Added January 27, 1997
Thank you and hugs to Karen Hagglund, who once again sends me vital Tori information for my web page! This time. it is about Tori's brief but interesting appearance on the syndicated radio show Modern Rock Live on Sunday night, January 26, 1997 at 10:30PM EST.
"Tori talked about the RAINN year long event with sponsorship by Calvin Klein. She said that the CK line will have one item featured each month, such as socks and eyewear, with a percent of the sales going to RAINN. She discussed the hotline network, and the DJ repeatedly gave the phone phone for RAINN. She explained how she got involved with RAINN, about writing "Me and A Gun," getting letters from fans, and how she wasn't equipped to answer the letters, since you only know about your experience, and don't know how to help someone else on their path. She said she worked with people who took her to her next step, but a lot of people don't have that advantage. She re-told the sory of the girl from the Under the Pink tour who wanted to come with her on the tour bus because she was being abused nightly by her stepfather. Tori said she realized then that she needed to do something to help people like her, to get people like this in contact with people who can help them. She talked about how something is happening on the planet, where whoever you are, it is not ok to be somebody's property anymore. She said it starts with speaking up, that the "unlock the silence" slogan was inspired by "Silent All These Years." The DJ said the single is being re-released in connection with RAINN. The DJ wished her luck with her year long campaign for RAINN. Tori ended by encouraging people to stick with the phone number in case the number is busy, that someone will answer, and not to give up on the hotline, that someone will be there to help. Then the DJ played "Silent All These Years," and that was it. Short but informative."
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