From Mikewhy
September 15, 1999 - I thought the Chicago show was really powerful. Tori seemed to be in a gret mood and was chattier than usual. Some of my friends felt she was a little rough around the edges during this show, but I did not notice this at all. It was one of my favorite shows of the tour, and I even had a rather bad seat on the far left. But the show was still enjoyable and I could see her on the big monitors they had on each side of the stage.
Tori talked about how much she liked Chicago. She said she wore her matador (spelling?) outfit in honor of the Bulls and that the city was yummy, yummy, yummy. "The good thing is, you're not trying to be New York. Who wants to be that. Fuck that place." This may have been a reference to all the problems she had with security and the audience during the shows in that area.
Tori did some really fantastic singing and wailing during Blood Roses. I really love how this song sounds on this tour, She was really powerful and angry at the end, singing at one point this improv, "You little prick, you little fuck..."
Before Landslide Tori said she used to listen to that song a lot growing up. The audience really loved this cover and there was huge applause during the song.
Before Cloud On My Tongue she greeted the people on the lawn and asked them if they were making out. Then she told us a little story that she said we had to keep just between us, 9I am assuming she was just kidding since I have heard a variation of it before!) I can't remember all of what she said, but it was about a guy who showed up and said he flew in from Borneo to see her. "I want you to go away with me," he said. Tori said, "Your timing is very poor young lad." She then said something about her boyfriend at the time was already taking her on a trip. Hopefully someone else will give a more complete version of the story. It ws nice to hear a long story from Tori again. I miss those!
During Hotel I think i Tori gave her water to someone.
It was a super show and really enjoyable!

From Chicago Tribune
Here is a review from the September 13, 1999 edition of the Chicago Tribune. I only include the Tori parts of the review because that is all that was sent to me. If anyone has the Alanis parts, please send it to me. I want it to be complete!
Morissette and Amos find common ground
by Greg Kot, Tribune Rock Critic
[The article is accompanied by a picture of Alanis and one of Tori from the
show, with the caption reading "Alanis Morissette (left) and Tori Amos took
turns taking males to task for all manner of misdeeds at the New World
Music Theatre."]
Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos? Together, on tour? One doesn't exactly
see them as soulmates. On one side there is Morissette, poster child
for "angry young women in rock." On the other, there is Amos the "Cornflake
Girl." If Morissette is the girl next door brandishing a guitar and a diary full of he-done-me-wrong memories, Amos is the ditzy runaway who spends all day in the attic wearing chiffon gowns and talking to the fairies.
Stereotypes, they die hard. And perhaps by touring together, Morissette and Amos hoped to compel audiences to look beyond them. So there they were at the New World Music Theatre on Saturday, the odd couple who never exactly coupled, but performed back-to-back, hour-long sets that presented two distinct takes on life, as Amos would say, in the girl zone. If there was a unifying subject, let's just say it was a bad night, overall, for patriarchy. Sugar daddies, oppressive father figures, ex-boyfriends, even
God -- all were taken to the woodshed.
The music was impressive in its ambition, if not always in execution,
with Amos taking the biggest chances and delivering the most profound
statements, expanding the terrain of what it means to be a
singer-songwriter in the '90s -- channeling Led Zeppelin, Keith Jarrett,
Kate Bush and Sybil.
Amos is drawn to the big subjects too -- the conflict between religion and sex, patriarchy and self-knowledge, intimacy and far. But she has more
weapons at her disposal: a voice that ranged from "Exorcist"-like growl to
angelic flutter, a piano style that blended baroque frills with stomping
stride chords.
The defining moment came when Amos first walked on
stage. She straddled and stroked her big, black grand piano before mounting
it, then shook a tiny fist at the biggest father figure of them all.
"God, sometimes you just don't come through / Do you need a woman to look
after you?" This was not the sound of a woman communing with the angels.
This was a woman -- earthy, determined and well-armed -- who meant

All Reviews Below Were Originally Posted On The Dent Forum
Special thanks to Laurie Daniels for her invaluable assitance in getting the reviews transferred to the Dent!

From ronojono:
The concert was great.!!!
Past the Mission
Cloude on my tongue
blood roses
professional widow
From BlkDove:
Just got back to Milwaukee after feeding from the goddess in Chicago. Tori was wearing a dark tank, tight dark blue jeans, with a maroon chiffon dress thing over the top. She called it her "matadoor" outfit in honor of the Bulls. Her shoes were black closed-toe high heels.
After Sugar, Tori paused and said she likes coming to Chicago "This town is yummy". She said she likes the people because they aren't trying to be New York. And she didn't know why anyone would want to be that (some derogatory words).
Before Landslide she said "This is a song I used to listen to alot growing up."
Then, before Cloud she turned to us and said something like "Can you keep this between you and me - just say yes" Crowd answer: YA! She said she could tell this story, though, because her husband already knows about it. Paraphased: "I was playing somewhere in the South Pacific. Oh, and don't try to guess who it is because you'll be wrong...Around Nineteen-Ninety...the early 90's...So this (beautiful, gorgeous) guy walks up to me and says: I flew all the way from Borneo to see you...(Tori) I said ya, that's great, but I have to go on stage. He grabbed me and said 'No, you don't understand, I want to take you away for four days.' I said "you have really poor timing". And my boyfriend, at the time,is back stage and He's taking me away for four days. I'll tell you girls, (something about thinking about having herself cloned.)" - Plays "Cloud on My Tongue"
Also, Blood Roses had extra long intro. and was much more mellow. (50%/50% I liked it, my husband didn't)
Other than rude Alanis fans behind me talking during secret time and yelling "Be quiet, so Alanis will come out" while everyone was cheering for Tori to do an encore, the concert was terrific!!
From dithandmills:
Thoughts on the concert- Well yeah, this was my first ever concert... it was great. Okay, the Tori meet and greet thing didn't work, the security wasn't being helpful at all... so me and mills had to wander around tinley park before the concert all the day. anyhoo, Lotusland (really great band with nice people opened for them) Met them later on, they taped a segment and I talked about how I lost my concert virginity to Tori and them. The set-up took a good twenty minutes, which was a pain in the ass, considering that Tori only played for a hour. It was awesome w/Tori talking to the audience, she shared a lot of tidbits between songs, and it was cute while she was talking, this girl started to screech and tori went, "yes i am on stage" or something like that.
God (did a slight re-mix of it, slightly better than the original, definitly more danceble.)
