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Tori performed in Seattle, WA on Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at Key Arena. The show began at 7:30PM and Howie Day was the opening act.
Set List
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Little Earthquakes
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Sweet Sangria
Take To the Sky
Liquid Diamonds
Band leaves
Baker Baker
Band returns
Northern Lad
Cornflake Girl
Precious Things
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze
1st Encore
Taxi Ride
2nd Encore
Tear In Your Hand
Your Cloud
The latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum. (I will eventually move the forum reviews to this web page as well.) Please post your own review if you were at this show!
From Bille:
Seattle Set List
Wampum Prayer
A Sorta Fairytale
Little Earthquakes
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Sweet Sangria
Take To The Sky
Liquid Diamonds
*improv leading into
Baker Baker (solo)
Carbon (solo)
Landslide (solo)
Northern Lad
Cornflake Girl
Precious Things
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze
encore #1:
Taxi Ride
encore #2:
Tear In Your Hand
Your Cloud
*the improv had these lyrics, amongst others: I have a secret. I've been waiting 'til now to tell you. the world is looking to you. you say what the fuck. I say the world is looking to you.
smoke and pipes and everything nice.
there you go, I hope this helps. Bille, Puyallup, WA.
From shaman:
This show had very high energy despite the reserved people I was stuck sitting near. They were stiffer than me which is saying something. I'm too shy for my own good. Anyhow, I think 80% of it was coming from those on the floor. This was clearly a rock 'n roll "kick butt" show. She did all the usual one that sound good with alit of drums in them. Little Earthquakes, Cornflake Girl, Caught A Lite Sneeze, Take To the Sky, Liquid Diamonds, Pancake, Precious Things, Waitress, etc. Fortunately, she also did some meet and greet requests so Carbon finally showed up again and got a warm response from the crowd. Even the people next to me applauded quite a bit. I suspect Baker, Baker & Landslide might have been requests but I'm unsure. I do know that Carbon was requested. We were also treated to Northern Lad which always reminds me of one time when I met her but that's another story. I was so glad when the finale finally came!! I could finally get up and move to the music which is what this concert was begging for!! Taxi Ride is just as enjoyable as I could hope for and even reserved me could help but move to it and need a bother saying how much rhythmical energy Waitress has? In fact, even Tear In Your Hand was not the old ballad version but a high energy one that was closed to Waitress only dealing with pain rather than anger but about as intensely. Although, I'd have liked her to have played the Dakota version of Hey Jupiter after Your Cloud she seemed to be even better than at Vancouver on this particular song. Perhaps, because she was less conservative about pouring her energy into it since it was the last song. I also found her rendition of Sugar to be especially powerful tonight.
Also, She did Crazy earlier at the KMMT studio so it didn't appear tonight. It's too bad because I like that song. She also did a mellow version of A Sorta Fairytale, etc. and answered some questions.
From Dez:
Wow! Amazing day and night in Seattle.
I'm not sure how the private concert at the Space Needle went. I have not had a chance to talk to anyone who was there, yet.
I recorded the Mountain Music Lounge performance from the radio. She performed three songs and answered some questions. I cannot remember right now all of the songs as it is now 2:30 A. M. I know one was "Strange" and "Crazy" ... what was the other? Sorry. Then, she said that she is going to spend Christmas on the boat with her parents. She also mentioned that Tash was throwing a Christmas party for the crew and her close friends after the second L. A. show. There were pink trees in the W. Hotel that sparked that conversation. Tash wants a pink Christmas with Hello Kitty and Barbie stickers. Very cute story... I'm not sure how soon I could get a transcript for you. But, that is a touch on the airing.
There was a nice intimate crowd for the meet & greet. We were frozen numb, but, excited. We were told no personal PICS would be taken w/ ourselves and Tori, but that we could take PICS from afar. I think quite a few people got autographs. This time around, I figured I had enough autographs. I just brought snickerdoodle cookies, a Hello Kitty U. S. A. book w/ stickers for Tori and Tash, and a Christmas Marvin Martian for Mark. I was pleased to see Marvin w/ Mark in the sound area after the show. He thanked me for Marvin. How pleasant to know the gift was welcomed... Tori was dressed in this beautiful dark gray (w/ a darker pattern on it) long coat. Hopefully, my PICS will turn out and I can post them soon. Tori was striking as always, beautiful skin, lit up eyes, smiles ... you know. She laughed when I said that I could not push the button to take the picture because my hands were numb. I did not hear any of her conversations. She said, "Hi, how are you?" It was sweet and short, but worth the wait.
Showtime came a bit later. Howie Day: amazing man. He is more relaxed this end of the tour. He is a genius. I think many had misjudged what he had going on. He is a great talent and performer.
Tori Time: First, let me write the set list. Then, I'll add some comments later.
1. Wampum Prayer
2. A Sorta Fairytale
3. Little Earthquakes
4. Caught A. Lite Sneeze
5. Sweet Sangria
6. Take to the Sky
7. Liquid Diamonds
8. Pancake
9. Wednesday
10. "I have a secret..." improv
11. Baker, Baker
12. Carbon
13. Landslide
14. Northern Lad
15. Concertina
16. Sugar
17. Cornflake Girl
18. Precious Things
19. I Can't See New York
20. Spring Haze
21. Taxi Ride
22. The Waitress
Second Encore
23. Tear in Your Hand
24. Your Cloud
Okay, all that being said. Tori was wearing dark boots (brown I think) w/ some sort of cutoff pants ... then, a long dress-like shirt that had Steve Nicks flowing sleeves (white) and this print on it ... beige (from what I could tell in stage light) shades, circles on her right side and this scalloped, almost flowery pattern on her left toward her shoulder.
