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In the U.K. newspaper The Guardian, they run a weekly feature in the 'Weekend' Magazine called 'We Love Each Other'. It's a small article written by a couple about how they met and fell in love. On May 10, 2003, the article ws about two Tori fans! Thanks to Danny Weddup for telling me about it. You can read it online at or below. The article included the photo you see below. Thanks to Janet Heil for sending me a scan of it!
We love each other
Janet & David Heil
Craig Taylor
The Guardian
We met through a Tori Amos newsgroup. His posts were funny and, when he writes, he sounds quite English, so he'd be using terms like 'chuffed' and 'dead chuffed'. I grew up in the Bronx. I had no idea what that meant. A week after we were married, we got tickets for the second row of Tori's show at the Royal Festival Hall in London.
Before Janet, I had never been able to convince anyone to go with me. We're not even the exclusive Tori newsgroup couple. At the show, we gave her a card with a quick story about us inside. We invited her round in case she wanted to pop by for tea. Don't know if she got it, but it would be nice.