The most recently added reviews are first.
From Alicia
February 18, 1999 - okay so i just finally checked out this site and i saw all the comments on the show. first of all it was in my home town so that in itself was a treat. i had asked a friend of mine who had worked at the arena that if she could try
to tell someone to have her play here. in my head, my all time favorite song
by miss tori. so i went inside and the show was most wonderful, there was
this incredible vibe among the crowd that i hadn't felt at the amherst show.
i was pleased to hear past the mission and tear in your hand and it was quite
a treat to hear girl with the band. then finally it came to secret time and
she said how she gets a lot of requests and how she aims to please, all my
friends looked at me, hoping that this was the moment i had waited for for so
long. and then i heard the first few notes of here. in my head, words cannot
begin to describe how i felt when i heard the song. but i don't think anything
is going to top that for quite some time.

From Deb Whittemore
November 20, 1998 - In Lowell Tuesday night Tori seemed slightly less energetic than at the Amherst show, but she still seemed in a great mood! Others have run down the
set-let and most of the highlights, so I'll just make a couple of comments...
1) The debut of "Girl" -- this is normally one of my least-favorite Tori
songs, but it was terrific with the band. I felt so privileged to witness its
long-anticipated debut!
2) Tear in Your Hand -- I'd never heard it live before. Awesome!
3) The highlight of my night was when she said, "I'm going to play a few
requests...I aim to please." Then she hit the opening notes of Here. In My
Head. Now, I didn't request the song, but it's the first Tori song I ever
heard, the one that got me hooked, and one of my absolute favorites. Before
the show I told my friend I wanted to hear that one song more than anything,
but I just had this sinking feeling she wasn't going to play it. So when she
started, I practically went crazy with excitement. The only negative was this
couple next to me who kept talking and hanging all over each other through the
entire song and most of the other songs. My question is, why were they even
there?? But anyway, I couldn't believe it, because it's the last show I'm
going to see this tour, and it was truly a gift.
4) Black Swan was so beautiful (I've only heard a midi version before this, on
the Internet). I just wanted to cry. It was so hard to see it all end.

From Meghan The Misquoter
November 18, 1998 - Well, this was Tori show #2 for me last nite. It was great. I thought that "Putting The Damage On" sounded a lot better than it did in Lowell. Some
interesting people there as well, most of them kind. One guy with long hair
even put it up in a ponytail for us because we couldn't see, while another
man refused to take his hat off. Anyway, I had floor 'seats' but there
weren't any seats so I was about 15 feet from the stage, maybe 20 from Tori.
When she walked on I almost died. I couldn't believe she was running right
past us. She did the little "tori wave" as my friend calls it. She appears a
lot thinner, and yet, when she was really dancing around and leaning
backwards it almost looked like she was expecting...BUT I CAN'T BACK THAT
UP. That's just speculation. Anyway, "Girl" was a HUGE surprise and I was
extremely pscyhed about that, also "Black Swan" was gorgeous and I cried
when she play "Here.In My Head"...it was soooo pretty. Caton was absolutely
hilarious and the band really seemed to be having a blast. Tori talked a
lot more than she did in Boston, but it doesn't sound like she was quite as
energetic as she was in Amherst. Still, a great show-and I finally got a
Before she did "Black Swan" she said "Mr.Jim went Toodles" and then
she was doing an improv that sounded like "He's gone away but I'm afraid I'm
still alive". Something like that anyway. The Unbelievable Truth were great
I thought. Better than the Devlins at any rate.

From J 2
November 18, 1998 - quick commentary on lowell...
i could have just died after girl...it was amazing. though the dynamic
of sunday night wasn't there it was still a good show. i felt that most
of the songs were performed "happier" than normal. (happy isn't the
right word, but it'll have to do) there were a couple of comments about
tori improving before black swan. i actually believe that it was a good
portion of toodles mr jim, she even said the title before playing it.
well, one more show for me this tour, durham, and call me crazy...but
i'm already getting a good vibe!

From Adam
November 18, 1998 - Just wanted to let you know that Tori improved the Wings song, "Band on the Run" during iieee in last nights Lowell show. "If I ever get out of here.
Thought of giving it all away. To a registered charity" Just in case you
havn't heard. See ya!!