"Take to the Sky" I noticed had a really neat jazzy groove to it. This song has morphed.
"I have a secret" song was cute then serious.
"Baker, Baker" little messup on line, then sang something like, "Maybe we could change this line..."
"Landslide" pleasant surprise ... the best version I've heard her do of this cover.
"Northern Lad" in the very first bars sounded a lot like "Only Women Bleed," but no, it was indeed "N. L."
"Cornflake Girl" it took me a second because no Caton anymore, but, it's coming along.
"I Can't See N. Y." was so beautiful w/ the lighting and the rumbling bass sounded like a plane engine ... very haunting. The segue right into "Spring Haze" well... I have always felt them as sister songs.
Somewhere during the course of the show Tori mentioned how nice it was to be on this coast "finally." Didn't bash the East ... just relieved, possibly more at home here, who knows.
After the encore, the crowd from the back rushed the front where I was ... very hard to see ... extremely hard to take good pictures. Keep a little consideration for others when you wear big hair to a show. If you're going to dance ... elbows in your neighbor's side, not always appreciated. It was a great audience overall, though. Howie Day seemed a little surprised at the warm welcome.
After the show, I met Howie Day ... very warm and funny guy. He signed his CD for me.
From Erik Williams:
The concert was brilliant as I knew it would be. She played for 3 hours! I was in ecstasy. She didn't say much. I was a little disappointed but realised that it gave her more time to play. I really enjoyed the piano version of CaLS and the intro to Baker Baker was stunning. I wish I had had the presence of mind to transcribe the lyrics. I was too in awe. She did boo-boo in the second verse of Baker Baker but caught herself and made a funny "maybe we could save this line!" we all applauded. it was too cute. If all the performances are this good then we are all in for one hell of a show!
From bullmastiffg:
the concert was wonderful. the lights were great. there was ususally a light image of scarlet somewhere on the back drop. tori had good energy and good sound although the base was turned up a bit much but you could still hear the quality of her voice. onw thing i thought was rude was while during i cant see new york a lot of people got up out of their seats and i noticed a lot of people swapping seats during songs. but my eyes were so focused on tori i saw it little. the set list was a great mixture of her old and new songs. she didnt talk much at all but i liked that she played so long. this has been my third tori concert and the goddess of music is always a pleasure to see at any venue. next year i am getting a rainn backstage pass from the auction. the concert was good and from the 24th row center i saw her do what she does best!!
From brian k:
a week ago today I was in Seattle for the concert. The meet and greet was an eye opening experiance for me.
To start off, I had to walk about two dozen blocks in the rain and wind. That wasnt too bad. I had a water resistant coat, and wore layers, so I stayed dry. I was one of a few small group that got there early. They were looking out for me, and made sure I got up to the front of the barricade with them. I was right behind a vertically challanged person. (is that pc?? ~shrugs~) I thought I had a pretty good spot. For those of you who dont know me, im only 5'2. Everyone there, except my friend in front of me, were taller then me. I was squished between two people I almost bailled, I was getting nauseous, but decided to stick it out.
Finally tori comes out. Like a wave everyone surged forward...I was squished between two people...my hips were crushed.....hurt like hell when everyone finally left,I was hobbling around for an hour. I brought a camera, but my arms were pinned, so I got one good picture, and a so so one.(anyone have pics they wouldn't mind sharing??)) Basically now Im just trying to catch a glimpse of her. Im not really paying attention at this point...just trying to stay on my feet, the muscles in my legs knoted up worse then two dogs going at it on the front lawn. I was pissed off, because it was supposed to be autographs only and a handful of people were getting their pictures taken with tori.
I dont know if I was looking pale, or she was just surprised to see a calm person in the mob. tori asked me how i was doing. I know My jaw dropped slightly.I'm thinking, it's supposed to be the other way around, I'm supposed to say hi to her. I look up...straight into her gorgeous eyes (cant belive she's my height :) ) Everyone around me is shouting, thanking her for her music, and all I can do is say I'm doing fine.
I had bought a sheet of Hello Kitty stickers to give to her. (I read the Blender article) She laughed then shook her head. I felt my own smile grow. I then got my book autographed and stood aroundon this incredible high.
I would do it again in a heart beat. :)
I had bought a ticket a few days before the show . I was in the stands towards the back. I went to the box office early in the day. They had 25th row avalible. That was about where I was in Detroit. Being 5'2, I didn't think I'd be able to see anything. I planned on bringing binoculars, so I passed on the ticket. I went back minutes before the arena opened.
I got 12th row!!
I had an unobstructed veiw of the stage, right over the side of tori's piano. I know she pours herself into her music.It was incredible to watch. It was amazing watching her facial expressions and movements. And the feeling of the music making your bones vibrate. WOW!!
It was a night I'll never forget.
From Kschatt13:
Well, this is my bit o' feedback. From the time the tour began, I stopped visiting The Dent (sorry! nothing personal!) because I didn't want to read the reviews, set lists, etc. I wanted to be surprised by what Tori was going to do, and for the most part I was. Tori's set list was great, and I was especially happy to hear so many of the new album's songs. The new songs had just as much confidence and strength as the older ones. And, her playing with Matt Chamberlain and Jon Evans is tight. Even the songs that have prominant guitar parts (i.e. "Precious Things," "Cornflake Girl," "Waitress") held up very well without the presence of a guitarist. By the way, do you know what the hell happened to Caton?? Where has he gone? Have I been missing something the last couple years?
And, Tori was really beautifully dressed. I loved her "Stevie" type of look! And the show had a great energy about it that really translated through Tori, Matt and Jon.
From The Seattle Times