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North American Plugged '98 Tour
Check Out The Reviews And Set Lists Page Tori performed in Newark, DE on November 24, 1998 at the Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware during the main North American leg of her Plugged '98 tour. ![]() Set ListTori performed China, Cool On Your Island, Mother and Winter solo. Richard Handal called me on the phone with the set list. ![]() Precious Things 1st Encore: 2nd Encore: |
![]() ReviewsThe most recently added reviews are first. From Lisa J UlmerDecember 23, 1998 - It being my fifth Tori show in four years, it takes a lot for me to be "enthralled" by her performance, as I was the first time I saw her, rather than just "wowed" as I am usually. But this show was amazing, particularly because, I think, her parents were in the audience - three rows in front of me, no less! She played Father Lucifer in a more playful and upbeat style and Mary with her band, which she hasn't played much on other tours, and I felt like she was "having a conversation" with her Dad because they often have "discussions" on their different views of religion, as I have heard, and I swear she was looking right at our section the whole time. And she closed with Winter, which was beautiful and truly moving as I saw both her father and mother stand (two of the only ones in the entire arena) to listen to it. She definitely played her heart out there, much more so than when I saw her earlier this year at the Garden. One note: she was so funny when someone threw a stuffed hamster on the stage and she said she would name it "Richard Gere." She also did a little Weird Al: "Little Hamsterdam." Some people don't realize (especially those non-fans who say she is too "depressing") that Tori has one hell of a sense of humor! ![]() From ShannynDecember 5, 1998 - I would just like to say, I loved the message you put up that Tori gave you.... I thought it was kind of funny she put I'ts a bug's life, because at the Show in Newark, Del. everyone gave her a basket ful of toys and goodies, one of them happening to be a stuffed animal bug from the movie.... ![]() From Pure Guava QueenDecember 1, 1998 - i have to say both showa i went to this week were absolutely different yet beautiful in their ways. besides who leaves a tori show disappointed? I went to meet and greet where i was #35. no hope. but i still hung in for pictures. My friend got her picture signed. im waiting for my moment. so im not mad. anyway, the show was great. it felt like little earthquakes night, but then again i noticed at m&g the album of choice to be signed was LE, precious things was not as big and bold as the night before. when girl came i was so happy and it is such a great live song. Past the mission was great as usual. She got a hamster from someone and sang little hamsterdam which was very cute.Siren was a request and she had an intro to it which i dont recall, but i love siren so i was happy the request was made. MAry was cool too, but what took me by the arm was COOL on your Island... I was singing along and couldnt place it was a weird moment for me .... then mother... this is my fave song from LE i almost cried. Im so glad to hear Talula i like the live version best. Winter is always a pleaser. ALAS this was my last show. until the next tour. ![]() From Chris KrammeNovember 27, 1998 - It's been 3 days since the show & I am still so overwhelmed by the events of the past week! I'm doing this in reverse order, actually sending in my Newark story before my Bethlehem one, but I don't think anyone will be able to tell in the end. The day began when I got up at 8:30. After getting ready & signing Tori's goodbye card I waited for my friend Nick to pick me up. He was supposed to get out of school at 11:30 & come pick me up, but he finally called at 12:30 and said he was on his way. So he picked me up, along with Phillippa (the Sharpie art girl) We listened to the Little Earthquakes cd on the way down. We got to the Carpenter Center at 1:30, proceeded to the back & got #s 22-24 for the m&g. It was a beautiful day, unseasonably warm for November. I think the powers that be knew Tori was coming! So then I met Rich, who kicked off the signing of Tori's card, which of course everyone wanted to sign (I know some of you are going to Michigan...hehe...have fun). I would estimate about 20 people signed, pretty much everyone that was there. Then we waited... I ended up 2nd row for the m&g, so I was happy knowing I would get to present my basket of Puffkins to Tori, as well as the card & my letter. After Steve gave his "You all know the rules" speech, Tori arrived at 4:00. I saw her speak briefly to Phillippa, who got her Unplugged Girl cover signed for her brother. Then she got over to me, I could tell she recognized me from last night (Duh, it was last night, how could she not?). I handed her the basket & she was really checking out all the little creatures & said something like "Some new playmates for Mr. Puppethead." She said she would protect them. I then gave her the card, my letter, & a letter from someone behind me, which she said "I'll protect these too." I think we got over the idea that the card was from all of us. She mainly talked to the people in front, which is understandable I guess. Someone gave her a little stuffed animal hamster, which would come into play later on. After the m&g we headed in town to get some FOOD! So we invaded Burger King & then were good to go. Then we went to look for the new Cruel single, but only found it on tape, so I decided to wait & get it on cd. The girl in Rainbow records said they only got one copy in on cd, which was of course long gone with so many Toriphiles in town. We then headed back to the building, listening to Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt." Now we were really bored, there was a 3 hour wait before showtime, and in that span Nick bummed a half pack of cigarettes, which we all smoked up out of sheer boredom. We also listened to Mother(which I wanted to hear sooooo bad), Tear In Your Hand, Little Earthquakes, & Little Earthquakes again. I knew she was going to play LE b/c she promised someone at the meet & greet that she would. It was his last show, like me. Later we went up to the front of the building where some really nice Toriphiles had bought like 10 boxes of Little Caesar's pizza for everyone. They also had sodas, chips, ect. If you're reading this, you guys are way cool. Generous too! :) I wasn't in the mood to eat anything b/c I was down b/c this was my last show. They opened the doors sometiime around 7:30 & we went inside. Security was really laid back tonight; no one was searched. I bought the t-shirt with all the tour dates from July 15-Dec 3. We went into the arena, which was actually pretty small, I think it holds 4,500 for concerts. We found our seats, eighth row center aisle(of course I had the aisle seat!) We saw some O-town (I am from Oxford, PA, which is 1/2 hour from Newark, so this was like my hometown show) peeps like Randy who had 1st row all the way to the right, directly in front of the speaker (shitty ass seat...HA!) anyway, after we talked to him I saw that my friend Brian had arrived with his girlfriend Vicki, who was in from Detroit. Brian saw Lisa Gates, who is somewhat known for being a hardcore Toriphile around the Oxford area, all the way up in the stands. So we talked to her for a little while(and man, the perspective sure is different from up there. The arena looks a lot bigger, and the view of the stage is weird, it's like a sideways view or something. On the floor, the building looks small, & the view of the stage is perfect.) We took our seats and watched Unbelievable Truth again. Their set went by pretty quickly, sometimes it seems like they go on forever. Actually they were a pretty good opening act. I like Landslide & Building, & may even buy their cd someday. Phillippa says the drummer is hot. UT walked off stage & it was time for the now infamous 40 minute wait. This time it went by rather quickly though. I talked to ilya, who informed me that Mother