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Washington Post article about the novel "The Da Vinci Code" mentions Tori

Updated Sun, Jul 20, 2003 - 7:43am ET

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I found an article in the Washington Post newspaper from July 20, 2003 about the novel "The Da Vinci Code", which involves Mary Magdalene. The article mentions Tori and includes a quote from her about Mary Magdalene.

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The article is called, "The Mysteries of Mary Magdalene: 'The Da Vinci Code' Resurrects a Debate of Biblical Proportions" and is by Roxanne Roberts. The article begins like this:

Mary Magdalene is back.

Not that she ever really went away, but every now and then she's thrust into the spotlight, the canon's cover girl for a lively debate about women, sex, feminism and the church. Her latest starring role comes in this summer's blockbuster thriller "The Da Vinci Code," a page-turning romp through theology, art, secret societies and the Holy Grail. The novel, which has topped bestseller lists for 16 weeks with a million copies in print, poses the not-so-innocent question: What if Jesus and the Magdalene were husband and wife?

It's not a new premise, but it never fails to rile the faithful, the faithless and the devil's advocates. "The Da Vinci Code" is the latest piece in a 2,000-year-old puzzle of Magdalene.

Here is the part of the article that mentions Tori:
Magdalene keeps appearing in popular culture, generating outcries of heresy and hypocrisy. There are the sexpot Magdalenes in "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "The Last Temptation of Christ." She's a heroine for singer-songwriter Tori Amos, who believes Magdalene was as divine as the Virgin Mary. "I absolutely believe that she was the sacred bride of Christ," Amos, the daughter of a Methodist minister, told a British music magazine. ". . . If that had been passed down this would be a different planet right now because the world of women would be so different."

Posted by: Mikewhy

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