Entertainment Weekly
January 26/February 2, 2001

Updated January 21, 2001

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Entertainment Weekly first to reveal new Tori album for Fall 2001

This appeared in the January 26/February 2, 2001 (#579/580) double issue in which they took a look at the year ahead. There was a calendar of things to expect on page 71, and under "Unscheduled Fall Events" for 2001 they had listed, "New albums from Jewel and Tori Amos". No additional details were given. I have no idea who was the source of this info. Since Jewel was also listed, it is likely this info came from Atlantic Records, since they are on the same label. Special thanks to John Gore, Holly, ciccone4, and Andrea Novick for telling me about this!

Steve Williams sent me this scan of the EW report.

Ciccone4 reports that Tori is also mentioned in this issue in a review Entertainment Weekly had for "Smells Like Bleach", a Nirvana tribute album. The review states:

Everyone from Charlie Hunter to Tori Amos has interpreted Nirvana's iconoclastic anthems, but none has captured their anarchic power. Here, punk forefathers like Agent Orange and descendents like I.C.U. again fail to do them justice. Most omit the soulful wailing and off-key sqawks, accelerating the songs into power-punk retreads and losing the passion and chaos that changed the face of music.

[The disc got a B-]

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