From Mikewhy
September 15, 1999 - I had one of my best views in Pittsburgh. I was on the third row in the center in the pit. Being this close always gives an extra dimension to the show, and tonight I had a great time. I would place this show in my top 5 at least for the year.
Tori looked really pretty and appeared to be in a great mood. She wore a very nice black velvet dress with reddish-brown boots.
The set list was great and Smells Like Teen Spirit almost had me crying like a baby. It was so gorgeous and the end was more intense than I ever saw her perform it, with some loud wailing.
Suede was really powerful. It remains my favorite song that I have heard from the new album. I was glad to hear it, and hearing it after Teen Spirit was incredible.
The show in general was really fantastic. It was one of my top 3 shows of this tour, and the crowd was much better for me this time than in Cleveland. I did have to tell a couple during Hey Jupiter to be quiet, but after that it was pretty decent.
This show had a lot of depth and heart and will be remembered for a long time. It seemed a lot different in feel than any other show this tour. The show was inspired, confident, and in many ways surprising. Juarez was later than usual and Graveyard was the second song, which is unusual.
The treats for me were Cruel, which was more powerful than usual, Bells For Her, which was surprising and as always affecting, Father Lucifer, which seems so sensual to me. I love the "Lucy Girl" improvs which gives one a whole new way of looking at Father Lucifer!
Juarez and Suede were great, and I enjoyed the band interaction with the Waitress.
I noticed a glowing Yoda on stage this time near the soundboard on the right.
As wonderful as the show was, Tori did even less talking than usual. Before she introduced the band after Cruel she said she loved coming to Pittsburgh and that she got a massage from a woman who gives them to the Pittsburgh Steelers. She said this woman "puts those big guys in shape and she did something to me I tell you..."
I stayed for Alanis and enjoyed her show as well. Her set list was:
1. baba
2. all i really want
3. would not come
4. are you still mad
5. hand in my pocket
6. sympathetic character
7. that i would be good
8. you learn
9. forgiven
10. your house
11.so pure
12. you oughta know
13. uninvited
14. thank you
I was surprised to hear the secret track from JLP tonight, and Alanis did it with music! (It is acapella on record.) Would Not Come is still my favorite. It is so intense and just kicks my booty. Alanis was fun tonight!

All Reviews Below Were Originally Posted On The Dent Forum
Special thanks to Laurie Daniels for her invaluable assitance in getting the reviews transferred to the Dent!

From beth:
The show was awesome!
If I didn't mess this up the setlist was:
Bells for Her
Father Lucifer- a faster more staccatto version Juarez
Hey Jupiter
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Prof. Widow
Waitress- with the "I'm gonna go where she goes" in the middle, which she did at Camden too
Precious things
Tori was wearing an Elizabethan style black, velvet type dress with a empire waist and silver buttons under the arm She had shiny red boots- very high, thick heels, came up to about mid calf
She also had something written on her left hand- set list perhaps? I have no idea
She seemed very tired/ drugged up I don't know if it's because I have never seen her so close up ( the videos at starlake were AMAZING) or because she is worn out from touring or what- anyway the performance was more than up to par
The only talking she did was a short bit on how she loves pittsburgh b/c she got a great massage from the steeler's masseuse. Amazing show- loved everybit of it except for the Alanis fans who were talking the whole set- rude but i can't say i wouldn't do the same if the tables were turned.
I'm just really sad that I don't know when i'll get to see her again (like i'm a person friend or something!) one question- does anyone know the story behind graveyard- it might help me with the recent lyric change
From austengirl:
Wow, what a show. Set list has been posted so I'll only make comments. This was my first (and only show of the tour, but I've been following the tour on the dent so I had some idea of what to expect. God--Really like the a cappella thing. She sounded pretty strong.
Graveyard--I was very happy to hear this...I heard an mp3 from Camden and fell in love with this song then. When she sang "she still seems alive" (sorry if I'm butchering the lyrics, I'm really tired) I wondered if she was referring to her daughter. When did she write this song?
Cornflake Girl--Never heard it live before so it was definitely a treat. It's like she was reading my mind and playing all my favorites Cruel--Ok this was the one song I really wanted to hear cause she didn't play it at the Plugged show i went to. I prefer the album version, but I'm still really glad i heard it live. Her voice was very low and driving and she did some improv towards the end.
Ok, I gotta go to bed (mom's yelling), so I will finish my commentary later. How was the meet n greet?
