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Summer Of Sin Tour: The set list and reviews for Tori's August 19, 2005 concert in Holmdel, NJ
Updated Fri, Aug 19, 2005 - 11:19pm ET |
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You can now see the set list and reviews for the Holmdel, NJ concert at the PNC Bank Arts Center. Tori set list included Father Lucifer, Blood Roses, Taxi Ride, Here. In My Head, 1000 Oceans and the covers Lovesong (Cure) and Purple Rain (Prince) during Tori's Piano Bar segment of the show. If you were at this concert and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also post your review of the show on The Dent's Summer Of Sin Tour Forum. Thanks for sharing your reviews with The Dent. Please feel free to review Tori's supporting acts as well! More DetailsTori performed in Holmdel, NJ on Friday, August 19, 2005 at the PNC Bank Arts Center. Tori's supporting acts were The Ditty Bops and The Like and the show began at 7:30PM. Set ListSpecial thanks to Matt Page for calling me with the set list after the show! Original Sinsuality Father Lucifer (about a minute or so) ** short delay because of loss of power to monitors ** Little Earthquakes Blood Roses Yes, Anastasia Northern Lad Parasol Rattlesnakes Lovesong (Cure cover) Purple Rain (Prince cover) Cars And Guitars Cooling Jamaica Inn Taxi Ride The Beekeeper 1st Encore China Here. In My Head 2nd Encore 1000 Oceans Sweet The Sting ReviewsThe latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also go to the Summer Of Sin Concert Review Forum and post about your experiences as well, or read additional reviews. From Matt Page: Tori was supposed to end the show with Mother, but selected Sweet The Sting instead. This was an odd show, because when Tori was about a minute or one verse into the second song of the show, Father Lucifier, there was apparently a loss of power to her monitors, and Tori was unable to hear herself. She stopped the song and her crew began to try to fix it. At first, Tori played the piano a little and said something about how this was what the right-wing christians were doing to her. Her manager John WItherspoon came on stage and whispered to her, and then Tori left the stage completely, telling people that this would be a good time to "go to the loo or pass around the peace pipe". Tori returned to the stage about 15 minutes later, and began playing Little Earthquakes, meaning she did not finish Father Lucifer. The crowd cheered during the line, "does't take much to rip us into pieces." I think Tori was embarrassed about the delay, but it seemed to bring out a good show from her tonight. Tori did not hit the high notes while singing Yes, Anastasia, but she did on a really intense Rattlesnakes. Also during Rattlesnakes, someone seemed to be bothering her on the side of the stage, but I am not sure who it was. She flipped off this person and said something like, "get off the fucking stage, you're in my light." She held the notes a long time at the end of that song. She did a wonderful job belting out Purple Rain. Before her Piano Bar segment, she mentioned that she turned 4o the last time she played at this venue, and that she had nothing more to say about that! From Matt Richards: This was my second Tori show ever and I thought it was MUCH better than my last show (Original Sinsuality- Philadelphia). Although the night started off kind of funny/odd, with Tori having to walk off stage due to technical difficulties, she really put on a very good show (that seemed tohavea kind of rain theme of sorts, due to the fact that itwas raining on and off thorughout the day)and was in better vocal form (and had more energy) than I had ever seen her. Even though the band is not at these shows, she still swung her hips and got into the music. One thing I must say I was dissapointed in was that she didn't come onstage and FINISH "Father Lucifer," but whatever... the show was still quite good. Some highlights: *When the technical difficulties began, Tori said how this must be the right wing christians coming after her. NICE one, Tori!! :-) *Blood Roses- AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING... That word cannot beused enough here. This was so intense and well done and Tori was totally into it. * Rattlesnaakes- This was interesting because towards the end Tori gave the finger to someone offstage and then stopped playing and said "Could you shut the fuck up? You're stealing my light" or something. * Lovesong- SO SO SO beautiful and intense... Just really well done :-D * Purple Rain- Tori got really into this which made it really good. * Cooling- This was nice to here and pretty. * Taxi Ride- on electric piano, so interesting. * The Beekeeper- DEFINITELY has improved since last time around... I really liked this a lot tonight. * Here, In My Head- I liked how she said "What this is doing to me, here" after "Do you know." Though i was a bit dissapointed she didn't belt the DO YOU KNOW part, but oh well... * 1000 Oceans- Organ and Piano- nice :-) * Sweet The Sting- While one would scarcely call this song intense/AMAZING, it was an amazing and intense