From Mikewhy
October 15, 1999 - The final Tori concert in Denver was certainly one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had. I was not even supposed to be at that show! It was only through the generosity of a very kind friend that I was able to fly out west and see the last 3 shows of Tori's 1999 tour. I am so grateful, because the Denver show was one of the best shows I have ever attended.
I did not get to the Denver venue, which was on the campus of the University of Denver, until about a half hour before Tori hit the stage. We had to drive all the way from Salt Lake City to get to this show, and that took longer than expected. Once I did arrive I managed to meet some wonderful people before the show. I wish I could have been there longer so that I could have spent more time talking to various folks. I missed the opening act Jude, but heard that he was quite good.
I had a great seat for this show in 3rd row center. Once the lights went down everyone in front of me surged forward, and so I did too and ended up in the third row of people standing in front of the stage. Seeing Tori that closely helped add to the intensity of the evening. I was already emotionally charged due to the fact that it was the final show.
Tori strutted on stage with God and the concert began. She did God, Black-Dove (January), Crucify and Riot Poof. I was surprised to hear Riot Poof so early in the show and really enjoyed it. As much as I love the album version, I love hearing her sing the verses clearly live without the distortion that is on the recorded version. Also, after Black-Dove (I think) Tori first spoke and said, "Most of you know this is our last show, and there are some teary eyes up here. We know that some of you have followed this tour, leaving school for the semester, pissing off your parents. Well, now it's over, and all I can say is, you're fucked..."
There were some people in the row behind me further down who were talking loudly during the first few songs of the evening. They eventually got quiet after several people demanded it. During the 5 1/2 Weeks tour some people blamed rude behavior like this on Alanis fans, something I never agreed with. This and other incidents I saw during Tori's solo tour convinced me that rude people are at every show and are often unavoidable. Why would anyone pay money to see a concert and then talk through it? It is incomprehensible to me.
The show was off to a powerful and fun start, though I noticed on a few occasions that Tori seemed a little distracted. The reason would be evident soon. The band started playing Father Lucifer, but Tori stopped them. I wish I could remember word for word what Tori said, because the way she phrased it was really priceless. The way the venue was constructed, there was a walkway on the right side of the stage (it was on Tori's left) that people could use to enter or leave the room. People were also free to just stand there and look down on the stage, which I found really really odd. Tori found it more than odd, she apparently found it highly distracting. The walkway had a bright light over it and Tori of course would be looking in that direction whenever she played the Bosey. Tori at first told the people up there that she would either have to make love to them or have them come on stage. She then commented that the place felt like a mall, and that there should be a Starbucks over on the other side. "Just call me Tiff..." It was clear at that point that she wanted the people up there to move, and she said that. At first the people waiting there just stood there, and Tori seemed a little more angry. Tori told them to leave, or "show me your penises. Come on, move." She also said, "You want me to show you my tits? I don't give a fuck who has backstage passes, I'm playing for these guys," and she motioned to the front, to a roar of applause! She directed her stage manager and security up there, and they got up there and sent the people away.
Tori then told her stage manager to get that light turned off. She said that she knew her stage manager would take care of it, and then told us that he made a fine looking woman. This all led into a really funny and hilarious improv that the band joined in on where she sang about "My Light Bulb Man" wearing heels. While she did this, several guys were up on the walkway trying to turn off the distracting light. One guy put his coat over the light, and Tori started Father Lucifer. Someone eventually put duct tape over the light, and the hallway was blocked off. The song Tori sang was obviously an improv she made up on the spot, and was really great fun. I hope someone else can remember some of the lyrics!
During the solo shows, Tori did a really interesting and cute little dance or pantomime during the intro to Father Lucifer. She would point to the audience with both hands, and then do a motion over her stomach like a pregnancy, and then point to the crowd again. Sometimes she would shake her head and make a cross with her fingers. Then she would do the pregnant stomach move again. Then she would make an o with one hand and insert a finger from her other hand into that hole, obviously implying sex. And then point to us and make the pregnancy motion. It was all really funny. I am not sure what she was really doing, but it seemed strongly related to the song somehow and I am almost positive that it was NOT her telling us she was pregnant. That was not her purpose, which was evident by the fact that she kept pointing to us. The look on Tori's face as she did this was hilarious. I love the new "Lucy Girl" version of Father Lucifer which emerged for this tour. It is my favorite!
Tori really seemed happy to be up there. As usual her facial expressions. body language, and attitude were expressive and unique. She has a demeanor and stage presence that no other artist can possibly match. Part of it is pure talent, and part of it is experience. She is a complete professional, and she also loves performing and communicating with the audience with her music. That was all quite evident this evening.
Tori then did Concertina and Sugar. Concertina is clearly one of the best songs Tori has ever written, and it really shines live.
Secret time was next. Tori started it with Smells Like Teen Spirit. I never get tired of Tori performing this cover. It is always so expressive and poignant. Her intensity at the end gives me chills. I am always sad that many people in the audience scream during this one, especially at the end when she gets loud. It would be more effective if they just listened...
Next was Agent Orange, which was a surprise. Loved the look on Tori's face during this one. This was obviously an early birthday present for her bodyguard Joel, who has a birthday later in October.
Tori finished her solo secret time with Hey Jupiter and then the guys returned.