Past The Mission (changed it around a bit) Juarez (will be on to venus and back, pretty good song, tidbit about the song on AP magazine, current issue)
Blood Roses (didn't have harpiscord, didn't recognize it at first, still just as good as original)
Landslide (solo) (I was so shocked when she did it, I was talking earlier about how Tori handled doing covers and I didn't actually expect her to perform it)
Cloud On My Tongue (solo)
Suede (I honestly didn't care for it that much, it's new, and it just sounded like Alanis meets heavy metal. Maybe it'll grow on me, but I have this feeling that it'll be my least favorite song on that cd_ Professional Widow (she's starting to play it a lot more) Hotel
The Waitress (she did a weird re-mix of it, in it she sounds a lot more serious about wanting to kill the waitress, I actually almost felt sorry for the other waitress, it's definitly not as passive as the original) -----------
Precious Things
From sqout:
Tori was amazing!!!!
This was my introduction to AMOS 101....
I couldn't believe how wonderfully energetic and passioneete a woman performed before me on this very evening....I must admit the experience was truly enlightening.First of all Tori looked spectacular in a maroon dress she dubbed her "MATADOR" in honor of the BULLS...her music was vibrant and lively and very much different in person than from listening to her CD's.Her emotion was overwhelmingly apparent in her girations as she contorted across the stage and atop her piano.And her storytelling was extremely intoxicating as I believed myself one-on-one with this incredible artist...her connection with her fellow ears with feet lifted my appreciattion and gave me new insight. Her flamboyance and array of talents were in full display from a heartfelt cover of "Landslide"..Stevie Nicks.....and an emotive and powerful encore....I was left breathless and hoping for more.....now I understand why people view her the way they do...She was simply marvelous!!!!! As For Alanis....
I simply must say she was awesome!!!!!!!
Taking the stage in a whirlwind frenzy that never allowed the audience to catch it's breath.....Her acrobatic motions and unbridled energy leapt through her vocals and left me tingling.....her music makes your body want to move and your emotions to spill forth.....She practically allowed the Fans to sing "Ironic" in a masterpiece of grand proportions and her beautiful segue into "Uninvited" always gets the blood stirring....one day I'll figure out all those hand gestures!!!!*wink* I Loved BOTH artists and was blessed to have viewed them all in one spectacular evening.....
THANK YOU, LADIES!!!!!!*kiss*
From papajiggy:
This show, no offense, was a little dissappointing. The security guards were such goons. We got there around noonish and the guards lied to us and said the meet n greet would not be at the world, instead it was at some recording studio. When then looked forever for the studio, later to find out it didn't exist anymore. For that reason only, I am never returning to the World.
Anyways, that kind of took me out of the mood but thats okay, I'm seeing Tori again on Wednesday in Milwaukee. Sugar and landslide where awesome. Bliss is so much better live. Yeah, it was yummy. Alanis, while being an excellent musician, needs to learn a little stage presence. I found her show humorous and repetitive. There wasn't one single that she didnt play. And spinning in circles and running around with your gimp arm didn't help either. Okay Im being harsh, it might be because I am exhausted, so I'll shut up now.
From sparkle:
So I'm too sneezy and cranky to write an entire review right now, but basically: The show was fantastic. My favorite was Cloud on My Tongue, and the story that went with it. Also, during one of the songs (Juarez maybe? Help me out here people) She suspended herself between the piano and keyboard, kind of bouncing up and down. Anyway. The meet and greet: On the bright side I got my Under the Pink sheet music book signed! But I didn't get to talk to her or even see her up close. I met alot of cool people, but I was there at 8am and didn't get to meet her. I will never go to the World again. Ever. I was bossed around and lied to all day by twenty year old asshole security guards. They tried to tell me I couldn't even watch from afar from the parking lot. ooooo. However, I convinced myself it wasn't worth tears, there are bigger losses and I'll meet her one day. Sigh. More later.
From Mairie:
The show was absolutely beautiful. I had really great seats in section 103, 8th row, and it was just lovely. I didn't particularly care for the opening band, but they weren't terrible or anything. Then there was a half hour or so before Tori came out. She did like she's been doing it, starting off God a cappella from backstage, and then the guys come out and rock out, and finally she comes out dancing. Her outfit was beautiful. Her hair seemed lighter than I thought it had been recently, but it could very well have been because of the lighting. I heard Suede for the first time, and thought it was strange, but I could get used it it. I really liked Juarez. And I was soooo happy when she did Landslide. She talked a lot, telling us a couple of stories. The one before Cloud, she told about a very handsome guy ("and it's not the obvious, so don't try to guess 'cause you'll be wrong.") who came to a show she was playing "somewhere in the South Pacific" in the early nineties. She said she could talk about it because she's totally monogamous and happily married and her husband understands. He told her he had flew in all the way from Borneo to see her. "Um, okay.." And then he said something like "You don't understand, I want to take you away for 4 days." Then she said "You have very poor timing. You see my boyfriend at the time is taking me away for 4 days after the show tonight.. And let me tell ya girls, I really had some thoughts about cloning." She said she loved Chicago because we're yummy, yummy, yummy! and she said one really good thing about Chicago is that we're not trying to be New York. "I mean, FUCK THAT!!"
I wish she could have played longer. After she was finished with her encore, they immediately starting taking down the stage set, and I went out to smoke a cigarette and look at shirts. I ran into some people that I knew, and the girls that I had driven to the show. When I heard Alanis start, I wandered back in. I couldn't understand any of the words to her first song. It sounded familiar, but I wasn't exactly sure what it was. It shocks me that she can run and jump all over the stage and still sing. Anyway, then she sang All I Really Want (I think that's the title) and then Hand In My Pocket. Then I left. It's not that it was bad, but I had to take some people all the way back to downtown Chicago and then I had to drive all the way back home, so I didn't want to be out all night. Alanis's stage deco was very bright and flashy. She was wearing some kinda of pant/skirt combination. I know there's a name for it, but I don't know what it is. Looks very middle eastern. Her hair was braided except for some chunky flyaways on the sides. It must be a bitch to brush her hair after the show, considering the way she moves on the stage, and how long her hair is. I must say that she is a very beautiful woman. I wish I could into her stage act more, but it just doesn't sit well with me. Her music is okay, but when EVERYONE is singing the words with her, it's more of a singalong, and you can't even hear her. It wasn't like that when Tori played, although there were definitely other people singing..