closer. Solely piano. You'll have to hear this when it comes out. All in all, a great show. The meet and greet was great also, although really people who come late should respect those who have been waiting for hours on end... but that's another issue. By the way, I stood listening to the sound check outside the venue and here is what was checked (in order): Northern Lad, China, Father Lucifer, Siren, Here In My Head, and Parasol (twice). From Gregg: I'm sorry to report that this had to be the all time WEIRDEST Tori show ever! I never thought I'd say this about a Tori show, but it was bad. The biggest problem had to be that THE CROWD ABSOLUTELY SUCKED!! I couldn't get over people talking and getting up and down out of their seats, a constant shuffling of people throughout the whole show. It was distracting and incredibly rude! Tori must have noticed, and her energy was WAY off. She just didn't seem to be feeling the music or the crowd, understandably so. Certainly I was incredibly disappointed in the sound system, which seemed to be doomed from the start. Aside from the major problem that forced her to have to leave the stage,there were still problems. Sound engineer-heads ought to be rolling tonight, and rightfully so, because even after she came back, there was popping and imperfections all throughout the evening. I didn't quite get her outburst during Rattlesnakes either.... I think she was just venting frustration built from the sound engineers incompetence, and the dead crowd. But I think her cursing out whomever it was that pissed her off, only served to further distance herself from the audience. (I wasn't surprised when she sang China as a 1st encore. I could DEFINITELY "feel the distance" tonight.) Honestly speaking, I must admit I thought what Tori said was kind of uncalled for and just seemed to further confuse everybody....It was weird. Of course there were highlights. Purple Rain was probably my favorite performance of the evening. She nailed it! I also loved Sweet The Sting, Rattlesnakes (pre-outburst)and Taxi Ride. Overall though, a definite clunker of a Tori-show. I don't understand what happened to her or her audience tonight. And I hope Mark wasn't handling the sound tonight, cuz if so, I don't think husband's getting any tonight.... Oucha. Anyway, I still love you Tori, even though tonight was definitely the Twilight Zone of all Tori-shows! From Valerie: I must respectfully say that it seemssome other attendees and I must have witnessedtwo completely different shows! This wasmy 12th or 13th show and despite the oddities, it was one of myvery favorites ever.When the power problems happened, Tori was gracious and took it in stride as well as she could have, promising she wasn't 'going to short change us'. There was theshort break, after which she returned full of determination to save the night and bring us all together.It was a bit disappointing that she didn't finish 'Father Lucifer', but that just wouldn't have been her style; she obviously wanted to make a fresh start. 'Little Earthquakes' was beautiful, and I felt lucky to hear such a powerful song first thing! 'Blood Roses' was amazing. The comment during 'Rattlesnakes' was unexpected, but given the frustration she'd already endured, it wasimmediately forgiven. Truly, the only time I noticed a specific sort ofpassiveness with the music was during 'Lovesong', which occurred right after 'Rattlesnakes', I suppose she was just responding to what had upset her backstage. She sang it beautifully, but her eyes gave away the fact that she was disconnected a bit.However, once 'Purple Rain' began, it was forgotten and many of us shouted with joy, it was such an incredible surprise! Aside from afew crackling sounds during one song (I don't recall which) the soundfrom where I sat (section 104) wasmostly clear, full and lush. Because we were situated in the last row before a concourse, there was quite some commotion from people walking by at times, but I promise you this was nowhere NEAR the level of disrespect I've witnessed at other shows. And truly, for an outdoor venue,I find the sound at PNC to be above average- I attend all the Camden , NJ shows and the Tweeter Centre, though setup somewhat similarly,seems unable to harvest such a full sound as they do in Holmdel. It was such a treat to hear 'Here. In my head', and I was quite excited to finally hear 'Sweet the Sting' live. I wondered how she would pull it off solo, even without the guitar or backup vocals, it was sexy and had the signature groove to it. The set list wasone of my favorites, Tori was radiant (in a white dress over a yellow tank top). Andthough there were some hurdles tonight, my friends and I really felt thatthey only made Tori moredetermined to make it a show we will remember, for the right reasons!I LOVED it, and can't wait for Camden tomorrow! From Nicole: I know the night started off strangly because of the awful sound problems but I disagree that it threw Tori off. She was so incredibly amazing- much more intense and physically expressive than the Jones Beach show. I thought the crowd was way better and more into the show