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Lottapianos Tour: The set list and comments for Tori's July 26th concert in Redmond, WA
Updated Sun, Jul 27, 2003 - 4:52am ET |
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You can now see the set list and reviews for the Redmond, WA concert, the first on Tori's Lottapianos Summer Tour. Tori's set included Upside Down with the band, On Saturday Afternoons In 1963 (solo), Song From Half Mountain (solo cover from Dan Fogelberg that Tori has never done before), Precious Things (which was used to end the main set!), Siren and Mary with the band. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. It would be nice to get as many different viewpoints about this show as possible! More DetailsTori performed in Redmond, WA on Saturday, July 26, 2003 at Marymoor Park. Tori's special guest was Ben Folds and the show started at 6:00PM. Set ListSpecial thanks to John and Matt Page for calling me with the set list after the show! Thanks also to Megan Langer who emailed me with the set as well. Wampum Prayer a sorta fairytale Bliss Crucify Cornflake Girl Rattlesnakes Upside Down (with band!) Black-Dove (January) Wednesday Band Leaves Silent All These Years On Saturday Afternoons In 1963 Song From Half Mountain (Dan Fogelberg cover) Band returns Josephine Amber Waves Siren Father Lucifer God I Can't See New York Precious Things 1st Encore Talula Mary 2nd Encore Hey Jupiter ReviewsThe latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also go to the Concert Reviews Forum and post about your experiences as well, or read additional reviews. From Matt Page and John: The opening show was really wonderful. Tori was in a fantastic mood and her voice sounded amazing. She was really hitting the high notes, such as the ones in Hey Jupiter. She grinned a lot, and was really rocking during Bliss. Matt said Upside Down with the band sounded really fascinating. The song sounded faster or more upbeat the way Tori performed it. Before Silent All These Years, Tori did a cute improv that was inspired by a pie she was given at the meet and greet. The cute lyrics included, "I like pie pie pie, I like pie." Hey Jupiter was the Dakota version of the song. This was the first time Tori has ever performed the Dan Fogelberg song "Song From Half Mountain". You can find lyrics to that song here. Tori did deviate from her written set list. The first encore was supposed to be Professional Widow and Mary, and the second encore was supposed to be Talula and Hey Jupiter. From Ryan Smith: Just a note that one of the solo songs that Tori played, "Song from Half Mountain," was a Dan Fogelberg song. The lyrics are: Now the wind is still In a moment it will be raging Now my soul is young In a moment it will be aging. And high above the pines I wrote several lines And left them in a bottle For you to find. Now the dream is rising In a moment it will be past This breath is my first It will all too soon be my last. And on a windy coast I made several toasts To you and me and the sea And no one heard. Now the wind is still In a moment it will be raging Now my soul is young In a moment it will be aging. And high above the pines I wrote several lines And left them in a bottle For you to find. From roklif: Hot off the presses. Tori started playing at 7:38, ended around 9:38. An awesome rounded out two hours. Here is what she played: Wampum Prayer A Sorta Fairytale Bliss Crucify Talked about a pie being brought backstage and intro band Cornflake Girl Rattlesnakes Upside Down Black Dove Wednesday Roadside Cafe Silent All These Years Pie Song (Improve) On Saturday Afternoons In 1963 (cover) Song From Half Mountain Josephine Amber Siren (WOW!!!!!) Father Lucifer (flipped crowd off halfway into song) God I Can't See New York Precious Things Encore #1 Talula Mary Encore #2 Hey Jupiter (Dakota Version) A most amazing concert, best to date in my opinion, awesome crowd (except for a small handfull of rude people standing in people's view). Ben Folds was amazing too...not what I expected. She would have hit every album if she did something off of Y Kant Tori Read. Wish I were going to see her in OR. Signing off. From Alissa Tag: The day was awesome! It started with a well behaved and organized meet and greet. Someone started a numbering system, which set things well and no one was an a-hole. Tori was in a wonderful mood and talked to people for quite a while. We all got a treat after the M&G when Tori did her sound check. We could hear her playing while standing in line at the venue. She said something over her microphone to the effect that we were finding a new way to engineer the sound by sitting in lawn chairs. It was cute. We could see her playing through the venue fence. It took a while to get in the venue, but when we did it was great. Ben Folds was amazing. He is a wonderful piano player, even though I think he is trying to break it. He was pounding so hard on the keys I thought the strings would break. He was funny and a good guest for Tori. He even added some audience participation. He is worth going early to see. Tori