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Original Sinsuality Tour: The set list and reviews for Tori's April 1, 2005 concert in Clearwater, FL
Updated Sat, Apr 02, 2005 - 4:03am ET |
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You can now see the set list and reviews for the Clearwater, FL concert, the first on Tori's 2005 Original Sinsuality Tour! Tori played solo and her set list had a very dark and moody feel to it. The songs included Original Sinsuality, Angels, Jamaica Inn, Marys of the Sea, Marianne, The Beekeeper, The Power Orange Knickers, and the covers God Bless The Child and Candle In The Wind. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com with your comments. It would be nice to get as many different viewpoints about this show as possible! You can also post your review of the show on The Dent's Original Sinsuality Tour Forum. Click the details link to see the complete set list and reviews as they are sent to me. (P.S. There was a meet and greet at the venue today. I do not have details and have no idea if this will be repeated at each show yet...) More DetailsTori performed in Clearwater, FL on Friday, April 1, 2005 at Ruth Eckard Hall. Tori's special guest was Matt Nathanson and the show started at 8:00PM. Set ListSpecial thanks to Matt Page for calling me with the set list after the show! Thanks also to mollyknight.com who posted the set list during the show. However, I have reason to believe the Billie Holiday cover was actually God Bless The Child and not Loverman as first reported. Original Sinsuality Angels Happy Phantom Jamaica Inn Seaside Winter Playboy Mommy God Bless The Child (Billie Holliday cover) Candle in the Wind (Elton John cover) Marys of the Sea Sister Janet Marianne Pretty Good Year Rattlesnakes The Beekeeper 1st Encore The Power Orange Knickers Putting The Damage On 2nd Encore Another Girl's Paradise 1000 Oceans ReviewsThe latest reviews are at the bottom of this page and I will keep adding to this page as I receive more. If you were at this show and want to send The Dent a review, please email Mikewhy at mikewhy@iglou.com. You can also go to the Original Sinsuality Concert Review Forum and post about your experiences as well, or read additional reviews. From Matt Page: Tonight's show was very moody and dark. It almost seemed to have the theme of death sometimes with songs like The Beekeeper and Marianne. It was an excellent show. Tori began playing Pretty Good Year on the organ, but then switched to the piano where she played the rest of the song in a different key and she wailed a lot. The Beekeeper was really powerful and spooky played on the organ. When Tori spoke to the audience she talk about laundry and the fact that she receive over 4,000 email requests for covers through her web site! During one song, I think The Beekeper, Tori could clearly be heard saying "Send a message to Michael". A very powerful show... Tori's set list did not deviate at all from the one she had written out. From Erin Jordan: I just got back from the Tori concert in Clearwater. I'm a little tired so please forgive the poor grammar. J I see you already have the set list posted, so I won't go into that. I will say that I was very emotional during much of this concert, unlike any other I have been to. I think this was my 11th concert so far. Of course I was super excited to see her again after over a year, and as the concert progressed I couldn't help but cry during a lot of it. I hate to say it this way, but I left Ruth Eckerd Hall feeling very sad...and I still am. I agree with the post that the concert had a "death" theme. Either that or just sadness. One funny part was when she started "Jamaica Inn" and started singing the wrong verse right in the beginning and went into a short improve about "husband". Can't quite remember all of that. By the time "Winter" came I was teary eyed...and then "Playboy Mommy", teary eyed again. And then "Marianne"...it just snowballed until I was really crying. Right before "1000 Oceans" she said it was for a little girl from here (meaning the Tampa Bay area) Jessica. That would be Jessica Lunsford, the 9 year old girl who recently passed away. That set me off again. I just couldn't stop crying the whole night.... From Arthur Springer: I had waited four years to see Tori play solo again where it seems that every ounce of her emotions are displayed for the audience, and tonight was well worth the wait. This may have been one of the most intense performances Tori has ever given. The set list also indicated an almost stark direction that Tori wanted to take the show. The sensuality of Original Sinsuality made it transcend the CD version, and Jamaica Inn may become a concert classic. The "Piano bar" segment was outstanding with Tori talking about her days trying to avoid all the spilled beer on her piano, and a Billie Holliday Cover? Are you kidding me? If a fan requested that they should get hall of fame status! Tori's cover of Candle in the Wind was simply beautiful. The series of songs which followed the Piano Bar were full of raw emotion. Ratlesnakes and The Beekeeper were great back to back. The encores were outstanding, and Tori made a reference to "Jessica" (Lunsford) before 1000 Oceans which seemed to draw even more feeling out of a powerful