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Summer Of Sin Tour: The set list and reviews for Tori's August 27, 2005 concert in Toronto, Ontario
Updated Sat, Aug 27, 2005 - 10:43pm ET |
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You can now see the set list and reviews for the Toronto, Ontario Canada concert at the Molson Amphitheatre. Tori set list included Blood Roses, Here. In My Head, General Joy, Mother, Spark, Taxi Ride and the covers If You Could Read My Mind (Gordon Lightfoot) and Both Sides Now (Joni Mitchell) during Tori's Piano Bar segment of the show. If you were at this concert and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also post your review of the show on The Dent's Summer Of Sin Tour Forum. Thanks for sharing your reviews with The Dent. Please feel free to review Tori's supporting acts as well! More DetailsTori performed in Toronto, Ontario Canada on Saturday, August 27, 2005 at the Molson Amphitheatre. Tori's supporting acts were The Ditty Bops and The Like and the show began at 7:00PM. Set ListSpecial thanks to Matt Page for calling me with the set list after the show! Original Sinsuality Icicle Blood Roses Here. In My Head General Joy Mother Crazy If You Could Read My Mind (Gordon Lightfoot cover) Both Sides Now (Joni Mitchell cover) Cars And Guitars Northern Lad Spark Taxi Ride The Beekeeper 1st Encore Jamaica Inn Cloud On My Tongue 2nd Encore Putting The Damage On Baker Baker ReviewsThe latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also go to the Summer Of Sin Concert Review Forum and post about your experiences as well, or read additional reviews. From Matt Page: Tonight's show was fantastic, with a really wonderful and appropriate piano bar segment featuring all Canadian artists. Tori was suppose to close the show with Silent All These Years, but chose Baker Baker instead. Some of the highlights for tonight were Blood Roses, Here. In My Head, Northern Lad, and the piano bar songs. Tori's version of General Joy tonight was amazing, and Matt thinks the best of the tour so far. From cHaD McNaMaRa: This was my first tori concert, and although i loved the set list for montreal (probably the best one yet, in my opionion) this concert was amazing!!! she was in a great mood right off the top... sounded tight and beautiful throughout original sin and icilcle.... the piano took a beating during blood roses and the crowd went crazy... this was one of the highlights... switching back and forth from organ to piano... it was ridiculous!! she continued to shine throughout the first set... my fav being mother and here in my head!! wow. the piano bar was the best part - all i have to say "both sides now" long overdue and was amazing!! the second set, although had a great "taxi ride" and "cars and guitars" ended with the regular Beekeeper and i am so sorry to all who love it... i thought it would never end, and that organ wasn't even pleasent to listen too... did not like that one... it was hard to get back into it, especially when the stage was swarmed by people... i was in the third row and all of a sudden people just bolted to the stage and stood there like zombies and took pictures... it was wierd. but i hear this is common. the encores though, were again, amazing. I was waiting for toast... but baker baker was better. also, she looked amazing!!!!!! pick flowy dress, and barefeet, she was talkative, and loves canada... yay!! I love her and will hopefully see some more shows before she ends this tour! yay. thanks for this site, i love it. From Jeremy Elder: tonight was a great night for a show. it had just rained about an hour before and the outdoor venue had a great energy. tori was in a super playful mood and cracked several jokes with the audience. after the piano bar she started putting on her lip gloss and when the audience laughed she said "i was supposed to put this on before but i couldn't find the damn thing", and then she popped a lozenge in her mouth and said "lubrication, girls. it's even important up here." before the piano bar people started shouting out tori requests and she explained that in the piano bar "we don't do tori songs. we do lounge songs" and then went on to say that if anybody didn't know these songs they "deserved to be spanked. after the show....don't get any ideas". although the set list for the show wasn't exactly what i would have hoped for, seeing tori live is always amazing and even the songs you may not like as much kick ass when you see tori do them live. even though general joy is not a fave of mine she did an amazing improv right before it and then worked both the piano and the hammond throughout the song. the highlight of the evening for me was the piano bar. i thought it was great how she covered two canadian artists. "if you could read my mind" was beautiful, but when she started into "both sides now" i almost lost it. earlier in the day we had discussed whether she might do "a case of you" or "river" or some kind of joni mitchell song