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Original Sinsuality Tour: The set list and reviews for Tori's April 15, 2005 concert in Chicago, IL
Updated Sat, Apr 16, 2005 - 7:06am ET |
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You can now see the set list and reviews for the Chicago, IL concert at Auditorium Theatre. Tori set list included Father Lucifer, Apollo's Frock, Cars and Guitars, Barons Of Suburbia, Cool On Your Island, Honey and the covers Operator (Jim Croce) and Circle Game (Joni Mitchell) during Tori's Piano Bar segment of the show. If you were at this concert and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also post your review of the show on The Dent's Original Sinsuality Tour Forum. It would be nice to get as many different viewpoints about this show as possible! More DetailsTori performed in Chicago, IL on Friday, April 15, 2005 at the Auditorium Theatre. Tori's special guest was Matt Nathanson and the show started at 8:00PM. Set ListFrom Mikewhy, who attended this show! Original Sinsuality Father Lucifer Mother Revolution Yes, Anastasia Apollo's Frock Parasol Mother Operator (Jim Croce cover) Circle Game (Joni Mitchell cover) Cars and Guitars Space Dog Marianne Barons Of Suburbia Cool On Your Island The Beekeeper 1st Encore Honey Sweet The Sting 2nd Encore Cloud On My Tongue Ribbons Undone ReviewsThe latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your review or comments. You can also go to the Original Sinsuality Concert Review Forum and post about your experiences as well, or read additional reviews. From Mikewhy: Tonight's show was really amazing. This was the only solo show I will see this year, and I felt that we made a wise choice! Tori loves Chicago and almost always presents them with a wonderful show. Tonight's was incredible, and everyone I talked to after the show raved about the show. After Mother Revolution, Tori said hello to the audience and addressed the people sitting in the very top balcony which is suprisingly high in this venue. She said something like, "I couldn't do that, I would fall.... Please don't fall. I couldn't bear the blood and the bones. I like a red dress, but not tonight. It just doesn't go with my peach and lavendar attire. So if you're feeling suicidal, wait two weeks for the Sarah McLachlan concert... Part of this was sung as an adorable improv, which showed that Tori was in a great mood! At the start of the piano bar segment, Tori praised her ginger drink prepared by her chef Duncan, calling it "heaven in a cup". She then said that Chicago gave her a tip jar for her piano bar, but then Tash saw it and took off with it. Tori said she would have to retrieve it and take it to Texas, and see what they put in the tip jar, perhaps a bible. Tori got rather wild and intense at the end of Barons Of Suburbia, which is always amazing to see. Her voice tonight sounded great, as it has this entire tour. Her covers were simply mesmerizing tonight. Operator was a song I heard a lot growing up, and Tori's version was well done. The lyrics to Circle Game are stunning and beautiful. They were a gorgeous pair of songs. Tori ended the show with Ribbons Undone, which was really emotional. I must comment on how effective Tori's lighting is for this show. The images shown on the hexagonal screen that is hung above the piano on the right really complement the songs, and the lighting itself is subtle and extremely well done. I loved the show, and was glad to make this my only solo show of the tour! From Steve F.: I was one of the lucky ones who got to see Tori last night at the Auditorium in Chicago. Let me just say this - I've seen Tori 7 other times and even though she's always been incredible, she never sang and played better than she did last night. She truly is the Musical/Vocal/Emotional/Spiritual Goddess!!(my personal opinion of course). Although she played none of her most popular songs(Cornflake Girl, Winter, Precious Things,etc.), she chose to do the last 3 songs from Under the Pink( Cloud on My Tounge, Space Dog, Yes Anastasia), which she did amazingly and happen to be some of my personal favorites.Also, she played Mother from Little Earthquakes, whih I had only seen her do once before. Let me also say that all the songs from The Beekeeper( Parasol, Sweet the Sting, Barons of Suburbia(awesome!), Mother Revolution, Ribbons Undone(last song), Cars and Guitars,Original Sinsuality, The Beekeeper) were all done exceptionally well. I was very glad that I had bought the new album and was familiar with it. It is quickly becoming one if my favorites. I would have liked to hear something from Choirgirl, but I'm sure that will come during the next leg with the band. All in all, I was very pleased with her choices. You could tell her heart and