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1999 "To Dallas And Back" Solo Tour |
Check Out The Reviews And Set Lists Page Tori performed in Seattle, WA on October 7, 1999 at the Key Arena At Seattle Center during Tori's short "To Dallas And Back" solo tour. ![]() Set List![]() God Encore 1: Encore 2: |
![]() ReviewsFrom Richard HandalOctober 8, 1999 - Tori was on stage from 9:11PM until 11:05. Tori and everyone seemed back on their game tonight. Everything was heartfelt and expressive. Blood Roses was truly possessed. Little Earthquakes was transcendental. John Evans was going insane during the Waitress in a manner Richard had never seen before. It was exhausting to watch him. Black-Dove was glorious. On to Idaho. ![]() From Q MagazineNovember 7, 1999 - Pete Lambert and Thomas Lauritsen inform me that Tori is in the December 1999 issue of Q Magazine in the U.K. They include a review of Tori's concert in Seattle, WA on October 7, 1999. Read it in my Articles Archive. ![]()
All Reviews Below Were Originally Posted On The Dent ForumSpecial thanks to Laurie Daniels for her invaluable assitance in getting the reviews transferred to the Dent! ![]() From Rev. Bret: Truly Tori at her best!!! Blood Roses was a hypnotic delve into Tori's soul. Out of four Tori concerts I've been to this was the best. I cannot think of a better way to end the concert then with an inspired version of pretty good year. Also Tori commented on the wonderful smell of Seattle (The Precious Weed!) Praise Jah, Praise Tori!
From tiny shiver: Just got back from the concert. I won't post the set list, looks like Mike's already done that. Between Juarez and CFG she told a little story about going to the University Bookstore (she says she loves that place) and that she saw this book on Giant Squids, and told everyone to go out and get it. She said that they wouldn't let her get it because she might get nightmares. Then she asked if anyone knew how squids mate, and then she told us--(ok now I don't remember how she explained it and it was really cute so maybe someone else might remember exactly what she said) the male gets his sack of little guys with a tentacle and puts it on into the female. I thought that it was appropriate for her to sing Smells Like Teen Spirit here in Seattle. Also, I had never noticed before, but Caton was doing a little dance during Pretty Good Year. It may be that I never sat on that side before, but I didn't notice during other songs (probably just looking at Tori) Anyway that was very cute. For me, I thought that Spring Haze was so wonderful. She sounded so beautiful on it. I have other songs on TVAB that I like even better, and she played them (yeah) however, this to me was the most beautiful of all on this concert. Ok there is my 2 cents.
From Pandora.Underwater: Blood Roses was the most lovely thing i had ever heard. I was absolutely hypnotized. I cried at Cooling and at Smells Like Teen Spirit. I had a terrific time. I loved watching Caton and John! (altho, of course, Matt was a cute as always...)
From Roklif:
The concert was amazing!
Secret Time:
1st Encore
2nd Encore I was disappointed that she didn't play 1000 Oceans as that is my current rave song. However Pretty Good Year was done so incrediblely that it made up for the loss of any other song I would have liked to have heard. I was great that the concert was longer then previous concerts. I can't waiting until the next tour. Oh yes, I met Sarah, the girl from the MTV Fanatic interview, at the M&G and near my seat at the concert and she was a great person to talk to. She told me that as far as the interview went, it was pretty much fixed by MTV and if she had more control of the situation she would have asked waaaaay better questions for the camera and was disappointed that MTV would not allow it. She did make up for it off camera, but she knew the fans would be put off with what made it on the show. A lot of people I talked to at the show who recognized her said she was a flake, but after talking to her personally, I have to say she is a great person and I would hang with her anytime :-)
From pan : I have to say that this show was from make believe. I was blown away at the synergy of the entire show. I have never seen it this good with the band before. I have to say that the RAINN M&G was the most splendid thing in the world. Never before has anyone treated their guests with the utmost respect. I am still trying to comprehend one of the most surreal moments in my life.
From Hellfury: All I can say is "TORI IS A GODDESS!" This was my first tori concert and she just blew me away. Unfortunately due to my so-called friends I got there 30 min too late to go to the M&G. Argh.. I am speech-less! Pretty good year was so awesome.. I love how it was just Tori at the piano and Jon Evans at the bass and then WHAM the whole band. It seemed like everyone at the Key Arena was so laid back and just there to listen to Tori's music and have a good time.