From *UpsideDown*:
Tori Amos Setlist
3.cornflake girl
4. cruel
5.bells for her
6. father lucifer
8. Hey Jupiter
9. Smells Like teen spirit
11. professional widow
12. bliss
13. waitress
14. precious things
Alanis Morrissette Setlist
2. all i really want
3. would not come
4. are you still mad
5. hand in my pocket
6. sympathetic character
7. that i would be good
8. you learn
9. forgiven
10. your house (hidden song)
11.so pure
12. you oughta know
13. uninvited
14. thank you
From Sailor_V:
I don't care if the setlist has already been posted. This is my first time posting and, damnit, I'm gonna put it up here again ^_^*. Let me just start by saying Tori looked beautiful as always and if she ever sells that dress I will pay any price for it. Set list:
Cornflake Girl
Bells For Her
Father Lucifer
Secret Time:
hey Jupiter
Smells Like Teen Spirit (OH MY F&^%ING GOD THIS SONG WAS NUMBER ONE ON MY WISHLIST and I thought there was no chance in hell she was gonna play it but she played it!she played it!she played it! :]
Professional Widow
The Waitress
Precious Things
Also the story she told, I'm not sure exactly where it was, it was somewhere around Cruel or Bells For Her....in that general area. And she ssaid (paraphrased) "We love coming to Pittsburgh. I got the best massage, you know, I get massages all over the world. But this woman that works on those Steelers. Those big football guys...(in a really cute voice) She did somethin' to me, I'm tellin' you."
Ok, that's enough for now, I'm Tired.
From Mikewhy:
I don't have too much to add to what has already been posted. The set list was great and Smells Like Teen Spirit almost had me crying like a baby. It was so gorgeous and the end was more intense than I ever saw her perform it, with some loud wailing.
Suede was really powerful. It remains my favorite song that I have heard from the new album. I was glad to hear it, and hearing it after Teen Spirit was incredible.
The show in general was really fantastic. It was one of my top 3 shows of this tour, and the crowd was much better for me this time than in Cleveland. I did have to tell a couple during Hey Jupiter to be quiet, but after that it was pretty decent. I was in 3rd row in the center, which is the best seat I have had for this tour so far.
Tori looked really pretty and appeared to be in a great mood. This show had a lot of depth and heart and will be remembered for a long time. It seemed a lot different in feel than any other show this tour. The show was inspired, confident, and in many ways surprising. Juarez was later than usual and Graveyard was the second song, which is unusual.
The treats for me were Cruel, which was more powerful than usual, Bells For Her, which was surprising and as always affecting, Father Lucifer, which seems so sensual to me. I love the "Lucy Girl" improvs which gives one a whole new way of looking at Father Lucifer!
Juarez and Suede were great, and I enjoyed the band interaction with the Waitress.
I noticed a glowing Yoda on stage this time near the soundboard on the right!
As wonderful as the show was, Tori did even less talking than usual. Before she introduced the band after Cruel she said she loved coming to Pittsburgh and that she got a massage from a woman who gives them to the Pittsburgh Steelers. She said this woman "puts those big guys in shape and she did something to me I tell you..."
I stayed for Alanis and enjoyed her show as well. Her set list has already been posted above. I was surprised to hear the secret track from JLP tonight, and Alanis did it with music! (It is acapella on record.) Would Not Come is still my favorite. It is so intense and just kicks my booty. Alanis was fun tonight!
We are getting maybe 4 hour sleep and then taking the long drive to Chicago Saturday morning!
From raisingirl10:
hey everyone
my first time posting - and i hope i'm doing it right tori's pittsburgh shows are always SUCH a treat, and this one was no exception. i fought my way to second row center (actually it wasn't difficult at all and tori was amazingly beautiful! the show was filled with so much energy and passion. being so close, it was great to watch her draw the energy from the band and the fans. I love it when tori's having fun and she lets you know! she also seemed perticularly seductive tonite, which is always fun! Suede kicks my ass!!! it was the first time hearing this live and i fell in love.
what kills me is that i was in the second row RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PIANO and 2 people to my right looked bored as hell, and didn't crack a smile the whole show and there was a girl to my left doing shadow puppets during Hey Jupiter. what the fuck?? that was disturbing. i tried not to let it get me down, but geez, what's the world coming to?? anyways, i loved the show, i was inspired anyway and i love all the great EWF peoples i met here and in cleveland...i love toritour time !! and it's over now for me... *sniff* see you all next time around..
gumdrops and saturdays,
jamie (raisingirl10)
From madonicks@aol.com:
Cornflake Girl
Bells For Her
Father Lucifer
Hey Jupiter
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Professional Widow
The Waitress
Precious Things
Okay, I have a few comments and questions:
GOD - partly during this song she sat with her legs crossed at the piano. Not much voice or piano could be heard.
GRAVEYARD - simply graveyard.
CORNFLAKE GIRL - nice little cat purr towards the end of the song.
CRUEL - for some odd reason I couldn't get what this song was until the chorus! So I stopped drinking after that!!! She did this big crazy middle section
in the song where she screamed a lot, and a huge stream of drool came out of her mouth. From the microphone to the floor!!! It was so cool!
(a little break) - talks a wee bit about getting the best massages in Pittsburgh from some
woman who does the Steelers.
(band introduction)
BELLS FOR HER - one of her first-timers for this show. This is one of my favorite songs to sing. The words flow so very nicely. And this tour version with the drums actually does the song good.
