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Tori's show included TomBigBee, Rattlesnakes, Crazy (solo), Famous Blue Raincoat (solo), Spark and Pandora's Aquarium. If you were at the Anaheim, CA show, please email me with your reviews and/or set list or post your review or comments in the Dent's Concert Reviews forum. (You can post under any name without registering, so it is quick!)
More Details
Tori performed in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, April 19, 2003 at The Theatre at the Arrowhead Pond. The opening act was Rhett Miller.
Set List
Many thanks to Matt Page who phoned me with the set list after the show.
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Cornflake Girl
Precious Things
Sweet Sangria
Band Leaves
Famous Blue Raincoat
Band returns
Your Cloud
Father Lucifer
Take To The Sky
I Can't See New York
1st Encore
Taxi Ride
Pandora's Aquarium
2nd Encore
Amber Waves
The latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum. Please post your own review if you were at this show!
From Matt Page and Richard Galbraith:
Tonight's show was really amazing. Being a rather odd venue, there were low expectations going into the show, but it turned out to be a fantastic performance. Tori sounded really good and was hitting the high notes very well. The sound from where Matt was sitting was surprisingly good. Tori's version of Spark tonight was Matt's favorite from the entire tour.
Before Leather, Tori did an improv saying something about going to Disneyland with Tash and that Cinderella was mean while Snow White was nice.
Tori followed her written set list almost exactly, but performed Bliss instead of Riot Poof.
From Danny (EWF4TORI):
Tonight's show was unbelieveable amazing! Tori seemed to be enjoying herself. She did a little improv right before the first song during "Roadside Cafe" about taking Tash to Disneyland and it said something like "this is a dangerous place... Cinderella, Cinderella is quite a fella, Snow White is beautiful. You kno you have lost reason when your daughter cries in a princess show". She also mentioned that Cinderella "have had enough children" where as Snow White was an Angel because treated Tash nice and that was all that mattered (to make her happy). She was smiling a lot to the audience, Matt and Jon. Matt was fantastic! Looked to me he wanted to work those drums out!
The meet and greet was very pleasant (at least I thought so). Although we had to wait an aweful long time, under the unmerciful heat, Tori finally came out and said: " I know you've been here for a while". I got my Promo Vinyl of YKTR signed and snapped tons of photos will I will post here later (and also at my website: www.DQPC.net)
The last I'd like to say is that the Santa Barbara and Anaheim concerts (as far as setlists and Tori's mood goes) would have to be the best concerts even in California!!!
From Jessica Auck:
Just a couple notes about the show:
I've been to quite a few Tori shows (not as many as some, but I've been going since Under the Pink), and this one had to be my all time favorite!! The set list was absolutly amazing, and we even got treated to a little improv about Disneyland being 'a dangerous place', where Tori had to be with other Moms, and 'Saddam had nothing on this palace' (?). The theatre is usually a Hockey stadium. Last time Tori played there, there was a stage set up on one end of the 'ring', and seats everywhere else. This time, the arena was cut in half, so the stage was situated facing only half the seating which created an intimate little theatre setting. Also, as an added bonus, I had really terrible nosebleed seats, and everyone in our terrible little nosebleed section was upgraded to floor seats!! I went from being on the 3rd level of the theatre to 10th row, center!! How cool is that?!
From Tammy:
Hey Mike,
I was there,
It was great Show. great sound and all, very well behaved crowd, Tori was in excellent spirits today ( I guess Snow White left a lasting immpresion!!) she played a lot of the usual stuff but when she did Take to the Sky, towards the end she inserted a bit of Carol King's "I feel the Earth Move" That was fantastic!! Today was a great day overall !! Thanks to all the ones I met and ones I got reacquainted with !! I had loads of fun today!!!
From Melissa Christian:
This was my 6th show, 3rd on the scarlet's walk tour, my mom went with me this time (her second show) This was kind of like an Anniversary for me, since the first time I saw Tori was at the Pond in Anaheim back in 1998 on the plugged 98 tour. She celebrated the anniversary with Pandora's Aquarium, Sparkand Iieee (songs she played at the September 98 show) There may have been another song that she did from that night years ago, but...I have a review for that show too = )
Tori's voice was exceptionally clear tonight, she was hitting all the high notes, effortlessly - because in past shows that I've been too, she was either tired or her voice was more tired than it was tonight.
I was on the verge of tears during Roadside Cafe, I was very pleased to hear Leather and then she did Crazy solo....sent me straight to heaven, of course, made me think of my ex - it seemed like a theme tonight, cause then she did Famous Blue Raincoat, which I first thought was The Doughnut Song, but nay So beautiful though, I didn't really cry hard though, just one little weary tear wandered down my cheek
I was sooooo frickin' happy to hear Father Lucifer, Rattlesnakesand TomBigBee. And maybe because I knew this was gonna be the last time I'm going to be able to seeher on this tour, I really appreciated the songs that have been repeating a lot for me, like Sweet Sangria and Wednesday, everything put me in such a good mood, despite the chattering drunk guys next to me = D I kept a happy face on and I had a great time. I really enjoyed God a lot too...for some reason that song really comes alive when she does the bass part on the piano when Jon's bass guitar isn't so loud!
