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Many thanks to Tim McCubrey for sending this review of Scarlet's Walk to me! Be sure to check out billboard.com where you will most likely find this article.
Album Title: Scarlet's Walk
Producer(s): Tori Amos
Label/Catalog Number: Epic 86412
Source: PRINT
Originally Reviewed: November 09, 2002
Tori Amos engages in a physical, spiritual, and emotional quest on Scarlet's Walk, a sonic novel of songs that weave one intricate story and stand on their own as individual tales. Touching on elements of Native American history and Amos' own Eastern Cherokee heritage, lead character Scarlet meets ex-lovers, relatives, and acquaintances while exploring her own beliefs about her country and her psyche as the nation does the same in a post-Sept. 11 world. Similar to the artist's Under the Pink in tone and continuity, Scarlet demands repeated spins to fully appreciate its chapters' musical and lyrical complexities as it recounts such adventures as the discovery of a betrayal during the Shawn Colvin-esque "Taxi Ride" and meeting a blowhard messiah in "Pancake." On this collection, Amos' artistry -- especially on the title cut, "Gold Dust," and "Your Cloud" -- makes one of its most profound expressions.\ CLT