FATHER LUCIFER - some silly remix, but not like the Jackie's Strength remix. Low point of the set, in my opinion.
JUAREZ - I missed the beginning minute of this song because I had to pee so bad I thought I was gonna die. But it was very good with all that I heard. I'm sure this will be a favorite of mine.
HEY JUPITER - didn't time it or count verses, but I think it was half the song it is on the album. This song isn't a friend of mine in the first place, but she sang 2 verses and 2 choruses and a bunch of whoo-hoo's.
SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT - pleasant surprise! The crowd loved it!
SUEDE - "To Venus And Back" is gonna be a great album!!
PROFESSIONAL WIDOW - the rock version, if you can imagine. Piano, drums, lots o' guitar, and the rest. It was alright I guess. Not the same feel. A lote of these songs I just wanted the band to shut up for a minute, and this one especially!!
BLISS - I have grown quite fond of this song lately, and to contradict myself, I love the band during his song. It is a great simple rock song. Highlight if the night for me.
(Takes a drink out of a big white mug with a stirrer in it. Then she pulls the stirrer out, and it appears to have a red laser point or something. Does anybody know what that was?)
THE WAITRESS - I guess you could call it The Really Long Extended Version. She had her little spasm up there for this one!!
PRECIOUS THINGS - Not very long at all. I would even say it's the album edited version!! But it was quite good, as usual.
All in all, pretty good. For a lot of the songs though, the band just kills me. And then for others, I love them. So what do you do? Maybe next she should do an unplugged, little accoustic diddy. Or maybe just ever other song being a band song. I don't know. It also seemed that she (along with Alanis) were in a god damn hurry. That was the feeling of the night: song-song-song-drink-song-song-done.... It was a very different kind of show. In some respects I feel fulfilled and in other ways I feel robbed. It's a show that every person has to decide for themselves. If you're not anal and picky I would imagine you would have the best time of your life. I'm a perfectionist, and that's how I want everything. So anyway.........
All I Really Want
Would Not Come
Are You Still Mad?
Hand In My Pocket
Sympathetic Character
That I Would Be Good
You Learn
Your House
So Pure
You Oughta Know
Thank U
I would like to spit on everybody here at this sight who trash Alanis. She and Tori are so very different in music, moods, styles, etc. that they go so well together!!! That is no bullshit. After the show I was thinking, Duh! It's obvious why they are friends!
I won't do every song for her, because she just rocks through all! But I will tell you, she is so little and cute. And despite the body she has in the "Thank U" video, she has a tight little one on stage. That was not a "male" comment, I'm gay!!
Her "hand-cupping" (what else do you call it) and running back and forth for the first few songs is very funny!!! I feel that way sometimes. I think for her, her music is her expression all the way. I can honestly say, I think she writes and performs for herself more than anything. And that is very cool with me. I like to watch her vent!!
Again with Alanis, the first few songs there is no voice. I see her lips moving, but no voice!!!
I loved "Would Not Come" and "Are You Still Mad?"
Didn't care too much for "Hand In My Pocket" and "Sympathetic Character."
Loved "That I Would Be Good." I don't think she really plays the guitar. Ha-ha Alanis!!
"You Learn" the crowd seemed to love!!!!
"Forgiven" - don't remember.
"Your House" was a surprise to hear, but I would rather have heard "These Are The Thoughts." I was waiting for that and I was let down. But "Your House" was good with the band and all. If you don't know, it was a hidden track on Jagged Little Pill and it was only her voice (what's the music term for that?)
"So Pure" was more of a rock version than the dancier album version. Very excellent!!!! She had this great smile at the mic through this one!!
"You Oughta Know" was the mellower (is that a word), much more emotional version. but people just love the rock version better. Not me!
"Uninvited" had a great intro of piano and other crazy sounds, with her sitting on the floor just taking it all in. Great.
"Thank U" - highlight of the night. She saved the best for last. She flows through this song with ease and makes it so beautiful. The whole crowd was singing. It was a moment. Before this song, she came out on stage with balls in her hand (or something). And she threw them to the front row. She shoulda threw them out to the 5th row, that bitch!!!!
No "Ironic" tonight, for the first time. Thank GOD!!!
Alanis is my age, I can't believe that. People find her new album annoying. try singing those songs. They are impossible to sing!! So I think she writes them that way to show off what she can do, that most people couldn't do. I love that!!! She will be around for a while. And I can't wait to see where her music will grow to.
WOW! I wrote a lot, and I guess I did do a song-by-song for Alanis.
Final note: It was a beautiful night here in Pittsburgh, a little cool, but it fit the moments. And there were a lot. The crowd, to me, seemed very pleasant, unlike what other people have said. Maybe you guys are too sensitive!!!
That's it I'm done
From Dancing Girl:
This was my first Tori show.....it was excellent!! My first question is for upside down..we were on the same bus :-) What were you wearing?? I had to have seen you...