Tori started playing Suede, but quickly stopped, smiled really big and mouthed the words "I fucked up." She looked at Jon Evans and they laughed. They were all having so much fun up there, and I think it was really evident to them that it was the last show. Sometimes you would see Tori glance at Caton or Matt also with a really knowing or touching look. They are all so great on stage together. It was a pleasure to see them play and interact with one another. Suede was incredible as always. This is my favorite Venus song. It is so dark, moody and powerful.
Tori then did Spring Haze. Before she played it she said very softly, "Some girl told me she would drive 9 hours if I would play this song." It was my first time hearing this one live, and along with Suede and Concertina, I think it is a classic from the new album.
Tori completed the main set with Cornflake Girl and The Waitress. The Waitress was a long one tonight, and sent surges of energy through me!
Tori came up front and motioned to the band to join her, as she usually does after the Waitress. They all hugged and congratulated each other. Things seemed more intense to me tonight because it was the last show.
The first encore was Precious Things followed by a strong Professional Widow. The male voice at the beginning talking about going back to the classics is Liberace, in case someone did not know!
The second encore was the part of the show that sent me over the edge emotionally, where I stayed for the remainder of the concert. There are moments during certain performances where you feel real magic in the air, when you forget your surroundings and are drawn into the performance. This happened to me for the rest of the show starting at this point. My feet were hurting because of the standing, but I forgot about that completely. I felt that I was part of something really special.
The second encore started with Tori doing Black Swan alone at the piano. It was so beautifully done and was the first song of the night that brought me to tears. It is hard to describe how pretty this song was. At one point near the end, Tori changed the lyrics. She sang, "Did Skeeter call by the way." Someone in the audience did say, "I love you" between lines shortly after that and Tori quickly said, "I love you too" between lines. She looked like she was about to cry when she said it, and her voice almost sounded like a sob. It was too much for me and felt myself crying. I had to fight hard to maintain my composure. It was a unforgettable moment.
Then I was delighted when Tori performed Lust with the band. This is another really gorgeous song from Venus, and the melody and singing were tremendous. It kept the magic feeling in the air.
Bells For Her with the band was next and I started looking at Tori and all the band members and realizing it was all about to end. I would see them look at each other, and I am sure they were thinking the same thing. The song was beautiful and the lines "Can't stop what's coming, can't stop what is on it's way" really resonated with me. At the end Tori slowly got up and without looking at anyone ran off stage. The band followed and I said to myself that it could not end at that point...
And it did not. Tori and the band emerged for a rare third encore, and I was ecstatic! They began with Tear In Your Hand, which is always so touching at a final show like this. It was indeed time to wave goodbye. The song was magnificent, and I assumed the concert would end at that point.
I was really surprised when they started 1000 Oceans. Tori played it with the band. It was the PERFECT way to end the show and the tour. There have been a few people out there who have expressed dislike for 1000 Oceans because they feel it is too commercial. I dare anyone who was there and who experienced that moment to complain about that song. I was so touched by it and was really moved. I felt like we were all holding our breath. I did not want the song to end.
Finally, the show did end and Tori and the band once again gathered up front to hug and wave to the crowd. It was an affecting moment. Tori waved to us and said goodbye and they left the stage. The magic-like cloud that surrounded us during those last 2 encores stayed around for a while, as we all talked about how incredible the show was. I was not able to attend the final show of the Dew Drop Inn in Boulder, and some people who were there said that this show was very close to that one in many ways. We all felt that we were part of something really special that night. The show was a perfect 10. As usual I will miss Tori and the guys and I wish them all well. Thanks for a beautiful evening. I must also thank the kind person who made it possible for me to fly out and see this show. Performances like this remind me of why Tori is my favorite artist and why I travel to see so many concerts. There is no one like her, and likely never will be.

From Aine
October 15, 1999 - the "mall" incident after riot poof and the lyrics to the improv Tori did before Father Lucifer that many people call "He Wears Heels".
"hold on a second, hold on a second. so some of your people have noticed 'the mall' out here? hi everybody, you standing in the mall, how's it going? i think you all should pull down your pants and show us your penises. because this is really fascinating. i feel like there should be like a starbucks here and a mall. i've never played in a mall before, just call me tif. so um, i want my stage manager, wherever you are, i love you dearly. but these people, i love them, but i'm gonna either make love to you or you're gonna come on stage with me. so go somewhere, ok? guys, shove. move. move. move. go. what do you think this is a freak show? you want me to show you my tits? steve (sanchez), thank you. get em out of there turn that light off. cause this is who i'm playing to (motion to audience) whoever got the backstage passes i don't give a fuck. turn it off. you know what i mean. yep, this is fantastic. because you guys are gonna do a great job of this and the guy that's doing it, i love him very much. he dresses up like a woman fantastically (and in the same breath starts to sing):
sometimes, he wears heels. sanch... dressed up, make the meal. sometimes he wears heels, my light bulb boys. i love you to death. (jon starts in with bass) oh i said, there are nights i'm losing my head. and losing what sanity i have left. but sometimes in these (throws her foot onto the piano keys) heels i give it up, i give it up... i like to retreat, ah yeah. i said all these caberet nights (matt starts up with drums) they are my life. strippers one to five, give it up. i give it again. uncle sam, you had your... woman."