song. Roughly 48 hours to Orlando, and I cannot wait!! From Brenna: I am too tired to really post anything coherent (but if you read on you will see that I posted anyway). I can tell you that the coolest thing happened to me...I responded to an email about getting upgraded to the front row, and I actually won a chance to trade my tix in for front row center seats! What a blessing... I have never been in the front row before and it was truly awesome. Out of the twelve front row seats, ten were filled with contest winners. We were truly a greatful bunch! (Congratulations to the nice folks two seats down from me who left their 3 week old baby with the grandparents in order to come out to the show.) On thing I noticed from my amazing seats was that Tori was either chewing gum or eating something small turning the set. She had to wipe her mouth alot. She was wearing a pretty salmon looking dress. I suck at describing clothes but it reminded me a bit of something a ballerina would wear without being tu-tu-ish. It was wispy and flowing and sleeveless. She had sandles on that I think were yellow. She remembered that the last time she was in the area she was singing about going to do her laundry during her time off. This time she improved a song about not being good at doing laundry. She also talked about how she should make a t-shirt with the words "wrong job" on it for people to wear when they are doing something for which they aren't suited. She said she would be wearing hers most of the time. She forgot some of the lyrics to Jamaica Inn and sat there for a minute playing the organ and saying something like, "That's not what's next. How does it go? Husband [looked to the sound booth in the back], what's the next line? I was so f@*#ed off at you..." The nice woman sitting next to me knew the line and we shouted "Maybe!" to help Tori out. She eventually got it and went right back into it. So cute! She chatted about the piano bar, and joked about how people could request songs by putting a note in the jar on the way out. She talked about how she was going to make the crew margaritas during the piano bar segment but she would leave out the vodka because they had to keep working. She said something about how people drink at piano bars and spill beer on the piano but that no one was going to do that tonight. Somebody shouted "Purple Rain" and she made an obscene gesture and said something like, "I know, Purple Rain. Well you're not getting that tonight!" Someone else in the audience shouted something that sounded like "grape juice" to me. Tori said, "What? Grapefruit? I don't know any songs about grapefruit." I was surprised by the setlist because there were a lot of great songs that she didn't play. Of course, she has a lot of songs to choose from, but she didn't even play the current single, Sleeps With Butterflies. Interesting. Brenna ps-Matt Nathanson was pretty neat. Very funny... From Kristy: It is very late, but I wanted to get this all written out so I don't forget anything. I must say that tonight's show was such a pleasure to be at. There was an incredible energy in the air, and Tori was really happy to be out on the road again. As soon as the lights went down the curtain started to rise and Tori was already standing on the stage. She did her little bow and started with Original Sinsuality. I won't go into the setlist because you all can read it. One high point was that Tori started talking immediately after Original Sinsuality. She said she really missed everyone and it was great to be back on tour. Then she did a little improv that was a continuation of the improv she did for the Welcome to Sunny Florida DVD. There she had talked about laundry, and she said in the improv tonightthat the laundry still hadn't been done yet. That made everyone laugh. Tori was in a fantastic mood and very talkative so it was really nice. When she started playing Jamaica Inn she forgot the words in the beginning of the song and caught herself. She said somethingto the fact thatthe lyric she just sangwas wrong and then she asked "What was it again husband." Then she looked back to the sound booth and said to Mark "Remember when I was so fucked off at you?" And everyone started laughing. The cover of God Bless the Child was incredible! That was such a treat since it doesn't come out that much. Tori did mention to the audience that there were over 4,000song requests on the website. There was another time when some jackass kept screaming stuff to Tori. He screamed Purple Rain and she said "Yeah, yeah, Purple Rain wank, wank. That got everyone going. Then she told him she knew how to play it but that she wasn't going to play it that night. Then he screamed something about a grapefruit and she said she didn't know any songs about a grapefruit. Tori handled herself really well. Then when she started to play someone screamed "We love you very much" or something like that and she said "I know" and then blew a kiss into the microphone. As for the show, Tori was so full of energy. She was all over the piano. There was one part in the show where she literally was crawling over the organ bench back forthbetween the keyboard and the organ. Her legs were everywhere! It was insane! She also stood up quite a bit and played, threw her head back a lot, and leaned in