seemed to have been full of more energy than I had ever seen her. She sounded great. She walked out on the stage in a neon green dress/top with red and green flowing sleeves, her usual jeans, and a very pretty pair of neon green high heels. She danced around her bench at times and played with Jon and Matt. They all seemed to be having a great time. Her voice was wonderful and there were a couple of surprises in the set list, and yes she did flip off the crowd in Father Lucifer. Overall, I would have to say this was one of my favorite concerts. I loved being outdoors; however, make sure you guys take plenty of sunscreen and water. A girl got really sick from being outside in the heat. It was hot here for people in Washington. I loved the atmosphere and it was the most comfortable I have been at a concert. WORD TO THE WISE: buy a low seating lawn chair? it made all the difference in comfort for sitting in the grass during the concert and waiting all day for M&G and for the venue to open. From Seska Lien: The venue was incredible, and the show even more so! Did anyone else notice (or were you close enough) that when Tori first came on stage and was holding her arms out to the crowd, she said, "I'll miss you"? (I assume this is because of her upcoming break after this tour.) Siren was amazing, and Bliss was very powerful. Tori radiates energy while she plays, and she is just so cute with her dancing! I would write more if I could think straight...I got lost on the way home from Marymoor and it took until just now to get here...must sleep. From Katharine: Just a quick word about the pie improv, I'm too tired to do a full review yet, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, Friday morning Tori did a call-in interview with 103.7 The Mountain in Seattle. She talked about doing staging in Seattle, Ben Folds, Marcel's nudist tendencies and how Mark lets their daughter watch Addams family movies and she's not sure it's a good idea. One of the dj's in their typical morning show stupidity asked Tori if she could, if she was asked produce a song with a melody and all about pie. She laughed a bit with them about it and then they teased her about how everyone at the show was going to yell pie at her during the show. I guess she recieved a pie during the day, during her opening remarks she said, " yes, I got the pie backstage. I think it's the biggest pie I've ever seen in my life..." Then during secret time/roadside cafe (there was no where to hang the sign so it was just sitting off to the right of the stage) she said,"okay, I'm going to give this a go. It's going to be ridiculous. Then Tori sang: Pie, Pie, Pie, I like my pie Pie, Pie, Pie, I don't know why I don't know why I can't get cherry pie in a lemon shop Freedom pie in the congress Pie, Pie, Pie I like my pie That's all the pie story I know, I hope it helps clarify it somewhat. I had an amazing time at the show, everything seemed spot on to me. I thought the venue was beautiful and Tori seemed like she was in a really good mood, so did Matt and Jon, they were all dancing and smiling at each other. Just to be fair, it seems that everyone wants to know what Tori wears to each show and I think that we ought to recognize that Matt and Jon get dressed for the show too. Matt was wearing what must be his best black t-shirt and olive pants and Jon was wearing a maroon short-sleeved buttoned shirt with navy pants that shimmered in the light. From Jennifer Gould: I have to say right off, this was one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen! Ben folds was really great, he got the croud involved and we all enjoyed being the trumpets/saxes/backup singers. He did a great set and even included a radio hit he said he rarely plays. He was rough with the piano (Which he said he was breaking in) A guy was hopping around the venue with a sign that read something like I WANT TO START A BF BAND WHERE ARE THE PRODUCERS...it was annoying but funny. The fences are kinda low and when BF left the stage you could see him walking, a few die hard fans jumped on the fence and screamed I love yous...BF gave them the thumbs up. The sound guys packed up BF's piano(which was done amazingly fast) and opened Tori's set...the Bosey, Whirly, Drums ect are on a moving set, which they slide out for Tori's Set...The large curtain with the face and leaves is gone...its replaced at first with a backdrop with some of Tori's drawings on it. The songs sounded wonderful...starting with A sorta, Bliss was amazing, I liked the version of Crucify she did...Tori told everyone she missed us. Cornflake girl was great as always and Rattlesnakes was a nice surprise (some of us were just saying it was our favorite SLG song)...I LOVED UPSIDEDOWN! It was so amazing with the band. And so the show went on, Black Dove was perfect, Wednesday was slowed a bit but wonderful, Tori made cute faces when she sang "Coffeee" The band went off and Tori played Silent...she brought us to Tears...then came the Pie/Over&Over improv...which was totally cute (she had explaned earlier in the show that the pie she was given was