soul were really into it. To sum it all up, IT DOESN"T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS. From Johnna Jordan: I met Mikewhy for the first time after the show. It was an honor considering I have been a faithful reader and supporter since like 1997. He was very sweet and easy going. I met Amanda as well. Very adorable and a perfect match for Mike. As far as the show goes it was incredible. Tori's voice was flawless and so clear. Our seats were very far up. So much so, that I couldn't make out her face or clothes. It was totally worth it though. This was my 5th Chicago show and this was one of my favorites. Cars and guitars has so much power behind it live. I love it! Sweet the Sting was extremely sexy. I loved the live version much more that the album version.Cool on your Island was a wonderful treat.That is a song I have always felt a close connection with. I always tell my husband that he probably thinks of me during that song because sometimes I can be a little unattentive and selfish at times. Space dog was so beautiful I had never heard her do it live.Yes Ananstasia, Mother Revolution, Mother, The Beekeeper, Marianne and Barons of Suburbia were heart wrenching for me. I liked the "Piano Bar" choices but if given the choice I would have picked others. I would have loved to hear "With or without you" by U2 and "Volcano" by Damien Rice. The most important part of the night for me was "Ribbons Undone." When I met Tori at the Chicago Boarders book signing in March I talked to her about how important first Playboy Mommy was to me because I was going through a similar situation as she was when I first heard it. I kept the lyrics "I stand here by your grave those angels can't ever take my place" in my mind on a daily basis back then. Now as my son is growing up so fast I can so relate with Ribbons Undone.. He comes home from school every now and then tells me how he just doesn't want to grow up sometimes. Tori and I talked about that and she said she would play it in Chicago. I never thought she would remember. As the night drew on I just accepted she gets a lot of requests. No big deal. I loved the concert anyway. Then the last song of the 2cnd encore she started playing this extended intro. I turned to my Tori sister Kara and said "Oh my God is this Ribbons Undone? All of a sudden I hear the lyrics"She's a girl" I couldn't believe it. Tori played it so beautifully. I felt like every word was meant for me. I will never forget this night ever!!!!!!!!!! If you ever read this Tori thank you so much. You are such an amazing woman. From Mark: I am sure you have gotten some feedback from last nite's Chicago show, so I will comment on the amazing sound quality of the venue Also, Tori had an excellent rift going on the piano while she was musing that the people in the balcony should be careful not to fall out of it because "she did not want to see their blood and bones on the floor before her" and also she likes a red dress but "not that way." She also commented if anyone was having suicidal tendencies to save them for when "Sarah McLaughlan played there in a few years." She did an excellent cover of Operator which I did not expect, explaining that her brother would play that all the time to her on the guitar and that he did well, for being so totally tone deaf. I was pleased that she is a solo act again, and the addition of 3 organs gave good variety to songs like Cool On Your Island. I am glad she dropped Me and a Gun from every show but Cornflake Girl is decidely absent. She seemed very much in the zone, well rested & focused and of course made mention of her daughter, noting that someone in Chicago had set up a tip jar at sound check which had never been done for her before and her daughter got a hold of the jar and yelled "money" and Tori yelled "college fund," although I am sure there won't be much of a problem with that. I sat in Row T dead center and would rate the show amazing. From M.: Friday night in Chicago was my first ever Tori concert. Yeah, yeah, I know...what was I waiting for? I really wish I had been able to see some of her earlier concerts, but I thought this one was wonderful. She was amazing on the ivories, and she's so beautiful. To look at her is to see someone who has a perfect mix of world knowledge (of both the good and the bad) but who has managed to keep a childlike innocence and a humble nature. I was so glad she did "Parasol" which is my favorite song from "The Beekeeper." "Cool on Your Island" was beautiful, and some songs, like "The Beekeeper" and "Ribbons Undone" really got to me on an emotional level. Not only do I enjoy her singing, but I love to hear the sound of her voice. It's very clear, rich, and concise. What a talent! Can't wait for the next tour, or at least the next leg...let's hope we can snag some tickets (right Starski?)