since she was in canada, and we said how amazing it would be if she did "both sides now". my other fave songs were here.in my head, spark, taxi ride, and baker baker. From Josh: This was my very first Tori show and I was NOT disappointed. She somehow played all of my favorite songs and ended with the brilliant Baker, Baker. She made a cute comment about how everyone is wanting to relocated to Canada but kept pretty quite otherwise. The set list was better than I could have ever expected. The improv at the beginning of General Joy was astounding, for a moment I thought she was playing new material. It was very sultry and dark, quite fantastic. The eerie way she performed Spark was extremely imaginative, creating a giant silhouette in the background with the almost gothic lighting. Tonight's show really highlighted every single album, playing the absolute best from each (in my opinion) except for Venus. Northern Lad actually made me cry, which is saying a lot. I truly hope to see Tori in the near future, this was a fantastic experience. From Marci: Just about as it was around time for Tori to come out for the m&g, it started to rain. Security was incredibly rude all day. At least one guy was nice enough to eventually tell us that there would be no m&g, due to the weather and an early sound check. Suprisingly, she started soundchecking at 4:40pm and played for an hour. Spark Doughnut Song Blood Roses Ribbons Undone Mother Virginia Happy Phantom Mr Zebra ? Icicle General Joy Taxi Ride Martha's Foolish Ginger Tori was very intense tonight and in a great mood. She wore a beautiful peach dress. I don't think she was using her normal Bosendorfer piano, it seemed smaller to me. It rained throughout the evening and was windy since we were by the lake, it added a lot to the atmosphere. Original Sinsuality started off with some heavy piano pounding, with Tori very hunched over, head down, and knees up to the piano keys level. She was really into Blood Roses, at times, she was straddling the bench, playing the piano and organ, letting the music take over her body, swaying, (and some major drool on this performance). Tori seemed happy to be in Toronto and releaved to be out of the US, she mentioned something about Americans moving to Canada although it was vague, she said something like, "you know what I'm talking about." General Joy was incredible, and started off with a long improv about soldiers returning home in body bags. I felt that Tori had some sort of relationship trouble on her mind because all the songs seemed to share that theme. Silent All These Years was suppose to be the final song, but was switched to Baker, Baker, I feel that it was a smart move, it really belonged there tonight. At about ? way through the song, fireworks started going off. Tori seemed surprised, as we all were. It was a very emotional night and I'm so thankful for such an incredible show. Many picture taking and screaming throughout the night, one scream resulted in Tori putting her pointer fingers to her head, like a devil, which was really cute. When she left the stage, she hopped around like a bunny. I'd like to thank all the wonderful Ears With Feet that I met today, everyone was really nice. From Andrew Epstein: This is my fifth Tori show but only the second where she's been totally solo. I thought it was an excellent set list, the mood was never broken. Baker Baker, Putting the Damage On, and Spark were my favs of the evening. This was a very album track night. The biggest surprise for me was how some Beekeeper songs I wasn't crazy about translate to the stage. Cars and Guitars and Jamaica Inn were much more moving than on the record. A beautiful evening. From Ryan from Hamilton: Last night was my sixth and hopefully not last Tori show, because it was not my favourite. That said, it was still pretty effing good. I hate the Molson Amphitheatre and wish dearly that she would stop playing there, along with the Air Canada Centre, when she visits Toronto. The biggest treat of the night by far was "Here. In my Head" which could have gone on forever (like many from her set did). That, along with "Mother" "Taxi Ride", the Piano Bar covers (both Canadian!), and her last encore "Putting the Damage On" and "Baker Baker" were terrific. From the new album, "General Joy" was done very well, and "Original Sin" is a neat song to start off the show. However, "The Beekeeper" made me want to drown myself, and I was not impressed with how long she stretched alot of the newer songs like "Crazy" and "Cars and Guitars". This was my first time hearing her play "Spark," the song that inspired me to buy From the Choirgirl Hotel, thus turning me into a major Toriphile back in 1998 (I can't believe that was 7 years ago!). I would have prefered "Spark" with the band. Tori looked beautiful. It was great to see her again. It brings back alot of memories. I hope one day I'll get to see her in a mid-size club like The Opera House or even the Kool House or the Phoenix. A bigger dream