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The set list and reviews from Tori's March 15th concert in Louisville, KY (and even a few photos)
Updated Sun, Mar 16, 2003 - 6:20am ET |
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More DetailsTori performed in Louisville, KY on Saturday, March 15, 2003 at the Louisville Palace. The opening act was Rhett Miller. Set ListThis show was in my hometown and so I, Mikewhy, was there to record the set list! Wampum Prayer a sorta fairytale Little Earthquakes Pancake Cornflake Girl Your Cloud Caught A Lite Sneeze Sweet Sangria Wednesday Band Leaves Merman Crazy Somewhere Over The Rainbow Band returns Horses Concertina The Waitress Take To The Sky God I Can't See New York Iieee 1st Encore Taxi Ride Tear In Your Hand 2nd Encore Talula Playboy Mommy ReviewsThe latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum. Please post your own review if you were at this show! From Mikewhy: Below you can find some photos I took at the Louisville meet & greet and my review of the show! It is so weird after years of traveling to see Tori to simply take a short drive home and then post the set list and review from my own room! Having Tori in Louisville today was so much fun, and the day was filled with great memories. The meet and greet was packed today! This was the first one Tori has done in many days because of bad weather in the past. Today's weather was mostly sunny and in the 60's, and it was a Saturday as well. That meant there were well over 100 people at the meet & greet by the time Tori came out. But everyone was so kind and friendly. I was about 5 rows of people back, but I still got to give Tori a quick hello from a distance, and get an important message to her, which meant a lot to me. I got to talk to a ton of people at the meet & greet, which is always the main reason I go anyway. Having a bunch of Toriphiles convene in Louisville like that was incredible. The entire day seemed special to me. I went with my girlfriend Amanda and our friends Carolyn and Cynthia. The show was extremely enjoyable. I was in the kind of mood where almost any kind of show would have been great. Tori seemed to be in really good spirits, and there were a lot of smiles and fun interactions between the band members. Tori seemed to do more dancing and funky arm movements than usual tonight, which was great fun. Tori spoke to us after Pancake, saying, "Hey, How's it going." She then told us "It happened again" and then went into an improv about a palomino horse, which I guess was her Kentuckly reference for the night. The lyrics included, "Husband very understanding about this one....I met him yesterday... a 4 legged palomino, don't know his name...." I wish I could remember more, but I was trying too hard to just listen and enjoy it! She then introduced the band to us. There was one song during the show, I think it was Caught A Lite Sneeze, when you could see the shadows of Matt and Jon on the wall in the back. Matt's shadow was funny because instead of his head, you saw one of his drum cymbals. For some strange reason, it looked like the shadow of ET drumming. (I promise you I was sober during the show!) I kept laughing to myself thinking of this. Yes, this is a bizarre observation! At the start of the roadside cafe, Tori did her little sign improv. But this one included lyrics at the end that sounded rather serious, with words like "Put something on his brain and took him away" or something like that. Crazy sounded really pretty solo and had a gorgeous introduction. Somewhere Over The Rainbow also sounded beautiful. During the song Tori made a mistake and then started singing about being in the wrong key and how she tried to fix it but the "ding dong piano was in the way". Again, this is very rough summary of her words. It was really funny. Once she started singing the song again she gave us a funny look and wiped her forehead as if to say, "Whew, made it through that one." At the beginning of Concertina, Tori did some really cute back and forth glances between Matt and John. It was fun to watch the looks that all three of them were giving each other all night! I was surprised by hearing The Waitress tonight. I had gotten so used to the "hang ten honey" part that the song seemed odd without out. But it was very powerful and enjoyable. Speaking of powerful, the ending that Tori puts on Take To The Sky is remarkable now. It has been interesting to see how this song has progressed over the tour. By adding the lines from the Carole King song 'I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet', the song had a really stunning and strong ending. If forced to declare negatives, I will say once again that I personally would love to hear Tori talk to us more, and I miss the old tours when the encores were more of a surprise in terms of what she would play. The set list was very good but not unusual. (The written set list had Father Lucifer slotted for the first encore instead of Tear In Your Hand and Spark planned for the second encore instead of Playboy Mommy. I would have loved to hear those songs!) But it was an excellent show for me and 100% enjoyable. For once, Tori was in my city, I was surrounded by good people, and Tori was in wonderful spirits. I sat or stood there the entire time with a huge smile on my face. Life was good today. Thank you Tori. From Josh: The improv before Merman was about a guy from North Carolina who has recently come out. In the improv she mentioned that he had been taken to the hospital and had some tests done - the point being that he was treated as if he had a mental problem, but in fact was just expressing that he's gay. And he had come to the show and requested that song after that experience. I think that's why she played Over the Rainbow as well. They've added so many samples and backing vocals since the first American leg. Some of them, especially on Waitress, were very effective. But on I Can't See New York, for example, it just seemed like there was too much going on. When Tori would sing "and you said..." this was echoed