Tori on the Alex Bennett Show

As posted by Anthony Kosky ( to the newsgroup on July 12, 1996

With considerable effort, I managed to get up at about 5am this morning, and after the mornings ablutions made my way accross the street to the Julia Morgan theatre where the Alex Bennett show for Live 105. There were already a dozen or so people waiting when I got there, a few of which I recognized from Greg's listening party. At a little before 6am they let people into the theatre and the show started shortly after.

I wasn't familiar with 105 Live, and didn't know what to expect from the show. It turned out to be somewhat livelier and more disorganized than I'd expected. It started with Alan Bennet and some his colleagues who read news headlines (culled from the Globe and World News to ensure accuracy) and traffic reports, and made various bad jokes. I had my 0.25 seconds of fame when AB started walking around in the audience asking questions and asked where I had come from this morning (wrong question). As the show progressed it was joined by various guests, including a comedian named Bob Rubin who I hadn't heard of before, but who managed to dominate the show.

Tori came on a little after 9am, after a break. The other guests left the stage during the interview and Alan Bennett gave up his throne for Tori to sit on (the stage was set for a performance of Der Fleidermouse (sp?) this weekend). Someone named Nicole was invited by AB to join him and Tori on the stage, having jumped up and down sufficiently excitedly, and given a chance to ask Tori any question she liked. At this point Bob Rubin interupted the procedings in order to ask if he was right about Tori having a song called "Found a Peanut". Tori confirmed this by singing a verse of the song (which had a melody surprisingly similar to CALS) --- so she did get to perform a little after all. Nicole asked Tori if she could go on the road with her, but Tori refused, explaining that her crew weren't to be trusted around young women. So Nicole requested Winter for the first show this evening instead.

That's about all that seemed notable in the interview. After it a line of fans gathered outside to see Tori and get various things signed. I didn't have anything to get signed, but still joined the rapidly growing line in order to say hello. John Witherspoon was there as usual, trying to keep order and moderate the line. After a little while Tori came out and started talking to fans, signing things, and being as marvelous as always. For my own part, I got two Tori-hugs (tm) and a request for this evening's show. Definitely better than an autograph.

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