All Reviews Below Were Originally Posted On The Dent Forum
Special thanks to Laurie Daniels for her invaluable assitance in getting the reviews transferred to the Dent!

From Kai:
This is what I can remember right now, it's 12:12 am here, and I'm dead tired.
Black Dove
Riot Poof
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Agent Orange
Hey Jupiter
Cornflake Girl
Black Swan
Professional Widow
Tear in Your Hand
1000 Oceans
I'm leaving out a ton, and these are not really in order.
I'll post more tomorrow.
Sorry guys.
From Beans:
The set list:
Black Dove (january)
Riot Proof
Improv about a guy wearing heels
Father Lucifer
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Agent Orange
hey Jupiter
Spring Haze
Cornflake Girl
The Waitress
Precious Things
Professional Widow
Black Swan
Bells For Her
Tear in your Hand
1,000 Oceans
She played from 8:45 to 10:40. Fantastic show. Big juicy review later. Now, sleep.
From Kai:
This was my first concert of this tour, and my first meet and greet ever. I got there about 11:45 am. There were about 50 people total, I think. I got to meet Tekdeth, who is really, really nice. The waiting area was the steps of the arena, which was in the shade the whole time. The venue let us go in to use the bathrooms, which was really great. I met Zorbit, and a girl named Christina (I think). The group was pretty relaxed and nice.
They herded us into the barricades around 3:00 pm. There was no shoving or pushing or anything like that. Tori came out about 30 minutes later. I got to pass up a letter to her. Tori took her time, talked, signed, and hugged. She seemed really happy and relaxed, maybe since no one was being crazy in the crowd. There was a guy next to me with an adorable little girl with red hair. Tori specifically talked to the little girl (we were back about 4 people), and waved to her. It was so cute! The little girl said, "Bye, Tor-me". The entire thing was really great.
I got to the arena around 6:30 pm. The ticket said 7:30pm on it, which I assumed meant opening act start. We had to wait quite awhile, since they didn't have enough security, and only one female guard. Eventually, they just were glancing at people, and they just looked in my purse, which could have contained tons of stuff.
Got in, bought two t-shirts and a program for a friend. Plenty of bathrooms, selling drinks (thank god they had water). I was on the left floor, row 19, seats 9-11. Jude was playing when I got in. He's really not bad at all, and he had a really short act.
I was looking for more water when I ran into MikeWhy. He had just gotten there because the drive from Salt Lake City is really, really long. He's so nice and I was really glad he was able to get to Denver.
Tori started, and it was amazing. She had so much energy and the music was incredible. Close to the opening she said something like, "Most of you know this is our last show, and there are some teary eyes up here because of that. We know that some of you have followed this tour, leaving school, pissing off your parents. Well, now it's over, and I have to say you are fucked!" Laughs in the crowd.
The crowd, from my point, was really great. No confusion over seats or anything like that. Security would not let anyone rush the stage. Tekdeth ended up seated next to us, as there was a seat no one had taken, so he could get on the floor. 19th row wasn't bad at all. I could see her pretty well. She was wearing jeans and a silver/gray shirt with strings at the wrists and neck.
Best song? This concert was full of them. There was so much energy coming from Tori and the band, it was amazing. I loved all the stuff from Venus, and Cornflake Girl was awesome.
When Tori did the improv, to her left, there was a walkway where some people were standing, and a light. Tori told them to leave, or "show me your penis". They wouldn't leave at first and she said, "Come on, move." She then told her stage manager to get that light turned off. She started singing the song, "My Lightbulb Man" while about 8 guys tried to turn off this light. It was hilarious! Finally some guy put his coat over the light, and Tori continued. They finally put duct tape over the light. Although it sounds like she was pissed, I never really thought she was that angry.
Before she played Spring Haze she said, "Some girl told me she would drive 9 hours if I would play this song."
At the end of the show, they all hugged. After the last encore, they did it again, and looked so emotional. It was really sweet.
All the songs were so incredible. I have never been to a better Tori concert. It was unbelieveable.
From Zorbit:
She had on the shirt she wore on GMA. I got to finally meet her at the m&g even though I didn't really know what to say. I somehow was able to get past the security guard when I rushed the stage, so got to see her from the front! Now I know why people like floor seats! The entire concert was amazing. She played several requests for people. She was in high form, and the lightbulb thing was hilarious, especially the "I don't give a fuck who has backstage passes I'm playing for these guys." At the beginning of Suede she also screwed up, I don't know if she was playing a different song or what but she laughed and threw her arms in the air and yelled "I fucked up." I don't think Tori will play Magness again, especially after she said she felt like she was playing in a mall. I told her at the m&g she needs to come back and play red rocks and she said she loved red rocks.
It was awesome to meet people like Kai, Tekdeth, Keither. I had a blast on my SLC road trip also with my traveling companions Spacedog22 (who is damned lucky), BeEnough and Sara.
From masjpk:
I had to work yesterday so I didn't get to do the m&g. My friend Jamie, who wasn't a big fan until last night (Tori live won her over), and I showed up about 7 and the mass outside was huge. I don't think that Magness was ready for something like this, better planing next time. But that was my only complaint. All night, nothing went wrong with my part of the show.