was requested at the m&g earlier, and she wrote it on her hand, so I was hoping... The guys came out & started the beat for Precious Things and it was at this point, or when Tori came out(I think it was when Tori came out) that we rushed the stage and I ended up dead center directly in front of Tori for the whole night!!!!!!! YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Nick made it up there too. There was only one person in front of me, luckily she was short! hehe PRECIOUS THINGS: Rocked major ass as always! I think I was still in awe of being that close. I was in a trance the whole night. We got an up close view of the crotch grab. Tori then picks up a piece of paper with sheet music and/or lyrics and shakes it at is with a big smile on her face. She began playing... GIRL: Oh my god! Holy shit sweet baby Jesus! I love this song, and was hoping I would get to hear it, but I hadn't thought about it all day. Sounded really good with the band, very similar to the album version. This is one of Phillippa's favorite songs. It's funny because in Baltimore, my friend Jimmy Pop asked Caton why they don't play Girl, and he said they never learned it. I said mabye they could learn it for Newark Delaware, and it actually happened! Who'da thunk it? ROCK! Tori introduced the guys, and showed off her new friend, the little stuffed animal hamster that someone gave her earlier. She had it tied to the back of her apron. "I named him Richard Gere hamster" Then she sang "Little Hamsterdam" It was hysterical! PAST THE MISSION: I love this song live! She did the bridge on the keyboard. The band really added to this girl. LIQUID DIAMONDS: I didn't even know what this was untill she started singing. I mean, I guess I knew, because I heard it in Norfolk, and many many times on cd, but I was still in a trance! I love this song, and I think it was around this time that I literally had to pinch myself to make sure this was really happening. You bet your life it was! FATHER LUCIFER: YES! I love this song, and was hoping I would get to hear it again. It's like Tori was playing my dream setlist! Great new version with the band, and she sang different lyrics during the part where her voice is layered on the cd. I was surprised she played it b/c her father was there. I guess that's why she didn't tell the story, that and the fact that we've all heard it before. SIREN: I knew this was coming b/c it was requested earlier and the day before. I didn't know what this was in Richmond, but since then I bought the Great Expectations soundtrack and have loved it ever since. The dream setlist continues! Also, I think the band really compliments the song, and I love Tori's vocal. Tori then told a story about this next girl. That story can be found in other reviews, so no need to be redundant. (I'm lazy) MARY: I love this song, especially with the band. The band adds a lot to it, and I was glad to hear this girl after missing the debut yesterday. I had heard it solo twice before, and it was great then, but with the band...WOW! CHINA: I knew this was China when the red lights focused on Tori. Beautiful song. Tori began playing something that I thought was an improv, but it was actually Cool On Your Island! I had never heard it before, but it was beautiful. Anyway, I thought I heard the word "mother" in the beginning, so I was like oh my god here. MOTHER: Tears, tears. I wanted to hear this song soooooo bad. And she was playing it...WOW! LITTLE EARTHQUAKES: I knew this was coming, and was glad to hear it. At one point the lights made it so you could only see Tori! CRUEL: Tori did the handcuffed-behind-the-back dance. Rockin' song. TEAR IN YOUR HAND: One of my faves, also Phillippa's other fave. She later said "It's like she's playing these songs for me!" I got to wave goodbye. Also, Jon broke a bass string and it was dangling, dangling, dangling... THE WAITRESS: Rocked major boo-tay as usual. Nick & I both got eye contact. I gave the hang ten sign. "I believe she's the devil, bitch!" TALULA: I had no idea what this was untill Tori started playing. When she came back out, she was doing this great shuffle dance. I think she changed the lyrics some. Sounded good. RASPBERRY SWIRL: Dance party! Nuff said. PANDORA'S AQUARIUM: Nooooooooo! Don't get me wrong, I like this song, but now the concert was almost over. WINTER: Beautiful. Now the show was over. Nick, Phillippa, & I left & on the wy back we stopped at an A-Plus mini mart for a drink. I got a Gatorade Frost. Now I'm sad, no more Tori shows for a while. It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end. I'll miss everybody, those of us that follow her around are like one big family. *sniff, sniff* Goodbye all. Take care. One last thing. This has been bothering me somewhat. Tori's in the prime of her career now, so where does she go from here? She's 35 years old, still got quite a few years of performing ahead of her, but how long can it last? That's why I plan to go all out on the next tour to make as many shows as possible. Things are gonna change so fast, and I don't know what I would do without Tori. o.k. This is Chris saying goodbye from O-Town. Peace. ![]() From billy (hamster-boy - posted to the Purple People mailing list)November 27, 1998 - oh my god the DE show was great, and she LIke the hamster i gave her!!!!! for the people who didn't go i gave her a hamster keychain that moves when you pull a string and she came out with it attached to her outfit and said" i want you all to meet my new little friend" she named it richard gere the hamster(she also said "little hamsterdam " to the tune of you know what. heh. I AM SO HAPPY SHE LOVED IT sorry guys this my first tori-present-experience. oh and after the meet and greet we left to get my cousin and just as we were getting in to the car Caton rode by on a bike and we called him over and she signed our programs and we chatted for about 7 minutes . he is so so cool and very friendly . we talked about his hat and tori's parents (they were too) and he asked me about my piercings . WOW-O-WOW what a day well i guess this was my last show it was the bomb. thanks to all the cool nice peeps that made my tori show this year Xtra fun and again to marian our little house mother,hee to all the lucky lucky dogs that get to go to the last 7 shows do me a favor look for hamster sightings and let me know if you see him later gang ![]() From s.a. goodfellowNovember 26, 1998 - first of all, it defines rocking that tori played delaware. i just want to publicly thank her, on behalf of the entire oblivious state, for blessing us with the first decent-let alone amazing-musical performance since ever. and to the person who commented that the venue was tiny, like a little university auditorium, that's exactly what it was. in fact there's a women's blue hen basketball game there in an hour and a half tonight... anyway. on to the concert. i was beyond pysched and on my way to numb about even being there. i saw her in philly in july, and she was just getting over being sick, and it was still a good concert but i wanted to go again and this one totally made up for everything. we had pretty good seats, row c section 23 on the floor. sections 21 and 22 were the ones that had front row, etc. during the concert everyone on the floor stood so my friend julia and i went out in the aisle and stayed there for the entire concert. during the encores, the event staff people stopped really paying attention to who was where (i think they were getting tired of the concert. this one boy in front of me with the rest of the staff people kept on rolling his eyes during "cruel." oh well. that's delaware for you) and everyone in the back two floor sections pushed up to the front and we were about four rows from tori. it was unbelievable. there was a long band intro before tori came out. i noticed caton with his glass of wine! when the waitress was over, it was empty, and when they came back out for the encores, surprise, it was full again. precious things - with that long fantastic "girrrrrrrrrrrrrrl" girl - i was surprised to hear this one. i think this was when she