As for Alanis's fans.. During the show, I didn't have too many problems, except for the drunkass woman behind me who kept doing weird drunk stuff and saying she wanted Alanis to come out. But before the show, and at other points in the day I did. The first time was when I was waiting in line to get into the venue, some Alanis fans were making fun of everyone; how they were dressed, hairstyles, haircolors, and anything else they could think of. They kept on going, "uh-oh there's another damned Tori fan," and continued on by criticising whatever they felt was wrong with that person. And then one girl was like "ohmygod, there's so many GAY people here." UGGhhh that made me so mad. I couldn't even stand listening to it anymore. So, I turned around, glared, and left. I walked around to the other side of the venue so I could avoid them. One girl laughed as I walked away, and said in some mocking voice "So sorry!" Bitch.
Anyway... My voice is thoroughly dead right now, because I've had a cold for 3 days, and screaming last night didn't help at all. Hopefully it'll be better before Wednesday, cause I'm going to Milwaukee. :]
From LunaBlue:
I really enjoyed hearing Tori again live. I thought that she blended a great variety of songs together in her little pot of magic. I especially loved "Suede". It was very powerful and left me stunned silly. I couldn't figure out what Tori had written on her hand though. I am glad that she did Precious Things for her encore. I was pretty disappointed with the Alanis fans. I am used to a 'sit down' concert with Tori. They were very rude and inconsiderate. Needless to say, I left after Tori graced me with her presence.
From SpaceMan Spiff:
Hello all. What I can say about this show is that it is probably my second favorite Tori show of all time. Exceptional, breathtaking, intense, and simply marvelous, are just some of the words I can say to describe it.
Tori seemed to be in an extremely good mood that evening. Telling jokes and stories with the audience.
~~~set list~~~
1.) God -- On the way there, I was telling my non-EWF how I really don't like this song at all, boy did she change my mind about it. She did the capella in the backround which just caused the entire arena to just stop and hold thier breath. Danceble and groovy.
2.) Sugar -- Heard it three times, but will never get sick of it. I really believe that she enjoys doing this song live, it has a very dark, moody feel to it with the band. And who could not love the "pussy" part?
3.) Past the Mission -- Poppy and cute. I've always liked this song. Tori looked very happy while she played this. A nice treat.
4.) Juarez -- First time hearing for me. I did like it, but I think I may need to hear the album version and read the lyrics to fully appreciate this powerful song
5.) Blood Roses -- This was probably one of the most intense parts of the show in my eyes. She just went absolutely nuts toward the end of song, repeating something I could not make out, but just repeating it over and over and over. Extremely raw but powerful all the same. I was so glad she played this too, it's always been a personal favorite. Although the harpsichord would have been nice...
6.) Bliss -- One of my new favorites. Hearing this live really brought a new dimension to it.
7.) Landslide -- I never thought I would find myself with tears in my eyes during a Tori show. It's just not my character and I never thought she could acomplish making me cry. But tonight, she finally brought tears to my eyes. This song just has such a special meaning to me and to hear my favorite artist perform was just too much for me to handle. She did it with grace, elegance and beauty.
8.) Cloud On My Tounge -- As if this show was going good enough, two of the most meangingful songs in my life get played back to back. She told a cute story before it too, lovely, Tori.
9.) Suede -- Another virgin to my ears. This song however, blew me away. It has a very slow, sensual, vide to it. Very dark. I can not wait until that damn cd comes out.
10.) Professional Widow -- This bitch rocked. She NEEDS the band for songs like this. I adore this song and was suprised to hear it, and Blood Roses at the same show.
11.) Hotel -- Wonderful to hear live, but not one of favorites. It still really shows off the raw and gifted talent of Tori.
the Waitress -- This new version just puts the album version to shame. She took this girl and gave her a complete make-over. Boob job, tummy tuck, face lift and then took her to a Versaci outlet to dress her up.
Precious Things -- Knew it was coming and was looking forward to it. I would have liked a little longer "grrrlll" part though.
Overall, the show was spectacular. I drove from Saginaw Michigan to see it, and it was definetly worth the money and gas.
Alanis was good, but my friend and I had to get going because she had to work in the morning. She spins around a lot dosen't she? What's with the arm dangling thing too? Ah well...I'll stay for her and her entirety tonight at Pine Knob.
From Norabel:
Past The Mission
Blood Roses
Landslide (solo)
Cloud On My Tongue (solo)
Professional Widow
The Waitress
Precious Things
To tell you the truth, this has been the worst concert I've ever attended. When my friend Melissa and I first arrived at the Meet & Greet, we were confronted w/ some very greedy fans, (and very TALL fans as well) who proceeded to push us out of the way and out of Tori's sight. Me being very short had a hard time seeing Tori, but we still met some very nice fans, 2 who were nice enough to take some pictures for us. Still, I was extremely irritated because a LOT of the people in front were people that you could tell had already had the opportunity to meet Tori, while this was our first Meet & Greet. Grrrr....
As for the show, the first 4 songs were kind of a disappointment. I found her show to be very inconsistent, while Alanis's seemed to flow a lot better. However, I was pleased to hear "Landslide" and "Cloud of my Tongue," and was relieved to discover that she didn't play the dreaded "China" or "Winter." I kind of wish we were back in the good old days where she played solo....
Oh- the main thing that bothered me: the venue. People were just standing there! Talking and swaying back and forth the entire time, where it was impossible for a shortperson like me to see the stage (thankfully, there were 2 screens for me to look at,otherwise there would've been no point in my attendance).
Other than all that(haha) I did meet some really nice Tori fans, and I did come out w/ anew shirt and a keychain for my friend Emily. It was nice seeing my friends Josh andLiz and Mari, and thank you Rob and Nick for taking us I hope that next time is a lot better. Again, I don't necessarily think this was anyone's fault, I think it was just the venue and some rivaling Alanis/Tori fans. (By the way, Alanis was great! and does anyone have a copy of that "These are the Thoughts" song she sang? it was gorgeous!!!!)
Hope to see you all soon (and in better spirits) >
From maery1:
anyway, i was there for the live q101 show and this is what tori played...
*concertina - beautiful w/ just tori and the piano. she said she doesn't get to play it solo often, and so she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.
*lust - someone asked how her "hubby" was and she said wonderful. this song was played in response to that.
*take to the sky - no story w/ this one. she seemed to be taking a break w/ her voice during this show, trying not to strain it all before the concert. she almost always sang the "you can say it one more time" part in the lower octave.