From Megasus:
Wow. I just barely got home from the concert, and there are already a bunch of posts.
Encore 1:
Encore 2: After having to drive all the way to Seattle... then all the way back home.. then all the way back to Seattle, it's been an extremely long day. See, I forgot my ticket on my desk..... Needless to say, I missed the meet and greet, which I'm very disappointed about... but the concert was more than enough to make up for it. The sound was awesome. This was my first concert, so.. I was just overwhelmed. It was very beautiful, Tori is the cutest person alive.... She gave a little story about a book in the University book store about squid mating, and said it was "fucking good"... and that she didn't buy it because she has nightmares and the guys on the tour bus didn't want her to have it... but that we should pick it up... and proceeded to tell us about how they mate. She pointed to some people in the crowd and said "That's really clever guys"... does anybody know what she was talking about? Anywhoo.... it was awesome.. and I'm very tired... so that's all I have to say for now.
From Shaman:
I think my biggest achievement was surviving it. They had dozens of people pile out of up front and were passing out water and even Tori offered some holi water. It was the animal pit I expected. Thanks to the crappy Key Arena security Nazi I actually got in ahead of others I was with but just going over to the patdown line. What a buttfuck place. Anyhow, with all the people fainting I actually spent most of my time about a personage from the front. I was mesmerizing. I mostly found myself staring at her the whole time and could have done so for many more hours. This show actually felt shorter than Portland? The first setilst appears to be correct. This show was definately better than her last show here and probably better than at the Opera House but that was so long ago. She still has the same beautiful eyes like then. Her Texas tan had taken more and she was not noticeably red as at the M&G in Portland. Steve wasn't being so crazy legged this time but seemed to be having a good time and I saw each person smile on more than one occassion which is always nice.
From zovira:
Hey : ) Secret Time: The first solo song was "Take to the Sky" which I do not think I have heard live since Dew Drop...I was so happily surprised...and it was gorgeous! She changed the words a little and played with the tempo even more than usual so that people were clapping during the verses and then silent during the chorus...the part when she says: "You can say it one more time..." The next thing she said was, "Go on..." and then she was doing her little vocal tricks of spanning a whole octive on a single word...it was just gorgeous! My favorite version of this song ever...I'm really hoping for a recording of this one : ) I would trade a painting : ) Next she played "Teen Spirit," which while it has been quite a frequent guest on this tour, seemed especially inspired tonight...this seems to be her secret time song for her more aggressive shows...seems like if she's already in that "rock" energy, she taps into Nirvana and does this song...I enjoyed last night's rendition more than the other three times I have heard it on this tour : ) "Cooling" was beautiful as always...also seemed very inspired : ) I can't believe she was at the U Book Store!!! It's walking distance from my house! And where was I? Not there : ( Oh well... Finally, "Pretty Good Year" was one of my tour highlights this year...it's funny cause when my friends and I were in Vegas we had said it would be awesome to hear Pretty Good Year with the band...last night was my final show of this tour, and low and behold, she ends with it...stunning! I was in tears...it is so lovely: just Tori and Jon Evans on upright bass for most of the song, and then Matt and Caton come in on the bridge, but just for a few measures...and Tori got really loud and agressive on that part, and then dropped back to the lovely sweet energy of the beginning...it was such a perfect closer for me...I am still choked up about it : ) Lastly, I thanked Mark (Hawley) for a wonderful tour and doing such a great job...he is such a sweetie : ) That was my closure for the tour...now it's back to life in the Northwest... Hey, everyone who's going onto the last few shows, enjoy, and I hope you all do finally hear Flying Dutchman, Here in My Head, Black Swan, Josephine, and Lust : )
Goodbye for now : ) Zovira@aol.com
From christ606:
The Seattle show last night was my second Tori concert and it was definitely a concert I'm going to never forget. I was pretty close to the front and I got to hear pretty much everything I hoped to hear. I must say though that I'm really uncomfortable with all the pushing and shoving that went on up towards the front. The smell was absolutely disgusting, and it's a miracle I didn't puke. I've been waiting patiently for over a month to hear the new Blood Roses and Prof. Widow and I was amazed. It wasn't at all what I expected, but it sounded just as flawless and terrifying as it did on the album, and that's what I was hoping for.