From Faye Pantazopoulos
November 18, 1998 - Wow! This was my 6th and last Tori show of the year, and I was floored, for more reasons than one. The show was spectacular, highlights for me
included, "Tear in Your Hand", "SpaceDog", "Putting the Damage On",
"Girl", "Graveyard" and "Black Swan" . I had not heard Black Swan
before, but found it so beautiful I was weeping at the end. I was one of
the best-buy auction winners and when we got to meet her later, it just
made my night, my year. She was so nice, I must say, nicer than you can
imagine, to give her time like that. She was so sweet, and I have to say
again not only was she very nice, but so were the people working for
her. She was in a great mood all through the show and she gets more
energetic it seems with each show. She's looking somuch thinner than the
first time I saw her this year at the Avalon, she's positively tiny! I'm
sorry if this is disorganized, but I'm still on cloud 9...

From Laurie Sawin
November 18, 1998 - just a quick thought on the lowell concert...
As usual Tori was so awsome..her energy was not quite as it was in
Amherst but she was still amazing. "Girl" was so unbeleivable,I was
litterally in awe. It seemed as if the band was really enjoying
eachother tonight,I noticed them talking with eachother alot. I cant end
this with commenting on the most adorable Caton. He came out with his
awsome hat on and his so cool shades...he looked cool. I just love him
anyway,he was really rocking out on stage:)
...and Tori's outfit???..well she wore balck pants and a black shirt
with a red glittery apron thingy over it. I know this might sound crazy
but do you think there is any chance she is expecting???...I have no
idea why I am saying this..but just a thought.
well I have one more show to attend in NH...cant wait!!!...also cant
belive her tour is coming to an end:( I heard she is going to do some traveling when it is over...possibly Italy!!

From Nicole Bonneau
November 18, 1998 - fantastic. my 3rd tori show in lowell last nite & so so good.
it was kinda squished on the floor & im really short so i didnt have a very good view
but as long as im that close & i hear her...we waited soooo long to wait for
her to come out the unbelievable truth i almost forgot how amazing tori shows are.
i get so overwhelmed-- goosebumps head to toe. girl was a great surprise,brought tears to my eyes. but even more fantastic was...heres my story: at the meet & greet in providence (10/25) i gave tori a letter w/ a personal storie about when i first heard "twinkle" i also made her a little ceramic star that said "twinkle" on it. i asked if she could play the song either in providence or in lowell (cos i already had my lowell tickets)
here.in my head is also one of my fav. songs & i was NOT expecting her to play my song. i almost died. i had to hold onto my friend for support i was crying & shaking the whole way thru. it meant the fucking world for her to play that for me. i wanted to thank her
like for a second she wasnt this huge celebrity. she was my beloved tori & she
saved my life. i felt i should just bee ably to thank her & hug her & cry w/o it
being like a huge process. i was gonna sell all my non-tori cd's to see her at
NHU tonite but i have no transportation & im still in dumb hi-skool...i will
always hold my tori experiences close to my heart. beating breathing keeping
me alive. tori has such a huge effect on me. shes more than a pretty poster on
my wall. more than 28 cd's ,more than the seven hour wait to touch her. sometimes everyone tells me thats all she is & maybe i almost believed it, but in that moment, that song,that tear of mine, shiny blue star, my faerie & tori's voice last nite, i knew she is so much more than that & so are all her fans. now im getting all emotional & corny but im sure you kids understand where im coming from. anyway i am seriously willing to trade 4 bootlegs, my zines & a few bucks for a bootleg of the lowell show. please please PLEASE it would mean
so much if youd copy this show 4 me. i emailed some kids a while ago abt bootlegs & they
never answered me. i plan on devoting myself to finding a bootleg of this show
so please help out a fellow toriphile :) it would mean more than anything
email me-- 8word1@nbhsvax2.newbedford.k12.ma.us -------------- or regular mail
me which more reliable 4 me --- nicole bonneau/ 144 princeton/ new bedford, mass. /02745 ---- im not expecting anyone to answer cos ill get disappointed but please. it was a fantastic show.