*cool on your island - request from audience. beautiful. she forgot the second verse a little bit, but picked right up and finished it off. good to hear this one.
*never seen blue - this definitely surprised me. this was the last song of the set, and she just told the story of how it was written a long time ago but never made any of the albums.
tori's management brought a polaroid, so everyone got their picture taken w/ tori and she signed them. also you had time for a few words.
it was an amazing time, especially now when things like these intimate performances are becoming very rare.
From crab:
my seats kinda stunk...off to the right. but very close. very very close. however, i could not see her over her piano so i found myself watchin the monitors for the most part which seemed so surreal it really floored me.
i was completely disenchanted with god. never much cared for the song anyway. and over all...i would have to say that she really loves to hold on to those super high notes....but that's ok i guess. pro widow and hotel made the concert for me though. VERY well done! too cool. and i loved her stories as well.
the world wasn't as bad as i anticipated...but i felt sorry for the people sitting behind the gargantuan columns! and in my area...as smell of puke permeated throughout the show which was so disgusting i wanted to hurl myself.
what annoyed me---is my seats were great for the alannis show---since there wasn't anything if front of her to cover her up. i am one hundred percent not a fan of hers...but i stayed for most of it just because...
i must say i was amazed at how many fans she seems to have. everyone was smiling away like she was the best thing ever, and i couldn't understand why. her voice annoys me so much i thought i would scream myself. my boyfriend and i headed out early to avoid the parking jam,,,and OF COURSE she then decides to play the only song of hers i like (univited i think it is called)....
it was odd seeing them play after each other. it almost seemed like an "i don't want to go to the bathroom alone, will you come with me?"
kidding. but it was interesting. it worked better than i would have ever guessed. alannis did seem to have a cute personality...as if i can judge based on a concert,,,but she didn't disgust me as much as her songs on the radio do.
so that's that. done typing.
secret time was the best. i really do enjoy the band...but whenever i hear tori in secret time it makes me long for the days when it was just her and the piano. ok. could this get more disjointed?
really done now.
From hyjptrcrsh:
since the set list is posted, i'll just say a few things: 1. NEVER listen to security. they are ignorant most of the time. unless you hear it from steve or joel, never believe anything. they told us they wouldnt let us in until 5:30. they let us in at 2. it isnt policy for them, that is why they didnt know.
2. for those who were there, i think it was pro widow, before she played the song, there was this voice clip, that said something along the lines of "now lets go back to a classic" but i dont remember exactly. is this done every show or was it some crazy mistake on the part of the venue?
3. soundcheck was hotel, past the mission, and according to a friend, butterfly. be on the look out for it.
From BlackFaerie:
Since everyone has commented on the setlist already, I'll leave that out.
They didn't let us through the gate until around 3 for the M&G. We decided not to run like animals up to the barricades so we we couldn't see a thing. Well, I couldn't, my mom got 1 good picture between some peoples' heads.
Anyway, after that, we went shopping at this nearby mall until the concert.
We got to the theatre around 6, and while we were waiting outside the gates, heard Tori soundchecking. She played Hotel, Past the Mission, as well as another song, but I can't remember which. The concert was great! I was sitting in row FF, center (grey) section, seats 17&18, right in the center, which were really good seats. I think there were mostly Tori fans around me, and since everyone was standing up, I stood up also so I could see, but I didn't end up getting to actually see. The guy in front of me was taller than me and dancing and shimmying around like a snake kinda, and everytime I'd get a little space I could see Tori in, he'd shimmy that way. So I'd move my head, and he'd shimmy that way. That pissed me off a lot. I mostly just watched her on the monitor. The people further down my row kept getting up to get beer, but it wasn't that bad. For the most part, no one talked too much around us.
I saw someone with the license plate "Tori Boy" going back to my hotel, who I also saw at the M&G, and I think he may have had a Dent laminate on, but I'm not sure.
Oh, I have long dark hair, and I had on a light purple shirt and blue jeans on yesterday. I was probably wearing my shades for the most part. I don't think I saw anyone else there, I know the girls in front of me with the shimmy guy were named Amy and Juliana, but that's all I remember. I think I saw MIkewhy walking up and aisle, but I saw a few guys who looked like him. Still, it was a good show! Robyn
From Bliss658:
Well we got at the show at 4, missing all the meet and greet festivities.. we went to eat, then came back to the World at around 6. We were frisked, went in.. bought tori goods.. then realized our seats were really shitty. We were in sec. 208, row UU. So we went up to sit on the lawn. Lotusland was all right, I wasn't really paying that much attention to it. Tori came on, and I found it distracting with all the people walking around. The past two times I've seen her have been in omaha in a small theatre, so it was a different atmosphere. I was dissapointed in the show as a whole, it just wasn't the same. But Tori was awesome. Landslide was just beautiful, and precious things was excellent. The security guards were assholes, they harrassed my boyfriend for having one of their 6.50$ beers, telling him his ID wasn't real and that they were sure he had BLUE eyes not hazel. They were rude and insulting, and I was not happy with the venue at all. There was a really old bitchy woman sitting near us on the lawn, front and center on the grass. Her and another lady were sprawled out on TWO comforters. A couple asked her if they could sit near her in the mass of space she wasn't using, and she refused to let them sit there! So they sat in front of her to her left, NOT in her way at all and this woman proceded to kick them until they moved. I have never seen anyone act that way at a concert before, she was a very big alanis fan apparently, she freaked out when alanis came on stage. I was so pissed off at what she did to these people, I couldn't even enjoy the show, so my friend and I stood up and walked on the ledge in front of her, and she eventually came down and told us to moved, I told her to go sit back down on her blanket, and she proceeded to get security. They had 10 security people come over, and they told her we weren't doing anything wrong but she wouldn't stop bitching, so the girl that she kicked earlier came down to tell them what happened. They kicked her and her friend out of the concert, and I was ecstatic watching them escort her away. All in all, the mood wasn't good at the show, but I got to see Tori so it wasn't all bad. oh.. and the Venus Envy necklaces were very cool, except for the fact that they fall off easily..
From Jaded:
Until the Chicago show, I was also a Tori virgin. I wasn't disappointed in the least bit...
