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New Ben Folds EP will be sold on the Lottapianos concert tour

Updated Fri, Jul 11, 2003 - 4:28pm ET

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An interesting article on Ben Folds was posted at on July 3, 2003. As you know, Ben Folds will be Tori's special guest in the upcoming Lottapianos summer 2003 tour.

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The article mentions that Folds is releasing 3 five-song EPs this year in order to bypass the hype that always accompanies a major album release. The first EP will be called "Speed Graphic" and comes out July 22, 2003. Here is the part of the article that mentions the Tori connection:

Folds is eschewing the release of the EP to traditional outlets, instead opting to sell it at concert dates on his upcoming Lottapianos Tour 2003 with Tori Amos, on his official Web site and at Apple's iTunes Music Store. Vinyl copies will be available in stores and the discs will not go to radio for promotion.

The second EP is due in September and the third in November 2003.

Posted by: Mikewhy

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