really close to the piano a lot as well. She was all over the place and I LOVED it! Tori is definitely back in full swing. The setlist was really interesting. There were some definite political themes going on. Also, there were two references to Michael...one in the Beekeeper and another when she mentioned St. Michael in a song and then she crossed her hands over herheart. Also, there were two Marianne references tonight. And she dedicated 1000 Oceans to Jessica, who is a little girl who was kidnapped, raped, and killed down here a couple of weeks ago. I also think some of the songs reflected the Terry Shiavo debate as well, although she didn't mention that at all. So the setlist was very varied. She also used the organ a lot, and it sounds really beautiful. It's amazing to watch her play. Oh, one more thing. Tori looked absolutely gorgeous tonight. She was glowing. Her outfits for this concert are so cute. She wore a pink flowy dress kinda thing that was sleeveless and some sort of capri pants underneath. She had on amazing shoes as well. They were either yellow or green, but I couldn't tell because of the lights. Well I could go on and on, but I won't since it's late. I can't wait for Orlando....less than 48 hours away! If Orlando is anything like Clearwater, then we are all in for a really INCREDIBLE treat! I swear she gets better and better each tour! From Jason (SpinnyboY): Me and some good friends were sitting in the 4th row (D) and we were able to gauge a lot of emotional and facial expressions. I think a couple of things that need to be noted first and foremost: _ Tori was in TOP vocal form. _ The moody tone of the show gave a deep materna_ feel of sorts. _ Also, we felt there were references to the Terri Schiavo situation. _ Consistency (Original sin? No I don't think so_ to _they're trapping angels_ to _I'm still the angel to a girl who hates to sin_; death (playboy mommy, Marianne, the beekeeper, 1,000 oceans; the Sister Janet/Marianne combo) _ Looking at the stage directly _ the setup was (right to left) _ bose, organ 1; organ 2, rhodes Original Sinsuality _ piano _ sang the line _Yaldaboath, Saklas, I'm calling you_ twice Angels _ piano/organ Intro _ story about laundry which led into an improve then led into a story about wearing Tshirts Happy Phantom _ piano Jamaica Inn _ piano/organ _ mostly done on organ Seaside _ piano _ very different, dark intro to it Winter _ piano _ got a little misty-eyed :_) Playboy Mommy _ Rhodes/organ _Tori's Piano Bar_ Intro _ Tori explained the concept behind the covers deal and that she had 4,000 email requests. She started off with saying she played this song a long time ago when beer was being spilled on her piano. God Bless The Child (Billie Holliday cover)- piano Candle in the Wind (Elton John cover) - piano Marys of the Sea _ piano/organ _ piano intro in beginning Sister Janet _ piano _ niiiiiice. _I can see sweet Marianne._ Marianne _ piano _ here, she has found Marianne. Pretty Good Year _ piano/organ _ the highlight of my night! Done differently and it was FANTASTIC Rattlesnakes _ Rhodes _ wasn't as _Dragged Out_ as on SLT The Beekeeper _ organ _ this was the most haunting song live!! However, those weirdest part was at the end of the song, she just go up and _ran_ off stage. I looked at my best friend and just said _uhhhh was that the end of the main set? 1st Encore The Power Orange Knickers _ piano _ my fave beekeeper song at the moment so I enjoyed this very much. At the very front leaning over the stage I noticed a little girl about 8 years old or so in heaven as Tori became fixated on her. Putting The The Damage On _ piano _ at the beginning of the song, the little girl mentioned earlier was so enthralled that tori actually stopped singing as asked her "are you gonna be ok?" This was the most precious thing I'd ever seen. 2nd Encore Another Girl's Paradise _ piano _ awesome to hear this rare gem! 1000 Oceans _ piano _ dedicated to "little Jessica" From Angela DeJordy: This was the first time i've seen Tori SOLO, so i was obviously VERY excited! As everyone said, the show did have a very moody feel. A lot of angel references, a lot of death and loss, 2 songs mentioning marianne in a row, and candle references as well. I thought the overall theme (or what seemed like a theme to me) was kind of a strange choice for the first show of the tour, but i'm not complaining :) The Laundry Improv was adorable! Apparently she really can't do laundry since she's sung about it so many times ;) The improv was something about "My friend that does the best laundry... she says, 'leave that over there.'