So we got in and Jude was almost done. He did this improv to one of his songs Brad and Susie with John Mellencamp's Jack and Diane, another song, and Groove is in the Heart by Deee-Lite. I like, liked him before, but even more so because he was cracking me up.
Our seats were in section 20, row 1. Right next to the gaurd that they use for the hockey games. These were great seats, because even with everyone standing we could sit and still see the show. Which after awhile became a neccessary, 2 hours of show, 2 legs...ouch.
The place was amazing, the energy was more captured this time then at Red Rocks last year, which is open. She started her set and then all of a sudden she went into this thing about playing in a mall. There was this light in the ceiling that really was bright and the door way to the bathroom's too. The place is a sports complex so they didn't think about that, it was distracting her because she could see the people just standing by the railing looking over, like in the mall. She said something about there should be a Starbucks over here, and you could call her Tiff. Then she went into how she didn't give a fuck about the guys who got backstage passes she was playing for these guys, pointing to the crowd. Cheers. Then she said something else about how she knew he could take care of it, ummm how she either would have them come on stage or make love to them. Then she said something about how he made a fine looking woman and went into the improv about the heels. I know that this is an actual song, but I can't for the life of me tell you what it was.
She didn't talk much through the show, but I didn't think that she was tired. I know her voice must be killing her, but she put on a truly amazing show. The lights were as equally amazing, the guys looked like they got really into it with her. She put on lipgloss at one point and she played like a rock star, it was great to see. The band was having a great time as well.
Best song for me was "Sugar". I've been seeing this guy that was supposed to go with me and he didn't, we broke up. So it was good to get it out. I love this version so much I can't tell you. She did these long iiiee things before CG that kind of through me off, I was expecting the Bet Your Life intro.
When the group hugged at the end and waved goodbye you could tell it was emotional for them. That they were really saying goodbye.
THREE ENCORES. I was so awed. I'm so glad that I went, but work calls I took a half day today so that I could sleep in. Needless to say the guy called last night at midnight and we're going to see what happens. So it was a great evening for me.
From Blade:
Well I went to my first meet and greet and I did not come away dissapointed. I actually got to touch Tori, get her autograph and a photo with her as well. It was truly and amazing experience. I wanted that moment to linger in my mind, so I just walked around in a stupor, replay the meeting over and over. The show was fantastic, I had 10th row in the middle section, so my view was great. She put on an amazing performance, I did not think a good part of the crowd appreciated her electric display. The whole lightbulb thing was hilarious. The three encores was more than any of us could have asked for. Well, I will be picking up my photos in about 15 minutes, I hope they turn out. Anyways Rock on you phreaks.
From GimpBoy:
The show was really great but I have to say the venue sucked, because it was in a gym there was so much reverb that the sound came out really muddy, if I wouldn't have known all the songs by heart I would have had a really hard time understanding her. I sat on the floor one row in front of the mixing board. Tori's husband of course did the mixing and he was really great, I saw a few girls ask if they could get a copy of the setlist and he said O.K. and then I talked to him for a bit, because I am a Music Industry major and am doing a paper on micing pianos and I asked him what mics they used for Tori. It was kind of hard to hear because of the background CD they had playing, but he was very thorough in answering my question and didn't seem bothered by it at all. My personal highlights from the show were Hey Jupiter, that's the first I've heard it live, and 1000 Oceans because my wife and I are just starting our lives together and it's been a difficult adjustments with many fights and this song really sums that up for me, I was crying during both songs. Black Swan was great as well! I loved when there was a pause right before the last verse (the faeries get their revenge part) and this guy yelled "I love you" and with out missing a beat she whispered "I love you too" and it totally worked right into the song. I also thought it was funny because as she was saying: The faeries get their revenge she flipped off the air. 3 encores was awesome and Tear was beautiful!!! O.K. you wanted to know about Lust it was with the ban d, and very much like the album version. It was Tori so of course it was great! O.k. I'll have to agree w/ that person earlier about M&G I had the same thoughts, Tori doesn't have to meet you 20 times to know you like her music. I mean come on! Does she send you a Christmas card and call you on your birthday? Probably not, so why not just let the rest of us who just want to say hi, do so. Just let us talk to her once! Anyway I have to agree the little girl was so cute! And even though I saw tori's bodyguard more than I saw her just knowing she was there was good enough. Oh yeah a funny thing that some people did, was instead of taking Tori's picture, they had Tori take a picture of them. All right that's about all I have to say. Oh yeah about the whole Devil dance Pregnancy thing my interpretation is that she's telling people if they have sex they'll get pregnant. What she did was point at the crowd make a sex sign (you know with your index finger of one hand circled by the index and thumb of your other), and then showed a round belly. Anyway sorry this was so long, I hope others post more about Lust for those that want it
From PaulOBrian:
I'm not a hardcore Tori fanatic like most of the folks here are, but I saw her on the last show of the Dew Drop Inn tour at Macky Auditorium in Boulder and was blown away by two things: her intensity, and the embracing, respectful spirit of the crowd. I thought that the Denver show, being the last show of this particular tour, might have a similar energy, but for me it didn't.
