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The Rosie O'Donnell Show
Tori appeared on the Rosie O'Donnell Show on Tuesday, December 22, 1998. This appearance was a surprise to many people, and contrary to what many of us thought, it was NOT a rerun of her January 1997 appearance on Rosie. The guests for this episode were Ben Affleck, Jon Stewart, and Tori. Tori performed "Northern Lad" and talked a little bit with Rosie on this very nice appearance. This episode was taped a week or two earlier in New York. You can find various descriptions of the show below as well as some screen captures from Tori's appearance, and a complete transcript of Tori's conversation with Rosie courtesy of Nicole M McCann.
In addition to all my photos below, you can also find photos and video clips from this appearance on Rosie O'Donnell's web site as well! Thanks to kristen (twinklegrrl) for telling me about that!
Click on thumbnail to see a larger image.
Nicole M McCann sent me a transcript of what Tori and Rosie talked about on the show. (Thank you!):
At the beginning of the show (during the monologue), just before commercial...when Rosie was announcing the guests... the first guest that she announced was Tori!!!
Rosie: "You know who's here today, don't you? Tori Amos, who I enjoy
so... [starts playing a clip of CFG, singing along...'Never was a
cornflake girl. Thought that was a good solution hanging with the raisin
girls.' ] She's got a brand new CD out, and it's as wonderful as the 3
that preceded it. uh, I adore her... She's here...She's gonna sing for
us." [finishes announcing the rest of the guest list]
I was able to go to the show's website (www.rosie.com) and there I saw
a small clip of Tori's performance. Tori played "Northern Lad."
(commercial break ends and Tori is already sitting with Rosie on
stage--this is why i wonder if there was a small interview after the song
and before the commercial.--Tori is leaning over the desk a bit, talking
to Rosie. Both of them are smiling and sort of laughing. From what i
could see...Tori has on black pants, a sort of black V-neck,
short-sleeved shirt that comes down off her shoulders a bit, and over
that is a blue knit sweatshirt covering her arms. I couldn't see her
shoes. And, I'm sure someone else, who's not fashion challenged, could
describe what she was wearing a lot better than me...but I'm trying. You
can hear Rosie hurriedly say,"Yeah." to Tori, because they're taping
again. )
Rosie: [ gradually standing the new CD ("From the Choirgirl Hotel")
upright, on her desk] "Back with Tori Amos, who's new CD is so
wonderful; and [Camera zooms in on CD] congratulations on getting
Tori: [softly says:] "Thank you." [humble smile]
Rosie: "You're welcome! [then, to the audience:] Tori got married!"
{audience cheers} [Tori begins to look at the audience now, and starts
smiling with a bigger smile]
Rosie: Ya' know...I remember you telling me that you didn't think you'd
ever get married.
Tori: never.
Rosie: [softly] no
Tori: [shaking her head no, slightly] No, never.
Rosie: surprise!
Tori: Big surprise.
Rosie: [softly] yeah
Tori: [more enthusiastically...very cute] I dropped my teacup! ...He
asked me [Rosie nods yes, as if to say "go on."] and, uh...I thought we
were just gonna have tea. He's British, ...so...you know... they do
that...sort of thing.
Rosie: [in agreement] Yes
Tori: and we were sitting there, having it... and he sa[about to say the
word "said," but cut off abruptly]...asked me..said, 'I want to know'
[starts smiling..then begins to sort of purse her lips while still
smiling--sorry that's the best i can do to describe it.--and says, while
making that face] [Looks upward] ohhh....He doesn't want me to talk, but
he said, um, ' I want to know what you're gonna be like going down to the
garden when you're 80.'
Rosie: [gasp] ...What a sweet thing to say!
Tori: [barely audible, said with a slight sigh] yeah
Rosie: And is that right when you dropped it, right there...?
Tori: I dropped it. ...yeah
Rosie: And did you think...well, would you like to be there seeing it, or
are you just wondering. ...You know.