There were some really touching moments for me and I was just elated all around, I wasreally groovin on some songs too, I don't usually do that, I'm usually a lump on a log, but again, I think it's because this will be my last show on the tour.
And as for Rhett Miller...he was O.K. some of his lyrics were kinda funny, but...I just figured his record company signed himfor his pretty face, I told my mom I was gonna go and give him my phone number while he was signing autographs (like he would ever call!) I kept getting signs that I should, but I didn't
Whatever...awesome night, awesome woman that Tori Amos oh and the sparkly dress (also reminiscent of 9/98) and killer heels - grrrrr baby, very grrrrr
From Steve the Sweet Fat Man:
I see two shows this leg. One is in a beautiful, charming, historic, intimate theater. The other is at a hockey rink.
Where does Tori do the genius show?
The hockey rink.
Wow. Tonight was the eighteenth Tori show I've seen. (I told my mom this, and she laughed as it if were weird. What I didn't tell her is that there are folks who see eighteen shows PER TOUR. As I like to say, I'm a Tori Moderate.) The first show I saw was, and almost certainly always will be, the best. I honestly think that tonight might be the second best. It was that good.
For the rest of the review, I'm gonna do something a little different. I've taken notes at all shows this tour except for Santa Barbara last night. (I think it would have annoyed my brother, and besides, I really was too hemmed in to write comfortably.) I've referred to them in my reviews, but tonight, I'm going to go by them a bit more strictly, and try to create a whole picture doing that.
A Sorta Fairytale - She came out of the blocks very confident and focused. My seat was really wonderful, because I could see her hands very well. I was even more blocked on Matt than I was the night before - I could only see the top 1/3 of his head (nose up) and flailing arms, although it was still neat to watch that - but I had a really nice view of Jon.
Pancake - She was doing the same cute, sexy thing she did the night before, with her foot up on the bench swinging a bit....from the very beginning, she was tighter and more controlled. I complained (mildly) about last night that she seemed a little meandering, but this was SO not a problem tonight...a person with a beer in her (her?) hand kept standing up in front of me and cheering, but she sat down again consistently, so no big deal...the sound is actually BETTER - sharper, more balanced - here in the damn hockey rink than it was last night.
God - Jon's bass sounded like it was farting a bit, but it worked....this was missing last night in the show that many felt had a "religious" theme...very nice...after the song a cute talk about Disney-related stuff (apparently, she had taken Tash to the nearby Magic Kingdom earlier) - "That Cinderella, she's a negotiator....I love Snow White, she was nice to my daughter and that's all that matters"....for the second night in a row, she said a perfunctory, almost annoyed "I love you too" to someone who shouted, "I love you Tori!" Could we maybe have a moraTORIum on shouting that?
Cornflake Girl - really sharp....I have always said audience right was better because you can see her face more, but here on audience left you get a really good view of her hands, and you still see plenty of her face....I think I like this better.
Rattlesnakes - I said that I wanted some Strange Little Girls stuff, and while this was all I would get (no New Age - boo hoo), this was "really fucking beautiful" as my notes said....neat "rattling drums from Matt.
Precious Things - Jon was just ripping out some great bass lines up front....cute thing where she pulled the mike down on "cum" - people used to count the number of seconds she would draw out the "girrrrrrrl", and that was just silly; here it was drawn out a little, but not too much, and I was too into it to count....at this point, I noted that the first half was SO much sharper than the night before.
Sweet Sangria - I loved how, both nights, she laid back on the bench at the start of this song....very sexy...the turn between keyboards is so cool when one can see the Bosey fingering.
Wednesday - wondering what she would do for Roadside here....nice rendition...nice that I have more space to dance in my seat than the night before (the seat next to me was empty).
Improv - about being a mommy and being in a "dangerous place"....compelling.
Leather - I wrote "fuck y'all haters" because a lot of people have been dissing this song lately, and for the life of me I don't know why....this might have been the best I've ever seen it; it was just wonderful.
Crazy - Wow. SO much better than the album, with so much passion and clarity...at this point, re the show, I wrote "I hope this fucker is being taped."
Famous Blue Raincoat - I wrote, "She lives in this song, and it is hers"....sorry, Leonard!....this may have been the best I ever heard this. Just exquisite.
Your Cloud - Jon had a nice stately presence here...very nice, also better than album.
Tombigbee - She started by putting on lip gloss and drinking water, which was cute...I had never actually even heard this before, and it was pretty darn cool...I had thought it would be one of those sort of delicate and whimsical things, but I wrote "punk rock song".
Spark - At this point, I was almost hoping for a song I could go to the bathroom during, but this most certainly wasn't it...just an immaculate version.
Father Lucifer - Here, I took my opportunity to go tinkle, because I had heard it the night before, but I must say it even sounded good in the hall....here, I was reflecting on what a good venue the Arrowhead Pond was turning out to be (good sound, good sightlines, clean, good concessions, nice personnel).
Take To The Sky - Much more focused than the night before....I wrote, "an amazing balance of control and passion", and I meant that about the whole show.
I Can't See New York - Lovely, sort of laid back.
iieee - At this point, I migrated up to the balconies to see what things were like up there. I went to the very top, and noted that the sound and sightlines were really good even up there. It was a neat vantage point to watch the stage rush at the end of the song (which, I hate to say it, always struck me as a bit silly).