The meet and greet was very disorganized, as everyone else said. I wasn't too far back from the barrcades, but I'm so damn SHORT that I couldn't see or get a decent picture. I think I got Tori in between heads, but it might turn out to be of people's backs. Tall people in the front, please have some mercy!! I know you can't really move back, but c'mon!! I would have been happy with merely a clear picture. Her show had so much raw energy to it. She seemed in great spirits, and kept it up the entire time. "Blood Roses," "Bliss," and "Widow" blew me away. She gave "Hotel" new life. She interacts so well with the band, musically, whereas Alanis seemed oblivious to hers sometimes. I was a little surprised at the steep prices of the merchandise..(not to mention the beer)I got a tour book since I didn't have enough for a t-shirt on my student budget.
Alanis was better than I expected. As everyone said, she spun around and was somewhat spastic, but entertaining none the less. All in all, it was amazing and I can't wait to see Tori again someday!!
From Courtenay:
I got back last night from Chicago this morning @ 3am from the best experience of my life from great people @ the meet & greet & Tori saying hi to me to the concert where I was right next to the stage & Tori looked @ me while singing Suede (great song!) & Played Cloud on My Tongue & told her great story & I had just given her a letter wrapped in Indonesian map with a letter about how her music had helped me through being trapped in the jakarta riots last summer & of course all the usual stuff about how her music has changed my life so her singing that was beyond belief! I loved the concert & got a bunch of great pictures that are being developed right now that I'll scan & send in for everyone to see. She also passed her bottle of Evian to someone a few people down from me & it was passed around for everyone to get a drink. Wow!!! I'm still in shock! I ended up not getting my signed CD book of Under The Pink back @ the meet & greet so if the really nice girl with the blond hair who was ahead of me & offered to get it signed for me still has it I'd really appreciate getting it back. :-) I'll pay for postage-no problem & I'd do anything for a bootleg of the concert! Please let me know if you can help! Oh & Tori recomended a book by someone to my friend who met her. I can't remember the name of the author right now, but I'll find out & let you know.
From Val:
Hi Josh! *waves*
i know people have posted the setlist and said the same things (even more accurately- my tori stories are not verbatim) but i wanna post mine dammit! lol
i got 2 tori shirts, a keychain (they were out of necklaces grrr), and the tori program. i missed the opening act, but was early enough to meet joel!! he was standing at the side of the stage where my seats were (like 3 rows from where he was standing) i asked him to sign my program but he said he couldn't cause too many people were around, but was very nice and shook my hand! i didnt know what else to say so im like "well i just wanted to meet you cause im a big tori fan" then i squeezed his arm and said bye. i felt like a dork but i'm sure he's seen it all before :P
loved this version!! sang the new opening lines and rocked the casbah!
slow and dark yet at the same time very rockin! lots of eee's at the end.
after this she said to us something like "no matter what anyone says chicago rocks! the cool thing about you guys is at least you are not trying to be new york. i even wore my matador outfit for the Bulls" (she was wearing a maroon dress with black pants undereath. the dress was long and had a slit all the way up the left side. it was sheer on top, and you could see the spaghetti strap part underneath. it was closed up top like a turtleneck, and had silver lines crossing each other in front. very pretty!) i think she introduced the band at this time also.
i wish i didn't have such a bad memory! i just remember it being very beautiful and her smiling throughout. she seemed happy
there was a short drum solo in the beginning of this song. then you could see her leaning with her hands against the piano and her feet swung around the opposite side so she could pump her feet on the petals on the other side of her bench. i thought she was gonna fall lol. anyway, cool song and she made a lot of hand gestures throughout!
WOW!! man i hope you guys hear this at the ones you are going too. just amazing!! very very good version!
just like the single.
secret time-
says " i used to listen to this when i was growing up" LANDSLIDE
yeah!! simply tear-jerking.
tells story about how a guy said to her back in '93 or something that he flew all the way from Belgium(or something) just to meet her. he was a very attractive man and he told her he wanted to take her away for 4 days! she told him her boyfriend at the time was already taking her away for 4 days. she said something like you know girls, this is one of those times where cloning would be really helpful.
great great great live! this should have been a single dammit! band comes back
sexy tune like cruel! very cool
i heard the announcer in the beginning (and re: above post, yes, she purposely did this) and jumped up and down cause i knew what was coming!! during the song she did the horns for us (where she puts each index finger over her head)! she licked the microphone at the end hee hee.
cool and rockin! saw it last time she came too.
just went off at the end. i loved when she gets lost in the moment.
woohoo! grrrrl was shorter then i expected, but hey you can only do it so much ya know! killer version as always.
*walking on air* two songs i wouldve liked to have heard were take to the sky and tear in your hand. but hey, theres always next time! i was very happy with the whole concert though! i'm still smiling
From Mairie:
I wanted to comment on the Dent Chicago Dinner.. I know that maybe it's not totally relevant, but I wanted to say hi to all of the people from the forum that I met there. I can't remember everyone's screen names or how they spell them, but Hi. :] And I wanted to thank Imagine (Elisa) for organizing the whole deal, and ya know, it went over pretty well, seeing as the waiter and waitress thought we'd never get anything ordered. Oh well. Oh yeah and Happy Birthday to whosever birthday it was in the other group who shared our room. Heh. Cheers.
From CosmicTears:
Well, there isn't really anything left to say about the concert. It was AMAZING. No, it was MORE than amazing! It was also my first Tori concert, and I would DEFINATELY like to see her again! About the Dent Dinner -
Thanks Elisa for organizing it! It was really fun, and I met many cool Toriphiles! It also gave me a chance to meet Kelli (Pepperpot)! Very cool.
And a very special "Thanks" to the guy in the party behind us that gave us the free wine! I cant thank him enough! Hahaha. It made me feel a little better (and older! I was the youngest person there!)
From jenny:
Great show. I thought nothing would compare to the Park West show (04-30-98) but this was close. I made it to the M&G but there were alot of peole wanting to meet tori so i gave up my place. I met her a couple times already so it just seemed right. Let me just tell you how off the security was. Before the concert, about 4:30, me and my friend sneeked into the backstage area. They were setting up the set for tori to soundcheck, she was no were in sight. We were very lost. we just wanted to see soundcheck. Well, we endend up on stage a was quickley escorted out of the forum. On the way out, we saw Joel. He recognized us from a previous concert. We made small talk, then he had to go and told us to enjoy the show. And boy did we. All i have to say is that if you have good faith, good stuff happens to you. We had lawn tickets yet we were given 2 front row center tickets!!! Unbelievable show, from beginning to end. Even the Alanis fans shut up long enough to enjoy it. i just want to say thanks to that person who gave us the tickets--our appreciation for you has always been very high up there, but that day you really showed us how much room you have in your heart for the fans....thanks.