the biggest pie she's ever seen!) I loved On Saturday...The Song from Half Mountain, was quite interesting...very clear and haunting...Back came the band and they did Josephine (good as ever but the drums were lacking the marching sound...) I liked Amber waves, more cute Tori faces...Siren was GREAT! I just voted for that on the Tori sight, it was a good treat and sounded wonderful, the words were very clear. Father Lucifer was pppppeerrrrfeecctttt...and nicely accented with a lovely middle finger...then came God..which again made us cry...I can't see New York was a surprise, very chilling, especially since I just read about Tori saying she couldn't play that song anymore...Precious started with the great drums same as on the live TVAB...and like most shows...it was AWESOME....The 1st Encore was exciting...I thought talula was a nice change slowed down...and Mary was a perfect fit with the setting...I felt the wind pick up at the mention of Jimi and felt as if the history of music in our area had its eyes and ears open to the magic of the night...the 2nd encore was a gorgeous version of hey jupiter (dakota) it kind of shocked me it was just one song...and the set didn't include Taxi...but she gave us a gorgeous evening...she easily kept my attention...even over rude standing people....jumping/dancer people...and a few but less then usual screamers. As usual...Tori Rocked! From jill knaack: So, I just got home from Redmond (after some nasty traffic) and I have to say that out of all the shows I've been to in Seattle, this was by far the best. She was so beautiful tonight and you could tell that she was very into the scenery. Seeing Tori in such a wooded, ampitheater setting was an absolute rush. Upside Down was absolutely phenomenal and Wednesday got the crowd moving as usual. I was completely taken aback by her solo covers--I threw my sister off when asked me what she was playing and I didn't know! Hey Jupiter during the second encore was gorgeous and nearly brought tears to my eyes. As for the pie improv, which was so totally cute, the most I can tell anyone about it was that there was a girl in front of me in the merch line with a large pie with "Tori" cut into the top. It was very adorable and I'm glad it got to her--hopefully we hear more about it from that fan! Also, the venue was beautiful and perfect for a Tori concert. This was managed SO well and I was very impressed with the way everything was handled. The fans were very respectful (minus the women in front of me that kept chatting and checking their cell phone) and it was so interesting to see so many "new" Tori fans. You could tell there were a lot of people there that had only started listening since Scarlet's Walk came out, but it was very different and nice. Ben Folds did a great job with the crowd. I was so very happy that he played Brick--it made me cry a little. All in all, the best Tori show I've been to, hands down! :D From Brian Tanaka (Posted to the Precious Things mailing list): The show tonight in Redmond was wonderful. It felt great to have this leg of the tour underway at last. Either Tori felt the same way, or perhaps something else had made her especially happy, because she seemed to be in a tremendously good mood and she smiled radiantly and frequently throughout the show. As you could imagine, there was no shortage of smiles in the audience as well. Marymoor Park was a great setting: lots of trees and grass and open space. The weather cooperated too, which, this being the Pacific Northwest and all, wasn't necessarily a given. Contrary to pre-show speculation, Tori stuck to the Wampum Prayer/ASF set opening combo and she also kept ICSNY in the "second-to-last of the main set" position. Precious Things appears to have succeeded Iieee as the main set closer. The big surprise of the evening was Upside Down with the band. It worked perfectly, like a little clock, and was an absolute joy to hear. Well, that and then there was the other surprise: the cover of "Song From Half Mountain" by Dan Fogelberg. Until today I had never heard this song, or even of it (which, by the way, didn't seem to be a rare condition this evening), but Tori's rendition tonight was flat-out gorgeous. All-in-all a very satisfying, well-paced set complete with enough treats to send everyone home happy. Tori played beautifully and her voice was gloriously mesmerizing and magical. If I have any reason to complain at all it would have to be the notable lack of OSW songs. Predictable ones aside (WP, ASF, Wednesday, ICSNY), there was really only one OSW tune all night (Amber Waves). I would have liked to have heard more. (Of course, I would have liked to have heard more pre-OSW songs too, so the obvious solution would have been, oh, say a three hour set instead of a two hour set. But now I'm clearly just whining.) From Tara Schuster: I would just like to start off by saying, "wow". Until today I didn't think I'd be able to go to the show...So glad I made it! Got to the venue around 3:30 and was a little disappointed there was a meet and greet earlier that day that I missed. A girl I