! From Gary: Oh the show was wonderful we got at the Auditorium Theatre at 5:pm and we thought there was going to be a meet and greet because there were other people there too but I guess she had done it earlier because all of us were just standing there but time rolled by and finally we could go in to our seats and stuff...the opener was Matt Nathanson and he was pretty good and funny too. Then finally all the lights went off and the red curtain was being lifted up and there she was Tori Amos is a bright light she took a bow and sat at her piano and played the first note and everyone started applauding. There was like 5 songs and then she talked to us sitting in the balcony saying she would be to scared to sit up here and she did an improv song about being up in 1st balcony and falling off and bones everywhere and the blood wouldn't match her peach and lavender dress it was funny. Then she did two covers of some songs I never heard before that was part of Tori's piano Bar she did the bar thing to bring back the time she played in piano bars when she was 13 years old...I was hoping to hear her songs Parasol and Space Dog and guess what?!?! she played both of them!!! I was so happy. She played 19 songs all together and the whole time I was just so happy. They didn't even check my coat when we walked in. I brought the digital camera in and recorded the first four songs she did!! it has Parsol on it! I could send them to you just let me know. We got back in town around 1am and went to eat at Denny's on E.State. It was really good haha but anyways I will talk to you soon. From Chloe: I got to Auditorium Theatre around noon for the meet and greet, which ended up just being really frustrating with the location change and all that. There's no use bitching about meet and greets though, so I won't! :) I didn't get to talk to Tori, but it was fun spending the day with everyone in line. First of all, Matt Nathanson was FANTASTIC. I was really, really impressed. He has a great voice and was seriously playing the hell out of that guitar...and he's funny as hell too. My friend Danielle and I were cracking up the whole time. Very impressive. And then Tori... :) Our seats were pretty crappy, waaaay up there in the first balcony but at least we had a pretty centered view. Tori came on around 9 and I couldn't have asked for a better setlist... I pretty much had my jaw on the floor the entire time. Song by song (sorry for the length!!): ORIGINAL SINSUALITY: one of my favorites on Beekeeper. Great as an opener, I LOVED the piano that she did before she started singing. And I loved that she repeated the "Yaldaboath" part, as that's my favorite part of the song. FATHER LUCIFER: another favorite. I was ecstatic when she started it and knew that it was going to be a seriously kick ass show. 'twas gorgeous of course. I laughed hysterically when she flipped everyone off at the "girls who eat pizza and never gain weight" part. :D MOTHER REVOLUTION: not on of my favorites, but it was really, really beautiful live. **She said hi to everyone at this point, I think. She waved at everyone in the gallery seats which were SO HIGH UP I can't even imagine being up there. She said something like, "I couldn't sit up there, I'd be afraid I'd fall off. Please don't fall off. I couldn't bear your blood and your bones, I love a red dress but not tonight, it doesn't go well with my peach and lavender...(something I can't remember)...If you're feeling suicidal, wait till Sarah McLachlan plays here in a few years..." Everyone was ROARING at this, myself included. She spoke some of it and then turned it into a little song...she was very obviously in a great mood, and it was just hilarious. YES ANASTASIA: I had JUST said to my friend Danielle while we were waiting in the lobby, "Wouldn't you just love to hear Anastasia??" Muwahahaha!! It was amazingly gorgeous of course, and like everyone else has been saying, her voice is INCREDIBLE. The past several tv performances and even the last tour, her voice was sounding kind of nasal-ly and she wasn't doing high notes often, but she kicked that last notes ASS. It was beautiful. APOLLO'S FROCK: this is one of my all-time favorites and I didn't even recognize it when she started!! Once I realized what it was I had a little mini heart attack since I obviously wasn't it expecting it at ALL. It was absolutely beautiful, although I was disappointed that she didn't do the piano intro. PARASOL: Another favorite from the Beekeeper. It was really beautiful, but I actually think I like the studio version better because of the harmony on the chorus...but regardless, it was gorgeous. MOTHER: One of the highlights of the night for me. This song has been one