said hi to us? anyway. she showed us her little hamster, richard gere hamster, tied around her waist, and then jokingly played a few keys and sang, "littttle hamsterdaaaam..." it was cute. past the mission - so great. i was glad some utp stuff showed up, and since this is one of my favorite utp songs, i was especially happy. liquid diamonds father lucifer - this was a big favorite with the crowd. siren - i looooooove this song live. mary (with band) - we all knew she was going to play a b-side, and i was hoping it would either be this one or sugar, and i was happy when it turned out to be this one. she told us that mary was supposed to be on little earthquakes, but it got cut because atlantic wanted to take all the piano out and add guitars and the president of atlantic himself probably wanted to play. and she said she was playing it partly for the musicians in the audience, because she got rejected, and "there are lots of idiots out there!" china (solo) - the lighting was so pretty at the beginning of this song. i love tori's lighting on this tour, all the red and blue and purples. she was visibly upset during this song. this was when i noticed i could see her shadow on the wall by the bleachers on the UD banners and got a little distracted, but it was still gorgeous as ever. cool on your island (solo) - this was so neat to hear! it was really more of an intro to mother, but it was pretty long. she did a long intro type acapella-thing to the intro, actually. mother (solo) - this song set me off crying. it always does that. "i escape into your escape into your very favorite fearscape..." little earthquakes - this was fuller and richer live than on the cd somehow. she extended the end it seemed. cruel - i looooved this. typically not my favorite song on ftch, but it was just so neat. she did a big thing in the middle where she put her hands behind her back like she was tied up and sang facing away from the audience. very emotional. tear in your hand - i was really glad she played this song too. i started crying again. some songs, they just set off these certain memories in me that i just can't ignore. the waitress - such an explosive song. this song had a much longer ending as well. this was when some people started leaving for the post show m&g and we all decided to move on up to the front. 1st Encore: tori and the band had a group hug at the edge of the stage and ran off. since the bob is an auditorium/gym, everyone started stomping on the bleachers and cheering to get them to come back out. talula - this song wasn't exactly clear but i blame it more on the bob than on tori. the acoustics aren't exactly thrilling in there. raspberry swirl - EVERYONE got up and danced on this one. we were standing on chairs and everything. tori got into it too, standing up between her bosie and her keyboard and shaking it up a little. 2nd Encore: pandora's aquarium - i think i like a lot of ftch better live than on the cd, i don't know why that is. this was beautiful. winter (solo) - i really didn't think she was going to play this. i have such a deeper love and appreciation for this song than ever before after seeing her play it. we were about fifteen feet from the stage and could see her face really clearly and during much of this song she was crying. at times she would pause to collect herself a little better, and you could faintly hear the words being sung by the audience in hushed voices. we didn't want to disturb her. it was so emotional and fabulous and just nice. and just like that, it was over. i can't put this concert into words just like i can't justify a single one of her songs or videos with something i could say. it was worth the drive, and even though all four of us have lived in delaware for years, we all got lost and ended up in the suburbs of wilmington. not a good place to be at night. it was worth everything. ![]() From MikeRobertsNovember 26, 1998 - Hey there , Well I am in a state of shear happiness because I actually got to the TORI concert yesterday..... Here is my story..... (Ohhhh, I feel like an episode of dragnet....) he he:o) Anyway, It was kinda a big surprise that I got there in the first place because I didn't actually have a ride until like noon yesterday.... I got there at like 2 ish and got in the line of people waiting for the meet and greet, I was about #40 or so.... We(my friend josh drove me) waited for a little bit, the time passed quickly though because we started talking to the people behind us, They were really cool, (Hi dory and angelica). After a while we were all led around the building to the spot were the m & g was to be..... At that point the whole idea of numbers and lines kinda disappeared, I was somewhat lucky though, I had about 2 people in front of me..... We waited there for a while--while waiting we saw TORI's parents go into the building, after some time TORI finally arrived and it was like heaven, At first I couldn't really see her because she is so tiny but eventually I saw her and I was like WOW! ! ! She started to sign stuff etc..... Now, I went to the m & g with a mission, the first part was to get an autograph, the second was to give her my gift, and the third was to give her my letter...... I accomplished them all :o) I was holding my winter single up in the front and she grabbed it out of my hand., I was shaking at this point, Hell I am shaking just writing about it... Then after I got it back I pushed my gift on up, I gave her a book of paper cutout drag queen dolls.... At first she seemed like "O.k..... and this is..." but I yelled out what it was and that it was fabulous and she must of heard me cause she stopped everything she was doing to look through it, she read one of the names out loud (lady formika) and she started to laugh.... I was like (YES! !! she likes it:o)) Then some time passed and I took a whole roll of film, then I was like oh dear the letter, so I passed it up and I saw that someone gave it to her, since I didnt get to actually talk to her I wrote ""please play cooling"" on the back... Then as fast as it had started, it was over.... I was still shaking from the reality that I was like less than a foot from such and influential person in my life, and I got her autograph...... I always knew she was a real person but like, SHE WAS THERE , SHE IS REAL....... We had like 3 hours to kill so josh and I went to christiana mall, I put my film in the one hour place and we ate..... I picked up my pics and well, they didnt turn out that good, but hey ya cant win them all.... I wasnt really expecting them to though., being as how I just held the camera up and clicked to take them all..... Some are good though..... And now for the concert...... We got back at like 7 and sat around and watched out for my friend meghan and company...... We finally saw them at like 7:45 and I was so happy. It was meghan,catherine,amanda,heather,maggie and allie.... I was super excited to see them..... We then went to our seats and watched the unbelievable truth play, O.k. folks, I just have to say that the unbelievable truth is that they suck...... Nothing they did really caught my attention.... Tori came on at like 9:25 or so, and here is a rundown of the setlist.: Precious things: This song is definitly the embodyment of all aggresions I have , I cant even begin to imagine it without the band anymore...... Girl: I was sooo happy that she played this, It was unexpected and happily recieved song, It sounds awesome with the band... she then introduced the band, yet I think she forgot the drummer, at this point she stood up turned around and introduced us to her new friend which was tied to the back of her apron thingy, it was one of those vibrating hamster keychains, I saw someone give it to her at the meet and greet. She was so cute, she made fun of it and kinda sang, ""Little hamsterdam"" It was super cute..... Past The Mission: This song is fabulous with the band, the transitions sound wonderful..... Luved it.... Liquid Diamonds: This song definitly holds the booty, It was groovin beyond belief..... Father Lucifer: One of my fav's from pele, It sounds