Taxi Ride - The "sky box" was a neat perspective to watch her sort of flow down a ramp onto the stage at the beginning of the song....she did a little dance, and I wrote "she is so fucking cute"....nice rendition, with energy even flowing all the way up here.
Pandora's Aquarium - I went down to the third (of four) level, and dug the song, noting the chandeliers in the ceiling....at this point, I was ready to judge the Pond the "most underrated venue"; I remembered how people had bitched about her playing here, and honestly, I thought it was just great.
Bliss - I got to the back of the second (street) level, and had a nice area to dance my ass off for this song....it started with Jon doing a neat bass thing, tuning it weird and all that.
Amber Waves - She started it off mostly solo and sorta eased into it, and it was lovely, capping off a tight (only just about two hours), focused, and absolutely wonderful show. Again, I really wanna have an mp3 of this puppy!
From mission viejo:
out of all the southern cali shows this one was the best
WAMPUM PRYAER she opened with and straight into a sorta fairytalee which got the crowd intrigued and happy. i think tori was trying to send a message through the songs PANCAKE and GOD from back to back, because where i was sitting here face seemed very serious and very demanding on each lyric
then she said hi to everyone, went on about what a busy day she had, something on the lines of going to disneyland and saying that there was something terribly wrong with cinderella, for the fact that she was done with the kids for the day and didn't want to greet tash? i think that is what she was imposing. so then she said that snow white acknowledge tash and that made her happy and she thought snow white was very nice. she then went into CORNFLAKE GIRL which i think she was singing it for tash tonight.
i was excited to hear RATTLESNAKES with the band because on strange little girl tour i only heard it by herself and it was very intresting.
the crowd then went wild when she played PRECIOUS THINGS and i was entranced by her knowing she was having fun up there.
SWEET SANGRIA is a favorite of mine just because she mentions san antone because that is where some of my family is from.
and she then went into WEDNESDAY where the crowd started to dance the band left and i think tori did an improv, i wasn't sure because people were starting to get rude around me.
and next thing i knew she went into LEATHER which i have never heard live and i was so excited i almost cried
CRAZY was excellent her voice was amazing on that song
this was my thrid time hearing FAMOUS BLUE RAINCOAT and it gets better every time when she performed YOUR CLOUD her whole language up there was amazing, that was the best out of the night was that song beacuse of it's whole tranqulity
TOMBIGBEE was a new one for me and i loved it
SPARK was different tonight but it got the crowd roaring and didn't want her to stop another song that was different was FATHER LUCIFER didn't play it on the piano, she played it on one of her organs and it was really different, which i liked.
TAKE TO THE SKY got the people up and dancing once again and clapping along thanks anaheim tori then went into I CAN'T SEE NEW YORK which hushed the crowd as if to say okay time to think. and then she ended with IIEE, which i thought basically she was teasing us with.
her first encore included TAXI RIDE which always sounds good and then i heard one stroke of the piano and i knew tori knew i was there because she has played eveyitme i go and see her PANDORA'S AQUARIUM, which made my night and was the best song of the night, at the end to the song as she sand sound, literally put the chills onto me and everyone around me.
her second encore she was supposed to play RIOT POOF, but changed it to BLISS, and i didn't mind, although i have never RIOT POOF live before, next time
and then she ended the evening off with AMBER WAVES which i think she was just plainly saying goodbye and not to worry that the northern lights will keep shinning.
this was the 2nd best show i have been to for scarlet's walk the very best show here in southern cali was the san diego show by far
From Fernando S.:
Tonight's show was amazing, there was definitely more energy than the night before at Santa Barbara. As soon as Tori finished "Fairytale", which to me sounded a little better than the S.B show, I knew it was going to be a good show, and it was. Tori performed my new favorite version of "Take to the Sky", I love that version with the added verse from that one song I don't know the name of, but I know from "American Idol" because Kimberly sang it. Anyway I think Tori was in good spirits because she had gone to Disneyland that day. She told the crowd that she had been busy, going to "Disney". Her story was cute, she said that Cinderella was mean because she didn't want to see any more kids, and how she loved Snow White because she talked to Tash and was very nice to her. I think Tori had a "Mommy moment". She did a little improv of the experience, something about the situation being cruel to mommies (I think she might be referring to the Cinderella incident). Mat and John both sounded good, Tori missed some keys on a couple of the songs but, who cares it's Tori on the piano, it seems she can do no wrong. Anyway the show was so good I'm thinking of driving down to Phoenix for her show, I generally wouldn't travel out just locally but, I just cant get enough Tori.
