There was a problem with the Houston, TX Beekeeper party that took place on February 21, 2005. For an explanation, click the details link.
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The following comes from Raven Oak:
I, Raven Oak, of the North Texas ToriFest, worked hard for many months to organize and promote the Official Beekeeper parties at the Houston, Austin, and Dallas Hard Rock Cafes. I worked closely with Sony BMG to get Sony and Tower involved. Since I live in the Dallas area, we had arranged for me to be in Dallas, and Sony employees to run the Austin and Houston events. While Austin and Dallas went well, I found out last night (2/21) at 9 PM some bad news via a ton of angry phone calls. Sony had decided to move the Houston event from the Hard Rock Cafe to Cactus Records.
The problem was they never told me. They apparently never told Houston, or did and there was major miscommunication. This event was promoted as occurring at the Houston Hard Rock Cafe. I did not know about the change, again, until last night. Apparently, tons of people showed up and were very disappointed to find it moved. Many people are angry this morning, and I completely understand.
I am very angry myself. I worked hard, only to have Houston fall apart. I apologize for people's time and energy that went into this event. I am forwarding all negative responses to Sony, and ask that if you need someone to blame or gripe at, that you blame the people who moved the event, not me. If you want to email me your complaints, I will make sure Sony hears about it. They lost money, fans, and the possibility for a kick-ass party. We need to make sure they know it.
If you have a complaint, please, send it to
Thank you and again, I sincerely apologize for this. I wish I could do more. Raven Oak