From Imagine:
I'm just on my way back from Chicago and almost home but I thought I'd stop and post here while I could.
I just want to say this concert was the best one I've been to....it was sooooo amazing, I was right directly in front of her in 8th row, and she was so close! And absolutely beautiful!
and I want to say thank you to the girl, I think Denashia (sp?) is her name, that gave us a ride when security decided to scatter us, and our friends hadn't shown up yet....it was nice to at least have a ride and be around other EWF while we were being screwed over about the m & g.
To all those who came to the Dent dinner....THANK YOU SO MUCH....I'm so glad you enjoyed yourselves! I enjoyed meeting many of you too!
I know I didn't get a chance to speak to every person individually, but it was so great to see so many EWF in one place and get to put faces with the names....
I have to get going....but I'll post again about this tomorrow....I have a special tidbit of information you guys might be interested in knowing.
Love to all,
From evanhurst:
that's the first thing i have to say
the second thing is this.....
to all the people i met at the show, you were all incredible.....email me
just got back into Memphis from the Chicago show..... drove through the night Friday night from Memphis, thanks going out to Jo Wagner (can't remember your handle!) who sold me my ticket got to the venue at 8 AM....awesome people i met.....the security, bless their ignorant hearts.....they were only trying to do what they were supposed to do.....but it's really hard when you know something that THEY don't and you're trying to explain it to them that there WILL be a meet and greet, that there always is a meet and greet, that the thing at the radio station is NOT the meet and greet, etc... anyway.....
soundcheck she did Past The Mission over and over and over and over again....everything was very rushed....they didn't let us into the gates until after 6:30 or so, b/c she was still soundchecking.....she did Hotel in there.....that's all i heard
the show....
i thought the opening band sucked
end of story
BUT when the lights went down.....wow....everybody rushed the stage....i ended up slightly to the left of the center in front of the front row....
how did that happen!
i know the setlist has been posted a billion times, but....i've got a voice too!
God: same as all the other 99 shows.....incredible....i had really wanted to see this in Nashville, but i was late, so this was just incredible....
Sugar: incredible with the band.....she was totally into it....looked very happy tonight....
stopped to say what a yummy yummy yummy city Chicago was and that it was because they didn't try to be New York...and she said "Why the FUCK would you want to do that...FUCK that shit"...talked about her "matador" costume in honor of the Bulls
Past The Mission: oh my GOD.....she sang an entire verse of this looking straight at me....no question about it.....i was in heaven.....incredible with the band
Juarez: what an incredible song.....she really gets into this one......with her right leg propped up on the bench standing up as she sings....wow wow wow
Blood Roses: just like the Mp3's you have all heard...incredible nonetheless
Bliss: 2nd time to see it live.....phenomenal.....really comes alive live
Landslide: OK, you see, this is one of my favorite things she does, and this is what she was playing as i was driving into the venue in Nashville, and it killed me....i didn't even think to ask for it at the meet and greet.....it was like we were telepathically connected or something.....and the tears just flowed.....i have never cried at a Tori show.....but it was unstoppable
Cloud On My Tongue: told the Borneo story.....then played it...it seemed incredibly fast.....but it was awesome....it's kinda cool faster really....
Suede: again, looking in our general direction the entire time....i kinda felt bad b/c i was involuntarily mouthing the words and i think she was like "how the fuck do you know the words to this"....but it's awesome live
Professional Widow: this was the song i most wanted to hear, and she played it....i love this song with the piano.....she totally was into it....
Hotel: i love this song.....on the "Give Me More" parts....she was at the keyboard....it was amazing how tight the band was on this song.....i was flying....it was truly incredible....
Waitress: you know about The Waitress
Precious: you know about Precious Things....
the whole thing has to be my best Tori concert experience.....being able to talk to her if for only a brief moment at the m&g, and then seeing her that close up...wow.....i had never seen her at a meet and greet before....just in concert.....it made it all the more magical, seeing her in the flesh as a person....wow wow wow.....and i have to hand it to the security during the show....they weren't assholes at all about us rushing the stage.....they were totally cool... anyway
done babbling
From Eleanor:
I have tons to say, but I'll keep it as simple as i can, cause i am fried, really.
This has been the best weekend. Hi to Kelli (Pepperpot), Sparkboy(Josh), Elisa(Imagine), Kim(Dragonkissses) and Alan (Jethro) all the way from Ireland. You guys were fantastic and I loved every minute of the weekend, even the hetic scary parts were great. So... I'll let kelli tell you about Mr. Cactus/dancing pickle, and tori doll..
I myself didn't get to talk to Tori, but she did get my letter and she reached over her hand and I touched her fingertip.. She looked so soft and glowing and beautiful... I think the meet and greet was really a reminder of how much of a human she is. There were so many people at the m&G. All the cameras i couldn't understand.. you have so many pictures from magazines and all already. what's another picture? it seemed like she was an object. . and that saddened me.
I got a really horrible sunburn.. but that's okay... I met some wonderful people. Hi to the welcome to barbados girl form 20/20! I don't remember your name, sorry. EWF are the best people on earth!!! I love you guys. and if you're reading this, hi Nia!!! You were wonderful to meet.. I don't remember, but thank you blonde girl with the boyfriend jason.. thanks for giving us a ride when my group got separated..-- and hi to everyone at the dinner..
the show.
the set seemed really dark..and moody.
definately no happy songs. but it was totally appropriate... I had heard suede , a live mp3, and hated it, but i love it now.. and juarez, can't wait for the album so i'll know what the lyrics are!! (oh, hi sarah, it was so fun moving up close and cheering with you. you're really nice and a wonderful person.) we had row Q to the side, and then when God started up, i realized we could go up, and we went up to 2nd row, to the side, but it was WONDERFUL>.... best experience...
When Tori was playing, it was like a dream... it was so intense.. altough it seemed like she only played for 30 minutes, i swear.. and Alanis went on for 4 hours.
