North American Plugged '98 Tour
Albuquerque, NM
September 28, 1998

Updated October 16, 1998

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Tori performed in Albuquerque, NM on September 28, 1998 at Kiva Auditorium during the main North American leg of her Plugged '98 tour.

Set List

Tori performed Merman and Famous Blue Raincoat solo. I must thank Cheryl who was the first to email me with this set list.

Precious Things
Cornflake Girl
Liquid Diamonds
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Bells For Her
Merman (solo)
Famous Blue Raincoat (solo)
Purple People
Tear in Your Hand
The Waitress

1st Encore:
Raspberry Swirl

2nd Encore:
Pandora's Aquarium


The most recently added reviews are first.

From Bonnie

October 16, 1998 - i just had to tell you, the meet and greet was really special because there were very few people there. like 15-20 or so. and tori talked to us. i have to say i felt bad for dor, who, after seeing thirty shows this tour had the bad luck when her car broke down. i hope she got home okay. anway. the show was awesome. famous blue raincoat is a wonderful cover that she does and i was glad that she felt the need to play it for albuquerque. and she made a comment about finding some really great enchiladas at a gas station somewhere. they bought like eight of em. ha ha. everyone was really happy to get to meet her. i was lucky enough to have first row, so i got a really good shot of her. your site is doing beautifully. bye to ya.

From Devsfnm

October 1, 1998 - I seen Tori at the Kiva in Albuquerque Monday and it was a great show. Tori is such a powerful woman. I have always been a fan of Tori and when I had the opportunity to go to see her I jumped at the chance. The only disappointment was she did not do a couple of my favorite songs (Crucify, God) and also that her voice was drowned out a lot and you could not understand the words she was singing. But other than that her music was strong and a great time was had by all.

From Jeremy

September 30, 1998 - just want to let you know that red baron was on the [written/official] setlist for secret time instead of merman.

From dusty poo

September 29, 1998 - Hey! Just wanted to add a few interesting facts on the Tori show and some personal experiences....

Bells for Her started off with an unorthydox march feel thing which she repeated incessantly during the intro and bridge. She kept it in the same key but almost seemed like she was conjuring up the song with the progression. (Which sounded, though I could be wrong, I was crying like a baby at this point, like a i, iv, V, vii o). Somehow it captured not only the song but the landscape of New Mexico (where she composed Bells for Her).

After iieee, she did her solo starting off by saying that this song "wants to be played." She played "Merman," a song I had been procrastinating on for a while. (I hadn't even heard it until then. What a great first time!) Next she played "Famous Blue Raincoat" (my personal favorite song by Leonard Cohen, even before Tori covered it). She began with another unorthydox progression. The song usually starts with i, iv, VI, v but Tori did some other funky thing and by the time she said, "'s four in the morning..." I was literally, knocked back in my seat. For the rest of the song Tori changed everything, the air, the light. She really touched something then. It was quite possibly the most powerful musical moment I had ever experienced. (I know, I'm being corny... but it's true.) So though Tori was a little tired (it ended at 10:30 sharp) she put in her all. Definitely the best concert I had seen her do. (I have only seen three.)

Her bassist, though really soulful and cute was a little behind on the rhythm. (Veeerrrrryyyy rarely.)

The band didn't allow "Caught A Lite Sneeze."

Hey, I'd hate to be an elitist but that's my opinion.

From Holly Rae Bemis

September 29, 1998 - I was lucky enough to get 8th row and center seats just yesterday morning....IT WAS BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL. Tori is awesome and this show was ELOQUENTLY LOUD and INTENSELY INTIMATE. Praise Tori! Thanks for such a great musical experience in the presence of a GENIUS! All the songs were fantastic---I am still bathing in the afterglow. MY LIFE IS COMPLETE, I can now die truly a happy phantom.

From Derek Marks

September 29, 1998 - i just saw tori at the kiva. it was amazing as usual for tori, especially the raw, pounding version of the waitress which was extended quite a bit. but then it's not really fair to just highlight that since the whole show was a fucking highlight.... it was shorter than the other shows i've seen, and she seemed a bit tired. still it didn't stop her from giving it her all.

From Cheryl

September 29, 1998 - Mike, this show was amazing, Tori was in an awesome mood after spending the day in Taos. I have some awesome stories for you about the meet and greet, and all sorts of cool things - BUT I will write them tomorrow because I need to go to bed...

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