great with band, she sang a diferent part at the part when her voice is layered on the album. It was beautiful..... Siren: AAHH! ! ! ! check sender name(--) This song has such an emotional fire to it on the great expectations soundtrack.... It however has a totally different feel live, It was a subdued fire to it, Almost a shadyness that I simply luv.... I cant really explain it but I know what I mean... do you? :o) Mary: She did this with the band, I luv when she hits the ""butterflies dont belong in nets"" part. Before she played it she introduced it as a song that some people probably wouldnt know because it was left off of little earthquakes , she said that the head of the record company wanted to take the piano part out and put all guitars which he probably would play hmself on it, (she apologized to caton for the anti-guitar sentiment,) it was cute as could be..... <><><><>Quite Time<><><><> China: OH My! ! ! I never really liked his song yet I am inluv with it after last night, I was hoping she would play cooling but I found something special in this song, It was beyond beautiful.. She was bathed in red light the whole time, it was lovely... Cool on Your Island/Mother: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! ! ! ! I couldnt figure out what it was at first, I was singing along yet the titlae just wasnt there, the I realized that itw as cool on your island and I screamed, Itw as soooo unexpected and sooo awsome, I was exstatic because that is my favorite song from Y Kant Tori Read, Then Mother.... uuhhhh, I luv this song... It is perhaps my favorite from litttle earthquakes, I cried the first time I heard it.... It was sooo perfect, I feel sooo lucky for being there at that moment..... Little Earthquakes: This song is spectacular with the band,It always makes me feel like things are gonna be o.k. and I needed that..... Cruel: This song is sooo much better live than on the cd, and it is awesome on the cd so you can imagine.... Its like one big ball of pure sexual ecstacy.... She was standing during it with her back kinda to the audience, she had her hands behind her back as if they were tied up (like in the spark video). I think that this song was one of my favs from last night...... I luv it luv it luv it..... Tear in Your Hand: This song has such a great feel to it, where as, all the other songs with the band are somewhat "hard" this one has a softer gentler side to it... This song is like the background music of a really pivotal point in your life... Waitress: This song is as great as ever, and will never be the same somg if performed without the band.... I have grown such a new appreciation for this song on the plugged tour, I adore the hang ten honey part..... <><><><>encore1<><><><> Talula: I wasnt sure what this was I just new that I liked the guitar part caton was playing..... It was awesome, It had balls to it........ Raspberry Swirl: O.k. I hate to say it but tis song was off last night, it was just lacking something. I saw her in philly and ny in july and this song rocked out the ass yet It was just not there last night, it sounded as if someone had turned the treble and bass down on the drums... (please dont hate me for my opinion.....YAY TORI:O) ) <><><><>Encore2<><><><> Pandoras Aquarium: I admit that I never really liked this song yet It was lovely and had great transitions..... Winter: She waved goodbye to the guys and started this..... It was the most perfect moment of my life, The disco balls were spinning really fast sending rays of light throughout the venue (which wasnt that big) and the rest of the lighting was very subdued. I didnt hear one sound throughout the place the netire time she played this.... I never really connected to this song until last night, I had always liked it but I just never felt it in my gut.... Well last night her words rung through my soul..... I actuallly started to cry, who knew..... It was Beyond Words.... It was poetry in motion,.......... After he show was over we went around back ot the after show meet and greet, I found my friends from earlier and we had fun, I got to meet some more people and take some more pics..... It was great....... This concert ahd to of been one of the best experiences of my life, I shall never forget it..... I was really surprised (in a pleasent way) that it was so much little earthquakes and so little choirgirl. There were 7 l.e. songs or 8 if ya include mary being as howits from that era...... It was a great show..... I LUVED IT! ! ! ! ! ![]() From Richard AntoNovember 26, 1998 - It started off as a picture perfect with not a cloud in the sky. I arrived around 1:20 and was numbered as #21. I talked with some of the other EWF's around (thanks Chris for the card signing) in the sun. We went to the barricades and Tori arrived sometime after 4:00. I got catch a glimpse of Tori's parents which was cool. I was 3 rows back at the M&G but still got to say hi to Tori and get my Boys for Pele insert signed by her. Tori was in very good spirits joking around with us and we found out that she would be playing Siren, Little Earthquakes, and there was a request for Mother which she wrote on her hand and played. She stayed out for about 20 minutes giving hugs, laughs, cries, pictures and autographs. It was a relaxed atmosphere and even Steve seemed very relaxed. After the M&G most people headed out for something to eat. I went into the center of Delaware U to check out the scene ( and some CD's). My seats for the show were on the floor about 3/4 of the way back. It was basketball arena but I was surprised the sound was very good. Not too big either. The seating was not the best - I could see Tori the whole time but I had a hard time seeing the rest of the band at times. Everyone on the floor was standing during the entire show. This is a first at the 4 shows I've been to this year. And I have to say it is my favorite, even beating Norfolk. What an amazing show. I could tell from the M&G this would be something special (especially since her parents were there). The set started around 9:25 with Precious Things which rocked with a nice long grrrrrrlll. Girl - the first time I heard her play this. It was awesome with a new verse added in. After this she cracked us all up with her story about her new stuffed animal hamster that she named Richard Gere. She had a good laugh and said "Little Hamersdam ! Past the Mission was next - absolutely love this version with the band. Liquid Diamonds - very nice. Father Lucifer - one of my favorites live. Awesome with the band and sounding better all the time. Added lyrics "and if you want". Siren - my 2nd time hearing this song and something I must get a copy of very soon. She then spoke about how her record company wanted to add guitar to was all of the songs on "Little Earthquakes" and how Mary got kicked off. She then played Mary with the band which was so cool to see how they would put this together. I saw her perform Mary solo in Richmond. Quiet time China - this song was so beautiful I was in tears ( I think Tori was too). The red lights are a nice addition to song Intro - Cool in your Island !!! WoW !! I can't believe she played this. Everyone was shocked - you could feel it. Mother - requested at the M&G. Really wonderful. I have never heard her perform this song in concert and it was so emotional. Tears again. Little Earthquakes - I have been dying to hear this live and she played it !! My first time hearing it in concert and one of the highlights for me. The intro seemed a bit shorter. Cruel - She was really getting into this. She had her arms crossed and did some amazing vocal gymnastics with this one. Tori is devastating! Tear in Your Hand - I always love to hear this song. So beautiful. Waitress - this really rocked. I was really getting into it. Not quite as long as the one in Norfolk but it still rocked.!!!! Encore 1: Talula - first time hearing it and I have had this song going through my head for the past week and she played it !! I was so glad to hear this. I couldn't tell what it was by the intro but jumped up and down when I figured it out. A really top notch