..." Tori said she wants to make shirts that say "Wrong Job" so that "if you see someone that sucks, you can give them one." she said she will have one too that she will wear "most of the time." As mentioned, Tori forgot the lyrics to Jamaica Inn... "maybe i got too set in my ways. he says-- what does he say? Husband?" It was classic! A lot of the songs were quite different than the album versions, considering she had the organs and rhodes. Playboy Mommy and Pretty Good Year are examples of that. Even songs from The Beekeeper sounded quite different to me. When it was time for "Tori's Piano Bar" she said something about out of all 4,000 emails, people picked the obvious ones! so apparently she wanted requests for ANY song. Both covers were absolutely beautiful. It was absolutely amazing to see Tori solo, as you could hear absolutely every note she played. Her singing was perfect and she looked beautiful as well. It was a wonderful night! From Rasputina11: Since Tori reads local news beforehers shows in order to prepare relevant set lists each night (at least according to her book), I think that her songs were reflecting the recent deaths of people in the vicinity-Terri Schiavo andJessica Lunsford (She dedicated 1,000 Oceans to her). And maybe even a few songs chosen because the Pope has been read his Last Rites. Opening with Angels and then Happy Phantom to me was a very strong message about the passing of these people. The theme continued with Playboy Mommy, Marianne, etc. The 2nd encore when she dedicated 1,000 Oceans to Jessica Lunsford was very touching and emotional. She had a really varied set-list tonight with a lot of surprises. In addition to her piano, there were two organs (I think that's what they are) andone keyboard. They seemed to be set up a bit awkwardly and she seemed to be struggling a bit to get in and out of her seats on this stage that was crammed with instruments! She also kept wiping her mouth after each song for about the first 5 songs. And you could see her pulling lip gloss or something out of her pant's pockets a few times. The crowd was a little rude when it came time for "Tori's Piano Bar" and I felt that if people had been quieter, she may have talked a little more at that time. She looked radiant, sporting long hair, a pink dress, matching capri pants and cute wedge heels. Her voice was strong and beautiful as always. Smitty was standing off the stage a bit, protectively. Afterwards a group of people waited out back to see her walk to her tour bus. She finally did and she waved to us all. Then her bus and the crew bus sat in the lot for another 45 minutes and people still waited for them to pull out so they could wave again, but I gave up at 12:50 a.m when they were still parked and went home. All in all, a great show! Read a review of this show from The Tampa Tribune/TBO.com. From Tom Barker: I went to the Clearwater concert last night with great expectations! I had listened to Tori's music for many years and believe her to be an incredible talent, artist and lyricist. Her voice is a beautiful musical instrument and her messages provocative. However, I was totally disappointed and upset with the quality of the production of the show last night. What should have been great was awful. So awful, that I walked out of the concert in the middle of the show. She needs to get a new production crew!!! The piano was so over amplified and loud that you could not hear Tori's voice on many songs. Her voice microphones were so loud that it distorted her beautiful voice. On many songs, the combination of everything being overamplified was painful to my ears!! On top of this horrible sound quality, the light show was many times directed into the audience creating a further distraction and poor production. I am and have been a vocal musician for many years, have directed and produced shows in halls similiar to Ruth Eckard Hall.I have been to many beautiful concerts in the Hall. I know how wonderful the quality of the sound can be in that venue! That was part of the reason I was so excited about seeing Tori there. But, it was not the hall, it was her production crew's failure to deliver a concert hall quality sound versus an indoor basketball arena sound. They did a horrible job!! Shame on them!! From Pandochild: all I can say is wow! Tori not only looked beautiful but the show was freaking awesome! the setlist was pretty much perfect. all the Beekeeper songs sounded great. she talked a lot and seemed to be really putting out on stage. her voice was perfect tonight also! Tori didn't really take any breaks last night she pretty much played nonstop. Jamicia Inn was awesome live other songs that were really pretty and sounded amazing was Putting the Damge on, Perfect Wing, Seaside, Happy Phantom, Marys Of the Sea and The Beekeeper. the covers were great too and I'm glad she is doing that now too. wow this was such an Awesome show! Thank you Tori! From Tom Richards: Hey Mike, just another perspective on the show last night. Unfortunately, to some degree (not as much as he made it seem), Tom Barker was right. During the first half of the show, there was a midrange bloom in the mix, which made it more difficult to separate tori's vocals from the piano andorgans. And certainly not to the point of distracting distortion, asTom Barker made it sound. But I am in agreement that it could have been improved upon, given that Ruth Eckerd Hall is one of the best sounding venues in the state of Florida. Fortunately, midway in the show, the slightly overdriven midrange was backed down and you could more clearly hear Tori's vocals. I certainly wouldn't slam Tori's sound team over this, as this set up probably sounded fine before 2,500 people filled the space. This hall is also a bit unique in the fact that the soundboard is in a room in the middle of the last few rows (upper most),and unlike most thateat upa chunk of the best listening area down in theseating area. This HAS to make it harder to do a sound check. I