I don't think this is because of anything Tori did or didn't do, though it's definitely a very different vibe to see her with a band, and I have to say I prefer the solo approach. For me, though, the main reason the energy was different was the crowd. I find that there's often a feeling of community at Tori shows, but at this one there were these two drunk assholes behind me screaming during all the quiet parts of Tori's solo songs in the middle of the shows. Here she is playing these quiet songs, and they're shouting a conversation to one another. I don't understand why people do this at concerts -- why pay all that money when you can have the same conversation for free in your fucking living room? Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I spent the middle half of the show just really pissed off. My friend asked them to please talk more softly, but this just made them get louder and more obnoxious.
Then: The Waitress. I have never related to that song more than I did right then. "I want to kill... but I believe in peace." Tori's performance was absolutely incendiary, with the band thundering away, the lights careering wildly in every direction, and the final words repeated over and over. During the final bars she just grabbed the mike and panted a rapid series of explosive short breaths. Maybe she does this every time, I don't know, but it was a perfect catharsis for me -- all the anger just flowed out my fingers and my forehead and when it was over I felt okay again. And funny enough, the assholes quieted down after that too.
So the encores, for me, were the best part of the show. I loved "Precious Things" and "1000 Oceans", and the moment where a fan shouted out "I love you" and Tori whispered "Love you back" without missing a beat between lines was classic. "Tear In Your Hand" was terrific, too. Tori seemed pretty emotional to me, and I'm still processing a lot of the data overload from various parts of the show. But the best part was that panting at the end of Waitress -- expressed it all then kissed it goodbye.
From Chrysta:
I arrived for the M&G about 11 a.m. I met some Denters, Shawn, Kai and some others. Most people at the M&G were friendly and happy. There was a few EWF's directing the rest of us to stay on the stairs so most of us M&G virgins didn't get to meet Tori. I see the point the experienced EWF's were trying to make about not rushing and crowding the barriers, however I think a lot of us missed out because we were waiting for direction (from them) since they had been directing to us all afternoon. We were left behind and crowded in back. Everyone was pretty cool. There was no pushing or shoving and some people moved out of the way after they got a few pics so we could move up a little.
Tori was so short I couldn't see where she was, except for a few glimpses here and there. She looked so beautiful. She had on a white fitted shirt under a gray fitted long sleeved cotton shirt. She had a lavendar velvet ribbon tied around her neck. I couldn't see below her waist.
I cried when I saw her, I had been waiting to cry all day. Tori is such an inspiration to me. I passed my letter up to her. I hope she enjoys reading it.
The concert was amazing. I would have to say the best concert I've attended. There was a "negative" guy sitting next to me, but he left after 2 songs so I was happy. I sat in the 22 row of section AA and I could see Tori the whole concert!
I loved suede, concertina, riot poof, father lucifer, smells like teen spirit and agent orange. Black Swan, Black Dove, Tear in Your Hand, Sugar and Bells For Her were absolutely fantastic! I cried during Lust because she speaks to me so.
All the songs were great but I thought the end of Waitress was a little to drawn out. A few times I was disappointed because the band was soooo much louder than the piano. Most of the songs were played like they sound on the albums and/or venus. still orbiting.
3 encores! I couldn't believe it. I loved, loved, loved when she came out on the 3rd encore alone and played Black Swan in secret time! Be still my beating heart!
Everyone stood for the entire performance and many EWF's grooved and danced. I was among the butt shakers and I think maybe the people behind me thought I was a little groove crazy! he-he.
The group hug between Tori and the guys after the last song was beautiful! The final concert of the tour was emotional and electric! Tori was so full on energy and gave every song her all! The band was groovin' and rockin' and looked like they were having a great time! What a fantastic concert!!
From gmaKaren:
The Tori concert was Wonderful!!! There was a huge wait to get in and once inside I found my seat was completely tward the back, but is there ever a bad seat at a Tori concert? Any way half way through the show some guy spilled his beer down my back but that didn't keep me from enjoying myself. She mentioned it was the last night of her tour witch I hadn't known but it was amazing. She played a lot of songs with the band but played Bells For Her and 1000 Oceans solo along with some others. Her voice was amazing as usual, but when she sang Bells for Her I thought I was going to pass out! I've gone to every concert she's done in CO. since the Dew Drop Inn tour and she's never failed to awe me. The lights were awsome and she even had some smoke and all that good stuff and I couldn't exaxtly tell but from where I was it looked like she had lava lamps set up all over the stage. Deffanately a night to remember. I am envious of everyone who met her last night I haven't met her yet but my day will come!!!
From JohnnyFashion:
The show last night was one of the best of my life. I got to the Ritchie Center at 6:45 and waited outside for the longest time before we got in. It was the first time I ever had to be *frisked* before a concert. It was funny, because they gave me a pat down yet they never checked my bag. Go fig.
I made the mistake of buying the "nipples" t-shirt. Today at school, my friend made sure that everyone knew that I had nipples on my t-shirt. It's still an awesome tee. I also bought my beautiful program and a Venus Envy necklace. I found my seat (which was a grrreat seat) and comtemplated my surroundings. The Magness is much nicer and much more intimate than Red Rocks. I was 15 rows away from the stage, and it was great! Jude played for 35 minutes. He was awful. Anyone who has a lyric in the chorus saying "...and Rick James was the original Super Freak" does not deserve my attention. Anyway, on to my song by song review of TORI!