back, sort of like on the album. I felt it wasn't well integrated and should have been left out as it was earlier in the tour. On Waitress, they had the vocal samples and the ratcheting (the only way I could think to describe it) sounds from the album version going, and I though that added to the song. At other points, including iieee, it was overkill. Taxi Ride was actually enjoyable tonight. I didn't like the song live on the last leg because of her very nasal delivery, but either because I was further from the stage or because she was doing it differently, it was much better. Other things... she struck a wrong key during Your Cloud, but did not acknowledge the mistake, at least that I could tell. During Over the Rainbow, she messed up a second time but did not stop. She wasn't sure of the lyrics toward the end, and thought she was leaving out a line (although she was not) so she played a very bassy interlude and then sang "behind me" as if she was finishing the earlier line "one day I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me." But she was actually at the point in the song where there should have been only a piano interlude and the next line is "where troubles melt like lemon drops..." But she kept her composure then and continued, again not bringing attention to it. Also, the band has added several moments (I remember three or four) during which they sort of jam before a song. Before Concertina, Matt and Jon had sort of a duel in which Matt would play some complicated rhythm and then Jon would make some sound with his bass. Tori was standing downstage of the bench looking back and forth from one of them to the other, as if she was looking to see who would upstage the other. Similar moments happened before Taxi Ride and Talula (and maybe Sneeze). I found this distracting. A lot of other groups and musicians have 'band solo' time during the shows, but I always find that this takes away from the performance you've actually come to see. I would rather be impressed by the band's actual interpretation of the songs, the quality and interest of what they're playing, than by a moment in which they can sort of strut their stuff. I had found it very refreshing during previous band shows that Tori didn't have these sort of things built in, and I was disappointed to see that tonight. I guess it entertained the crowd, but it reminded me of an interview in the early 90s during which Tori said "I am not out there [on stage] to practice my chops. I'm out there to have a conversation." I felt these band solos gave interruption to that conversation and were detrimental to my overall enjoyment of the show. From Hingebear: Hi I was at the concert last night in Louisville (March 15) and Tori is amazing......just one major problem. The bass player was so unbelieveably loud throughout most of the first half that you couldn't even hear Tori's piano and barely her voice. It was very disappointing. I went to the lobby and made a complaint as did many other people sitting around me.†I hear they even posted guards in front of the sound booth because so many people were coming†out to†complain about the sound quality. The second half was somewhat better, but still, the bass and even sometimes the drums were over powering and detracted from from the performance. Apparently, someone just hadn't adjusted the mix, because what is a Tori concert without the piano? Also, would have loved more songs from the Scarlet CD, especially Gold Dust and Amber Waves. But all in all, she was fabulous. Hopefully she'll get the balance thing worked out for her next show. From Andrew D. Karem: Greetings, Michael. First of all I just wanted to tell you how I appreciative I am of your website and all the work you've†put into it. I humbly submit the following review of the concert, in hopes that Though her performance in Louisville was in fact my†seventh Tori Amos concert,†this is the first review I've actually written. My thoughts regarding the specific songs are not quite organized (they may never be), so I will simply give my general impressions. General Impressions: Positive - Tori†seemed to be†in†high spirits during her performance. She seemed to have more energy than usual. This may have to do with the fact that this was one of her first recent performances†with non-glum†weather. - Tori's†adeptness with Scarlet's Walk songs really seems to have evolved through out the tour. In†prior†Scarlet's Walk performances attended (Columbus and Cleveland last November), I can honestly say that I enjoyed the Scarlet songs much less than the rest of the set. Today, that was not the case. I felt that Taxi Ride and Your Cloud (BTW, her out-of-tune slip up here really didn't bother me) rivalled my usual non-Scarlet concert faves. - While there may not have been enough audience interaction in the concert, there was an "extra helping" of band interaction today, which made everyone more comfortable (including the audience). I have been to several concerts in the past (Tori and other), where the bands have been so mechanical during the performance that they come†across and inhuman, which really hampers the emotional power†of the performance. - Despite some of my criticisms below regarding the setting, the atmosphere at the Palace was, at times, extremely comfortable. I was nearly lulled asleep (for me, that†is†a good thing) during Merman and Somewhere over the Rainbow. General Impressions: Negative -The sound was†really bass-heavy for the first couple of songs, which took away from Tori's amazing voice. Fortunately, these problems were fixed by the time Tori performed†Your Cloud, so did not affect the majority of Tori's set. - Lighting effects should enhance, not hinder the performances. Sitting high atop a balcony in the theatre, I was nearly blinded during several songs when bright yellow/white light chose not only to beam in my direction, but also to settle directly in my face. As†a result I basically had to keep my eyes shut during several songs, which means no watching of Tori's magic below.