Tori's Chat/Conversation With Ana Voog
November 18, 1999
Since Thursday, November 18, 1999, you have been able to access streaming video of Tori chatting with musician/artist Ana Voog at Tori's official web site at toriamos.com. The conversation between Tori and Ana lasted 30 minutes, and I must say it was one of Tori's most fascinating interviews. The chat actually took place on October 20, 1999. I strongly recommend that you view it if you have not already done so. To see it now, go to toriamos.com, click on news, and then look for the link to the chat now under the Monday, February 14 news item.
If you can not view the video, you can now read a complete transcript from the interview transcribed by Toriphiles Julie and Feely.
Ana Voog has also created her own Tori page which documents how she met Tori and includes lots of photos. For additional details check out the Dent's Ana Voog Page as well.

Newsweek Magazine
November 8, 1999
In the Fall of 1999, the catalog Alloy and web site alloy.com had a poetry contest. The winner, chosen by Tori, got to see her in concert in L.A. and meet with her backstage. That winner was 14 year old Iris Moulton. (Go here for more details about that.) Mislissa18 points out that Iris also appeared in the special November 8, 1999 E-Life issue of Newsweek Magazine, as part of a larger article about Kids and the web. You can read that article at the Newsweek web site, as well as below. (The Dent only includes the part about Iris. The entire article is at the Newsweek web site and magazine.)
Iris Moulton
HOME: Salt Lake City, Utah
AGE: 14
Iris Moulton just started using the Internet, but being connected has already
paid off. As an aspiring writer, she considers the Net a great place to find
people who share her passion for the written word. Yet, even she was
speechless when she won a poetry contest judged by singer-songwriter Tori
Amos for teen site alloy.com. "She said it moved her!" Moulton recalled
after meeting Amos during her Irvine, Calif., concert. If only Moulton coud
sell her first novel online, "that would be totally cool."
[There's a picture of Iris Moulton below this text in the print edition.]

Wall Of Sound Interview
Late 1999
An interview with Tori appeared on the Wall Of Sound web site sometime around November 1999. You can read the interview at the Wall Of Sound site, or here on the Dent.

Mojo Magazine
November 1999

German newspaper "Die Zeit"
November 11, 1999
Lars Wieneke tells me about a Tori article that appeared in the November 11. 1999 edition of the German newspaper "Die Zeit". Lars translated the article into English and scanned a very nice photo from it. You can find all that in my Article Archive.

Aloha Magazine
November 1999
Hendrik Jan and Ruud van Melick informed me that Tori had an interview and album review in the November 1999 issue of the Dutch music magazine Aloha. The interviewer is Sylvie Simmons who also did the interview in the October 1999 issue Mojo Magazine. The Mojo interview is the almost same as the first part of the Aloha interview. Details are in my Article Archive.

VH1 Web Site
November 29, 1999
Meatloaf made an erroneous and rather tasteless comment about Tori in an article in the Canadian Press and which was posted to the Jam! Music web site. VH1 reported on it, both on the cable network itself in the U.S. during a news segment, and at their web site, VH1.com, in the Wire section on November 29, 1999. They are using the heading "Meatloaf Vs. Tori", which is rather misleading since we don't even know if Tori cares. But some of the Tori fans do care, and VH1 did summarize the situation fairly well. Read what they say at the VH1 web site or below:
Meat Loaf is discovering what happens when you mess
with Tori Amos, even if it's just in an off-the-cuff tirade
to a reporter. After recently dissing the
singer/songwriter, His Meatness is now facing down an
army of Amos fans, who are wielding their critical clout
Mr. Loaf was talking with a Canadian reporter about what he perceived as the elitism and
insularity of many rock stars when he mentioned Amos and made the metaphorical threat that
has so inflamed her supporters: "I heard Tori say, 'If my audience doesn't give me something,
then I don't think they're entitled to anything.' That's not the exact phrase... but I wanted to
slap her - that's the most insane thing I've ever heard in my life. And she's just the only one who
says [such a thing]... She's not the only one who thinks it."
The Meat man, who's no slouch in the give-'em-all-you've-got department, may be
misinterpreting the often ambiguous Amos, who seems to conduct her shows as communal
gatherings, with plenty of passionate give-and-take between artist and fan. After all, he was
complaining that rock stars are "not used to sharing," and Amos has never been known for
being withholding, either on stage or in interviews. But it was the reference to physical
violence that particularly upset Amos fans, since Amos is a co-founder and major financial
supporter of RAINN, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.
Canadian online outfit Jam! Music has been inundated with postings from Amos fans. There has
been no official response from the singer herself.
Amos talks about her devoted fans in an upcoming interview with VH1.com. Some of Amos's
stage outfits will be included in a new exhibition called Rock Style, mounted by the Costume
Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The exhibition, organized by the Met in
conjunction with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, opens on December 6 and runs until March.
Meanwhile, Meat Loaf can be caught at his most candid - and maybe contentious - on his VH1
Storytellers Tour.

Jam! Music Web Site
November 23, 1999
There was an interview with Meatloaf from the Canadian Press which was posted to the Jam! Music web site on November 18, 1999. In one part of the interview, Meatloaf made comments about Tori that were very wrong. At my suggestion, many Toriphiles emailed Jam! to complain about the article and set the record straight. On November 23, 1999, Jam published several of these letters and made it a news story! You can read the Toriphile letters that were published in my Article Archive. You can also find there a summary of the media attention this caused in late November 1999, both in the U.S. and overseas!