From Dissapointed: I have been going to Tori concerts since 93, and I have to say that this was the most awful experience I have ever had. I have decided that I will not go see another Tori show until she ditches the band. I do not go to listen to a drum set that is being pounded to death; I do not go to listen to a repetative bass line that drowns everything out; I do not go to listen to renditions of songs I love that make them all sound the same. When she went into the third song, I actually considered leaving. Leaving! I can't believe it myself. The only reason I stayed was for secret time, and there was a string bass on the side of the stage that I was waiting to see what it would be used for. I only truly enjoyed 4 songs - the three during secret time (Take to the Sky has alway been a favorite) and the most amazing performance of any song I've ever seen her do - Pretty Good Year. Now that's how to use a band (and that string bass!). There were two others that weren't torterous - Cornflake Girl because you could acually hear her amazing piano playing (but barely) and Spring Haze (for some reason didn't sound like the endless drivel the rest of the show). The whole concert I felt like I was waiting for crumbs of her true talent to be thrown to me. I don't mind her doing changeups in her style - but this was not her style in any incarnation (and TVAB isn't either). It was something else. She is wasting her amazing talent (which I know is buried in there somewhere, as it peaked out to shine) and is lowering herself. She seems to be trying to capture the "rock star lost" experience of her 80's days, and it is a shame. I am praying that she gets this out of her system soon. The performance of Pretty Good Year shows that she's still under there.
From Meghan:
the setlist has already been posted, which is good because I was trying to write it down on my hand but I was so extremely sweaty that it didn't survive the concert. First of all I ran into two friends who were Tori concert virgins, and we were discussing which songs we would like to hear... and it was like Tori read our minds! Rachel said Take to the Sky, Haley said Cooling, and I said Spring Haze and we got them all!!! It was amazing! Getting into the venue was chaotic pushing and running and trampling... I thought I'd missed my chance at being up front but not at all! I started about 5 rows away and got worked up to 3 rows from the front. About a dozen people got pulled over the barracade (I saw at least 3 people faint) and everyone pushed to get their old spot. I was absolutely drenched with sweat and sardined with everyone around me.
To paraphrase the little squid story : She was wearing a long sleeved see through shirt almost like GMA but with a drawstring in the front and a tanktop shape in blue and the sleeves from the elbows down in blue (you could tell it was just one peice not a shirt over another one if that makes sense). Her hair was very wild and short but it was a rainy day ...
Every song blew me away... Smells like Teen Spirit was so moving, many people were singing along and it was such a bonding moment. Precious Things was a crowd pleaser, let me tell you Seattleites know how to rock!! Tori saluted to Jon Evans at the beginning of the Waitress and there was good play with the band during other songs. Caton was motioning us to scream louder before Tori came out for the first encore! He was drinking white wine tonight by the way Father Lucifer was were she was doing the "pregnant dance" (see the other Seattle thread) and it did sound much like the Sylkscreen Remix! I thought Juarez was going to be Iieee because of the bongo drums at the beginning. Riot Poof rocked the Arena! I think that's about it.. oh wow I just loved the show... even though I managed to be on my tiptoes the whole almost 3 hours (ouchy) now I'm sore and still tired. ~Meghan
From jymsned: - This was my third Tori show, and definatly the best. Every single song she played was inspired. Her energy and flawless musical ability made for one of the best musical experiences of my life. Since I often check the dent, I knew that she would propably open with GOD, so I eagerly anticipeted her beautiful voice projected from backstage. When I finally did hear her voice (after suffering through Jude and a half hour of down time), I knew I was in for something special. Here is the setlist with additional comments: GOD - powerful and funky SUGAR - one of my personal favorites JUAREZ - Tori was in a bit of a trance CG - a new intro, not the "you swear to christ she wont" intro BLOOD ROSES - Fucking amazing. FATHER LUCIFER - It really did sound like the remix LE - my friend Patty had an orgasm...that good TAKE TO THE SKY (solo) TEEN SPIRIT (solo) COOLING (solo) SUEDE - very smokey and dark. Loved it. RIOT PROOF - Was on my wish list...got it! PROF WIDOW - my favorite of the concert. Absloutly amazing. A great departure from the original BLACK DOVE SPRING HAZE - another fav from TVAB PRETTY GOOD YEAR - the upright base Jon played was inspired Overall this was the most amazing Tori show ever. She danced and was very animated through out the show (which is something I love). Thank you Tori for an amazing experience. Thank you to Mikewhy for creating such a fabulous Tori-forum.