would be to see her play in Hamilton, but the Steel City usually scares away the best acts. From Alison: As for the Toronto show, the day was horrible with strong rains all day, cancelling the meet and greet. I was thinking this would affect the show. But the audience seemed in really good spirits, and were so enthusiastic that Tori was obviously affected. She was much more talkative then she has been lately, and was very funny. This also led to really powerful versions of all the songs she did that night. Read a review of this show from the Toronto Sun From Jared (Adam_Eve) Original Sinsuality - Ok I knew it was first so eh on with the show please Icicle- I have not heard this song live before so it was a treat. The line "getting off getting off while they're all downstairs" is meaningful for me in the obvious way Blood Roses - It's been a while since I heard this one and solo. "And at least when you cry now" is my life since I cry a lot due to my bi-polar disorder. Here. in my head - Very moving for me it was awesome and I was getting chills when she sang "do you know what this is doing to me." Right now people don't realize how fragile I am and how little things can upset me. So this song so fits my life right now. General Joy- I love this song on the album and although I was missing Matt's drumming on the album I still loved the solo version. The chorus is the best part in my opinion. Mother- I love this song and although I have heard it before a few times it never bothers me when she pulls it out. I find this is one of those songs that really show Tori's skill as a Pianist. Crazy- One of the only songs I had never heard of Scarlet's Walk. Although I enjoy the song, I just find solo it is a little too slow for my taste but to each is own I guess. Piano Bar now taking requests. I figured we get some Canadian artists here because she did none in Montreal. I liked that she covered as far as I know a relatively unknown singer to anyone outside Canada. Covering Gordon Lightfoot's if you could read my mind was a nice surprise. I figured next it would be Tom, Leonard or Joni and Joni it was. Although I didn't recognize the song at first I was happy to hear Both Sides Now having heard her sing a bit of it on the Montreal 94 VHS bootleg I have. Northern Lad- One of my fave Tori songs off of Choirgirl and since I always complain that Choirgirl gets no love anymore on the Tours it was a nice surprise. "I guess you go to far when Pianos try to be guitars." There are people in my life right now that I feel our FAKE with a capital F and that line makes me think of them. SPARK - FINALLY I got to hear the song that has had such a profound affect on me. One of the lyrics was changed and she was in my view the whole time. I couldn't believe it. So of course after all I have been through abuse/depression/bi-polar etc it was a trigger for me and I cried so hard I needed to hear so many lines from that song. "Trusting my soul to the ice cream assassin" "You say you don't want it this circus were in but you don't you don't really mean it. "6:58 are you sure where MY spark is here here here" Taxi Ride - I like this song and although I got tired of hearing it on the SW tour the solo performance and the images projected on the screen above her made me like it even more. I have/had a friend (not sure we stand anymore) and he helped through some of worst days ever. So hearing "I'm glad you're on my side" made me think of him and how things used to be. I was crying again. The Beekeeper - OK I love the song but live it is too long and I am not a fan of her vocally stretching a part in certain songs to the point where you're like ok now please continue. Plus knowing you have to sit through this for about 10 minutes until you get the encores is a drag. Encore Number 1 Jamaica Inn - Another of my fave Beekeeper songs but for me live it was just ok. Perhaps it was because I was now squished against the stage and not getting the best view of the show as I was in my row C seats. Cloud on My Tongue - I don't know why when I hear this song I think of High School and my childhood. I guess it's because it has a very dreamy lazy afternoon feel to it. I like this song a lot and I don't mind hearing it over and over again. Encore Number 2 Putting the Damage On - I have heard this song live before and since I knew it was a request for my friend Ashley I knew she was happy and therefore I didn't mind hearing it again as it has a really nice melody two and like some other songs this one never feels like it's overstayed it's welcome when you hear it live. Baker Baker - She was supposed to play Silent All These Years but chose to do this one instead. I liked the version I heard in Detroit in 2002 but this one was ok. I like how it just ends with "If you see him say hi." Read a review of this show from Excalibur, the newspaper for York University in Toronto Read a 4-star review of this show from beingtheremag.com |
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