than Wednesday night. I met some really nice people sitting around me who were really into Tori (I am surprised how many people come out to see her and just don't seem to "get it"). For days I have been saying that if I could see Northern Lad live I would be the happiest girl ever so when Tori went into it I almost had a seizure. I was crying the whole song...the girl next to me even patted me on the arm when it was over. After that I really didn't mind WHAT Tori gifted us with but I must say I was thrilled that I got to hear Cooling (another top ten favorite of mine) AND Here. In My Head (I agree that I also wished she had gone a bit more intense on the "Do you know what this is doing to me" part) AND China (I actually love playing this song every time I sit down at the piano). All of this in one night...plus a very poignant version of The Cure's Lovesong- what a great choice. I loved how Blood Roses sounded on the organ and piano and Tori was particualrly intense...the range of emotion on this one kept me on edge. I was also thrilled with hearing Taxi Ride solo!! She was really into it and emphasized the line about knowing the honey from the killer bees. Everyone has been so touch and go with their reactions on this tour...even my dad said she wasn't as "intense" but I still feel the same wild rollercoaster of emotions when I come to these shows...I wish I was going to Boston (I would if it didn't mean staying overnight). PS: Sweet the Sting was so sexy...I really like how this sounded live. From Viviane: This was an incredibly odd show. Was it a full moon yesterday? Maybe, she did point to it once. As everyone said, there was sound loss during one of my favorite songs, "Father Lucifer," which I can't remember when I last heard live. She was incredibly gracious about the problem, which lasted roughly 20 minutes. The sound issue was happening with the opening bands, so really this should have been taken care of before she hit the stage. Her energy before the sound issues was great, she was smiling and playful and yes of course the momentum and energy level was different after the issue was solved. She still put on a great performance, punctuated by weirdness towards the end of "Rattlesnakes." Here's a song I love, never had the opportunity to hear live and it sounds AMAZING and I'm enjoying it so much and then she flips off some guy back stage, interrupts the song and goes off on this guy. Here's my problem with this: IT AIN'T ABOUT THE GUY OFFSTAGE. She's a professional musician, suck it up, yell at the guy after the song, but to stop the song because of some idiot "in her fucking light" is the most unprofessional, self-centered act. It wasn't cute. Most of the songs: "Northern Lad," "Parasol," "Rattlesnakes," "Cars and Guitars," "Cooling," "Jamaica Inn," "Taxi Ride," were drawn out and lovingly played, and I would love to have a recording of them. Others, such as "Blood Roses,' "Purple Rain," "Sweet the Sting," "Yes, Anastasia," were passionate and intensely played. She really went back and forth with contrasting moods, and all of it was enjoyable and lovely. This was the first time ever that I "rushed the stage" for the encores and got right up there. What a different experience it is to see Tori this close. She's really into eye contact, which since I'm really into eye contact but always worry that I'm freaking a person out, I tend to break for the sake of the other person, but she kept returning it. She's got a strong personality and is such a powerful performer that up close, I really got to experience her energy. She's fun, she's into it, and I realized how many indignities an artist has to suffer for their art as people were talking to one another, walking around, drinking and being foolish, yet Tori was having a grand ole time performing - performing for herself, for us, and for the simple pleasure of creating music. There were people bickering around me when I was at the stage, complaining about not being closer, etc., and completely missing the point of being so close and being at her show. You know, we're supposed to join her in this little space she creates for a limited time, and it's our loss if we don't get it, if we don't join in, because with or without the audience she's going to have that experience, nothing gonna stop her from floating (if I can say that!) and we can go with her or we can stay behind. Made me a bit sad that some folks didn't get it, but I'm always thankful that Tori gives so much of herself and that I can participate with her. From Tom M.: This was the craziest Tori show I've been to, but I disagree with the folks that say it sucked or was lackluster. There were parts that weren't as good as others, but overall, I thought it was great. The theme really seemed to be breakup/heartache/disintegration with a subtheme of rain. Interesting. I wonder how the set list would've been different without the technical glitch. The Songs: Original Sinsuality: pretty standard. I love when she puts her hands on her belly/womb when she says "you must eat of this." Father Lucifer: The minute or so we got of this was great and Tori was