From faerielove:
I had the most wonderful time, and met the best people! Love you guys! We got there very early in the morning but had fun because of all the great people. Listened to the end interview. M&G: The people were very rude! I couldn't belive it. Everyone jsut rushed up to the barricades and pushed past the people who had been waiting forever. I thought i was doomed cuz i ended up in the fifth row. But with the help of the ewf i saw her. They literally picked me up and almost through me over so my body was slanted over the crowd. Tori saw me and actually grabbed my hand!!!!!!! That was the best moment! THe show:
From dre:
The show was utterly amaizing, but the croud was the worst i have ever seen. Sugar-WOW! i wanted to hear this so bad...she played it last year in Vancouver, but this version is so very emotional...just like the live album version. Juarez-this song was very good. She had a very heart-felt look as she did vartios getures while singing the courus. She also sang "no angels came for my little girl (baby)" and held her stomach. Cornflake girl-she was doing very orgazmic sounds right before the song started. "Uh-Huh, UUUUU-Huh!" Blood Roses-OH my FUCKING jesus!!! I wished to hear this one scince i heard it on the album. I had read from various posts that said that Blood Roses was too over done and should be "naked". This version was on its own...it was very very VERY Amaizing, she had so many things going on that the song turned into an epic...i didn't want it to end. I loved the changes of tempo through the chourus and versus. No Disapointment here.She also put in lines from Caught a light sneeze(live)"you never could, you neverwould, your just a fuck" Father Lucifer-Very well done..very bleusy.."Lucy Girl...Lucifer" she sang at the beginning...I love how she still fit the Steve McQueen bridge into it. It did NOT sound like the Remix..it was very diferent with bongo beats to it. never heard this one live so it was greeat.
Little Earthquakes-this was a surprise...i use to like this song alot in my coming out stage so it has very special meaning to me...i was happy to hear it for the first time live. Smells like teen spirit-i kind of expected it..all the fucking grung kids thought it was a treat as they squealed every time she said a word. i always wanted t ohear her siong this...i cried. Cooling- this was both great on Tori's part and the croud's. Because it is a b-side i think not many of the people knew it so they were very respectfully quiet. she had a wonderful voice. this was a song the i dedicated to my friends chinchilla last week who died, his name was speed racer. Side Note--the left speaker system messed up during take to the sky, it started rattling when tori hit high notes, it didn't seem to sway her tho and no mention was made to fixing it...except marcel came out at Encore break and checked her mic. Suede-WOW! this was very well done, she sang it standing with one leg up on the benchand played both piano and Kertz. at the end. Riot Poof- Very dancy Tori was dancing even, she seemed very happy...prob cuz of the pot in the air YUK! She had a very nice bridge which DID include "It will all find its way in time"...over and over. And she also sang that after her ooohoo's "ooh oooh its way in time" Professional Widow-WILD! i always wanted to hear this ...i though ti never would. This was one of my favorits of the night. She includes all the lyrics to the very end, at the "give me peace and a hard cock" part she was very into it...during the word cock she jacked off the microphone with her hands.Very asertive voice at the end. Waitress-the best performance of this i have ever seen, she was sooooo into it and so was her band...i didnt want it to end . At the beginning of the song she started singing while she still had her honey tea in her hand and she was not sitting, then she set it on her piano and left it there through the encore. the lights were very very stunning during her last gasps just hazy spots on her flashing from different directions, the shadows were striking, i wish i had a pic of that.