God - She started singing this acapella off stage. The boys came out and did some tricks and then Tori emerged from the shadows. She was wearing jeans and a white sweater. As soon as she came out, she started humping the leg of the piano. How great! The song was awesome...
Black Dove (January)- I was never expecting this song. It was absolutely beautiful to hear live.
Crucify - I dig the new intro to this song. It's really awesome. She also did this "pregnancy" dance where she mimed a fat belly before making sex gestures at the audience. It was great.
Riot Poof - most of the crowd got this song immediately! I was very glad to hear a warm reception to the new material. This girl definitely had "hips" last night. I loved the "blossom...riot poof" part. After the song, she said "I have never played in a mall before. Let's see...there should be a Starbucks right there and...just call me Tiff!". She was referring to a blaring light that was on to the left of the stage. The "backstage" people were watching from there. She told her stage manager to turn the light off and also said "fuck the backstage people, I'm playing to these people here" and waved her hands over the crowd. Many, many, MANY cheers! She then did a hilarious improv about how her stage manager cross-dresses! Something about how good he looks in heels...how he gets by...something.
Father Lucifer - It was more like the Sylkscreen version, but quite splendid none the less. The Steve McQueen bridge was added, which made it that much better.
Concertina - This totally caught me off guard. This is probably my fave off the new record (with the exception of Datura). It is absolutely stunning live.
Sugar - The first of FEW songs I've heard her play live before. If she had to repeat a song, this was it! It was soooooo great!
Smells Like Teen Spirit - This song gave me chills. The notes she hit just froze time. Sadly, there was this drunk bikeresque man behind us who was yelling throughout the song. When someone asked him to be quiet, he said something like "I'll be quiet when I'm at the opera! Whooooo!". I wanted to kick him in the nuts so badly. Yet, I mustered strength and was able to refrain.
Agent Orange - Again, this song caught me off guard. I was so happy to hear her play it.
hey Jupiter - I was dying to hear this live, and it was probably a highlight of the night. The drunk guy even shut up for this one! It was amazing.
Suede - This was awesome live. Awesome awesome awesome.
Spring Haze - Beautiful beautiful beautiful.
Cornflake Girl - This one had a very different intro. Normally Caton does his thing, then Matt, Jon, and Tori chimes in. The song just kind of started and then evolved into Cornflake Girl. Still superb!
The Waitress - Hang ten, honey! This one clocked in at exactly 10 minutes, which is a little bit longer than the version on TVAB. It is riveting to see live.
Precious Things - Beautiful, haunting, and melodic. Really, REALLY long "giiiiirrrrll" part.
Professional Widow - I heard the radio announcement about "the classics" and I jumped on top of my chair! I was dying to hear this live and it was just great!
Black Swan - Definite highlight of the show. It was so beautiful. Someone said "I love you" and in the middle of a line she gave a quick, breathy "love you too" back and the whole audience cheered. Beautiful song. Have I used beautiful yet as an adjective in this review?
Lust - Really great to hear this one live. The melody was so stupendous.
Bells For Her - Yesssss!!!! I was waiting to hear this one live and it finally came to me. It was wonderful.
Tear in your Hand - A third encore? Tear In Your Hand? is this good or what? Great version of the song.
1,000 Oceans - What a great way to end a show that was almost 2 hours long.
My score: 10/10
This one's a keeper
Misc: Tori made many "horns" gestures. I did them all day today. She also mentioned that it was the last date of the tour(?). Is London really going to happen?
Oh well, I'm tired now. Buh bye - Sean
From spacedog22:
that was my entire review of the show. just kidding. ok .
heres the long version.
i got to the venue at...um early
for the m&g. we had just driven FOREVER from salt lake and had not slept besides some half hour increments here and there and right away i knew KNEW it was going to be nothing but magical. the day went by really fast for some reason probably because there were the most wild and fun people at the meet and greet. i finally met keither, snowflake, and jessi who i had known in previous lives im sure. the whole experience there was fun, everyone was sharing stories and pictures
the baricades were set up right away and everyone was calm as we lined up at the barricades. actually i was busy chatting and did not know that we were going to line up when steve came out and some angel pulled me forward so i would not get trampled. thanks whoever you were. so all of a sudden i was at the barricades, breathed a sweet sigh of relief and tori came out right away, we did not wait long at all. she spent much time talking to people and saying goodbuys-for-now and stuff, and then she got to me and threw her arms around me and says you made it, yay! and she had remembered from the night before that i wanted concertina and said she would play it.
we chatted a bit i dont really remember about what and gave me another hug and a kiss on the cheek and i told her id miss her so much and she said she'd miss us too. my friend sean gave her the cutest fringey leather jacket and she put it on and looked so cute! as for the show...well that doesnt really have words but i'll try anyway.
you already know the setlist but i have to explain that the energy and love that was in the crowd was drownding. she played a bunch of songs that she had promised people, like agent orange for joel her body guard, black swan for sean, bells for her for sara, lust for shannon and jessi, and concertina for me. the coolest part was that when she sang the words "youre the fiercest calm ive been in" i pointed to her and sang along and she pointed back at me and smiled. i was stunned. as for the whole light bulb thing, she was about to start playing lucifer and she stopped and said "what am i playing in a mall? just call me tiff! (as in tiffany) "i feel like im in a mall. all those people standing up there...show me your penises. what do you think im going to show you my tits? move! come on someone turn that light of move those people over. im playing for them (points to the audience)! then she busts into this long improv and putts her leg up on the piano and when they finally got the light off and the people away ahe played lucifer. i thought the show would go on and on and on, which it did, but that was ok cause when she played black swan she had more sweetness in her voice than i have ever heard. and during tear and oceans she kept almost crying and i really was crying and couldnt stop but everyone in the entire audience was so it was ok. when she was done with the 3rd encore (!) her and the band hugged for a long time and was all teary and kissed us goodbye and was gone.