Tori: [softly] heh
Rosie: Did that cross your mind?... Cause I'm so insecure, I'd be
like...well, maybe he doesn't mean with me. [very softly, while laughing
a bit, Tori says: yeah] Maybe he's just wondering, in general, how people
age...you know...?
Tori: Yeah, he...well, then he said 'i want you to...I want you to be my
wife' [Rosie: Aww...] and i thought [said softly, in awe] " Wife. Wow!"
....Then I dropped it.
Rosie: Now are you able to say that when you refer to him..."my husband"
...? Does that come naturally for you or...?
Tori: [in the most adorable voice] Husband!
Rosie: [softly] yeah... does it?
Tori: I call him...
[Tori and Rosie simultaneously say softly: yeah]
Tori: [continuing her story, said in a cute voice] "Husband! [ using a
hand gesture to mime talking on a telephone] Hi, it's me...Tori."
Rosie: [laughing]
[then, briefly, both Tori and Rosie are softly laughing together]
Rosie: [interrupting suddenly] Did you get to go on a honeymoon?
Tori: Wasn't, wasn't...um...really a honeymoon, 'cause we kept getting
Rosie: by... [Tori: so...] work stuff?
Tori: by work
Tori: 'cause the record was just about...we were just finishing it and
um... everybody started calling because they needed approvals and stuff
Rosie: Right
Tori: and at a certain point it was just about...[softly] oh my God...We
were really intruded on...
Rosie: yeah
Rosie: so you're gonna get some time, i hope, to take another
one...sometime soon
Tori: Yeah...He says that, uh...like ev'ry day we'd get a day off, he'd
say 'Mmmm...cashing in on the no honeymoon.' [smile, slight laugh]
[then, barely audible:] So, that's it.
Rosie: [laughing] Hahahahahahahaha! ...Well, that's kind of sweet... Now,
um...i read that you were kicked out of school at 11
Tori: yeah
Rosie: Still hurt your feelings a little bit?
Tori: ... [pause]
Rosie: I was kicked out of school at 17 [softly, Tori says: yeah], and
I'm still not over it.
Tori: Well...they've asked me to come back and do a... a songwriter's
Rosie: [In a tone of playful fierceness] THEY ASKED ME TO DO THE SAME
THING! ...for the acting department.
Tori: Mmmm [nodding head slightly yes]
Rosie: I Said "no!" What did you [Tori: I said] say?
Tori: I said no
Rosie: Give me a high-five on that! [Tori gives Rosie a high-five]
Rosie: But you were just a baby, 11 years old
Tori: Yeah, I was pretty young...but I thought my life was over
Rosie: yeah...
Tori: It was big stuff...I had been there since I was 5. I was supposed
to be a concert pianist[rolls eyes], but that didn't obviously happen
Tori: It was *never going to happen, though. I mean, i could have told
them that at five and a half
Rosie: Yeah, you knew
Tori: oh, I *knew. It's like "oh...those guys are *dead. [Begins to sort
of roll eyes, by looking at the audience, and then slowly rolling eyes
towards Rosie at her desk] why do i want to play that..crap!?!
Rosie: [Laughing] Yeah...
Tori: Do you know what i *mean* ?
Rosie: "I want new stuff"
Tori: I wanted to be a composer
Rosie: Right
Tori: Don't we all...[making peace sign]...but i did. And,
[Rosie:yeah] uh, i don't know...you know... I'll still...
Rosie: And then you started playing bars right, soon after that...right?
Tori: Well...what happened was, they said 'What are you gonna do?" ...I
said, I was 11, and I said "I don't know. Give me a couple of days to
[Begins making huge, very wide eyes] figure it out."
Rosie: laughing
Tori: And so, I think a few days later I just said, "Dad...I need to go
pro now."