--Tori did a cute little horn jesture, does anyone know what song? Bliss was really creepy and dark and wonderful.. i have a new appreciation for it, now. The intro is just so intense.. incredible. I was the one who screamed so loud when she started to play HOtel..and you guys turned around to look at me. i was so excited.... Before Tori came out for PT, Caton held up a black bra and everyone cheered...and we were right in front of him.. he drank white wine, then red.. and matt just kicked ass. jon was kickin' it too. But Tori was it...was the shit... pro widow..waitress.. i don't care what anyone says, SHE IS THE FUCKING GODDESS>>> rock on. --
as for alanis...
we stayed just to see, really, what she would do...if tori was a dream, then alanis was a wake up call, i felt in another realm with tori, and i felt on normal boring earth with alanis. her dancing... MY GOD. she has no control of her limbs.. it's like the girl has epelepsy.. her dancing was our joke the whole rest of the weekend.
all the songs end the same way, instrumental, her dancing like a drunk rabid monkey, and then stops without warning. I liked the first song, don't know what, but hmmm.. she'd play the token instrument, and then everyone would cheer.. i'm like, I've only been playing guitar since march, and I know more than one chord strumming. it was so fake and pathetic. if she thinks it gives her more credibility, it just makes her look worse. she can afford players, they play better than here, so why not have them play them anyway... they might as well.
-- she says thank you too much.. even after the thank "U" song, she still said it..
she was like, "this is a song called "are you still mad" so i'm like, thinking, "okay"
then she goes into 'are you stiiiil maaad?" and uhg.. she didn't need to say the name of the song. she really didn't. --I DID LIKE HER OUTFIT. HER PINK OUTFIT WAS PRETTY. there.
we were up close, not as close as tori, and so alanis would go back and forth, and when she'd come to our side of the stage, everyone would yell, and she would have no reaction.. she wouldn't even look at us... this is what i think.. Alanis concerts are an experience for Alanis, Tori concerts are an experience for the audience... --
At the end of Alanis' show, she circled her chakras with her microphone, but SHE DID IT WRONG... I'll explain real quick for those who don't know about this kind of thing..(I'm being real vague and sloppy about the explainations)
there are 7 main chakras going up, energy centers so to speak, root chakra- instint, survival,connection to earth 2nd chakras- sexual, reproductive and sometimes violent aspect 3rd-solar plexus, identity, sun,digestion (when you feel it in your belly,)
4th-heart, emotions, love
5th, throat, communication-singing, (when you are upset and have a lump in your throat, it's here)
6th, 3rd eye, astral sight, imagination,
and 7th, crown chakra, enlightenment, god desending on you, spiritual...
well. Alanis started at the top... so instead of evolving energy, she's going backwards, going from worse and worse (none of them are "bad", just the energy, vibrations, get faster, more energy, it's the kundalini energy that travels up the spine, not down.. down, counterclockwise is like, destruction and chaos and negativity.. the swastika is ancient hindu symbol, and Hitler turned it counter clockwise, i'm pretty sure, to use the power of it for evil and destruction... so anyway..
i'm just saying that I'm sure Alanis didn't know, but it is important, i think. if she is doing this wrong night after night, it would definatly fuck her up...
does anyone know of a way to let Alanis know this? if Tori saw her do this, I'm sure she'd let her know, cause Tori knows about kundalini and chakras and other mystical (Yet entirely practical) stuff, I am sure....
so, I had the mose incredible weekend..
and I just love you all...
I am now pretty burnt out on Tori and all, so, I probably am not gonna come back to the dent untill the new album, and then all the excitement will start up again...
Eleanor (Elysia)
From GimpyPoop:
Howdy Doody,
That was a lovely show, but Tori needs to take the damn piano top off! It was blocking her lovely face from where I was But nonetheless, it was still a lovely show.
I had front row by the speakers, by a mean security guy. But after awhile, I slowly crept closer to see Tori. What was the purpose of those seats?! Hm, anyhoo. . .
My friend got to hear the 2 songs she wanted most "Sugar" and "Professional Widow". I think "Landslide" was gorgeous. I wish I taped this show, I was too lazy to reborrow my friend's recorder
I caught sight of the gracious Mr. Mikewhy while I was wandering around during Alanis, walked right past him, but was too sick (I have no voice) and chickenshit to say anything.
But yeah, gotta go check on my laundry, these dorm people are not nice and like to destroy things. Take care. Bi bis. Me, the Flea
From JO:
She was incredible...and what a personality! Asking the people on the lawn, "Are you making out yet?"
The "considering cloning" comment (about that extra handsome man) was also pretty amusing.
Cloud on My Tongue...
I'm still in awe. I can't tell you how meaningful it was for me to hear this live. This is one song that I've really been able to relate to. It was very special for me.
I was also happy to hear Past the Mission, Hotel, and Landslide of corse (sorry Stevie)...although I thought Hotel was significantly better on the Plugged tour...it just sounded a little off.
I enjoyed seeing Tori again, but I wish she'd vary it more from show to show. Also, the sound was a little off for both her & Alanis. I think they could of turned up the vocals on both.
From Pepperpot:
Hey guys..This is Kelli
OHMIGOD.. I can die a content woman now... This whole weekend rocked..well except for the fact that I got lost in Chicago almost every 30 seconds..and I loved my keys in my trunk..$175 later and 30 min later all was well..(josh- you rock my world :-)) I swear our little touring party was so wonderful..I didn't want anyone to leave..I was on the verge of tears all day Saturday. Josh, Alan, Kim...did u get home ok???
The high point of the weekend was by far the meet and greet..I got front row...in spite if of the fact that security totally dicked around with us and tried to sabotage the m&g. But anyway..I'll get over that in time Elisa (Imagine) and I bought a dancing cactus (It's a pickle damnit!!!) and I made Tori her own Barbie doll..I'll get pics scanned and posted in a few days.....
So anyway..at the meet and greet....i gave Tore the cactus..she adored it..the doll..she spent like a minute looking at and the box....and a gift Elisa bought for the DDI mailing list..(I read it today guys :-)) All i asked for was to get a pic taken with her and of course she said yes..and we were posing when she said "what about the doll?" So I got a pic taken with her and the doll!!! I have excellent pics..I have to develop them tonight..then I'll have them scanned as soon as possible and copies sent out the the ppl I promised them to. She signed my dent laminent and Elisa's UK God single and gave me a tiny hug..Joel was trying to get her to move on...Guess she just liked me so much she didn't want to leave :-P
The show was AMAZING. The seats were OUT OF THIS WORLD!! 8th row center..perfect view..no tall ppl :-)
Tori was in an amazing mood..plenty of talking...we even got a story and a commentary on New York verses Chicago....Blood Roses blew my mind..so so so different....She screamed in the middle "you little fuck"...An announcer came on before Prof. Widow and saying something like "this is a classic or something" I need to hear a boot to make sure..anyway the announcer was Liberache...During Waitress she held a mug of tea through almost 1/3 of the song....