of my favorites since I was 12 and this was the first time I heard it live. It was beyond stunning. The piano was absolutely incredible, her vocals were incredible it was just absolutely perfect. I teared up quite a bit during this one...I never wanted it to end. It was just amazing. **At this point she took a sip of her drink that she said was one of Dunc's specialties and talked about the ginger chunks in it and said, "Pardon my chewing!" Took a bite, leaned back to the microphone and said, "Heaven in a cup!" in a really cute voice. She then saidthat it was time for the piano bar andthat the people of Chicago had done something that no one else had yet, they gave her a tip jar for the piano bar. But it wasn't out tonight because Natashya saw it backstage and said, "Money! Mine" and Tori said "No, money, college fund!" but Natashya took off with it. So she said she'd bring it out for the Texans, but wondered if/what they'd put anything it it...maybe a Bible. Then she went in to introduce the first song... Very cute. :) OPERATOR: I didn't recognize either of the piano bar songs, but both were absolutely beautiful. This was gorgeous and even more emotional since she introduced it by telling us about how her brother used to play it for her on his guitar, even though he was tone deaf. Even though I didn't know what it was, just the fact that she said that made it obvious that it meant alot to her and it really seemed like she was singing this to Michael...I don't know how to describe it. It was just really powerful. CIRCLE GAME: Again, didn't recognize it, but it was one of the highlights for me and I'm anxiously awaiting an mp3 of it. She introduced this one by talking about her high school choir and naming of 6 or 7 girls that she remembered being in choir with, and doing those "silly spring concerts." She said that this was Marianne's favorite. It was amazing. At the end, she definitely choked up, her voice gave out and she ended up whispering and put her hand on her chest. I don't even know the damn song and I immediately teared up at this...it was just beyond beautiful. CARS AND GUITARS: The first month and a half I had the Beekeeper I skipped this song, absolutely couldn't stand it. Just in the past 2 weeks or so, I've been listening to it and really enjoying it, and it was great live.She was really cute when she did it, obviously having alot of fun. SPACE DOG: Another highlight for me. I wish I had been closer, but even from way the hell up in the balcony, watching her play the organ with one hand and the piano with the other is SO amazing. I'm continually blown away by her talent. It was beautiful though, very upbeat and I LOVED the piano at the end. MARIANNE: HUGE highlight. Again, one of my very favorites for years and years and this was the first time I heard it live. I don't know what to say...it was stunningly beautiful, her vocals are beyond description and everything was just so, so emotional. It was perfect. BARONS OF SUBURBIA: The number 1 highlight of the night for me. I had heard a lot of people speculate that Chicago would get the debut of this and mmmm! It was DELICIOUS! I flipped when she started the piano...the whole thing was amazing, but she went CRAZY at the end and I was so excited. I love my crazy Tori. I'm ridiculously excited for an mp3 of this as well.It's another Beekeeper favorite and it was just great. COOL ON YOUR ISLAND: de.lic.ious. I love when she does stuff from Y Kant Tori Read. This was very slow, very emotional. Absolutely gorgeous. THE BEEKEEPER: I was excited to hear this live, but sad when she started it knowing that it was the end of the main set. But it was beautiful...very, very dark. When she does the "take this message to Michael" line, you just want to run up and hug her. It's such a gorgeous song... very emotional. HONEY: I LOVE this girl. Again, this was the first time I had heard this one live. It was a great surprise, fabulous as an encore. SWEET THE STING: I'm not a big fan of the album version of this, but really, really enjoyed it live. It was very spicy, bar-like, it felt like she should have been laying on the piano with a sequined dress on...very fun. CLOUD ON MY TONGUE: Yet another favorite. It was beyond gorgeous. I was crying a bit all the way through. It was just beautiful. RIBBONS UNDONE: I don't know what people have against this song...it's SO sweet. I agree the the album version is a little bubble-gum-y, but gorgeous and sweet as hell nevertheless. It was truly stunning live though, and a great way to close the show. Especially a show like this that seemed so somber and centered around death and loss and moving on...talking about her mom, Michael, Marianne...closing the show with such a gorgeous, optimistic story to Natashya, a little girl with