performance on this one. Raspberry Swirl - dance, dance, dance !! Everyone was getting into this one. People were already up and shaking their butts off. Matt did not wear any of his props for this one. Encore 2 Pandora's Aquarium - A great song to listen to. It is such a varied and complex piece. Winter - This was it for me. I was in another world and couldn't care less if the world around me crumbled. I really lost it when I heard it. I know she played it for father and she was very emotional too when playing it. You could hear a pin drop - everyone was silent. I have to say it was a really great crowd this time. This is the first time in 4 shows where people were not screaming out Tori's name and disrupting the moment. I went for the post M&G afterwards just so I could see Tori one last time and check in with ilya. The crowd was very large and it was very cold by this time. Tori, not surprisingly, did not stay too long. After it was over we stopped in a local hangout in Newark for some food. I got back to DC around 3:50. What an experience! ![]() From ilyaNovember 26, 1998 - well, due to my crazy schedule, i was unable to get onto I95 north until 4:30 pm, which, as anyone from this area will tell you, is the kiss of death as far as traffic is concerned. there was almost a constant traffic jam from d.c. to past baltimore. as a result, i got to the show just before the doors opened and wasn't able to meet many people. however, i did run into my friend richard (not _that_ richard), who informed me that there had been a pre-show m&g. i sort of suspected that, and my only disappointment was that i didn't get to sign chris's goodbye card for tori before he gave it to her.... inside, i met chris, who had seats in the same row as i did. cool! i also found out that tori's parents were here, which have me hope for some interesting songs during secret time. as it was, this was the "little earthquakes" set: we got girl, precious, winter, china, mother, tiyh, and LE (and mary, from the same time).... some mental notes from the show: as soon as the lights went out for tori to start the show, a huge crowd of people rushed the stage. security was caught completely unawares and was powerless to do anything about it. i stayed where i was, because i could see tori, see the lights, and was in the sweet spot for the PA (the sound was a 9/10), but that meant that the security guard up front had a lot more on his mind than me with my camera. :) i got (hopefully) some good show pictures. unlike PSU, there were no singalongers (at least around me). this was a relief, especially during secret time. girl - as soon as matt came in with the beat, i knew what this was. the chorus was very strong, with tori playing the kurz and caton's guitar very evident. there were a few seconds at the end of one of the choruses when tori went back to the bose, and her piano mic was off, so we couldn't hear her. luckily, that was fixed quickly. at this point, she showed us a stuffed hamster she was wearing around her waist. she called him "richard gere hamster" which i thought was a little strange, considering things that have been said about him in the past.... anyway, she laughed and said "little hamsterdam", which was a classically funny moment. past the mission - go jon evans! (is it clear i'm a jon evans fan?) father lucifer - this is another song on which jon evans switches to the 4-string fender. but i didn't know that, so when i saw him do that, i thought we were gonna get god or LE. but i hadn't heard father lucifer since norfolk, and i was really glad to hear it. siren - i didn't recognize this song, but i did recognize it as the song i _also_ didn't recognize in richmond :) i like it! here, she told a story about how the next song was supposed to be on LE, but when she took it to atlantic records, they wanted to (no offense to caton) change all the pianos to guitars. she said she thought the record company owners wanted to play the guitars themselves :) it was.. mary - with the band. i really enjoyed this version; the band was there to give the song energy, but they definitely held back and let tori drive the song forward. very nice orange and green spotlights on this song. during the first several songs, it was clear that tori was having a great time. she was smiling and giving caton looks. secret time was quieter and much more emotionally intense. secret time - came a little later in the set tonight. china - i can't get enough of seeing this song with the red lights. cool on your island - a yktr song! i never thought i'd hear one on the tour. it was a lead in to... mother - the song i'd really been waiting for the whole tour. i was told that it was requested earlier in the day, but i didn't think it would actually happen. so when the intro stated, i was floored. started off with intense blue lighting that really set the mood. she changed the last whispered "he's gonna change my name" to "and when i dance for him" - i was paying that close attention. i didn't really know what to do with myself after hearing this... cruel - a powerful song, with a long middle section. jon was going crazy during this song. he was having a blast playing big bass chords. tiyh - very nice without the audience contribution. right before "time to wave goodbye now", jon broke a string on the 5-string tobias and was madly trying to unwind it and retune before it was time to come back in. waitress - the nice thing about having a floor seat next to a wide aisle is that i had room to rock out. this song has become a staple, a necessity, an addiction for me. at this point, i had to roll to the back, because that's what you need to do to meet her at post-show m&g's these days. i deeply regret missing the encores, and especially winter, but i did see it in dc and pittsburgh, so there was some consolation. the m&g was crowded, more so due to the fact that there was only one barricade. towards the end the pushing became extreme, and some people were really having problems. up at the front, i met some cool ewf from the area, including faith (what a cool name) who is a scorpio... under a cloudless, starry sky, i met tori and it was a very special, personal experience. afterwards, richard and i caught some grub in newark at an all-night diner and recounted tori tour experiences. it can't be over yet....akron? ![]() From JoeyNovember 26, 1998 - I dont' even know where to start... what an unbelievable show!!!!!!!!!!!! My dream came true tonight as well too. It was my eleventh show this tour, my sixteenth total... I was a bit sad because it was going to be my last, but I was feeling extra blessed and lucky because eleven shows is a big deal, no?? So anyway, I was under the impression that there was to be no more meet and greets this tour, so we took our time driving up from Richmond, got to the venue about 5:30, and luckily, found Steve Sanchez right away, I had wrote Tori a special letter with a request and just a summary of the tour and tons of thanks... Well I told steve it was extra important, and he promised me it would get to her... it did :) In the letter, I had asked Tori to play "Cool On Your Island", my absolute favorite song. I'd been asking for it all tour, but it never came up, it did tonight!! I can't believe she played it for me! I thought I would literally have a coronary right there. It was incredible... so... the rest of the show was as follows: Precious Things Girl -this is awesome with the band!! Then she introduces us to her new fav toy, a stuffed animal hamster, she said she'd named it Richard Gere, and then she pretended to sing "Little Hamsterdam!" Past The Mission- never get sick of this one, rock on! Liquid Diamonds Father Lucifer - this rocks so much! I love the beat during the verse... it's sped up so much, it's almost like a remix! love it Siren - we heard she was playing this one for her father, whom was in the audience tonight, does anyone else think this one is a bit slow live? Mary - with the band!!! WOW, Lisa Street would be so jealous, but Mary is a fav of mine too so i'm glad i got to hear it! China Cool On Your Island / Mother -unbelievable... sigh Little Earthquakes - love this one with the band as well! I especially love the tag harmony she's added to the very last measure... Cruel Graveyard / Tear In Your Hand - this was tricky because she was playing Graveyard on the piano, but singing Tear as the intro.. Waitress - this girl needs a vacation, and a good long margaritta Talula Pandora's Aquarium WOW, i'm still in shock... i'm sad for it all to be over, but to know she played the song for me, is enough to last me forever... thank you Tori... ![]() From Kate WelchNovember 26, 1998 - Well, this was my second Tori concert and all I can say is WOW. She was absolutely amazing. But before I get to the details of the concert, I just want to say that I was kinda annoyed about the meet and greet situation. I got there and the hard core fans who follow her all over the place were already there and they seemed to be organizing everything, which at first I thought was fine, but when Tori finally came out I realized the only reason they had assigned everyone there "numbers" was to make sure that they would be in the front to greet Tori. And then they wouldn't move back after they had already talked to her for a little or gotten her to sign something and I could barely even see her because she is really short!! (she seems so much larger when you see her on TV and hear her :) ).So basically I just thought that it was rude and selfish that these people who have met her like ten times wouldn't give anyone else a chance to. Okay, well let me tell you that the two month wait between the time I bought the tickets and the actual concert was well worth it. Tori was totally on a roll and I sensed it as soon as she stepped on stage. She was full of energy and she just let everything rip. Precious Things was amazing as usual, and being that it is one of my fav songs I love that she opens with it. She played Girl next which I hear she does not play often at all so that was a special treat and I really like it with the band. Then she made a reference to this guy that had given her a bunch of beenie babies and stuffed animals at the meet and greet - apparantly one of them was a hamster on a key chain which she had attached to the back of her dress thing (sorry - don't know what that is called!) - anway she was so cute - she was like - I should play "Little Hamsterdam" or something to that effect. Next was Past the Mission which was just absolutely incredible and I loved the orchestration of the band. She then played Liquid Diamonds and Father Lucifer which again were both incredible and I really like the improv that Tori did in the middle of Lucifer - not sure what she was saying, but totally cool. Then Tori talked about the idiots at Atlantic Records and how they didn't want any piano on Earthquakes and how this girl was kicked off of the final set - MARY!!!! I was so happy to finally hear this song because I have the piano music but never heard how she did it - well she certainly does a better job than me!! Siren was next and that was totally cool and unexpected, I noticed that everyone seemed to be totally engrossed in what they were doing - and since I was in the fourth row, it made me even more into the concert because I felt like I was practically up there with them. THen the band went away and Tori played China and Mother (with Cool on Your Island as an into) solo - Mother was soooo good. I think that she might have played it because her parents were there (I saw them waiting at the meet and greet - they ewere so cute!). Unfortunately though there were some rude people talking behind me during Mother and I had to turn around and tell them to be quiet, but then all was okay. THe band came back with Little Earthqakes which was so powerful live. I think that Cruel was next and this was one of the highlights of the show. It was so incredible, so out of this world, the lighting was fabulous, Tori was totally into it, dancing with her hands behind her back and then at on point when she was singing she drooled on the microphone - just don't have the words to describe this one!! Then she played Tear in Your Hand and The Waitress which she totally went of on at the end and was shaking her head and just screaming "I believe in peace bitch!" - incredible ending of the main set. The encores were great - the crowd was still full of energy and dancing around - expecially during R asberry Swirl. SHe left stage again and then came back and sang Pandora's Aquarium. This one really hit home. She had a beautiful piano introduction, different from the one on the album, and her voice was so clear and just went through such a range during the song. But Winter, her last song, almost brought me to tears - in fact I think it almost had her in tears to because she sounded a little choked up at some points. Just a perfect ending to an incredible evening. When she got up to finally say goodbye I was just screaming don't leave, but she had to. She gave us everything last night and I can't thank her enought for it. ![]() From Jana D.November 26, 1998 - This was my fourth and favorite show of Tori this year. I had a headache beforehand, and I wasn't feeling my usual butterflies, but once she came on I was all better. She had such an amazing setlist, and some of the songs I had hoped for were on it! I thought she might play Girl, and I was so hoping for Siren. I'll give a blow by blow, since that's what I like to read from other shows: Precious Things: Always wonderful and rocking. I love the smoke and the lights--it captures the rawness so perfectly. Girl: I was hoping she'd play this! I had a kind of feeling she might. It was so cool, and the lights were pink and bluish--it was beautiful. This is where she introduced her new friend, the hamster. She talked earlier than I'm used to. I think she might have introduced the band here, too. I guess she thinks Richard Gere is cute, since she named the hamster after him. Past the Mission: This song was really good. She started out with a little piano intro that was a dead give- away for it. Since i got the video compilation, I've been wondering more and more about what this one means, so I guess i have a new appreciation for it, especially since I love the video. Liquid Diamonds: I love the "I guess I'm an underwater thing, so I guess I can't take it personally"--impossible not to dance. Father Lucifer: I loved the drums backing this one up! My friend Chrissy didn't know this song because she doesn't know "Pele" that well, and I told her this was predominantly a piano song, so the drums made it ultra cool. I was glad I got to hear this one. Siren: I was a little surprised that this one wasn't that hard, I thought it would be. But I loved it--I really wanted to hear this one, I was squeezing Chrissy's arm so hard. Her arm is probably very numb today. Mary: I didn't know this song. I'm still not even close to having all of the singles, since I can't get my hands on too many bootlegs. But it was great. She gave an intro about how the guy from atlantic didn't want the piano on this song, that he wanted to add all of these guitars--no offense to caton--and so it didn't make it on Little Earthquakes. She told the audience, "the idiots are everywhere." Ha. I love her. The lights during this song were absolutely wonderful--green and orange, and looked like a butterfly. Here was her secret time. I guess she doesn't announce it anymore, since it's the end of the tour. China: The lighting during this was so amazing. It was red, and looked like this total 3-D starfish-pyramid thing. It was lovely, and I don't say that word. Cool On YOur Island: She said a little "Ok" before she sang this one. Like she was calming herself down and getting the strengtht to go back to this one, if even only for a verse or two. This totally brought tears to my eyes, because this is my absolute favorite from Y Kant Tori Read.It was so beautiful with just the piano... I could not even believe she played it, because earlier I was daydreaming that she would. Mother: I'm glad I got to hear this one. It was beautiful, she sounded perfect. I love this