Time-Off Magazine
November 24-30, 1999
Heidi Maier sent me an interview with Tori that appeared in the November 24-30, 1999 issue of a weekly publication in Australia called Time-Off. You can read it in my Articles Archive.

The Village Voice
November 10-16, 1999
The November 10 - 16, 1999 issue of The Village Voice includes an interesting joint review of Tori's "to venus and back" and Fiona Apple's new album. Read it in my Articles Archive.

November 1999

Washington City Paper
November 5, 1999
The Washington City Paper is a weekly publication distributed in the District of Columbia and close-in suburbs of Maryland and Virginia. The November 5, 1999 issue contained an article about Tori in the Rock Stars Hate Me section, responding to part of Tori's comments in a short interview in the November 1999 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine. This issue has and still is being discussed on the Dent Online Forum, so I will not comment further here.

Rolling Stone
November ?, 1999 (#826)
One of the November 1999 issues of Rolling Stone Magazine (with Rage Against The Machine on the cover - #826) includes an ad for ArtistsDirect.com that features Tori. It shows a purple-tinted picture (an outtake from the photo shoot for the cover of the Bliss single). On top it reads File, Edit, View, Tori Amos's Favorite Websites--like a computer tool bar. Under her favorites it says Piano Palace, Lip Gloss Galore, Fine Wines online, Jet Boats "R" Us, Formula 1 Fanatics, Planets and Moons, and ArtistDirect.com. Thanks to Emily and Robyn for the info.

The Advocate
November 23, 1999
Eric Wilcox and Mark Manchen report that the November 23, 1999 issue of The Advocate magazine includes a list of the 25 coolest women to gay and lesbian people, and Tori makes the list. Tori was the #7 - Man's Best Friend. This is what they say about Tori:
Those of us who obsess over Tori Amos (and we are a devoted tribe) find the task of describing her in just a few words a criminal, abhorrent exercise. To watch her straddle a piano bench and bellow out twisted sexual and religious lyrics is to feel so good that you half expecct to be arrested. "Tori is particularly popular for that college and just post-college crowd," says Billboard magazine's Larry Flick. "She works that
I'm-a-little-out-there vibe that Stevie Nicks mastered." MTV virtually ignores her, but many of us that who love her would do anything--even if it meant playing for the other team--for a chance to say, "Yes, Tori, I do."

Boyz Newspaper
November 6, 1999
Alan Sawyers, David, Predrag Sare, Pete Lambert and Steve tell me that Tori is on the cover of the November 6, 1999 edition of the free BOYZ newspaper, a popular gay newspaper in the U.K. The paper features a one page interview with Tori and 4 exclusive photographs of Tori in black with crimped hair (like on Jools Holland) wearing a pink beaded necklace. The cover is a large photo of Tori's face with the words "VENUS ENVY - the parallel universe of Tori Amos." Read the interview (and it is an interesting one!) and see the photos in my Articles Archive.

Record Collector Magazine (U.K.)
November 1999
Emma Taylor + Andy Tebbutt, Alamo, Aidan Walsh, Dan and Mike Gray told me that there is a 2 page interview with Tori in the November 1999 issue of Record Collector magazine in the U.K. There is also a 4-page illustrated discography with prices. They are also giving away a copy of the Little Earthquakes 180mg vinyl - signed. Daniel sent me the text of the article, which you can read here. Richard Handal sent me some comments correcting a few errors, and you can find them at the end of the article.

The Independent (U.K. newspaper)
November 1, 1999
A review of Tori's October 29, 1999 concert in London, England was published in the November 1, 1999 edition of the Independent in the U.K. Read it here.

Entertainment Weekly
Winter 1999 (#510)
The 100 Greatest Entertainers issue of Entertainment Weekly (#510) placed Tori at #3 in the Best Female Musician category of the Greatest Entertainers Of The Future Poll on page 80. Jewel was #2 and Alanis Morissette was #1. These were actually the initial results of this online poll that was taken at the Entertainment Weekly web site. To see the FINAL results that were published later in the year at the Entertainment Weekly web site, go here.

Attitude Magazine
November 1999
Nick tells me that there is an interview with Tori in the November 1999 issue of Attitude Magazine in the U.K. along with a photo. Read the interview in my Article Archives. It is a really interesting read!

Pulse Magazine (Tower Records)
November 1999

Allure Magazine
November 1999
Tori is in the November 1999 issue of Allure Magazine. It's part of an article on makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin. In the issue he talks about how beautiful and fabulous Tori is. He quotes "Muhammad My Friend" and talks about her look as part of her self expression. The article includes 3 little pictures with a caption under each one explaining where it was from and how and why he did the make up that way. You can see a scan of the article below that was sent to me by Conchita aka Selene Ceres. Just click to see it full sized and read the article.

Cosmopolitan Magazine
November 1999
An interview with Tori appears in the November 1999 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine. Atlantic Records stated in a news item that "In the interview Tori talks talked candidly about her upbringing, her name, her marriage, and the creation of her newest album."
Read the article and see the photos.

Q Magazine
November 1999

Seventeen Magazine
November 1999
The November 1999 issue of Seventeen Magazine (With Mya on the cover) contains an article/interview with Tori. Read it in my Article Archives.

Marie Claire Magazine (U.S.)
November 1999
Tori appears in the November 1999 issue of Marie Claire (Courtney Love on the cover.) in the U.S. (The U.S. version of Marie Claire differs from the U.K. version.) There is a full-page photo of Tori as part of an article about makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin. There are 4 "rock stars" he has done makeup for, and Tori's photo is on page 191. Thanks to Amy for telling me about this!
 Click To See Much Larger

Spin Magazine
November 1999