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Veronica Magazine
A Tori interview appeared in a Dutch TV magazine called Veronica. It was in the January 1-7, 2000 issue. Thanks to Nautical Nymph and Esther Both for translating the article from Dutch to English for us. Esther also scanned a photo that appeared with the article. The photo and interview are below.
Back up interview
Tori Amos Point blank
Musician Tori Amos wants to be unique. She is a
clergyman's daughter from North Carolina and started
her carreer as a headbanging bimbo in a hardrockband.
She seemed to have more talent for playing the piano.
Tori gives her fans (ewf) a new glance at her soul on
her new album 'to venus and back'.
(interview begins)
Q:Your music is very personal, almost like reading
someones dairy. Don't you think it's scary to be so
T: I don't really give all my secrets, it's not scary.
My music is just a part of my life. There are only a
few people who really, really know me. The friendship
with them is almost holy. To be there when the other
needs you, that's what it is about.
Q:Are you better friends with girls or boys?
T: That's hard to say. In my work I mix with guys. I
get along with guys very well. But that doesn't mean I
can't get along with women. I mean there are some
things (like miscairrige and menstruation) that you
can talk about better with women. WOmen understand
this without explaining it. That's something universal
that connects us.
Q: so women are always kind and friendly amongst
each other?
T: Oh no not at all. It seems like only men rule the
place, but we women have, just like men, a dark side.
When a man starts crying, he leaves as fast as he can.
When a woman cries, she is acting like a poor little
creature to keep her man with her. Just read the bible
or greek tragedies and you'll see how woman manipulate
their enviroment. Emotional blackmail. But we will
admitt that, will we?
Q:Do you feel happy in a womens body?
T: Oh yes, absolutely. You know, I'm not really
impressed by the whole girlpower-thing. I was into
that when I was five! But then I didn't knew the
womenwisdom I know now. It's so strange when I look at
all those young girls who come to my shows. It's
really impossible they really understand the things
that I sing about. I mean, they look like women, but
they are not yet women. Howmany life experience can
you have when you're 14? I wonder sometimes that it's
because of all the hormones in food, that they are so
eh, developed at such an early age. On that age, that
didn't happened to me.
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