From Kelly Girl Beads:
Im reading the reviews of last nights show in Anaheim you've posted, I gotta say, the opposite was true for me. This was my 9th Tori show, and to me, tori's energy†wasn't there tonight, she was in a quirky kind of mood, when she sang 'God' and 'Wednesday' Making littles faces and gestures for the lyrics 'when the wind blows' and 'the eagle has to land'. But her overall performance, (wich, REALLY is ALWAYS amazing,especially from the 5th row!) I just didnt seem to feel it tonight. And as for the sound, the bass was way to overwhelming, and there was a crackling distorted sound when they started 'God',†but I really felt Tori was drown out by the bass (as did a few friends I talked to after the show). My Dad who went with me to the show, and he only knows a few of Toris songs, he told me after the concert, that he couldnt make out any of the lyrics, I told him, I had the same problem, but it was ok for me, since I knew them all anyways! The highlight was definitly 'Take to the Sky' and she really started rocking it and going all out for that, and adding the 'I feel the Earth Move' lyrics were great! But I definitly felt zero energy from the audience†they were†Very Quiet, and she (tori) seemed to want us to clap along to 'Take to the Sky' but it just didn't happen. But she did have a cute story, about taking Tash to Disneyland, and how "That Cinderella is a negociater!" because, when she was done talking to the kids, she was done! And How Snow White was nice to Tash, so "I looove Snow White". But then I got to figure, since I didn't feel that much energy from Tori, maybe the Disneyland trip was tiring!! She definitly had a great set list, 'Bliss', 'Spark', 'Cornflake Girl', 'Father Lucifer', 'Taxi Ride', 'Rattlesnakes'†and 'Leather' all were spectacular. But definitly not one of the more, energized of the Tori shows I've seen. But I wont say I still didn't LOVE IT!
From Matthew Bowman:
I have recently become a fan of Tori Amos, and last night was my first time ever seeing her live. The are no words to express the awe I was and still am in. The highlights of last night for me were songs like "Precious Things", "Spark", "Taxi Ride", "Bliss", and "Rattlesnakes". Everything was perfect for me. I heard that this venue wasn't the best but Tori's performance was wonderful. My seat was great and the acoustics were fine.†Tori is such an amazing artist and preformer, and I LOVE HER!!!!††
From Hedieh:
well everyone has pretty much said it all about the concert last night. it was one of the best Tori shows i have ever seen (and i have seen several since Under the Pink came out). she seemed to be having such a good time, she was smiling a lot, and dancing. she seemed to be in a great mood and all her songs reflected that! she talked about how it had been a busy day, because they went to Disney land, and how Cinderella is a "negotiator". once she doesn't want to see any more kids she just says "no". but Snow White was an angel and that's all that mattered because she made "her" (Tori's) "daughter" (Tash) happy. She did Famous Blue Raincoat which gets better every time!!! i cry whenever i hear that song. it really is magical. Take To The Sky was fabulous, i had not heard it yet on this tour, and i loved the "I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet" part, she even said "do you hear me georgie boy?, something like that at some point.
anyway, like i said, everyone else has given very accurate comments about the show, so i won't repeat it all, but i just wanted to say it was a fabulous show, and Tori was amazing as ever. there is no performer who can soothe and calm my soul like Tori does, and for that i love her even more.
From Christina:
Now I have been to quite a few Tori shows in my day, but this one really was the absolute best! There was something about the mood - something I didn't think†could come out of a hockey rink. †Everyone else gave the same review I would give, I just wanted to add that Eric Rosse was sitting in the row next to me. Either it really was him or a dead-on look a like. He was with some people with backstage passes and everyone was giving hugs so I think it must have been him.
From Christopher Woodrell:
This was my last for the year and it was a good good show. She sounded really really good--WAY better than the Pond show in Sept. '98. Honestly I can't really compare the shows I've seen on this tour -- they were all so impressive, and so different(Riverside Church, Camden, Providence, San Francisco - 1st night, Radio City - 1st/2nd nights, and then Anaheim).I, like others I'm sure, was hoping for a slightly less generic setlist. But it all sounded so amazing, it's hard to complain about anything. Here are some of my mental notes from the show.
Fairytale - There definitely is a new sound here. I read that somewhere on this site a day ro two ago. Whatever it is, it's the same sort of sound that shows up during iieee. It echoes the opening piano chords slightly.
OUTFIT: Silver/Black wrappy shiney thing with flowing white sleves and a pink camisol underneath. Jeans, slightly longer than capri--mid-calf and rolled. And the SHOES WERE AMAZING. I almost tried to yell that out to her, but decided not to because I'm too shy. The shoes were black and had a really high spike heel. They tied with what I think were thin black and red ribbons that came from the side and did not go around her heel and tied around her ankles like pointe shoes.
Pancake - Matt and Jon could have played this opening for 10 minutes and it would have been cool. It seems to me that the intro to this song has gotten more intense as the tour progressed. I love hearing Tori sing this.
God - It sounded like all the speakers blew when this started, but I think it was just some gritty bass sounds. I was sitting in section 224, side section house right on the aisle where EVERY PERSON IN THE WHOLE ARENA HAD TO GET UP AND GO TO THE BATHROOM OR GET MORE BEER EVERY SECOND SONG!!!! It was difficult to resist the urge to trip people down the stairs on their way in. Sorry. God was nice though.
She said hello and mentioned going to Disneyland. She said something about how Cinderella was quite a negotiator and then said she liked snow white. But it was interesting because she sounded like she didn't like hereither andwas being sarcastic. But she kind of stopped herselfand said that she was nice to her daughter andthat was all that mattered.
Cornflake Girl - super. Fourth as usual. The piano sounded really good in the arena.
Rattlesnakes - Hoping for Bells for Her or Horses, but again, hard to complain about hearing this.It's my favorite Strange Little Girl after Happiness...
Precious Things -This was excellent. Possibly the best I've ever seen. She really is much more comfortable singing out some of the loud notes at this point of the tour and is really into it.