From Nick Raafe
November 18, 1998 - Having just returned from my third Tori concert experience, I can only explain my condition by saying I am in utter awe and shock. There are no words to
properly or sufficiently describe how incredible this concert was, but I'll
give it my best. (This was my second Plugged '98 concert experience -- my
first was Tori's Fleet Center performance back in August).
PRECIOUS THINGS - Some people have said this song has become too standard at
this point and that it lacks "juice" and "pizzazz." I beg to differ. Tori's
live version exudes more energy than most artists' full-length concerts.
HOTEL - I was really excited to hear this song because it is the first time I
have heard it live. I love the energy of this piece and I adore how it is
very much like four or five different songs pasted together, with so many
tempo and vocal changes.
Tori says "Hello" to the audience and talks about how the tour is "winding
down now." She asks somebody by the stage (her manager perhaps) how many
shows are left. "You're kidding me, right?" she says in amazement. "Only 10
shows left?! Fuckin' A!" Then she tells us how much they love touring and
introduces each of the band members.
PAST THE MISSION - This was so incredibly powerful. As with "Hotel," I had
never heard this song performed live and it was incredible. I especially
loved how powerful the chorus was.
GRAVEYARD (solo) - This was really beautiful and touching. I'd always wanted
to hear this song live, but thought I'd never be that lucky. But lately Tori
has been using this as an intro to...
TEAR IN YOUR HAND - This was amazing!! I had prayed she would play this at
the Fleet Center last August but I was let down. To finally hear this was
breathtaking. It is one of my all-time favorite Tori songs.
CAUGHT A LITE SNEEZE - I have to say I found this version much more powerful
than her Fleet Center performance. Especially at the "boys on my left
side..." verse, she got extremely passionate. "Caught A Lite Sneeze" as it
was meant to be sung!
GIRL - Tori began by saying "This is the first time we've ever done this song
on this tour. So.... it's gonna be a mess! Just bare with us!" Tori
underestimated herself. It was possibly the most stunning performance of the
entire evening. Very true to the album version but it was just so
captivating. The breakdown in the middle was pure, raw emotion. Bravo! =)
HERE IN MY HEAD (solo) - The guys left the stage and Tori said "I got some
requests before the show and... well I aim to please!" The crowds cheered her
on. This song was one of Tori's most impressive vocal turn-outs of the
evening. From the first line, her voice was a sweet soprano that I'd never
heard before. Lovely!
TWINKLE (solo) - This was another breathtaking performance. Not much to
specifically point out, but... incredible!
PUTTING THE DAMAGE ON - This was a favorite of mine at the Fleet Center show
and I'm glad I got a reprise! I just love how this song is performed live
with the band, especially the "Take it high" harmonies exclusive to her live
SPACE DOG - This was a pleasant surprise!! It was my first time hearing it
SPARK - Amazing as always!
THE WAITRESS - Even more passionate than the Fleet Center. This seemed to go
on for fifteen minutes. Lots of new words at the end!
First encore:
IIEEE - I absolutely loved this performance. The new verses at the end seemed
to be longer than those at the Fleet show. Here's what I could make of part
of it: "If I ever get out of this / I'm going to give it all up."
RASPBERRY SWIRL - Not quite as energetic as the Fleet performance, but how can
you go wrong with this song? Caton's dancing was particularly amusing!
Second encore:
PURPLE PEOPLE - Haunting! Probably her best vocal performance of the night.
The vocals sounded PRECISELY like the album version. I thought for a moment
she may be lip-synching! (just a joke!)
BLACK DOVE (JANUARY) - Really came to life during "I have to get to Texas!"
BLACK SWAN (solo) - With a new opening verse (I didn't even recognize what
song this was) this was a chilling way to end the show. The new verse
included lines such as "He's gone now and I'm afraid to say that I'm alive"
and "I went to the ground and picked him up and picked myself up and walked
away." Really beautiful!!