smiling and having fun. During the technical problems she says a few funny things: "The sound guys must be weeing themselves." "This must be the Christian right trying to get me." "Don't worry. I won't leave you hanging." And something like, "I have to go offstage for five minutes, so if you have wee, go do it now. Or pass the peace pipe (cheering from the crowd)." The delay was almost exactly 25 minutes long. We began to fear the show would have to be rescheduled. But the lights went down, and Tori came back smiling and launched into an intense "Little Earthquakes." Blood Roses: This sounds so sinisterand creepy and intense on the churchy organ. The slow drawn out improv in the beginning builds the tension until she explodes into the song. Definitely the best moment of the show and possibly the best moment of any Tori show I've seen. She put her hand on her crotch for the "shaved everyplace" line. Yes, Anastasia: Tori threw herself right into this and brought a lot fire to this old gem. However, she skipped many verses and didn't do the high notes. Northern Lad: nice, but pretty standard and never a favorite of mine. Parasol: wicked good. Much better than the version in Philly and I thought that was good. Rattlesnakes: slow and languid and poignant. Then, she flips someone the bird and says "Will shut the fuck up? You're in my light." I think this was said to someone onstage. lShe then went right back into the song. Love Song: excellent. She nailed the piano. This version was longer than others I've heard. Purple Rain: another hightlight of the night. Tori was really into it, and grabbed the mike for the "I know, I know, I know" part. Cars and Guitars: eh. This was probably the low point of the show for me. Tori played it well, but I was just thinking about how many other songs I'd rather hear. Cooling: So beautiful! Glad to hear this again, even though the drunkards in front of me chose this moment to get up for more beer. Jamaica Inn: This was pretty similar to Wednesday, but I had to pee and can't say much more about it. Taxi Ride: Another song on the Rhodes. Slower and more heartfelt than other versions I've heard. Clearly annunciated the "killer from the honey bee" line. BeeKeeper: This was good, but it lacked the demonic intensity of Wednesday. Encore 1: China: beautiful, but never a favorite of mine. Here. in My Head: Oh. My. God. I never thought I'd get to hear this. It was slower and she didn't sream out the end, but that made it more tender and wistful. This was my second favorite moment of the night. A privilege to hear. Encore 2: 1,000 Oceans: This sounds great with the verses on the organ and chorus on piano. Very nicely played. Sweet the Sting: piano only and very different. She starts with an improv about girls taking control and I thought it sounded like she was going to play Carole King's "It's Too Late." This is sultry and saucy. At one point, Tori ran her right arm up her leg and abdomen, cupped a breast, and continued to run her hand up her neck and head. Super sexy! Overall, I was very pleased with this odd show. It was less consistently good than Jones Beach, but the highs were higher than most other Tori shows I've seen. From Lorraine Eakin: This is the first Summer of Sin show I've gotten to see so far. As everyone has already mentioned, it was an unusual performance. She was gracious as could be to the audience when the monitors went out, but it was clear from her body language as she strutted off the stage that she was furious - and with good reason. She puts a lot of time, money, and preparation into ensuring that the technical aspects of a show are seamless, and she has every right to expect that this show would be no different. I notice that some folks thought the problems caused her to perform stronger than usual, and others thought that the technical difficulties threw her off. Truthfully, it was a bit of both. Certain songs (Little Earthquakes, Blood Roses, Purple Rain) seemed ferocious and much stronger than usual - fueled, no doubt, by her frustration with the problems and her determination to rise above. Blood Roses is amazing on the organ (It's one of the few older songs that I think belongs on the organ more than the Bosey). Purple Rain was a treat, very melodramatic and almost campy (think of her Cher impression during her "Storytellers" show) - quite fabulous. Parasol was surprisingly good tonight - now that she's more familiar with the new songs, I can hear her stretching more and improvising more on the Bosey. Taxi Ride sounds great on the Rhodes, and she made a meaningful face during the line "We've all been pushed too far today". I am pretty tired of Rattlesnakes by now, but this was a great version, even before she attacked someone backstage. She had amazing facial expressions (the classic Tori-possessed look) during the song, it was pretty powerful. Other times during the performance (Yes, Anastasia, Lovesong) she seemed distracted and off her game. As Matt mentioned, she skipped the "We'll seeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" part of Anastasia. And Lovesong was beautiful, but I noticed that she