Precious things-expectedly great...i just wished for once that people would not scream out for every fuckin thiing she sings...i like to hear her cary her notes but i can't when people arte screamming louder thatn her ...HOLD YOUR CHEERS TILL SHE FINNISHES THE NOTE>>>ITS SO DISRESPECTFUL!!!!!!!! Spring Haze-i was very excited to hear this...she did some very low piano keys right at the beginging.Better than the rcorded version. Prtty Good Year-I waited a lifetime to hear this song..It was such a great way to end the show...the last song i will hear till she tours again. SOOOOOO AMAIZING. she should play this at every show. Her voice carrried lovely. I had took my Pretty good year single for her to sign at the M&G in Portland But some asshole i new wouldn't pass it to her bur passed his insteaed and told ne that i couldn't c\pass anything..ASSSSHHOOOOOLE...he told me that hes only been to 60 shows...BBoooo Hooo ive been to 5. anyways her singing it made up for him.. thank you tori!!!! Every pet peeve i have of being at a concert happed at this one 1.people smoking pot..i told them to put it out right before she came on. I told them i was alergic but they just shrugged and kept blowing it in owr direction on purpose...then Tori said that it smelled great and then the pot heads said "where's that guy that said to put it out, Tori likes it" Just becase she likes something doesn't mean we all have too, GET A LIFE HIPPIE POT HEADS
2.people clapping along to music 4.Screamming for every fuckin thing she does and says...when some one holds a note your suposed to wait till they finnish with it then you clap DUH! how Rude ! I couldn't hear tori's high notes most of the time. And just cuz someone has the word "Fuck" in their song you don't need to scream for it.
Anyways it was a great show wish you were there.
From tamerak:
i agree with what "dissapointed" said up there. i wasn't very impressed with this concert, although i am a HUGE Tori fan, and will love and accept anything she does. i was getting REALLY irritated with the band, they completely drowned her out. i wished they would shut up. the band thing would have been cool for a couple of songs, but otherwise, i thought they made the songs boring.
From Kris D.: I agree with Disappointed, Dre and Tamerak. (I'm so glad I'm not alone!) Although I enjoyed this setlist over the last two "band" shows, I would prefer to hear her without. The only band-less show I saw was her third show (second night) at the Paramount for the DDI tour. Talk about brilliance! No concert, Tori or otherwise, compares. I can only hope that the stint she will do in Europe is the first sign that she's cutting ties with her Brothers. [Now, if Caton tags along as he did previously, playing on a few songs, that's okay.] As for the crowd: Can the kids be any ruder? I mean, some of us have lives and can't be there before the sun, nor the energy to scratch and shove our way through at a M&G or (gasp!) run past security in line. Also, Key Arena is capable of reserved seating, why not take advantage? If I knew the suites were available, I would've tried to get one... AND, I did not know that you go to a concert to talk. People all around me chatted about anything but the show during her songs. (I thought screaming during the entire length of her show was annoying at the last show, but contstant chatter is no better.) For a crowd so overtly obsessed, they seem oblivious to the actual performance. My husband and I vow never to go to another Tori concert until 1.) there's a better venue, which is anywhere but Key Arena, 2.) she is solo and 3.) the audience matures.
From father lucifer:
SEATTLE, WA October 7th/99 at the Key Arena setlist:
We got to the Key arena at about 10:00 am, and we went to the meet and greet and were pleased to see that we were the first ones there! Steve was already setting up the gates for the meet and greet and asked me and diana to line people up. So we did. My sister soon joined us which was cool, and we were having fun talking to the fans we met - but pretty soon there were lots of people there, and we rushed the gates BEFORE steve came back. GOD: I really really enjoyed it as an opener this time around. Her performance was spectacular, she looked like she was having a really good time. And I thought about how cool it was for her to OPEN a show with the line "God - sometimes you just don't come through" SUGAR: Wow. Sugar has never hit me like it hit me in seattle! This performance was just amazing - being up so close... It was a perfect perfomance! I just love how she goes "you just watch... just watch what they do" then the drums kick in. It was great! A definate hilight! JUAREZ: This was powerful too! I don't like it much on the CD, but in concert is was very good - almost scary as she wailed and screamed at the end! She did a few deep growling screams like she used to do on PRECIOUS THINGS which was great! CORNFLAKE GIRL: I really enjoyed this tonight too because she was in such a great mood and she would stand on her feet and bash her head and jump around as she did her little piano solo's. Great performance! Before it she told a story about Octopus books, and said "boy it smells good in her!!!" (the place reeeked of pot) BLOOD ROSES: Ok. This was the absolute hilight of the night. Infuckingcredible. I have heard it before on this tour, but it's as if she decided to dedicate a very long period of time to develope this song. She did a big improv at the beginning then when into the high fastello wailing, and it probably wasn't