From Lil'_Ears_With_Feet:
1. What Tori was wearing?
-Tori was wearing
wash and go look with her hair, nothing fancy..very simple but pretty. Little dangle earings. She wore the same shirt as the GMA appearance; it was light blue with leather cuffs and blue ribbons tying the leather up. Dark blue jeans and paten(sp?)leather heels.
2. What the crowd was like?
-the crowd was very polite, except when these people decided to rush the stage during God. These people literally jumped over the middle section of seats. In the process, a lady lost her purse, beer and coke was spilled and people got kicked. Not fun. Someone already mentioned the "I love you, I love you back thing." Very sweet. Other than that, the energy of the crowd was great!
3. Meet and Greet horror stories?
-since I had school we didn't attend.
4. Meet and greet "Happy encounters"
5. Opening act review?
-well, I wasnt't extremely impressed but he was good pre-show entertainment.
6. Tori's energy review (ie..tired, happy, sad, angry, etc..) -she was extremely happy and slightly, never really pissed at the crowd, except when peeps were standing in the hallways under the lights. It actully did resemble a mall, "call her Tiff" she said.
7. Band's energy?
-well, they played and had fun. Sometimes I would see Caton laughing with Tori having a good time.
8. Best song?
-I would have to say....they were all good! Her energy level made all the songs yummy.
9. Tori stories?
-just the baby-dance at the beginning of Father Lucifer. She mimiced a round tummy, made a cross sign and began to do a hand-sign that was supposed to represent sex. I was puzzled...
10. Tori and band's reaction to the end of the show? -sad but not what I was expecting...they weren't horribly sad or anything.
11. Audience reaction to the end of the show? -Okay...it's over...let's get outta here!
12.MikeWhy sightings-He was sitting(and standing) two rows in front of me..I was way to shy to say hi so I'll do it now *waves* Hi Mike!
13. Tori's voice?
-beautiful and the shocking part, still there!
We arrived there late...having WAY too much fun at Red Lobster. Speeding down Universty was fun but when we got there and parking was horrible! Eeps!
Security was not tight at all...he just felt my back and looked through my purse. Someone could have snuck anything in there! Went to the merch. table, they were sold out of keychains and necklaces..sad but true. We sat down row 5, section BB, right in front of the piano. Nifty beans. I think she saw me smiling and smiled too..maybe. Also, I think I saw Zorbit, do you have short blonde hair?
Every song was perfect in my eyes. Show came, show went, show was over way too fast.
From cat:
i....i can't believe......you got.......LUST and BELLS 4 HER........right together like that....oh oh oh...some of you don't seem to know what you got here. this was the ONLY time she played LUST on the whole tour...and yeah, she played BELLS a good # of times, but dammit, not when i was around to hear it. if i would've heard her play lust and bells, every bad thing that's happened since my shows would disappear. if only God or Waitress was my favorite......but no...i have to love the one song the best that she seemed to be refusing to play....and then together with black swan also? good idea Tori, but why couldn't you have done it in portland or seattle? i wish i would come into a big inheritance or whatever happens for those mysterious people who seem to have both enough money AND freetime to follow the tour around. SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME THE SECRET TO THIS. how is it possible at 40 bucks a ticket, plus transportation and food? what does she mean we leave school and piss off our parents to follow her? i would if it was possible, but if my parents are pissed at me for going, who's gonna give me the money? job? i don't think they'd be so understanding as to give me a couple MONTHS off to do this. i just don't understand. maybe the secret is to volunteer at a nursing home (and i know this is sick, but it's all i can think of) befriend one of our dying elderly and hope they leave you a portion of their loot when they don't need it anymore.is that what you do you filthy ewf's? you should be ashamed. you know i'm just kidding about that but i really would like to know....god. i still can't believe she played Lust....not that i didn't enjoy the shows i went to, but i was crossing my fingers and sending brain signals for lust and bells the whole time and didn't get them.she played spring haze for that girl who said she'd drive 9 hours or whatever. i should've told her i'd crawl naked over broken glass if she'd play lust. i know this doesn't compare to that guy who had a 20 song wish list and didn't get any of them in salt lake, but......?!?!!?????!!! LUST ??!!!
From Beulah:
This was my first ever Tori show and it was sooo great. Everyone I met was so nice. Thanks to all tori fans for making this a memorable and enjoyable experience. The show was more than amazing....it was in another league on another level.