kind of looped the same lines over and over and skipped over other parts of the song - very distracted. Jamaica Inn still sounds awkward when she switches between the two instruments - I wish she would just play the damn song on the Bosey and call it a day. During a couple of songs I noticed she would miss a change or line and play the whole section again to get back to the part she missed (maybe during Rattlesnakes?) The final highlight of the show was Here. In My Head, a song that many die-hard fans list as their favorite but I had never really understood until now. I had heard it, of course, but never really internalized it until last night - an amazing song that I never expected to hear. It was a really special moment for me! 1000 Oceans is a great song and a great encore, but I preferred it on the Rhodes/Bosey - the organ is loud and kind of overbearing for such a delicate song. Sweet the Sting sounds so amazing solo on the piano that it's always a treat to hear. There were great moments during the show, but I can't help but feel that things were off, for both Tori and the audience. Atmosphere is everything, for me and for Tori, and although she salvaged a lot and put on a great show, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a lot of distance last night. She is a consummate professional, though, and I'm sure that this evening won't sour the following shows. Onto Camden! From Mark: I have to say this was an amazing show!!!..Yes the mess up with the sound..and the problem with the people talking offstage..but..it seemed like she was making up for all that..She really seemed to be into the songs tonight..more then normal..and I don't have to repeat the set list.just look at it..it was nice to hear some songs that we havent heard in awhile..This was a lot different then the jones beach show...I don't know..there was a distance at the jones beach show as if something was connected there..I cant explain it... From Chuck Acquisto: ...Just a little something worth saying about the show...The break for the sound adjustment, in my opinion, made the night incredibly special and this is why: Those moments of silence, the anticipation, the wondering if they actually were going to fix it, the nervousness of missing the last shuttle to the train back to New York...Allof that resulted in a built up, ecstatic wash of warmth and emotion when she came back and played Little Earthquakes, the perfectly suited song for the moment.From LE up to Northern Lad, to me, was one of the best segments of any show I've ever been to.At that moment, more than most I've witnessed, Tori proved to be in touch with her emotions, the emotions of the crowd, and to be a professional in her craft. On another note, I could have been positive that she was going to use Purple Rain as a segway into Hey Jupiter, and was surprised that she didn't. I was under the impression that she was going to play Total Eclipse, and was looking forward to it, but Purple Rain was a most beautiful replacement. There is only a few songs that remain in my need to hear "Live" list, and after 8 years of waiting for Mother, and hearing that she was supposed to play it, well, I cried. But, I'll keep going back, always, and especially to hear the songs I need to hear. Cheers for Tori for being so pro. Nothing is perfect, and the Human feel she helped purvey is exactly what, sadly, many performers lack. And this is why I Love her and her music. From Tom: Friday night in Holmdel, weather was great, some new Tori shirts, Tori, great place, the best entertainer! Had a super time. Came up from South Jersey, second time to the PNC Arts Center, of course the first time I went there I saw Tori also!!!!! Tori gave us a great show. This was the 8th time I've seen her in concert, she made my night with "Little Earthquakes". The only thing was she started this once they made the repairs on her monitor, and I wasn't prepared for it. That set the tone for the rest of the night though. Her set list was comprised of a little of everything she has done. Many of my favorites were sung. Sitting on the right side of the theater I saw that the back stage curtains were perpendicular to the stage, probably for air. When Tori was singing "Rattlesnakes" there were two stage hands looking directly at the performance. Other than stirring around, I'm not sure what else they were doing, talking maybe, can't say. It was a major diversion for Tori, because through the night this was continuous. I saw people conversing, walking across etc. I sure this was picked up on stage and lets face it, how much can you take? When you're a perfectionist, you don't need this. So I would have done the same thing. The interlude was a good thing for me. Met Heather, cool gal! Even though we both enjoy being focused seeing Tori by ourselves, it was nice comparing our Tori stories. Till the next time. Hope you get to read this. The sound system wasn't up to par this is true, but it was better when Tori sang compared to the "The Like" or the "Ditty Bops". I had such a hard time hearing both groups that I couldn't make heads or tails what they were singing. I