Sweet Sangria -I could have sworn that when I saw her before on this tour shedid the verses of this song on the wurlitzer, and not the lowerkeyboard.But I think I mightbe remembering wrong. But I am sure that last night she did the verses on the lower keyboard. Is this the way it'salways been. I was having a major memory block.
Wednesday - Fun. Seems to be slower and a bit mellowerthan from when I say itearlier. Maybe it seemed that waybecause I listened to the album thatday, which is much much faster.
Improv about a "dangerous place"--Disneyland--and about when your kids the one crying. I couldn't understand a lot of it. No mention of the sign, so it lit up when she started the opening lines of -
Leather - It was a nice version.
Crazy - Oooooh. It was great. Very low intense intro and then into the "ah ah ah's for this song". I'd never heard the solo version of this and I'm glad I got to.
Famous Blue Raincoat - This was beautiful and although I know the words I think it was pretty understandable for the most part, which makes the song even more intense, because it's so well written. "you treated my woman to a FUH-LAK-UH (flake) of your life"
Your Cloud - Well, it was nice, and again my ingrate side was coming out and I counted during this onethat out of the seven shows I saw on the tour this spot in the set had Your Cloud 4 times, Strange twice and Horses once. I also noted the strange echoes the snare drums were creating in the arena. It sounded like some huge machine was working in the back of the house. It was slightly distracting, but only during this, a quieter song. I also had to pee and decided if Concertina was next I was going to the bathroom. But I held it because
Tombigbee - BRAVA!!!!!! This might have been my favorite of the night. I was struck by how loud this song is. Especially right after Roadside Cafe this one got everyone going again. Except nobody knew it so the enitre arena went to grab a quick beer. Their loss.
Spark - This was also excellent. She sounded great. When I saw her do this last (NYC) towards the end, when she sang "but you don't, don't really mean it" she switched to her high, softer voice for the "Don't", but last night she threw her head back for those notes and hit them right on, DON'T! DON'T REALLY mean it. *Goosebumps* Also, is this the song with the funky shadows? Matt and Jon looked like aliens on the back cyc.
Father Lucifer - I was into all these songs. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this tour's version. She was having a lot of fun. When she sang "Never gain weight, never gain weieieieieieight" She flipped the bird and got a nice reaction from the crowd.
Take to the Sky - Loved this too. Long long ending. "I feelMY earth move under my feet...I feel the sky tumbling down...and it's shaking me down...I feel it...Georgie girl?"
I Can't See New York - She seemed into it, but not possessed by it...a little less intense than I've seen before; beautiful nonetheless.
i i e e e - Oh I love this song. The bridge was really intense. People rushed the stage before she even finished the last note. It almost seemed planned. ;)
Taxi Ride - Fun for all.
Pandora's Aquarium - This somehow seemed appropriate because of the whole Disneyland theme. Not sure why, but it did. I was glad to hear it.
Bliss - Awesome intro. Very intense: three insistent drum beats over and over andsome really grittybass sounds. This song is so so good live.
Amber Waves - I was expecting this in Anaheim, but was surprised we got so much off the new album. It was a touching way to end the show though.
Last show of the year for me. I'm glad it fell over Easter--I live in NYC and my family is in OC, so everyone says "Why are you home?" I say, "Easter!"
mwah aha aha
At one point in the show I thought, "What if she did Me and a Gun?" because of the "three days time" line. Obviously that didn't happen.
Bye bye everyone. Hoping for more shows soon....
From Jessie (Jesus) Cruz:
"All in all, was a pretty nice day..."
Truer words could not be spoken.....The concert experience was something I don't think I'll ever get over....
First off, I must say a BIG thank you, and a soooo much love to one girl, Miss Mel McD, who single handedly gave me the best experience of my life. I am forever indebted to you, and you have earned a big place in my heart...*MWAH*!
The day began on anice note. I went to my first meet and greet. I was really hoping to get to shake the delightful Ms. Amos' hand, but such was not to be. I did however meet some great people. Lauren and Tiffany, and Tiffany's man (I want to call him Brent, but I could be wrong) made me feel at home. Lots of people were being nice.
The meet and greet went okay. I'd never been, so I wasn't sure how it was supposed to go. Still, I got her to sign my "Strange Little Girl" import, and she waved high to me. I asked her if she would play "Your Cloud", and she just gave me a smile....heh heh.....Afterwards, I hung out with Jorge, who was here from Puerto Rico, and Monica and Marianne, who were lucky enough to score 3rd row seats at the last minute (Lucky girls!), and Nati (Hi sweetie!) who was making us all laugh with her stories.
Due to a mistake by Ticketbastard, I had to wait to pick my tickets up at will call. This went okay, I was told that since seats in the house were not selling out very well, I could probably upgrade later. I stood in line, for no reason, and could hear her soundchecking. A girl said she played "Carbon", but it was MIA during the show.
She soundchecked in order:
A Sorta Fairytale, Pandora's Aquarium, Sweet Sangria, Your Cloud, Tombigbee, Rattlesnakes, Spark, Riot Poof, and God. We got in, and Jorge and I were lucky enough to score seats together which was way cool. We were upgraded to the floor. Okay? the floor! 18th row, (which was the back but who cares??) and sat next to a couple of delightful ladies who were also big Tori fans. I bought my souveniers, and sat down and took everything in. The place was huge, and yes, the acoustics weren't the best, but it was my first full length Tori show, and I was determined not to let anyone spoil it for me.