really can't fault Tori's crew too much. They did gently back down on the midrange some, and during the last half, plus encores, things were better. Although, I did notice slight feedback from T's vocal mike a few times, which would still be an indication they were over driving the mids. But, none of this would have proved noticeable to the average concert gores, as is indicated by the reviews that have been posted on your site. Although I understand where Tom Barker is coming from, it is a shame that he couldn't let go of his sonic expectations long enough to enjoy a really great show. I have seen Tori live many, many times, and this was hardly the sonic disgrace that he makes it sound. From Jennifer: I'm pleased to see the age of the crowd a bit older than some of the other shows i've seen in other areas of the country. Some times i have been the oldest around the venue in my mid thirties! Also-i'm happy to know that other mothers are crazy for her music! I am married & have 2 children- always looking to find common ground with the crowd-often not. Anyway-i concur regarding the somber thread of emotion during the show- however i kept my senses open for liveliness- but she gave us something else- and im very pleased. Bottom line: Piano perfect. Organs - completely extended & prlonged (like in church). Continuous, accurate full bodied vocals. My personal favorite was marianne. My wonderful red-headded aunt, who accompanied me for the 2nd time- loved happy phantom. I wore my t shirt home on the flight hoping some one would recognize her(on the front of the shirt)- but i'm always amazed that not many people know who she is- or how incredibly talented she is. That means better seats for me at the shows i guess. But i'm an advocate for the talent-consantly. You cant walk into her show expecting an emotion because she will most likely surprise you- & that is a fine artist. Unexpected quality female. Interesting post by the somewhat arrogant mr barker. Does he know that tori's sound crew is her husband?? Divorce- i don't think so! Read a review of this show from the St. Petersburg Times. From Lorraine Eakin: It's so wonderful to have a new tour to post about! This is the first time I've been to a tour opener, and it was simply amazing. I've always wanted to see a Florida show, and this one did not disappoint. Her voice and the piano sounded lovely, and her setlist was, for me, ideal - she played from every album but YKTR, and many were songs that didn't come out much on the Scarlet Tour. There were also none of the Scarlet staples last night - no Landslide, no Leather, no Cooling, noSweet Sangria. Everything was wonderful, but the real highlights for me were seeing Seaside, Another Girl's Paradise, Sister Janet, and Marianne (the last two together!). Even Winter, which I've seen a zillion times (anyone from D.C. knows what I mean), was better than usual - a stately, slowly paced version that really touched me. Of the new material, I was blown away by the Beekeeper - just on the organ (think Merry Widow version of PW '96) - haunting and frightening and memorable. The Power of Orange Knickers is so much better live - definitely one to look forward to. Marys of the Sea is one of my favorites from the new album, and while I love the organ parts and I love the piano bits, she's still working on the transition between the two instruments. In fact, if I have any complaints about last night it's that she's still working on using the two instruments together, particularly using the organ in older songs. I think it will become more seamless with time - after all it's only the first show. I thought the transitions were the most awkward during Jamaica Inn - I would really prefer her to play the song solely on the Bosey. The song has been under fire from some fans, but I think the piano is lovely, even if the words are not up to Tori's usual standard. The mood was generally very somber. Death was definitely a special guest tonight, from Happy Phantom to Marianne to the Beekeeper, even Candle in the Wind. I'm not sure if it was a combination of all the high-profile tragedies in the news (Red Lake, Terry Shiavo, etc) that affected her performance, or if she was only thinking ofthe little girl from Florida, Jessica Lunsford, who was killed,but the death shroud surrounding the show was almost tangible. I would also say that I was very impressed with her pacing - occasionally I've felt that certain songs are rushed, or that the night just flies by, but in Clearwater I felt she took her time with every song. I really can't ask for more than that. From Repotsearch: After 11 shows, this was the first time that I've had my picture taken with Tori! I've attended several M&Gs before and have even had a few words with her other than "Hi" and so I thought that I was ready to ask for a picture. Well I did ask and I got it, but I was really nervous to the point that when I was smiling for the camera, I could feel my smile twitching. Good thing it didn't show in the picture. Nonetheless I got my pic with Tori, but with me looking hideous and her looking gorgeous. She signed a promo poster from the TBK photo sessions for me and had a few words with her while she signed. We had a nice interaction about her having to go to soundcheck in response to someone's