†(grrrr!) -†Some members†of the†audience today were quite irritating. Drunken men issuing cat calls and whistles is really never appropriate at a concert, and there were so many throughout the evening that I†almost felt I was with a bunch of men watching a wet T-shirt contest at Hooters. I also hate the clapping and yelling that takes place in the middle of the songs (presumably by people who don't know or don't care that the song is not over yet), because it really does interrupt the performance. (I also did not enjoy it when the drunkard sitting behind me stood up at spilled his beer on the back of my head after Somewhere over the Rainbow, but hopefully that was a rare occurence that did not†affect anyone else's enjoyment of the evening.) As you can see, none of the negatives can be attributed directly to Tori's performance. All things considered, this concert probably ranks as my third favorite out of seven, which†speaks a lot of Tori's talent, considering how agitating the concert settings were at times. From sarasmile: this is the fourth show i've seen this tour, and although it wasn't my favorite, it was still awesome. the louisville palace is an incredible venue. it was†really magical. the improv about the palomino was so funny and cute.††it†seemed like†she was implying that the horse would be going home with her when she said "husband is very understanding" and "i don't know his name, but i'm going to call and find out." also, when she messed up in somewhere over the rainbow, i thought she said "ding dong, the piano's dead," referring to the wizard of oz. pancake tonight was incredible. she seemed like she was in another world. her eyes looked like she was possessed or something. it was definitely the best performance i've seen of that song. merman was gorgeous as always and take to the sky†was so fun. the carole king addition is so incredible. i could see her perform that a million times and not get tired of it. i very much disagree†with the review†from josh.††i thought it was awesome to see†jon and matt having fun on stage and really getting into the show. it's true that tori is the main focus, but there's nothing wrong with them getting to enjoy themselves and†exhibit their talents. it was wonderful to see tori†interacting with them. you could tell she was having a great time and enjoyed their antics. she was in a great mood and it showed throughout the entire show. i agree with mikewhy that it would have been nice to see some other songs like father lucifer and spark, but†everything she played was great, even when she messed up.††so she messed up a couple times, so what? it's hilarious to hear her sing about her mistakes and move on through the song. it just shows how incredibly†amazing she is. i don't think she messed up at the end of somewhere over the rainbow, she was just singing it differently.††she rarely sings a song the exact same†way every time and she changes words here and there. instead of picking apart every little hiccup in the show, just enjoy seeing this incredible woman perform. you have to remember that seeing tori solo and with the band are going to be two very different experiences. enjoy them both for what they are. overall, the show was†great. it†was good to see tori having such a good time and with so much energy. From Tracy Scott: this concert was incredible. i just moved to louisville a few months ago, so it was so great to hear that she would be playing in my new "hometown." and the best part was that ticketmaster was gracious enough to let a ticket in the pit come my way! before i begin my review i have one apology - i know i am a tall girl, a very tall girl, and i am so sorry if i was standing in anyone's way during the encores. also, i got a bit camera happy since i was so close to her, so if my flash distracted you or bothered you, once again, i am very very sorry. i will try to get my pictures posted on the internet somewhere, somehow, and you will understand why i took so many pictures! i met some really great people at this show. i got to see mikewhy and amanda again, and lana was lucky enough to be seated in the front row, and i met a really nice girl named shay who also was lucky enough to be in the front row. shay requested somewhere over the rainbow, so she smiled really huge at me when tori began to play it. when she began "little earthquakes" i probably shattered some eardrums nearby because i screamed so loud. i LOVE that song live and she did it! i would have to say my highlight for the evening was "take to the sky." that is the third time i've seen that song done, and this was the best by far. she really got into slapping the bˆsey and i loved when she started singing "i feel the earth move." a huge drop of spit fell out of her mouth - it was great!! i heard the little slip up in "your cloud" but hey, nobody is perfect, and she kept her composure which i'm sure is hard to do! i mean, this woman has been playing piano since she was 2, she's entitled to slip up now and again! but that didn't change how much i love that song. "crazy" is one of my least favorites on scarlet's walk, but tonight i especially enjoyed it with all of the extra piano that isn't audible on the cd. god i love that woman! she smiled at me!!! i had never heard "caught a lite sneeze" live, and it was fantastic. in between some songs (sorry, i can't remember which) when jon and matt were playing, tori whipped out her lip gloss and put it on! so of course i snapped a picture... i really liked how much jon and matt were enjoying themselves during this show - always smiling. and jon smiled at me too! (sorry, i am just SO excited about this show.) when tori began to play "tear in your hand" during the first encore, i saw jon look off stage at someone and kind of shrug his shoulders, like he wasn't expecting to play that song. i was fearful that it would be her last song since she uses that as a closer, but she came back out and played a kick ass "talula." i love the new lyrics she adds when she says "tell me just who the fuck the father is." it's great! (and she looked right at me then!) i have never met tori at a