1. God...this had me teary eyed. We were all standing around waiting for Tori to come on stage, and all of the sudden, you just hear this voice singing "God sometimes You just don't come through..God sometimes You just don't come through. Do You need a woman to look after You?? God sometimes You just don't come through" and then....you see Tori!!!
2. Graveyard..I had never heard the song before (17 Tori CDs, no Graveyard!!)
3.Cornflake Girl..very similar to the one that she did on Storytellers...she did the improv (and these are the words that I sang to it...heh) "in my heart and you swear it's yours, well honey I don't even know that much about you anymore...." Just hearing the opening chord..and you were like "CORNFLAKE GIRL!!"
4. Cruel..I was expecting her to have some huge spasm for when she sang "sh-sh-shock me sane" but no such luck..still good!!
5.Bells For Her..this one sounds *excellent* on the piano...I'm so used to hearing it on the piano that she had made for the song..hearing it on the good ol' Bos was a treat
6. Father Lucifer..once again, the opening chord....and she did the "and if you are..." improv....
8. Hey Jupiter..her and the piano...it was beautiful!!
9. Smells Like Teen Spirit..quite a surprise!! I never expected to hear such a rarity!!
10. Suede..this song was *so* emotional..it was beautiful!! I can't wait for the CD!
11. Professional Widow was good....nothing too different from BFP..
12. Bliss..same as Letterman...I cried!! This was the one song that I wanted to hear and sing along to (I sang along to all of them, anyhow!) but the girls behind me were like "If you guys stand up and dance, we will to...." so I said to ask the people behind them if it was okay (they were Alanis fans, and I was being nice....) and they said no way, we weren't allowed to stand up....grr...but then it was okay for *them* to stand up during all of Alanis!! I love the part in the song where she says "so maybe you're a four horse engine with a power drive, I'm a hot kachine who wants into mine, take it take it with you terra, terra-cide and I said steady.."
13. Waitress..she had this song going for probably about 8 minutes..and kept repeating "but I believe in peace..I believe in peace bitch"
14. Precious Things...this one was great, but I was sad because it was the last one!! :-(
All in all, it was in EXCELLENT concert...the videos were great (I left my seat twice to watch them) and I smuggled my camera in. heh. Tori's outfit was very similar to the one that she was wearing on Letterman....
I dragged my sister along....and I thought that this was interesting: her two favorites were Hey Jupiter and she really loved Bliss...
From ilovetoriamos2:
I actually made it to the meet and greet. much to my surprise. I didnt get to talk to tori but i must have snapped 20 pictures of her. I wanted her autograph but since I already got one last year. I decided to be a nice person and not push others out of the way. she looked so cute. and her eyes were mesmorizing. we definitly made eye contact which was more than enough for me. she had on cute little flip flops and blue jeans. it started at about 4 pm and there only seemed to be about 50 people or so there.
she stayed for like 10 or 15 minutes it seemed but i could be wrong.
the only conversations i heard her have were with someone from germany and she asked how the people over there are and seemed truly sorry to hear about someone's misfortune(not quite sure what)
also one of the girls in front of me asked her to play bells for her...saying something about writing her a letter in mississippi. it was nice for that person, she did play it.
Then she was rushed to leave. Still it was great. The security was super cool too, not bossy at all. And in fact they passed out candy *they seemed to like all the young girls there *
after that they made us wait to get into the parking lot, but only until about 5 30. I could hear her playing professional widow in the sound check and bells for her and cruel. She did bells at least two different times.
The show itself was good. Except i didnt feel as connected as the last show i was at in indiana pa...maybe because that was such a small show. but still.
the set list was excellent. and i was really surprised by teen spirit.
bliss, jupiter, cruel, and pro widow were also great. It was nice to hear some old and some new and not necessarily the everyday songs.
i must say though i was not impressed with alanis. ithought i would give it a chance but she is no tori. tori is incredible. i hope she continues to do concerts for a long time but maybe next time she will go solo*without alanis* yet with the band, who rock by the way.
ahhh you gotta love her
From Holly17:
I think yesterday was the best day of my life. It was my *first* ever Tori show and my first meet and greet. The whole experience was absolutely AMAZING...I wish I had money to follow her around like some because yesterday was so truely beautiful.
I've seen some question about the meet and greet so I can probably give you a nice summary of it.
After a huge amount of car trouble on the way to Burgettstown which is 2 and 1/2 hours from me I finally made it to the venue at 12:30 after leaving at 6 in the morning. Yes, it took me 6 1/2 hours to get there. Don't ask.
When we first pulled in there were many nice ears with feet sitting on a blanket so my dad, who was nice enough to bring me, pulled down the hill and parked by the security guard sitting at a desk. My friend and I walked up the hill to talk to them and introduce ourselves. We talked for awhile and then a nice security guard employed by Starlake pulled up and said that at 2:30 we should come down and he'd line us up for the meet and greet.