The seats were so far back (43rd row,floor) I'm glad I brought binoculars in order to get a really good view. The energy of the show was amazing. The M&G was nice, but I must agree the people who were directig us should have let some of us "virgins" up front to meet her. They were obviously trying to get the best view and made sure they kept it. Despite the fact, I still got close to the front and was able to get some great pictures of Tori (which I plan to send to Mikewhy, so that everyone can see them)The little girl was absolutely adorable. I met some nice people after the show. We waited outside and interrogated everyone who came out the doors after meeting Tori. I did meet Mikewhy on the steps after the show. (HI MIKE) The set list was amazing. I thought I was gonna cry when she played Precious Things and 1000 Oceans....truly great.
From Shadowthorn:
Wow!! What an awesome show! Tori triumphed!! That was the best show I have ever seen! I met a couple people at the M&G (I was the guy with the little red-haired girl), like Lucinda (yer awesome babe!). We didn't get a picture or autograph, but Tori did talk to Marissa which made my day - we love Tori so much! Some poor girl threw up while waiting for the M&G - I felt so sad for her (Kaley? Hope you feel better). I kinda have to agree that the people who have seen Tori 93 times ought to give it a rest for a while - was there ever a time when you didn't get to see her? Well, then think about how we feel, eh? Once would do the trick for me.
The show was incredible! Jude opened (he was amusing, at least, and had a nice voice), and then Tori came out and blew us away. I have never seen such energy and power before - I was transfixed. Marissa fell asleep for the middle part of the show but saw most of the encores. Three of 'em!!
Gotta say that was the best ever, and all of you EWF are pretty cool people. Peace.
From tR-Angst:
Jude was decent. At first I said that he reminded me of a Male Ani DiFranco. After he played for a while I started to actually get into it..he played with alot of energy. Then he left..lights came on..we mingled. Chrysta came up said "Hi" and at that point I had a splitting headache so I was a little crabby=(
Sorry if I seemed a bit mean to anyone..but I was miserable. Then I took 1200 mg of Ibuprophren and waited for tori to come out.
around 8:45 she finally came out. I was sooo excited. Her set was longer than I have seen before with 3 encores. Again I was annoyed by my roomate one of which who decided in the middle of the show to just sit in her seat and fall asleep. She got an earful from me on the way home..believe me. Overall I had a very nice experience and met alot of friendly people. Other than the fact that I got screwed over at the meet and greet and had a splitting headache I did enjoy myself. Friendly people, Good Music..overall a pretty good day. Helluva lot better than the Red Rock's show last year. Until Next Tour...
Have Fun,
From 22spacecake23:
hi, i just wanted too add some stuff to the denver review that no one discussed...
i saw the sound check because i sneaked in and hid, then came out and got to see tori through this gate thing doing part of soundcheck. she was close, and it was awesome! she did sugar, father lucifer, hotel, lust, and bells for her. after f.l., she said "how do you guys feel about 'lust'?"
i guess they needed to hear it because she told someone to locate a copy of venus and play it. so while they were trying to find it, they did hotel. then they listened to lust and then went through it a couple of times. it was amazing. i then got booted, so i listened to the rest of the sound check from another part of the building. on another note, when she did black swan and mentioned skeeter, does anyone know who skeeter is? in the video for spark, there is a scene that shows the word skeeter carved into a tree. same one? a faerie tori has met? any ideas? ok, thanks! bye
From BeEnough:
3) Bells for Her was for some tall guy who had requested it 7 days in a row. But I guess you can let Sara think it was hers. Finally, Mr. Zebra do you know ANY of Tori's music. Denver got Cornflake and Jupiter??? So did every other fucking concert. And Utah got Butterfly, Never seen Blue, and the debut of Josephine live.
Had to complain a little >>>
a little late, but better than never. let me clarify a few things to YOU.
1-i think its a bunch of crap to post something like that anonymously. be brave enough to stand by your words and sign your name at the bottom.
2-sara didnt think it was for her, sara never asked for the song. im sure robyn was dead tired, and she remembered me talking about wanting to hear bells for her because it was so..appropriate. at any rate, i knew i didnt have to ask for it because tori promised it in slc, and then in denver she remembered that she had forgotten, hehe. why does it have to be a THIS song is for ME? "let" sara think it was hers, thats rude and unneeded. tons of requests are made every night, and im sure plenty of them are repeats. i dont care if toris playing the song for her alien twin, if its one i was wishing to hear, then i am happy. i have asked for songs in letters, but i dont know it was for "me" and i dont give a fuck. its played, im happy.
3-maybe that person likes cfg and jupiter best. is it a crime to like a popular song? popular doesnt mean bad. i happen to really dislike enver seen blue, and i wasnt all too impressed with josephine. yes, i was there, and i loved butterfly. but, i enjoyed slc more because of the people (hi, robyn and christi!) than because of what tori played.
to finish off my very late review, the saddest part was during black swan, tori improved the line "has skeeter called, by the way?" and seeing everyone i love leave after we finished dinner. some off to ny, some heading back home. the meet and greet was peaceful, and i finally got to take my picture with tori thanks to my friend sara who gave me her spot in front of her. the last picture i took with her, also being my first, was backstage salt lake, and the girls who both took pictures on separate cameras never sent me a copy. yes, i am still bitter, and yes, heads will roll once i see them at another show. i WILL find them. :P slc's meet and greet was HELL on earth. for some reason, people think they can "move" with tori. uh, no. theres another gate, buddy, so back it up.