was standing by in line had been at Marymoor Park all day and after the sound check, Tori could be seen through the fence walking around with her daughter, (just taking her word for it...) After we were eventually let in, around 4:30 (ish), people made a mad dash across the lawn for the perfect spot. Ben came out a little after 6, and can I just say I think he is brilliant? He even did a cover of Liz Phair's song 'Chopsticks', was I the only one there excited by that? After a quick equipment change, Tori's band came out. She started singing Wampum Prayer (didn't sound prerecorded...) and finally came out on stage. I was thoroughly pleased with the setlist she played, quite pleasantly shocked to hear Upside Down and Siren played live! A little sad she didn't play Professional Widow like she was going to. Everyone else has provided a setlist so I don't find it necessary to rewrite it. Just wanted to say I don't think the show could've been more perfect. Tori and her band were in great spirits and had no problems sharing their enthusiasms with the crowd. From robbie wachs: Overall I thought the show was great. The outdoor venue was annoying at times. Generally the people in my area we respectful and calm. I had a reserved seat and my friend didnt, but i thought the quality of his lawn seat was so great that i decided to sit next to him. It was quite a mellow tone, a lot of the song choices seemed to reflect that. There were wonderful bit where gusts of wind would hit tori and her hair would blow. This was quite beautiful. She seemed to be in great spirits. Here's some of my thoughts on the songs... wampum prayer i was kind of hoping for a different opening but just decided to let those negative thoguhts go and enjoy the show a sorta fairytale i saw tori 4 times last leg and this seemed to be the best i've heard her do this. the band seemed to be playing it a lot fuller than it was before. maybe it was the outdoor venue but something seemed different about fairytale. I've always associated this song with nature and the open road so it was a nice opener for where we were. The sky was gorgeous and i cought myself (more and more as the show went on) using the sky and the trees as visual backdrops the the music. quite breathtaking. bliss this often comes after fairytale when i see tori, but it was nice. crucify i actually love this song better live, and in the last few months had fallen in love with a boot of this version from last leg. this version is almost identical, very calm again, more reflective that accussatory. i believe during the band intro to this song tori did some movements at the piano, one great one where she arched her back all the way back against the piano. cornflake girl love the piano solos on this and they were very welcome in my mind. tori really seemed to be vibing with the band here rattlesnakes breathtakingly gorgeous. i couldnt see matt but i think he had a shaker of some short cause i heard little "rattlesnake" tail noises similar to the record. one of the highlights of the evening. calm and wonderful. upside down wow is all i can say. i hope this is a staple of the new tour. the intro and construction of this song is amazing. as others have said the tempo is significantly faster and therefore the tone is changed, for the better in my mind. i had a greater appreciation of this song. i wouldnt say it was a "rocking" song, still kind of in that mellow tone of the evening. black done (january) another highlight for me. this song is always beautiful live. and with the genious of rattlesnakes and upside down before it this was just another overwhelming treat for me. wednesday i love the contrast this song gives between fun/rockout and reflect/mellow. she definatly took those transitions sharply tonite and i loved the quitness of the audience during the end of the song roadside cafe i do have to first off say that the roadside cafe sign stay there the whole show and since it was light the whole show, i couldnt tell if it lit up at this point. however, during the whole show there was a white backdrop with some markings, i think it's the same from the on scarlet's walk tour, and during secret time a black curtain was drawn over it. not sure it that will happen during every show... silent all these years quiet and beautiful. this sound of the piano was so pure. it's always interesting to go from the bands electric sound to the natural sound of the piano. i was surprised there really wasnt an improv before it but there were plenty to come... pie song.. started with her talking saying okay let's give this a go, and something like it may be stupid or dumb. when she introduced the band earlier she mentioned that she got the pie and it was the hugest pie. the improv was very bouncy and as many have documented was basically i like pie pie pie pie on saturday afternoons in 1963 started with a spoken explanation that when she first got this ladies recored she listened to it over and over again, and then tori went seamlessly into singing "over and over and over" she did say "ricky" once, and then went into this beautiful