I was so excited. After a day of driving hell I was sure everything else would go wrong. But it didn't...the day got better and better. My friend Kristin and I walked back down the hill and by then there were more EWF there. We talked to them and the security guard who was very nice for the next hour and by then more people had showed up. At 2:45 we lined up and there were about 35 of us there. I was so excited that I was in the front. I'm very short so I don't think the person behind me had any problem with it. Steve came down and he said we could go up to the barracade but we should all just relax because Tori wasn't going to be here for a long while. We waited for about an hour and a half and finally Tori pulled up on her bus from a day of shopping. We waited about 15 more minutes and her, Joel, and Steve came down. I completely lost it. I didn't plan on crying but the woman who has inspired me and I've admired for so long was 4 feet in front of me. 'Hey guys, how's it going' she said and then went to the right side of the barracade over to this guy she calls 'shags'. They seemed like they were having a private conversation. It was so cute. I'd read many things about meet and greets but being there was beautiful. She talked to us all like we were good friends. Then she talked to the girl next to Kristin. And then she got to Kristin. She reached out and gave her a big hug...Kristin was really suprised and smiled and hugged her back.. She goes 'Aren't we looking gorge today' and Kristin goes...'Oh I'm gorge,
look who I'm talking to..'.
Then she looked at me, and studied me, looked almost through me, like she did with everyone else there. She asked if I was ok because I was crying and I said yes, and she said 'do you want me to sign this'. I said yes, please and she signed my little earquakes booklet. While she was writing she wrote 3 x's and said, 'these are 3 kisses for you' and smiled. I was so overcome I forgot I was holding a letter and flowers for her. I just kept talking anyway. I pointed to Kristin and said, this is my best friend. Tori smiled. In the meantime everyone was shouting requests and I said 'northern lad would mean the world' she wrote on her hand and said she'd try to 'give it a go' and then asked me if I was at some other show. I said 'no, this is actually my first show' she goes 'wow, so we want pictures then' She said 'how about you and I and then a group photo (with kristin, her and i) and that was WAY more than I expected but I hurried and took the pictures and gave her my letter and the flowers. She thanked me and I thanked her back a thousand times. She patted my head when i was done and I tried to bend over some so everyone behind me could see.
Then I was in complete shock (like I still am) and don't really remember much from the rest of the meet and greet besides a few comments. Someone shouted 'Tori, you inspire me so much' she goes 'you guys inspire me too' She said a few more really funny things and was so personal and so nice to everyone. Kristin was amazed at how 'normal' she was. I'd read a few times that people were afraid to meet her because they didn't want to destroy their perfect image of her. I'd also read that people said "she continually amazes you, she WON'T disappoint you" they were more right than you'd ever know. She was so beautiful and so real. She made my dream of meeting her come true yesterday. It was the best day. The show was completely amazing too. Even though she didn't play Northern Lad she didn't let me down because Smells like teen spirit was awesome. And being in the first row helped too. Well, thanks to everyone reading this. I had to let it out and share it. Yesterday was truely a day I'll never forget. Thank you Tori.
From Lou:
I never really luistened to Tori's music before, but I did enjoy her performance. I am a big alanis fan so that is why I drove to Pittsburgh from State College. It was a good concert put on by both artists...and I really like the song Bliss now
From LiquidJupiter:
How my journey "To Venus and Back" went!
Okies, well i have returned from "Venus" and i must say i got more then what i expected! Me and my friends arrived a the venue at 12:30pm. We were the first ones there and although i know people were saying not to show up before 2pm that was the only time we could get a ride out there. While we were waiting i ran into Karolyn (hope spelled it right hehe) from 'The Dent' and we hanged out together. (Thanks again for the single!!!!!!!)
Anyhoo, so meet and greet comes around and although i didnt end up being right up front i was still close enough to have Tori sign my "Hey Jupiter" single, hand her my presents to her, and ask if she could play my favourite song "Hey Jupiter". I could tell you all the whole convo. between me her, but is it really realvant? hehe I also was able to get some pictures as well! I was the first one to request a song and my new friend (who i just met at the show) requested Professional Widow after i did! This is why she had the writing on her left hand btw. Her hand was completely ful after she left The M&G.
Every one was so nice at the meet and greet (except for one guy but thats ok) and no one was pushing. I even stepped out of my spot to run over and give (one of my new friends who i have known online for a while) a hug, and afterwords i was allowed back into my spot.
This was my 1st meet & greet ever and my 2nd concert. Even though i have loved her for 7 years now, i just don't have the cash flow like you other e.w.f.'s who get to see her like 8 zillion times per one touring! hehe
Okies, so we took our seats (we ended up in pit almost, 15 feet away from Tori through the whole concert. 2nd row in pit almost center) the show started around 7:45 instead of the 7:30 schedule, and LotusLand was suposed to perform for the opening act, but for some reason Tori came out and played away. And if LotusLand did perform i don't know how i missed it! They must have been really quiet! hehe
So you guys kow the set list so i think there is no need to repost it, but read on!