Rosie: yeah
Tori: So he, um, by the time i was a teen, he would go with
me...chaperone me when i was playing clubs in D.C. ...when i was 13. And
I played 'em...[smiling, getting a little more excited] the shocking, the
scary thing is that I played 'em for 11 years
Rosie: Really...
Tori: Yeah, I kept getting fired. {Slight laughter is heard in the
Rosie: For what reason? Demanding too much Kool-Aid in your dressing
room? {A tiny bit of laughter can still barely be heard coming from the
Tori: No, ...I think it was, um...I just think that...the Marriot, as
much as they make that really good macaroni and cheese
Rosie: yeah
Tori: but other than that...my set list and their set lists and my
leather skirts...it just didn't...
Rosie: Didn't go
Tori: And, this was the 80's, you know...hair needed to be up to here.
[Gesturing way above her head]
Rosie: Really big. mine was huge then.
Tori: Was it?
Rosie: Yeah
Tori: Mine was, too. It had to touch the ceiling. [Still gesturing above
her head] Aquanet can, you know...
Rosie: And you know what I used to do...? I used to take the blow
dryer...Put the blow dryer here [miming the actions that she would take],
and then spray the spray
Tori: oh, yeah
Rosie: as the blow dryer was going
Tori: oh, yeah [smiling]
Rosie: So that you would just have one big Farrah Fawcett wing.
Tori: It's, it's weight [gestures that suggest wings coming from one's
Rosie: Like the flying nun...I could've taken off from the 4th grade.
Tori: It was too great
Rosie: It was sad and scary... Well, I am so happy that you're..., uh,
happily married; and I love the new CD as I do the 3 that preceded it,
and as I was telling Tori, I quote the lyrics to my shrink [Tori starts
laughing]...so, uh...[Rosie continues, in a sort of fake-crying way]
'cause it helps me express myself. ...Could we just have a moment and
hold my hand, please? [Tori holds Rosie's hand for a couple of seconds]
...I'm okay. Uh...go buy the CD, uh, would ya, and uh, it's available
now..and [to Tori] have a great Christmas
Tori: [softly] Thanks
Rosie: and
Tori: [softly] you, too
Rosie: say hi to your parents
Tori: [softly] I will.
Rosie: [softly] Alright
[Tori smiles and waves to the audience. Rosie announces the next guest.
Camera pans out and away. You can see Tori and Rosie talking some
more--like in the beginning. Commercial break.]
From wild koba:
she played northern lad, which i thought an interesting song choice for the rosie show. something about that "when you're only wet b/c of the rain" line getting featured on a (what i thought was) kids-oriented show. and "it gets so fucking cold" was changed to "it gets sooooooooooo cold."
they went to a commercial break, and she came back, and spoke to rosie for
about 4 minutes. rosie congratulated her on the marriage, asked about the
honeymoon (to which tori replied, "we did have one but we kept getting
interrupted....with work from the album...people would constantly call.").
rosie asked her if she's comfortable with the idea of a husband, and she was
like, "oh yeah, i call him 'husband' when we're on the phone. hi husband, it's
they also spoke briefly about tori's experience at peabody, and how she
thought getting the boot was the end of her life. rosie quickly compared it to
when she herself got booted out of school at 17. and then rosie asked her if
peabody (she didn't mention it by name, though) had asked her to come back,
and tori was like, "well, they asked me to do some sort of composers weekend
there", then the following ensued (paraphrased):
r: yeah, that's funny, i got asked to do the same thing for the acting
department at my school. so what did you say no?
t: i said i wouldn't go.
r: yes!! gimme five! (audience applause)
tori and rosie also briefly discussed her (tori's) club playing days, and how
they had to do their with tons of aquanet so it would touch the ceiling.
then towards the end, rosie thanked her, and she said "i love this new album,
as i loved the 3 previous ones. i quote the lyrics to my shrink...so i
can....express myself *faked sobs*". and that was just about it, and then they
went off to the break.