song. Little Earthquakes: This lighting was all blue and white, and then in the intense parts it was red. I loved the red! It was awesome. I love the "I can't reach you! "part. Cruel: Awesome! It was so powerful, and she mostly sang rather than playing the piano. It was great! Tear in Your Hand: I wasn't expecting this one, since she had already played so many from LE. But it was great. I love this song, it's one of my faves. Waitress: Okay, here's where things got interesting. I'm a little bored with waitress, even though tonight it had a special effect. But me and Chrissy were all the way in the back, and we started packing our stuff to try and sneak up. We walked up confidently, and got in the third freakin' row! I could not even believe it. My legs were shaking, Tori was so close. I could see her eyeliner. I couldn't let go of Chrissy's arm, she's probably aching today. I was peeing my pants. Then the people in the front row started leaving at the end, and we climbed up. We were in the first row! I have never been in the front row of a concert before,a nd Tori was right in front of me. I could see everything@! We came to the conclusion that she wasn't wearing a bra, since there was no strap. That's how close we were. Unbelievable. Encore: Talula: I wanted to hear this one. Again, this was softer than I thought it would be, but still really cool. Raspberry Swirl: We were all dancing. Tori was having lots of fun. She looked at us and I kept waving. 2nd Encore: Pandora's Aquarium: I have a new appreciation for this song, probably since she was right in front of me singing it. And I was hoping that this wouldn't be her last, since it was at Baltimore. Winter: I couldn't believe it! And i could see Tori trying to hold back tears. I knew this song meant a lot to her. I had wondered earlier if her parents were going to be there, and I read the reviews that said they were. She must have really been singing for them. This concert was amazing, it was such a trip to LIttle Earthquakes, and it was totally awesome. It couldn't have ended up any better, even though I would have died if she played Pretty Good Year or Baker Baker. But hope- fully another time. My friend Charlene didn't go to this one, even though I told her she should. Winter is her favorite song, and since we were in the first row, she's gonna crap her pants. cooljana@rocketmail.com ![]() From jeremy r.November 26, 1998 - here are some few side notes: tori was wearing really cool shoes....kind of redish-burgandy leather high- heel boots? she said "little amsterdam" or "little HAMsterdam" before playing past the mission. COOL ON YOUR ISLAND was premiered!! (although it was only about two minutes) no light-up head boppers for the drummer during raspberry swirl. before tear in your hand, she started an improv to the tune of "graveyard" people in the front were doing the "hang-ten" during "the waitress" oh yeah, of course...."mother" and "winter" were played...not too much of a surprise considering her parents were there. it was great to FINALLY hear "talula", "little earthquakes", "father lucifer", "past the mission" and "girl", this being my fourth show on the tour. i couldn't have dreamed of a better setlist than tonight's! (ack..although "china" was slooowww) other than that, i'm glad i got to see tori one more time on this tour. can't wait until the next tour unwinds..! ![]() From Alex GoldsteinNovember 26, 1998 - yesterday was TORi-RifiC! i drove to de la where early in the day and managed to get a sculpture i made of tori to her via the dude (paul) at the front of the line whom i've seen at every tori show (he has been to SIXTY so far this tour), and then meet her at the other end of the line through a crush of people, and where she was genuinely excited about the little piece of art i made for her...the show was great too! she played tallulah (the first time i've seen her play it) and ended the show with a heart-wrenching solo of Winter, where she ended in tears. her fmom & dad were there again too! ![]() From Liliana Segura (posted to the Purple People mailing list)November 26, 1998 - Well guys, I just finished my paper- whew! I have to turn it in at noon- so that leaves me time to write about how much yesterday kicked ass! =) It was my last Tori show, which makes me sad, but that doesn't outweigh how utterly incredible everything was!!! Ok, here goes... 7:15ish finds me and twin sister Anamaria en route to Delaware from the University of Maryland- A few bagels, some coffee, a full tank of gas, and we're off. As it turns out, the weather is absolutely gorgeous- perfect for a drive up 1-95- (the weather is a big plus later on in the day- I'll explain...) So we make it to Newark in record time and follow the very bad directions given us by UD off the internet, and promptly find ourselves leaving Newark. ( U of D would have one believe that Newark is 5 feet by 5 feet but oh well...) A minor mishap, but no biggie; we turn around, find the Carpenter Center, and all is fine and dandy at around 8:45. Now there are two main questions: 1) Where do we park? and 2) WILL THERE BE A MEET AND GREET??? #1 turns out to be easy, as while I sit in the car searching for fellow EWF, Anamaria gets out and wanders into the venue, and just happens to come across a guy by the name of Dominik, who takes a liking to her because he's from Frederick (we're not but oh well). He invites us in, has us sit down, chats for awhile, and by the end of our enounter we have in our possession a Visitors Parking permit, a map of the surrounding area, the phone number of an acquaintance on campus, and advice on where to eat. Not bad! Anyway, so that problem is solved- We exit the building to find a growing number of Toriphiles showing up and getting numbers, while we were inside. poop. But no matter, we get #7 and 8 and all is well. Then we retreat to our car where Anamaria falls asleep and I attempt to make sense out of a massive pile of notes for my 8-11 page paper (which I just finished; woohoo!) So, time passes and we eventually leave the car and make our way to the back of the building only to discover that there is another group of EWF numbering people back there! Aack! So now there are like two sets of 1-8 but it all works out and we figure out who got there first. Then we just sit around (as one tends to do while waiting for a meet and greet- which may or may not come, in this case!) and talk to Anthony- (Hello!) and these two very cool people from North Carolina. Well, it starts getting late, and we're thinking there really is no reason for there not to be a meet and greet, because it is most definitely unseasonably warm, and we are just being so good! =) Anyway, finally we are allowed to line up- LINE UP according to number, and it actually works! Not only does no one get trampled or eaten or killed, but the whole line manages to walk around the Entire building in the direction Steve is leading us! Wow! (This, by the way, wouldn't have worked without help from Dor- I thanked her afterwards; it was really cool of her to organize the way she did) Anyway, everyone makes it there alive, and my sis and I are right smack front row center- Yay!!!! After waiting for almost no time, Tori comes out; it's obvious she's in a really good mood, as are Steve and Joel. While Tori signs stuff I thank Steve for giving Tori the gift and note from Alan and I backstage in Poughkeepsie- then Tori gets to me and I tell her "Tori this is my last show and I just want to thank you for playing Baker Baker for me and Alan in Poughkeepsie" and she's like, "Your welcome honey", or something like that. (SIGH) Then I got a picture taken with her and took one of my sister. And then on a whim I took out a photo from the Richmond meet and greet and Anamaria asked her to sign it- and she did- with our names and everything! The best part was when she was done, she goes "Liliana and Anamaria" in a Spanish accent and then says, "Whats your last name?" umm.."Segura" "Gorgeous"! Auurrghhh! Instant bliss! Needless to say, the meet and greet was the best I've ever been to. After that we went to lunch somewhere