On Sunday, November 16, 2003, a special 1-hour TV show called "Tori Amos: Tales Of A Librarian" was broadcast around 9:00PM ET on CN8, The Comcast Network, which is shown on Comcast cable systems in the New England and Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. The show featured video footage of songs from Tales Of A Librarian as well as commentary about TOAL from Tori between the videos. To find out more about CN8 and find out if you have it in your area, go to cn8.tv. CN8 will rebroadcast this show on Saturday, November 22, 2003 at 10:30PM ET. (Double check your local listings to be sure about the time.) This program appears to be the same thing as a show called Remixed, Remastered, Revealed that will be shown by the Trio TV network for the first time on Tuesday, November 18, 2003. (Click here for more info about that show.)
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Thanks to the many people who emailed me about this program. Here is a report on the program from Marla:
Last night I caught the second half of the Remixed, Remastered, Revealed on the Comcast channel CN8. It was videos interspersed with Tori talking about Tales of a Librarian and telling stories about song choices and so on. I saw the videos for God, Professional Widow, Bliss, Jackie's Strength and Mary. (Odd that they showed both compilation videos...)
The thing I remember most is that she said Pretty Good Year's masters weren't in great shape, but "she" made the record anyway because she showed up at soundcheck at the last show, and it was to say goodbye to the crew of the tour. Tori then started to cry and said a boy with terminal cancer had requested the song.
There was also something that I don't remember very well about Me and a Gun leading into Bliss and why she chose that. She said something like "I went from a man on my back to father I killed my monkey, and I thought things were getting better!"