request for another picture. We both looked at each other and had this sarcastic dialogue for this person's request. It was wonderful! I have to say that the people at this Meet and Greet were by far the best behaved of any M&G that I've attended. No pushing, shoving or name calling. I arrived at the venue at around 10:00am and was the third one to arrive. Andy Solomon requested that we begin the numbering system which we did and everyone with the exception of two people agreed to. Overall, the system worked very well. As a word of advice to fans: PLEASE DO NOT EXPECT FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE #1-10 AND ARE GOING TO MEET TORI TO TAKE PICTURES OR GET ITEMS SIGNED FOR YOU. Being in the front requires early arrival and patience and no one should be made to feel obligated to let others through or have things signed. Yes, everyone would love to have a chance to meet Tori, but that requires sacrifice. IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE FRONT BE FAIR, ARRIVE EARLY. And if you've already met Tori, please let others have a chance. It makes no sense to try to be in the front for every single show of every single tour. As for the show, I believe no one has yet mentioned that Tori was having difficulties with her dress this evening. It seemed that it was preventing her from shifting positions on the bench especially when she was on the Rhodes. She was clumsily bringing her legs up over the bench when she turned to the organ. In between songs she was noticeably figeting with her dress; at least that's what it looked like from 4th row center. It may have been why she ran off stage after The Beekeeper. The Beekeeper is definitely the Precious Things of this tour, for me at least! Insanely dark and hypnotic. The images on the screen during this song look like a portal or black hole that Tori is controling through the song and its waiting to suck you right in. Excellent show! From Billie G. Rockenbach: I just had to send a quick review of the Clearwater, Florida show. My mother and I drove down from Jacksonville to see this show, very important to me for two reasons, fist show on the tour, first show for my mom. It was awesome to share the very emotional experience of Tori live with her. Tori was, as always totally amazing and beautiful. I actually had to buy my tickets off Ebay because I missed the pre-sale and it was worth every penny. The venue was smaller than I expected so the sound was amazing. The entire show did have a dark feel to it but also a very personal and intimate feel. Tori was in an amazing mood, joking and story telling. It was obvious to me that she was glad to be back on the horse again. Can't wait for the Summer tour! From Jason (SpinnyboY): row (D) and we were able to gauge a lot of emotional and facial expressions. I think a couple of things that need to be noted first and foremost: Tori was in TOP vocal form. The moody tone of the show gave a "deep maternal" feel of sorts - Also, we felt there were references to the Terri Schiavo situation. Consistency ("Original sin? No I don't think so" to "they're trapping angels" to "I'm still the angel to a girl who hates to sin"; death (playboy mommy, Marianne, the beekeeper, 1,000 oceans; the Sister Janet/Marianne combo) Looking at the stage directly - the setup was (right to left) - bose, organ 1; organ 2, rhodes Original Sinsuality - piano - sang the line "Yaldaboath, Saklas, I'm calling you" twice Angels - piano/organ Intro - story about laundry which led into an improve then led into a story about wearing Tshirts Happy Phantom - piano Jamaica Inn - piano/organ - mostly done on organ Seaside - piano - very different, dark intro to it Winter - piano - got a little misty-eyed :') Playboy Mommy - Rhodes/organ "Tori's Piano Bar" Intro - Tori explained the concept behind the covers deal and that she had 4,000 email requests. She started off with saying she played this song a long time ago when beer was being spilled on her piano. God Bless The Child (Billie Holliday cover)- piano Candle in the Wind (Elton John cover) - piano Marys of the Sea - piano/organ - piano intro in beginning Sister Janet - piano - niiiiiice. "I can see sweet Marianne." Marianne - piano - here, she has found Marianne J Pretty Good Year - piano/organ - the highlight of my night! Done differently and it was FANTASTIC Rattlesnakes - Rhodes - wasn't as "Dragged Out" as on SLT The Beekeeper - organ - this was the most haunting song live!! However, those weirdest part was at the end of the song, she just go up and "ran" off stage. I looked at my best friend and just said "uhhhh was that the end of the main set? 1st Encore The Power Orange Knickers - piano - my fave beekeeper song at the moment so I enjoyed this very much. At the very front leaning over the stage I noticed a little girl about 8 years old or so in heaven as Tori became fixated on her. Putting The The Damage On - piano - at the beginning of the song, the little girl mentioned earlier was so enthralled that tori actually stopped singing as asked her "are you gonna be ok?" This was the most precious thing I'd ever seen. 2nd Encore Another Girl's Paradise - piano - awesome to hear this rare gem! 1000 Oceans - piano - dedicated to "little Jessica" |
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