I also want to thank David wherever you are for allowing me a bit of Tori backwash..lmao.....
I have to run..gotta get the pics developed.. *hugs* Kelli
From spencer:
hello everyone. i'm just getting back into the swing of things after the chicago show. i had to drive 12 hours to see it (from little rock, AR). it was so awesome!! i guess i'm a rookie, i've only seen tori once before (in LR last year) and this show was so much better. she was more talkative to the audience and this show was much more emotional. i have to agree with pretty much everyone about the security guys here. they were totally rude to us (and everyone else). it wasn't until after tori played we found out she did a meet and greet at all, and they told us there would not be a post show one. we didn't know if we should trust them or not. was there one? we left after about 5 alanis songs. she was good and all, but with 12 hours of driving looming ahead, i just couln't stay. i sure am sorry i missed the pre-show one. i got to both in LR way back when. hopefully i'll make it to dallas.
From David:
BlackFaerie - The "Tori Boy" license plate is mine! Yes I was at the M&G, but I was unfortunately in the back. I was bringing my girlfriend and her sister to their first Tori show, and wanted to introduce them to her, but it didn't happen. Oh well, maybe next time. Anyway I had a good and bad time at this show. The bad stuff first.
I agree with most people on this thread about security--they treated us like shit! First of all, we arrived at the World at 2:30 thinking we would get in, since the fans are supposed to be allowed on the venue grounds at 2. The guard at the gate first tells us there's NO meet and greet (yeah, right!) and then tells us that he'll let us in at 3. So we all park our cars in a field across the street until 3, then we get back in and are finally allowed to enter the lot, which by the way was the EXACT SAME TIME they were lining people up for the meet and greet. So basically we had to quickly park our cars, get out, and sprint to the barricades! How more disorganized can you get?
Okay, I've vented enough. Now for the good stuff.
Before the M&G and at the Dent Dinner, I got to meet a lot of nice people. I'd like to say hi to Shannon, Josh, Kim, Eleanor, Elisa, and everyone else I talked with. I had a great time and hope to see all of you again in the future.
The show--what can I say? The woman never ceases to amaze me! I'm glad I got to hear Suede this time. From what I've heard at the World and in Indy, the new material sounds great. In the middle of the show (I forgot when it was) Tori walked toward the edge of the stage and handed her bottle of Evian into the audience so that it could passed around for people to sip from it. After taking one myself I passed it to somone else. After Tori's set I got a huge suprise. I walked back towards my girlfriend, and she handed me Tori's empty bottle! I FUCKING FREAKED! I threw my arms around her and must have given her a hundred thank you's. That definitiely made the night for me.
Anyway, I'm busy going through my Tori withdrawal, since this was the last show I'm seeing on this tour. Hopefully it's not too long before I can see her again.
From wendytime6:
ok, so maybe this is a couple days late in coming, but i figured i'd much rather drop my two cents in about the chicago show than finish off a damn spanish essay.
so anyway, this marked my fifth tori show and my second meet and greet. i got to the world around 10, squabbled with a security guard about the m and g, and pulled into the odyssey fun world parking lot where several other tori fans were congregated. met up with my friends and met some new people as well. we spent a few hours lying around on the pavement until the world security told us we were trepassing and could technically be arrested. they recommended we hang out in a nearby forest preserve.
i lived right around the world so it was no problem for my friends and i to find the forest preserve they shooed us off to, but other fans didn't have it quite as easy. in terms of the other ewfs i met, you all seemed very cool. we all sat in some field watching model airplanes overhead. around 2 we all headed back to the venue and waited in the parking lot for security to put up the barricades. security was rather unpleasant, and i'm sure they didn't appreciate our slow inching closer to the barricades. they told us if we ran, pushed, or shoved they'd kick us off the premises. when it came time to lining up, we all shuffled toward the gates and steve came out to tell us that the world was very particular about these kinda things and that we'd be kicked out if we didnt respect their rules.
tori came out around 4 i believe. i ended up right against the fence in between some guy named keith (who's evian bottle i made off with accidentally- sorry!) and a girl who bought tori a "dancing pickle." got my winter single signed and a picture taken with tori, only later to realize my film got fucked up... i had requested "Cloud on my Tongue" in this notebook the ewfs at the m and g were writing in, so i'd like to think thats why she played it later, but thats probably sheer coiencidence.
the show wasn't the best of the chicago shows i've seen in past years, but great nonetheless. landslide had me in tears, cloud on my tongue stunned. my friends and i left after her set, more than a little dazed from all day in the sun. it was definately worth it tho.
**a side note... during the m and g some girl handed me her utp lyric book to get signed... while i didn't manage to get it autographed i do still have it. drop me an email with your addy and i'll send it to you.
usually it does help to include your email address when you ask some one to email you, eh? the addys wendytime6@aol.com.
tis all.
From Deborah:
Tori was absolutely amazing. I must admit i agree with the complaints about annoying security, but the one nice guy who whorked there was great.... he pulled me and my buds aside and gave us front row tickets. i felt like i was in heaven...with Tori! i think i spent about half my time up there just staring at Tori, awestruck. it was so unbelievable! she did a fantastic job at the concert and i liked the changes she made to some of the songs even though i didn't always recognize them at first! Tori's voice was even more beautiful in person than on her CDs. i hope everyone else had as much fun as i did. even Alanis did a good job.
From uglygrrrl:
hi everyone!!!!!!!!!this is anna and to everyone i met at the meet n greet!!! hi!!!!! for those of you keeping track, we were the white van that security sent away roght before they let people in teh venue. thats okay though cause 2 of my friends got to meet tori so thats cool!!! i went with my father and it was an amazing experience!!! let me explain the bra thing. at every show i go to, if i get close enough to the stage i throw my bra on stage. i did this at the sisters of mercy show, the better then ezra show and quite a few others. so it just felt natural to give caton my bra!! so if i offended anyone im sorry! and to the girl that noticed!!! thank you!!! there was a girl at tme meet n greet with blonde/freen spikey hair that had a nun tshirt on. if anyone knows her id love to get in touch with her!!! i didnt have alot of problems with alanis fans! and joni steph and i were sitting out in the venue and a sweetheart gave us yellow flowers. i dont know who she is but htank you!
shannon, it was a pleasure seeing and meeting you and to everyone else i got to meet keep in touch!!!
and if anyone wants to email me its vonmulch!csj.net or acwoz@excite.com