cover that i was so gratefull to hear. i've fallen in love with this song through boots and it was great to hear. song from half mountain this was an interesting moment. i thought this was a new song. it didnt seem to contain any of the speculated content of indian summer, i thought maybe it could have been the scarlet b side mountain and honestly untill i went to the dent when i got home i didnt know what it was. what i did know is that it was beautiful, the lyrics amazing (seemed to be very tori lyrics so i was surprised it was a cover) and tori seemed to have a very strong connection to the song, that's probably why i thought she wrote it. i downloaded the original and hers is much slower and beautiful. josephine the band comes back, very beautiful version, repeating the first line not tonite josephine twice if not more. amber waves the best ive heard this. tori's enunciation really seemed to get clearer at this point. i really hadn't read the lyrics to amber waves recently and hadnt really remembered the paper cut part which tori very clearly spoke to great effect. the message of this song really struck through to me, and i really have a greater appreciation for it siren the best of the night for me. she spoke so clearly i understood every word, it was the clearest ive ever heard these lyrics spoken, they are kind of meshed together on the studio track and it was great to hear a familiar song take on new light. father lucifer i had wanted to hear this live and finally got it. this version is i believe the same as las leg but i think the ending was different at least that the boot from the new york debut of it. my brain is much and i cant remembe the ending but i believe it ended differently hehe sorry...she did flip off the audience at the end of "girls that eat pizza and never gain weight"...which was fantastic cause there were way to many pretty girls. one in particular who when tori came out went to the edge of the reserved section, seemed to have a little panic attack ( i seriously thought he was going to rush the stage or something) and then wiped a single tear from her eye. very dramatic and very funny pretty girl. hehe. im being mean sorry but seriously there were way too many skinny hoochie girls there. god i love this song live, a lot more that the studio recording. but again this wasnt an angry version of god, it was more of a statement, not accussatory but again taking on that reflective. i think that may be why professional widow got taken off the encore list, as much as i would love to hear it it just didnt seem to reflect the tone of the songs of the night which were for the most part transe like, mellow and reflective. i can't see new york beautfiul, didnt seem as long as in the past. i admitedly dont like this song very much live. precious things great closer. the audience really loved this and as many times as i hear it i can't get enough. this is THE live song in my opinion. encore 1 talula another highlight. the lyrics at the beginning seemed different. i with i wrote them down but there were so many rudey mc rude people. everyone sat fo the show and stood during the encores which was fine but people kept pusing in front of us and standing in from of us like we werent there. during precious things this girl blocked a lot of peoples way by standing while we all sat. anyways anger aside talula was gorgeous, not a angry as when i saw it in spokane. mary eh it's mary. i like it alright but have heard it too much. and these stupid girls in front of me didnt know what it was so they had to be chirpy. second encore hey jupiter (dakota) beautfiul, another highlight. her high notes during this were spectacular. a perfect ending to an overall great show From Ursa Hawthorne: i was at the MaryMoor show yesterday, and wanted to add some interesting info from the M&G. (oh by the way, Joel said last night that there will be no M&G today at Eugene). anyhoo, Matt Presidente and I, Ursa, were able to talk to Tori at the M&G yesterday. I asked if she had had some nice time off, and she and Joel chuckled and she said "not reallly". Matt then asked about the "Greatest Hits" album that has been talked of. She quickly corrected him: "Best Of, not Greatest Hits, there is a difference." She then went on to explain that some of the songs have been reworked (that's what Jon and Matt and her have been working on for the last few months), and now the songs have a chance to be more like what the Songs want to be like, without interference from outside sources - 'it has to be single, we'll take out the strings" (Tori mimicking the Interference). she said it's due out this November. YAY! i then asked, "Then will you have some time off?". She replied, "um, maybe...a month perhaps". Oh, and when i had her sign my SW piano book, i asked her if she had had input in the piano book (like we had heard), and she said yes. I thanked her, for all of us piano players that want to play the songs like she does. yes, it was a great M&G and a great day. Eugene, here i come! From Heather Murphy: |
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