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Bubah Johnson told me about this interesting item. You may recall that the first songs Tori ever released on record were "Baltimore" and "Walking With You," which were put put on a private label called MEA Records, which are the initials to Tori real name, Myra Ellen Amos. There is a new independent record label called MEA Records now which formed in 1999 and is a forum for groundbreaking electronic artists. Their first signed artist is Entranced. If you go to the MEA Records web site and click the About MEA link, you will see them mention Tori. The site says, "Unlike other record labels, MEA was created to help get independent musicians careers off the ground, then move on to better things." They go on to say, "This philosophy originated from MEA's origins. The first musician to ever use the MEA label, was a young woman named Ellen Amos, later to be known as Tori Amos, early in her career. MEA actually happens to be this young woman's initials. Those three letters have become a symbol for meager beginings that grow to legendary proportions. We hope to carry on this tradition, and continue to launch talented people's careers." I found that really interesting. This label appears to have no affiliation with Tori at all except for the name. They even have a small photo of Tori's old records!