on the UD campus after circling around various one way streets in a fashion that screamed "We are not from around here" Then we just killed time. Showtime!!! Anamaria and I had no clue where our seats were before the show; we just knew we were on the floor.. Lo and behold we end up in the THIRD row CENTER! =) =) =) (how, I have no clue!) So of course we are going nuts. The Unbelievable Truth came on at 8:03 and palyed only for about 30 minutes. I was not complaining. Then...Tori! She looked beautiful, wearing an off the shoulder dark brown shirt with a short sparkly brown apron and grey pants- Kickass shoes (of course!) Reddish brown leather heel boots and dangly earrings Precious Things- HUGE! Awesome as usual- Such a treat to see her facial expressions during this one Girl- Auurggh!!! Never heard it live, and soooo amazing with the band. Very clean- evrything made sense; very powerful; she looked positively lost in the lyrics Here she goes, "How's it going" and introduced us to her new "friend" she got at the meet and greet- a hamster keychain thing she named Richard Gere the Hamster- so cute! It was hanging form the back of her apron the whole show! The introduced the "brothers". Then she made a joke about "Little Hamsterdam" heehee...so clever Past The Mission- just gets better and better each time I hear it Liquid Diamonds- trippy lights- Tori was really groovin during this one Father Lucifer- Didn't expect her to do this one seeing as how her dad was in the audience; she did this rockin out interlude that sounded awesome, but I couldn't make out the words Siren- I knew as soon as Matt switched drumsets- I'd seen this one in Richmond before and it just kicked so much as to see it again- Anamaria really wanted to hear it too Mary- With the band!!! I saw it (again in Richmond) solo; WOW. Beautiful. Especially when she sings "even the wind cries your name" She started this one by saying that it was supposed to be on Little Eathquakes but "idiots are everywhere" and it was rejected China (solo)- (sigh) So nice. I'd never heard it live. It totally put me in a daze Cool on Your Island!!!???? What? Ummm...she played this for a little bit as an intro to Mother and wow is all I can say! Mother (solo)- another one I'd never heard live- awesome (especially when I asked the girl next to me to stop singing along for the love of god!!!) Little Earthquakes- Fitting considering she practically played the whole album! I got chills! The lighting kicked ass too Cruel- Tori was all over the place- the best I've seen it- So good. On "Friends" she hisses the S so it was like, "Friendssss" =) She held her stomach and danced and did the hands behind her back thing. Very dramatic- On "no cigarettes" she held the mic like a cigarette! Tear In Your Hand- One of my favorites from LE- so good! The Waitress- kickass E1 Talula- Never had heard it live- awesome There was some sort of kaleidescope light stuff going on too Raspberry Swirl- not the best I've seen- I think there was a problem with the mic E2 Pandora's Aquarium- Towards the end they had the lights swirling around creating such a magical effect! Winter (solo)- The perfect way for me to end the tour. My original favorite Tori song- I was so ready to lose it. Beautiful. So there you have it. I probably won't be posting for awhile due to a serious case of withdrawl. (sigh) Hope everyone had fun in Newark NJ! ![]() From Shannyn (posted to the toriandmore mailing list)November 25, 1998 - Other than a few minor problems, the Delaware show was great. The place was Tiny! I couldn't believe it, it was like a little University auditorium. I cant remember her set list because I was just like "uhhh" the whole time. Toward the begining she was showing everyone the little stuffed animal hamster she got from someone, and she was like " he's my new little friend, I named him Richard Gere hamster...." Then hee hee she said " Little Hamsterdam" ANd then she chuckled.....It was great.....I couldnt see a damn thing because I had horrible floor seats and the people standing in front of me were really tall. My eyesight was also going bad on me from sitting out in the sun all day so Tori was like a blur. But towards the end of the show, before her encores, this really sweet girl dragged me up to the front with her and we found two empty seats in the second row right near Tori. (sounds crazy huh?) It was a really great show.....ANd TOny, she didn't play Spacedog, but I did right your name on my hand and wrote SPACEDOG in big letters underneath, in a sort of a dedication to you, in case she didn't play it. She did the most beautifully constructed version of CRUEL,,,,DAMN IT WAS SO WONDERFUL..... ![]() From Richard HandalNovember 25, 1998 - Richard called me and said it was a big, gooey, hot fudge-sundae-on-top-of-a-brownie of a show. Tori walked on stage at 9:26 and left at 11:15. The Waitress ended at 10:48. Just reading the set list, you could tell that her parents were in the audience tonight. The concert was rich and tender, and Tori visibly cried at the end of China and during the beginning of Winter. After China, Tori had to wait a moment before starting the big surprise of the evening, Cool On Your Island. She did this song solo during "secret time" and it marks the first time during the Plugged '98 tour that she performed it. Cool On Your Island was really an introduction for Mother, although it did last for about a minute and a half. As Tori began Tear In Your Hand, she was playing the music to Graveyard, but was singing Tear, so I did not put Graveyard on the set list. Richard also told me that there was a pre-show meet & greet today, likely because of the warm weather. ![]() From Chris KrammeNovember 25, 1998 - One Word: PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will probably write a book on this later, but for now, here's the highlights: I gave my basket of Puffkins to Tori + the goodbye card (my last show today) which mostly everyone signed before the m&g. The pre-show m&g that is. =) It was unseasonably warm that afternoon, so we got a m&g! The show: Our seats were 8th row center, perfect seats, so I was already estatic...but...when Tori came on we all rushed the stage & I ended up dead center right in front of Tori!!!!!!!!!!!! =) Tonight was THE best show I have been too. (I suppose my location helped...hehe) =) This was my dream setlist! Precious Things Mother (with a bit of Cool on your Island for an intro! I wanted to hear this song sooooo bad, ilya told me it was requested before the show & she wrote it on her hand, so I was hoping, and when she played it, it brought tears to my eyes. WOW!) Little Earthquakes I couldn't have asked for anything more. In Bethlehem, I met her, got to thank her for playing my request (Here, In My Head, my favorite!) in State College, & got a hug, and tonight I was dead center for the entire show, and she played my dream setlist! I almost felt like I was on stage! ********** If ANYONE got a bootleg of this show, please, please, please, let me know. I would dearly love to have a copy! Oh, many thanks to everyone who signed the card, & shout outs to ilya, Rich, Lisa Gates(fellow obsessee), Nick, Brian, Vicki, & Phillippa (the Sharpie art girl) Peace, love, &...you know the rest! Oh yeah, if anyone did get a bootleg of the show, please email me dream_822@hotmail.com Liquid Diamonds was there too, I think I forgot that. ![]() From Morgan B.November 25, 1998 - oh my GOD! my 8th and BEST show...before, at the meet n greet, i briefly talked to tori and she held my hand, and i took tons of pictures, but that's not even the best part. as we were waiting for tori to perform, sitting in our seats, who sits across the aisle from us but...tori's parents!!!! so we shook their hands and had a nice conversation with them. mr. amos was so sweet, and tori looks just like mrs. amos. it was so COOL. i didn't think this could be topped, but then tori played "cool on your island"...tori has never rocked so hard in her life. this show was absolutely amazing!!!!! i can now die happy... ![]() |
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