
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I have added 8 interesting new Tori Sightings to the Dent. Check them out. More DetailsSmall chapter about Tori Amos in Traci Lords' new autiobiography, UnderNeath It All The most popular comics news site, www.newsarama.com, has a discussion going on about how to bring new readers into comics. They've created a mock ad-campaign, using celebrities who are known comic readers... which Tori is too, of course :) ... I have attached their Tori image below: Tori display at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas This comes from Jill: Don't know if you already know about this Tori-related info, but I was down in Las Vegas this past weekend (I'm now married! Yay!) and after the ceremony, we went to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino for dinner. Thank goodness we walked in the back way, because in the hallway leading to the casino, there is the cutest Tori display! I nearly went into hysterics! :D I've attached pics for you to see! That's me in the first one! :D "From Weird and Distant Shores" by Caitlin R. Kiernan roel says: In her short story collection from weird and distant shores, caitlin r. kiernan, mentions tori in her afterword to 'escape artist'. This short story was originally written for/included in neil gaiman's the sandman: book of dreams: Tori mentioned by guest Ryan Pinkston on the Late Show with David Letterman From Kristy: I thought you might like to know that Tori was mentioned on the Late Show with David Letterman last night (July 14, 2003). One of Dave's guests was the little kid from Punk'd on MTV, I can't remember his name. (From Mikewhy: His name is Ryan Pinkston, who is also in the movie Spy Kids.) Anyway it was the kid that was mistaking celebrities for other celebrities on purpose, and he called Tori Amos Tori Spelling. Anyway during the interview the kid said that he was best known for doing the red carpet spoof. Dave asked him what that was and he explained to him that he was at the VH1 Big in 2002 awards and than he was supposed to mistake celebrities for other people. Anyway, I am paraphrasing this, but he explained to Dave that he got to talk to Tori Amos and pretend she was Tori Spelling. Then Dave laughed and asked how she took it, and the kid said she was a really good sport about it and kept saying "I'm Tori Amos I make records, but that's ok honey." So then he told Dave he would ask something like when the 90210 reunion was and she would try to tell him that she was Tori Amos and she was a musician. He said she was really nice and a good sport about the whole thing and never got irritated or angry. Then Dave laughed. Then Dave asked the kid if anyone ever gets mad at him and he said that Pauley Shore was really mad at him that night and couldn't take the joke. The Chilean band Lucybell From Jennie: I just wanted to let you know about a really cool Chilean band - Lucybell - that recently relocated to LA and will be releasing a single in English soon. The lead singer, Claudio Valenzuela, performed solo in Tijuana, Mexico in June 2003 and did a cover of Black Dove with a pianist. Theyperformed again on July 17 at Porki's in Tijuana, and will be covering Black Dove and another Tori song. The Tori cover was awesome and his original music is really amazing as well - not the typical Latin stuff like Shakira, but very thoughtful, powerful music. They have a web site at lucybell.com. The band kidneythieves From Michelle Verna was recently checking out the website for one of my favorite bands, kidneythieves, and upon reading the journal entries that I had not paid much attention to, I saw that at the end of a bad day, Free Dominguez, lead vocalist, quoted and credited Tori for saying: "I believe in peace, bitch." It is always exiciting to know that someone you love and listen to is being listened to by someone ELSE you love and listen to. Lisa Marie Presley's ultimate compilation CD Mike Gray reports: In the July 5, 2003 issue of NME magazine in the U.K., Lisa Marie Presley is asked to compile 10 songs for her ultimate compilation CD... |
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