I immediately started to ball my eyes out once i heard her hit the 1st key to Hey Jupiter. All i can remember is my friends holding me up and Tori just looking at me, through almost the whole song, while singing. I remember screaming at the end saying thank you twice. I tried to gather myself back together though once she was done realizing i didnt want to make an ass out of myself (hehe) and held it all in through the rest of the concert, until i got home. Once i got home i resumed balling until 2 hours later i fell asleep! hehe Even right now if i give it too much thought i will cry knowing she played it for me out of all the people out there, and i never honestly thought i would ever come that close to her in my lifetime!
Well, Alanis' performance was ok but it wasnt that great. The bass was up to loud and a few songs you could barely hear. She wasn't very personal with the audience all that much and she had practically zero facial expressions. She did say "thank you" after every song and dedicated "you live you learn" to us. Her set over all performance seemed much shorter than Tori' and i think she could have done a little better. I believe she said LotusLand was playing with her? Her background was awesome though!
Well, just had to put in my share and let you know how my trip "to venus and back" went. All in all its a day i will never ever forget! I have been forever changed, and will never be the same! ~*Greg*~
From Doughnut Hole:
So, I won't repeat the set list, etc. This was my second show this tour (first was Camden), and I thought this one was better in a lot of ways: I thought Tori was more comfortable with the new stuff, I thought she was "on" quicker in this show (she took a few songs to get into at Camden, IMHO), and I thought the sound was better. Unfortunately, I had worse seats this time, and everyone around me kept talking :-( And I was all set to blame the Alanis fans, until they kept it up during Alanis too!
I was really glad Tori played "Cruel" cause there's been so little from _Choirgirl_ on this tour. I also am getting more and more convinced by her new arrangements. Just think, for a second, how some groups have been playing the same songs in basically the same arrangements on tours for years (decades, in some cases), while Tori can totally remake the style of her songs while remaining true to herself and her music. Amazing....
But this is my last show on the tour, so I'm REALLY sad :-( I hope she does a tour by herself next summer....(or earlier)...nothing against Alanis, who was fun (and thanked the audience 90 times even BEFORE she sang "Thank U" LOLOL, as well as blessing us :-0 ) but I was ready for another set of Tori after "Precious Things."
Michael Quinn
From Jude19:
I think I really mean that. My previous favorite was State College in 98, but I think that Pittsburgh just might squeak by State College. Pennsylvania brings great things out of Tori, imo. Preshow: I had classes in the morning, so I couldn't make it in time to Penn for the m+g. One other comment: Pennsylvania roads suck! I was surprised to find that Star Lake is smaller than most outdoor ampitheaters. The opening act (started at 7 to a mostly empty house) was okay. I particulary liked the lead guitarist. TORI!
I was so jittery waiting for Tori to come out. I jumped every time they tested the dry ice or the lights. (i was a wee bit excited) GOD: Scrambled from the fourth row to front row center, behind two short girls, so I saw everything reeeallly well. Loved Tori's velvet dress, she also had a silver coin-looking pendant hanging on a hot pink ribbon/chord. Her hair was in a pony-tail at the knape of her neck. She looked very cute.
Graveyard: Very beautiful. Sung with a lot of tenderness. Cornflake Girl: Her piano intro to this always throws me off. I miss Caton's guitar intro, but this CfG still rocks. Cruel: This is one of my favorite live ones from FtCH. So very intense. Lots of drool!
Bells of Her: As soon as I saw the string bass on stage before the concert started, I felt that this would be played. Very moving, kind of reminds me of the new treatment of Blood Rose. That dark, smokey sound. Father Lucifer: Boy did this one throw me off at first! Soooo different from the last tour that I didn't recognize it at all until she started the lyrics. Started off with an almost bouncy sound, with the "Lucy Girl" improvs. I've never really liked this live much before, but I'm sold on this new treatment. Interesting contrasts in mood and tempo among the main lyrics, the "floating" section, and the middle-8. Juarez- I'm now totally love this new one. WOW! "no angel came for my little girl" very sad and intense
Hey Jupiter: my first time hearing this live, so very special. lovely
Smells Like Teen Spirit: (the previously never used before 5 smiley face rating) Holy Moly! The best I've heard Tori do this one compared to any bootleg I've ever heard. I mean that. WOW! It ended with an DDI-eraish climax of emotion. (okay, maybe i just have a dirty mind, but did anyone else hear "cunt-tagious" rather than contagious the second time she said it. maybe i'm just nuts)
Suede: This one is growing on me. Reminds me of Liquid Diamonds for some reason. I can't wait to get the lyric sheets from TVAB! Pro Widow: Always, always a fav.
Bliss: I was on emotional overload at this point, so this one is fuzzy in my mind
Waitress Okay, does anyone else think "oh damn" when they hear the opening chords of this one, because you know the concert will be over soon? Also, Waitress is now officially getting on my nerves. just too long and i've heard it too many times. please don't flame me. i really wish she would close the main set with PGY. *sighs* Precious: great thing to close the show with. don't think i'll ever tire of this one!
if anyone has a boot of this show, PLLLEEEASE e-mail me!
