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Little Earthquakes : A Novel by Jennifer Weiner

Updated Wed, Oct 06, 2004 - 4:33am ET

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Updated: A new book called Little Earthquakes : A Novel by Jennifer Weiner was released in the U.S. on September 14, 2004. (It should also be released in the U.K and elsewhere.) You can see a listing for it at The title of this novel certainly makes one wonder if there is a Tori Amos influence. I have added all the facts I know about this to The Dent, including a quote from the author, Jennifer Weiner, from

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Jennifer Weiner, the author of Little Earthquakes : A Novel, was interviewed by on September 17, 2004. (Thanks to Morgan Khandani for telling me about it.) Here is the part where she mentions Tori:

BRC: LITTLE EARTHQUAKES is such a great title. In the book these words refer to a feeling Lia has the day she leaves her son alone. To me, they describe what happens when children arrive in your world as your world gets shaken up in tiny ways every day. Did you have the title before you started the book? What is your explanation of its meaning?

JW: I think the title came to me as I started writing the book, and it means pretty much what you said: I wanted to talk about both the actual earthquake the day Lia leaves her son, and the more figurative ways that new babies shake the foundations and test the strength of relationships, friendships and marriages. I'm also a Tori Amos fan, and LITTLE EARTHQUAKES is the title of one of her albums, so there's a nod to her there, too.

Nadyne from the Tori fanzine contacted the author, Jennifer Weiner, and asked if the title of the book is a DIRECT reference to Tori's album. Nadyne found out that Jennifer does own a copy of the Little Earthquakes and loves it, but the title of the book is not a DIRECT reference to Tori's album. although it is clear from Weiner's own words above that there at least a nod to Tori with the title.

(Thanks for the many Toriphiles who pointed this book out to me, including Jennifer Mair and Tessa who were first.)

Posted by: Mikewhy

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