till three or four minutes into it when she finally sang 'blood roses, blood roses'. The song went on for longer than THE WAITRESS. AT LEAST 10 minutes... if anyone has a chance to get a bootleg of this... wow... after the bridge she did the "i hurt myself today" improv and wound up screamin "YOU STUPID LITTLE FUCKER!" It was unbelivable. The ending went on and on with her head just shaking and her hair waving around "you know that I can TAKE IT IN..." until she finished it off with "sometimes you're nothing but MEAT" with great emphasis on MEAT rather than wailing it high like she usually does. FATHER LUCIFER: Wow! Two nights in a row! This was awesome and also went on for a very long time! I have decided that I LOVE the new father lucifer! It still has the great chorus, but the verse keeps it's feeling, just with a new groove to it! I loved it, it was way cooler to watch it up close! And she did her little dance where she pointed at her tummy and made motions that I SWEAR she was trying to tell us "i'm pregnant!" LITTLE EARTHQUAKES: the most intense incredible performance I have seen. this blows the performance on Venus Live right out of the water! Her piano solo in the middle had incredible energy and as she sang "I-ee-i-ee-i can't reach you" she just went nuts! It was so great! She kept the middle part going for quite awhile "give me life, give me pain..." TAKE TO THE SKY: We were all very happy to hear this one, and it was great! Hey piano got quite funky and durring the choruses she would sing "You can say it one more time.... you can..." and repeat it again and again... it was great! Red lights... SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT: This was such a treat! I havn't seen her do this one before, and it was so emotional! She really screamed a lot of it... I realized at this point that this was probably the most enjoyable Tori show I have ever seen - I was so into it. COOLING: Awww! I was so happy to hear this, but I felt bad that chris wasn't there cause I know it is his fave and she didn't do it the night before! but it was beautiful - very much like the performance on venus live. SUEDE: I love this song, and it is so cool in concert! I love how she stands with one foot on the bench and plays it! RIOT POOF: Same as the night before. PROFESSIONAL WIDOW: Very loud and bombastic! This song kicks with the band. THE WAITRESS: Weirdest thing - i always dread this song cause she does it every single night! BUT tonight I was just blown away! Waitress completely kicked my ass! It was the best performance I have ever heard! She looked like she was having the time of her life! The choruses were great cause the look on her face was DEMONIC, and the hang ten part she had a big smile and we all did hang ten signs and the intense white spotlights just made the whole thing so magical! It was definatly the CLIMAX of the night and it was really powerful! One of the hilights for me! PRECIOUS THINGS: SOOoooo much better than the night before - the "grrrrrrl" got us all going crazy! I still prefer this song as an opener though - it really gets you going... BLACK DOVE: What an awesome suprise! this was the LOUDEST black dove I have ever heard... it started off quiet and pretty, but being up close for the "HAVE TO GET TO TEXAS" was unbelivable! The lights were SO amazingly bright I could barely see, and it was about 20 times louder than the verse! it was quite an experience! Another hilight of the show! Tori hit it right on! SPRING HAZE: it was weird to hear near the end, but again a very good performance - better than in portland the night before... PRETTY GOOD YEAR: although I sort of expected a song after, I kind of had a feeling it would be the last song. She started with the "heeeeeee's" and then went into the song. The middle was loud and intense, but she finished off again with the "heeeee's" it was beautiful. It was actually the perfect ending to a Tori show, cause it's one of those warm songs that is neither happy or sad. It was beautiful and I'll never forget it! All in all awesome show - tied with portland cause I could never choose between them! Thanks to all the wonderful fans I met, and If anyone has a bootleg of EITHER of these shows PLEASE let me know cause I would give anything for one! laterz... matthew
From Courtney:
HEY everybody. You can imagine my hysteria when i heard the first notes!!! -courtney
From nefertiti:
From talulamystic:
well, I don't know what to say. The concert was amazing, but the amount of incredibly rude people was really upsetting to me. I have never seen so much blatent disregard for other people...especially fellow Tori fans! Anyhow, we were originaly 3rd in the line up for the M&G, but didn't end up in the front due to two people who decided to make a run for it. Steve did seem pissed off but what can ya do? Anyhow, I did get quite close to Tori, which was awesome! So, thanks to the number system, we had our spot in line quite near the front. So with my big sis, we got right to the front and center for the concert! It was amazing! She was very focused and sang with great conviction for every song. The band was a little loud, but it didn't take too much away from the overall feeling. I really loved Take to the Sky, Little Earthquakes and Pretty Good Year. I think the General Admission thing really causes people to lose their heads. I tried really hard not to let the rudeness get to me. The concert was awesome, and I did meet some neat people (Jupiter, Mike, Matt...) so the experience was overall a positive one.
