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Tori Quote in the book "Sweet Serendipity: Delightful Desserts and Devilish Dish"

Updated Wed, Sep 15, 2004 - 1:29am ET

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Mathew Rice reports that there is a Tori quote in the book Sweet Serendipity: Delightful Desserts and Devilish Dish by Stephen Bruce, which was released in the U.S. on May 14, 2004 by Universe Publishing. (You can find a listing for this book at The book is a collection of recipes from the desserts at Serendipity 3, an ice-cream parlor in Manhattan and also includes quotes from celebrities who have patronized the store. Click the details link to read Tori's quote!

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Here is the Tori quote from the book:

"i was visiting new york city, when, as perfect timing would have it, i was rushed to the dentist for emergency oral surgery.  i walked out a couple hours later with a swollen mouth and an order to rest and relax.  i was starving - then serendipity came to mind.  i'm sure my raspberry-topped chocolate sundae was exactly what the dentist meant when he said, 'go back to the hotel and take a nice long nap.'"

Posted by: Mikewhy

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