like the Ditty's and was frustrated with that especially. I think they are a coming group and will do fine in the future. I met them after they finished and reflected to them, "They are the female Beatles of the 2000's just the way you harmonize so well together". I would see them in concert for sure. So anyway! Today's the 22 of August. Ah lets see, Oh yea. "Happy Birthday Tori" and I'm glad you took the day off to enjoy your birthday. You're the best!!!!! From Tom M.: This was the craziest Tori show I've been to, but I disagree with the folks that say it sucked or was lackluster. There were parts that weren't as good as others, but overall, I thought it was great. The theme really seemed to be breakup/heartache/disintegration with a subtheme of rain. Interesting. I wonder how the set list would've been different without the technical glitch. The Songs: Original Sinsuality: pretty standard. I love when she puts her hands on her belly/womb when she says "you must eat of this." Father Lucifer: The minute or so we got of this was great and Tori was smiling and having fun. During the technical problems she says a few funny things: "The sound guys must be weeing themselves." "This must be the Christian right trying to get me." "Don't worry. I won't leave you hanging." And something like, "I have to go offstage for five minutes, so if you have wee, go do it now. Or pass the peace pipe (cheering from the crowd)." The delay was almost exactly 25 minutes long. We began to fear the show would have to be rescheduled. But the lights went down, and Tori came back smiling and launched into an intense "Little Earthquakes." Blood Roses: This sounds so sinisterand creepy and intense on the churchy organ. The slow drawn out improv in the beginning builds the tension until she explodes into the song. Definitely the best moment of the show and possibly the best moment of any Tori show I've seen. She put her hand on her crotch for the "shaved everyplace" line. Yes, Anastasia: Tori threw herself right into this and brought a lot fire to this old gem. However, she skipped many verses and didn't do the high notes. Northern Lad: nice, but pretty standard and never a favorite of mine. Parasol: wicked good. Much better than the version in Philly and I thought that was good. Rattlesnakes: slow and languid and poignant. Then, she flips someone the bird and says "Will shut the fuck up? You're in my light." I think this was said to someone onstage. lShe then went right back into the song. Love Song: excellent. She nailed the piano. This version was longer than others I've heard. Purple Rain: another hightlight of the night. Tori was really into it, and grabbed the mike for the "I know, I know, I know" part. Cars and Guitars: eh. This was probably the low point of the show for me. Tori played it well, but I was just thinking about how many other songs I'd rather hear. Cooling: So beautiful! Glad to hear this again, even though the drunkards in front of me chose this moment to get up for more beer. Jamaica Inn: This was pretty similar to Wednesday, but I had to pee and can't say much more about it. Taxi Ride: Another song on the Rhodes. Slower and more heartfelt than other versions I've heard. Clearly annunciated the "killer from the honey bee" line. BeeKeeper: This was good, but it lacked the demonic intensity of Wednesday. Encore 1: China: beautiful, but never a favorite of mine. Here. in My Head: Oh. My. God. I never thought I'd get to hear this. It was slower and she didn't sream out the end, but that made it more tender and wistful. This was my second favorite moment of the night. A privilege to hear. Encore 2: 1,000 Oceans: This sounds great with the verses on the organ and chorus on piano. Very nicely played. Sweet the Sting: piano only and very different. She starts with an improv about girls taking control and I thought it sounded like she was going to play Carole King's "It's Too Late." This is sultry and saucy. At one point, Tori ran her right arm up her leg and abdomen, cupped a breast, and continued to run her hand up her neck and head. Super sexy! Overall, I was very pleased with this odd show. It was less consistently good than Jones Beach, but the highs were higher than most other Tori shows I've seen. Read comments about this show at perezhilton.com. Read a review of this show from Billboard.com From Alison: I thought the Holmdel show was actually quite good. Yes a little unusual, but I enjoyed the choices (so much more than Camden's boring setlist). Plus there was a water/rain theme in many of the songs because it was raining out. Also, from where I was sitting, I had the same sightline of back stage as Tori did when she was on the Rhodes. So I saw what was going on when she yelled at the man. This random guy backstage was talking nonstop. She gave him the finger, but his head was turned and he didn't stop. It was annoying. So that's when she yelled at him. He didn't even notice at first that that was meant for him either, until someone else backstage must have said something because he looked over and then moved away. |
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