meet and greet, in fact, i have never been lucky enough to make it to a meet and greet, but i was so close to her i could look her directly in the eye! i know this review is out of order, but my mind is still swimming. during "iieee", there was another keyboard on top of her bˆsey that she played; i had never noticed it before. the ONLY complaints i have are about rude people shouting during songs. i cannot understand why someone would go to a tori concert and get up and leave during the show... i don't think i will ever understand that. "the waitress" was a wonderful surprise. that song has always been one of my favorites. the improv before roadside cafe was very sad. it was about a letter she received that day about a guy in "carolina" that came out, and they put things on his brain and locked him away. then she went into "merman", which i REALLY understood for the first time. i couldn't make out exactly what she was saying during the improv before "crazy." but the improv about the palamino was so adorable, she started laughing at the end right before the introduced the band. her outfit was gorgeous. she had her usual jeans, some black stiletto heeled boots, and her dress was made of peacock feathers. she looked so beautiful. "playboy mommy" brought a tear to my eye. i can't believe how strong she is. this concert, although not my favorite of the four, was still a spectacular experience. From Ashley: This was the first time I've gotten to see Tori live. Overall I think the show was really good. She is just amazing to watch, even from way up in the balcony, where I was. From where I sat she looked like a little faerie dancing around on the stage, which was just adorable. The songs I most enjoyed were Take to the Sky, I Can't See New York, and Horses. I really didn't give I Can't See New York or Playboy Mommy much attention on the albums, but hearing her sing them live sparked my interest. It was so funny when she "messed up" in Over the Rainbow (honestly she could have gone on without acknowledging the mistake and I wouldn't have even noticed), but the little improv she did there was cute. I also noticed that the band often seemed to be drowning out her vocals and the piano, which was very disappointing. It got a little better as the show went on, but I found myself thinking that if I didn't already know the words to the songs, I would have had no idea what she was saying, due to the sound problems. I couldn't understand a word of what she was saying during the "palomino horse" improv.. only by reading other people's reviews have I found what it was about! I was also annoyed by the idiots who kept yelling at Tori.. they should screen for assholes at the door. ;) My last complaint is about the prices of merchandise. Holy cow! $35 for a t-shirt!? (of course I bought one anyway, along with a program) I know this kind of overpricing is common at concerts.. I think it is just ridiculous to pay as much for a t-shirt as you did for your ticket. I think the program, which was $20, was reasonably priced... I thought there would be more in it than just a lot of pictures, but it is still well worth it. The photos of Tori are gorgeous, along with the "journal" entries by Neil Gaiman, which are beautifully worded. Overall it was a great night; I would definitely recommend seeing her on this tour if you can! From Alan Friel: This was the first time I have ever seen Tori live and I really thought she did a wonderful and moving show. I loved all of the songs she played, and she played a lot of the ones I wanted to hear such as Pancake, Taxi Ride, and Iieee. I really loved the improv stories, they were very cute and Tori was just adorable during the whole show! Everyone who likes her knows she's very talented, but you really dont get the full effect until you see her live in action...playing multiple pianos all at once. I really envy her talent and creativeness. From where I was sitting, I didnt really notice there being such a problem with the sound balance, I thought everything was perfect. I do agree about the lighting being bad...I was blinded MANY times during the concert...that was really uncomfortable, but i loved the special effect lighting on the back curtain of the stage, especially during I Cant See New York....I think the lightning/smoke look added a really dramatic touch to such a sad and serious song. As for the audience. I enjoy going to concerts where people are all excited and cheering for the artist...I think it jsut adds to the whole excitement of the event. I do agree with someone elses comment about people getting up and leaving in the middl eof the concert. On the side I was on there were like 20 people getting up and getting alcohol every 10 minutes, it was very annoying...I mean why go to a concert if you are not even going to see 1/2 of it?!...and to add to it, naturally those people became very drunk and VERY annoying. I was furious at the end of the show during her last encore when a guy in a Camoflauge shirt was actually TALKING and being so obnoxious I could hardly hear or concentrate on her last song. People were shushing him and my friend even had to tell him to shut up. it was EXTREMELY obnoxious. If someone wants to talk during the VERY end of a wonderful concert like that they need to go out in the lobby so they dont ruin everyone elses time...and NOT get mad when people ask you to be quiet. That is my only real complaint. Overall this was one of the best concerts I have been to and I cannot wait to see Tori live in concert again! Read a review of this concert from the Courier-Journal newspaper From Shawnette Marik: Well, I can say it was an experience to see her in concert. My friend is a big fan that he went the extra mile to get 2nd row seats to her concert towards the middle of the stage (pitt section). I had never heard or seen her before. Being it my first time, she was awesome and I wouldn't mind seeing another one of her concerts. She's also a beautiful woman. I didn't imagine her looking and sounding so good! |
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