SO much ahead of her...I just really loved it. I cried again when she repeated the chorus and at the end when she said, "It is your time, yes my angel." I just love comparing Earthquakes-Tori to Beekeeper-Tori. Very different yes, but you can see how content she is... just wonderful. Overall, it was an incredible show. I definitely wish I had been closer. I find it pretty difficult to stay focused when I'm so far away and can't even make out Tori's facial expressions or anything. It was a marvelous show, but I definitely felt distracted throughout the night...especially by the lighting, which I thought wasn't done very well. Periodically, 2 ridiculously bright lights would go on behind Tori, usually blue or white, and sitting in the balcony, they were pointed directly at us and it was just blinding. They were on for like 30 seconds at a time, and made Tori impossible to see, and then they'd go off and it would take another 30 or so seconds for our eyes to adjust so we could see Tori again... every time they went on, everyone in the section I was in just kind of groaned/sighed. Quite irritating. We also had some lovely person talking on their cell phone in a normal tone of voice at one point. Grr. Nevertheless, it was a really amazing show and my only show for the solo tour...I'm so happy this was the one I went to! Tori certainly never ceases to amaze me...!! From Jenny: Hello, I attended the show in Chicago at the Auditorium. I thought it was great.I was amazed by the Set list. The political influence was present in the selections for the evening. Cars and Guitars had a whole new spin to it for me. I felt that there was more of Tori herself in the vocals rather then the character that she is representing in that particular song. I also love the Merchandise this Tour. Everything is a must have. I love it when Tori reflected back during tori's piano bar- singing Operator for Michael. and almost as near to her heart in the afterlife belongs Marianne. It was beautiful to be a part of. After reading the book Piece by Piece I have been waiting to have the experience to see the show with new eyes.The depth that goes along with the show and set list. I mostly loved the parts about Duncan. From Rob Flores: Here are my comments on the April 15, 2005 concert in Chicago, IL. This show was very dark and very subdued. The entirely black stage fit the mood well. The only prop wasa screen in the shape of a honeycomb (in keeping with The Beekeeper theme) which, at least to me, was reminiscent of the triangle and the images shown on The Dew Drop Inn Tour back in '96. The light show was, as always, amazing. I remember a couple of times where the lights went all completely red and it looked so cool and otherworldly. There was a moment in one of the songs, near the beginning after the first line,where the lights faded out completely for a moment -- I still wonder if that was a technical glitch or if it was symbolic. The set list was ballad heavy. The main theme was of course death. Three sub-themes: her mother, her brother, and her friend Marianne, of course all tied into that main theme. Tori was not very chatty at all, and only spoke to the crowd a couple of times -- once when she greeted us sitting in the balcony and did a cute improv about falling and or jumping from up there, then again when she introduced the "Tori's Piano Bar" segment. We were, however, treated to several first for this tour, such as "Barons of Suburbia" and "Cool On Your Island." I enjoyed it most when she would blend the organ into the songs. My personal favorite was Space Dog with the intro, and the faster parts being sung at the organ and the slower parts at the piano per the album version. From Amanda Morris: The concert itself: -Just a general background - I had not listened to ANY of the live songs at all from this tour. I have not downloaded any of the MP3s from the tour. I wanted MY show to be my show, to be all fresh and new and unbiased to me. I did not want to compare to any other songs from the tour. I just wanted it all new to me. -I also had no expectations for this show. True, its pretty well known that Tori gives Chicago some extra amazing shows, but I was trying to keep my expectations down. Lots of other people were saying "this is going to be such a great show, it will be so amazing" I wanted to tell them to be quiet because they were jinxing it. But they weren't. They were all right. -A funny thing as soon as the lights went out, I was sitting there staring at the curtain waiting for "Wampum prayer:" to start when I had to remind myself that this is a new tour now. ;) -When the curtain opened, I was quite surprised to see Tori already on stage standing there. -She came over to the piano and began a really long piano intro for Original