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Mike Gray sent me the following review of the November 29, 2002 Tori concert in Chicago, IL from the February 2003 issue of Q Magazine in the U.K.
Tori Amos - Chicago State Theatre, 29th November 2002
**** [out of *****]
It starts with the spooky, Native American inspired Wampum Prayer. Bass and drums kick in and the mood is complete with Tori Amos finally caresses her grand piano, in low-cut shirt and flowing skirt. Amos pauses only to welcome the Chicago audience and suggestively apply lipstick. New album Scarlet's Walk centres on a trip across America through the eyes of a fictional heroine but there's scant envidence of that concept tonight: only the Roadside Cafe sign that appears during her solo mini-set, a highlight thanks to a poignant version of Elton John's Tiny Dancer. Still, Amos's live persona is compelling enough, simultaneously light-hearted and mysterious.
Jonathan Singer
[photo caption "A spellbinding audience with the mystical queen of rock"]