Rhet Miller played his set. I liked it, though a lot of songs sounded similar, a few of them really stood out for me. I think I'll be picking up his CD later. then at 8:35 the lights went out and "Wampum Prayer" played, with that very cool lights display she has going....curtain drops, crowd cheers and:
A Sorta Fairytale: I really like this song, and apparently Jon has goosed the bassline a bit differently, and it sounded fantastic. She came out in a flowing dress, with jeans, and these shawl sleeves that made her look absolutely angelic. She launched into the song with extra verve tonight, it felt, and from that point on the show really took off.
Pancake: Not my favorite, but the way she played it was absolutely powerful. Her delivery on "Messiahs need people dying in their name" was particularly poigniant.
God: I told some of my new friends outside that I could be so okay with her never playing "God", "Cornflake Girl", and "Precious Things" ever ever again...so what does she do? She makes me change my mind about all three songs by giving such a stellar performance of this one that I'm blown away. I can now say that if she never plays "Jackie's Strength" I could care less. After "God" she asked everyone how they were doing and said she'd had a "busy, busy day today. I was a mommy, and we did the Disneyland thing." She mentioned that Cinderella had stopped seeing kids when she got to her, and said that Snow White was very nice to Tash, "So now, I really like Snow White". She introduced Jon and Matt, whom she called a critter. (Cute), and launched into
Cornflake Girl: (of course!) again, I think being there and watching her go full out on it made the song so much better for me, and I began to rediscover this girl. She did a perfect "roll" (Rrrrr!) and put a lot of energy into it. For a few songs it seemed she was getting so lost that she almost missed some words, but she nailed everything tonight.
Rattlesnakes: A big fave from "Strange Little Girls". This was a wonderful number. Her lights in this were great, and she played this with a certain ease that made the song almost hyponotic.
Precious Things: Okay, I know this is like every Toriphiles favorite song, but I just had gotten sick of hearing it all the time. So tonight, Tori blows the roof of of this song, and plays it so well, she seems to get lost in it, and nails everything. She did a long "Ggiiirrrrrrllllllll" up her thighs, and grabbed herself for punctuation. So now I really am giving this song another chance.
Sweet Sangria: I was afraid she wasn't going to play this, but people said not to worry, but I have a horrible track record when it comes to requests. Now I knew within the first two seconds what it was, but I was still afraid she would change her mind. This song is one of my two all time faves off "Walk". She did a great job on it, really putting emphasis on "Yeah, you think about that, what you believe in." Made me get chills. The last lines were delivered like a prayer, pleading and begging, and she finished with her arms crossing over her chest.
Wednesday: Such a great great song! A rolling little number which I love, and I gotta say, her lights on this were great. The gobo projecting the leaves and spinning them were great, and the colors felt very psychadelic.
Secretime came, and the went off for a while. The Roadhouse Cafe sign came down and Tori launched into an Improv which I actually thought might have been "Indian Summer" (I WISH!) and included the lines "Dangerous place, I was in a dangerous place/Saddam Hussein has nothing on this palace/dangerous place/what do you do/when your daughter is the only one/crying outside the princess show?" I think it was meant to be a little light, but with the world being as it is, a lot of people took it on a very good, very insightful note.
Leather: Again, not a huge fan of this song, but it was cute. I know it is an L.A. staple, so I was not surprised to hear that middle C being struck repeatedly. Very well done.
Crazy: A gourgeous, lush version of this played solo was incredible. She looked at the audeience a lot, though she only spoke really once. She seemed to be connecting with everyone with this song, and it was well recieved.
Blue Raincoat: She introed this and it sounded a bit like "Carbon" which Jorge was dying to hear, but it turned into "Raincoat" and by the look on his face, he was not in the least disappointed. Her version of this tonight! (Was anyone taping this show?? Please say you were and I can get a copy!) Her version of this was so amazing. The emotion in it was deep, and her delivery of each line was like perfection. It brought a lump to my throat, really. She looked beautiful, really like an angel, playing this.
Your Cloud: Bite me, this is one of the most beautiful songs she's ever written. Where I am in my life now, this song feels so special to me, like a link to a life I want to go back to, but can't anymore. I play this repeatedly, and the live version was sublime. The cloud gobos and blue lighting were amazing. She seemed to be in rare form this evening, and played the hell out of this song. Even the guys seemed to be into it. It was so breathtaking, that I didn't even realize I had been crying until the end of the song.
Tombigbee: This song rocks! She did her little "Tombigbee butt-wiggle" and had a great time with this one.
Spark: WOW! That's all one can say, really. Not many people expected this I think, the response was great. She really really pushed the limits with this song tonight. She was in rare form indeed! The entire bridge was a wall of sound, and she seemed to go nuts. Amazing!
Father Lucifer: Excellent. I don't care for this song a great deal (okay, Pele's not my fave album), and she really did a great job on this. The only song I recall her doing on the Bosey, Wurley, and Rhodes. Her small nod to the holy holiday "Dye my own Easter eggs" (I had a feeling this song would pop up), and her flipping off all the skinny people who "...eat pizza, never gain weight". The larger patrons like myself laughed heartily.