Sinsuality (I don't know if she always does this long of a piano intro here). It was really beautiful and I was just so mesmerized by the whole day and all that had happened and I was just so happy to be there watching my only solo show for the tour and the tears just began dripping down my cheeks. I did keep it under control so no one noticed. -I was actually shocked at Father Lucifer since it was a debut. I was only expecting one debut and I had heard of one she soundchecked a lot that day and Father Lucifer was not it. I really enjoy Father Lucifer a lot and it made me really happy to hear its tour debut. I think she repeated a part twice (or maybe I was just not keeping up well from trying to control the tears). -Oh, then she did it. She played Mother Revolution. I was so shocked, so happy I'd get to hear it. I love love this song muchly. This is when my tears also almost got out of control. I was really near the convulsing hiccupping tears, but still held back. I did not want to look like an idiot right up there in the front row crying like a baby. -Then she played Yes, Anastasia and I was really amazed. It's my second favorite song from Under the Pink. She was just belting out the words and I was just sitting there in shock at how powerful it was. -Then I heard the first line of the next song and thought "NO WAY, she is not singing this." Yep, Apollo's Frock. This is my favorite Scarlet era song of all of them. I never in a million years thought she'd play this one, let alone have me be there to hear it. It was so beautiful. That long piano intro was not there from the studio version, but the beauty and emotion were all there. Tears again. -And of course, she follows my favorite Scarlet era song with my favorite Beekeeper song, Parasol. I was in heaven, both Mother Revolution and Parasol already and it was only in the first few songs of the show. -And to follow that up why not play my favorite from Little Earthquakes. She did. Mother was so beautiful and of course had me in tears some more. -Then it was time for Tori's Piano Bar and I was really curious about this. She told a story that I can't remember much of anymore. Something about this song reminding her of Chicago. Operator by Jim Croce was very impressive. I did not know this song well, but I kind of recognized the main chorus. Michael grew up hearing this song as a boy. -The next song she mentioned being in the choir and this was a song they'd sing and it was Marianne's favorite (foreshadowing). I had no idea what Joni Mitchell's Circle Game was as she was singing it, but it was stunning. The lyrics were really beautiful and there was a point where Tori looked out at us, with her mouth all scrunched up like she was near tears. She put her hand to her heart and it looked like she was trying not to cry. As she began playing again, a little crackle came out from an attempt at not crying. That really hit me and made me want to cry all over again. -Next, I heard "chachacha" and I knew Car and Guitars it was. I actually feel like one of the few that like this song quite a lot. I could do without the "chachacha" part, especially live, but I do love the song...not so much the lyrics, but I love the beat and I love her voice in this song. It was fun to watch her play it. -I have heard Space Dog many times in concert and I really love it. This time, I especially loved the Andromeda beginning. She played it on the organ and it was really intense emotionally...she seemed to really drag it out more than I remember. -Marianne, which was foreshadowed at the Piano Bar was emotionally beautiful. Loved it. She does not play it enough. -Then she belted out Barons of Surburbia and it was WOW amazing. I loved it, so impressive. She even did the ending like the studio version so full of power and energy. Loved watching the spit fly on this one. ;) I know when I first heard this on the album, my first reaction was "I'd love to have heard her play this live in 1996" well, 2005 was amazing! I am so glad I was there for the amazing debut. -She walked over to her other set of keyboard stuff (I'm sorry...I don't know what the exact names of the instruments are). And then she surprisingly to me did Cool On Your Island. That was really great to hear...something I certainly did not expect. -And of course, The Beekeeper, my first time hearing it live. I had kept up with the set lists, so I knew it was coming, but wow, I love this live. It felt so intense. Listening to this song live for my first time made me really happy I had waited and not listened to the MP3. It was amazing to hear my first time there. -I was also surprised with Honey. I heard she had this on the set list many times, but it was always replaced with something else, until Chicago! It was a lovely song as