From joshde: Well guess I will start this off, but going to keep it short. The show as wonderful as always last night, thought the troubles with a general admissions show were quite evident. People started lining up at about 8am to get in. Buy 5 o'clock the line was wrapping around the Seattle Center. Once in it was a mad bull rush to the stage, with people hurdling over people ... it was a mad house. Jude was the opening act, and he was short and sweet ... quite a wonderful opening act. She started off with God ... I don't have the order memorized ... because I am just getting over being smashed into a baracade for 2 hours. It was a long show thought. For the new girl she did: Juaraez, Lust, Suede, Riot Poof, and Spring Haze ... WOW!!! They were all wonderful. From the past, she did Cornflake, Blood Roses, Prof Widow, Sugar, Precious, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Take to the Sky, Cooling, Little Earthquakes, Waitress ... so many ... it was very cool. There was a meet and greet befor the show, but only the first few people infrount of the baracade got to see her. But she had a cute little blue hat on. At the show ... i did get a glimpse of her shoes ... they were about 6 inch plats that were kinda like a finished wood with a glossy coat, with straps. ALSO, she made it quite evident that she IS preganant. She did a little tummy dance in the begining, and seemed to refer that it was a "natural" conception, not artificial insemination. (i.e. she took one finger and stuck it into a hole made by the other hand ... rather than an X that she made with her finder and said no to that ... i take that to mean a medical cross) There were many passed out girls and boys in the front, and Joel and Steve were busy all night. I think they did a wonderful job taking care of us all ... the even passed out water durring the show for us. And half way through ... tori gave joel her waterbottle to give us a drink ... I hope that any of you that got woosy at the show are doing ok... it hurt me to see people in that manner ... my wishes go out to you ... talk to you all soon, josh
From Jenn:
The show was so beautiful, I'm speechless. Contrary to what others have said, I thought the meet and greet was nice, even though I was in the back I got to talk tot some nice people like Dor and it was fun. Anyways, once we got inside, we sat second from the floor, facing the piano (I was wearing a red shirt and a black coat if you were sitting by me!) Jude came on and he was really good I thought. I talked to a guy sitting behinde me in a balck choirgirl t-shit about what songs we wanted to hear. The girls beside me (one had devil horns) wanted to hear TTTS. I'm not going to go into to much detail about the show but secret time was amazing for me. The two songs I wanted to hear most were Teen Spirit and Cooling and she played them both. I was holding back the tears during the "I know you're out there somewhere" improve cause I knew she was talking about Kurt. The she started to play cooling and I just strated to bawl. This show was so incredible. If you were sitting around, please feel free top e-mail me
From northern lass: wow. my third tori show and definately the best. i don't know about anyone else - but i like being down on the floor! it allowed the truely dedicated to get really close to tori and i just liked the feeling of being surrounded on all sides by such dedicated ewf. the vibe was incredible and everyone i talked to was so friendly and so happy to be there. absolutely fantastic show. especially after having seen her just three weeks ago in concord. seeing tori is amazing no matter what but a 5.5 weeks show is like sex using the pulling out method. just as you're reaching climax - around the seventy minute mark - the show's over. boom! but this one ran the full incredible two hours. it was amazing.
From chiasticslide: Such a great night. The show was amazing... a perfect set. Wonderful energy. Got to hang w/ her after the show. For the record.. I think it's worth noting, at the Portland show and the Seattle show she did the little 'dance' before Father Lucifer each time.
From RoaringBravado: well, most people have covered the concert thoroughly, except did anyone else have really sore feet and a sore neck from standing in the open floor area. argh. the show was wonderful - it was great to have more of her songs...just seems to go on and on(in a good way). was hoping she'd play Marianne, but to no avail. however, Cooling, Take to the Sky, Pretty Good Year, and Spring Haze made it incredible! too bad she only played 18 songs instead of 19 - what's with that? oh, and chiasticslide - how did you manage to hang with Tori after the show? that's so great. what did you chat about? did you win a contest? or are you "in-the-know" with her? just curious. can't believe the tour is almost over. hi to father lucifer(matt) and his gang. cheers |
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