From Megan
November 18, 1998 - Oh my...this was Tori show number 4 of this tour and I think it's safe to say that it was the best I've seen yet. Tori, from what I have heard about
the past couple shows and from what I saw tonight, is on a *roll*. She just
seemed to be in the most wonderful mood and she was so full of energy.
I didn't really care for The Unbelievable Truth...and I hate the waiting
between them and Tori! Anyway, Tori came out wearing a red sparkly apron
thingy...didn't see the shoes :o) All throughout the show she was really
interacting with the boys. Caton was being a goofball as usual, doing his
cute little dances and wearin' his shades :)
Precious was full of energy as usual...I absolutely love the effect that
the lighting has on this song. Hotel was an awesome second song and was also
full of energy. I was glad to finally hear Past The Mission...I love the new
sound it has. This is around when Tori was talking about how the tour is
winding down. When whoever told her how few shows were left, she seemed
really startled and was like, "are you serious??" Graveyard seems to be
gracing the stage quite often these days. Tear In Your Hand was just so
happy and lively. Caught A Lite Sneeze...I love when she plays this, it
brings back memories from DDI. And then...."I haven't played this one yet
so...it's going to be a mess." And then it came...Girl!!!!!! It sounded so
wonderful with the boys, I felt so special to get to hear this. And then she
said, "the longest rehearsed song of all fucking time." Before secret time
Tori mentioned how she get a lot of requests and "I aim to please." And then
came the lovely Here. In My Head - it was *so* beautiful. Twinkle was
another pleasant surprise and I loved Putting The Damage On. Space Dog and
Spark were energetic as usual and finally The Waitress had it's usual nice
long improv.
Then of course she came back out for her encores. First was i i e e e,
complete with the stomach grabs...Raspberry Swirl was full of energy and
brought down the house.
The second encore started with my *favorite* Tori song, Purple People - love
the purple lights. Then came Black Dove (January) and finally Black Swan
played solo with a Toodles Mr. Jim intro (she started by saying something
like "Mr. Jim went toodles" in the same voice she does on the CD...then she
did a short improv).
Well, I guess I should try and get some sleep...I'll see some of you HERE at

From marla (antigone)
November 18, 1998 - Hi Mike. I'm sure people will be sending you the setlist (which, by the way, said 'Spank' on it) as well as all the stories of the amazing version of
Swirl...the improv plus Black Swan at the end...Band on the Run during
iieee...but here's my story.
In Providence, I gave a letter to Jon Evans to give to Tori. In it, I asked
her to play Girl in Lowell for some very personal and very specific reasons.
So Tori begins to speak "We haven't done this one yet on this tour..."
I go crazy. My arms are flailing. I start tapping my boyfriend on the back.
Why the back? He had twisted and bent down to let some girls past him - girls
who insisted on getting up, getting beer, and sitting down just about every 5
minutes. My boyfriend looked up, confused, just as I leapt up to wave and
scream at the stage. I smacked him in the jaw. Luckily, he's fine. Kind of
Girl was perfection. Seamless. Striking. And Tori sang the "turbid blue"
lyrics. Absolute bliss.
The entire show, however, had a very weird vibe due to the fact that they
served beer - and that it was served DURING the show.
But Tori did Girl. For me. And if this was simply a beautiful and wonderful
coincidence, I really would like not to be told that. It was perfect.

From Richard Handal
November 18, 1998 - Richard called me with some information. He heard Tori playing "Girl" during the soundcheck with the band. Tori later debuted "Girl" during the Lowell show. Graveyard and Black Swan was not on the official/written set list. Tori was on stage from 8:57PM until 10:34. Her main set ended at 10:06.

From Derf
November 18, 1998 - first of all - tori PREMIERED "GIRL"!!!!!!!!
here's most of the setlist... (not quite in the right order)
soundcheck: tear, GIRL!!!
precious things
tear in your hand
past the mission
girl (!!!)
caught a lite sneeze
secret time:
here in my head
putting the damage on
purple people
1st encore:
toodles mr. jim improv intro. to black swan!
that's about right. not in the right order, but i'm sure there's someone
out there who has it right.
overall, a pretty good show. the sound was kind of funky, but i had a pretty
good view (after freezing my ass off for two hours) and so it wasn't bad..