always. -I had thought at this point that she would not play any more songs from The Beekeeper...she had played quite a few already. But she began the first encore with Sweet the Sting, which is in my top five Beekeeper songs. I had kind of wanted to hear this live solo, and I know it's Michael favorite from the Beekeeper. I was so happy to hear this. -The next encore brought us Cloud on my Tongue. I feel like the only one, but this is my favorite song from Under the Pink. I was in heaven listening to it, it seemed extra special to me (maybe because of my emotional state). If the show was not almost over, the tears would have come again at this song. -Finally, the closing song, yet another Beekeeper song. And yet again, I feel one of the only ones that really loves Ribbons Undone and I was really happy to hear it live. I actually liked it even better live. Her voice was just stunning for this song (well, for all of them). I thought it was a great way to end the show. -Overall, it was an amazing experience. Tori's setlist was amazing, her spirits seemed amazing, her voice was amazing, the power and passion in her singing was amazing. It was just great. -The only little annoyance was the guy who butted himself to the front during the encores beside Michael. He was just plain annoying. Taking those pictures with the flash where he had to noisily rewind the camera himself. And he kept trying to push us more so he could be more toward center...we pushed back and he got the hint. And after the show, he went on and on about "why didn't she play the butterfly song...that's her single...she should have played the butterfly song." Annoying. But we were so impressed with the show and really the whole day that we didn't care. -We actually got a set list after the show by the wonderfulness of someone and we stood around and talked about how wonderful the show was with everyone until late and we were practically falling over from exhaustion. But what a great and much needed kind of exhaustion it was. Read a review of this show from The Chicago Tribune From Edward Teller: i noticed that some people complained about the sound quality (over amplification) at the san francisco show. i felt the same way about the chicago show. it was so loud and flattened out. when i saw tori solo at the wiltern in los angeles 2001, every note was so gorgeously crisp, but this time around mark apparently decided to amp the shite out of it and i was really disappointed because i thought she was in fine form and it could've been magnificent. i mean.. i'm just wondering: does he think everyone's deaf and won't know the difference? it seems to me that the kinds of theaters tori is touring this time around are--many of them--known for their excellent acoustics. why ruin it? on another note, i thought is was funny when tori made horrible faces during cool on your island. she did a sort of raised-upper-lip/"i'm disgusted with you" look a couple of times when she sang the word "cool," and, at one point, put her hand on her hip to mock cool people i guess. From Bernie Marsiglia (damge_on): Original Sinsuality: This was a consistent song choice to begin each show with. Tori performed a clear, strong version of this, repeating the "yaldaboath" section twice to make the song a bit longer and more powerful. Father Lucifer: My favorite disc is Boys for Pele, so I was happy with this choice. Tori's voice seemed especially clear tonight and this became more apparent in this song, versus "Original Sinsuality". I REALLY disliked the version she performed with her band on the Scarlet tour, so it was nice to see this song come back to its original, more space/less instrumented arrangement. Mother Revolution: Oh, how I adore this song. My third favorite from BK. This was AMAZING, especially when she held a long note as she switched microphones!! Great entertainment. This song has such a LUSH arrangement musically. With different lyrics, it could have easily been written in the 40s. I just get that sense every time I hear it. Actually, the theme and lyrics would have been appropriate during so many war-driven periods, historically speaking. Hmmm. Timeless, in a sense. Yes, Anastasia: And on with the epic compositions... I had a strong sense that we would see this girl rear her head. ABSOLUTELY my favorite song from "Under the Pink" (musically speaking). This was strong and beautiful tonight. Haven't heard it live in a long, long time. Nice. Apollo's Frock: OK. This was my first big tear jerker of the night. I was SO surprised to hear the opening chords of this treasure. "For the last time / you have officially crossed my line / you could never see....." Ugh. Gut-wrenching. Since the very first time I had heard Apollo, the arrangement has always reminded me of