After the show, I talked to Mikewhy for a bit. Such a nice guy! (not kissing ass with the moderator, i really mean that!) It was nice to hear that someone else thought the show was as great as i did.
I stayed for Alanis's set, cause i had such good seats. ( wanted a shot at catching some fruit! [which didn't happen, oh well]) I enjoyed her show more than the first time I saw her since I knew not to expect a great performance. (sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's how i feel) I enjoyed Would Not Come, You Learn (i do like the spinning and bouncing ["i like bouncy tiggers best" ]), Forgiven, Your House, Uninvited. QED
See y'all in Detroit!
From *UpsideDown*:
so i was way to tired last night to write anything but here it goes now: This was my second Tori concert, the first time I saw her was last November at the Civic Arena and my seats were really far away...but not tonight!
I caught a bus at Waterworks and we were on our way! It took us 1and a half hours to get there. Finally at 6:30, we arrived just when the gates were opening. I was really nervous going through security because I heard that at other venues they were frisking people very badly, and since I had two camers on me....well!!! My heart was pounding so badly but the security gaurd did not even stop me...he seemed not to care because we(my friend and I) did not have bags...I was very suprised at this because I had HUGE pants on and I thought the least he would do is make me lift up my pant leg, but nope!! I was so happy!! The first thing I did when I got there was go buy some merchandise, sorry i dont have a scanner but i will try to describe it:
1.(the one i got) purple shirt comes in S,M,L, XL it has a picture of tori standing with her arms outstretched on the front..she is wearing a tank top, a black cardigan, black leather skirt, and very cute black boots that go up high. Underneath the picture it says TO VENUS AND BACK On the back is all the tour dates and a picture of venus. $27 2.(the one my friend got) it is white and has small squares on the front, inside the squares are ice cubes, strawberry, a piano with a ghost face in it, rasberry (which might acutally be another strawberry), and a picture of tori in the last square. on the back it has a bug square with a big strawberry in it, and it says 5and1/2 weeks and has the tour dates. Comes in M,L,XL. $27
3. It is a black shirt and has a white skeleton playing a white piano, it is a cartoon drawing and it says "is this what I taste, your supernova juice". I am not entirley sure what it said on the back but i am assuming that it was the tour dates. comes in M, L, XL 4. It is another black shirt with on the front it has a large picture of tori. she is leaning and there is a bathtub/sink behind her. It is the cover of the Bliss single that has the lyrics in it..On the front was also a picture of venus...this was a very nice shirt too...again, i am not sure what was on the back but i am assuming it was the tour dates, comes in S,M,L,XL, cost was $27
5. This is a light blue/purple baby tee, on the front it was the cover to the 1,000 oceans single, it said "moistening" on the front and it only said "on the bomb" on the back, i think i comes in only one size and the cost was $30
It is the same picture described as in t-shirt on on the cover and it has large colored pictures of tori amos throughout it..i have to say it was not as nice as the choirgirl hotel one but it was still worth it...on the inside, it has little clippings from her new songs from to venus and back..cost was $15.
I only paid attention to one necklace that said "venus envy" on it...i do believe that there is a picture of it on the dent somewhere..there was only one keychain and I didnt get a good look at it, sorry!
The opening act came on around 7:00.. I think their name was LoutsaLand.....????..They were pretty cool but I really dindnt pay much attention because i was so excited abuot tori!! My seats were pretty good, section 1, row e, seats 5 and 6....but i felt that we were too off to the side...so.....the sneaky little girls we are, walked all the way around the venue to different security gaurds and played dumb like we didnt know where our seats were...and we eventually wandered around to section 2, which is right in the middle of the stage...then everytime a security gaurd looked away, we would hop over the seats to another row...we did this untill we were in the third row in the pit, directly in front of tori!!!!! i was so excited!!! I got to talk to some really nice people and had no difficulty with anyone...i was very happy...then at around 8:00 toris band came on stage and they started playing god. tori started singing back stage and when she finally came out I went wild!! the two girls behind me were crying hysterically and I just smiled at them because i knew exactly what they felt!!! I know i posted the set lists up above, but i'll just do a short description of each song
1.GOD--she started singing backstage ans when she finally came out she sang this song so beautiful. I was happy she opened with it 2.GRAVEYARD--she sorta used this as an intro to cornflage girl. her voice was sorta deep on this one.