Take To The Sky: A favorite b-side, one of her best. The audience started clapping, and knew when to stop. With "I Feel The Earth Move" added in, she went pretty nuts with this too. She did the head shaking thing she did in "The Waitress" the last few tours ago, and seemed like she would either have to pass out or call it herself to end the song. Brilliant.
I Can't See New York: The lights in this one were as specatular as the song. I'd been dying to see this one live, the song is so emotional and grand, that I was just trying to take it all in. From the very start of it (can someone tell the people in the upper level to stop screaming?) The purple/red sides on her were great. (Please stop screaming) The saturation made it seem like another world. (Excuse me, we're trying to watch the show) On the crash, the cloud/smoke gobos took my breath away. (Can someone tell those overzealous people to stop screaming?), and she seemed to get into a trance playing this song. (For the love of God please tell the drunken bitches in the upper levels to stop screaming?? Thank you) This was a great number.
i i e e e: Fantastic closer. A great song, and one of my "Choirgirl" faves. She really let loose on this one. It came off beautifully.
A lot of people rushed the stage, I stayed where I was, I was too happy to move.
Encore 1
Taxi Ride: Excellent. I saw her do the abbreviated version of this on The Wayne Brady show, and it rocked. Here, it rocked and rolled. Beautiful
Pandora's Aquarium: Incandesent! What can I say? This is a gorgeous song, and I think it touches everyone. It had a special meaning for me these days, and she did it great. At the end, she repeated her cresendo on sound about three times, I think she was trying to get the note to slide easier. Either way, it made a strong impact.
Encore 2
Bliss: The set list said "Riot Poof" and I know some people were upset she did this instead. I was glad, this is a fave of mine from what I think is a great album (Oh, bite me, all of you). The red saturation made this song slightly creepy, but it explodes onstage. She really gave a great turn on this one.
Amber Waves: At first it sounded like "Mrs. Jesus", which a lot of people predicted cause, well, my given name is Jesus, and it's a long story folks...but she goes into "Waves". I really don't care for this song much, but again, after hearing it live, I must say, I've got a new light on it. She ended the show, and we were all hoping for a third encore, but alas, the lights came up.
Since I was in the back row, I raced over to the booth, and asked the wonderful Mr. Hawley, "Is this where we beg for the setlist?" He smiled at me and gave it to me. I was thrilled.
23 songs, 10 of my biggest faves, and four I got really tuned into again tonight. Say whatever you want, the woman gives you your money's worth for a show!
Okay, so a brief note. I know that many of you have the privilege and opportunity to go to shows all the time. You even follow whole legs of the tour. For the sake of us who still have to scrounge, beg, and sometimes sell stuff to make it to just one show, please keep your mouths shut about "Well, she played this all this leg of the tour, and she never plays this, and she never played that, and this sucks and that sucks now, and this sucks even more than it did the first time I saw the first of my 10 shows this tour" oh just shut up. Do you even realize how difficult it must be to have a rabid fanbase, and over 300 songs and covers to play, and to try and get them into a single show that makes EVERYONE feel happy? I'd like to see you do it. There are some of us happy to have just gotten to see her this one time, not knowing if we'll even get a chance to see her again. Quit your whining and have someone make a boot of all your fave live songs. Instant dream concert, tah dah!
With all that said, I hope everyone gets a chance to see her. It's sooo worth it, no matter what you hear. Eternal love to Mel for giving me the gift of this night. You are the greatest.....Jorge, safe journey to you, see you back on the next tour (heh heh heh), Monica (how about that show, huh??, Marianne (Maryanne), any way you spell it, it's beautiful, we so have to party sometime, Nati, you're the sweetest...take care, everyone else I caught some love from, may you walk with the wind at your back and the sun in your hair...*mwah*
From Rachel:
I just wanted to add my two cents to this review thingy. I've never done a review before, but this time I feel I have to. This was my 4th Tori show, being constantly broke I've only been able to afford 1 a year, but this was my second of the Scarlet's Walk Tour. I have to say, this is the best show I myself have ever seen. There is no comparison with the first Universal show in December. She was in the best mood I've ever seen her in, constantly smiling at the band and also at the audience. She looked incredible, in spike black heels that†had straps that went around the ankles and tied. She had an awesome†sparkly silver and white patterned dress on (I think the pattern†was kinda flowery)†with†long silky sleeves almost to the floor in white (Kinda like the sleeves on what she wore on the Leno show the other night). She had the cutest little jeans on underneath, that went down†to about an inch and a half past her knee. Her hair was free, wild, and makeup was very understated.†She sounded wonderful, and parts of the concert felt like a jam session. That feeling was most apparent when she was doing "Take to the Sky" and just kind of slid into "I feel the Earth move, under my feet". That was the most amazing I've heard her do this song. During her talk with the audience, she said she had a busy day, went to "Disney", and that Cinderella was "quite the negotiator". Said that Cinderella would only see a certain amount of kids and then said she was done. The rest has already been reported in the reviews. Crazy made my best friend and I cry. Its our favorite on the album, and it was so amazing then. In between songs later on, she took a breath and half spoke/half whispered "Hi". The whole show, she sounded wonderful, and even though there were the classic drunk people right behind us that wouldn't shut up, it was pretty much the best day of my life. I had amazing seats, got a bunch of wonderful pics at the meet and greet, and got my lyrics book signed. I was hoping she'd play my requested "Ode to the Banana King", which she didn't, but she had kinda warned me at the meet and greet, said†"Shes kinda tricky, but I'll write her down". Speaking of the meet and greet, it went a lot better than I thought it was going to at the time. We did the "number system" and there were about 60-70 of us. It actually worked this time.†People were orderly, and lined up pretty well. We waited about two hours in the beating sun, smooshed together like sardines, but she stayed out with us for quite a while, and just about everyone got their things signed. She said she knew that we had been waiting for a long time, and as soon as we all saw her in the flesh, we pretty much forgot about it. I wasn't in the front, and she spoke to the 7 or 8 in the front for longer than the rest, but they DID get there the earliest, and I believe their dedication deserved it. I have one more show on the tour, but I have a feeling nothing will top this one.