Anastasia. Strangely, now that I look at the juxtaposition of these two songs on this setlist, I am eerily reminded of this observation. Parasol: Deception. Betrayal. Disbelief. Acceptance. Security in passivity. She could have easily tied in "Bells for Her" or "Concertina" here in place of this gem or directly after. Tori seemed to have a very strong passion tonight during this number and it seemed progressive to me. Mother: I like "Mother" and have had the opportunity to hear her live many times. I guess, when it comes to work from this timeframe, I would have preferred to hear "China", "Black Swan" or Here. In My Head" but this was nice. Operator (Jim Croce cover): This is one of the many songs that my Uncle, a guitarist, used to play for me when I was a young boy. It was both nostalgic and enjoyable to listen to Tori's formidable version. Circle Game (Joni Mitchell cover): I am a huge Joni fan, so any cover of hers would work. Great choice. Beautiful arrangement. Cars and Guitars: Although not one of my favorites from BK lyrically, I love this song both conceptually and musically. My favorite part was when Tori included the "cheu-che-che-cheu" sounds. This is not a song, however, that sounds better solo. Definitely better with the band, I would be willing to bet. Space Dog: After 13 shows, and having heard "Space Dog" at many of them, I must say that this was the first time I have heard her perform this solo at the piano. I liked it although, I must admit, I have always had a very hard time relating to this song. With the most cryptic of her compositions, I usually have a pretty easy time identifying with them but this song has been hard for me. Marianne: Another masterpiece from Pele. This is such a dark, somber ode. I truly feel like this is how I would respond to a close friend killing themselves and I always have. I like the perspective that Tori sings from because there is this feeling that she is somewhat detached yet also in full realization of what Marianne has done and the affect it will have going forward. Tori's version tonight was very true to the version on Pele. Barons of Suburbia: This is my second favorite masterpiece from BK. I had a feeling that Chicago would get the premier of either this or "Martha's Foolish Ginger". Cool On Your Island: Second set of water-works here. This song is so strikingly beautiful live. There is such a sense of despair and rejection in the tone and it only becomes more prominent live. I am a HUGE proponent of Tori rerecording all of the material from "Y Kant Tori Read" and updating it. I would be so, so happy. "Etienne" is one of my favorite song-children to this day. The Beekeeper: Like most thoughtful Toriphiles, this beauty is my absolute favorite, hands-down from BK. The live version was haunting, a bit longer than on the disc and extremely empowering. A perfect way to end the main set. Clearly the performance of this song is a very personal performance for Tori and you can tell as you watch her go into her little world as she moves through the chilling melody. 1st Encore Honey: I really connect with this song and it has great sentimental value for me with regard to a past relationship. I love the fact that, although a much older bee-side, the title/theme fits right into the whole Beekeeper paradigm. "and i think i could leave your world if she was the better girl so when we died i tried to bribe the undertaker 'cause i'm not sure what you're doin' or the reasons" Hmmm. Sigh. Sweet the Sting: I really, really LOVE this song and ADORED her performing this solo on the piano. She was very sassy and confident during this number. I truly think she could achieve some commercial success with this as a single. It's very radio friendly and I LOVE the innovative percussion on the CD version. Conceptually it's fabulous - and trueJ 2nd Encore Cloud on My Tongue: This cryptic little flashback from "Under the Pink" I could have done without. Don't get me wrong. I love the song; it's just not one of my favorites. She could have easily kept the theme going here and could have chosen "The Doughnut Song" or "Putting the Damage On", for example. These would have been much better choices. Ribbons Undone: One of the weaker songs on BK, although beautiful. I can understand why Tori chose to end the show with this, given tonight's themes of motherhood, life & death and overcoming "inside betrayal". Ultimately, it is more important that we look at each show as a whole in order to attempt to understand the completeness of what Tori is trying to impart. Songs I would have liked to have seen performed: "Happy Phantom" "China" "Icicle" "Flying Dutchman" "Black Swan" "Etienne" "Jackie's Strength" "Pandora's Aquarium" "Only Women Bleed" |
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