3. CORNFLAKE GIRL--was perfect as usual, i cant really remember any improvisions but there may have been some. 4.CRUEL--my friend was so happy that she played this since she hasnt been playing much from chiorgirl hotel. i love the cock cock cock your mane part
5.BELLS FOR HER--she had the band play with her on this one. although i wish she did it in her secret time. but i was still very happy, i actually started to cry because this song makes me think about my ex-friend who i have known forever but no longer talks to me because she has a boyfriend...i was so happy she played this!! 6.FATHER LUCIFER--she put a little less into this than i expected, but it was still good..she didnt play my fav. part (every days my wedding day...etc) but she did add the Lucy Girl improvisions.. 7.JUAREZ--I was really hoping to hear this song and really hoping that i would reconize it but the first word in the song is Juarez, so i figured it out...this song was so powerful..something about the dessert, and defiently the 'no angles here' and i could see her get real sad when she sang ' no angles came for my baby girl", this was a very emotional song, I loved It
---Secret Time---
8. HEY JUPITER--pretty much like the one on Pele. 9. SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT--this was defiently the highlight of this show!!!!!! i would just sit in my room and listen to this song over and over again, but i always figured she would never play it!!! i started to cry again when she sang this...It was so beautiful!!! god i love tori amos!!!
10.SUEDE-- i immedietly reconized this song since it started out by her saying suede. it was a very good song, i cant wait for to venus and back!!! i am counting the days!!
11.PROFESSIONAL WIDOW-- this was just great!!! i went wild when she was screaming "gimme peace love and a hard cock''!!!!!! 12.BLISS--I loved this song live, it sounded wonderful...i love the supernova juice line...it was pretty much like the one on the single..Wonderful!!
13.WAITRESS--she started out with a cup of some sort and a spoon, she is so cute! It wasnt as great as i expected but it was still good. --encore---
14.PRECIOUS THINGS--my favorite Tori song to hear live!!!! I was so happy..this was a great song to end with!!!
So, the whole time i was snapping away with my cameras, some with flashes and some without. i ended up taking about 44 pics of tori and 8 of alanis. I got my film back today and only 7 out of the 44 pics came out. I was very dissapointed cause i thought they would come out much better!! but still it was worth a shot!!..I wouldnt reccomend taking pictures unless your in the first row or if you have a really good camera...the damn disposable ones just didnt cut it!! oh well about the pic though, the real memories are in my head...
Alanis came on about 30 min after tori went off...(tori played for about 75 min)....My frined and i got lucky again, and snuck pass a security gaurd to get into the pit again..and i do have to say that alanis was pretty damn good!
At first i thought it looked like she was on crack but after a while i got used to her weird dancing and just enjoyed the show..she was a good performer and i woudl gladly pay to go see her agaiin!!
If anyone would like to know anything more about alanis show or alanis merchandise, just e-mail me. but since this is a site about tori, i figured i would mainly talk about her..
All in all the show was fabolus!!!! This tour was a great thing for me becuase i got to see two performers who i admire very much
From austengirl:
Ok, well said I'd finish this thing, so that's what I'm gonna do . Most people have already described the songs pretty well, so I'll just make a few comments.
Bells for Her--I really liked it with the band it was definitely "booty" heavy as Tori might say. I'm looking forward to hearing the cut of this on the live disc.
Father Lucifer--I didn't recognize this one until she said "Lucy Girl". I like how she's arranged it though I can't describe it very well.
Juarez--I think I'm gonna need to hear this one a few times on the album, I only knw what it was when she was singing "no angels came". But it could definitely grow on me.
secret time
Hey Jupiter--I was kind of hoping for Merman or even Twinkle (though heaven knows when the last time was she played this live--anybody?) during secret time, but I was happy to hear this. There were some people behind me who were talking during this, and I don't care who they came to see, it's utterly disrespectful to talk during a song like that. I kept turning around and giving them dirty looks and they eventually shut up. On the other hand, my friend and I did talk quite a bit during the show, and I do apologize if we bothered anyone (we were in Sec. 7). Moving on...
Smells Like Teen Spirit--Oh my lord was this out of nowhere. My friend couldn't believe she was hearing it. We both said "Tori is a goddess". Too cool for words .
boys come back
Suede--I liked this one a lot though I couldn't get all the words--it usually takes me a few listens (and peeks at the lyrics) to figure them all out. Looking forward to hearing this on the album too.
Pro Widow--i was totally excited about this after what I'd been hearing about it. She did not disappoint, it's been "tarted up" very nicely. We couldn't help but scream along at certain points . Extended improv at the end if I recall correctly.
Bliss--Ok, this is by far my favorite song from TVAB, maybe cause I've heard it the most. I was really happy she played it so I could hear it live for myself. I just love the energy behind it.
The Waitress--I agree with Jude on this one since I knew it was the last song I couldn't help but get a little sad. She did the "hang ten honey" part and could anyone tell what she was saying in the improv after "I believe she's the devil bitch" part? From where I was sitting it sounded like she was saying "I believe in a something" but I find that hard to believe. Any guesses?
Precious Things--What a powerful way to end the show; she gave us a nice long "girrrrrrl" and was just rocking on this.
My seats weren't as bad as i thought they would be, we had a pretty clear view of the stage. I thought the Amherst show last November was a little better (perhaps cause I was much closer to the stage ), but the setlist was pretty close to perfect here. Now I'm crossing my fingers that she'll come to the UK in a month or two cause that's where I'll be!
Thanks for joining me on my ramble.