Read a review of this concert from The Orange County Register.
From Sullensiren:
A SORTA REVIEW.......................
***I went to both San jose shows, Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Anaheim. ***
My favourite was Sacramento by far, then the 2nd San Jose show coming in second, followed by SLO. The worst show had to be the Anaheim show. It was blah and stale to me. Very generic. Sorry Tori! :[
**I really loved hearing Juarez, Doughnut, P.Things, Talula, Honey, Spark at the 1st San Jose show, but my favourite was Marianne, Let it be, and Cool on your island. I cried during Let it be.
**My favourites at the 2nd San Jose show were Bells for her, Mrs.. Jesus, AGP, Happy Phantom, Voodoo, but my very favourites were Strange Little Girl, Liquid diamonds, Vincent, Twinkle, and Professional Widow.
Lots of energy tonight. Tori was on.
**Sacramento was my Favourite, the meet&greet was mellow and nice. Not cold nor burning up in the sun like SLO. The building was absolutely beautiful. The show rocked and I sat with little Kelly and that was fun!
I loved Sugar, Lucifer, Horses, Sneeze is one of my top favourite Tori songs of all, the Roadside Cafe blew me away. Black Swan, Yes, Anastasia, and Etienne, the best Roadside Cafe ever(besides Portland, Oregon '02-Alamo, Mother, and Mary). Josephine was nice, Tombigbee, Rattlesnakes, and Songbird, Tear, and Damage was the best encore ever! Great way to end a show."I got a ticket to your late show"
**San Luis Obispo-was one of my most favourite memorable shows. Despite stupid Steve Sanchez, he couldn't ruin this night! :P
I had fun with all my friends @ the meet&greet, despite us all looking like Lobsters. The show was awesome, had a great seat(thanks to Garrett)
I gave the other pit ticket to Nick, so deserving!) I loved Honey, AGP, My Little World Improv was adorable, Merman, Purple People, Voodoo, Siren, but my very favourites were Boys in the trees and Northern Lad(thanks Gary!)
**Santa Barbara-was alright, I was tired from waiting all damn' day for a meet&greet that was cancelled at the last fucking minute! I had like 3 hours of sleep and I was pissed off...
I like Tori's Peacock dress and all the Improv's were awesome tonight, they usually always are, but she had quite a few tonight.
I liked hearing Here in my head(thanks Katey!)and Winter was breathtaking! Carnival was my highlight and so was Mary! Mrs. Jesus and Horses was emotional, I was right up against the stage that night during the encores and I remember Tori looking at me and saying something she like whispered and I couldn't make it out, I handed her a letter the day before and I think she was responding to my letter which was pretty heavy. She gave me that famous "I hear you and understand" kinda smile, you know the one guys! So, that was something I won't forget.
**Anaheim-had to be my least favourite out of all the 6 California shows
The set list wasn't that great, Although I do love Rattlesnakes, I already heard it a few days earlier, I liked Pandora, but my favourites were Crazy(solo)and Famous Blue Raincoat(which she always plays in LA!)
The crowd was a bunch of assholes! Drunks, kept getting up constantly and the yelling was the worst! Whhoaaaa!!! during slow songs like I can't see N.Y. was pathetic and pissed me off, so I stood up and flipped the idiots off behind me. Fucking retards! The show seemed generic!
I still have to vaccum, take the trash out, clean my fish tanks out, and do THE LOAD OF DISHES my friends left me, BUT as I'm picking up all the pillows and blankets off of the floor, I realise the house still smells like them, my friends... and I miss then already.
As I hear Tori's voice "How did it go so fast, we say as we are looking back". I think to myself "it's important to know and remember who your friends are"...
As Glo would say "Good Times, Thanks!" ;]
From Brian K Tanaka:
Rating: Second-category: Just another wonderful Tori show
Like many, I approached the Anaheim show with low expectations because the Pond has such a terrible reputation. It was strange to be back in a big sports arena after seeing her in so many actual performance theaters and the acoustics did leave a lot to be desired.
Happily, the show turned out to be quite good. I don't have a lot of detailed things to say about it, but I enjoyed it. I know many people were bonkers about this show, but, probably because of where my head was that night, I didn't feel the same. Worth the drive nonetheless.