From alan denniberg:
well kids, i took time off from freaking out about my mass media final tonight to watch the rosie show. it was DEFINITELY a new appearance. it was really cute, at the beginning of the show rosie started talking about how much she loved tori and then she pushed a button and "cornflake girl" started playing, and she sang and danced along. so rosie talks with ben affleck and then finally, introduces tori with very nice words. cut to the piano - AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! tori sitting there, wearing a black short-sleeve top, a blue cardigan on backwards, and black flare pants (i couldn't see the shoes, sorry!). she played "northern lad" by herself, which was of course wonderful - it was really cool, one of the shot montages they used was to have her hands on the keyboard at the top of the screen and a dead-on headshot on the bottom. PERFECT. then was a commercial break, then they came back - i can't really transcribe it word for word but i can give you a general gist. rosie congratulated tori on getting married, said something like "i remember you telling me once that you never thought you'd get married" and tori shrugs and goes "never!" it was cuuuute. then rosie asked about how mark proposed; tori of course said "he doesn't like to be talked about" but she talked about it a little, how they were having tea ("he's british, and british people - well they do that sort of thing") and he told her he wanted to see what she would look like going down to the car when she was 80, then he asked her to be his wife and she dropped her tea! the sweetest story. then, she talked about how they didn't really get a honeymoon, because the record was just being released and everybody was calling and bothering them, so mark thinks of every day off as a piece of honeymoon. then rosie brought up being kicked out of school, tori said something like "i was supposed to be a concert pianist, but that didn't happen - it was never going to happen, i could have told them that at five-and-a-half" and realizing that "these guys are dead, who wants to play this crap? i wanted to be a composer." VERY cute. then they talked about big hair a little, and it was over with rosie saying "i recite her lyrics to my shrink - it helps me express [taking the "faklempt" face]." it was a very cute appearance!!!!!! if anyone taped it, it's worth watching. i was glad to have a tori fix in the middle of all this stress - it was nice to see her again, because who knows how long it will be until we see her next?
From woj sven-woj:
those who want to tape tori on rosie, be warned! her performance of
"northern lad" is the second segment of the show, right after the
interview with ben affleck. not being a regular viewer (it's not
everyday that i'm on vacation, you know!), i dunno if this is the usual
time musical guests do their thang or not, it almost caught me
"northern lad" was nicely done. in case anybody is wondering, she sorta
stretched the "so" in "it gets so fucking cold" to get around the
cussing. after a commercial break, tori and rosie chatted about tori's
wedding, getting kicked out of the peabody, and playing the bars of
washington d.c.
From Rachel E Fielder:
i just saw Tori on Rosie and she was great. She played Northern Lad. My only compliant was that all of the cameras were onoly on her face from across the piano, no full body shots. but she looked great. she and rosie even talked for a little bit. Rosie said the cutest thing, she said that she quotes tori's songs to her shrink because they help her express herself. tori also told the story of how Mark asked her to marry him. so cute.
From Meghan:
Tori was on the Rosie O'Donnell Show and as we predicted, it was taped on December 15th. Rosie made a few jokes about that fact in the beginning of the show. Rosie was talking about who was going to be on the show and when she said Tori she played "Cornflake Girl" and tried to sing along...didn't quite know the words that well, but whatever. Anyways, Ben Affleck was the first guest, and surprisinly Tori was the second. She played "Northern Lad" (no band of course) and it was gorgeous. They took out the f-word by having Tori hold the sooooo...cold. It was funny. She looked wonderful and her hair was cool, and she seemed very relaxed. Her voice was absolutely in top form. Then she and Rosie had roughly a five minutes interview where they chatted about when Mark proposed to Tori, "I want to see what you'll be like walking to the garden when your 80". As well as how they never quite got a honeymoon, and that was pretty much it. Very very good show.
Please give me feedback, comments, or suggestions about my site. Email me (Michael Whitehead) at mikewhy@iglou.com